Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1917, p. 4

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f V Jane 28 1917 T H iL F L E S II K I! r N ADVANCE ^ v?>i5^^^^--^s^cr/.'-s^^i^^^^%/i-^.-^^gi!gfe^!^^^ 1« IN MEMORY 111 loving memory of Lieut A. M. Tlim-slim, wli" •liod f..i hu "»n freetloin, m Fmoco, i.n Mi.n., June 2»S. 191»i. I cannot .s»y and I will not sty Thttt he is dendâ€" I"' is just »w»y : With a cheery smile and n wiive of tiie Iriud, lit- has windered into an unknown l.iiirl, And lefl US ilriMuiinn liow very fair It need* imist Ik-, as ho liiivti-rs fliere. ARTICLES FOR SALE Pcii.i.oi K 1'honoI. vs au'l double disc recoids for eal'-. I'honolas from 815 up, ind records fiom 85c up. When in loivn call and hear some |>o(id music at â€" W. A. Hawken, Photo Studio. For s»lo cheap and on easy ifrma. Lot 13. con. 11, Osprey, 110 icros. This is, a first clasi farm and in a (jood (jt^te of 1 cultivation. Good bank barn and new | frame dwelling. Apply to R. .1. Sproule 1 Fleshertun 1 Wear for Summer Iteady to wear suits Keady to wear pants Work shirts ^^ Negligee shirts ^h Sport shirts â-ºSummor ho.sierv THE- .f icoiicrton ^Duancc Confederation Sunday Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" U. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other le^al blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. .$8 50 to $19. 50 J.25 to 4.75 75 c to 1.50 75 c. to 1.75 1.00 to 1.50 15 c. to 75 c. Leather belts ':. New neckwear.^ Summer underwear Straw hats Felt hats Silk and cloth caps 50 c. to 75 c. 25 c. to 75 c. 50 c. to 1. 00 50 c. to 2.25 1 00 to 2.75 50 c. to 1.5o wn ia<lapendeDt newiipai»T, jmlilished every rhor>l»y at the i)ffice, Collmgwood street, <n«hert'>n. Siibscriiaii.n frice $1 i>er annum ^hen paid in advance -.Jl.Wwhen not no paid Adver isinir r»t<-» on applicatum. ''• 1,100 weekly W. H THUHtTON E0ITO.H Centre Grey Women's Institute The district annual laeetir.n of (."ciitip CJrcy Women's Institute «»â- Â« hi-ld at U.K;klyn on June -'1^'. Tins wi.s a most enthusiastic meeting, a Urge number if delegates being present. There were reiire-'enfatives from Clarksburg and Thornbiiry, Healhcote. ituvcnna. Mill Creek. Maxwell, Bfidjeros, Flusheiloii, M«rkd»lo, Strathaven. VauJeleur. Kim- beriey, New Knulmd and Walters FdN. For Sale or Rentâ€" Brickveneer in the villace of FIcslierton. Apply to Malcolm McUontld. Flesherton. house ; I V MISCELLANEOUS Iliivini! taken overfiom H. I!. McLeaiii the W. (i. I'ickcll Insurance liusiuess, L am prepared to Im.k after the interests of , clu' public, lluiih It. Hiimmond, Xo.l Kugcni.a Agent. Phone 2 i L'. 1 Aug, K. K. The Hrenideut, Mis. Wm. I'.ucl.aiian, of lUvriin.i, in her address reviewed her work ol the year and to'.d of the organ!- 7.%tiun of u new branch at M^ip'.e (irove, i near Feveniliam, making a tot kl <.f "21 branches in the diaricl. .Mrs. B. A. C\rruthei» g-ivc the liimiiiiil report if the district anil branches. Mrs. A, K. ftlyiesgavi- tUeauditois' report. Mrs. F owd of Walters Kills and Mrs. Elliott of Matkdale were appointed »s ficrulineers. The election resulteJ as follows: Pre<». Mrs. H. Down. Max well ; Vice Pies., .Mrs. Hare, Markdale : Sec.-Treas., Mrs. 1!. A. < •urutheis.Kim- berley ; Auditor*, Mrs. W. T. KUis and Mrs. Geo. Proctor, Kimherley : Kepre- seulatives on the iBoard of A.-rnullure Mrs. Down, Mrs. H.re, and Mis. Car." rulhcrs ; Uepiesenlativo Speaker for the county conveiilioii to be held in Owen hound, Mrs. H.wken, Flesherlon ; Ilepreseiilatlve Musician Mrs. (Dr.) Brown, Markdalu. The progr»ui w It hs follows entitled '• This Canada oioiiis, ' by Mrs. T. Baker. Walters Falle ; " Term at McDonald College, by Miss Lillian Cuchanaii, Vmideleur ; " DemotiBlialioii Nursing Coune i.t Mill t/ieek," by Mrs. Hamilton Conn. There were splendid reports of Bed Cross and palrloiic work dor.e by The Lieut. (Jovernor in Council has i.sHued a proclamation to the citizens of < )n:ario, calling on them to comenimoratc Circnla'tion by special Bt'rvici's the fiftieth unniver sary of the confederation of the provinces of t'snadit. The proclamation in part is I as follows : " We hereby proclaim Sunday, I he tirst day of July next, hs a day of siileinn and religious recognition by our people for the beiiefats and lless- ings that have been vuuclisafed by Try Feversha.n Pastry Flour, tl.e best I. • 1 . rv • â-  w. ' for vour coik. All Onturio wheat. 