V Ji / r I 7j > '\ l^WN FORCES HAVE NOT BEEN WITHDRAWN FROM EAST FRONT i» The Teuton Armies Confronting the Russian Troops Are as Large as Ever. A despatch from London says: â€" W;th the recent captures in the Mes- sines region the British now hold all the vantage points along their line on the Franco-Belgian front, as a result of which there has been an enormous decrease in the number of British casualties. So said Major-General F. B. Maur- ice, chief director of military opera- tions at the War OfTice, in his weekly talk on Thursday. When the Germa. s were stopped in their drive on Calais early in the war they established themselves on such dominating heights as those of the Somme and of Mcssines. "All these positions have now been wrested from the Germans," continued Gen. Maurice. "Our western front is approximately 130 kilometres (about 80 miles) long, and we are in the German trenches for this entire length with the exception of a few sections which total about 25 kilo- metres." He contradicted reports that have been current that the Germans have I drawn large forces from the eastern front to take part in the fighting in France. "That fact is," he added, "that there has been no considerable move- , ment of German troops from the east to the west. The Germans have sent fresh units to the western front, but these were made up largely of men ; called to the colors recently. The Gi'rmans have been using the people in the occupied territories to replace laborers at home, who are thus re- , leased for the . .m'.'' 75 MILLIONS FOR WAR SUPPUES Canada Makes Further .Vdvance to Imperial (Jovernment to Finance Munitions Here. A despatch from Ottawa says; Sir Thomas White has arranged to make a further advance of seventy-five mil- lion dollars to the Imperial Govern- ment to be used for the purchase of munitions and supplies in Canada. The advances will be made at the rate of twenty-five millions a month during June, July and August. The Imperial authorities regard the con- tinued production of munitions in Canada as of the highest importance in connection with the great offensive now being carried on in France and Flanders. For a certain type of .â- ihell the British military authorities prin- cipally ricpend upon Canada's indus- trial establishments whose output has contributed in no small measure to the recent success at the front. These munitions can be purchased in Can- ada only if Canada provides the money by way of loan to the Imperial Treasury. Up to date the Dominion Government has found $2,">0,O00,OOO and the banks $100,000,000 for the purpo.^e. The credits now established by the Government ensure continued munition orders for months to come. FRENCH GAINS IN CHAMPAGNE Score Successes on the Aisne and Regain Lost Ground. A despatch from Paris says:â€" The ' big German offensive against the French line east of Vauxaillon Mon- . day, in which trenches were stormed anil captured, has gone for naught, for , t: e French forces in a violent counter- ' offen^^ive had regained nearly all their • lost ground Tuesday night. ; Although the German Crown Prince had launched his attack with huge ef- , fectives, composed of picked troops, j and covered it by a heavy artillery fire and by bomb-dropping aircraft, i his tenure of the captured positions ' was short-lived and only a salient, 400 ; metres north-east of the Moisy Farnn, I now remains in his hands. In addi- tion, heavy casualties were inflicted on I the Germans, who left many dead on 'the field of battle. Likewise, in Champagne, the Crown Prince ha.s been badly battered be- tween Mont Carnillet and Mon.. Blond. In an attempt to recapture positions previously taken from them, the Ger- mans first were repulsed by the French, who then assumed the offen- I sive and advanced their line on a front I of more than 600 yards and to a <lepth I in excess of 300 yards. Here also, the Germans lost heavily in men killed or wounded . c. W., yellow. 