Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1917, p. 8

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May 24 1917 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE ^}i BUSINESSCARDS SOCIKTIES PRINCE Al»Tni!K l.ODOK. No. ;«3,A.PA A M, uieetK in tbc Maeoiiic hall. Aim troRit'B UlocK Klerthcrton, every Friday on b«tore th« (ull moon. T. Hoiiry, W. M. H. \V. HickliuK, Hecretary. FIGHTING WEN FOES Destroy Them or They May Dc" slroy Your Crop. CHOSKN KlilKMJ'i I'"lesl;orloii coiiiici C'lioeeii Krlend- :;i I dhkis in Claytm « Hal firtt aud tliiiil \\ (diiif-dav ui txh month a b p.m. Fay aKHftuictits to Ittiowlcr tn o before tli«fli«t (lav ot laili nioiiih. I'Lio t'ouneillor, W. H. Iluut; lUcoidcr. Mrs. 1-. .\' Klther. SPRAYINi) A RCADY REMEDY Dk.ntistkv Ur E. C Ml'HkAY I,. O. S , ilenta! pureeon ln-ooi KiaduiiT" lit Toronto Univeraity auJ huyal v'olli-i!" oi 1>. uinl SuiKfona of Ontario. Uu adoiieiuietered (or teeth extraction tUce at reaiUeuce, 'lorouto Street. Kleaiiertou. Mkdical 9 VeteriiiKrv SurReon Jraduate ot Ontaiic. Veterinary ColleRB renideiice â€" Bi'ton.l door Boutli westlon •k*ry street. Tliis etreet xan» outb PrMbyterlkD Clmrcb. Cha8. E McLe/>N. M D. C M, Specialty - Surgery, Mid •vil'iy iV Wiimen'.s Diseases Offkksâ€" V'lc-.-l:nton, Lai.« l)r Carifr'H Vric<'ville.('oi"niercial ll>t.el. '.•.:«> to 1 I'.in. f'lesUerton-'J.:*! to 4.;«l p. in.. 7 to K p.m. Vhoue mensag'T!. leri-iw prompt atttrntiun at Ijoth ofticfi HiMayl.s Leoal I CCA8. MASr.Y * hKNItY-Barristerp. â- *-' Solicilor».el<\-I. H. I.ucas. K. C. ; W. K, lUney, K. r. ; W. D. Henry, 11. A. O 111 cob. Xoronto, hOfr'J Tiader» liauk Ulilii.. phone Dikin 1412: klaikilale l.ncaa Klock. }>hone 2 A. HrancboUice at Uuudalk opau every Saturday. WRIGHT. Tl-:i.!OKD A MiDONALD llarriKtrr. snIicitorH, Ac. Ofllcas. (irey t! Bruca Block. iiw>mi Sound. Standard Itank Block. Kletberton. iSatnrdavs). W.H. Wright. W. P. i'eUord J'. .1. C. McDonaH.U L.. 1(. Br.sixEss Cards L] OUIXOUGH A YOUNG Hatikeit* Markdale Geoeral bankitiK buaiueMB . Money loaned at reasonable latci Call on ua. DUcPHAIL, I.ic«-Daed Auctiouee for tliu • County of (irey. Term* moderate and xatia action Kuarantted. 1 ho arraoKemi nta and dateb of haltrh <nu be luaOt* at I'liR Al>VAnce office. Ilesidencf kiid P. u-. 1 eyluu, Telephone coDDeetiou. Dec. i;, 07 â- IVM. KAITTINti, iceuied Auctioneer foi '' the counttHfl of (irey and bimcoe. Farm aud hio<-k falen a hiu-cialty. Terms modi-rate, natiiila^ ticn cuatantted. Arian^e- ujeutB for dates niav be nta<le at the AdvHnce ofUce, or C'entral telefiione ot>ice teverbliam or byaddresbiui; me at Feveritbam, Out, Representative WANTED at once for FLE SHERTON mill Diatnct f>d Canada's Greatest Nurseries iSpriiiy I'llT jj viiiiiii; n--! ii"" ii-xly Splendid list ut li^udy rairidiun i^tdwii fruit and (iniHiiKiiial stock, iiidiuliiig, AIcltltii!«li llf<l Ap|)lp. Si. K'.'His Km-i- beariiig U.splioriy and iiiimy citjur eaders. New illustii'iil ci!ulini:;i' siiit on .Jipplicstiuii. Stait now ut bi'it su'liii^ tunc. Liln-r- al propoiili III , Stone & Wellington The Fonthiil Nurseries. (Ksl ililislied l^'.'u . } TORONTO . ONTARIO Deering Implements \.ND Gasoline Engines All kinds "f Diiiii^^ Jinpli'iriiii's. IVirlx iilways on Imiid. Aircnt f.ir llmiic Cullers. Ifirhci- Hiii^KicK. 1,'Midoii Litter Cfciiicif. Ijiy 'I'links. I'mlljir shingles and sulin:,'. Tin ,si> linpli'incnls re'iuire no ii!Cip-n!ncn<l>iluMi in* llicy sre Btaiidird pootiii imd ric 'uni/.cd .is ilic liosl on tliu market. FKUIT TIIKKS -( roproM-nl ili.' .Sioii & VVuUingl'iii iiui'.tory, and. will lit* iilcasecl to crdi It you .send ine a card. ED. RUTH^:RFOkD Proton Station WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in Grey County Pay wetkly, ontlit frc"", exclii>ivo terri- tory and money miking t>|iecialtieii. Our agencies are the liext in the I OS neijs for Vfc sell the hluhcsi irradu' of /ttock it roost' reasonahle piice.s und jjuaraiitee deliverieH in lirst cluss condition. Nuih cry stock is sclliiiu' well this year and good money can be made in this district. For particulars write S m >:s M.inac.kr Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto Farm for Sale Lot ;i7. Co" •*'. '.'