1 rovidcnie to us as a Doniiiuon. We.'"' J""' *" ' ^ re<|iic-t llittt all churches and Sunday s.'h'jols and iiS8oci:itioiis of a line churiic- t.fr comiiieinorate llie occasion. We do further proclai.n Muinl.iy. July 'J, as a day li.r ilie puri). â- je of public uiid pi'iii>tie deiiioiistr »;ioiiv .if tlie devotion of our people to the iiali'iikl institutions •iiid ideal.'). For that purpose we call upon "11 niiinicip;il iiulhoi i'.ies to co- operate with the various educational and patiii tif orgaiii/.itioiis in arranging llie locil dtnMUstratioiis in >uitalle pkces and we ri'|uest all citi/:eiis to give he;irly sup[iort;ind counlenaiiceto the movcinont. Our Assortment of sizes in every line is Full and Complete, Grocery Department Uncolored Japan Tea at 25 c. A special purshase enables the offering of a good Uncolored Japan Tea at 25 c. per pound or 4? pounds for $1.00. Under present conitions of the Te& market it will pay you to lay in a stock. Millinery Department Clearing Prices for the remainder of the Season. If yc u want a good piano or any otbe musicil iiistruiii.-nf, call or write .1. C KeiitiuT, nusic dealer and (iholo artist Mavk.bile. , Big Drainage Ditch Private fund.s to loan on security at reasonable rate \pply lo U. J. Sproule. F real estate of in'erest. slierton. sept %S F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. i^J M ' . J ^ ' t w .i * w ' . » * ' . » â-  " » " »' â-  . â- Â»â- ' . » ^ » , 'â-  . â-  < »â- â- Â»â-  m " ^r ^ m - â- Â»Â«Â»' " » â- Â«Â»'i»ii» m » ' w w •nr* ^ w i^ iw .ii â-  â- â- , !â- â-  ii» ji JQ itfc^'^L .A. V '.^ .A. -A. .,.. .A. .A .A. .A. .A- ^ _.A^^A^ .^^y.. A. ^w .A. A. .A^ A. "..fc. .... A. A. .^.ht..^ -.fc, .... !a. t^ ^A. ^ .A. ^3*^1 Hiuliest price for buttei.*.and esg* «t Cr.ihuii Bros. Kug'Miia. June 20 Painting and paper-hangini;. See simples. -H.Cairington. Oct. 1 P.. head i'.ure Wmiled- For thirty or f luriy of cattle. -W. Orr. I'roton >Stat on. Holstcin Bull For Service .V'.thnniiiglil.reil Holstiiii I'lill for ser\ ice on !.it.» l.s;t isl ,S.\\'. '1'. & ."^.U.. Aiteiiiesia; clos- ely relat'-d ti) tlie world's iliHUipinn ll-pmind coV. Teriii<: *1 .'lO for Kriule.*, i^'t.W for |nire \V'oik im wli.it will be the laigest diain in Noitli Wellington has now been com- menced by the contractcrs, Messrs. Crowley and Crowley and Ohaunt of Stratford. The entire length o: the diicli when completed, iiic'.ul:ng *wo briiiiclie", will be t ver seven miles. It begii.h near Metz in West (larafraxa and eiii|itieK into I he Cuiieaiug.i near .Arthur. I'll Mr. Wrn. Cabihan's farm. It has a niaximuiii depth of seven feet and a max- iinum width of tweuty five feet. The area which will be benefited l>y it is large and much of i' will become very fine aKriculiuiat land. Tlie drain is being constructed under the Municipal Drainage Act uiid will be paid by '.he farmers bene- fitled ill Peel :iiid Wes" Ljarafiiixi by » »|;er twenty year aebentuies. The total ciSt, It IS estimated, will be JilO,!*), of which f'.'O'JO will be borne by the residents of Peel, the balance by fanners in West O'liafraxa. The coiilraclors are not bound to complete the work in I'JIT, but they intend to nuke eveiy pussible etiort t.) do so. Il is poMi le that they may Lo.il â€" A piir if shoes, ankle high and Honi'wliat wornsiz'ti, between Flesher- ton and I !ie Six Corners. Finder please leave at this office. eils. 1 Jiilv â€" i;i;n. MOORE & .Son, For, Service For SALF. -My dri.ing hirse, risini' :{ yeirs old, well broken, gi'od driver, sound every way as far as I kio.w, not ; ( )„(, .,ure ored Shorthorn Bull on lot Hfr.id of aulos ; also bugey. NN '' ^^J .