::>, Man's Staff of Life is the whole wheat grain â€" not the white, starchy centre of the wh^at â€" make no mis- take about thatâ€" but be sure you get the whole wheat grain in a digestible form. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains all the tissue-build- ing, energy -creating material in the whole wheat, steam- cooked, shredded and baked. A perfect food for the nourishment of the human ; body. A better balanced j ration than meat, or eggs, or starchy vegetables, sup- plying the greatest amotmt of body-building nutriment at lowest cost. For break- fast with milk or cream, or for any meal with fruits. Made in Canada. with gold threads forming the simple 'P^ll I -i 11/L i They Did For Her little bodice. Orchid and sea-foam green are amung the other evening colors which make exquisitely pretty- frocks for the younger set . Fans, slippers and stockings to match the dress are some of the details which one should be mindful of in Well Known Lady Makes a State- planning party frocks to be in perfect harmony. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Company, 70 Bond St., Toronto. Dept. W. NE.\R B.VNKRUPTCY. Germany Bled White in Food and Finance â€" Finish Near. ment Regarding Dodd'r^ Kidney Pills. She Had Numerous Troubles, All of Which Came From Diseased Kidneys and Found a Cure in Dodd's Kidney Pilla. SAVING THE SUFFERERS. Celluloid Found Extremely Useful in .Vlleviating Pain. Celluloid and shrapnel are two sub- 1 stances that occupy the attention of ' our Red Cross hospitals to-day, for the former has been found of valuable assistance in the dressing of wounds caused by the latter. , Acute pain is almost always Tom- [ my's portion while his wound is being dressed. The removal of a lint band- age from an open, sensitive wound is , particularly painful, and experts are striving to lessen suffering in this respect. They have now found that celluloid placed over an open wound not only proves of great comfort to also an American correspondent, who re- cently left Berlin. Is she starving? Is she going bankrupt? Is she run- ning out of raw materials ? Is she ex- hausting her man power? The ques- tion has other variants, but they all New Spring Modes =^^ The de.sitiners have returned to ki- nono sleeves and the body-and-sleeve- .n-one effeils. Many of the new- Blouses unl drosses are made in these •tyles; and a good many show the short sleeves, which have a fair pro- mise of beinjr taken up for spring and summer, though not to the exclusion of long sleeves . The most favored type of long sleeve at present is fitted close- ly from the elbow to the wrist. At the elbow, or above it, there is fulness, the sleeve being shaped in a point ex- tending away from the elbow. The Tuff in Skirts A feature of the new skirts which appearij to be very acceptable is the puff at the lower edge produced by .» gatherinK cT the edge to a foundation. Evenir.jr dresses are especially grace- ful in this style, whether made of taffeta, satin, charmeuse or the other soft silks. This is a very delightful Ayre's Cliff, Que., Apr. 16th.â€" ^ The biggest question in the world (fP«f'al) .-Mrs. W. Coules Macdona, the patrentrbuT is also particularly to-day is: How long can Germany of The Farm, a member of one of the helpful for dressing purposes gener- stand it? writes Oscar King Davis, o'Jft families Imng in this neigh- ; ^j. borhood has consented to give the ; ^^^-^^ ^ ^j^pi^ ^^^^^ j^ j^_ ^^^ ^ P". r.^^!. f-"''^^ °^ 'J^'" "P^"^"" sheet of perforated celluloid, softened with Dodds Kidney Pills. i j„ ^^jj ^^j ^f convenient shape and "My trouble started from over- ^^^^^ j, ^^^^^^ ^..