â-ºproy, ;il>i.i)t niii\ «. i,.. clearnl. the l>abuice uiNiily hardty k;iJ Inuth well watered Thin f*ia uiuijt buisold to wind lip an estate Apply â€" WM W THOMPSON. Admuii«trtl.n, j)eo 21 ("I'iiig'hauTlttoti, 11 It In Tills Coliiniii tbe Aniatoiir is In- IrtKluccd to In.scHts jiiul Fungus ho Tlint Ho :\lay Know Thoiii by Their First Xaiiies. (Uy s. c. .ion.\STO.\. Vei^etable .'Specialist. Ontario iJupartment ot .\t;rlouUure, Toronto.) (iartlen Foes. Unfortunately tho backyard voget- .tblc grower has soiue diillculties to overcoiuf. It will not be all pleasure and prolU wliieli lii> must look for- ward to liccau.^o tht're are innumer- able insects and fungus di.seacn which cause much woiiy and trouble and necessitate the use of extraordin- ary method.s lo prevent or control. Most of these troubles may bo over- come by .spraying the plants with remedies which can bo secured from seed stores and other hrms liaud- liug them. The following is a list of the more common vegetables and the Insects and plant diseases attacking them with remedies or preventives. .^SI'AKAGt.S. Beetles. Blue, black or yellowish colored, about one-half inch long, which aMiear early in May and feed on the yWng shoots. Keep the bed closely cut in the spring or allow poultry to run through it. After cutting season is over, spray with arsenate of lead. Encourage tbe lady bird bettio which destroys many of these insects. Anthracnose or Pod Spots. Brown or reddish spots on the foliage and pods. Found on low- damp ground. Plant only seeds which have no signs of the disease. Pull up and burn diseased plants as they appear. (-.4BB.\GE. CAl'LIFLOWER, AXD BKl'SSEL.S .SI'UOLTS. Root Mag- got. A small whitish colored mag- got one-quarter of an Inch long. I..ooks soratthiug like a grain of wheat, found just below the surface of the ground either close lo or on the roots. They eat the roots, caus- ing the plant to drop over. Apply a solution of corro.^sivc sublimate one-half ounce dissolved in hve gal- lons of water, at the rate of half a teacupful over each plant once a week for hve weeks after they are set out. commencing three cr four days after planting. Cut Worms and White Grubs. (Ireyish while grubs wliiih work at the surface of the soil cutting off the plants. They may be trapped by spreading a iniituro of poison brau over the surface of tlie soil close to the plants. A pail of bran with sutti- cient paris green to highly color it, should bo moistened with molasses until it crumbles readily in the hand. This moisture should be kept on the ground during the early part of the .season. Worm. A small greenish worm three-quarters of an inch long, which appears quite early in the .season. Dust with pyrethruni or hellebore liowder when the plants have headed, or dust with a tea8i)0onful of p«rls green mixed with three tahlespoonful of hour when young. A piece of burlap may he used for this purpose or an empty can with holes punched in the bottom. Aphis, also called louse. Small greyish insects which multiply rapid- ly. They may a|)pear at any tirae In the season. Spray forcibly with a solution jnaijv froni_ st<;eping one pound of lohacco refuse in one gal- lon (if water. This solution may he used, on ^11 plants on which Aphis are found. CELKKV. might, niack spots appear on the foliage followed by wilting of the plant and a soft root on the stock. Spray each week with a mixture of llordeaux ml»ture cov- ering the entire plant. CLCr.MHFK. Striped Beetle. niack and yellow striped* beetle which