Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1917, p. 8

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w â- ^ r^ April !-2 1917 TIIK FLESHERrON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies DBIMOB ARTHUR LODGE, No. ass.A.F* ^ A M, uieetH in the Ukaoulckftll. Arm tro«('8 Hlocli KleshertoD, every Frl(iȴ on iMlor* tlie full moon. T. Houry, W, U. H.W. HioklicR, Uccratkry. CHORES KItlBNDS- FlMl.ertoii Couneij ChoMD Krtend* :iU meetn io CUvton â- ! Ha) tint kod thlid \Vediiei>dkv o' racli inontli a ti p.m. Fay atHttincDti to INcoidcr on o before the Drtt <\av ol och iiioDtli. ( hiti CouDcillor, W. ll.iHuuf; lieccnltr. Mrf. L. A. Kiaher. Dentistry r; 8. C MURRAY L. â-¡. B., denUI nirtieon hCTiorgraJuate ol Torooto Uolvertlty and Hoyal College o( L>«utal SurKeoDi ol Outario, litM admiaioittered (or teetb extraction fflce at reaidence, Torouto Btreet. Klaatierton. ly Medical JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon 3radaate ol Outario Veterinary C(^l_eRe raaidenoe â€" ascond door aoutb wett.op kary itreet. Thia atreet ram outb Presbyterian Chnrcb. R. D.Lane. M. B. . , I'liyficnii and Sur;;CMn. aiMl Cha». E McLean, M D. C M, Spccinliy â€" Surgery, Midwiftiy .^- Women's DisoaHcs OrncKxâ€" Klvi-liprtoB, Late Dr Carlfr'i I'ri't villi', S.iiue us iiefore JJopRtâ€" U' :!" to 12 a 111. 2 to 4 :iO & " to .S J) in III lacli (ilfice r.r McLean «i'.l l« at Kli^^lii'i ton otiioo Jlo'i- ilaya and Tlmr^^avx : "ihiT .la>» hii'l urstitM Dr Lam. t l:«.ucs ui«iln Iroiii ticiintst cll.'.c-. TeUphoiJi- 111 . lu li oaici- lor iiikIiI anl ilav. I' ii-to daiu liiui; »'<"«•â-  in i-OH''c.";ti"ii wil" I'll, cvillf ulUcf. l.ECAL , V(-AB. H.\m;V a hKNHY-Ifarri.torf. aj Soliciloir ' I . -I. II. I'll''"". â- ^. 'â- â-  ",â-  ''â-  Kaney K r. W. L. Ilmay. 11. .A. UilceH, "oromo. KXU Tiai.,. l-Ki.li IUJ«. I'liouo main Hl-2;Maik.l.il- I.ticas Hlock. Hio.je 'i A. hraucUoUico at IJuudalk oi'«a ovuri baturclav. WKIOHT, Tr.I.IOKD * McDONALD llarrlstor. SoliiilorB. Ac. «>Uiro«. (ir.^v ft Itruo« Illoclc.Owi.» Hoiiiid. Standard Hank Hlock.KlBtberuir, isaturrtavn.. W.H. wriijut. W I'. TeHor.lJ-. J. C. .McDonald, t>. U !•. Business Cauds f/l CUIXOUOH .t YOLTSn Itaukem Maikilala (ionoralbankiUKbuiinuBii. Money loaned at reanonable rates Call on ua. DMcPHAIL, Lic<-n8ud Aucliouee lor lliu • County ol (iruy. Tfiun moderate and »ati!i artlcn Kuaiai.ticd. lb" arrangouuuta and .latif ol hali - t«u be iiia'l" at Tbj AIiVAnce OllJce. Itesidouc. kii.l J .<) < •vlun. Ulei.liiiii^ conoectlou. Die. i;. w WU KAITTISit, Iconned Auctioneer lot tbe couiiil's ol (iroy and Siuicoe. Farm and block "ale* a hiiecia_lty. Teruia Oiodorat*. »atiilaotion Kuarautced. Arraoiie- wcDta lor date, may be made at tbe Advance office, or loutr.llol«lli"ii'Oll'<;" h"v.,r»h.m or by addreaaiuu lue at Feverab»UJ. Out. Boar For Service 'Tore It"-"' "> '>rW-l.ii«- Iniui (..r -<•r^ !<.â-  «t tlie Jl,. farm, near (•••vlmi. 'IVrinh-Kl â- <» I R»c uidli. i.,.|\.i1. l>i„v. -.1 r. COI.I.lNSliN Farm For Sale 1,.t\i-^. •-'.,.1 N.hT. A .S.U .\.lw iu ,.,ntai.,ii.«:^>»'>'- .l;«f' ""â- ' "!"'"',, ^-^'i iullixati..n. '•V''\'"'''"'''y.''m1. Tim mn...(, n.MM,t..n. A,.,.lyf... l.ni-.nl leriii' t" tli>'"»i yienl.erlon I'.O. jcijIN I'.I.M KT.I I:N 1 N...... Deering Impienieiits AM) Gasoline Engines Allkindmif lVciiii« liu)>l(iiu-iits. I'nt' fvlwayH on Imml Aui-nt f..r ItHiii-' r'ultors. IViit.iT liii«i,'i.«. I.'