i,/" f i djrvd (xop Qygji^s Th« Mrvte* Mgtd CfOpi. Gondacted liy Professor Henry G. Be& I ebjaet of this dtpartmant rt to plac* at ^ . of our farm readori tho advica of an actcno'** authority on all aubjacta portalnlng to aolla an* THIS IS SPRAYING TIME Methods of Combating the Enemies of Plant Life in the Garden Beiu-7 U. BeU. Questionâ€" C. K.: â€" I have a field of about forty acres of heavy June grass •sod. The land is mucky, with clay sub-soil. I would like to know if buck- wheat would be of any use to subdua the June grass on this land? I have a good crop of beets on this land seven years ago. After the beets I had oats, but they grew rather too rank and lodged, thereby killing out part of the seeding which caused the June grass to take a start and it has been left in that way ever since, so that it is now almost a solid June grass sod. Now if you believe that buck- wheat would grow on this land then I would like to know what kind of buck- wheat to get and how much to sow per acre. Answer:â€" The soil that you describe should produce a rank growth of buck- wheat. The crop, however, is better suited to a clay loam. If you seed buckwheat on this soil, it should make sufficient growth to overcome the June grrass, if the seed-bed is well pre- pared . In view of the fact that your grain lodged so badly, I would advise you to apply at least 200 pounds per acre of acid phosphate, which supplies phosphorus, the kind of plantfood that Addrass all quastlons to Professor Henry O. B*ll> <" Mr* of Tho Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, T» ronto, and answers will appear In this column In th« crdsr In which they ar« received. As tpaca Is limited K is advlaablo where immediate reply Is necessary that â- stamped and addrsaaed envelope be enclosed with th« quastlen, when Uw anawor will bo mailed dlreet Aa soon as potatoes are well up they should be sprayed. The little flea beetle begins operations as soon as the plants are four or five inches high and so do the potato bugs. Whether or not potatoes have been grown in the vicinity before, the bugs are sure to be on hand early in the season and crops can only be protect- ed by spraying. Then, too, blight must be checked by a spraying every ten days or two weeks. Cover the curculio. Young celery plants should be spray- ed In the seed bed and at intervals of ten days with a mixture of ten pounds of vitrio to fifty gallons of water. Arsenate of lead spray should be used for codling moth, caterpillars, flea beetles, browntail moth, gypsy moth, cucumber beetle and currant worm and curculio. If paste is used three pounds to fifty gallons of water should be used for codling moth and yohr Co m dti c ta d 6y Mm J(eXe/n, Jxiur Mothers and daughters of all age* are cordially Invited to write to thia department Initials only will be published with each question and l» answer as a means of Identification, but full name and address must be 8'ven In each letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be mailed direct if stamped and addressed envelops is enclosed. Address all correspondsncs for this department to Mrs. Helen Law. 23> Woodbine Ave^ Toronto. analyzing 2 to 3% ammonia, 8 to 10% phosphoric acid and 1% potash. This will start your corn crop off strong and vigorous, just the same as whole milk gives a vigorous start to your calves. Question â€" A. C: â€" I have a five acre . , «.„_,, . ^ „ , Atjuiuu u ju„t #„..- '" "V® gallons of water will produce field which has a heavy sod about four ; ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^j^^ years old which was turned down and plants thoroughly with the spray, the | upper and lower surfaces of the foli- age. Vitrio is a good preparation to use for this purpose or arsenate of lead and bordeau may be used. If vitrio is used ten pounds should be mixed with fifty gallons of water. For asparagus, beans, other garden vegetables, small fruits and rose must be thoroughly bushes, one pound of vitrio dissolved L. T. : â€" For household use, the most ' is put in the water to set the color. 