Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1917, p. 5

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June 28 1917 N THE F L E S II E K T N ADVANCE THE ''"t t "^ * #' ^^^: . ^ .^. i t »* â-  « J. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MKAO OrriCE • TOROHTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in ..T D 1.7. all parts of the world. ,34 FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, «dmnag«r. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows ; Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails arc Going North 12.01 o.m. •J.lSp. m. osed at Flesherton ta rtollows : For the north at 10.40 a. on. and .7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ^. ^ VICINIT Y CHIPS Have a cup of tei at llie Red Cross •booth on Dominion Diy. Mrs. P Holiuan is viiitinj wiih her dausjhter, llrs. H. Stoue. Miss Clan Chard i.s viiitiiu with her 'brothers in Toronto. The proceeds of the last Red Crcsi *ea at Mra. .lohn .-Viliin^' aiu.nmted to ?8.20' Mr.-. Cipuer of WesLon, i.s viaitina with .Mr. .S. Shuiik. Miss Marjorie I'liugle of ii^en Jiound 'is visitina with her fiieiid, Floi-euce Bunt. Hel;) the Grey boys l.y pitronizing the Red Cross booth on Di minion Div. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whewell and three children of Oritlii, Sa.'-k , are vi.siting with relatives here. The .\dvance ni.iy be a d»y Ute ne.tt vpek owing to the holiday. Mr. Harvey Sliunk. wlu h»8 tieeu â- working in Toronto for the pasr year, i visitini? his parent.s here. Boru- In Fordwich, Out . on Saf June 23, 1S»1T, to Mr. and Mrs. K C. Wilker, a son, (George Carlton ) Born â€" In Fleshenou, en Tue.s. June 2H, 1!U7, to Mr. and Mrs. William Field, a I'lughter. A mare belongiPij to Mr. Mark \Vilsr)n .gave birth on Sunday to a colt with five legs. The W. I. will hold th.'ir uiintoly meeting in the Methodist church on Wedneiday afternoon, July 5. Miss Etta LeGard returned to the city Saturday, after sp.Miliug .i fortnight with her parents here. Rjid the list of sp )rt« on thi.s p^ge to be run off ii. flesherton nexi ftlouday, then cume along with us and have a jo lly afternoon. Mr«. J. Lawson of Owen Sound, Mrs. Donnely and Mr. Uussel W^ilker of Mamdale, visited nith their friends, Mr, and Mrs. John Chard, last week. The Urge amouat of rain we are having is nut a decided advaut.'ige to the tlat lands, but Artemesia and Glenelg can stand it and thrtve. Mrs. Martin Phillips and Mr. and and Mrs. Robert Clark, Rock MilU, are visiting with friends on the Manitoulin Island. Mr Is. H. Durriiit of Mitchell s^pent a few days the past week with his wife here, returning home Monday. Mrs. Durrant will remain here until Saturday. Miss Myrtle Camack and Miss Edna Wallace of Kimbeiley motored out on Jf'riday exeoing iind visited with, the former's sister, Mrs. Martin, Mount Zion church intend holding a garden party on Friday, .July (i, at the home of Mrs.J. Taylor. Everybody come. A good program is being prepared. County Council is in session at the county town this week. Reeves McTavish and McKeuzie and Depuiy Keeve C»uier(»n are in attendance. Robert Oisborne of Toroiito, W. Irwin of Durham and J. C. Crane of Owen Sound attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Keefer on Fiiday last, .\ big delegation jf business men from Bruce county came over in a dozen auto'' on Wednesday of last weeK and met Mr. James of the Hydro, at Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hannah of .