-jo. ,on. i., .\rtemesia. Term. M.OO for cheap before leaving -(HeN.) J.imes • Dud''eim I grades. Must be paid within !♦ months . â€" from date (if service. Tumor. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famous mane of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you require anythini! in the line of Binders, I Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp era, Plows, Sleighs, Waggons, Cream Separators. Harrows. Uoller.s. Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters. Ga.soline e-? uiiies, ^^awing outfits, etc., give us a ch.inee to (piote prices. Fleslxer*ton #- Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" Basket clo-sea Monday night, delivery Friday evenia CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We are agents for Parker's Dye W orks â€" Clothi.-s cleaned and dved. feather.s reiuvena'el T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR j,,„t_()ii Saturday, June lt>, at the | j .j Side of the Ute Dr. Cutter. ?4. Finder i leave at this office or Mrs. Alfred. Tliistlethwaite, Flesherton. 'an. 17. H. O. John Wright, - Agcut NCW BlackSHlith SllOp Flesherton The Old Adage 1 '-') the ' put a .secoiid dredge in opeia'iuii later on Branches, and the delegates went home in the summer. -Mt. Forest Bep. with rennwea vigor to prepare f<u more i ) good work. I A Magnificent ^ chievement The invita'i.n of Ihe ilarkdale repre- j | «ent«live* to hold ilie convention tliere j In twenty four hours last week, ten | next yeai was accepted. 'millions of Ameiicans of military age, I The Uocklyo ladies are to he congrat- j that is between tweuty one and thirly_ registered in order to insysdvo their govbriiiiient in its war against the (lennans, Tlier-i were no complications and little or no trouble. In a few isolat- ' uUled upon their nice airAiigement and one kindly caie fur llie c jiiif .irt of the visiting delega'ei<. The meeting closed by singin,' the ^ialionil Aniheni. ed instanccH p.-otests neie made, but in every cvse the prote.itor was <le.ill with Visited Fie&herton Oil Wells The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equalh true of tlie lS»Ob (Jravity Washer. Try one andboconvinceti that there is none I)etter. S. HEMPHILL Agent, \ Ceylon For Service !• or service on lit 12, con. !•, Osprey, one purebred Shorthorn Bull. Terms l..'>0. Also one pure bred Yorkshire Boar, Terms gl.Ot). All accounts must be paid to FUKD TYLEIt, Mauaner. â€" 1 Sep At Maxwell I Hin openius up atonce, a blacksmith- ing and wood winking business in Max- well, and am nsiallinu up-to-date wood- working machineiy. It will be my en- deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- t M-y manner and I would solicit p'ltron- at;e. I wint yuuiwoik and will do it right. 7 April 1 HESTER LONG 1^1 Mr. Stalk of .San'Franclsci), Cal., who liai a wide experience in the oil business i« on a visit lo relatives here at present, ! should be able to accoiiipiich this feut in and yesterday motored to Flesherlon to k> short a time and with pi »ctically lo look over the oil drillJiiL! operations being : friction is almost beyond belief. It all ' .carried on in that vicinity. He was ' goes to show what ii linn, united uovcrn- ! ccompanied by Messrs. H. <i. Tucker j luent em uccoinplisli, once it puts its kid James Vair. Mi. Saik was greatly ' shuulder to the wheel. The early but ; .iiipictsed by win' he saw and ixpressid di-,tiint ruinbliiii.'s from tlii so of ei as the occasion demanded. The record | fij i-'nH ii„e ol Alclloriuick Fiirm I uiplcment.s, Hiiulei's *| M IS a splendid one and worthy of the great : iTlj ^r^,,,,^,, IJ,^,,^^ LoiukMVS, Drills, t'tllt i VatOlS, PloWS, Jj j M Kepubic. ll,eve,y.l.ou.h.,lia a.reaN. jj;,,; , ^Valki.)- llailOW.. 15.antft;nl Wintl *} U lion military nation witli its bedlam of i * '.' '."r^ .'"' ,,. ." , ,-• . t n i.:.,,l^ A 111 toi.guesand admixture of na.io.mlitu.s i J Mills, \\w.\M, I'lpill^antl 1^1111.