6. For canker worms, eater- , effective and least dangerous of fly It is said that the juice of an onion pillars, cranberry insects and leaf , poisons is theone-to-five per cent, solu- will remove scorch marks from silk, eating insects In general use four^tlon of formaldehyde. To a pint of 6. An invitation to a church wedding pounds to fifty gallons of water as : water add three teaspoonfuls of com- need not be acknowledged unless an in- soon as the insects appear. Repeat mercial formaldehyde. It is not ex- vitation to the breakfast or reception on later broods if needed. Arsenate of pensive, and can be bought at any is included. Wedding silver, linen, lead is deadly to human beings and drug store. Take one or more thin and all gifts intended for the bride must be used with care. Fruit and table tumblers and fill each one of should be marked with the initials of vegetables that have been sprayed them half full, or more, of the solu- the bride's maiden name, must be thoroughly washed before tion. Cut a piece of blotting paper > Mrs. T.:â€" 1. To clean a greasy car- they are used. into circular form, slightly smaller pet, mix together whiting and com For cabbage lice take a lump of salt- ] than an ordinary saucer. Place the meal, heat It and sift it thickly over peter, the size of an egg, and put in ai blotting paper in the saucer and then I the carpet; then cover with gasoline invert the saucer over the tumbler; next, holding the hand on top of the tumbler and the saucer, quickly invert them. Then place u match under the planted to beans last year. On ac- ^ ^^^^X in T t ^"^T . """u" «P"nkler of water. Sprinkle the cab count of wire worms I did not Plant ' l^f"'* ""d. "^-^^^^A^ ^â- 'i^^^'-fdual^ „„ee or twice and there will be ^, , â-¡ , T 1. :* ' Slowly stirring until sufficient water „„„„ u „ ^.i to oat. or corn tW8 Spring. I have it j,^^ ^^^^ ^^,,^j ^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ no more lice on them. plowed agam and Intend planting to ..j^ljj^^ Pour this mixture i ^r**^"" l"'^'^" '^^ ^""^"^"^^ ""'* ,,H,r„ .f .h« t, ,«v.i -n, . „ , ., . ,. " • beans, but some of my neighbors said ^u..,,-.;, „ flno wi,.«. =fva)„o,. ;„f„ ti,-. a plant stimulant also, preventing, â„¢8e ot the tumbler. That will break from gasoline is very great they would take the beans. -yyin tnrougn a nne wire stramer into the , ,,,_,, _. ..^. ,.„,_... .__: t>,» »,v ..„i .„^ .n .;,» *i..;j . L„„*,.i „.„..:„ -,...... u__ .u they? If so, is there a: do to prevent it r I do not find many . Cucumbers and melons should be' During the growing season toma now. Would Jhe dry weather effect I gpj.^y^j ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Tomato toes, celery, asparagus, small fruits and rub hard until the gasoline eva- porates. Sweep clean and wipe with a damp cloth. This should only be done in the open, as the danger of fire Be beans. Will . , , . , . „_„:-„,. . »n i blights and rusts during the growing; the air seal and allow the fluid to per- i careful also in rubbing when the gaso- snything I c^^ Zed tiTj^luuntZu^^^^^^ h°'ff f -'^ J"'". ^^ blotting paper, j line has been applied. U it is not INTERNATIONAL LESSON JUNE 24. gives strength to the straw of the | preparing the seed-bed will do a great and to keep it moist, so that the flies | possible to do the work in the open, can drink from it. This solution at- use only the powder, allowing it to tracts flies, and usually kill them with- stand for several days, then remove in two or three minutes. 'and repeat the treatment until the "Reader": â€" 1. When a person re- 1 grease has disappeared. 2. The red marks, "I am very glad I have met you. paint marks may be removed from words. He was not trying simply to' ^'*' ^~"'" "'**'" ^*^'"K been introduc- I your dark blue wool suit by rubbing secure assent to an historical Christ I**'* to you, respond by saying, "I am the spots with alcohol. and stop tiiere. For him the purpooe sure the pleasure is mutual"; or, "li "Lill"; â€" 1. No matter how careful of faith waa that people might have am glad to know you." There is no] one is when sewing, often an oil spot life. Unless faitn transforms life,' set phrase for such occasions. 2. To ' gets on a dress while making, if the individual and social, it is not faith remove tar, apply turpentine or kero- ' machine has recently been oiled. Aa at all. but a mere imitation. To-day ,g„g followed by soap and water. 