; » I . I l# June !4 191 7 THE F L E S H E K T O N ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HSAD OPnCK • TOROMTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 238 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, •danafer. C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton otiti(^' as follows ; -- -" Going Sc\)th Going North 7"3j:. ui 12.01 u.in. 'ii7 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Fleaherton r â- follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train soutli mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ^ VICINITY CHIPS^ The pioceed.s of Mrs. Harry Wilson's tea anicunted lo 911.75. Mr. Martin Phillips is spending a couple weeks with friends iuTori'nto. i ilina Lottie Burk of Toronto, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W.J. Bellamy. Tiespiisstrs i>u lots 3 j«nd 4, con. 8, Ofprey, will be pro»ecuted â€" Thos. Betts. Mis.t Bertha Smith ofdoen Sound visited her cousin. Miss k. >fcTavi.sh. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Aikei.head, Miss Ruby and Wilfied Aikeuheid :ind Mr, Dick Aikeohead of New Vork aie visiting rolativea here. Mrs. Alex. McDonald and Mis. R. McLean visited the p.-mt week wiiU Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeai. . Hev. Mr. Dud^eo:i. although untie fo, thj work, occupied his own pulpit on Sunday, morning and eveiiiujj. Mi»»es Ethel and Mabel Fitld, who have been in Toronto for w uie time, returned home recently. Mrs. S. H. Bret-se of fhatuwr.rth attended the tuneial of the late J an Dougla».s on Monday. The thanks uf the Red Ctofs Society are tendered the town Council fi>r the generous donation of $75 to their fund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank VtnDuseu of Ohesley attended the funeral i.f ihiir ii:ece, little Jeaa Dou:jlas. ou Mo::dar. Dr. Webster ;ind family luotoreU up frutii Toronto on Frid.»y. The Dr. drives a Huls 'U »i\ which gi es no matter wha' the road.-s are like. The seiiii-aunu il uie>;tini< '>f Aiteiiiesia Dist. L..>.L. will be l.eli' at Koli» L'dge, Mundiy, Juue IHth at 2 p.iii. â€" Charlis Moore. D.M., Silas Shunk. D.!>. Uardeu patty on Tuesday, June 2ti at Ji'hn Hargiave's Cullicuwnou ^Tavel, 'Under the auspices of Kock Mills UaptisL church. The Methidists have soM the old parsonage property to Mr 1. Thistle- thwaite for the sum if $1200. The new pjrsoiiage cost $20<W, do there will be a balance of ?800 to ni ike up. A large nuuiVr of coxniunx-mts viece present at the coinniunioii :<erv ce iu the Prtsbyteriaii church on Sunday. Five new membcis Wfie received by profei-sion of faith and one by ceitiiicate. Mrs. Henrietta I'urdy of Chicago is visiting her iiged mother heio.Mrs..\kius, and other friends. Mrs. Pu'dy has severed her ccniuectloii with the Winily City and will make her ht'iuo in W;iter- bury, Cmin. A" the regulif mee'.ing of ih.- Lidif* Aiii of Chalmers ih-jrch l»>.t wtek a resiilulion of coiid)!eiice w:ii .ii'. pted, coiivejii g cyinpathy to Mr. »nd Wr.s. J. R.McMullen in their reci-n' bereavement by the death i>t t^eir son m Frauce. Kunbcrlcy leaders will be !i>'ori-.it' d in the fidloaing ,ier-icinal ; j.ias Joseph- ine beiris, nurse, who has bo€D on profes-sioual duty ,it Clill'ntd fci the past, <mnnth, visited with friends in Hairistoa, Chesley, Doiibinglon an 1 I'wcu Sound before returning lo her home in Tliornbury. r..it Liw Red </ross Society will hold a Lawn Social end Bazaar at the home of Mr. Lewis Shearaown, IkJ line, on F'liday «e.