763c, $1.76, Markets of the World! Breadataffi T;irorit.i. June 26 â€" Manitoba wheat-r No. 1 N'orthern, ja,6S: .No. 2 Northern, $2.^.5. tradi Hay p.^rts. -Munltoba cats â€" No. tiuck Hay iin:ts. Anici U-an ciirn- â€" No. iiKinliml. tiack Tornnto, oniarlo wheat â€" No. 3 Winter, per car lot. $2.5(1 to $2.60; do.. No. 3. J2.B3 to $2.f)H, accordiiiif to freights outside. IVasâ€" No. 2. nonil::a!. accorUinK to freights (lulside. Iiaili'\ â€" .Mailing, nominal. accordinK III freijiht.s outside. liy< â€" .N'l). 2. $2 00, nominal, according 111 I'ri'lKhl? iml-^lde. .Manlloha tiuur â€" FIrsI pnlents baKH. fn.'in: kpchihI palHiits. liaiiH. $12.!I0; striiriK bakef.s', bac.M. %\2.'M. Toronto. iiolarlo (lnur â€" U'inler. acciinllnK to .sainiilf. Jll .'5 to $11.35. Ill baKS. track Tomntii. iiripinnt Hhiiimenl. .Miil;'(M'd â€" far lot.s. dollverod Montreal fi'elKhts, baK.s liiciudiul -Hran. per ton. $31: sliorls, i>er ton. $3.S; middlinKH. per tun. $-12: Kiiod feed flour, per buK. $2.8) t" $2. yd. Il.iy â€" Exlia No. 2. per ton, $13.50; mixed, per ton, $S» tracli Toronl^i. Straw â€" far lots, per ton. Toronto. in Jute ill Jute in Jute A Great Remedy |)H. HE.M)KI{SONS Herb Treat- â- â- -' ment (tablets). lh« trreat blood uurlHei, will cure rheuinatiaiii. con- stipation, eczema, kidney, liver. Htom- ax;h and female troubles. I'rlce $1. with ituarunlee. or C boxe.>i for $5. post paid. lleriderHon Iferb Co., Uept. \V.. 173 Spadlna Ave.. Toronto. CANADIAN HEAVY BAHERIES SILENCE GERMAN GUNS :^*f t. $12.50 to to $11.50. %'â- ). track Coa^frv Produce â€" Wholeaale Holler- Cri.an. (TV. solids, per lb.. 36 to 37c: piinla. per lb., 36J to 371c; dalrv. ppi- ib.. 31 lo 32c. lOftRKâ€" I'er doz.. 2» to 30c. WiMilcsalers are seliliii; to the retail trade ut tne follmvInK iirlces : CheeBe â€" .Vew. large. 23 to 23ic: twins. 231 to 23Jc; triplets. 23J to 24c; old. larite. SOo: tnln.s. Sole; triplets. 30Jc. Butter â€" Fre.sn dairy, choice, 38 to 3'Jc: creamery prints, 40 to 4 to; solids. 4Ur. Kkrh â€" New-laid. In cartons. 37 to 3Sc. out of cartons. 35 lo 36c. Dressed poultry â€" HprliiK ohlckens, 40c: fowl. 24 to 25c: siiuabs. per doz.. $4.00 to $4.60; turkeys. 20 to 2,')C. Live poultry â€" SprlnR chickens, lb., 25 to 35c: hens, lb.. 20 to 22c. Money â€" fomb â€" FIxtrii tine and heavy iweiKht. iier doz., $2.75; select. $2.50 to $2.76: .N'o. 2. $2 to $2.25. Maple syrup â€" Imperial Kallon, $1.75. ! I'olatoes â€" On track Ontario, per baK, $4 25 to $4.50; Alliertas. per bac $4; ' r.lO.I. reds, bac $4. licaiisâ€" Imported, hand-picked. $9.00 111 $il,5u per bush; Linms, Iier lb., IS to 20c. ProvUloni â€" WboUsal* Smoked meats â€" Hams, medium, 30 to j 31c; do., heavy. 26 to 27c: cooked. 41 to 4 2c: rolls. 27 to 28c; breakfast bacon, 33 to 36c; backs, plain. 36 to 37c: boneless. 3» to 40c, t'urcd meats â€" l.oni? clear bacon. 25 to 25Jc per lb; clear hellios. 24 to 25c. I.ard â€" fure lard, tierces. 27Jc; tubs. 27i|c: pails, 2ic; compound, tierces, l21ic, tubs. 2:ic. palls, 22c. PRE.S. WILSON AID.S KECKLITING Seta Apart Week of June 2.1 to .30 to Secure 70.000 Soldiers. A despatch from Washington says: President Wilson has put his shoulder behind the wheel of army recruiting in an effort to have the regular army brought to full war strength of 21)3,- 000 men by .July 1 next. Secretary Baker on We<lnesday announced that the President had by proclamation de- signated the week of June 2:i, cover- ing the period from June 2.'