.iiil.n Jiitter Ctiriiii, ll:iy Tkh Uh, IVdI.ir aliiiiKl«8 and hiiliiKj. TIi.'Ho liii|)l.Miifi.l» idiuiro nil i.'c.i'iiiiirii<lil'«>ii »« •'"y '"'• Btandard bimkis iiml nc ''.iiii/i'l <«•< i'"' licKi nn I lie iniirkei. I'lU'lT TllKKS I leiiri'M-ht ili,'.>^tn., A WuUiiinl '11 mir^i-ry.iiiiil will •'<' I'l'"-"'' to cull II yn -lenil iii'' n tuil. ED. R U T H ii R F O Ti D Proton Station MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Thirt fiuiiDiis innKe of iiii|>loineii'j( ic well known nil over llm cuiiilry inul their own Hood woiU Ih Ihu liest ricoin- iDendalion they cm Tfvi-i\>-.. If ynn roiiiiire Rnytliiiiu in the line of llolcll•l^, MoweiH, Heed Urill", CultnuloiH, riilp orH, IMoWH, Sliiiijlii, \\'iii:«on», rnum Heparator*. Hhikiwh. ItolierH, < 'lining BoxoM, KiiMiUne CnlteiH, ()nnoline e'l uiiitH, KrtwiuK outtils, elc , give ua a ohaiiee to (|uute priecr,. John Wrijiht, - Agent FIcshcrton WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act ai Agent in Grey County Pay weekly, oidtit frc, cxcliisivu terri- tory And money itiakinK biwcialliBH. Out AKancios arc the burtl in I ho husiiiMii for wo «ell tlie hlKht'Nt. aiide' of stock il niost re*«oiiable price.i and Kuarantee daliveriea in first cUrs eondilion, Ninn eiy stock IB Mllinx wall this year and Itood money oan be made in thia dUlricl. for partloulftni write Sale* Ma.naiii!» P^Qiun Nuirwry Co. Toronlo H onor Rolls Aileiuesia, for the Uepoit of No. 4, month I f March. 4lh class -S Ludliiw, A Lockharl, Stevens, It Acheaon, 1' Scott, Sr. ."5â€"8 Achesun, M NicliollH, R Obituary Tlio death of Mi.>y Gardnei, helovcd wife of the late Jsmos Rice, on Tuesday oioiiiintf aftor a whorl iliiieas, came is » shock t) her relatives of this part. Hav- ioRvliited with hor brothers aud sisters Nioholls, A Little, for the past winter and while wailini; the | J,. :t !.k Nichol'ls.V Mooio,D .Stevens, arrival of her eldest foil, Thoiiian, who [ I'' Niobolls. was lo accompany her home. Sim was I Sr. 2â€" B Heard, I' BHd.aeioir. taken euddeiily ill shortly before the son's j Jr 2â€" .M Acheson. M Scott, I Lock- arrival, and althoujjh all was doDO that )''"'• J '^'"Js^row, K Nixon, doctor's skill could do, she passed peace- ^'*^ class--K Gallaugher.K Ciallauuhcr, fully away at the home of her brother, | â- ^'â- '""*""' *' *'"°'"''' " ^''"""• James Gardner, at Clarksbur;;, on Tues., I ^'"'""' *' **""'•"• ^' ^"'^"^^''- March 2!i. Deceased was born nea' 1 lirsmpton in the year 184.'>, and at the' -C. G. BINNIK. Teacher. GREAT CHANOK COMTNO. a<{e of two years moved with her parents, the late Mr. and .'ilra. Richie (Hdrdner, to the villaKuof Kioklyii, whei-tf in the Dominion of Canada Must Take Its y ar 18(i.j she married J»ini, Uico Tlie Pjtrt in Movement. happy couple lived njar Kppiiig until ihet A symposium conducted by a Lon- f ill of ItWl when the family moved to I don newspaper on "The Empire After Krankford in the state of Michigan. TI.e ^^^ War" has revealed a remarkable 1 1(0 Mm Hioe was the mother ct ten . unanimity of opinion amongst repre- ehililien, ol whom livo are still living, ' sentative men from the Overseas Do- nmiulj â€" Thoina.s, .James, Matheir, Kiiy.i minions as to the need for re-casting There are some very estimable people who cannot understand why a newspaper should not give free sp(>ce to every entertainment which is held for {latriotic, benevolent and religious purpoee, and they are apt to think, even if they do not always say, very mean things when their ie<iue«iB have to Ijo refused. This misconception is due t'j