\t, June 15th. Bas Lallâ€" Kuuinia vs. Kiniberley lalits. Good ttlenl ha.s tiecii secured for the program, .^.â- wi.stanco in bakaig or articles for Bizvar will be yr.itcfiilly received. Two Lions Headgiils -JeMsie Mirtiudale an>i Until McKay - b«sl themselves in ihe woods on Monday of List week. Soarch- ing pirties were tut Monday nigbl bii' they were not found until neatly noou of TuosJay, altl'OUgU letweiii K>0 i.ud 200 mtii were onkiaged in the search. Thty WHO none tlie worse for the > titiug. The benu'iful w.aiUerof tht past, week hjsputa different face on nature. The fniil trees hive bcei: in toll Mo in ai:d bees and ins..c s have had full oppoitun- ity to do the necessary feiilizat on. 'Fruit pinrriscs Hti exifllohl, crop here, althougli in otlu-r pait* of ihn piovinc.' it is., aid not to bo atiylhing f.\ ra. The la'.e spring with warm, suushiny weutber, 4ias rather favored tbis dit'tict. .\ leim beloiigirg to T. Oillilaiid, Eug' ula. ran away from the chopping mill on Tuesday They brought op agair.st a fi-i ce tear the Presbyterian church when there was a sudden stop. Ri suit -broken wagon tongue. Mrs. R. Benlham entertained her Si.iid.iy School c'a.-.s on Tuesday evening last iu honor of Miss (i adys Dudgeon, who Went to Toronto yesterday (Wednes- day) ti try an »• xaniination in music. ^[|9S filady* will not return toFlesher- to.but will visit friends in the city prior to goirig to her new hi-me. Th» directors of Eist Grey Agricultural Society met on Thursday eveninsj hist and decided lo put on a Dominion Day C:!;ebration similar to last year. Another meeting for organization and details will be held on Thursday night of this week when it is hopod t'lere will iv a uood atteni'aiicc of citizens to help push the thing aloii^. Everybody turn out and shove for a ^ood time. The Advance had a very pleasant call from Di. Mc'.^uUough of Chatswor'h on Moniay. The Dr. attended the funeral of Mr. Douglass' lilt's daugh'er, and afterwards v:sited the , hydro works at Eugenia, which he had not yet st-cn. Uc has been for about ."o years a resident of Ch'ilsworth and votes Grit when eUctioi,s come around. At least we would judge So from a few hints he let diop. "\V hat happened to Braggs" will be given by the Duiidalk Dramatic Club in the hgh school, Fb.'(hi>r*on, on F'ridiy, June l.~>, l'.*17. under the auspices of the Flesherton Methodist L«d es Aid. The Diinda^k Diainalic Club has appealed here liefore and non hiith er comiums from all who heard thcni. Their t,tlent ' as enteriuiners is undoubted and thoy shnu'd d:aw a crowded hou.->e on this occsoion. Doors open at 7.."'" p.m. .\d- inisdiouâ€" 2octs. Reserve aeuts â€" oiJcis. Little Jean Douglas, the only daughter ! of Mr. mi Mrs J. W. D, us<l i-s of Meai- cine FLit. .Mherta, who his been hero »i h her mother for the pa.»t ihree weeks. pa'-Std peacefully away Friday inorniug lai>t at ^he age of fourteen years. The i chihl w<<« a victim of sarcoma and had ciuitei r. pared herself tor ih- grea" cV.aiige and iMed lo theer lor ni 'ther, who is hckitbioken over her urt.'tt loss. The fuiiei.il took pl.ice I > F.esheiton cemetery on Monday uf crnoon â- f this week. Much syiopa-hy is txteuded to the sorrowing (ureiits. ' The Brantford oil unllers hive pulled up St ik<B in toiTii and moved out to the funi of ^lis. W. J. Lever on the east back line. Ihey have undertaken to drill tliiee lit.l, s h 10 but got stuck on all of then.. The lirs', we u'lderstand, did no: get down more tli.n 120 feet, which ii not as deep as some «e'Is have been dril td herr. The other two attempts did nut gi t down ne.ir'y si far. Mr. Co.x, the miiiagrr, citinis th'it they hit a sliu; io)i rock which they could not </< t past. ( 111 IS a slipieiy thing to put money into, as n^aiiy have found to their ho.row ill d lys g'Ue by. Wo hope the drillers »il! lii d no slinting ri-cks at their n^w 1< cat i '11. Peace Comet in July Another comet, which is desciihed as ; "the most a^stoniiihiDg and wonderful of »ll phenoment" is coming. By Julyotj chin year it will be visible to the naked eye A German, Frof. Wolf of Haidel- [ berg. 18 responsible for the 1917 ,, peace comet" and he tirst discovrred it on April 27, 1916. The .Amercjn observ*. ' atories have now sighted it and have cabltd both the staiions here in Cinada and to the Greenwich observatory. Th > "pence comet" is travelling at the ' rate of 1?1 miles a .'eco.id, or over 1.134,« j 000 miles per day, and this Ls its first i appearance for 60,000 years. The Toronto otticials, thou;jh they have heard ' of the comet's approach, very inucb douDt tint it appears but every BO.IXK) i years, coi sidering the rate at which it I travels. It is exceptional'y large and ! the nearest point reached by it to thej earth will be 104,IMX> ,000 miles, so it iBJ not likely to outshine the brilliant comet' of lilH.'. â- FLESHERTON'S BUSY STORE >..- Reclaiming Waste Paper j A process, known as the Jasperson de- ' , inking proces;", by which the printing ink '' i-i removed, has been developed for the rechiinairm of printed pipers. This will ; permit of old oewspapers, inagazinrs.etc, j j beinguciliztd foi the making of newsprint. ' j Previously, this material could be used : only f'lr the makinit of the rougher grades i of iMper, where t.ie ink content was not i a drawback. Tnj application of this [ process should be a further incentive to ' the saving of waste paper. Men! Stop and Look. We have sometliiiig cheap in BOOTS for you Muleskiu boots with leatliei' sok at $i.50 Something that will give satisfaction Men'.- Uria Calf, wiiale booti< Come iu â€" we cau 3av. you money OD these lines. Men'o, Boys', Women's, k Cliildicu'.s Kuauing Shoes ! Just the thing lof the stimmei- moiuLs Prices Eight! Ladies' Voile Waists. X new arrival of Ladies' White Voile Wuists Prices running from 81.25 to 83.00 Sov, these are a ana p. Ki Carpet Squares. How about a new liUO fji- jour home Wi- gota new snpply ol Rugs in All sizes and colorsâ€" green and fawn Really, the design.- are lovely Prices are right. WE W.\NT Produce, Butter & Eggs Bring ns your PRODUCE W'p pav thi Highest Prices for BUTTER i EGi-.ls Corn. Corn. Seed Corn, Mi/Iinery. Millinery. We arc putting on our New Spring Millinery on sale So come in and buy your summer Hat this week Everything will be sold at a reductioa Don't forget to come in . Crompton's Early, North Dakota. Wisconsin . iitoves. Stoves. Those who are looking for a new Stove come in and have a look at ours We have two of tlie dnest Stoves made â€" The Happy Thought made by Win. Buck, and