fk%\\txim 3l>tiance» "TKUTB BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN." VOL 37 No 1 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, May 24 lOl W, H TEDRSTON ^,'^:,7aoPBiE -/ •rf*5 Eugenia Paragraphs Don't ti)rgel the jjarden paity on May 24. The l.est baeelwll i;ame of the season is tobepUyedby K htcrleyandKufjenia girls, and a concert ai Iii4hl. Mrs. McKee and ner sianddaughter, of Toronto, is visitin;,' with hm- mother, Mrs. Joe Ped!ar, btfora going West to visit her sou, Joe, and oiher friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. VV. Graham and his sister, .Fean, have returned from Owen Sound where Mr Gfiihaai has been taking treatment. He is improving. Mra. F.T.Carr, ..f Toronto, issp'.Midin;{ a few weeks with Eugenia fr;end.s. Mr*. Fred Martin !s .ipending a couple of weeks with her cousin, Sirs. Lynnes, at Ceylon. , Mr. Robt. Pedlar ia sporting a new motorcycle. Congratulations to Dell Wilson and Florence Parliament on passing their exams from Enteranoe to Noimal. Mr Robt. CaropbeU's many friet.ds »re sorry to hear of his I'lnfs?. Mr. NVes. Latimer and daughter, accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Slack, of Toronto, are viaiting with his father and other relatives. We ar« glad to be able to report baby Cameron, daughter of "Mr. and Mr.s..\lex. Cameron, who has been under the nurse's and doctor's care, able to play around a^aiu. Mr. and Mrs. Huggard, of Heailicote, (pent the week end with frietsd.s h.-re. Mr. G. NV. (Jraham and sister, Jc-in, rvlurned huuie with them. Mrs. Uoljt. Phillips ai.d litil-- son, Albert, of Toronto, visiltd with .Mis. A- Hoy. rho many friends of CapLai j Ellwood Purvis, Private Will Campbell ai.d Pre. Henry Tu(for aie ^'Ud to hear that they are improving. Power House and Vicinity Mr. Hogg of thi; HE. 1'. C , Torcnt visited the power bouse lately. Mrs, L, liadgerow, of Poitlaw, visited with frieuds lu this vicinity. We are very sorry to repnt Mr. lv.>bt. Campbell on ihri sick Hit. Hi., lu.iny friends hope to hear of a speedy rec'ivcry. Plans are being made to put an addition to the pn*er hmise. Mr. J. Latimet aiiu scui, Mr. .). Fawcett, of Eiueiiia, are bu-^y making improvements on the yards and surround- ings at the power hou'c. Mr. Latimer had a narrow escape fri.iii being badly hurt, falling about thirty Ictt down over some rock near ilio power liousf. Mr. Latimer said ''he had hi.s eye on a porcupine.'' » Singhampton Tho first memorial service for fallen soldiers ever held in this village was condncted by Ro». J. B. Laiub in th^ Methodist church on Sunday morniiii!. May 13th, when the village and coiumuii- ity turned out in lar;<e nuiubers to pay a last tribute of honor to Christopher Edwards and tiordoii McKinnon, two heroes of the BaL'lc uf Vimy Uidge. The cluu'di decorations were uiiiijuc and ttl'ective. In front of the uulpit was a banner of whitu silk on which was hand-painted, llie work of Mis.s Nellie Taylor, tho inscription, ''In memory cf Our heroes. ' i^urrouiiding the banner were small tla:.fs and at its bate, on the OOminiinioi) table which was draped in black, were placed photoijraph.s of the two boys, each in his uniform. Tho pulpit and table nlso held standards uf pure white tlowers, the gill of sympa- thetic friends. Uev. J. B. Lmiil) preached a forceful â- ermoD, full of comforting thoughts tor the soriowiug ones also full of inspiring measiges for tho,se who are compelled to remain at home. His text wa.