a very prevalent belief th*t newspaper space costs nothing and to a failure to rralize that advertising is almost the sole source of revenue to the publisher. There is no more reason why a publiaher should give away his goods, even for a worthy cause, than a hardware merchant or grocer. His space should be dealt with by him on a business basis and he should ba left free to make his contributions in the form which he prefeiN, and not hare others male them for him. The Drayton Advocate says thebiij^est hog of the season was sold in Guelph last Tuesday. It weighed 645 pounds live weiubt, and $83.85 was paid fjr it. A recent issue of the Owen Scund Sun reports the sale of a hug there weighing 650 p'.unds for which $9<}..j0 was paid. From the comparison, we infer there are bigger hogs in Owen Sound than in Guelph.â€" OrangeviUe Sun. There was consternation at the Crett- Ruthven fox ranch one morning last week when it w^s discovered that a pair of silver black foxes worth several thousand dollars had got out, Neighbor» and a number of townsmen went to the assistance of the owners. After a few hours of liberty the foxes, which had been bred in captivity, amt back to their own quarters whore food was ob- tainable »l houl having to hunt for it.â€" SheUurne Free Press. Report ( »f I'roton Public Sjhool. Sr. 4â€" S Reddick, W WyyiH. Jr. 4 â€" M Acheson, W Woodhomo, 8 Carson. Sr. :5 E Stinson, C Brooks, . ; C Ifed daugb , Jr. 3â€" G Wyvill, J Bitchelor, equal • VV tVideiiian, E Hodgins, M Wright. Sr. 2â€"1 Batehelor, G Wauchope, R Acheson . Jr. 2-M Wood*, M Wilson, J Wri^'ht, E Parka, A Copeland, Addie Copeland, Sr. 1â€" M Stinson, LLyon8,.\ Hergott, C Uodglns, C Wyvill. Jr. 1â€" M Lyons, G Acheson, E Wau. chope, H White, A Badjorow. Pi-. â€" N Ueddick. L Hodgins, J Flynn, S Badjerow, E White. â€"A. WRIGHT, Teacher. .ind Margtret, all of Frankfurd, Michigan. Her husbiiid preceded her L'l' years .ig.). ahe Willi als., the eldest of a family of eight lou-ph i.f S.ull Sie Marie, Robert Tnd Hichiud of Kocklyn, Mrs. John Tilion of Markdale, James of Clark.sburg, John of Ileathcote imd Mrs. Juhn T. Be t of Fleshertop, all oi whom live to niouin the l(l^., of a luvin'!, ehri.s'ian sisiei, win. "lo know lier was to love her.' The funeial .si-i vice w.is held at the home ,f J.nm.sU.irdner, where the Uov. St. .J >hii sp..ki) comfortinj,' words to the the beiei- ved r.iiei. The iciimins were tak IViij. mm cemetery, Michigan, l' for interment. <eii t( A. Within thdlast few mimlhs neijroes have hoeii ittliacted \ ork ou ;ic;ounl of There aic also h "h jud-iiii; l,y the nuinler -flmr ymii leaving for there. I.")II,II(HI to Ni,w the high waijes. "ages out West, men DO.NT H\l TO RtAD Th- wir M on aii,l hn.-ine.. 1 ou dale, buyi up ali'il,. Ill 1 .. " -â- â- --"•' nt;oiii.r 111 in-o.,w Ih.l I'. .Sti;,m,uct -- . Mark of everylhii.j. and pay. wartime l.riees and ca.sl, for l-veiy â- 'n "V "',-"'â- = "'i'l-rs. •-• up: r.lk'S. _<' 11 I. ll. .ru . 1 â-  rai;K, :.'o up per and biMs-i "'â-  Imr, :!() to ;i,-ic , I.,,, r I . '•""-"o ; also hrj{h uriee^ f..r other. St ull not ,i,i.„,.,,„,,.,,;,;p,;; price paid 1.. ,ho.s« „|.„ ,,^,.,, „,, ,„'.„,,„., ^i proBent a raoin lU.iLioKs. Uropacaid to almve address. ' to Uritish electofs No aaeiiis ,u« w,„kms f-r me. .S.U ,„ , by no lUfans an i ones w !.„ y..,. k„„w and make j„u to know that „nces are up. .Moid the name -I' STKIMIAKr. Markdale, Tenders Wanted T.iid-i.., will 1,., ...ceived by the under M^'nediip 1,11 |o„Vl„ck noon, Tm-.s.jay A|.n l.,h,f,„,:K.Hev,.,.,t,,ui;.sr.,,i„'e,l '", '';", 'â- â€¢â- '"••â- "" 1 CMipleiion of a scho„| ||,,„N., ,,, Ku^,.