? to June 30. as recruiting week for the regu- lar army, and that Brigadier-General William P. McCain, the Adjutant- General of the army, will use the I'resident's recruiting proclamation in instructing his recruiting officers to emphasize especially their work in the week designated to fill up the regular army with its ailded incre- ments and the National Guard to war strength. nArri.K !{A(;ks on Tin: ruiv.NT ikont. Extends Along Fntire llnlian Line From Siigana Valley lo Asiago. A despatch from Amsterdam say.s: The Cologne Gazette's correspondent on the Tyrolean front says that the new battle on the Sette Communi Plateau has assumed extraordinary dimensions. Drumfire continued dur- ing the whole nigbt, reaching such violence in the morning that the mountains in all southern Tyrol re- echoed. The battle, says the corre- sponilent, extends along the entire front from the Rugana Valley to Asiago, ORDERS OF CHIVALRY NOW OPEN TO WOMEN. Two New Distinctions .\nnounced By King George. A despatch from London says: Orders of chivalry open to women will be one of the outcomes of the war. It is announced that in recogni- tion of the manifold services render- ed in connection with the war, both by British subjects and their allies, the King has been pleased to institute two new orders. The first is an order of Knighthood styled "Order of the British Kmpire." It will follow the precedents of other similar orders and consist of five classes or grades and will be awarded both to women and men for services rendered to the Em- pire at home and abroad. The first two classes will in the case of men carry the honor of Knighthood, and in the case of women the privilege of prefixing the title "Dame" to their names. The second order, which will be closely restricted as to numbers, will lie entitled "Order of Companions of Honor." It will consist of one class only, to which women will bo cligil)le e(|ually with men. It will carry no title. â€" Montreal Markata Montreal, June 26â€" Oats â€" Canadian Western. So. 2, 7;tlc: No. 3, 7Sc: extra .No. 1 feed, 7»c. Harlevâ€" Manitoba feed. $1.18. Flour â€" .Manitoba .Spring wheat patents, firsts. $13.50; seconds. $13.00; stroiiK bakers'. $12. SO; Winter patents, choice. $13.25; strulKhl rollers. $12.50 to $1280: do., bags, $6 00 to $6.15. rtolled oatsâ€" Hbis, $1)00; do., bans. 90 lbs., $1.35 to $4.40. Itraii, $32.00. Shorts. $38.00. MIddllnKS, $40 00 to $42.00. .Moulllle. $44 0« to $4'J.OO. Hay â€" .No. 2. per ton. car lots. $13.00 to $13.50 Cheese â€" finest westerns, 2 lie. Duller -Choicest creanierv. 37 to 37Jc; sec- Kiids. 36 to 361c. Ekksâ€" Select. 3sc; No. 1 stock. 3.'ic; No. 2 stock. 32 to 33c. I'otatoesâ€" I'er buB. car lots. $4.25 lo $4.50. Winnipeg Oralis \Vinol|>eK .Iiine 26 -fash pi Ices- Wheatâ€" No. 1 .Northern. $2 41; No 1, do. $2.38; .No 3. do.. $2 33, .No. 4, $2 21: .No. 5. $1.!)S: No. 6, $1 83 Hasis con- tractâ€" .June. $2.40: .lulv. $2.35: AuKUst. Ulrst half). $2 30. Oals â€" No. 2 C.W liiijc; No 3, do. 67Jc: extra No. 1 feed, bTJc; .No 1 teed, 66c: .No. 2, do., 64c. I'.arlev Itejecteil, $108: feed. $108. Klax .Nil. 1 N -W.f., $27S. No. 2 C.W.. $2.73; .