3. I your fabric is silk, cover it thickly we need a conviction of the social • i_ i i • ,, i â- . ^ ^l , , ^ , . , j, vitality of Jesus's teachings We want -^''"''"<' â- "S"' '^ ''n excellent substitute with powdered starch and leave for no mere applau.se for his leadership,' ^°'' *°"P ^°'' "^e on the face. 4. To twenty-four hours. After the starch but a faith tliat will transform his destroy roaches, dip slices of potato in has been brushed off the stain will not grain. This will give strength to the deal to drive them out, as will also Lesson XIII. The Purpose of John's P'"'"'"'?'^'' '"'° social living. | arsenic mixed with .sugar. Gather be noticeable. buckwheat vines and vrill plump the the application of 200 to 400 poundsl Gospel Review John 21. 15- ^- What kind of life? John is not up every morning and drop into boil-' Mrs. D. P.:â€" 1. There is nothing buckwheat kernels. Silver Hull buck- of fertilizer per acre when seeding] ,5 Golden Text lohn 20 11 talking simply about life eternal as ing water, as some of the insect.s may that will take the taste of leeks from wheat is considered a good variety and your beans. The late Prof. Smith i , " j^iu^m.oi. the end of faith, but of eternal life still be alive. But never allow poi- oieam or butter ' 1. A social faith. Both at the be-that begins here and now. The kind them any? The seal la a clay l«»ni j p,^^^^ ^j,^^,^ ^^ sprayed" as soon as beans, etc., will be benefited by spray- with a lieavy clay bottom. 1 ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ occasionally as required. I ing with bordeau mixture. Answer: â€" The wire worms which ' ^ effected your crops last year found a suitable home in the sod vhich was plowed under. You are plaiining cor- rectly to plant this land to a cultivated crop this year, since throuph cultiva- tion it seems possible to get rid of the wire worms. It is impossible for me to say whether the wire worms will take the beans or not this year, how- ever, thorough tillage of the soil in The best way is requires about five pecks of seed per ; of New Jersey, who made a careful' .^-.^ social laitn Both at the be- inai oegins nere ana now ine Kina ^on to lie around if there are children „„t to allow the cows to graze in ac?e. Another good crop to use under j study of the l^fe history of the wire ^^^^^^-d^-f,;/ ,b-^^Gospe.^J^^^ kind^that ,„ ,,, , anoth- 1 Jedy places. It is an a^gu'ment in the conditions you describe would be worm, strongly recommends fertilizers jjnipiy ^ human record Just as epistles he makes it dear that it is a^"" '"emedy, and pulverized borax is favor of cleaning up all the weeds on rape. This can be sown broadcast in as a means of getting rid of the wire the prophet backed his mes.sage with, Pure and brotherly li.'o. Those who (food. | tj,e farm, isn't it? 2. A good style rows. Rape requires about five or worm. The wire worm does not like "Thus said the Lord," so John sets profess to believe in (lod and do not "Subscriber":â€" 1. Tho word "-A.rgen- | of dress for a two-year-old boy is dark six pounds of seed per acre if sown fertilizer, and beside fertilizer gives forth the eternal sanction behind the love their brothers are liars. Those; tine" means "silvered," and is as- colored knickerbockers buttoned to a broadcast, and three pounds if sown in; added strength to the young growing '"feand the teaching of Jesus. Here who do not love^o not know God: they gociated with the Plata River because white or light-blue waist with large drill. |cr"op"and he°nce helps it to "wfthstand , is "the Word made flesh.'' Here is are infldels no matter what faith they . ,^j^„ ^^^^^ ..^.,^.^,,. ^^ j^ , buttons. the everlasting truth working itself niay profess. It is an axiom with .' .„, ., ' ., . Sailor suits of white Question-A.J W :-We expect to light insect attacks. For your con- - "^^^^Z' Have'we'Zything JX. That a man\;ho"doe7 'not Lve tongue. Thus the name given to the cotton with navy-blue collar, cuffs and eiecv a silo 10x32 feet. Have six and ditions, I would advise a fertilizer ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ record? Is there any his brother cannot possibly love God. ffreat South American country took tie are also suitable. They may be a half acres, about half of this field is analyzing 1 to 2'x ammonia, 8 to 12% ^ther body of evidence than John pos- This is to be no vague emotion: it is another form to describe tha land had readymade for SI. 50 at the large sand loam and the other half is clay phosphoric acid and 1 to 2% potash, sessed which has come to us? Has to be manifested in gifts. It is even through which the Plata flows. 