\lli.s- ton, Mr. and Mis. H M. Kllison of Tottenham and Mrs. Holland of Toronto, motored up and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. R. G. Holland. Word was received here Itst Friday that Pte. Fred Bellamy, who went overseas with the ItTth Ore/ Battalion, was in hospital snft'irii.g from a alight wound in the neck. Mrs. Adam Smith received word last week that her son, Enierijon, who bcliiiigtd to the I47th Grey Battalion had "Vide the supreme facriflce in France. One son was captured at St. Julien and another son was drowned in th 3 hydro dam at Eugenia. S irrows have thus been coming thick and fast to this aliiicted family. The Adv'ucj man took a trip Saturday to Lions Head and found the crops looking well throughout the whole route. We even caw some fields of fall wheat that promise well. Don't forget the school picnic to be held at Mr. Thos. Atkinsion's grove on Friday of this week, June 20th. A collection will be taken to defray the expense.s of the games, etc. .\n ice cream booth will be on the grounds- The Advance had a pleasanr call fro>n Mr. George Keefer, propriety of The Ncrwood Reijigter, on Friday last. Mr. Keefer was here uu th"^ painful duty of con.signing the remiius of his mother to I their last resting place in Flesherton cemetery. Will all the ladies of the villane and country kindly help the Red Cross Society by leaving their donatii^ns of cake, pie, sandwich, etc., at Mrs. H. S. White's on Monday forenoon, and the parcels for the h;h pond at Mrs Will Be yd 3. L.O.L 887. Haihsrton, will hoM a girden Party on Mr. James Wirter's lawn, 3ril line Osprey, on Wednesday, July 4th. k good program will be given, supper served from G to 8 p.m., a good tims is expected Rev. Blackwell is expected to take the chair. .Admission, adults 35 c, children 1.') cents. Rev. Harold E. Well wood of Sunder- land came up on .Saturday to visit his old friend, Mr. M. K. Richard.-o.n, who is serioi'sly ill, and on Sunday preached t»icj in the Methodist church. Mr. Wellwood was a popular pif-tor h.re four years ago and his many friends were delighted 'o see and hear him once more. I Miss Gladys Dudgson. and Masters George Mitchell a nd Kendall B.iyd, piano students ot Mrs. Blackburn, were ssucesbful in their recent examinitions in Toronto. Glady passed her Junior 1st examination, George the Priniaty with ht class honors and Kendall the Senior Ist I with 1st class honors. We congratulate the pupils on their succeias. ] The regular monthly meeting of the I Women's Institut will be held in the ; high .school on Wednesday, July 4 a' 2.30 o'clock. Subjects: Opportunities ithis year, Mrs. W. A. Hawktn ; Physical and Mental Harm of Fault Finding. M;s. H. S. White ; folo, Miss M. McTavish- I Ucv. Belfry of Tottenham, will l)e the new Methodist minister on ttie Flesher- I ton circuit and Rev. James Dudgeon takes bia place at Tottenham. Rev. C. J. Forth goes to Maxwell, Rev. J . W, I Holmes to Sinijharapti'n, Rev. A. P. ; Stanley to Markdale, and Rev- Dinuick , to Eugenia. Rev, H. Wellwocd makes a short change this year from Sunderland j to Aurora. Dr. Caldwell goes fro ! Shelburne ts Burks Kalis. Messrs- Fisher, John Dickson, S. H. j Rutledgaani J. W. Hamilton of Sbel- 1 burne were in town on Friday last on behalf of a goverument trunk road from Toronto to Owen S<iund. They also i expect to get the County Council to memorialize the government to proceed i with the scheme. The latter will pay ] 70 per cent, and the county would be ' called upon to pay the other thirty. The proposal should be received enthusiaati- ' Cilly by both County Council and people. ' An item appeared in The Advance last i week stating thai Junge Lavelle at j Kingston had given a judgment that 1 municipalities were not responsible for ' sheep killed by stray dogs. If this be' the case the township of .-Artemesia ha.s ' paid out a whole lot of money that might] have been spent on the loads. The township fathers ouj»ht to look into this. Ti( At the same time we think if the law does, M not cover su.h cases it fails of the veryl'^).^ object tha^ost people thought it had \ 'â-º^ in view, amPcases that it onght to cover. The reinaios of the late Mrs. George Keefer arrived here from Bloomfield, Xew Jersey, I'-S., last week, and were interrad by the side of her late husband in Flesherton cemetery on Friday after- noon. The deceased lady was in her 8Gth year. She was a sister of the late Robert Trimble, of this place, and lived here until after the death of her husband eighteen years ago, since which time she has resided nith her daughters. She was a very highly ri'.'