Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 May 1917, p. 8

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May 31 1917 THE F L E S H E R r O N A 1) V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Societies PBIMOB AKTHUK l.OOaE, No. MS.A.K.A A U, nieeta in tLt Masonic ball. Arm troait'8 lllock Klseberton, eTery Kridav on before the full in.jcii. T. Honry, \V. M. X!. V(* liickiiui;, boctvLniy . ("HOSES FIUKNDS Kle«l.erton Couiioi Clioscn Kricuda :tU iimms iii ClaytoiiB >I»il llr«t and ttiiid Wt'dni i-<ia\ o' tsrli month » t* p.m. Fay af>Hf fihuiIm Ii» INiumUi <n c before tlio flmt dav ol cikIi iiioiitli. ('hi» C'ouDcillor, W. H. Jtui.l; IticciUui . Mrf. 1,. A Fielier. JJentistry nr, B. C MURRAY L. .). K, dental •"urueoD " hcuor RrHduato <d Torouio Univt^raity and Royal Coliet^o of DtMitnl Siu'i^ooiib of Ontario, Gm aduiieinistered for teotb extraction lUou ai leaideuce, 'i'uruuto Street. Flea^ertOD. Medical f P OTTRWKI.L 9 Vnterinary Kurt^uou 3radnato of Uutarlc Veterinary TolleRe reaideuce â€" Bscoud door «outb weBt;oD liary etreet. Thia atreet ruua outb Preabyteriau Cbnrcb. Chas. E McLean. M D. C M, Specidlty â€" Surgery, Midwifi-ry \' Wiiiun's Diieascs Omk'Ks -Kleblierloii, I, ate l)r Carieri* â- Pricoville- < "onanercinl 11. tel. !i :iO to 1 p.ni. Kleahertiiii--.*! to 4.;i<i p.m.. 7 to H p.m. I'huoe meimages recciv pri'iiipc attention at both office" li;.Maylh Lecal LUCAB. KANKY & hKNUYâ€" Harrlatera. Holicitora.ejc.-I. H. I.ucaa, K. C. ; \V. K. fUoey, K. C. ; W. 1). Henry. II. A. OBicea, roronto, H06-S Ttadora Hank KIdg.. iilione Bain 1412; Markdale l/ucaa lllook, Plione £ A. BrkDob office at Ouodalk 0|>aD every Saturday. W BIGHT. TKLKOIID & McDONALD Harriater, Hollcitors, tec. OBicea. Orey A Bruce Kiock, Owen Hound. Htandard Ifank Block, rieaberton. (8aturi;av»). W. H. Wrigbt, W. P. Telford Jr. J. C. UcDouald.U u U. IP Business Cards OULbOUOH ft YOUNM Ilaukera Markdaie Oeoeral baukinii buaiuuaa . Moaey loauad •t rsMODabl^ratef Call ou ua. Card of Thanks r\ WcPHAIL, Licenatd Auctionne for the •'•County of Grey. Teiuia uioderate and aatia action guaranteed. 'Ihe arrangeiuenla and datea of aaleH can be n)M<iH at TliK Al>VAnre olflce. Iteaideuceaud I'.o., ( Hylou. Teli'phonH eoODactloD. Dec. G, V7 T^M. KAITTING, Icenaod Auctioneer foi "" tbe countiea of (iit-y and Simcoe. PartD and Htock aalea a Npecialty. Teruia moderate, aatiafactiou Ktiarantted. Arraut{e- uianta for datea may be made at tlie Advance office, or Central telephone oDice i>evtirahalij or bjaddreaaiOR me at Feverabaiu, Ont. Representative WANTED at once for FLESHERTON :im] IJiatiict I'm Canada's Greatest Nurseries Spring I'll" p'liiitint' ii-t in.w reBily Splendid li.st ol Imidy ChiihiIiiii uriiwii fruit and uriiiiiiiLiitHl slock, iiicludiii);, McIiitoHh Ucd Apple, St. Uns^is Kvl-i- heariiii; UiiNpburiy mid iiiiiny oiIut eaderH, New illuHtrated culiiliiii'.'i â- 'cnt on Applicati(jii. Start now ni best Helling Inno. Liber- al proposiliuo . ^â€" â€" .«-^»« - --. â€" - Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. n-:slabli.-,lK'd IK:17 ) TORONTO - ONTARIO Oeering Implements .\ N I) Gasoline Engines All kinds of DeerinK Inipli'inoniH. I'nrl- iklwayit on liitiid AmciU l-ir ll>iiri> Cullers. I^irber ]ln«Kil^'. L^'udi'D Litter CfcrrieiR, liny Ti.'i( k--, I'udbti aliinglca and Hidiiit;. Tht-Ni- liiipbnienl rcr)Uirc no iccominenditlKin iis lln'y an standard i>nodH and riC'ijin/id .ti tin best on llie nmrke'. FkinTTKKKS -I leprefic.t ili Slon & Welliti^lon nur.-<ury,and,»ill In- plunsi d to^call if yuu aciid niu » curd. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station WANTED NOW Reliable Salesman to act as Agent in Grey County Pay weekly, outfit frpii, excliisivi> terri tory and money rnikinj? speciHlticH. iliir tt;jencioH are the bt-nl in the I us ixki foi wo Ncll the hi(;lu>.st urmlu^ of alouk it most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first c!aH.i condition. Nur.i ery stock is Bellini; well this jexr and good money can bo made in ihis ili.tiicl. For particulars write Sai.fs M\nai,i:u Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto W9 desire very luuch to convoy our flanks t ) our many fiiejid8 mid neighbors and the people of Flei-herlon for their .symp,iihy :ind kindness they have shown to U.S III NO nmny w.iya in our present troubl.'. "A friend in need is a friend indeed.- Mr. and Mrs. llobt. Beet. Farm for Sale TiOt 27, Con H, Oaprey, alumt fortv ar ren oloared, the balance im atly banlwiod hiinli welt watereil This farm muut lie eold to wind up an esUie Appir â€"WM W THOMl'SaN. A4miiii»tt»t.»r, D9J 21 Miotrhainptun, R K Messrs. Hank and llobert Irwin, tl e horse Niipolooiis of H^uco, Invo is ue 1 A wri- apuinst the C.lMl. for damage., for tbe k'liin^ and maiuiint> of a nuiiiber of hor.sL-swhichihcy shipped from W'Alknrion to the Wt'.st last b'lbruary. It seems that the cais contaibiiij{ these horses were ^Handint; on a side trhck alout J4 miles West of Shreibur, when the DOglect of thb r.ilway men to change the switch. «Kuii;4 a fHs'yini{ frcwht train olT the miiii line into the sitting and caused a he;»d on collision that resulted in the death of 24 of the horses, the niaiinini; of live olheis and the it.jurinii of ni-iny more.- IJruoe Heralil and Times IMi-. ,ind Mr«. George Kniiik and diiu^liler visited a* the home of the foimur's p.irents in lirant on .Sunday. He reports a curious incident which occurred there a couple of weeks agi. A 40 foot well near the houne suddenly cavrid ill, and awiiy went the pump and plaifuim out of si|»ht. and the frame kitchena' t ichfd to the house r.etrby sunk â- tbout three feet. It sceaied that llm tiottom had actually fallen out of the well leaving a tremendous civiiy, and the whole siirlace suddenly collapsed and went out of sight. Mr. Frank, sr., worked nearly ten days to till up the enormous hole. â€" Mildinay Gazette. For Iw.) yean ptst the I'nit'^d States liuieau of Fisheries has been experiment- in.; In smokini; fresh witer Hsh at Fairporf, Michigan, and the conclusion has been reached that the bowhn excels all other smoked tish. Now the bowfin it the .slimy, snake-backed dog lisli, ijui'e common in our biy and abounding in all the gieat lakes and large rivers of North AiJierica. Anybody along this shoie won d be f:ir ({"iie in huiijer before he w. uld relish a doi'-li-'h, but Iheie is no doubt that the childien cl the men wl o n >w lurn away from il with loathini; wi 1 come to Oil cem the dog-fish as it lieh delica:y.-- Fort Uow.iu News. An .\ineiicin e.xehinye s ys : many of those who were and iire oiposeJ c >iii|jul8 iiy niil.t.iiy service would nii st hoarrily app'ove c discriptioii and lie drafi if it could be applied to idlebojs an 1 iiiidu the menus of keeping them â- â-  t Work. A coiiiniitiee that has been inveslijiatiiig the iiiallcr reported government authoiitios thtt theie are now two iiiillioil lialiitually idle boy-in 'ho coun'ry between the ajjej of fourteen ai d eijiliteen. .Anyone who h:n noioed the vacatit eyed, lo in'-lipped, sloiicliv, c'giir- etu smoking yoi'n,' loafe h who bang r.iiind city streil cornirj will 1 a: i y Le'ieve this repon . L:i.'t SHiuiilav the Uoyal Milling (,'0. <<t this I iwn bought li:OM bushels of wh a from l''ri d Liefao of the 12 h con , Uratit a' f'_' !I0 per bushel 10 be delivcieil nl ihe iiiill.s lu're. Fred