/k0l)^rtun ^hmnu. TRUTH BEFORE ^~AVOK." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. i m ;57 No, 5 Flestiertoii, Ont., Ttiursday, June 2(r 1017 W. H THDKb'i ^'' aud PKOpiilE Eugenia Paragraphs Messrs. K. Sloan, G. Huaih, G. Lhsi, S. Uaney iind J. Fenwifik motured over from Paisley and spent the week end with [J. Maiiey mid other fiieiids. Feversham Items Fine warm weather with plenty of rain is mukiiij the cnips iind hay ^low fast. Mrs. Harry H ortun and three children of Toronto, aie v 8 tiiiu with the fornu'i-'s Mias Jennie U..y of FieBhetti-n was a parents, Mr and Mrs. U. J. Col(iuctte. caller in the village une eveninit last week. Miss -Addie Wilson attiii led the Stafford Corn Held wedding at KimberWy on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Beck and fx-iend of London are camping in the ;{rove on a week't) lishinn holid.iy. Miss Millie Haney'.>i many friends are pleased lu see her able to be out again after an attack of pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carr and two sons are visitinj? friends and relatives in the villaj^e. It is about twelve yeara since Will went out Weht. He soes many changes in that time, but he says he "still baa a warm spot in his hetrt for old Kugenia. Hydro-Electric Jouiinissioners held a picnic in town last week. Mr. McLauchlan and son, .lohn, visited with his daughter, .Mrs. R. Park. Marriedâ€" At the ho.iie of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ilames at Bueton on June 2il Stella Evelyn, daujjliter of tho above mentioned, to Uev. T. W. Mlivlden, who was u former pastor of this phu-o. We wish the young couple a long and happy wedded life. Mr.s. Adani Smith received the sad news on Wednesday morning of last week ef the death of her son, Ej)ersi>n. He belonged to the Mounted Hitles, and w.is killed >n action oil June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family have the deepest sympathy of the coiuniunity in their losi. The Trcsbytnrian Sunday school will hold their anniversary aervice next Bundsy in the Presbyterian church at, 2 UO p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and daughter. Miss Ua/iel, inotorcd over from Dundallc and spent .SuiiU.iy with Mr. Little. Mrs. Blachko and babe of Preston, is visitins with her mother, Mrs. Win. M tl'<iti, on the ei<>hlh line. Marriedâ€" At Brussells, on Juno '20th, 1017, »Ir. Fred Heron of Cabri. basl:., to Miss Lull Jacklin of Brussells, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Heron are visiiing fiieiuls in and around Feversham, before return- ing to Cabri, where they will reside. Misses Siidie and Mary Jiilien are visiting fiiends in tJoHingwood this week. Twenty one pupils wrote at tho Entrance criminations liere la.st week. Inspector tioff <jf Mealord, presided. Kimberley Budget' Ceylon Chat List of Donations Eighth Line, Osprey Mr. brown, who ha* been viuitin;; his daughter, Mrs. Fred Urackenboroui-h returned to hia home in Foreat. Mr.s. W. Bhischke ard JauKhter, accompanied by Miss Miiia Mott'il, are vi'.iting the forniec'.i inotiier, Mrs. Motrat. Don't forget the school picnic Thursday, June 2H in P. Soiner«' lji Admission- silver colleciiou. Mr. GoorKe Burke has returned v< f.irin here. Miss Helena Maynard spent the week end with her friend, MissTollio Spolford. Mr. C-iroI Humberson and sifter visitid with their sister, Mrs. P. Somers. Mr.Kaymond Wellar, wife and mother, vis'lel at .Mr. Fred Spofl'ord's on Suiiaay Ust. SV. on lie. his Hatkerton The meadows :»nd spriog crops are lo')king well ; fall wheat is not so good. The Misses Louie and Alice Winters of (/ollingwood,are visiting their parental homo for a couple of weeks. Mr. C. Winters has purchased a Gray l)ort car. Mr. and Mrs. Down attended the District annual meeting of the Centre Urey Board of Agriculture and Women's Insliiuio held in Uocklyii on .June 21si, the lat lor being a delegate froii' Mii.