2. department stores, in sizes for one and loam. We plowed down a heavy June This should be worked thoroughly into the Spirit led us in these twenty cen- to go as far in case of necessity as the Mercury is the planet nearest to the a half years and upward. 3. There grass and timothy sod last year and it the soil before you plant the beans, turies of Christian development into laying doNvri of life. Hero is the gy„ 3. .\ panama hat may be clean- ' are two styles of hair-cut for little was partly covered with manure. We by scattering it on the surface of the more truth? What John gave us has f«^^ °^ ,t"''";,,\';,!""l,/'"l''"fl^;*J'lif!' ed by scrubbing with cormeal and wa- ] boys; one being the close shave which have covered it again this winter and plowed land and harrowing it in ^c'eXouth twe^^en'tS ^'"'Jt Tht''^Ii^;sTuL"tV j^^^^^^^^^^ ter. 4. Red-bordered towels and the older boys favor and the other the want to plant it for silage. How thoroughly or by drilling it in, if you y^^^ ^^^^ further confirmed by the a social order, in states and nations naphins will not fade if a little borax Buster Brown or Dutch cut. should we drill the corn and how much have a grain drill with fertilizer dis- ' g„gjaj struggle of that period. John's 'and a world life which is organized in seed per acre? Would it pay to use . tributing attachment. Cultivation affirmation is increasingly the con- Justice and righteousness and peace. ] some commercial fertilizer; if so how much and what analysis would you re- commend? Answer:â€" In planting corn for all not, he set forth in the piirable of thej sower and of the men who built their houses on the rock and on the sand. I He requires of those who believe in! him that they translate his words into life; li-jw elso shall the kingdom of God come? This is his challenge: and fertilizers are about the only viction of the human race. Most of! 4. The challenge. Is the purpose j things that you can do to combat the its leaders turn to-day to Jesus for of John in his Gospel being fulfilled to- 1 wire worm. I do not believe the dry guidance. The development of hu-'day? This is the responsibility which| weather has had vtry much effect on '""" "^"^ '* "°t away from his princi-lthe Gospel puts upon those who hear; aee both drill and check-row svstems thpm pies, but toward them. With all the] it. Thi.s was Jesu.s' stern test . Well age. Doth drii ana clieut-row systems I them. w .„ » » „ I cross-currents, the drifts, and the ed- he knew the fatal facility of humanity are successfully used. -The check- 1 QuesUonâ€" R. W.:â€" We want to use , jj^g ;„ ^^^ ^^^^^^ „; ,,^,„„„ progress, to pass resolutions and then forget row system, which is really the hill commercial fertilizer on our bean land jt yet moves clearly forward in the them . What happened to those whoi system, allows of cultivating the corn ^ this year and we don't know just how dircetion of his teachings. With an ' listeneil to his teachings and did them Doth ways. If the land Is not very I much is best to put on per acre to get increasing number of people outside weedy the drill system is satisfactory,' best resulU out of beans. Also, which of the church developing a clear faith drilling it in rows about 30 inches would be best, to sow ferUllzer broad- •" the leadership of Jesus, it i.s no apart. In drills it requires about 10 cast or in the hill with beans? (iur ",'"%/°'' *>'^ P/°p!