has 'jriO acres of land well ^idspied for wheat and iiudu cn< u h ovit (f his sale Iii-t weik to iwy for fifty Beiis of l.iiid lli> expects to fow forty a res of wheit this f.ill. I'".iiter( 1 isc 1 Che-ley. It atriie Hound 1114, of (iiailu Valley, j ill! d ihe casualty I st on Thursday iifteinooii. S\ hile ciankiim the motor ear it the hoiiiesleid in Aiimraiith, it liitkti ed, Ihe eraiiK hit her arm jiist ilii'V. the w ist, breaking the lion>>. Il[ IIHI[IS. Carefully Corrected Each Wotk Huiter ;.") to ;17 Kugs, flesh 4 ) 411 Wheat fl2 L'5 to 2 2.". Oats 71M'. 7o Peas 1 !t() to 2 U) Harlev !I.S to il.5 Kuckwheat . 0.5 to !!."> >Iew Station at Qu&bec (1) New Station. (2) Train Platformt. THK new C.P.R. station at Quebec, which was declared open Thursday, by the Mayor of Quebec Is u triumph of modern railway station coDstructiun and is admirably located at the corner of St. Paul and Hender- son Street just north of the old sta- tion. The latter will be removed to make room (or the plaza, ;:»0 (t. x 280 ft., which will form a beautiful (ore-ground with a large grass plot planted with shrubs and a sixty-foot roadway, (lanked by sidewalks, plant- ' ing spaces. Lotnbardy poplars, orna- j mental ligliting standards, and two ornamental flagpoles, transforming a I once ugly portion o( the city to an I attractive beauty spot which will not I only bo appreeiated by Ihe residents ; of Quebee, but will give the vi:;itor a I favorable drat impression of the city. The building, which consists of a central block with two wings, is a iiioi ern adaptation o( the old Krcnch Chateau Stylo of ariiilteeture and ad- mirably harmonlzt.'s with and helps to perpetuate the iiuainliiess and historic traditions of I lie city. The exterior i:i faced with .â- \rKenteuil granite. Dofohamhault limestone and Citadel brick, all local products, with .steep. Hloping, copper covered roo(8. The n:aiii facade, which (aces the plaza, is dominated by a central moti( con- taining the main entrance which is flanked liy two tourc-lics and protect- ed by a glass and iron maniuisc the (uU width o( the sidewalk. Over the main entrance i» a large wind(;w. above which is an illuminated c'ock With a seventy-two Inch dial, which fcrnis one of ilm principal features of the (acade. The pediment over Ihe clock bears the arms of the City of Quebec. WOMEN WAR WORKERS VoiiT g Koiiii n (iiii n iidci til ' Coiiiilry teal service by preiiiiiing to ake iiosiiiciiis in Itiisinesfl (llliiM's .111 d I! inks 1111(1 rt'lieve young ii.uii for \mi Her\ i e. Fifty IhousHiid men will be enlbd ii|) v.ry 8(011 Older the Milil a Act for home defence. -- Who will t ke tliiir piHOi's in the KuKiness Ollices mid Hanks ? Youuk women shxihl pie pare now at the - OWKN Sf^)UND, Ont Spring Term Opens April iQth Circular Free. C.A.FLEMINQ F.C.A, Principal In plan, the building is L shaped, the main block being 142 (t x 65 tl.. the concourse wing extending along Henderson Street, 142 (t x 0.5 (t., and the baggag« and express wing parallel tc St. Paul Street, 130 ft. x 44 (t. Kn- tering the building through the 24 (t.. wide main entrance and vestibule, one is agreeably impressed with the spa- cious, light, ticket lobby. 4.") (t. wide x 65 ft. long, which rises to a height ot 60 (eel. This lobby is finished with grey tapestry brick walls with \x- panto marble base, (aience cornices, cartouches and balustrades and slop- ing mosaic ceiling with leaded glass ceiling lights, the rich colorings of the faience and leaded glass lending an attractive tone to the de- corations. The faience clock dial set in the balustrade at the first floor level with its flanking lion and uni- corn is a feature o( the room. On the right side of the ticket lobby are the information wicket, (our ticket wickets, the entrance to the women's restroom. and the news stand. On Ihe left, are the baggagB,jtnd parcel checklnK counters, customs office, public telephone booths and telegraph counter, while Ihe Transfer Com- pany's ofdte opens off the entrance vestibule. Opposite the main en-, trance is a series of .