\ V ? 'â- * \ "The ,PocML Man's f Potato has become the rich man's luxiuy. Whether at three dollars a bushel, or twenty-five cents a bushel, itoes are not a complete "food. Two or three Shred- ded Wheat Biscuits with milk fximish more real, body-building nutriment than a meal of potatoes or WILL THE JEWS RETURN T, Under a Stable Government the Holy Land May Again Proeper. ! It is one of the romances of history , which will be noted more particularly, when the hurly-burly of the war has j ceased, that the advance of the Brit-| ish force which took the town of Gaza was across the very wilderness in which the Children of Israel sojourn- ed for forty years ere they reached the Promised Land. It is not improb- able that the world will learn some A Or eat Remedy DR. KBNDBRaoNS Her!} TT«»t- jn«ot (Ubleu), tb« (r«4( hlcoA purtnar, wilt cure rh«urna.ti«ji. con- itlB»Uon. eci«m4. ltHn«y. Uver. •toBl- acK and f«ni«j* trouhUa, ync* II. wtUi raaran'.**. or <) boxaa for t5, po«tvald. Hinderson Herb Co.. D«pt. w.. ITS Sp»ii;n4 Av«.. Toronto. , .,1 morning of the fall of Jerusalem, the meat, are much more easily l accomplishment of a task which has digested and cost much less. ' been in hand, off and on, for seven Shredded Wheat is loo 1*^"I1^'^^*^ y^*";, ,., ,, , ,. The present derelict state of the per cent, whole wheat, noth- ing added and nothing taken away â€" gives mental vim and physical vigor for the hot days. Delicious for breakfast, or any meal, with sliced bananas, berries or other fruits, and milk. Made in Canada. For Play and Pleasure Holy Land must not be regarded as its natural aspect. There can be no doubt that in the Bible days it-jyas one of the most fertile lands in the world. That was when primitive im- plements were used in agriculture. How much more fruitful might it be to-day under the stimulus of modern methods ? Ancient prophecy says that after Armageddon the Holy Land shall b«» restored to its ancient people, the Jews, and it certainly looks as if the fulfilment of this promise were at hand, or. at least, its practicability. If a stable government under the British or French be established, there can be little doubt bat tens of thousands of Jews will return to the Old Country. A REIG.N OF THE CROWN PRINCE. Germany is Ruled by the Sentiments of the Degenerate Prince. It is customary to look forward to- ward the reign of the Crown Prince of Germany with a certain amount of foreboding; but in essence, if not in fact, the Crown Prince is already on the throne, says Prof. Shaw, of New | York University. It is as credible a 1 l«lief that the kaiser did not want 1 Can be Averted by Feeding the war as that the heir apparent did. The I Starved Nerves With Rich, kaiser seems to have preferred his yacht to the U-boat, but the Crown! Red Blood. Prince appears to have chosen more serious pastimes. Just when the 'A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN I kaiser abdicated psychologically in favor of his son is not a matter of re- corded date, but the fact remains that Germany of to-day is ruled by the sentiments of the Prince. The kaiser is a reminiscence, the Prince a harsh reality, and it is the decadent spirit of the Prince which appears, not only at Verdun but all along the Hindenburg line and in the wake of von Tirpitz and his U-boat- age. Germany, then, is urged on by the thoughtless impulses of the Crown Prince, while the function of his fa- ther seems to consist in expressing regrets for German ruthlessness and in offering prayers for German suc- cess. The virtual and psychological niler is a young man whose attitude toward life can hardly be understood by us without suggesting analogies to Harry Thaw and Dr. Waite. Critics of national ideals will be unjust with Germany, which still has a place on earth, and false to them- selves if they indulge the fond as- sumption that Germany is false and bad, while all other rations involved in the war are true and gocKl. The difference between Germany and the other nations lies in the fact that the others went to war with the best that was in them to the front, the worst to the rear. France was ready to subordinate national levity to the serious business of defending its im- plicit ideals, .