^ l'^^'' 'i^}'^''^ '" _. ^ ^i. 1; , ; ,.,.111 question the practicabilitv of the ser- quarts to the acre. land is practically clay land. i ^^n on the mouat. They must To make sure of the germination,] Answer:â€" For fertilizing beans on develop a faith that shall triumphant- you would do well to buy the seed on | clay soil, I would advise the use of ly apply the principles of Jesu.s to the the ear and test the ears for germina- ] from 200 to 600 pounds per acre of; whole of life. tion. This can be done by taking out fertilizer analyzing 2 to 3'"f. ammonia, 2. Why believe? John was not in- slx kernels from each ear, two from 8 to 10'4 phosphoric acid and 1 to 2'V terested in developing faith for the the tip, middle and butt, numbering ' potash. This .should be worked thor- '"^'"^ ^*'*® "^ ^""h the ear and placing the kernels on a ' oughly into the soil when you are pre^ square of blotting paper or cloth, num- j paring the seed-bed at least a week; bering the snuare the same number as to ten days previous to planting. It the ear. Place the cloth in a pan or] can be spread with a lime spreader or large plate where you can keep it if you have ii grain drill with fertilizer damp and warm, and inside of a week ' drilling attachment, it is well to apply the kernels should have germinated ] it that wav . The important point Is ' sufficiently to toll you whether the ear to see that the fertilizer is evenly dis- by lamenes.s, tenderness upon pressure is strong, weak or dead. Take the ; tributed and thoroughly worked into of 'he quarter of the sole, usually the putting her to work again, medium and strong ears and shell' the soil. It is rich available plant- '"^'de- In severe cases where pus is S/cmes much older than she, "I have known many little girls in my day. and I must say I never knew one with whom I would rather piny than with you, Dilly, my dear. If it were possible, my friends and I would rise from our pasteboards and join you in some game, but we are hard workers, hard workers. We must always be busy in books and papers . Did you ever The belief that he wanted was no mere reptition of The Daisy Month. This is the best of all the months, For school is ending soon; And that is where it gets its nameâ€" ,j,i„ij do^ very, very many times we "The daisy month of June"! letters are used in a day? It is words, words, words, until there is seldom O â€" M â€" E â€" H g^y rest for us. We should like to „„ ,, T 1 T J 111 "0â€" Mâ€" Eâ€" H." Uilly said the let- tell you the woni you arc trying to . h/" Ln!-'"whi .'h T ^vI'-^fIIw fors over and over to herself, "0 dear! make of us, but that would be against not the thuigs which 1 say; hither; ;^' , ,, „„,u:„„ .. ., , t .. 1 u n ^ n wo accomplish the social living that, 1 '-'an n*^'" """'"= y" =^'"'" ''"ythmg, | the rules. Instead, we shall tell you he taught, or we fail of fellowship, and she thought, as she looked down at the some of the stories we make in books." the end is, "Ye did it not; ilepnrt from black letters on their squares of yel- 1 -^^^ (,jg q i^jran at once with Old me." ' low cardboard. ".-Vunt Hannah said â- - â- â- ' - -. â- ^. ,, . <i I if I put you together right you'd make Bruises of the heel will be indicated Long legge«l drafts are not what the a word, but I've twisted you and turn _ _ ^ market demands. Don't breed that ed you niv' you won't spell u thing! j^.^^^igj^ ^,f ^ij,,.y "Mmy. Quite Co characteristic into the young animals. Of course if you didn't have to make a ^^^^y j^g ].; \^^^\ i,,,,.,, used so oft four-letter word, 1 could spell 'hem' and 'me' and 'he,' l)ut I can't think .Select a low-set sire. Let the mare rest several weeks after foaling. Start gradually when .Mother Hubbard, told in a new and wonderful way; then the big M fol- lowed with a delightful tale of the Con- en n the story of The Old Wuman Who Lived in a Shoe that he knew tho _. _ . f • 1 11 u 1 After feeding and brushing the them out together and discard the food if it is worked into the soil where lorniing there will be tenderness ex- ^ ,^^^^^^^^^^^1,^^ ^j^^jj, ^^^ j^^ jj^^ p^^^^^j.^, ^^^ rest for tho night. Disinffjcting the stables with conl- whal you can be when 1 have to use „„^g, „f ..n (,f ,i,o old woman's chil- all the letters!" ' Dilly was bending over a beautiful, .shining mahogany table in a room ears that show very weak or dead i it can dissolve so that the plants can Pressed when the heel is pressed kernels. It would surely pay you to make use of it. It is not best practice Remove .shoe, pare the sole of the fertilize your corn. For this purpose I to drill the fertilizer in with the beans. Quarter well down to expose the corn 1 would recommend the use of 200 to ] Broadcasting has been found to give and allow escape of pus if there be ^ ^^ . ^ ^ from flies I any. apply hot poultices until soreness the stal diei], and he repeate.l them so fast that Dilly Inujrheii merrily. .At the very la.st the 11 told Dilly all about where all the colors wore soft and "i^h, j^j.