The Banquet iaade by Dolierty. Dishes. Dishes. Dinner sets ! We have some pretty dinner sets ou hand, so it you are needing a set, come in and see ours ; and we also have other pretty things itr Dishes. Cement. Cement. Just unloaded a car of Cement, write foi- prtce.s Phone F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. How it Feels i The Colling wood Er.ierpriue man was recently sued for litel and this is how be feels about it : ; Even seuiimciit and character ccme high in these times of soaring urices. Chas. M. Bowmm. M.L. .-V., asks us to pay him Ten Thi usand Dollars as salve to the Wounds he receiied in the West Simcot»bye electionthrough some naughty things <uid in the Enterprise, of course this IS Bowmiin's '>wn estimate of his personal value, and that does not worry us much, but be asks for $10 000. We havnt got ili»,(H)t.l. We never had $10,- 0«J0, and never will have flO.IXK*, so Charlie won t get hii tlO.lXX). It is rather startling to tind our how valuable our luriuiuce is. Wa never dreamed that wc couid do anyone Sti.i,iK/0 worth of L'oi d,nor imagineii i»c c uM do S10,"IJ0 W'jitli if dtmag". lUtei sh >uhl surely go up. However, it is just a few weeks sixty over years since i he first issue of the Eiitjrprise was printed in CdlmiWood and in .ill the intervciung years this is our first lil'^.'l suit, a proity good rec ird of fair aii'l deceot j urnslisiii, and in this cisj if the pl'iiiilitl'hid Kei'n Irish, Scotch. E;li;l;-li Ol French Caliad an. he would have been too much of a sport to s'.'ok revenue after the battle is over. FOR SERVICE Lit 24, con. 14. .\rtemesia, pure bred, Shorthorn bull. Valley King, tirade cows J1.2j, purebred $4.00. 1 July 17 â€" W. A. WKBEK. I Boar (or Service The undersigned has a thorough. )rBd ] Yorkshire Boar for service on lot U,con. i i. Osprey. Terms 81. .'Mi. FRED SPOFFARD. , Boar For Service i I'ure bred \orksliire Uar for service at the | McKae farm, near Ceylon. Teniisâ€" •*! Cl> | for all aii.ii;tls served. lN„v. -J K. COLLINSON- Racing Auto Turns Turtle â- ^r Sumcffiw â- ^^ TOlAKl ~ OOMaESAMHOW TAKE You esanHourorNore A Base Libel The fi'l'owir.a letter was received by The .-Vdvaiice U-st week ; Sliaruc'itfe, Hay 2C, l:)i7. Dear Mr. Tnutston :â€" I have been lold by several of the Flesherton boys heu* tluii a iip'i; has been ciiculati'il around Flct'hciton lo the ili'ict that Mr. Kerr, (Corp. Kerr,) has I een drinking and sin')kii g wi;h II e boys over here. In fi'jt i; h s been rumored tluat it w»8 e en annr.ui;cea from the pulpit in one of ih'i churches nerir FUsliertoii. Now 1 have seen C-irp.Kcrr practically every day or I'ight siiioe we cimii to Kngliiid and i have never .s.'eu luJi> do a wrong turn ISvenlof tlu boys who hive bear 1 thi-> story and who live in the simi! c.ut »i h hiai frel \eiy deeply about this Moiltcr and h<ve com • lo me and Hskc'l ine to wr tc to y'.n snd tlo'iy tilts fii's.' statein w . 1 d ni't kii'W how i- not ciicu'.iled in the first p'ace, hut 1 Co kn'iw It is a falsehood and I can act sevcMil witio.ses to back me up in t'>i8 stite- UlOllt. Now on behalf of the boys I hope if this y ir;i is really in ciiculilion up there tiatV'"' W'H see yo'.ir *'ny e'ear to dcv it as I kn m it is vcrv hard on Mr Ken's c!lnâ- lc^'r lo havesfUCh â- •». alatement going a'oniid. Everyon') is Well l-.ere and III rb. h^s i/ine to Franc-!. Hop..' nil »ie wall ovi r * •• . ,'-.._- o;.. _ ... .1.. tl>0'O. jH ur- High School Closed In order t.. ca-ry on the Departmental exams, which bfgin t .