Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1917, p. 8

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J\ June lis M17 THE F L E S H E R r N A D V AN C E ^^>NESS CARDS Societies pjUNCH ARTHDK l.ODr.E, No. !«.) ' * A M. r.xicta in tlie &Iii»i>iiic hall } A.F.4 Arm tictoU'N lUocK KlwUeriou , tivury t'rldav on iit'tiira Ihe uU raoca. T. Homy, W, M. " FV I'KIKNUS -KU>el.i)non Couiid in uurtb ill lUytciiM Hal \\'Ciliu>t]ft\ <'* <«''li liiot^li a â-  i, i B> HrbetiUi'iitB to llmi-ltr It) o : fu tlie first diiv ot in.li incijlh. t bic i:tillor, SV.H.Iiuut; i;. tciuii . Jli5. I,. A ( Den'tistky Dr e. C MURRAY U O. S, ilciiUI snre»oii licuoi Kriitluatu of Toronto L'uivoroitv mil h8y»l f.^ll..-. ol I)<;nt»l Suru.niirt of OiitttUu, G»f aJuin-iiiii-tirei] for tsetb t>Xtn»c()o!i ibci: at rcuJIcuca, Turoutu Slivut. l'Jcis::i'rtoii. * » , MEDRAi, ^1t CTTEWKLL W Veterinary SurK'*ort jrailuate of Ootaiio Vt'tt-ilnary ^'olle^ti repideucv -~ •acond tioor r-()u;ii weutlou Iktxj street. TLi< atrect rJLS outu frjtbjteriku Ciinrcii. Cha«. E McLean. M D. C M, Specialty â€" fcurgery, Midwifciy iV; W .ui'ii s liiscasi â- < OnicfSâ€" I'lcsliert.ii). I. â- . II ii-.'. Vrkcville-Commcriiiil II. '•'. i. 'i t.. 1 |. m J>ru(f »t<ire in i-"!!!!''!!!'.!! uitli . ili. . . Oftiw Hourii ill I'IcsIkt'. ii \\ . .Iii. -I..v iU; I Friday aft<-rii<>"n 2 tn i [..m. 1'hon<» tneanage;! ref'-'iv" jii'imiit .ittriiti'ii :it b"tb otticeit )i;M.i>l> LEt;AL KANEV A- hi:NI!V I f CAB. *-• eiollcitori'.ejc.â€" I. ". I-i"^"''. ^â-  - I'-arrivtfr*^. W. K. Kauey, K. ('. ; W. I). Il.in). 1'.. .\. (iiliceK. i"croriiOj» (*6-'J Tiailir» Hank HMi;.. plioiii' lualn 1412: Marliilalu I/iicax bl.M k. I'l.oi.p '^ A. fcrancb ollico at Duriialk oi'.au uvti:. Siitui'tH\. nx HlOnT. TKI.KOHI) A- . - WarrUter. Solicitor**, Ac. uilii-t-t. (iri-v « Truca Ulock, Owui) Bonurl. S:nt iai'l I'.iiul'. lUBcU.Klepbfrton. irtaturria^ki W.ll. \Siii;l*t. â-  W. P. Tellord Jr. J. C. MlLiohuI 1 I., i.. L. If Business Caki's- CULLOUOH A YOUNd baokera Markdale (ieneral banking i'uitlit<'>*H . Mot.<r<v lottinM al maftocftble ratte Call oii n^ 1 ^- »â-  Notice to Creditors DUcPHAIL, Licensed Auctioti''u tor Um i • County of Grey. Tiiuib n.oo.iati. lunl , •atia Hctiou yuaraiitu«d. '1 Iim H>iitt.i'<'tiu iiih LUd dat4:ll of kalt'K cntl Uti luadt- nl I I.K .\I>VA1M-U I cIDcc. hcridiuci'bii I iMi i . \l',ii. I- iiImmw i COUDectlOD. In,'. '1. ir7 I ryU. KAITTINM, iceowt A:i.ti..i,u..r !oi *' the coun'.iea of ttrt^y aii't .Mnicue. Farm and htoclt Raittn a s)i«ciMJty. 'i'l'ium ajOderat«. eatisfaction Ktiaratittcl. Arratii^it* (LCDta for datva luav bo uiado at thn Advmicu oSicv, or Central t«le|'liuiiB oil, c« hcviTbli-iui er by addreaiiuK m« at KuTerabaiu. Out. i 1/ • Representative WANTED at once for FLE5HERT0N iiml District foi Canada's Greatest Nurseries 8|iiieiy I'JlT i)':iiiMiiK III ii"« i'.tiU Kpleiidid IJHt o| li.ndy Cm ulnn :;iiaMi fruit and iirniiiiiL'iiiKl .'â- lock, iiulioliii^'. Mcintosh UfJ A|i|iU', St. It.-uis i; .1- )>e«riii|/ Il.,s|ilHny .nid iiDiiiy 'il.ir ea<Iei°K. New illustiittil c it.iliiii'ji ccir â- â€¢ii AppltClltiull. Start nriw iit liO't kcIIIiiij tliiio. I,:l>.r h\ [jropoNJlioii. _ *«^^»« â€" - â-  Stonft & Wellington The F-onthill Nurseries. (KiHililislii'd IV'.T I TORONTO ONTARIO Deering Implenieiits AND Gasoline Engines .ittr iti 1. I. In ilai I.I tin l<i 1^ Allkliidsof IVutiiiin lni|ili'iiii'iit.i. I (ilwsyH on liimd Anciit for IL CuttorM. I'lirbtr ItuKoitH, l,..i Ijttcr CanieiR, Hay Trink.", I'l •liinglcH and sidin|{. These Iiii|ili nu' iC'iuire no H-coinineiuliilioii »n liny (U|tidiird tfoedii nml rt'u.