\o. 3, do.. $2,58 . United Statai Markets JOINT AQION IN CANADA AND U.S. Canada's Food Controller Con- ler.s With Controller of United States. A despatch from Washington says: â€" Food control in the United States and Canada will be made as nearly alike as conditions in the two coun- tries will permit. In many respects it will amount almost to a joint con- trol, it was said on Friday after a con- ference between Herbert C. Hoover and W. J. Hanna, who has just been appointed Canadian Food Controller. Food laws already enacted in Can- ada, Mr. Hanna said, closely approach the Administration's food legislation pending in Congress. The purpose of hie trip to Washington was to per- mit him to study the American pro-, gramme that Canada might follow it as closely as possible. In most re- spects, Mr. Hanna explained, the Uni- ted States and Canada have identical food problems. Both i re exporters of grain, and both this year will have smaller crops than normal. Mr. Hanna will remain here several days for conferences with officials of the temporary food administration. He thinks food control will be put in- to operation in Canada as soon as he returns, and is pleased with Mr. Hoover's idea of making the food ad- ministration a voluntary organization, and his intention of operating it wher- ever possible through the voluntary assistance of food interests instead of invoking harsher measures. Millers from the west and south met with Mr. Hoover on P'riday, and pledged their co-operation fcr the food administration. I While the Air 3cou(s Keep C'lcse Watch and Check on the Move- ments of the Enemy Batteries. A despatch from Canadian Head- quarters in France says: â€" The enemy is still very nervous along the western front. The slightest sign of an ab- r.ormal movement on the part of the British or Canadian troops brings down what the official report charact- erizes as "hurricane barrage," the enemy depending chiefly upon his guns for the holding of the line. To counteract this, our heavy artillery i is taking on daily for destruction sev- eral of the enemy's more aggressive batteries. Enemy guns, large and small, are ranged along the Canadian front and in the rear. Some are over six miles behind the enemy trenches, and the dut. of the aviators sent out to check up the condition of the German batteries is no sinecure. Its peril seems to be an added attrac- tion, for there is no lack of candidates for admission to the ranks of eaglets. LIBERH LOAN IRUSSIA WILL STAY 26 \Vlieat â€" July. 71: cash. No, 1 No. 1 Nor, $2.52 $2 37 lo $2 47. $i 601 to $162i. nrst TOOLS OF GERMANY EXPELLED FROM CREECE. Mlnneaimii.'*. .luni- $2,17; Sep'ellllier, $1 hard, $2.57 to $2 62: III! $2.57; No. 2 Nu j f oi II â€" No. 3 yellow, I l-'iourâ€" I'uncv imlenls, $13. ' cieais, $12. iiran $27 lo $28. i Inilulli. .lune 26 Wlieat â€" .No. 1 hard. :$2 34: .\ii 1 Niiilliern. $2.33: No. 2 .Nurlherii, $2.28: .lulv, $2.33. 1-lnseed â€" $:i.ii6: July, $3.07; .Sepleinbcr, $3.0l, I Live Stock Markets ' Toronlo. .Mine 26 â€" fhoice heavy steers, $1160 lo $12.10. Kooil lwa\ v sleers $11 ! to $1135. hutchcr.s' cattle choice, $11 I to $1110; do., eooil, $10.75 to $10. HO; do, ineilluni. $:'.6o to $io.io: do., cnni- iiion $â- < 25 lo $SS5: butchers' bulls, 'choice, $10 to $10 50; du.. Rood bulls. $'.) 25 lo $',! 50: dn., meiliuiii bulls. $8 to $x.50: do, rouKh IiuMm, $6 to $6 10: butciiers' cows, choice, $11.50 to $|0.00; do., Rood, $8.50 to $;•: iln . medium. $7 50 to $S: Htocker.x. $7.50 to $s.5«: fecdnrs, $!(.2.'i to $11 75: canners and cutters. $5.25 I to $6.40; milkers. Rood to choice, $80.00 lo $110: do, com. mill med . each, $40 'to $fiO: BprinKers, $sr. to $110; HkIu ewes. $8.50 to $11.50; sheeli, lieiivy, $7.00 I to $8.00; vejuiinKS, $il lo »12.60: icalies. Kood lo choice, $13 00 to $16.00: '^pilOK iiiinlis. each, Ific to I7jc: lambs, cliohe. $15 to $16: do., medium. $11.00; lioKK fed and watored, $15: do. welKlied off cars. $15,25, d",. fob,, $14,25. .Mnnlreni. .June 26 - Sheeii, $7.50 to $!i: vearliiiK lainhM. $10.50 lo $11: Hiirini; laliibH. $6 lo $S; calves, $7.0(1 to $12.00; selected