^oven doors open- ing into the concourse. The concourse. IL'5 ft. long x C2 ft.' wide, and 40 ft. high, is similarly l,n- lEhed with grey brick walls, with fai- ence inserts, tiiarhle wainscot, faience '• cornices and tinted ceiling, while the' huge Iron trusses, elliptical in form, which support the roof, spring from ornamental faience cartouches. On the left side o( Ihe concourse three sets o( gates open to the midway and track platforms. On either side of oaih gateway )s a mechanical IncAt- , or. which shows the track number, 1 tim« and deatlnallon of the departing cnilns. A splendid train bulletin board has been provided on which the time of arrival of all incoming trains will be posted, while glass-covered bulle- tin boards have been provided for special announcements and posters. On the right band side of the con- course Is an exit to Henderson Street, while at each end is a handsome faience dial clock. Comfortable seats have been provided, as tbe concourse serves also as tbe main waiting room of tbe station. Tbe men's smoking room and lavatories are loc^atea at the North or far end of the concourse wing. The women's rest room is at- tractively furnished with rugs, table, chairs, and couch, and is conveniently located and easily reached from both the ticket and lobby concourse. Tbe smoking room and women's room are wainscotted with wood panelling and the lavatories with marble. A feature of the lavatories are the pay toilets and dressing rooms which are provid- ed with all the accessories necessary for the comfort of the traveller and , equipped with coin locks which auto- matically operate by the insertion of a ten-cent piece. .\mple accommodation is provided for handling the baggage and express In a separate wing which has a cov- ered trucking platform on each side. Brerything necessary for the comfort and convenience ot the travelling public, as well as tbe efficient opera tion of the train service, has been provided. Th» second floor of the main building, which is reached by a stairway from the main entrance ves- tibule, is devoted principally to the Company's offices and a museum in which an interesting and instructive exhibit of Canada's natural resources will be open to llie public. The office corridors and nmseuiii surround the ticket lobby and are separated there- irom by open arches and oalustrades which afford a splendid view of the lobby as well as provide an alnindance of light and air. Rooms for Ihe con- ductors and trainmen with stairway direct from the midway are also pro- vided on tills floor. The decorative scheme of the interior is simple and artistic. The motifs in the richly- colored faience depict and symbolize ei olsn.s of the national life, and the Tudor rose, shamrock. thisllt>. fleur de lys. dolphin r.n.l trident are freely ntel and liitcrtv.ined. The coiling light over tbn ticket lobby contains the provincl;il thietds and a map of the .North Atru'iic-in- continent show- ing tbe Canadian Pacific Railway lines from coast to coast. The large window over tbe main entranced, which helps to light the ticket lobbn I contains the arjis of the seven ere*ti ' men of Canadian history, viz.: â€" Mont-^ : magny. the first Governor ot CanadaL i â€"1636-1647; DeTracy. Viceroy of Can- ladaâ€" 1665; Beauhamois, Oovemor