\fter undue delay. Eng- land decide*! to subsume snobbery and selfishness for the sake of thrusting forwTird its standard notions vf civil- ization. In our own country, we have just begun to let the cardinal ideal of national life take the place of jin- goistic talk, stock jobbery and stock robbery. That is, where the other na- tions have succeeded in fighting ac- cording to the best, Germany has taken counsel with the worst. ^^ WOULD YOU HAVE HEALTH? "Eat less and Breathe more. Talk less and Think more. Ride less and Walk more. Clothe Less and Bathe more. Worry less and Work more. Waste less and Give more. Preach less and l^actice more." •> Nourish your nerves â€" that is the only way you can overcome life's worst miserj-, nervous exhaustion. The fits of depression and irritation, the prostrating headaches, the weak- ness and trembling of the legs, the unsteady hand and the imperfect di- gestion that mark the victim of nerve weakness, must end in nervous breakdow-n if neglected . Nourish your nerves by the natural process of filling your veins with rich, red, health-giving blood. Your nerves are crying out for pure blood and the mission of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is to make new. rich blood. This explains why these piUa have proved successful in so many cases of nervous disease that did not yield to ordinary treatment For e.xample. Mr. Wilfrid Donald, West Flamboro. Ont., says : â€" '"Before I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I w-as in a serious condition. I was not only badly run down, but my nerves seemed to be completely shat- tered. I slept badly at night, and when I got up in the morning was as tired as when I went to bed. I seem- ed to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. .\t this stage I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In the c<Surse of a few weeks I felt much relief, and continuing the use of the pills they completely restored my health. I can now sleep soundly, eat well, and am enjoying complete freedom from the old nervous trou- bles." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or si.x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. <> C McCiU, In a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of overalls a small boy can start out 1 to do most any of the things he wants to do, such as making a railroad, dig- ' ging a trench or even fighting the enemy. The overalls illustrated are : McCal! Pattern No. 7824. Boy's Over- ;al!s; in two lengths. Cut in »! sizes; I 4 to 14 years. Price. 15 cents. Boy's Shirt Blouse No. t5420, in tj sizes; 4 to ' 14 years. Price, 10 cents. r __ CHILD-LOVER'S SONG. Thou who giv'el what most I prizeâ€" The love of little children; No gem so precious in mine eyesâ€" The love of little children! What hand but Thine could e'er im- part The love of little children? No wealth as this can fill my heart â€" The love of little children. How fair the hour that first begot The love of little children! How drear the day that lighteth not The love of little children I Within mine inmost soul inwrought â€" The love of little children; Oh, sweet beyond my sweetest thought â€" The love of little children! â€"Gerald F. Joy. GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE Sl'M.MER The summer months are the most dangerous to children. The com- plaints of that season, which are chol- era infantum, colic, diarrhoea and dysentry, come on so quickly that of- ten a little one is beyond aid before the mother realizes he is ill. The mother must be on her guard to pre- vent these troubles, or if they do come on suddenly to cure them. No other medicine is of such aid to moth- ers during hot weather as is Baby's Own Tablets . They regulate the stcmach and bowels and are absolute- ly safe. Sold by medicine dealer^ or by mail at 25 cents a box from Thr Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont.' Good Citizena. Oh, give us men with visions clear; With rugged hearts, who know no fear! Great men of prescience, brave and bold; Unshaken by the lure olgold; Who fight for truth, whate'er their fate; The men, Lord, to make a state. « jWhen Your Eyes Need Care C««XanaeE7eHeii:clQe. NoSmATtm^â€" Fe«U Flae â€" Aeu Qmoiily. Try It f.jr Bed. We»lt, Sore B;e«andGnu>uuiM<i Ereiii^. Hnrisela eompoundiHl broarOeuIuta â€" not »"P»t«at S£eiliclii«"â€" bat aae<l uisacc«iMf ul PhraieiAiu' Prmctice for mknjr yean. Sow devlicatol to ciu Publit; aad aniti by Dro^Tlttta at SCe per Bottle. Marine Eje Salfe in jLat^i.c TuSrs *5c and 50c. Write for l^gok of tlie.Ey* Wni. Munna E)« Ramady Cotipany. Ctiica«o. AJt. He'll Get Even. "You've had plenty of rain in your section." '"Yep, Hurt my crops, too." "Will you lose much money?" "No; I'll break about even by haul- ing autos oat of mudholes." FRIENDS. The frieads that love us always. When we go their way or not. Are the friends tiiat hearts remember When the others are forgot. The friends that stick the closest When the trouble grows the worst; The friends that love us always ' Just t'ne wav they did at first. I ^ I ICiaArd's TitTiintaat Cnrea DlphtltarU. Miaard'a Unimeat Cora* Diatamsar. ; To Canada. And thou, my country, write it on thy heart, I Thy sons are they who nobly take thy I part; j Who dedicates his manhood at thy 1 shrine, ' Wherever born, is bom a son of thine. En'lish manufacturers 'nave de- veloped a steel for cutlery that is said to be nonrusting, unstainable and un- tarr.ishable. IQSCSXXAjriOtTS C'.