^pected resident j^^^ of this village. The family :sro : Will of Chicai-o, Ueorge of Norwood, James T. of Mason City, Iowa, Rev. Uobt. Keefer of Eiora, Mrs. J. J. Gilchrisr of Ottawa, Mr.s. Howard VanTassel of Bloomfield , New Jersoy, L'.S-. and Mrs. D- Wright of Hartford, C(..nn. All the sens were present a: the funeral. HARDWARE SUPPLIES! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦-^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* Screen Doors Window Screens Screen Wire Paris Green by the pound Hay Forks , ^ Hay Fork Pulleys Hay Fork Tracks Hay Fork Ropes Double Harpoon Hay Forks Rafter Brackets and Hooks Three pronged Hay Forks, strapped and furled Scythes Snaths Rakes Scythe Stones Grind Stones Barrel Churns v Dash Chums Washing Machines at a greit Bargain! ! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦â- â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦^.f ! ! BINDER TWINE! ! PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR BINDER TWINEâ€" NOW -AND SAVE MONEY FLOUR AND i=EEp BREAD ! WE ARE HANDLING DURHAM BREAD AND BUNS F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON. ONTARIO. Terribly Sudden Death MAIL CONTRACT SK.VLKli TKNUKK.S addre^setl to tiie Terrilly .sudden WHS the cj.ll th-4t came PostniaHtrr Cent-Tal will b^ rneivi- 1 :it til Mr Mil,.,. TI,i^rl..iK«...;h.» ., T., 1 I )ttawa until noun i;n Kridiiy, tin. -.Tth lit -I'.ilv to Jlr. Miles Iliustlethwaite uU Inursday ,,,j-_ j,,^ j,,^. ^...nvi-vauce ..f Hi.-* Ma.estv . morning of last week. That morning he .MaiK .m a propi.^'ea (â- .mtract for f mr v.-ar>. went out a shut t dutabce with the team ^'^ «">»-•- I*' «L-ek .m the route to he draw some wood was called but did I At not <KYI.iiN KIKAI. UOlTK Nn. 1 frum the Lit of I liti.l>er. I'.'IT. Iie\'- and waiiun diunei' time reply. \ „„„„„- - - if Tender .1 I ^, 7 '!' -"-"" obtaiued at the l'o»t Ortiies hI 'evl-m. scious on the whimetree» wuL the hoises ..^.i ^^ d,,. „|}i,.,, ,,, ,i,e p.,sc Ottice In^inivtor, standing ijuietly. He wis taken to the , Torout' house and two doctors were at his side . , ..,,., Prmtcduotieei^coutaiiiiuk'tuither iuli.rnii. A laeml^er ol the family went to tionas to eonditioiiK of (iroiHised .ontractmay Iiiav b'! Within a few minutes but could do nothing and tie ceased breatbiig a short time afterward, wiilmui legaiuing confciousne.'^s As only a snuU i|uautity of wood l;il U'en placed i ii the wagon it is supposed he guti'eted the fatal stroke about '.) a.m. and b.y in the condition in which he was fount until the nuon hour. Miles Tiiistlethwaitd wii.s one -f the mo.st respected citizens of this township. He was honorable and upright iu all Ins d'jaling.s, a good ne'ghbor and a kind friend He was a member of the Flesnerfnii Methodist church, aa are all his family. Ha was born in Yorkshire, England. Some years ago he purchased the farm from Mr. Thorp Wright on the Toronto Line two miles south of this village, where he resided until the lime of his death. The funeral took place on Monday to Flesherton cemetery. A- slTHKHL-VNIi. Post Ottii.-e Ili-I"iti' I'oKt Office In-«peitor'i< Ottice, Torjnti), .(line llth, I'.»'i7. r The Entrance were run off the latter part of last week with but ti^elve writing. This was accounted for by the number who went <m Iho farms. Three wrote on the Lower School on Juno 15. 18 and I'J, two wrote on the initriculation and six on the Normal entrance. Since Eistea the school has had an at'endance of about thirty, coiiipared with 82 before- This shows the largo percentage who took advantage of the farm work. Mr. .