^^ ^^^ ^pen wound, work,' Mrs. Macdona states, '"and I^hile lint bandages take their place , suffered for two years. I was treat- ^^ove it. When the dressing is re- mean the same thing. How long can ed by a doctor, but the results were ^^^j.^^ j^ be changed the bandages are Germany hold out against the pres- ^°^ satisfactory. My joints were f^^.^^ remove*! and the celluloid comes sure of the allied blockade, against ^^^^' ^ had cramps in my muscles, my ^^^y q^ifg easily, without adhering to the economic warfare waged by sleep was broken and unrefreshing t^e wound. Great Britain, as well as against the '^'^'^ ^ ^^^ heavy and sleepy after ; ^^^. ^j^^ ^f the least dangers con- military warfare waged by all the meals. I had bad headaches, my ap- n^cted with wounds is gangrene, or Entente powers? petite was fitful and I was always ggp^j^ poisoning Here again celluloid , The answer to this question car- tired and nervous. I wa# depressed proves helpful. A saline-lint dres.-^ing A ries with it for most of the world the ^"^ low-spirited, I had a bitter taste fg placed over the perforate<i celluloid answer to the question of how long '" ""y mouth, in the mornings and I f^r purifying purposes. The salt the war is going to continue. For it '^^^ often <iizzy. liquid *1ows freelv through the per- is only in Germany and the countries "I Perspued with the least exertion forated ..jles, while, on the other allied to her that one finds any sub- and I often had sharp pressure or j,and, the wound is enabled to dis- Rural Delights. .VU Fighters. Brown, the typical Londoner, was Two holiday-making Newcastle lads spending his week's holiday at a farm, discovered a wasp's nest the contents As he was retiring for the first of which they immeriacely pi'oceeded night the farmer's wife stoppe<i him of which they immediately proceeded '"Now, what time d'you get up. .sir? to investigat*. Soon they were kept I suppose, being a Londoner, you ain't very bu.-<y with the enemy, who chargf- very fond of early rising?" ed them right and left. The lads "Early rising? No fear! .None withdrew for a short time for con- of that for me! I never get up very suiiation. early in town. I like bed." ".A. '11 tell ye." Jack said to his mate, "Very good, sir! In that ca.<e, we "taak aboot fightin' for yor hame, won't have breakfast till halfjpast thor's not a eonshehenshus objector four to-morrow morning! ' amang thorn!" PAIN ? NOT .\ BIT ! LIFT YOUR CORNS OR C.\LLISES OFF irSWSPAFEBS VOa. SAI.B PCMl'ITM.VKIN'i NK\V.>J A.Nl' JOB I iffi.-.-^ for ^;il- if. tf<ii"l ' 'titario ;i<vvn». Tli<* nio.Ht u.^dul aiul iii;ere.stinic if ;ii| buslni-isfs I-'ull i;i?.'riiiaiMn .m No humbug r Apply few drops then just lift thfm a»ay with finger.s. MsacxLiiAnrsoTia stantial confidence that Germany may P"*'" on the top of the head. Then <.harge nnv <eptic matter quhe freely. »â€" <> yet prove to be the victor in the strug- rheumatism was added to my troubles, xhe patient is put to very little dis gle. Outside of Germany one does not J,ha^e taken just two boxes of Dodd's 7674 Youthful Evening Frock with Puffed Skirt effect for young girls and is used very frequently for their party frocks. The illustration shows how full of charm arc niis.^os' drcs.sp.5 in this style, and that a irreut deal of this charm lies in its aimplicity. The model is de- veloped in S'lft rose churmeuse, with chiffon of tlu- same shade enibruidered find the .