\»ell branch of the Women's Institute. Mr. Dales of- Heathcote, and Mr. Kentner and family of Markdale, spent last Sunday with Mr, Howard Gordon- Don't forget the garden patty at the lesidtnce of Mr. James Winters on July 4lh, under the auspices of L.O.L. !S87 of Hathertou. Mrs. lludy Hardy, who has been very ill with inHaii.arory rhuuinatisin, is inakin)r a ijuod recovery under the care of Dr. Guy. Mr. and Mrt. Frank Seeley (nee Miss Lauia Prentice) are receiving conifratu- Utions and be»t wishes for a long and hippy married lite. They were marrieii in Toronto on May 20' Mrs. Seeley has been a successful teacher in our «ohool for the past two yeari Both are popular young people and their many friends wish them bon voyage through life. Wedding *>elln are ringing merrily in our burg this week. Paiticulars later. F.)!lowing is a list of donations „'iven by the citizens of KIcsheitou to the 1st of July deiniin-tration ; W. H. Thurston -5 gall. g*^. as part of Ist piize for best deccu-ated autuinobile on the ciDunds. Dr. J. P. Ultewell -cash donation $1 ."n) 2nd prize for above, W. \. Hawkenâ€" §:i.lJO in photos fur Host single turnout lady and L;<'nt in buyvy. Barney Welton â€" c sh donation J.i.litJ l..t prize t)t best lady driver. D. McTavis'i -cull donation ^;!.(l() 2iid prize tor lie.it lady driver. Oscar Phill^p«--whip valued a! ^1.50 .'.rd piize for best lady driver. WVs. Busi II g.iods ill store value ^2.00 for m,i>i appearing automobile on the grounds, 0. N. liichardson â€" boys book value 75c for li". pr zj in school children's slio;i race. Tuin Kisher lox of cigars given to win- ner of siow race. John Nuhnâ€" cish donation 81.00. Thos. Claytonâ€" cash donalioii ^l.OO. ."VIi.x. Uaiiiiotiâ€" cash doiKil ion $[M. F. H. W. bi';kling--cash d<ii)ar.iou .?2. W. H. Buntâ€" <:a.sh doiiati'Ui §1.00. W. W. Trimbleâ€" cash donation tl.OO. Joo Duncan ciudi donation .*1.((0. Dr. E. C. .Murrayâ€" cash donation *l. 00. Dr. W. T. Little eish donation Jl. 00. F. G. Karstedt cash donation $l.m. F. W. Duncati â€" cash donation SI. 00. W. L. Wrigl.t- cash donation Si UO. W. A. .'Vrnielrong - ci.sli doimtioii ?2.Ul). Henry Wilson cash donaimn 91.0<». Ollie Irwinâ€" cash donation ^1 00. C. J. Bellamy â€" cash dnnaiion $1.01). .VI. Scully Co - cash donation $1.00. (Jeo. .Mitchellâ€" cash donation 81. CO. .lohn Bellamy-- cash donation ."jOc. General Change of Time Canadian Pacific Railway Sunday, June 24, 1917 One (;f the Wdrst electric storms ever seen ill I Ins pnrt passed over here on Tuesday evening of last week. It did c .nsiderabledama^o to the growing crops. The barn of Joseph Comli Id on the ^'alley Road Nor.ll wns stiack, l,ut imr burnt. Mr. Walter Bun it t, who li-.s been an I inspector in a muiiiticii wuiks in Hamil- ton, has enlisted in the iMoui.tid Rifles. He visited at his parental Inniie hero during the past week. (Jwing to the heavy rain on .Saurday afternoon the baKeball game hclive -n jur boys jnd Vandclour was postpo-ud till next Saturday. Mrs. Chas (jood and litile dHughiir, Dorothy, are visiting with the foriiio.'s mother, Mrs. John Plewes. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Down of .Maxwell were uleasaiit callers i.i our Inig on Kii- day last. Tlu-y~\n-re cnroui.; to Rockljn t) atteiiU the annual iKeetiiiij of CeiUie liiey Women's Institute, where Mrs. Down was elected president. Mrs. Eriiisl Proctor visited during tin- past week with friends in Tiiorubuiy. .Mrs. Light f,:.it of Toronto reiiewcu aciuiintai.ccs in th'8 vicinity list >veck. Mr ai.d .Mis, (ieorge llnlchiuson and little daughrer, Kathleen, visi'ed friend.-, in Creemore and Htayi.or during tliu p<si week. ftJarried -At Kiuibcrley on Wednesday afternoon at six o'clock, Win. Stalfiud of .Markdale to .Miss Ethel Curnlield, one of our most popular young ladies. Itev- \ouiig of Uealhcote perfoiiiicd the ceremony. Wecximd coniiratulaUons. Dr Slu plicrd.-ion ..f .Maikdale m..d.' a bu.sine.ss trip to our village on Satiuday. Vernoi. B .shop ,,f M.afoid is liolidaymg at Ins pirei.lal lionu.'. Twelve pupils wrote oil the . ntr.iiiuc exttininatioiis here last week. l!. .(olK-y Mrs. t^raiik OoUinson spent the p st week with T ironto friinds. Mr. and Mri-. Frank C'airn.s are visiiiii'^- their son in Rochester. -Mr. anil Mi--. <!. Cnllinsoii have r^tunud fr in visiting iiieiids U I'iit Dillioui-io and Duildus. Measles are an I'piJeinio in touii .a present. Mr. aud Mrs. (5uy Pickell nt IVfta..;e La Prairie and Jli.s. U.iiilitiiy of Dundalk wc'o visitors at R. CjHk'.son ."^alLirday. .^l),-.ses Jane and Elsie Co.ikoi Kei^-nn were i;aests of Miss Slaud tleinpl.ill over t"ie week md. Mrs. 'I'eJIi'W of Hainil'oo. ttli'ilias been visi ing lior si.-ter, .Mis. K.ite Bixter, lias leturnita hmiie. Hor,. To Mr. and Mis. D. D. .Mc- Lic'.it III, Sunday, •Iunc24, a daughter. Bates Burial J. W. Bates, Prasidcnt. R. Madduck, .Mill..-. l-'uiii'iu; Li ec: t- unl K.nb.ilimis 124 Avenue Roati. Toronto Telephone liillcrest 268 M tcir l'"ioi«r.il I ai.s .uid I.iai. ii-im- t.i (\.|Meleiy iit -aiiieoi-tSa.- lluisr- drawn vt-liicles. 1 aiiK irI .Mi »pi"ei» Old ilaiiL: \Vi of B ayviow was tlie presiding oxiininer. General t'h'inge of Time will effect on the Canadian Pacilic Kiil take way, Sunday, June 24. Particulars from (."anadian Paoitic Ticket Agt-nts or W. B. Howard, District Passenger AgeiH, Toronto, Out. The Late Donald Baxter Many friends attended the funeral of .Mf. Donald Ba.\l-r, which took place on June I'l from his home. Rev. Mathe>(ni Conducted the services at (he house and attheurave. Tho pall bearuis wcie : R. Baxter, .L Baxt r, P. Muir, U. Campbell, E. Baxter and A. Keigiison. Deceased is mourned by four nisf.'rs and one blot herâ€" Malcolm Baxter in ihe States ; Mrs. S. E. Wallace of Inkster. Midi. ; Mrs. J. K. Lellow of UaniilKm ; Mrs. Will. Manfoii of Toiom,,, and Katheiiiie BH.\lcr on the homettead lie was .")2 years of age. His niotiier died nineteen years ago ; his father also being dead a year and a ball. His bro'liei, .Xiclne, died twelve yeais ago in Hanolton. He was buried in the new cemetery at Priceville on Saluuny, .liine 10. The floral i trr;riii'.;s weiu beautiful. VI ry A Chance for Those Going West Homcseekers Excursions to Western Canada at low fares via Cinaciiai; Pacihc each Tuesday unti. Octolitr 50, inclusive. Pai ticul.os from any CaiiaiHaii Pacilic .