oC j Canada â€" 1726-1747; Montcalm and I Wolfe, the famous Freach and BnglisM \ generals whose names are familiar tot- all; Krontenac. Governor of Canadaâ€" I 1672; and Talon, the first In'tendant lot New Franceâ€" 16«6-16i2. i The building was designed by H.,' , K Pringle. srchitect, of Montreal. and| I erected by the Downing Cook Goal' J pany of Montreal, under the sopOTu I vision of D. H. Mapes, BacHMer ot ''â-  Buildings of the C.P.R. In the coo; struction of tbe building, which reaU on 430 concrete piles, 400 tons of structural steel, 2,00# jrmrds of re- in(orced concrete. MO.OOO eonwioa brick. 75.000 exterior (ace brick, IMc 000 interior face brick, and 10. OW «»â-  bic feet of exterior cut-stone, wer« used. Local labor and materials bar^ been employed wherever posslUe] tbe concrete pile foundations wer« driven by the McArlhur Pedestal PfM Company; the structural work waa furnished and erected by the ESastern Canada Steel Company; the exterior (ace brick were made by the CttadaJ Brick Compai)^-; the granite <!ajne (rom Ihe ArgaaLeuil qaarhes and tha limestone from the Deschambaait (luarries. The interior marble and tcrrazzo work was done by th» .Mis.sissquoi Marble Co.: the orna- mental iron by the Dominion Archi- tectural Iron Works. The plnrabin« and heating were installed by Vandrji and Matte, the electrical work by the L K. Comatock Company, and tbea clocks by the Sel( Winding ClockJ Company. The woodwork throughoutj u( whicli, however, there i^ but 111-- tle. is Canadian birch, the railway} company having recently adopted the] policy of using Canadian woods ex-« dusively for the finish of its build-' Ings and cars. While the Station is) the dominating feature of the improve- ments made by the Canadian Paclflcj notice should be taken ot the new freight office building and sheds con- structed north of the station last vear,' the new power house located just west o( the station and the re ari^ngo. ment of the coach yard, ail of whicti has been done on the same compre- hensive scale as. and in keeping with, the station building. Quebec can we:i be proud of its new station, which la design, finish and appointmeuta Ij second to none in Canada. ^!^~^ Dustbane Siivcs lalior in sweeping. It, kills germs. IJri^litcius floors iiiul inahcs Carpet.'? look liko new. Don't .swoop without DUSTBAN E r<icki'il in tins for home use. 1 11 biiriol.s and kcg.s for store Anil oiliio u.so. All {j;r(icers .soil tlio Ilonse- 11 old Tins. Order bui'rel.s and keg.s Direct. Dustbane Mfg. Co., O T T A W A Public Notice T.ike n ilice that a'l poraons are here- by forbidden Irespaiwing on, or dumpinn any rubbish on, or takine, sand, gravel, earth or 01 her mauer otl' Park lot known as th<< Flesher sand pit, in Flosherton, containiuit about two aorrn, as all persons trespasttng nr commit tini; any waste or removing anything thetefroni, ou any part of the Klefiher estate in and around Fleshertou Village, will be pros- ecuted RCtioidiog to law. DK. T. S. .SPRDllLK, Jul> Kxccutor for 4he Elstate MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Scbool Children's Eyes. (!ei»e» At \Vood iTemft-r llorUen. ' This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and I their own good work is the best recom- mendation they cm receive. If yuu > reijuire aiiythini; in the lino of Binders, Mowers, Seed DrilU, Cultivators, Pulp er.s. Plows, Sleighs, Waugons, Cream Separators, Harrows, Uidlers, Cutting j Boxes, Kiisllage Cutters, (Ja.soline e-i gines, Siiwing outtils, etc, give us a I chanee to nuote prici s. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton FARMS FOR SALE For sale or rem for grazing, lot 3.'