^ame readiness to believe in the possibility of economic or military exhausticii for the Entente allies that is constantly expressed with vigor and enthusiasm, if not with conviction, in Berlin and other German centres. The conclusion reached by Mr. Davis from his personal observations in Germany is that, bled white and near bankruptcy, the nation can go barely a year at the best. The armies are well fed and the rich do not suf- , fer, but the children of the poor go | hungry. j AGOODMiiciNE ' FOR THE SPRING Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives â€" A Tonic is .\li You Need. 1 Not exactly sickâ€" but not feeling quite well . That is the way mo-it people fee! in the spring. Easily tired, appetite fickle. sometimes headaches, and a feeling of depression. Pimples r eruptions may appear on the skin, or there may be twinges of rheumatism m- neuralgia. .Any of these indicate that the blood is out of order â€" that the indoor life of winter has left its mark upon you and may easily develop into moie serious trou- ble. ; Do not dose yourself witli purga- tives, as so many people do, in the hope that yiu can put your blond right. Purgatives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giv- ing strength. .\ny doctor will tell I you this is true. What yi'U neetl in spring is a tonic that will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. ' Williams' Fink Pills is the only med- icine that can do this speedily, safely and surely . Every dose of thi.^; med- icine makes new blooti which dears the skin, .-strengthens the appetite and makes tired, depresseii men. women ' and children bright, active i.nd strong. Mrs. Maude Bagg, Lemberg. Sask.. ' [says: "I can unhesitatingly recom- ^ ; mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood builder and tonic. I was very much run down when 1 began using the Pills, and a few boxes fully re- stored my he.ilth . " | Sold by all medicine ilealers or by ' mail at 5<) cents a box or six boxes for $-J..'>0 I'l-om The Dr. Williams' . Medicine Co.. Hrockville, Ont. comfort, for the celluloid, through con- stant .-oaking, is rendered lioth soft and pliable. Kidney Pills and they have done me good, not only in one way, but in many. Even my rheumatism is much better." Mrs. Macdor;a's symptoms all showed that her kidneys were wrong. If you have similar symptoms try I'sed by Francis Joseph of .\ustria Dodd's Kidney Pills. j .^^^^^ His Brother Maximilian. UNLUCKY QUILL PEN. LEANING TOWEKS OF BOLOGN.V. Intended For I'crtified Homes By Builder in Past .Vges. Italy is a lani! of many leaning tow- ers, among which the Tower of Pisa and the fallen campanile at Venice are the best known . The strangest of the leaning towers, hovever. are the Torre .\sinolli and the Torre Garis- enila in Bolngna. which were erected in UOi> and 11 10 A.P. Th-> builders in ' .Among the many stories of omens that centre round the Hapsburg fam- I ily is that of an unlucky qu'l' pen. j It was used by Francis Joseph , when signing his first proclamation a.s Emperor of .\ustria. No sooner had ho signed the document than the pen fell from h'n hand, spluttering ink all over the floor. I "1 hope this may not prove an un- fortunate omen for your Majesty," ; said the Court Chamberlain as he tend-..d then, for fortifievi homes, of P'^'^'*'' 't "P- . Maximilian the i.ro- which BoU.gna at one time possesseil ther ol 1- ranci, Joseph, who was also as manv as two hundred. The gloom v, ' P"^"'"^. asked tor the pen as a me- smooth-wal'ed brick towers standing mcnto of an historic occasion, and side bv side muke a strange impression â- '^^'"^ l-'''<'" 'o him straightaway. upon the person who looks up at them f ^''veral years later, wuh the very from the ground. Dante, in his In-^^^""" P^'"- ^^ *'«"<"' the proclamation ,,0 humbug! ferno, compared the giant Antaeus, ' aPP'^'"t'"tr himselt Kmpcror of Mexi- who was bending toward him. to the '^'*â€" =' proclamation which, as i,^ well Torre Ciari.