\geiit or VV. B. Howard, Dit-trict Passen- ger .Agent, Toronto, tint. Points to Consider When Purchasing a Riulway Ticket .A CaiiiKlii.n Pacilic Railway ticket does not repiesent merely a n.oaiis of tiaiispor- t-itioii between yiven points. It in addition, provides tho traveller with every comfort and couveiiieiice developed by I modern lailwny science. "Safoiy First," j with up-to date eijuipinent, unexcelled dining service, iialalial «l';epin<i cars, in a word, tveryihing that a railway can provide fi r Ihe comfortable transportation cf its pi saengers, including courtesy. Attractive Diniig Car Service Probably uoLhiug helps more to make a railway journey really enjoyable than a visit to the "Dining Car," especially if it be a Canadian Pacilic Uining Car, where the passenaer is assuied of the highest form of ofiiciency in tlie culinary art, the choicest proviaiooa that the market a£fords prepared on the .scientific principle known as "Dietetic Bionding." Yonr favorite dish, as you like it, may be snjoyed at roas;iiiable cost, amidst ideal surroundings, while tr-ivelling on the CauadliD Pacibc. IN UiVIM: .MKMoltV One of iho best that t!od could lend, A loviiiii brother and faithful fiioiid ; His sull'eiings were great, his piiii .severe. Hot he Lore it wiili patience till liod drew near ; Then, bidding us ail a last farcwe/l. Mm (|iiieily weot home, in heaven to dwell. We miss him r.iid iiiouni linn in silence unseen, .Viid dwell on llio iiieiiiory ol d.iys tli.t have bien. (Oiaiigeville and Durham papers copy) Victoria Corners .M Toronto are vi.>iiii^ \miIi .M Wliito. .Mrs. Pickoll, who Inis bveil visitiiiL; .Millie Caoli, left .Moiidi.y t i visit 'I'uiun o and New A'ork friends. Mr. Null Camcroii is .-peiidiiig a lew days ill Toronto. .Mr. P.ittir.siui if tlwcn Souid >|i.iii the week at .1 . P.iltcr.soii s. Kjv. .Mr. McDonald preached lii» f.irewell seimon on Sunday afternoon. The citizens of (.'.ylon are veiy soiry to loose him but trust what is our loss nill bo his gain. On Monday moriiim; liisp.cliir Beekitt had a PiiiuMllo citizen app^'ai befoie Magistrate McMulleii and Ueeve .Mc- Kenzie. He played to the tune of §2'i(l and ?10 cohti. ewelry Portlaw Mis.s Nicrgarlh visited over llio m^ k end at Mr. W. Hi>ard's. Mr. and Mis. Laidlaw of Slulluine and Miss Laidlaw of Hamilton visited at tiie former's son's, Mr. Jas. Laidlaw. Don't forget lim stioge garden party, July 2. Mr. Woods of Corbelton look cliHigj of I niiistioge services on Sunday, Jui.o 24. Will be Open all Summer The Northern [{u.siness Cullexe, Owen Sound, will remain open all summer in order to give young women an oppoitun- ity of training (or war time olKce iiosi- lions. Special arrangements have been made for short holiday courses for teach- ers and others who desire to ijualify for olKce work. All departmouts of (he school will be in operation. Iiiteiided For Last Week l'Iii> Rod C.ioss lawn social and iia/.iar held at Mr, Le^i. .Sleirdowns, on Friday eviiniig last proved a spleiimd .'access. Noi w thstanding the ll.' i itcii ing wo ulier, 1 here wai alarge attco ' one which, s well as being a lubstantiul lulp tinancially, is .i great (Jiicourayiiieni to the ladles of ihe socieiy, fl'oiu wliian »o hear many exprei-siuns of apprecalion of the isaist'iiice generousily contributed in money, articles .md talent. A game of baseball between Kiiiiburley and Kii'jeiiia ladies resulted in favor of llio latter leain. Mr. I'leorije Mitchell of Klesheilon, ali y occupied the chairand led olftho prom ini with a good address .Among ilio.