-jj.[, ^^.^^,.0 Jack and Jili had their and where a silver-voiced clock struck f.,n,„„s tumble; he had been there the quarter hours. Aunt Hannahs ^^^^ ^jj^, ^g^,, ^^^ ^ygj, j^j.^ jjg , room was very still, even when she pj|,y ^^..^^ imagining that she was own into its cool depths , was in it, and now that she was gone ](„)i^i„g 300 pounds per acre of a fertilizer , best results. , cip.iti g;^ ^ _ â- _^ â€" â€" ] disappears, then get shod with a leath- ' I get rid of the waste of the body by " »"'e between shoi- and hoof and no ""^"^ 7' u â- <â- ... I , . . i v. 1 u means of the lungs and therefore P''**'^"*'*-' "P"" the quarter of the walC ( ondition in a horse is manife.sted| home, and how she wished she were ^^^^j ^^^^^ j,,,, ,^^1,,,. .^.,,p,.,, ,, ^^^ ' ' When breeding the mares, bear in 1 by keenness for work, brightness of there! But Billy had measles, and f.^n^.i^ \\\ien she went to sleep! Aunt A horse IS ' >les every day in hot ^ pjHy io„p,ed to hear some sound. 'something seemed to touch her, and She. thought of the noisy nursery at ^^^^^ ^^^^ ,^„„( Hannah lifting Dilly's only breathes seven times as fast as heated, ... , , „ ,., 1 1 1 „ <â- t sweating animals. | â„¢>nd that it pays to have one breed in | eye ami bloom of coat Damp and filth are the two prime! For winter green feed there is noth- ' « community. The greatest progress ; ^-'Pable of his greatest effort causes of disease among poultry. Idle-i i„g better tlian lawn clippings. The i '" breeding is possible where farmers , when in condition, ness is a disease breeder, busy fowls, ' grass should be gathered as soon as eooperate to produce the best of one] Before letting the colt to the mare as a rule, keeping in good health, i cut, and spread out on a shed roof so breed . Filthy drinking vessels breed undesir- both sun and air can strike it. able germs about as quickly i>s any- | soon as it i.s thoroughly dry it should thing, germs often hiding in the scum that is allowed to accumulate. Keep the houses thoroughly ventil- ated during the month, for June has some very hot days and nights. June is a good month for caponizing the young cockerels. To keep in good ho.Ith, a hen, in propel tion to its size, requires almost seven times the amount of fresh air that a horse needs. The horse sweats through his skin, but the fowl must at mealtime y^j, ] Neither mare nor foal is bettered ; In hot weathe when the colt follows the cultivator. : cool off a few minutes before the , fallen when she went to sleep! Dilly must stay at Aunt Hannah s Hannah's jeweled hand turned thi" let- until he was well. \ ^.^^ about until a beautiful word lay 0- M -K-H the letters stared up at ,,^j.^,^^ \yx\\y\ wondering gaze, her and she looked back at them m be- 1 u n .. nei, .""1 "Yes, Billy is well, and you shall go partly milk out the udder. ! wildermeiit, fr)r somehow they seemed «^; ler let the mare rest and \ to be speaking to her in tiny friendly colt, voices. ow," said Aunt Hannah. Dilly smiled, for the word .Xunt be raked up and packed in ba'AX^^r I '^^fP ^^e colt penned in a roomy, well- j sucks . ! The big round spoke first, mak- ] Hannah had given her was the winter. Care must be taken that ''^hted and ventilated box stall. Do 1 Colic often results from working a ing Dilly a funny little bow. My dear , » -" -^i it does not dry too much, or it will ".""