feeds ravenously on thcj ten- der leaves ot the plant in the very early stage of growth. Dust leaves when wet with ashes or alr-sluked lime. S(|uash Dug. Dark brown bettio wliich sticks tile jtiico from tho jilant. Hand pick and destroy. Found on the leaves. Mi;ii<).VS. Cucumber insects usual- ly attacks and may bo destroyed as given aljove. O.MON. Onion .Maggot. A white i.uiggot similar to the calihage root niaggot. No effective means of con- trol. .Spread charcoal over tlifl ground or try the corrossive subli- mate Bolution as recommended above. HIight. A violet color, patches appealing on the leaf of the onion. Koine advise spraying with Bordeaux mixture from the time tho onion plant is three inches high. POTATO. Colorado Beetle or Po- tato Bug. Dust with paris green when the dew Is still on the plant, or place a teaspoonfiil in a watering can of water ai d pour over the plant. If possible have the plant dusted with paris green before the bug appears. Scab. Easily recognized by cliar- acteristir roughness of the skin. Im- merse the uncut tuber just before planting in a solution of two ihiid ounces of formalin with two gallons of water. Dry, cut, and plant. Blight. Brown spots distributed over the leafy surface, usually fomd in July. If they are not prevented from growing, the whole plant will be destroyed. Spray once a week for four or five weeks with Bor<leauz luliture from July Ist. KADISU. Itool Maggot. Pse the same remedies as given fur cabliAKO and onion maggot, TOMATO. Tomato Worm or Horn Blower. A large worm which rapid- ly defoliates tbe plant. Uand pick and destroy. Blight. Black apoti appearinc on tbe leaves which spread rapidlr &nd cause the whole plant to die. K«ep the plAnt« crowJ^K vigoroqily. .\ vciy serious accident look place "ii tlie f;mn of Mr. MctJuucliie, Nonnitniiy t iwiisliip, ri'ci-mly wlwn his horses ran away willi tho lurgd steel ro'.lar. His ilmigliter, Mary McGauchie, was sealed 1 tliu roller and drivini; the team, when s.iiuetliing fiightened lliein and thfy S arted oll'al full speed. Miss McOauchie was jork(!d forward and fell in front i,! the roller which wont over Ii'-r. Slie was Lakeii to her limnu and » physician sent for. Dm ex iiniiiHtiiin il was foun 1 lliiit three rllis were brokon awiy from htr breast hone and her hncit and shoulder bailly crushed. She is In ,i serious cnndi- tioii and will reiiuire many weeks to fully lecdver. llaiMV(;r Post. Kd. Katz, a travellnij,' spectacle map, w IS 1 aJly dishguied liy Mr. McKenzie, i isuraiicu agent of the town of WingliHiP, 1 isi S.itiiulriy. KJ. disnutcd tiei news service (if (ierman reverse), and Mclven- z e, being a strciriy Ihilisher, gave the German seveial bliwd in Lho face. Katz 8 lya he was Irorn in Germany and is not a citizen of I'anaJ t. Ho says he Iiaa y.iled at every election in tlie town of Lisiowel, and has enjoyed a larye patron- aie in the spectacle lina throughout Western Ontario. The German synipa- tli'zer nude a mistake in expressing liiin- self. An eti .rt is nmy lieiiig made lo locate Kalz and have liini interned. â€" ll'pley Kxpre.ss. Leiinard Rell. the live year-old son of Pte. .John P.ell, 1, OH';. Sixth Ave., fiisi, Owen .Sound, was drowned in the s!ip at till) Imperial Cement Co.'s plant, The lid was playing with his lirutliers, when he slipped in. The other boys were so frightened that instead of notifying men who were hiadina a car near by they ran home and told tlifir I arents. Tiio Imdy was recovered about an houi l.