-Vlfred Harrison received a tele- gram .iiiiiounciog Ihij death of his niece, Mrs. Dm t"rik«r{nee Annie Harrison), who has 1 o en in [uor health for the ;jast threo years. All that medical aid could Could do failed to help and on Thursday night, June 21, she passed away. Ihe deceased lady leaves a hujband and two small children, mother, one brother and two sisters, all of living, X. Y, Mr Hirrisou left Friday to attend the funeral. Pte. Harold Proctor, son of Mr. and Mrs George Proctor, Kimberley. bus returned from England and was in town on Tuesday, the tirst since his return some ten days ago. Pte. Proctor en- listed at Mcaford with the 147th Ba't., and -.(as again the victim of inHimmatory rheumatism while in England. He became such a ^-urt'erer that he was invalided home- He reported at Camp Borden yesterday when be expected In be given bis discharge. Pte. Proctor has been a great surt'erer from rheumatism before his enlistment and fur several monihs his life w»s despaired of. Ju.st how be passed medical eiianiination in the ti St p'ace caused wonder among his friends and his condition is sirch that it will now win him an honorable discharge, Iâ€" Meafoi'd Express. MAIL CONTRACT Staleil Tender- addressed to the Polltma^ter Ucneral, will liereceiviHl at Ottaua until noon on Kri.lay, the '.Ttli of .Iiily. I;il7, for the inn- vevanie of His Majesty s Mail.-, on a ipro|ioi. I "d Cell tract for four yeart. »i\ times [jer we-k I on the route â€" KLESHEKTON .\r KIMBKULKY Via KltJKNlA from the l»t of OitolxT, ne\t. j Printed notices e»iitainintr further inforiiia- ticiiia.s to Conditions of proposed Cuntracl may be (Well and blank forniK of Tender may be olitaiued at the Pout Offices i.f Flesherton. Kimberley ant KuKenia, and at the otfi;e of the Post Office ln»|>ectiir, Toronto. .V. srTHKRLANl'. Post Office I usi ictur. ' Post Uthce I ii.spector'* Otiiee, j Toronto, .lune l.jth, I'-'IT Besides his sorrowing widow ha leaves I one sou and three daughters -Uoy at Your Chanceâ€" Th« Wo«l is Calling! home. Beatrice, who leacliets school, Lily ., ~, . ,,- ' „. t, p, ,,, ,, ' ; Homeseekers Excursions to >v ostern at home. Fh.rence (Mrs. Brown; of je^n^^^ ,t low fares .ia Canadian Pacific Deseronto- With these stricken ones leach Tuesday until October .'W. inclusiie. The Advance extends uicst sincere | Particulars from any Canadian Pacitio^^ -sympathy. ; Agent or \V.B. Howard, District Pasaen-' GREAT LAKES STEAMSHIP SERVICE The Cmiadia'i P^cilic lUilway wiii, cuniinenciiiij ."stturday .June -iid, oporate Grill! Lakes Sieamsliip Express trains between Tuionii' and Poit McNichol on the following schedule, with trst coach and parlor car, runnini; throughout with local stops. Northbound-Leave Toronto 2.00 piif. arrive I'ort McNichul ,")13p.n?. e.«ch Wednesday and -'^aturd>«y, conneciing wi'h the palacial C-P.B. Great Lake Steainshipn leiving Port Mcljichol on above days at 5.-i5 p.ni- for Sault Ste. Mane. Port -Vrthur and Fort Willi mi S-iuthbound - Leave Port McNichol Mondiysaiid Friday >< :'.it a. m , arriMiii: Toronto 11.45 i-m. Great Lakes Service vi.i Owen .Sound is ii'iw in iiDer.atiou- .Steamship ".Mani- toba ' leaving Owen Sound at midtiit'lit each Thursday for .Sault IMe. Marie. Port Arthur and F. rt William. Full |iirtieul«rs irnii any t'.PR. Agent "t W. B Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. < Int. HARDWARE Screen Doors & Windows Poultry Netting Paris Green Zenoleum Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Churns & Dairy Pails Sprinkling Cans, etc., etc. HOMESEEKERS* EXCURSIONS r F. W. DUNCAN The Fleshertdn Hardware. Piione 30 ra. ger .4geut, Toronto, Ont. June .'Jit COME T O FLESHERTON MON., JULY 2, 1917 iThe following is a list of the Special Events and Prizes : Scliool children's parade â€" A large L'liiou -'ack will be proseiUtil tj tijc school with the largest number in processiou. Judgod noin the average attendance- cii scbool roll. FlesLerton school exempt. All children iu; parade admitted free to groutids. Men's baseball matchâ€" 1st prize SIO, 2nd$-"). ; Ladies' baseball matchâ€" lit prize $10, •2ud-?'3, I Best decorated automobile ou the grounds â€" 1st prize 10 gallons of gasoline,' 2ud»l.f)(l, 8rd •?1,00. j ( Special ) Best decorated automobile coming the longest distance â€" Ist prizef 83 2ud.52. 