-", "Ho that loseth his life shall save it. " Uev. R. D.nnen .vss not ab'e to be present, but sent a message <if consolation which was read by Mr. Lamb. The luusioal part of the service was very impressive. Eva Haminill and May Morrison sang sweetly and tenderly the duet, "Some Day "Twill All be 0»er," while tho choir rendered the anthem, "Cast Thy Bread On the Lord." The cougregalion joined heartily in the hymns, the cliwiog ooe being "God Save Our Native Land,"' followed by the National .^bthem and the playing of the "Dead March m Saul." .Altogether the serrtM was one which will be long remeoibeted.- -BuUetiu. Heathcote Gossip Featured in This Issue '^*'^"*''*'" ^*^"^ Mr. John Edes of Tor^nlo, is here assisting Mr. John Pratit with his evaporator. -^ Miss Jean Milne of Toronto, is visiting at her home he.o. The Heathcote W. 1. held their annual meelina at the home of MLss Vickers on Thursday, May 17. Pleased to .see Mr. Robert Mm ray ab!e to be out again. Mr. James Gardner of Clarksburg, is working on his farm here this week. Mrs. James McClung of Thornbury, moved to her home here recently. ."Morry to report that Mr. Jos. Bukor i.s ill. We hope for his speedy recovery. Trout ti.«hing is the order of ihe day. Mr. G. H. Greer of Loudon, will address the Women's lustiiute on May 2*J a^ 3 p.m. in the hall. .Mrs. Greer has had several years of experience in Insti'ute woik. Her experience in practical hnusekeepiDg and oHiee work and closfi study of economic and social conditior.s enables her to handle most capably the subjects announced. All welcome. .V mIvci collection w-'l be taken up to over expenses, ttrticeis of the W. I. for the year l'J17- 18 are : Pres., Miss Geity Fawsett ; Vice Pres , Mrs. Wal'er Kt'ekie : Sec- Treas., Miss E'sie Gardner : District representatives. Misses KorkeaiidVichets. Doings of the Duffs. A huiiiiirou.-^ sl.'iy in picture form. The Fashions. N' west ilI«â- ;'^' in Women's Wear. Farm Crop Queries. 'jutsticns answered bv Prof. Henry '-.. l:eli. Housewife's Corner. Tesio.l Hc.lpes and Helpful Hints fur ilie busy Housewife, Serial Story. Your Problems. .-; A guestlon And .VnswM for Women, Ceylon Chat Mrs. Fied Martin and daughier, I'f Eugenia, are visiting the former's cousin, Mrs. ,f. J. Ljness, on ^^tone's Line. Mrs. A. McLeod, who has been visiting her daughter in Toronto for a month, returutd home l-ut week. Her son, Norman, of Toronto, aocompaDied her h Miitf. Mrs. .Vndrew Gilchrist is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. Thibadeau, at Markdale. Mr. Murray Legate went to Toronto last week. Mrs. (Ui.) Holme.s and daiigiitur, Jeau, of Owen .Sound, are visiting iier parents, &lr. and Mrs. T. Chislett. Mrs. Coleman and sou. of t.)wen S>i>und. spent ihe lirsi of the week with her diughter. Mis. Frank Collinsun. John Gibson spent part of llie past week in tho tjueen city, returning home Saturday. Mrs. Mc.\ulHy, of Toronto, came up Monday to visit at T. Gilchrist's. Mr. Dir>»..vel ind wife, of Ruck Mills, visited at G CoUinson's lirst of the week. Molculm Ferguson lost a valuable horse fi-iin iiiriammation latt week. Th s means a severe loss at this Inisy sei.son. Inspector Beckett, Owen !:>ound, and Constable Cook ga\o Kiuiberhy a call Monday. Wurd was received .Monday that Gunner Charles McMulleu, niw iu France, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas_ McMullen, was .seriously wounded. No pariieulais as !o nature of Aouiids have beoii received. .Another son, .