«ter. All exohansje i^eta nil' tho following amusing play on words : A soldier went into a restaurunt at Salonika and asked f ir Turkey with (Jreeco. The waiter said "I'm Sony, <;cntlcinen, but I can't Sorvia," whereupon the Tonimie cried, "Fetch the Itosphorus " When Ihnt gentleman arrived and heard the coin- p'iiint, tho manager said : "Well, gentle- men, I don t w-int to Russia, but you cinnot Rnumania," and so tho puur T.iin.nie had to -40 away Hungary. Tlie threi' medical practitiuncerK in Shell unie. Dr. H. E, Davis, Dr. T. S. VVliiu- and Dr. .1. A. Siniih, have entered into pirtneisliip niiuerlhe firm miine i f Drs. Davis, Wliiii. ,v Smiili aid will practise llieir picfessi m iis usual. Tho linn has nurcliased Di. Davis' rcsidenre and <dhce iiinl each nieniber of tha him will have a piivnle olhco in the ssnio l>uilliiii«. The nbject re probiiine, is to cut down ( .\i.enses. .Mr.and Mis. Harry Parsons (jf (hilliu while niototing lo Toronto, were instantly killed, their antoinobile beiiij; struck by a Metropolitan tridloy cir iietween Sutton a-id K'lacli s Point. Ill[ MUlli Carefully Corrected Each Wctk l!"'l'-';-'; :a.i;i7 Kijgs. fresn .,0 ,,4,, Wheat f2 2.'. lo 2 i.-) I/"*," 1 !»0to :> lu "•"â- "y; iloto!!,'-, I'Uck wheat !»5 to i)"i I vvuMEN WAR WORKERS ^ oiirig wuiiieii cm r,/iuler th <.' 'Uiitry leal sei vice l.y preiiaiin^^ In ak.Mi'i-ilions in Kiisino^s fltlides ,uid Dunks and iiliove younj,' iiioii for wii servitt^ I'itly tliousdiitl men *\\\ bo cnlhd U|i v. ly sio'n ui.der the Militia Act for home, defence. - Who will t"ku ihiir piHoes in the Husiness IMIioes and li.inks ' Voiinis woiiiea slnuhl pre fare now at the â€" (iWKN SorXD, Ont Spring Term Opens April iQth t'iieiilai Free. C.A.FLEMINQ F.C,A, Principal Notice to Horsebreeders The luiporlcd Olyde.sdale slallion, Hor zon, will bo at tho Park Houkb, Fleshcrton, every Monday night diuiDi; the season of 1U17 and roinain nut]], Tuenday morning. Intendinu breeders shoul.l eua iliis horse before breeding llieir mares, a.s he has both size, (piality and breeding coinbincd. See bills for particuUra, WM. FOSTER, • Pt^prie^r atiU Macagai'. TftE City Bern ISSE0 Kl) A Water Carnival. 3[2) Dry Dock, Halifax, N.S. COUNT VON BERNSTORFF and his ii&rty stayed longer In Hall- fax than they would have iHitMd. aad saw less of the town UMD any other tourlete on record. Por while the neutral pasaeogpers on iKMurd the "Frederick VIII" were al- Iffwied to promenade on deck, the Ger- man passengers, deprived of their hundreds of suits of pyjamas and tkeir thousands of pbonograptUc re- Dwds, WAre condemned to gaze at rMh other in wrath, or stare Halifaz- prard at tbe dock wall through a mere porthole! ' Ana this despite the fact that some »f the very best of tbe original set- Ueni at Halifax were Germans â€" l>om to bo sure before the Kaiserlatic taint bad entered tho giood old Teutonic Hood. Halifax from the barl>or looks like I lone crrandstand rising tier on Vtreetod tier with the fort at tbe top gazlsg out over tbe Immense circle of grey-steel water where the whole British Navy could take shelter If It frsntod to. When a consignment of Oaoadian troops is due to start for Ks stil>-endani;ered trip across tbe KClantIc, cruisers, destroyers and sub- Bierstblea hover like grey clouds over the slate sea, and the visitor who Isn't thrilled with the sight of so much potential hell must have bilge vater In his veins In place of blood. But there was no such commotion In the harbor or on tbe land when iVklonel the Honorable Edward C-orn- irallls arrived with his fluttered little Beet chaperoned by the sloop of war •Splnx," in the summer of 1749. No- thing was to be seen but '"a range of low hills with an unbroken forest that grew to the shore." Halifax is none of your war-baby tPies, l)orn of chance .and tbe spirit »1 adveature. Hallfa.T cAme into the mn-ld fathered by the Ix)rds Commls- Moners of Trade and Plantations be- uiuso tli« fair Boston to the south wanted a sizable guardian to protect aer from the French of Quebec, who ivore uncannily able to raise fleets, raotlre expeditions, Indian Insurreo 'Jons and Cain generally. The Earl of Halifax, at tho head of the Lords Commissioners, who ok 'd the request from