<i>iii/r<l t-, IwHt nn the niiirkui. FIUIT TIIEKS- I r.-pr.'seni ili. .S A' NVitllin)jt(in nur.Hory.Hiidiwill In- iilru loc.ill if yon M'lid nil! i« caul ED. RUTHliRFOkD Proton Station GIRLS NEEDED IN OFFICES Voluntary enlialmcnt liim taken thounaiidH of niun fimu ollici' work. Cun.Hciiplion will laki- niuro. Ollico lielp i.s cciii'ou now â€" will be ucHfccr nTy Honn. Youni{ *oiiu'i.iiiiiat lillilu! v.tnuit |ditcc<j Hnd tliey nci'il Iritlnlii^. ranmiiiH open itll huninnu lo lu'lp til inoi-l llio dtiiiiikiiu f II' irHUKid otiico help. Sludont* ni.iy ciiti-i liny linio. No iiicru».io in fi-cx. (' Oirculuia frco on upplicnlion. < C. A. FlEMING,F.C.A.,Principal4 Dept. A., Owea Sound, Untario Farm for Sale ) Lot 27, Con f, tNproy, nlxnit loiiv m ic> •loared, tb» brtlaiur montly hiiidw Mii IiukI. >rell watered Thin fftfiii must JH'Knlil to wind /«p»n wute AjVy / _WM W THOSIl'SON., Aduiiiiiftrator, --'' jjjjj jjr^ c<ifi(rliiiiiiptuii, H I! In the tnattcr of the Katate of Kliza Caitor Itti) of I ho \'illaye ot Kloslicrtot;, in the County of Uicy, Widow, deceiised. Notice IK hereby olv-^n, pursuaii'. to "The Trustcu Act" and tttmndinenls tbiucio, tliat nil .cii'ditors und ii:li(;r}. Iiavinu claiiiiH ii^itin-st tiio tisliio of tlie said llliz* Carter, ivhu died on ol' (ibout ltie4ili day of Muich, A. [).. J'JIT, are rcjuired on or before tho Twenty- I'ltdilh day of July, A.l). 1!I17. to.send by p'.^l (iri'i aid .ir (Ulner to Clmrlts I'vu of the Viilaiia of C'larkstnno, in the ( 'ounty ol lirey, Iha A.liiinii.s'i'*tof of ihe intute of the .'iiid Kl'/.i C'.irtci, | dcefed, or lo Wiiijlit »t Tilioul, Owen ! Souod, i)ii;arioi his Solicitois, ther ! Clitiiii tn Hiid >Surnaine!!, addrc^seii »nd di'scriplicii-*, the full p'^i ticulars of tlicii ciiiiiiis, the stiitement .if their liccoiints uid ihi- imtiiie of the sccuritii'S, if hiiv, held by lliciii. .And fiirtlier takr notice lint uftor lh>: la>tiiicn*ioiu'ddatethe s-iid .AduiiiiiHirator will i,r.icced to distribute the iisiet.' if Ihe doco iscd aiuoni; the iJiu'tie." elitit- kil theiet'i, Imviiig reuaitl only to the cl lima of which ihey shall then li^ive no- 'ici', iiiul lh«t the bald AdniiniN'ra'.or will not be liable for the ^aid ussets or any part tbere'if to any person or persiii.s of w!iose claim notice .^hall not have been rcciivt'd by them .il the time of -u.h diMiibutlon. Dittd the -.'iJ-h ilay of June, A,IJ.1'.I17. WKIGUT A TELKiKD, Urttn ijounil, I In'., S.ili'itors f .r Jharles I'ye, Administra- I'r .if the I ~.att' â- ,( KiizkCani-r, lectasod Notice to Creditors III ill.' iiialtur of ill.; ^â- ^l^te of Tb.nnas t'llt.'r, late of Itle \'ilii!.'e of Fleslierton III the t'ounly "f <ir..y, I'nysician, lb r -a.sed. N.jtice IS heitl.'V ojveii, piu.sMant lu "Th.i Truster .\ct, .iiid 11 iiniidiiien'.s t!i>^re;o, that, all creditors ami others ha' inn ..1 inns 'a.^ainst tlie estal.- of the Maid Thomas l-'artir, wb.i died on or ai^dut the .S:xteenth day of Oct., \. IJ.. l!llli, are r.i|iiiud on or before tlie twenty eiiiliili day if Juiy, 11I17, lo .