\ustin, who has been in the trenches for the year and a halt, was some mouths ago promoted to Corporal, and a few weeks ayo was sei.t to England to ijuahfy for IjieutenaiK. He was successful lu hi.s exaiiiinatioiis and is now back in France. Laterâ€" Word reached Mr. and Mrs. McMullen that their sou, Charles, had died from ihe wounds ho received. Pithy Proton Pointers Miss Laura Boyd, Fleslierion, visited with her cousin, Florence W'riglit. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, Kiinbeily, and daughter, Kichtel, visited the formers brother, Mr. Rubt. .Aoheson. The pupils of .S. S. 4, under the directions of their tfiaeher. Miss Biiinie, haVM been doiua patriotic work forii.e Red Crobd Socieiy here. Recently .Miss Binuie brought in 18 pairs of socks knitted by the following fiirls. who range from 8 to 13 yrs : '.' pairs by Susaun'' Ludlow, titlilie LocUhart. .Allie Little, Pearl Badgero», A'eri Moore, Stella Achesou, Dott Stevens and Ethel Nicliol and one pair by Marjorie Nichol Hud Marion .\cheson. Miss Mabel Wauchob received a letter from Rec.-Scc B. S. Meliinis acknowledg- ing the receipt of ten dollars being a donation from the young people of Proton to the Canadian Red Cross. Notice to Soldiers Ttie -Vdvance has for a li.n ^ lime Leen sending about twenty copies to our soldier boys across the sea. Wc wcjuld like to know if these pxpers are being received regularly. if they are not there is no use ot coniinuiiiii the ouilav. Will those receiving the paper send us a card. Others wil! be discontinue.l. Durham Maxwell The weekly socials held here in ai 1 uf the Red Cross are nicc'ing with good success. The last one hold at the home of Mrs, George Long netted itf* ;ro. The next will bo held at Mr. Ed. McCalhim's on the 4th line on Friday, Miy :.'•">, when a good lime is expected Miss Frankie Chisholui, of Markdale, spent the week end with her friend. Miss Ida (.)8lM)rne. Her many friends wore pleased to see her. The W. I. hold their election of othccrs Wadiiesday of this week at tho home of Mrs. VV. U. Guy. A cablegram to Mr. W. A. Bishop, Loal Registrar of Owen Sound, from his sou. Cape. Win. Bishop of Royal Flying Corps, announced that tho latter had been rewarded *bo D. S. O. Captain Bishop is an Owen Sound man, who was educated at the Royal Military College at KioKSton. During the recent oSens- ivo on the Western front he was .-iwaried the Military Cross for daring service, and wss promoted to be a tlight Coimiandei. when last hoard from be bad a dozen eueiny ulsnes to bis credit. .>lrs. Campbell and daughter, Mus Islay Campbell, returned Monday fvuiii a fortnight's visit wiih Tormto Iriends. Oneataiimu isgood lishiiig. especially when the ine is as liig .is the tn ut Shirley Mclntyre caught a couple uf days a^o. It uieatsured a shade over 17 inelits long, and lipped tlie scale at two pouiu s and live ounces. This is ihe biggest we have hcaid of this season. Dr. Jamsesun had part >.'f his front U'vn ploughed up and placed under cultivation. The idea is a good cue, but few with a good lawn would care to have it distigure.l. Tho hoe will now take the [ilice uf the lawn mower. â€" Clir mie e. W alkerton Four hams were hymning in a tow in Wiiigefeidcr & Krueger's Mimke house, when a thief came, and then there were but three, bnelly expUms wliat happened to the hiiiJ end of a pig one night last week. Fui the heavily diiiiehed town iu Briico, the amount of Uiieving that is going on here is a caution. Never since Hainan was hanged from his own gallows has the irony of fate been I'leater exemplilied