hoKS, $16 50 lo $16; heavy- welKhts. $14,50 to $15.00, PRO.MOTIO.N FOR THE CA.NADIAN LEADERS A despatch from London says: â€" The War Office has notified both Gen- erals Turner and Currie that they are being promoted to Lieutenant-Gen- erals. The Canadian Training School has opened its second course with 150 Lieutenants and 375 cadets. During May 483 cadets, formerly non-coms, or men in the Canadian army, wore gazetted Lieutenants, 245 non-coms, and men were brought from France to enter the school. The Canadian Forestry Corps went to France during May. Ninety nursing sisters went to France last month. Over twenty-one thousand Canadian soldiers in Eng- land received dental treatment during May. Canadian railway troops are now in France. The Canadian Postal Corps in Eng- land distributed over three and a quarter million letters and 210,000 parcels during April . ♦ A despatch from Athens says ' Steps are being taken to rid the ' country of (lerman propagandists. ! Thirty-one of them, incluiling former Premiers and other Ministers and of- ! ficers of the Greek general staff and ' the reservists have been ordered ex- ! polled from th country, whil others will be placed under surveillance. -»- SO AMERICAN AVIATORS H.VVE REA(IIEl) FRANCE. A despatch from Nice, France, says; Fifty American aviators arrived hero on Friday to undergo a c()ur.-;c of in- struction at the seaplane dejiol. They were given the heartiest of welcomes by their French comrades. .SUMMARY OF SUBMARINE TOLL. Weekly Total Given Since the Middle of April. A despatch from London says: Since the middle of April, when the undersea boat activity recorded its highest toll, 303 British vessels, of which 220 measured more than 1,000 tons, were sunk, the weekly total be- ing as follows: Over Under Weekended 1,(300 tons 1,000 tons April 21 40 15 April 28 38 13 May 5 24 22 May 12 18 5 May 19 18 9 May 26 18 1 â- Tune 3 IB 3 June 10 22 10 - •lune 20 27 5 ALL RUSSLVN FRONTS AWAKING INTO ACTION. .\ despatch from Pofroi;rad says: The oflicinl statement snys that fusil- lades and aerial activities have oc- curred on all fronts. OVER-SUBSCRIBED Totalled $3,035,226,850. Being An Over-Subscription of Nearly 52 Per Cent. A despatch from Washington says: ^ Liberty Loan subscriptions totalled" 13,035,226,850, an over-subscription of nearly 52 per cent. The final tabula- tion was officially announced on Fri- day night, showing that more than four million persons bought bonds. Ninety-three per cent, of subscrip- tions of 3,960,000 persons were for sums varying from $50 to $10,000, ^ while 21 subscribers applied for al- lotments of $5,000,000 each or more. The New \orK Federal Reserve District led the list with a total of $1,186,788,400, or more than three i times the amount subscribed in the next district, Chicago, $357,195,950. ; <, PREHISTORIC MONSTER. A despatch from the British Armies in France says: Excavating in the vicinity of the battered remnants of the Hindenburg line, British soldiers struck a strange object, which proved , to be the tooth of a mammoth. The i discovery caused great excitement | among the troops, who flocked to the place regardless of the danger of drawing shell fire from the Germans. The skeleton of this prehistoric mon- ster now has been definitely located, and the gradual exposure of it is pro- ceeding. It will be a decided novelty in na- tural history research, this up-digging of a mammoth in the very fore-front of the world war. RUMANIAN HARVEST TO BE QUICKLY GARNERED A despatch from Copenhagen says: The German authorities in Rumania have made every preparation for the most rapid harvesting of the grain crop. In addition to