^enda •wlien a cloud passes known, led to his death very shortly (,^p^ ,j â- • I afterwards. He was executed by the The Torre .Vsinelli is three hundred Mexicans, and his wife wmi mad and twenty feet high and contains a 'â- with grief, rough staircase of four huiidred and forty-seven steps. Frcm the sum- mit, which is four feet out of plumb with the base, you have a line view of the cit\ . The slant is tinintentional. aid was probably caused by the sink- ing of the foundations. Tirrc Garis- enda i.s one hut dred and sixty-three feet high, â€"sixteen feet lower than the Leaning Tower of Pisa,â€" an.l it is ten feet out of plunii)â€" only three feet less thai! the T>'wer of I'isa. When tUtone Garisenda began to build in 1110 A.D., he apparentlv | '""t'ler will nnd Baby s Own Tablets wanted his house to surpass his neigh- '"' excellent remedy. They regulate bor Asii^..U,-.s in odd;;y; apd so he the stomach and bowds thus bansn- ing I It is not on record into who-i- p.->«- • session the pen has now passed BABVS OWi\T.\BLnS ! AN EXCELLLXT REMEDY When the baby is ill â€" when he is ' constinated, has indigestion; colds, j simple fevers or any other o( the manv minor ills of little ones â€" the i:ew drug is an ether corn- discovered by a v'inrip.nal; chemist. It is called t'ree:;one, and .an now oe obtai.ied in tiiiy bot- tles as here sh-iwn a; very litt'e cjst fru.ii any drug store, J;;st ask for freezoae .Apply a drop or tw^i dirfctly upon a tender corr cr callus and i-^star-tiy t.'i^e soreness disannear-^. Shortly yoi: w:!! •'::• i the corn or «>'' is «. loose that you can lif :• off. root and all. wit:: the finger*. Not a twinge ot pai: soreness or iTitatier not ever the slight" • smarting, either .vhe: applying freezoni" "•• afterwards. This drug dces-i't eat up the corr i.r callus, but shrivels them so thty loosen and come right out. It is It works like a cliarm. For a few- cents you can get rid 1!' every hard corn, soft corn or corn iie tween the toes, as weT. a.s pai:i;''.;. calluses on bottspi of your feet I' never disappoints and never injn--*. Kites or inHames If your dniggi«' hasn't any f rcezi nc vi't. lei! h:m ' get a little bottle for you froni hs wholesale house. Haii'i $12 OU up. Srnd f.T ,-iB.--t«l price l.-t. Varsity Cycle Wurka. Ill Spa-ilna .Vva Toronto. B'. C\.N.-Kr. •:!••• â- â- ::,ii r' -M"!!.-;, l.l .Ml'.<, F.TC- . .â- •.| -W-.': il .-ur-.l w 1 ', h - â- !â- h.m- ;; I,,',- 1- ! -.i!ni..Iit :,. Ileal i-,,i;;. -â- ,%.â- •> 1 â- â- •It "Clsan » liOILER compouHP Fur A!! 8oU«r Ta»d -Watars Cyclone Snaklaff and Som-jias Grata Bar* tjr ail T«aiiir«ai*a'.i Canidi'i'! Steam doiiar bq'MpiHi.nt a. Ll-nlt .d T«l. Osrraid 3S«0 20 McQee St. Tjronto ^ ^ BoilK MN DOG DI.SEAStS .\nd How to Feed Amrlei: t:-) A 1' ,•'.- Planiir H. CL\Y GLOVER CO.. Inc. Oeg iteiiKitits 1 1 S WMt 31 5l Street, Nrw > .«-!i When buylnjj your Piano insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PiANO ACTION l"|l.t'MOt tirH;y oi' em p:ic 111 11 1 1 ri'.cr :•: i-.ri.lge th. mahogany ' oi' "iio w .Ml â- â- .ICO ;he-v ,,- .. - cipip,, c,l cr. â- rth :'t the nrcs- :i'nio.;t -S-J.