-end by po«t |.r. paid or deliver tot'barleH I've of llio Villa'.;o of t'larks- bum 111 'he fonnty of lirey, iho .X'Juiiiii- hira'or with Hie will annexird of the last \\ ill anrl TestauienI of ill.; said Tlnmias • 'alter, deceased, or lo Wiijlit A' Tell. .id, il.ii'n S jiiiiil, (lol,i:i.i. Ins Sobeilor", the r I'hrisiiiii and .SurnaiiicM, addrt.sses and des>..i;ilion», the f.ill pirticular- of llieli eliiiiis, the statement of their aec's. mid I III! n.iiiiie of the secui itiei, if any, held by llieiii. .\nl take furl her nolieo Ilia' after the l.is: iilenllniie.l d.t" the said .Adiiiiiiislra- I ir w.tli the Will ,iiine.\ed will pioceed 1 I ili-l ribiiiu tliH a.isel< of Ihe ib ceased «!ii.iii(; the palin s en'illed thereto, liavino t,..^aid only I.I 111,- clauiis ..f whieli lliey ^hid then hiie notne. and ll.at t'o- said \ liniiiistrator tvi>h the ^N ill annexed ni I n,.l b- liable for the s.iiil assets o. iiny pail lbiMe..f to any pei.Min or perMUis of wlio-<i! 1-laiiii iiot|.|. >|iill lo.t bavi- 1,1 en nceued bj Iheiii nl ib; liiiie of siieU disri i)oi: ion l>,|..l ;l,e '-'leh iliy ol .liiiie. \ H I'UT. \\l!l<;lir .V TKI.Knlili. 1 l«.-li .Siiiiiil, I >iil. S lienors |nr I'll libs I'y-, .\ iiiis r - t..i Willi Ihe U ill annex -. I ol TioMii 8 I "rirl ei . de<-'f.'o,t d. Stafford Cornfield Featured In This Issue Doings of the Duffs. A li'i'iioroii.s .story in [licture form. The Fashions. JS'iwcs* Idi-.'i^ In Woin-^n's Wear. Farm Crop Queries, liui-Klion.s uii.swered by Prof. Ilenrr (J. Hull. Housewife's Corner. T.-sied Iteei cs and Hftpful Hints lor the busy HoUHewKe. Serial Story. Your Problems. ' ' â€" ,. ->'' A gueatlon and Answer Departmcat Xor Wuiuaa. Dustbane Saves lalior in .sweopinj,'. It kills genibs. lli'ij,'liten.g Hoors :iii<l uiivkos ( 'iirpets look like new. J)on'l .sweep without DUSTBAN E l*ackeil in tins for home use. Ill liarrclsand kegs for .stoic Ami office use. All grocers sell the Hou.se- liol.l Tiii.-^. Order baiToIs ami Direct. ki'i Dustbane Mfg. Co. OT TA WA Prevention of Eye Trouble. Prevention Is better than cure. It Is clicipcr. It Is posj^iiilc V. lien cure Is Imposslt^e. Eye t.-oublc in.iy be avoided by the tlraelj use of classes, avcriintr Jiscoitiforf, suffeilnf and P'^rniaiicnt Impairment of slfTht. V.'e are properly ciiuippcJ to adjust glasses and •Tiaranicc salbCakition. W. A. Armstrong. I ARMS KORSALII I'll., I. in t .Mr. ..II I Mrs', .lomph r.inlii'll il Ki'.iberley WJUlheseni' of I * I) prilly Hiildii'.; on Wiilinsibiy, .liiiie 'JO, when tlieir only daiiiditei. Ivhel M te. u.in iinili d in in.iiiiiK" wilh Mr. U lib nil Ami. IM Slalbiid 'f Maikilale. \t li.e 1 1 I â-  k to t'.e slrililH of M.'iidell. -i.iliii'.- weddooi much played by Mrs. A. V, M)l<-i, III,' bridal paity look their plaee und. i an arch of fernn and ever- â- i eeiis. llo! impressive mill ri.ioe ei-reiiiony i,f the .Vnuli'.'in chuic'i Was cndiiii -d by l',!v. Yoiinx of lle.ilhe ite. Duiiii.^ ihe si^^nin^ of the reuinler Mri II A r.nr.iiherHH'in; "All ,Jii> h • Thine. " The bride, «liii was u'lven away by her fi'her, w i-i beiiimin ;iy afiii d in while satin, iiiiii d Hilh (Bed |0«iUaiid lace Hid w.ire Ihe mslo iiaiy veil .mil oiai.gc lilossoii .s.aiid cairied asheal of eirnatioi s Old iiiaiilen hair f.iii. The yroi ni's yift |.i the biide wa)> a peail necklace, and to the oii.