than in the case ot Richard I'liuin^is Junes of Biiice Twp., who after drawing stuue to bui d the Wiilkertun jail over fnty yeais ago, found himself comuiit'ed to ihu punish- ment plant on Monday last as a vagrant. In crossing tho threshold (f Ihe heal bastile thi aged prisoner confided to the (Mlief .hat when drawing those sloiies as a young man ho little exptcL'd they would be sheltering lilni in his old ate But It is tliis 11 1 losudilttim ml' . life that make the drama intori^sHnc. i<!iid causes one to wonder wluihn 1k' will go out like La^.arus picking up crumbs or be down looking up like Dives and clauioiing for a drink. Ill the suit brought by Mrs, Ida May Greaves against her h'lsbanJ, Ezekial Greaves, of Greenock, and which was aired before Mr. Justice Sutherland at the High Court liera on Wednesday, a settlement was effected between the parties wheret>y the wife gets $1500 alimony to be yaid inside of a month, together with part of the household furniture, a fSTMl piano ana the ciisto Jy of her three children, two gilts and a boy. -Bruce Herald and Times. We are having some riin iiuw aftirl'ie cool, dry spell. Mr. Ja.s. S|jie 8 and %:scei-, Mary, | visited wi h friends in Flesho. t n last week. Mis. Ling and gr ind.liugbce!-, Lilian Ruddle, of North Battlefuid, .Sa.-^k , are visiting the foiueis diiighter, Mrs. R. liendersou, here. Mr-. Jthn Piul visited with berM9t«r, .Mi-s.J hii .Johnson, in Dmidalk list week. Mrs. k. Biownridce vis. ted w;Ui lier patents at Rob lioy lust week. John, Chris., James and tienri-e Thomson Hlteiided ihe funeral o( tinir unclt, Chris.Thouison, it WexforJ l*.'> . Ill Sear^oru to.vnship on Saturday last. Miss Ret.i and lUruld Osborne and Mi's Etlud Winters vi>iied «ilh f.ieuus IU Colliiigwoud recently. Hanoi Ne^on, ..f E'sionre t iwn- ship, IS visiting her frienl, .^ t}!adys Hendersuii. MrKobeil \iis'eral ended rhe funeral of the late .VIr Tlio iisuii in Seaihoro township last week. Ptes. Barber and Seinule of tlie 24H h Baltaliun were presented with a purse ul money each and the Ued I'ross Society gave each a pair of socts accoiiipanii il by an address before they left to join ilieir Battalion at <,)«en Sound, which is souii to leave for overseas. Don't torget the Ked Cross box social ill the agrieuUuial ball here on May -.'4. .\duiisH;ou- aeuts .JOc , lad'es with tuxes free. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. Kimberley Budget Leaves have there iime lu fail and tloweis to wither. But ihuu hast all season* lor thine own' oh death. The whole coimnuniiy was |.|jii..;.d into grief on Tuesday iiiurning last when it became kiioun that Mrs.W.n MeClung had died suddei; y from hear' failure. Deceased, in. i. den name whs Susan Fawcett, was in lier 'ioid year and was a daughter of the late John F.iwcett, of Cullir.gwood tow ii.ship. She is survived by herluving husiiand : three sons- Siiii- uel. Jo^Cijh with llie 'J4Si|i B.itt., :iiid .Vmus of the llth line, Euphra.sia . three dauuhteis- Mrs. .J,.hn Wyvilie uf ihe lull line, Euphri.-i.i, .Mrs. .Jolui Gibson of Flesheitun, n.d .Mrs. .K liii I'urrell o' Markdale. r ive brothers also survive â€" William, John, Hiiiry, ls.i.ic.iud Jaiiie" ; and iwo sisters Mrs. i.iiLsoii and Mr>. Suell Deceased was held iii high esteem by everyone and l.adu't mi enemy. Thi' funeral was the l.irgest known in this part for many ycai". The remains were interred in the I'll rnbury union e.iiielery on Thursday last. \> e ^re pleased 'o see ihe genial fice of .