>. (^on. l;t, and part of lots ;!4 and .'io, con. j 14, Arte.iiiesia, 181 acres more" or less I known s the Coi per farm. \V ill rent for pasture athis season, or take stock iu by , the moil Ih. This is a splendid grain and ! tfriiziiig farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar and about !iO acres Ht for ciillivntion. It is well worth the attention of stock iiiun. Will soil for reasionablo cnsh payment, balance I easy terms. Apply to U. ,1. Spruule, •luly t!tf Flesheiton, Out. Don't Fail to Read The war is on and businefs is going up, Vou all know that P. Stkixiuht, Marli- dale, buys up a Imlo of everythihg and pay* wartime prices and cash for every- thing. Prices paid f. o. b. Markdale. Poultry alive, lU to 2i)c ; rubbers, (>c up; rat;s, i!c up ; horae hair, ;><) to Iloc ; cop per and Iras", 16 to 20c ; also high prices for otherstutTnot mentioned ; at|o special price paid to those who keep the stuff for Red Cross. Drop a card to above addrees. No agents are working for ine. Sell to oneH who .> 1 know and make yuu to know that pilw* are up. Mmd the name -P. STEINttAHT, Markdilo. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special studj of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Cream Wanted We can adm're the splendid spirit and conduct of Canada and her peo- ple, and take unto ourselves â€" we are not entirely dead â€" a lesson from her free and splendid performance ot duty. While suffering and bleeding: in this war, Canada appreciates the meaning of the words of Ruskin, a lover of peace, who said that while war is very dreadful, the conclusion iis unavoidable: that all ureal works ,and deeds have their origin among I fighting people. When nations de- cline to declare their positions, re- I f use to take any stand on great ques- I lions, refuse to say whether these questions are moral or immoral, then I the period of decadence tvegins, the 1 period of money-getting, and it is the beginning of the period of death. â€" Major-General Leonard Wood, Chief lof Staff of lb* American Army, at the 'luncheon given Premier Borden ia I New York. We are open to buy Cream for churn- ing and tiblo use. Write for prices. The ligurea of yesterday may be too low for tomorrow. We furnish cans - â-  pay charges and give prompt services. Ask any shipper. THE TORONTO CREAMERY CO., Ltd CHURCH ST., Tt)ROST0, ONT. .\pr 25â€"6 we. Automobiles were generally cmsideied a luxury, now it seeots they are almost a necessity. One day recently Watson Rowo, of Newton Rohineon, attached a set of harrows to his car art'l harrowed three aia-es in about twenty minutes.â€" Ff« Press. j Money in Ontario. I Hon. T. W. McGarry, Pro-vincial Treasurer, has sold $2,000,000 ten- year, llve-per-cent. gold bonds of tho I Province of Ontario at 99.578. This /is considered an exceedingly f aver- table transaction for the Province, ^and having regard to financial con- jditions at the present time compares well with recent federal and rauniel- jpal issues in Canada; indeed it is jsaid to be the highest figure obtaln- jBd during the year for any like issue. The loan was placed by public ten- der, and the proceeds will be used to carry on to completion several Im- Iportant public works, principally the jfurtber extension of the Hydro-Elec- Uric system, which has already prov- ed its soundness by meeting all fixed j charges together with a stated ; amount for depreciation and reuew- {als of plant, and withal enabling the: I Commission to make Important re- ductions In the price of power t» many rauncipalitiea where the con- jiuiuption h%s brought about Ik redso- Uon iu operating cost. J - ^* I p^^T^i^^ai

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