^8 r,f all Kuui^ « j should be able to accomplish this feut in I j[ Hcattit; Hay Carriers, Hay Forks. Mino;s, Miter M m M.shoriatime aiul with pt »cticaiiy i o \ Curicrs, Koldiii'i l>at li Tnhs, F^ro.st Wii c aiid Fence U !j Hay Carriers, Hay Forks. Folding,' P.ath Tnhs, Forest Wiie and Cutters and Slei>j;lis. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON im ONTARIO, /'liiipietseU hy whi' ne saw ana ixjiressia ili-,t.int ruinldini.'s from llii so ot eneiiiy i .11 ^^ ^ g^ t CV | lUI W ,' the opinion thtl till ru is no iloubl about birth and fnin various brands of Social- M /\^01\l| " C^CylOI\| V.rt\La M ^*.^ i^^^,_^:^^'^^-m^.^^^-^^-^..-^^-^^-m^.^-^^-^,^^^^^^.^^.^,,^^^.^.^^i^^.^i^^^ \\ \ the genuineness of Ihu claim that there ists opposed to war died out roinplElRly I | ^ . _^ -. â€" g..â€" -^w^^g.^â€" ~ .gw ^ » ^ . H» »' w - w " â€" S ^''»Sgg5S»i!»g»" ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^mi^-^^^/m^ ^^^^ ^ T.^.-'^s^^i^^i-^.-' ^!^ ^^^^^ .,, . I : _ J.. ..1. ...!.....» 1 1... ,.......;.............( tl.» .„! :.......: ... .l ... n-l ... ^ * â€" *fc- j« â€" ^^-^ â€" »*~ ^^- • a »UUUti. m ^ » -t^- ^â€"^^^^mmmmim^m^mmmm^^^^^^mKma^^^^^mtm^m ~ ike;i > is no doubt about the geiiuinene.js of the whiii registration day came. Thus a ( is a pood How of oil to united people face the enemy. It is lie obtained at Flesherlon. .\ well is ' expected from this registration to draft being drilled by Mr. .Manley Cliew, ex- into the army, ur.der the terms M.P.. of M'dlaiiii, an i a braiitfoid oil selective coiiscriplioii, somewhat 1 company organized for the purpose is ihree '[uartera of a million men, which, drilling another well. Kich of the three when added to the regular army and vUitors br<iught back samples of the oil existing National Guard, a force of no as taken from one of the wells and , inconsiderable size, and, when fully pronounce the specimens excellent. â€" (). trained, importance the field. i I I I I I i II II 1^1 11 i^i II II II 11 11 II II Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of id! kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare F'urnaces. Bros. $ I <l <l ^<i f^ 0) m r I ANNOUNCEMENT S. Kun. Promotion Form 1 â€" 2 ' Flesherton High Scooal i. On Fah'i IvMii.ovMKsr Krliio McMubeii, Frank Williamson, lie Alkinsoii.Koiiii Dsvis.Jiiii Adsms, rray ('oriilinld aiul Wm. Stuwait. >N TkKM Wl'ltK K MeVicai, W 'I'aylor, F White, K liihley, K Boyil.d Mit'liell, M (iiahani, Arnislrong. A Murphy e/ird, K McDonald O.v Fa.vminatiom M Butlar, A BulKr, A Ir«in Cargo, Dudgeon. Having purchased the Furnituro business of Mr. will be able to take ! '|| ,I,,!iii Chiipi'iiaii at a rate on the dollar, I am pre|)ared to ollbr Fnniii,iirt' at uiiheanl ofprici's. For the next lillcen days the puMic will l>o aide to profit liy this sale, as I niustdispose of most of it. The Stock is new and up iit-date ill every i'csp(>ot. Dresscis. Stands, I'ai'lor | Sets and other clioief gooils at prices that will surpri.se | von. War time does nut affect the.so as they were liii The t'Oited States 1 as had the rdvant- It age of seeing lur mistakes aid ptofiMng I j|| by tlieiii. Till Wftshingion Govorntnent ' " Was big enough to grasp iti w»r chih I y the riijht did from the very stait Wo ^ iiiestill tbiundering aloim with our anti- \ • " ' . conscnp'ionistsevei getting fmth.r out f! nitistly pni't'liased hef'.rc the rai.se and ;','"'', 'â- â€¢>'-';^"V-"o*,i'^ I f hand, and fiom present appearmicea we will outl where we began in n Whereas llio I'liited Slates FARM IMPLEMENTS order to make (|uii'k sal' Come in and 1 )ok over the Stock. muddle. Whereas llio I'liited Slates || ..,. ... with apparently ten times our diHicullies, jjli A >\liite, W ' . â- . 1 f • , .. Is I, i._i,, owing to Its liugrt fi'ielgii population, l| ' latgely of enemy liirlli, is able to accomj ,. lisli wimt up to tlii-i writing we have not! Jl I even altompted. Saturday Night. |^ W. H. BUNT Fur lie fd Uii' aki g FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AQENT FLESHERTON. *- » â- <• X .v/\-^fj â- *r '

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