>aiiiFt A bar pin 'I he i;ifl.s In the lind.' were ch' lee aid niii(|iie. line tvoii by of speri il in ntmn beinu a bowlful ..;â-  siil-hiniiinil chi ipiiH fr.iiii h. r f.illur, .(landft'heiH and uncles. Guests were inesenl from Ited.viiiK, I'oillaw, I'lot. n â- Sla'iii!, M,.aford, Miikl.ile, lieikeley and 0*en S.iiind, .•\b..n' ei.h'y enjoyed ilie iliintily piipaiiil weibliii.! dinner, j no; liabl Mr. iii.d Mrs. .StaMbid left by motor for (Uen Sound. They will >i-.iL Toronto and o'lier poiniN and on llieir letiiin will ri'snle III Markdale. Tin ii many friends Hish tliein liappiiie"s an. I (iros| e ily. I'oi >ale ol rent for yniziiii;. lot .".'>, inn. lo, aid |.ail of lols 114 and â- >.'>, con. 14, .\:|eiiiesia, iKl nereH morn or lesa known s the Ci pet farm. \\ ill rent for imsliire at Ills -reason, or take stock ill by the moll III. This is a splendid oraiu and Kia/.ii'i; film, well watered and fenced, a bit of v.iliiable I imber and cedar and about !MI acres lit b.r eiilli» ation. It is well worth tiie altenlioii of stock men. Will sell for reanoi. aide cash iiayment, balance easy terms. -Apply bi K. J. Sproule, .loly (iti Flesheitoii, tint. Walkerton At Ihe .linn* si".s'on8 of the County Court, which were presided over by .)iiil«e Wid.lilield of Owen Sound here la^t week, only one cane decorated the d.icket, this bein^ an a 'lion brduuht by .I.diii McKeizie of T, eswater auainst Ihe C 1' K. and llui Teeswaler I'ublie .School Hoard joinl ly for ?2!l."i d itiiaoes for iho loss of font head of cattle wnich were run over and killpd nn Oct (1th last and Hhieli the (ilain lit claimed were enalilcd to ^et onto iho li^ii'k by ih.j achool not maini.iiniio,; a proper fence .Afier a heaiii j; wbiih 1 s nl from Tuesday Hoot lo W'l ill esday niiilit, the fouil otdered ihe I' I', It: lo pay the plaintdf i'i'U daiiin^i", bii'. fouu 1 the sell, ol board STOCK AND r.GGS lOR SAI.U Tnmwoilli Swinr, 1!. It l''.^".;-*, iiml liDUtll Jliicli I'-t?!,'^- I Ilia,' lor i|iiii k ^aleMniie voiiiij,''raiow.iitln f.ii III cedili^^ pill ptiHCH ; ulHonotiii' ll.ii leil Ibii-k f%\(«, uii'l Koiiiii Diii'k I'KK'i' for halehiiiK put |ioM-r. I'iie"« rJKl.t riioni) .ir write â€" UKO. W. ROSS, OcHll-lC. Osiiroy Tl. System. .Muswill, 1' t> S/iefif/ l.hf! StimDifT Mniitlis in V'oiigc uiul (llmrlcs btrcels, Toronto. It will pay yini woll. \Vf wi.ro aKkcil to fill I'jr. pcin inn* In two uiontl^s and iiu during two other inontha. Wrlli, lor lantoC'atnlevue Kntor .Mow. W. J. KLLIOTT, PiuMiiAi. â- \ yiinou ISiaiil farmer who has about twelve hundred dollatK dm deposit in the bulks of Hanover and I'liesley, c-iiiie lo Walkeiliin leeeiilly and purchased a pair of nhoes fin l?! .'ill and f,'ive in payment n chei|iie on a Walkeiloii bank. \\ hen the deal 'I on i{' inu lo ml the cheque ciiahed f.uind Ihe farmer h id no funds in the local bank, and not knoivint; him perann- ally, he jumped to Ihe conclusion thai he had oeen sluiiL', and i<suiiie a warrani lnd Chief Fii';;u^in .s.tly forth into Ilraiit und itivvMl Ihe man. tin beino lu'OiiKht into toivn and »iraii{ned before Mauirtrulu Toltoii, the man produced his " I bank looks oil I he above two towns ti ithow thai be bad lots of tiimnce else- wheie, b-it lliroutih nnalako I' ad nt^lectrd to chains I the head.inu on the Walkerlnn ohvi|Uu. As it win ev dniii that tlitre was no nientioii of fraud, but eiinply a bit of earelessnesH on ihe l-»inier's p.irt, he was reloised on pi.y'u. nt for iho shees and ihe coats of Ih-s action, 'which aniouuteil t-i |I'..'