^ \^'^^ '^hem apart for a half day horse immediately after feeding. Al- ' lose its strength and bleach out con- Dilly,' the first time. I lov,' plenty of time at noon. W'tiat friends those he began, just as if he were [letters had conn; to be! siderably. It should, however, be perfectly cured before storing away, or it may heat and spoil . In feeding, soak the grass in luke- warm water for about twelve to eigh- teen hours, after which either mi.x the mash or squeeze out the Water and feed in troughs by itself. ute they are big enough. More money in them now than there will be after a while. You are smaller than most: folks if you can tell wh.at the woo! market will be six months from now. Nine times out of ten it is well to sell your clip soon after shearing. Keep the little chaps that are thrifty and have a good, thick-set growth of Aa long as the teeth of a sheep are strong and in good working order, it is reasonably saf o to keep her . The safety of the flock may be greatly insured by calling up the sheep every night and shutting them into a tight fold. They soon get the habit and are also more docile the , wool on their backs yehr around. A flock of sheep can j If you want to see the lambs grow, not be made too tame. A wild flock | give them oats to eat often, is of les.s value and makes less growth \ There arc less than ten per cent, of and shorter fleeces than a quiet one. ] all weeds which sheep will not eat. Uriless yoii intend to keep the lambs 1 Cattle and horses eat only about half for home use, let the bucks go the min- i the different weeds. A good pasture is a pig's paradise. If you want to get full value for your skim-milk, whey and buttermilk, let the pigs handle it for you. The man who buys the stuff he feeds his hogs has only the foeder'.s profit. By growing the feed he has the grow- er's profit, too. If the corn drowns out, sow some last resort. A cement tank, .sunk ten 1 or twelve inches in the ground and : filled with clean cool water, answers] much better. Castrate the male pigs before they Breed the best to the best. Raise the calves; quit eating veal. Type is not the real test of a cow's are weaned, when they are about six! value. The scales and tester are bet- or eight weeks old. Choose a clear! ter indications. dry day for the work. Keep all calf pails, and the uten- All whey from cheese factories and 1 sils w ith which milk comes in con- butter milk from creameries should tact, scrupulously clean. Scald them be pasteurized befoie feeding to hogs.! with hot water and then expose thom A mixture recommended for hog- rape for the hogs. Forage helps to ; i'-'^^^t^i'e i» barley and rape, tho botes put tho gains on hogs at the lowest! to be turned on when the barley is cost. [starting to .>-hoot . If not overdone, Put the self-feeder where the pigs ' the barley will keep the herd going can help themselves. Let them do ] til! odd head.", began to ripen, then the the work until marketing time. [grain and rape make a good ration Pigs may be more important than j until after frost arrives, pedigrees, but it is a wise practise to. Hogs on pasture require grain for look after both in a pure-brod herd. ] greatest profits in pork production, A pedigree is valuable at selling time, but a full feed is not economical when Hogs do not always use mud-holes pasture is plentiful and grain high as the result of choice. It is often a priced. to the sun during the day. To make a real success at the fall shows, beKin now to care for the pro- spective entries. It is no honor to win on an untrained, poorly fitted animal just because competition is lacking. Make your entry worthy of condition, with fairly heavy produc- tion and without much grain. Where chronic dysentery is present in a dairy herd, try washing the cow.s' udders with a two per cent, solution of coal-tar disinfectant boi'ore allowing the calves to suck . Evey heifer calf killed means one less cow. Without any restriction, the sale of calves and cows for moat ^m\ proceed so far that there will be a serious shortage of cuttle, .\iready. good cows r.ever were so scarce and hi,«h. - , .•\u.v falling otT in the production of live stock win be notii (jable in grain farming. Without plenty of stock, soil feitility is difficult to maintain and high prices for foodstuffs coming fv'im the soil are more likely. It is the red ribbon if it is the only one in anpa'-ent that something must be done its class. to keep the productive animals on the One farmer says that with silage farm. and clover and alfalfa buy he had â€" ♦ been able to bring a large herd of .\ seed in the gi'ound is worth two j dairy cows through the winter in good , thousand on the counter. V,