1 Oddest appearing automobile on grounds â€" S2. 00 in groceries. Relay race under saddle, eaeii rider to have two horses, best two in three â€" 1st prize 8-1, '2nd prize 8:^, 3rd .S2. GentleLueu'.s road race, horse in buggyâ€" 1st prize St5, 2ud 81, 3rd §2- Men's hitching raceâ€" l-'=t prize 8;),iind82. 3rd $1 . Saildlc race, boy under 18, twice around track â€" 1st prize §:!, 2iid 82, 3rd 81-; Best turnout, single driver, with lady and gent iu buggy â€" 1st prize 8;< in photos", 2ud 81.50 box of chocolates. i Lady driverâ€" 1st prize «5, 2ud «.^, 8id 81.50. Slow race, horse to be hitched to buggy and go once around the track â€" I prize, box of cigars, i School childrtn's shoe raceâ€" let prize 81,00, 2nd 75c., 3rd &0c., 4t]i 2-jc, ' GRAND CONCERT Will bj giion in the aunitoiium of the binli school, for which tiie very br.st talent has been secured, eon-sistingof â€" Jas, F\\, Mis.s Jk.-sik Fax \ Mi.s.s Pk.vkl Nkwton. Di'orx open at 7.:?'l o'cl'ck. Ued Crosi will have a tish pond A; lunch on grounds, ;\duii.ssion to grounds-Adults 25c-, children loc, childien in psrade free, autot jand vehicles 25 o .Ad to concert -2-')c,, re.-ierve sials 5t>c- Plan of hall at photo: IgiHery. Chas, Stewart, President, VV. A. Ha»keu, Secretary. MAY E:h TO OCTOBER 30th E.cr/ TUES DAY â- â-  ALL HAIL â-  - also bv THURSDAY'S STEAMER " Great Lakes F^outos" (S«iUon Navigation) Ycur Future is in the West Th« fertile prair-BS havo put Western Canatia on t(>e map. Thoro are still tiiousanrfs of acrw waitino for ihe man wl-.o wants a home and prosperity. Take C auvantago of Low Rat*» anU trcvelvia ^ Canadian Pacific \V. B. H.nvird, IDi.-itiict I'.issenget Agen*, I Ti)riiiil 1. ()ii». FOR SERVICE Lit 24, con. 14, .Artemewia, pure breJ Shorthorn bull. Valley King- Urado cows 81.2."), purebred 84-00. 1 July 17 â€" W. A. WE BER. 1 Boar for Service I The undorsigned has a thorough jred \orksbire Boar for service on lot 11, coo. H, Osprey. Terms fl.oO. FRED SP0FF.\RD. Boar For Service I'liif lireii \ ork-<liire Idiar for service at the \ MoRae farm, near tVyluu. Termsâ€" fl 30 I f'>r :i]l aniiialH served. 1 1N"V. _,I F. COLLINgiOX- ^notic.e'^" My aim fur seasi-ii uf l'.H7 is l'> giveFarinersiif Town.shipi'f ( '^pr. y ^nd »urii>uiidini< Ti'»:iship-t the privilege if buying from me -it right prices .iiid terms to '<uit [lurcha.sfr. Tlien'MidsHi inufaclure'.l by Renfrew MachiHcry Co. The Stsndaril Creniii -Separator, which, if eijU'jlIed in .\uK'rica,ba9 n.it been suipajsed. Tlie Uonfrcw Ilan.'v Truck Scale C'llilO Ihs.) The Ken"- frcw -Standard and Sta-Rite (ia.so. line EiiLtine, etc. .Mso Singer Sewing Machines. .\ll goods guir- anteed, i" operated according to instructions, to give .satisfaction, or no -sale. .\iways on hand â- \ H^nsc tnr sale. \ rpHE ONLY MAN \ 1 WHO SHOULD ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS || '^ THEMANWHOjHAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ ^ FER IN THE WAY || g OF SERVICE- AND ^ ^ -SUCH A PERSON || ^ IS A DEAD ONE- ^ ^ WHETHER 'KNOWS I T- NOT. HE ^ OR ^ Elbert Hubbard in the /Hra L FRANK G DUNNING Feversham Phone R, 3 short 2 long ^ Public Notice WWA. Carefully Corrected Each Week Butter 2!> to 3<J Engs, fiesii 20 11 2'J Wheal $2 25 to 2 25 Oats 70 to To Peas 1 1)0 to 2 10 Barley !)5 to !>5 Buckwheat , 95 to 05 Take unlice that a'.l persons are liere- hy forbidden trespassing on, or dumping .my rubbish on, .r taking, s9iiJ, gravel, e;iith or oiher mater otf Park lot known as the Fleahcr said pit, in Flesherton, CDiitainiua abo,it two acres, a.s all person-s trispa-xsing nr cdiiiiniitiiig any waste or removing anyihii-g therefrom, on any p;irt of the Flesher estate in and around Flesherton Village, will be pros- ecuted according to law. DK. T. S. SPROULE, / July 6 Executor (or the Est*t»

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