..'iD. HeruM aud Times. Twenty Five Years oi^fiiE Job'^ ^ ,„;„ w B L,N,cAN i8 ii!ii[|l| i:iHiH!ii!il!!li;il f e.caut,c. biiiiiii i i - ,fl " 1 1 THIS Is the fi;- ui .i : ^ ries of bio- graphical sketcties of Canadian Pacific Railway men who have fceen a quarter of a century and over lu harn«ss. These men, principally Uraduated from headquarters, and by their own perseverance, hard work and faithfulness to duty, gained for themselves high honors in railroad eervlce. W. U. LANIGA.V, assistant freight iTralflc .Manager of Weiitern Lines, ,uas born at Three Rivers, Que., Oct. 42, 1861. w He was educated at St. 'Joseph's College, Three Rivers, and Stantead College, Qui-bec. He Joined the Canadian Pacific Railway service Sept. 18, 18S4, as telegraph oi>erator »t Sbarbot Lake, w boa the Ontario and Quebec railvtay was oi>ened be- tween Montreal aud Toronto via Smith's Falls aud Ottawa. From 1SS.J to I8s0 he wu-. relieving agent on the Ontario Divi.slon; liiSiJ to 188S agent at Clarernont, .^Iyrtâ- e aud Uun- dalk; 1SS8 to 1»>9I agent at Gait; 18i(l to H'tH) travelling freight agent, To- rontc; 11*01 as-sisiant general freight egent, Toronto; ou .luly 1, r.lul, he ^^as appointed g-r.eral freifiht assent. "Wlnnliug. lu .\!;iic!i. ll'OS. he was promoted lo ad.si-iaiit lyjlght traffic iiiuiiager of western lines, which posi lion he now holii.s lie is tisini; tl.c tlrfl desk occupied by a freight traffiK niaiiuger on tin' C. P. K. liuc.^. and says he would not e.xih.inge It for the best mahoganv desk f.iaUe, FRED. E. GAl'TIER, purchasing agent, western lines. wa.-J born at Gibraltar. In IS.'t. He was educattd In 1'arl.s, France, lie is a university HI,. Ills first servli-e was In the French foreign ollice. Me served In the murine deparimeni. Canada, •also Anbery xirotectiou service afloat. He iwad ..-ti,: to Winniiieg: In 1882 by George Stephen, then president of the' Canadian Pacific Railway. In .March ! of that year he was clerk In the local freisbl office. In .May be was put In ctiArge of the supplies In Qeneral .Manager Van Homes office, lu June he was appointed private secre- tary to .Mr. Van Home. In August he was In charge ot purchases, with no title. During three months, In 1884, he was aotlng local treasurer, 'been with the company 31 years ana while also In charge ot purchasing more than eight years in his present department. In January, 19(^), he position as local treasurer at Wlnnl- waa api>ointed assistant purchasing ' peg. agent, and In February, 1S12, he WILLIAM C. BOWLES, general was appointed purchasing agent, • freight agent. Western lines, waa edu- which positior* he now holds. 'cated lu (.'ommiseioners SehooU, Mr. Gautlei- has seen the be- .Montreal. He entered the service ot ginning and completion of the linp. the company as clerk, in U»» In ISisj he was sent by General Sup«'r- 'office of district freight agea^ intendent Kgau to meet the first troop .Montreal, l^c. 1 1891. He was caerk trains, during the Ueil lifbellion. He'tn district and general freight a«eut wae a ciiiiLain in the Governor-Gen- office, Montreal, until Feb.. 1896, and er&ls Foot tJuardis. Ot;aw'a. was luting chief clerk in • flic? gen- HENRY WILLIAM SWEE.VY, loial eral a»ent freight deparUuent Chicago, treasurer. Winnipeg, is a son of the from Mar. h. 189i>, to August, 189*: late Col J. F. Sweeny, fie was born He was rate clerk In the offlit of the at .Montreal, Jan. 22, 18«S. and general frtl^ht i.;e.ii in .MontiHjaf educated at Montreal High Si liool from August. IS9(;. to August. 