-ioo,. MoM.V DUUKIJS ^.A^ vol:;- out o' t^'Wii a^.'C' Itominion Kxprcss Minex Ki\e .!oi!ar>* costs tl-cec cent> ()'â- icrv DON'T CUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Capped Hock or Bursitis FOR ABSORBIHE w'.' tcJuc-j iheiu and Itsve no t:,^, .;.i.es. St'pi linirac»j pron;i>;'v Does not blis- ter or rrii:ove the hi r, ar.J Hotm? -'.u be w-rkc!. JJjboi-icJr ocrr.l. Book6Mfre«. ,M5SORBINK. JR.. i. r Mnt-.d. it.t â- -.[ >ri«;; U,i --r ; 1 f Bbt.i. B'u;fr». Svrrf. Sw^ .-i^*. ". . !V--:e . -n». A:.tr« lA 1 t.^.i ! :.i!»aauiiua. rr:.« f I uid t- • Duftie ji dmuiKi 01 Jrl:>c.-c<l. W 1 -rll -a m^tc J Fuu "rita. n f- |-QJhu, 'â- . 0. F . 51d LrTinj 3>d( , HontiMl. Ztn. II inte::,ionaliy made his tower out of the perpendicular. He found it im- possible, however, to complete the tower at that angle, and had to cease work on it i'cfore it attained the height of il» companion. ' That Explain It. "Where di<l you get those scratches on your face?" a.>ked the thin man. '•far turni\l turtle," replied the fat man grutTly . â- "Loose tilt '.'" i â- 'No, tigiit eha'ilTeur!" Mlaard'i Iilulmgat BelieTos MaoraldA. the cause of most of the ills of childhood. Concerning them Mrs. Paul Dinette, Cheneville. Que., writes: â€" â- â- I can recommend Baby'.s Own Tab- lets to all mothers as I have u.sed them for my little one for constipation and diarrhoea and have foun<l thorn an ex- cellent remedy." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at â- Ja cents a box from The Dr. Williams" Medicine Co., Brockville. Om. «^ It IS m. l-f l>iessc( i to g! > e I ha: I- V ceive. I'Ut the maj >vuv 1 â- t â- ,- i>l,. w nicrel\ from hears ay a a 6 a^per* •wan acinard'a LlaluitBt lot ro •There. there! ' ^; M .Mrs. 1^1 If Myrrh, p â- â- kii.g up h^ â- : ill ie !>â- V w h. ha.i hjrt his t.>e. •-d. l;'l . ' \-, H. mail, like mamma! The game of golf goes back at ica-^t live centuries. One of the pictures ir, a Dutch iiluniiiiated Book I'f Tours, now in the British .\luseum. is a paint- Scichtific facts prove (he dcvtg. caffeine, in tea and coffee is harmful to many, while the pure food-drink â€" POSTUM is not only fre« from drugs, but is economical, delicious and nourishing- Made of wheat and a bit of wholesome mo- lasses, Postum is highly recommended by phy- sicians for those with whom lea or coffee dis- agrees. Postum ia especially suitable for children. "There's a ReaMu" SAiX hy Qrecers. POKCL'LAIN .MONKY. "Father," .-.-.vA a little boy one tlay, : '"K of three men putting at a hole in T^\l/ ."â€"â€"„. „ ^ "where is atoms •?•• ".Vtoms, niv .son! , the turf as in modern golf. Al ,^Vy Metal Coinage IS By No Means the y,,!, n,i.an .Mhens. surely?" -'No. though the Dutchmen did play aiHi '"' I Only Kind in Tse. ^ f-ither -atoms, the plaJe where things ! Paint golf, they did not write about it. I Most people have come to regard are blown to." *o there are no records describing the ..â- ^ coins as beiiiir necesi^arilv made from game. :i:i: 7 ^ coins as being necesi^arily made from metal of some sort. This, however, is by no means invariably the case. Porcelain money is in use to-day in Burma and Siani. and feather money, manufactured from the short red fea- thers from i'cneath the wings of a species of pariot. is the ordinary cur- rency of the Santa Cruz islanders. The Loyalty Islands, which lie in the Pacific to the cast of jVustralia are famous for their fur money. The fur, which is taken from behiml the ears of the so-calleil "flying-fox," in reality a large fruit-eating bat, is woven into cords of various lengths, and these constitute the ordinary cur- rency of the islanders. Iron money was put into circulation in Germany on October last. In Mexi- co cardboard money is in use, owing to the disappearance of metal cur- rency due to the unsettled stale of the country. Cardboard pennies and halfpennies to the value oL $350,000 were also issued at Toulouse, in France, in September, 1010. ,When Your Eyes Need Care t'-»»' ilurin»»E'.'