||, ,, s. S. Ni, l;t .Aite.iiesia. ' ' Plan nsiimy I ,„,,„ .,, ,,,,. ,..,„,,.,„.^. .,, lhe,iM,l..r.M:;,i...l. ,,l.M,a- Kor.stcr .V Claik, .V.vli,|.,.,H. .,,1...., HS7 -....d Ave. K..., 'V'!! , â- '''"•'"»â€" ".-.nyl-nde not ii.^'i-('M<ai ily • â-  •epliMJ. •'"N \IIIAM,\| |\I|:K â- Trt'us, KiiLjeniii. Ucmcn War \N(irk \r,lin.,' \V.,1||.|| â- milry real soivic- crs riiiilrr ran by prenuiii;' take jiosiiiiins in I>iis1ii«>im (Mli.-.'S I'liiks and relieve ymiii'^ men for H> I VI. {â- . ' lily I lo.ii~,iii.l nirii w ill I le III. ll .111(1 uai lllrll "I' loM >ii iiii'li'i llii- Militia Alt ll (l.lVii ;.-. Will) «ill I ik.. I hi i, |i'.i<'siii (lie lliisihi .s;s nilic'.s mill I'aiiks ' \ .1111;; wiiiiii! I sli mill | n. \> nil llniV .1' I III- ^y^ /vopm£f?A^ -^y .V-v'/yvV Jj the whole fabric of the British com- monwealth and giving all parts of the empire control over their com- mon interests. Amongst those whose views were secured were: Sir Thomas Macken- zie, High Commis.^ioner lor New Zea- land; Rt. Hon. W. P. Schreiner, High Commissioner for South Africa; Sir Kdward Morris. Premier of New- foundland; I..ord Sydenham, ex-gov- ernor of Bombay; Lieut. -Gen. Sir Sam Hughes, Canada; Sir Peter Mc- Uride, Agent-General for Victoria; Sir Thomas R. Robinson, Agent- General for Queensland, and Sir John McCall, Agent-Gfneral for Tasmania. While these empire representa- tives differ as to the details of the constitution of the future British commonwealth, lh<^y all agree that a fundanicnlal change mu.st take place in the relations of the fnitod King- dom and the Overseas !)ominions as well'as the relation of each dominion to all the others. The nature of this change is summarized by Sir Sam Hughes. 'In short," he says, "what is wanted is a system of joint control by the whole empire of matters af- fecting the whole empire, coupled with inviolable independence for the component parts in respect of essen- tial domestic details." Such a rhanpe as this â€" a change that would'^ieave ail the dominions with their present autonomous pow- ers unimpaired and at tlie same time would give them an effecti-Te voice in the issues of peace and war to which at prooent a cabinet responsible only commits them â€" is impossibility. Sir Edward .Morris ha£ no doubts on the I point. "I s^e," he says, ".No way I easier, simpler, or more direct than I the assembly of an imperial eonven- I tion in I^ondon which would formu- I late and agree upon certain basle , principles, these to be recommended Immediately to the respective legis- ' latures of the dominions for appro- I val. 'J'hia should be done at once." "The lime Is one pregnant with fate for the whole British common- I wealth," says the Vancouver World. •If the principles of British freedom, j the self-governing |>ower«, and apti- I tudes of the Rritisb rac<.', are to hold I their place in the new world that the I war is creating around us, action j must be taken at once. There will he no second opportunity. This is Lord .Sydenham's view and most peo- ple will agree with him. Undoubted- ly the British Knipire is at the por- tals of a great opportunity. Will it enter and srasp what is offered it? Or will it remain outside and per- ish?" ror- / S;.r.ll ' IW IS Sill N I., ( l\ I ipeis APRIL lOlh I't-rui I'lieuliir I' A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Prlncipi.1 