^lr Henry lloid in our midst once more, ho having arrived lionit one day last week after .tn eMeiided visit uith friends in lli<i^\ He war. iccouipan- ied by Uichard llowcH, who » a.s a foriiier resident uf oui lurg. Harold Ellis, Ki iicsl l'r.ei,.r and niie, and Harold Kerr motored over to I'oit KLiii on Si'twilay las^ inside a visit wiib Mr. and Mrs. .Vsliley Fawcett uf that t. iw:i. We aresoriy U) report DaUou Fergus n on the sick lis". ! ul hope to soon soeliini around .again Stanley Law reuoe is on a bu-^in -ss tr'(i to Toronto at proscnt. Mr. and Mrs. J as. Liwrence and sun, Lauiie, are vi.sitiiig with their daughter. Mrs John Taylor, at (bveu Sound. Thoina-* J.imiek Ins purchased \ Ford car. Died â€" .\t Powas>.in, on Wednesday, May 1(). Mr.i. Di ink water, of Detroit, Michigan, I'nitcd S'sles, Ainerici. Di'CO;i.scd was torinerly Mis.s Chri.stina KIlis, a sister of William and .Albert Ellis of i,lna part. On Monday Mr. John 1). Boss, of the Gtli t.'f K^iemuiit, met with a very bad accident. He was ,>>landing in front of ihree hoiscs attached to a cuhi- vator, holding thoiii by the bead while his son, U«/,el, wont round to get the lines. One of ihe horse.i wis a fractious colt, and eoinethiiig sfartled the horses which ran away, and ^â- assod over Mr. R jss who was then cauijjit by tho culti- vator and dragged lifiy c sixty yards. The injuries sustained Ivy Mr. Ross are very serious. S'X ribs viere broken and driven in ag!»inyt ths ling which vias badly lacerated. As we write, on Tues., his condition is rei^atded as very critical, but we hope developments may be favor- able and his life sjiared. - Coiifoderate, DR. BURT w. A Armstrong, -â- •Pwia.isK in diieesei of Ihe ^' Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat <JFFICE-1;J<» lOlh St. West, Owen Sound w,^»t»;.^i Xt the Rr-vere house. INIarkdale. 2nd-lFLESHERTON, . ONT Thursday each m.mrh from 8 to a 12a. m • Wednesday of each month. B# .j;«- -i'/j, .»'«. J.H. »>'«. .J", vV'«. ^X!. â- !/>^ JMf *'«- .*'«- .&'<. â- ifU â- t"^ .>'«. .^".. J".. .J'l!. .M*. .i"> -J'i. J.K. .»•«. jrT 'n? ~ii? '/i? ^if ~(^ 'nf~a^ â- >»? ^ ^ %? ^^ '/if ^?'ii?'^^ ^f ^f ^? ^i^ ^? '/if ^if ^f ^ W" 3-^ m m Sesd&Seeds Buckwheat Corn ( all kjnds > Sugar Beet Millet Mangol Turnip GARDEN SEEDS Rape Sugar Mangol and all FLOUR >5ND FEED WHILE IT LASTS AT g LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE # W. BUSKIN I The Up to date Fleshertun Grocer. W tfcdjfe^ -J"' •*''• •^t^• "^"' -J'^* •*"' <!".' >^'^• •^"' •>"•• -f'** •*"' â- ^Vt. •*!'.. .>!«. .^|'.. r^t^it*. vM<. m, jj^ jfe â- ^ W*W W^?^f Vi?''i»'vif ^»f%*'Vi?'/iF^^^if ^if'/if'/if 'sif '/if '/if^if '/if^ ^ If You Have A broken-down tirchcal] and get a support to keep it jn place, and we have a good assortment of trunks and suit cases. Try One. - Repairing as usual. Thus. Clayton's 1 FLESHERTON A John Cluipiuuii at a rate on the ilollar, 1 am n to offer Fiu'Diture at unheartl of prices. For t ii fifteen tlavs the public will be able to profit by ^^ ANNOUNCEMENT Haviu'i pureha.-^eil the Funiiture Imsiness of Mr. prepared the next puiHic will he able to profit by this sale, as 1 must tJi.'jpose of most ot it. The JStock is new and up lo date in every respect. Dressers. Stands, Parlor Sets and other choice goods at prices that will surprise yon. War time does not affect these as they were mostly purchased ber>re the raise and are again cut in order to make quick sale. Come in and liok over the Stock W. H. BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. | I i^^-S