-day the principal has foUM i iv hece^sary to cloie the liiuh scho'il tibout one month before the timo provided by the School .\ct. The teach- ers object to th:s because it deprives them of ab ut one-teith of the teaching term and it comes at the very time teaclurs aie giving their s'uieiits a final revio* bi foie they go up for cxamii.ution. It IS nUo JJl'i pi>Srd to have ill.! high school reopen October 1. Ti niilo trustees have figured it out that there are about as many holdays as teachio'.; days in a year. .\ fe.v ye irs lyo the weather was very hi't the fir.-t week in .?uly when eximiiiatioiig Wvte being held and so the dite for EntraiiC'?, te.ichers' aii.l Matiioil- Intioii ex.iiiis were put bick luLo eirly Juue. There has never been exce»«iee\'' Y.-'\ . Ol 1 '. I!: ;ii-i v.c.ii in July ever since and the whole schord year h.as been shortened because the Ed'icaiion Depart- nieiit wa.'< stampeded by one hot week. Th'siss' niethiiig that interests all paiciit.s who aie anxious to see tlu ir children get a fu 1 ten ni'ttths' lurioii each year, and wo mean to bring this m itler I ' the attentii II of the Lpitisliture next .sesfion if we ire sp;iiÂ¥d till then. - Chesley En- terprise. T*o soldiers btflim«ing to the .^rnj' Servic! Corj s had a narro.v esci-pc fn ta being kilhd on Tuesday evening when! the r'lcing machine 111 which they were pro'.-eeding to Camp Borden fr"iii Bertie ^ tuiiiej turtle at a jog on the Essalniiisfil 1 town liite. The two men m the racer, •videiitly e-ere hilling the high spots and 111 t ikiiin the sharii turn at the "j"g' had n I sl'iwed down. The result was the machine turned coiiipleiely ..ver.throwii g j one of the occupauis clear .;f the cir iu.d pinning the other under 'li-.' mac': lie. The tree man endeavortd to rais; the ci.r to extricate bis c mpa-ii'ii. but wis unable to do si>, and ivery ii.inut • tie nvin WIS imprijoiied his c'-.aiiccs of ble would decrease .is he was saturaleil with nasoliue and inhaling the fumes. Fortui • ately, a par'y of aviators Ct iniiig to town I hippened along and the los.-ue was made. The iuipri-soned man was bro ig it t> the h'.'Spital where it was found that he hud escaped injury exc.'pt a {-•» 1 odilj bruises.- Stayuer Sun. Honor Rolls S. S. No. 4, Artemesii. 4 hdissâ€" S Ludhiw,.\ Lockhir!,!' Scott. | Sr. ;5- S Achcsou. M Nich"Us. Lj NichoUs, A Liitle. j .'r. 3-E Nicholls, V Mooie D Si. •.•;;,.<. Sr 2 â€" B Heard, I' Dadjer.'W. Jr. 2-M Scott, I Lockhart, E Nix n M Ach.'joii. I 1st class â€" S Achison, M Nixon, E Gallaugher, K dllaugher, E Moore. Class B--M Moore, L Nicholls. Class A--R Ludlow. E Sloore, Moore, E Nicholls, C Nixon, C Talbof. CLARA G. BINNIE, Teacher If you want a powci^ car, economical to buy, econom- ical lo run â€" that will take you in comiori over any roads that can be travelleti; that will take any hill on high that the biggest cars will take ; that will give you 25 to 30 miles fjcr gallon of gasoline, buq a, â€" • A Real Automobile Fully Equipped 28 Horse Power Valve-in-head Motor „ Three Speeds Forward and Reverse Sf Electric Starting and Lighting Sttwart Speedometer ' Non-Skid Tires on Rear Wheels - v,â€" ' Cantilc\cr Springs ^ (y« THE CHEVROLET MOTOR CO •'"=*'**»^ 1. OWbM â- fe ^»& TORONTO ?ACTg«r OSHAWA LIMITIP. R •A. jACixjO.N, Aje.