-'e taking part were Kev. Kendall, Duiida.k, Mrs. H. Doraii, Miss Sloens, Alis-i -Achisoii, D. Blakey .mil .liio. W. SlcKe>' The receipts amounted to about .':;02l'i Miss Xellio Moltnaii of Toriiit, is visitirg with her sister, Mrs. H. .\\ en and other friLiu's. Rev. M . Uiiiherford of Turoiit , ineachol last .Sunday in Mount /.on church in the interest i>f Doniioiou Alliance. Mr. .Junes Fletcher spent a few days 1 1st week at Ins home ill lliu city. Airs. J. .\. Thompson and Jauglii r left last, week for an extended visit «iii s sters, brolheis and friends in Kenora, Mauitob I, Alberta and possibly a^i<!el 111 British I'olumbu and b.-otlier in ( Iregilll. Mr., and Mis. Kdwaid Jamioiton ami t nee childrun of Tnonto visiiid willi tho (â- â- rmei's brother here. Mes IS 1!. 1'" sher and J.uius Pedlii, Fourlli line, liivo i .icli pui chased a Fo d I c ir and still tlieiu's more to iollow. Vmii i Corresp iiili'iit lias i.laiiled an i.irly potato which lie was lucky eiiouiih to secure and is anx outlo await iiii; the result, il favored wiili even a ten lo d ! yield, we liny iiives! put of the proceed" i ill one of iliese sbiiieis. i Airs, t^ linn ai.d S'.n of It.tbel, visiitd | with t he toriiiir's sister. Mis I^yoiis. | Mis Magee of Toroi.t i, visiied with her cousin. Miss Corntield. j Mi.ss Turner of llcilhcole, visitdl I with her sisler, .Vl-s. John Wilkin-oii. ' DR. BURT ^.);iiiisl in Jiirasti oi ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat i tiFFICK,-l;;(i lUth>r,\V,s!,iuuMi Sound! .At the Revoiv hou.^,., Markdale. 2iiil j Thursday i-iich iiioiitli fr.mi 8 to a 12a. m I'llMiKlk.ls Wudiiesday of eatli moiilli. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler KLESHERTON, - ONT > I am in the im.rket to buy any quantity of Wool. Highest Prices, either Cash or Trade. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. < ^ COCKSHUTT FAR]VI IMF* 11-1:: ME NTS n trvs*- '•^â- ::^: â- •,7/ I (4»- WlierovL-i- ugiiculluirtl pnrguits are li.llowod Cockshutt Impf.k.vcent.i arc showing the leiul- Preparing tjio soetl heil. sowing t.ho "ruin, roap- ing tin; haivi SI and piovidiiig the stock. o < v With hibor scaiee and Mie demand for faiin iinplemuiits on which vou .•an depend a' s .jntely Co, kmh n Imii.k.mkms and Service will satisfy you l..et lis supply your leoui rcinenis 'f we aio i.ot alre ady doing so. We sell (ioodyear and l>oiiiiiii,,i, .\utoii„,l)il„ Tues and Tubes. Als i â€" Aii'o Heiiairs and .Vccefsories. D. McTAVISH, fleshe:rton. \ Scarce'y a diy goes'"hy hut one leads in the daily papers of Boine child, careles- sly running out on the street, being knocked down by a motor It is a com- mon oc-cutreiice to see children runnii g backwards and forwards across the sfiect ahead of cars, apiiarcntly taking pride in their ability to got as close as they ciu to tho approaching vehicle. Such a practice is very risky as a slip miul t throw the child under the whttels of the ear, causing very serious injury if not death. Parents will do well to warn their children very utriclly against iiidn!i ging in this foolish trick, â€" Barrie i KvainiDer. g l'\ir A Otioa fair Of RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? i A T Tho5. Clayton^s § FLESHERTON