!r Mt».l:cinr, T;,tSrii.-irtiiie- Fonli tliie--.Vi.o>i (^iiicUl.v. Try il for Ke.l. We.i)l, Sure E.vi'9,-miHJrauiil:HcJ K.velnls. Murine la *'omiv>n:i-K'.l l».,' oitr OciiU.sU--uot a •â- r:tt<^nt lIiNliciaf " -but uso.l iu sn''ci'f>,«f ul Ph.v»iciaiia' l^viicijc*,' for iiiaii.v ye.irs, \o\\ de*JICiiit»U to the Pubii" .TM'I â- *i»:ii b.\ t>r\i^rKwts at 5t>c \f«T BiUi:o. Mm III)' Kyc Saltc in . Aseptic Tubo*. 1 •.â- ;.c ami :.ei'. Write fjr Inxik of Hie K.vc Vvrf. i . . ,, rx- . i,ii. .Murine ii»»n«niMiyCo-np«ny, Chicago. Aa». 1 bathed it well Willi MIN.XKDS paiu will soon bf relieved 1 consider MIN.-VKUS LINIMKNT the BKST Liniment in use. 1 got my foot badly jammed lalciy. For Stiff Neck Apply Sloan's Liniment ii'ithou: fjbhinifto tlie sore Ictders and the EAGLE morott To save labor in building roads a cart has been invented that spreads stone e\enly as il is dumped. Illuara'i LlBiiitent Cnrw OandraS, LINIMKNT. and it was as weil ever next day . Yours vcrv Irulv, T. (.l.'McMil.l.KN. Christianity is not world^renouncing in the ordinary sense, since it teaches that tlod made the world and made it verv good For rhciuiiatic aches, neuraljiia, jjoiit. h:inbajio. bruises, str:iitis, sprains and muscle stiffness, have a bottle handy. Quickly pent trslcB and soolhrs. clcjnc r th.in ^nl.s^y plrtslcri or oi:itiiienrs. doo not »lain tl'.c .skin. At b!! dru^ittt. 2Sc. 50c, and $L00. The Height of Boast fulness. "Isn't Klower inclined to be just a little boa.stfnl?" •'Boastful'.' Well, 1 guess yes. .â- Vf- ter a beggar his touched Blower for a nickel, he will tell you that he has just been giving a little dinner to an acquaintance of his." M;\ny potato diseases are carriei! over from one year to the r.e\t in the seed. It is. therefore, import. int tha' seed be useil which is as nearly free from disease as possible. ' Whet, there is any evidence of conimoi: scab or russet scab, blackleg, etc., the seed shouKl lie disinfecle<l before it is planteil . Mtlnard'a LlnlmcBt Coras Barns. Etc. If -i regiment of l.DUO men. with equipment of 00,000 pounds marches 10 miles, it does as much work as laborers raising a weight of 'itiO.OOO ions a ilislance of one foot . oans^ Unintent ^Vrll« to-diy for our bi^ Free Catalogue showing cnT full liuo of Bicycles for Men and V.'ouicn, iJoy.o anj G-rls â€" Tres. Cea,>ler iVakes, V,"liec!s, Inner T.ibes, Laiiip.i. Heds, Cyclometers, .â- ^.iddles, ICqiiii'ineut and' Parts for Bicvcles. You c.iu biiv vour supplies from us at wholesale priras. T. W. BOYD & SON. 27 Notte Damo S'-eot West. .\Jop;Tr.-\«, ED. ISSl K lliâ€" "17. FOR DISTEMPER, FXKlt EYE. EPISOOXtC. tKIPPINa IKVBU, â- nd CATAKAHill. rEWUm. .S;!r»' mikI ;<mMv.' pr.-\ i-ii u \ c. iio tnB Iter how a-rsis at in> SKB Hre iiffltcifit or 'exposed.^ I.l.nilii, kI\«:i oh tha ii'i:tjii»' a'-t-> "11 the )>louil ;unl tilai-.Jx. sxocU th* v^ii-""""'i'^' Hfnns from the boii.> Cuv.-* liisfivii.^r ui i 'utts »"l she#|» oil! '"Iiol-ia i!i tM>uitr> l.utK*'Si Ht^lli'i); lU'i' stock rotiK-tTy. 'â- virM I.u U.i|>|)i> amoiiK hu-nan belnrs. and is i; ftn" Kl.!n«y »ineriy •lit thl.H out. Kcjv it. Show to vour itranitist. wlui win ({Bl It for you. Fit* Ltooklet. "Ui.'^tampcr (â- :iii,i»» I ll»i 1 â- ',1 rt.> â- - _ SPOKN Mi- axCAi COieFA.NY. Ua.iailata ai><l Bactartoloarlata. a^alua. laA,. U. â- . ^ k