special military detachments labor parties have been enrolled from the native population and all Rumanian prisoners of war have been assigned to the work. The harvesters will be paid, accord- ing to the announcements in the Ger- man papers, higher wages than are customary in peace times in order to encourage a zealous effort. Prem- iums are offered Rumanian landlords for speedy deliveries of grain. IN THE FIGHT Will Re.sunie Offensive and Re- organize the Army. A Canadian Pres;: Despatch from London says: â€" Despatches from Petrograd to the Exchange Tele- graph Company say that the Congress of Soldiers' and Work- men's Delegates from the whole of Russia on Thursday voted confidence in the Provisional Government and un- animously passed a resolution de- manding an immediate resumption of the offensive and the reorganization of the army. A War Cabinet was formed, including the leaders of the Russian army and navy and technical representatives. A despatch from Washington says: â€" Ambassador Boris Bakhmeteff, head of the Russian W'ar Mission to the United States, on Thursday formally outlined the political and military pro- gram of "New Russia." Speaking for the Russian people and their new Provisional Government, the Russian special plenipotentiary asserted that the new Government in Russia is seek- ing to achieve the same ends as tht United States Governmentâ€" universal peace and the preservation of demo- cracy â€" and gave most emphatic as- surance that Russia will stay in the fight against German autocracy until that aim is won. .Embassador Bak- hmeteff's speech was interpreted as convincing proof of the determina- tion of New Russia to spurn all ef- forts at separate peace and to stay ir the war until its objects have beer won. He made plain the distinctiot between "separate" peace and "univer- sal" peace. CON.STANTINE'S TOOLS DEPORTED FROM .\THENS. A despatch from .\thens says: The deportation from Piraeus of a larg« number of Greeks including Deme- trious Gounaris, former Minister ol Justice and Communications in th« Zaimis Cabinet; Gen. Liousmanis and Col. Metaxas, was witnessed by a large crowd of spectators. With the exception of officers whc have been tran.sferred to Pcloponnsus all Germans are now under surveil- lance, and must remain in theii homes. Notable among those persons are former Premiers Dragoumis, VENIZELOS RECEIVED WITH ENTHUSIASM AT ATHENS Arranges For Fusion of the Two Parties â€" King Alexander's Letter Gives Satisfaction. A despatch from London says: â€" ' The Times Athens correspondent cable: I am informed that at the re- i quest of Commissioner .lonnnrt, act- ' ing for Britain, France and Russia, , Venizelos has design:ited two mem- bers of the late Cabinet to negotiate undei Jonnart with two members of the present Ministry. This moans a fusion of tiie two piirties in (ireece under the Government of Venizelos. Venizelos ha^ arrived at J'ii'aeif^, ' where a pro-ally demonstration his I taken place, a crowd of several thou- ' sands crying "Ivong live France, Eng- land and Russia. Long live Venizelos." Premier Zaimis is expected to make a statement to the Cabinet Council as to the nature of the negi. ti:i.tions v.ith Commissioner Jonnart. King Alex- ander's letter to Zaimis, which des- cribe.'; himself as a faithful gu:;rdi:in of the constitution, has given general sr.tisfaction, and is considered diitat- ed by a prai.seworthy intont'on to 'â- e- pi.ir the mistJike made in the first pro- clamation, in which he spoke of fol- lowing in his father's footsteps. 'JCJJL& X3oixi.^£f of -tire X>-ix£Pj6I. EM /M THE WASTE BASKET, SOME umb wil-L<:>URei.'^ CUT THKMvSgLVES - 'â- ^'i is