1897, He enlerc'J the "service of the Cana aud rate clerk in e:r;-« of trafS^ niui< dian Pamii Uailwa.v as j'lnlor clerk ager, Winnipeg, from Sei>temb<»r. in the treasury dei,artn-.cat, .lune ti. ISl'T. to June. 18i<9. He waa chi«f ".SS6, and was apiioiared cashier In dt rk In cffi-c of general freight as«st 189:t. In April, lSi*l, be was appoint- and assietant freight traffic maiMt««r. ed paymaster on lines eant of Moat- Wlnut'.>eg. July, It. •?. to Fibruary, real. In September, 1837. he was an- l^O.i, and was as^sig'.ant 'genei^l |iolcted paymaster on all lines â-  ast freight af;cnt Calg*ry and VaiKOUver.' of Fort William iand promoted to 1902 to 19^'. Hurlng 1H)0 and I***- local trtasurtr at Winnipeg In l'.'OS. he was c-.^3tml freight agent, Koota». ^. His work embraces territory covered nay audf •oundary districts. Nel-ioa, by the provinces of Manitoba, S.-uikat- and aiipo<ntp<l general freight agent. chew.-in. Alberta, and part ot nritlsJi .Muulrob:: di-itrict, lii)7-l'.iO'J; general Columbia, and includes Jurlsdlctlon-^reight agent ii. C. district, Vaacou- over the paymasters' ofHi-es at Win- ver. U't)? ll'll. In latltlT yt-tj ti nipeg aud Calgary, Mr. Sweeny has,c;unc to Wluttip»g, ^ . - - ^'.^ ; y^ â- *1 Wt)MK.\' workers have been so 8it( tes.-ful In the f.iilorles In Great llrlialn that Ihey are biliiK Irlcd in the tr.at uork.-hons of Canada. Kveryw lieie they me iirov- liiK tilt inselvcs lo be l;e-n rivals to iiieii, and It Is now cvldetit th:it Ihe liiiuie Is not the only place where a woniiin may excel In work i abuluted to Hilviime Ihe welfare of mankind. The Canadian I'acltk- Railway Co. has Bint ilioiisaiidii of its male cMiployees for service in Ktiropc.' and as a cnn- seqiieni e male workers have beconio Fiarie In various departmonts of in- dustry. In IIM.'. v.iimen workers were liilroduiid Into the Canadian I'ai lllc Aligns Sbop.^ at Montreal. .M prc'ieiit there are iwo hundred of them" en- gaged in the shops. These women worker.i have been ori;antze<l Hnd nork nniler tlio super- vision of .Mrs-. J. W. Hell, wife of Mr. Bell, BUiievlntendenI ot llm Mimtreai Windsor Street Station bulldlni;. Mrf. Hell Is eiilhuslaslle over the success of the efforts ot tbo.se entrii.sti'd to lier charge, and considers that the Held of manual labor reiinlriiig skill and appllcaltun is ono lu which wo men will yet exercise a wide Influ- ence. A visit to the women workers In the Angus Shops Is Inspiring. The women punctually begin their labors at 7,ir. a.m., and finish a^ 4.4,'. p.m. AllowlniK for the lunch hour, between 12 and 1 o'clock, they work eight and H half hours a day ' Wafi lilng Ihe nonien frlp along cbeei fully to the •o«ue ot their exertions on* might feel tliat he Is observing the world iiiuriii away from tlie old i ra of im'" jndlce and lonventleii and entering a period of freedom and coniiuon- sense. The sidieres of the uelhity of tile .â- \iii;us Shoi's women workers are made cheerful and comfortable as it is possible to make tlieiii. Each j woman has a looker in which she ! places her belonginRs before donning her overalls and laiv .