I .All liii|H'iiliieni .Advortlneinent. I When many aie endowing adver- I tislng with the attriliutes of the arts I aud sciences It coineH as a shock to llnil a regalia company in an Ameri- can city making merry, lu a Cana- illan circular, over the fact that Can- ada is at war and the United States Ih not. The circular is sent to heads of friiternal societies in the Domin- ion, and it declares in jingle that the coin l.s easier ihun the sword. "Hut war don't worry us a bit, no chance â€" for we are oul of it.'' In this kind of banter the jingle runs on, tillinK Canadiiins with wonder at the iinpertinenl .stupidity of the man who hopes lliils to sell regalia in '(^aiindii. I'eople inust wonder what is wroni.; with llie mind of itmt man in llie United Slale.s who hopes to sell leKalia by tianlering and lidi- ciilin*; Canailians for lieins at war, (While (huckliiiK with delight o\ei the rei-aliilranre of his own coiin- [ try. If this is tlie new advertising, ; the old will be found more offcctivc. • The Clolic New Issue Telephone Book. *1 Copy for the next Telephone Directory closea on the above datel 9 Order your* telephone nov>, so that your name will be in the new issue! 9 Report changes required to our Local Manager to-day, , •The Belli Te)ephoiieiCo.^of Canada. Selective Sliding Gear Transmission with Three Speeds forward and reverse. Auto- Life Two Unit Electric Starling and lighting Sy.stem; Valve-in-head Motor; Centre Control ; Sjjecdomder; G^ntilever Springs; Non- skid Tires on rrar wheels. CANADA AllTED CHEVROLET MOTOR. CO. ?^ OSHAWA, ONTAR.IO. A. JACKSON, Agent Markdale. tci:i^kWtrf^YK:i,^kYeM.KmmiÂ¥^^^>^.i^^^w.^.^,w.mw Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorovmh.ircd \ork,-.|iire Hear for service on lot 11, con. K, Qsprey. Terms JiLDil. FUED SPOFFARD. R. J. COLQUETTE teversham, Ont. Aiient for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements Wagons, Buggies, Cut tors. Sleighs, and Gasoline En^tines, Mulotte Croani Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Puinpa, Piping and Pipe Fittings always ot» hand. Really Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litlor O-arricre and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost it Wood Reiwirs always on hand P^___ ^ Representative My aim for soasnn of I'.MT is to give Farmorsof Township of t).-,proy and amroundini; Townships the privilege if buying from me at right prices ,ind lerins lo suit purcliiiscr. TheKOodsmanufaotiired by Renfrew Machinery Co. The .Standard Cream Separator, which, if ci|ii«lled in Aiuerica,has natbeen surpassed. The Renfrew Handy Truck Scale (•>(M)0 Iha.) The Ron- frow Siaiulard and StaUito Gaso line Engine, etc. Also Singer Sewilll^ Maehine.i. All goixls RUir- anteed, if operated according to instructions, to give s;tti8faction, or no sale. Always en hand - a Hot.so for sale. FRANK G. DUNNING Feversham WANTED at once for ( FLESHERTON i and District for * Canada's Greatest Nurseries Spring 1«U7 planting iist now readt Splendid list ol hardy Canadian grown ; fruit and ornamental stock, iHcluding, ^Mcintosh Red Apple, St. Regis Ever- bearing Usspberry and many other I oaders. Now illustrated catalouge sent on application. Start now at best selling time , Libef a1 proposition. PtvfraNm* - Oitlnri^ L' ^ Phone R. i abort a long. StonA & Wellington The Fonthill Nura«ries. (Kstiblished 1837.) TORONTO •. OTTTARIff

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