^t MAXKDALE I iiid Mi-st cl .ad now. Sircerely Stlg^ J. A. LiOard, 838il2 No. 8 1^0., 8th Res Batt., ShoruoliSe. Rod and Gun in Canada The Juno is.siic of Ro.t and Ouii is out and its coiilei't.s are such .'is lo appeal to lovers of tlie out of doors. "Lo.irning the Wity' by Edwird T. Martin is descrip- tive of the vari 'US stages involved in be- coiiiin' a skille 1 sho I'lr. "The Ui-cord "f a C U'te on the Kawitlhi Lakes" tells of a m.i'or boat outing in this attractive part !'f C)uiario, while the "Diary of a Csiio'Trlpin .'Mg'ir.iCuin I*ark"describeji n â-ºucc.'t-sfui fi.shiinf trip in tli-) Park. O 1 cr stories there are of similar inlerest and :dl the regular dr.parttuiMils 'le woll II ail. tamed. D ">.' loveiH will timl â- \ full rei't ct of t'le recent I.ig dog show held in M.'iitU'.il wi h a !i. t of all the 'iwaids a veu a' the show an t ncco npanying doi-ciiptise matter. Ui d aitd Uuii in Canada ia pobli.-htd at Woodsloc'*. Out., by W. J. 'Taylor, Ltd. \ Small Hargrave .\ very pretty wcddina t .ok place on j June lit the h.miecf the bride's parents- 1 Mr. and Mrs WiUi.iin 11 «rurave, Wate-| hiin. whin their ed 'St dau.;her, Lilai Mae, was married tc Mr. Job Small. , otily son I'f Mr. and Mrs. Kdiert S.oall. of .\Uislon, t>iit , by ihe K.'v. W. C.. Blackwell of the .Vnglioii church, Djti- d ilk. The bride i.nd siroom onered the pirlor and pliced iliemsclves uu !er a largo vihite bed, while Miss Uu^li Har- grave, sister of tin biide. piy.-.l the wiiddiog in.'.rch, Ih'J bride wtaiinu a lovely drc-s »f white sataii with si k lute trimii'iivgs and headed trimniimis and wore a hand.soioe i;old wti.-.t w.ich, the gi;t of the groom, aiul also carrie.l a I houi|i t of cini.ti .lis and «-*oet pei . The guests weie im.slly relatives ot iho bride and grooir. Those from .i dist'»nce were ; .^Ir. a.id Mrs. li.i'icrr .Si^j.l Mrs. ('! I'l la'ili -tn 1 itte <lii;lr.or o .\llist..n, an ' Mr. Kddie Mo r s an i M >â- ' Jt'imie S.iull . f •â- â- he buriie. Th.- wedding presents »\ le h.iinis n e, slioain^ the esteetn in wh ch 'he bii ie whs held. Mr. an 1 .\li-<. H'ligrive'.-- pietoiit lo the brioe Wis I M sin it Risch piano and also a h .ti.ls.-nu' cl i.pio I', fill ii'sli her hoii-e. The bride and (jrooin left cii the lii e train fo;' T'M.' I'", Niiua'a aid ohcr poiat-J. the bride weaiii'g a iiivy hlue Fiei.ch broa.lch'th suit and white puiMiia hnt . w li tiMi'm ii'^s of white satiu ribbon and large pink rose. t>n their return they! I also hiVe a Paint fof every will roide on the gio nn's fiin, i.aar; AUist.iii. Tiieir nimy friends j .:n in wishing il.e.i. a oiig a ,d h.ippy ni.irici! life. liili! Don't start the 6'priDg with a b lall y Buggy. â€" Try a ocat of - HbRWIN-WILLIAnS AUTO & BLOQY PAINT purpose â€" inside or outside • Cr.t a Color Card, " ' Si g'e 111 II >i' iniii' irv 'i.^ • in iIh employ of 'h â- lirp rial Mi;ii! i- ;<i 1! .ir.'i a' Cfiw.i, w tn no dopei d.M.'ii, rtf,.. i ' fouu 1 p!y>i-'ally Hi f r s- rvic > o>ei v. .i.-. to be disinisscJ ; »l-o the .".O.'iO i..8-.'#otois tluougliout Cjiioida w! o :ire oir if turned sjldiera are lo bo ordered t>t exauiinivior. I Paint and \aruish Brushes. ^«« â- Wf '/IV 9T«s ->,â- ;« %• iS? *t? F. W. DUNCAN The ilcshertdn Hardwiire. pnone 30 ra.