Massaclii:setts, Ira- Ubed from it some latent American iplrit we must suppose, for to pro- luoe his city he immediately antici- pated by a hundred and fifty years the method of tbe beer that made Milwaukee famous and tho car that Uved Hy. Ford from oblivionâ€" he ad- tcrtised. London newspapers carried his iropacaoda somewhat after this bahion. Halifax had a grand sdtu- itioQ but shnhftd nosetUers. She must kaTs 'te to match, Wbrrefoie, tvi any »nvato of afty regiment ddebsinded tbf EMftt Fi^(]} 1tt{f> ^f Government promised free passage, free grant of land of fifty acres, fr<ve- dom from taxes for ten years; free arms, agricultural, fisbint; and build- ing implements and free food for twelve months. To any offlcer above the rank of captain the land grant swelled to six hundred acres, with additional grants for every member of his aristocratic family that be could Induce to follow him. In two months' time 2,57C adven- turers had signed on â€" men, women, children and sutTragettes â€" thirteen trausportsful of heroism. It took them a month to reach Nova Scotia, but the day they landed they got to work to turn the forest Into log cabins and the situation into a city. Timbers and boards for the most pre- tentious buildings were brought from MaHsacbusetts. From Boston In the following year came the framework of St. Paul's Church, that staunch colonial meet- ing house which still gazes haughtily across the Parade at its upstart neighbors. Oeorgo II. contributed the edifice to his new colony, to which shortly afterward he sent Ave hundred of his German cousins â€" Hessians and Brunswickers â€" some of whom built the town of Lunenburg, while others settled In Halifax itself, putting nil a church of their own which still stands, showing what careful carpenters these ex-soldlers could become when their Lutheran hearts were in the work. The visitor who Is Interested In the Halifax Dockyard will imss the little "Dutch" church a couple of blocks to the west, with Its graveyard besldo It. An awesome bit of history Is tbe fact that three successive pastors sent to the Halifax Lutherann from Hanover were all wrecked anu drowned dur- ing the voyage! It surely speaks volumes for old-time German hero- ism and devotedncss â€" of tbe pre-and- antl Bernstorff type â€" that a fourth minister was found Intrepid enough to rolunteer â€" and lucky enough to arrlroi The .Northwest Arm was a favorlto resort of tbe early settlers, who wero as fond of merry making as the pr^ sent Haligonlane, despite the fact that In tboee grey-bomeopiin times they could put on no such colorful' spectacles as are achieved by the WaegwoUlc Club of today on cankl- val occasions. But tbe fishing was as good, we may be sure, then aa now, and the bathing has always rivalled that of the famous AnnapoJla Basin. In the old days the mouth ot this picasureful "Arm" used to bo closed by a huge chain cable, lest a hostile ship should slip 1& like « shark and disturb the merrrmakcrs'. if BernetorlT had been allowed o£[ his boat he would undoubtedly have liked to drive out to the plcturesquo Qulnpool Road to "Dutch village," built by his countrymen of the pr» d<H-adent period. Here lived two naturalists who instituted the first Zoo in America â€" sixteen years ahead of Ceatral Park. A short drive across country would have brought the Am- bassador to l^dford Basin where, it there had t>een no TreiUschke and no war, he would doubtless have beeai entertained by all the yachtsmen of the jolly summer colony. Finally, If the cast-off Count hat been of the old-time Crerman worth, he would douhtl'ess have taken tho Dominion Atlantic Railroad line to the township of Clements, in tho beat'tlful apple-blossomed AiuiapollM Valley, bMween Old Port Royal and" Digby, whei-e, at the close of tho Revolutionary War, Dutch-sitv^kln* Loyalists from .New York aiul Nen» Jersey