\t Ihe outset of ilic experiment it wu-< dlffleuU lo induce seme of tiie women lo take I kindly to the Karir.ents which tra dilien l;;ul marked nut as male pre- serves, b'.it after a little while ever.v I woman found these working dressi's were more convcniiiii. than skirts The ov.'ralls have tliree distinct re I lomineudations: lli»y are tidy, they are >ai:itary, and they aro safe, al 'lowing iheir wearers lo move 'anioii;;st the niachlues witlioiil dar. ger of bt'lng drawn Into machinery elUUhes. The wiinien work on the piece syg tein, anil they ar-. paid at the saine rate as their bi-others. They work aniotig.s! the men with the harmony that prevails in olflres where there are female and mule clerks, lu the Angus Slio|is the women are to be found sweeping, coach washing ; coach painting, working on drills, at lathes, at various kinds of maehln jcry, filing and drilling in the brass ^ shops, brass pollshirg, operating nut .tapping inaihines, cleaning dyuamos ' In the electrical department, assist . Ing In the sfeamfittlu« centre, and I making maltresdr's and pillows. No I woman Is ajsked to do heavy work. The women bring the material for thvlr lunch with them, and this fhev I may prepare In the lunch room whieii : aeeomniodatea two hundred. Soup' ; and bread are iirovlded by the Cora iiany at cost prl(v. AtUch«<l to the lunch riMitn is a reat room, and near ; the rest room is a first aid room, : whcr* any accidents timt may occur are treated. No less than geveoteen of the women workers .hold certlfl* iate.5 of proficiency In flrsi aid work, Sho'.ild any aciideuu occur the ser« vices of these trained women are verj) Nal'iable. There has been no scarcity of appU* cations for work at the Angus Shops; Hearing of the liberal treatment' which they recvlve women have beei» anxious to secure work there. But only those who are specially in ne«<i of employment are taken on. Manjn of the wDikers are wido*'s, soldier'* wives, and women who are the sol* means of the support of dependants'. These plucky and industriaus wooMif lessen to a considerable extent th4| strain on the Patriotic. Red Cross^ and other cbarllable funds. Mrs. Hell inake.i a thorough Inveg. ligation of the ctrcuiiistanees of eactt woman before she is given emplo3r> ment, and a close â- watch Is kept OO each worker for the first few dayf after her appearance in the worll^ shops. This la done so as to guard against the danger of alien enemteff, for many nationalities are represent* ed among Ihe female employeea ot 'the Angus Sboiis, Mrs. Bell says tha? every effort is made to have each wop I man placed at the task that la uaoaf congenial to her tastes and abtlitjiS' Those who show exceptional talent and skill are promoted. There ))av« been instances where girls entered a« coach washers and In a short Um<| \ found themselves installed as oftcj assistants. Many of the women,'' says Mrs. Bell, "ar« one hundrtd ix'r cent efficient, and ibU efflcleacM , ' la In DO small way due to th« aulfl able conditions under whlvh tbe wqll^ ; men perform their tasks. Th« wA ; men are reliable and models of vu»^ , tuallty. aud only la cases whei« tiMM . Is Illness of th« worker or ••»• niMt* . ber of her family do workers aayml ; themselves from duty,t W«ien art f ; d«cii}«a 4UCctat in U>» 4MHi BMIM I,- 'I > 4..' v'

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