were given shore lots, with two parallel lines of German settlers behind them, still known reapecthwr ly as the Waldeck Line and the Heoi« Stan Line These old soldiers turned' out to be excellent peace-time set* tiers. Althourh fhey met at th* English Church before service to sing their Crerman hymns, they al^ ways stayed to listen reToreotJy to • I sermon In the tofi«ue ot tkolr aideiAi led brothers, the Kactlak ^ Dustbane S.ivi's liihor 111 swt'i'piii;j,'. It kills (.jtM'nis. I'lri^'litcii.s lloors â- iiid inaKi-s ( 'iii'pt'ts lodk likr now. Dtm't swoi>|i wirhoiit DUSTBANE Packi'il in tins for lionio ust^. 1 II liant'ls and kc<^s for store Anil t llico ns(\ ; All i,M't>coi's sell the Iliiuse-i Hold Tin.s. j ( )r(lt'r liai'i'ds and kcg.s I Diri'ct. i Dustbane Mfg. Co. O T T AW A Public Notice MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS SGbool Children's Eyes* This fainius maKo of itnpleineir..s is well known all over the country and their own i'nod work is tho best recoin- nieiidatioii they can receive. If yoo reijuire anylhiiitf in the lino of Bimlers, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, I'ulp ers, PI )ws, Sleighs, Waggons, Cream Separatiirs, Harrows, Hollers, Cuttiiii; lJi)\es, Eiisilaoe Cutters, tiasojine e>! giiies. Sawing outhts, etc , give us a 'ch.mee to i|Uote prictB. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton FARMS FOR SALE Fur sale or rent for grazing, lot 3."). con. I.'l, and pait of lots o4 and o5, con. 14, Arteniesia, 181 acres uku'o' or less known sthe Cm. per farm. Will rent for pasture athis season, or take stock iu by the inon th. This is a splendid grain and grazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of vdluablo timbur and cedar and about 1)0 acres tit for cultivation. It is well worth the attention of stock men. Will sell for reaion-ible cash (layment, bt^lance easy terms. Apply to U. J. Sproule, .lulyfilf Fleaheiton, Out. Cream Wanted Take iioliot; that a'l persons are here- 1 by forhidden irespahsing on, 'ir dumping' any rubbiah on, or taking, ssud, gravel, earth or mher mailer ofl' Park lot known as th'^ Flesher sand pit, in Fleshertou, cuntaiuiiis about two acre!*, as all |>ersonH | trespagting or ooiMinitting liny wantu or; removina anything therefrom, on .kuy. part (if the Klesher estate in and around Flesherton Village, will be pros- ecuted accoidin^ to lav. «K. T. 8. SPROULB, Juljr (i Executor for the EsU'U We are opeu to buy Civaiii for churn- ing and triblrt use. Write for prices. The ligures of yesterday may bo too low for to morrow. We furnish cans pay cb»rge4 and give prompt ^Brvices. Asii any shipper. THE TORONTO CREAMERY CO., Ltd OMURCfl ST., TOROKTO, ONT. Apr 28-6 we. __ Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain In childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special stud> of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultaticn free. W. A. Armstrong:. Don't Fail to Read The war is on and busineis ia^oingup. You all kuo« that P. Stkixhart, Mark- dale, buys up a little of everything and pays wartime prices and cash for every- thing. Prices paid f. o. b. Markdale. Poultry alive, l(j 10 2i)c ; rubbers, tic up; rags, 2c up ; horse hair, .'10 to 35c ; cop- 1 per and brai", 15 to 20c ; also high prices for olherstuH'not mentionecl ; also special price paid to those who keep the stuff for Red Cross. Drop a caitl to atiove address. Xoaaentsare workiug for me. Sell to ones 5)jho > 1 know and make you to know that, oil* V are up. Mind the name -P. STElNHAR'r, Markdale. farm"to rent ~~ Fai in to rant, or let on ahures. Lot 10 Hiid 11, con. 4, N. D. K , ^rtemeaia, one mile nortli-west of Ooylon, knowo »« the McArlhui' faroi. For further pisrUc- alars apply to â€" D.McMlLLAN, ll.R.No.;},P«coyilIe. ot Fwjd4 CiiirDi, 0»yloo. :

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