\.N-CER. TUMORS LLMPS ETC i.ntemai a-nJ external, cured with- cut pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr Bellman Medical Cn.. Limite-i. •"''•lHn«rw"."1 'T.t STRANGE JAPANESE CRAB. Remarkable Example of One Natures Little Jokes. of \ fashionable combination of plain and plaid gingham is shown in this cunning frock. This is a practical as well as a very smart model for a vaca- tion frock for a small girl. McCall Pattern No. 7760, Girl's Dress, in 6 sizes; 4 to 14 years. Price. 15. cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co.. 70 Bond St.. Toronto. Dept. W. « j Glove Dust Cloth. Make a new dust cloth with an at- tached glove and you will rfot have grimy fingers and nails after dusting. Sew a piece of the goods eight inches I square in the center of the cloth, leav. j ing one edge free. Mark the shape ' of your hand on this stjuare with chalk or pencil and sew with the machine ' around the mark, having the wrist on 1 the side left free. Watch for overloading. overspeeJ- ing. ill-fed and badly harnessed horses. for warm weather is with as, when the horse feels these cruelties more than at any other season of the year. [j When ba>ing your Pin no A insist on having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO ACTION A late spring, labor shortage and the extra amount of land to be broken up for fall seeding will reduce the area planted to r«x)t3 in Britain this year. - AT^^ BOOK OX '^ DOG DISEASES .\nd How to Feed Ui.Iid fr^ :;> i-y iJirtiJ i.T ABtnas tie A3-cr FtoBMr H. CL\Y CLOVER CO.. Inc. Oe^ Rtmdits 11 < We.t 3!a Street, N.-* Y.jrk Kiiutrd't Uniaiant Coraa Colds. Etc. .\ Father's Influence. The superintendent of a boys' re- formatory characterizes the homes as the "first institution for the production of good citizens." He emphasized the influence of a father on the life of the boy, and declared that the mother can not discliarge the duty of both f arents. A medical examiner in another state declares that of ten cases of youthful delinquency nine can be traced T5 lacK of parental control: the medical ex- aminer finds it the same with acci- dents. Hanging around a railway yard and "cutting behind" a passing vehicle may be only what father did when he was a boy. but railway yards have grown more crowded since his time, and a high-powered automobile is not quite the same thing as the grocer's wagon. THICK, SWOLLEN GLINOS that maie a hone Wheeze. Roar, have Thick Wind or Choke-down, can be reduced with ABSORBINE .MONEY ORDERS WHEN ordering groods by mail, send a Dominion Express Money Order. alao otjier Bunche* or Swe^ir-fi. Noblister. ao hair gone, isd horie kept at work. Ec<v nomical â€" on'y a few d.'op* rtvj'jired it in ip- plication. il per bottle delivered. Iwt 3 â- tie. XkORBINL JR . the intisepuc lin.mer.t for mantr.J, reduce* C»«s, \Ven«, Painful, SwoUea Veins and L'lcwn. $ 1 and $1 a bottle at dealers or de!i»ered. Book "Eridence" free. â- . F I0UN8. P. F.. SIS L»nuM i'-H â- lortrea . Ci\ ••o.-)iK a<l k)mf::st. Jr. w sde M CnuJb For Pimply Faces Cuticura < YES : M.VGIC.VLLY I CORNS LIFT OUT WITH FINGERS You say to the drug store man, •"Give me a small bottle of freezone." This will cost very little but will posi- tively remove every hard or soft corn jr callus from one's feet. .\ few drops of this new ether com- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in- stantly, and soon the entire corn or callus, root and all. dries up and can be lifted off with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of oorns was introduced by a Cincinnati man. who says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without irritating the surrounding skin. Don't let father die of infection or ockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip this out and make him try it. If your druggist hasn't any freezone :ell h;m to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug store for you. NOTICE TO SIGIWOMEN Positive Proof That Lydi« E. Pinkheun's Vegetable Compound Relieve* Suffering. Try Nature Is not ordinarily to be ac- cused of trying to be fuuny. but ouce in a while she seems to indulge in a bit of humor on her own account. Of this a very remarkable example is fouud in a species of crab plentiful lu Japanese waters. It bears on Its back a Japanese face. It is the face of a tierce warrior of old Japan. The Japanese have a tradition to ac- count for this curious phenomenon. Lead suitable for ti.e casing of tea . The stor>" harks back a few centuries, is neede<l at .\moy, China. European ; to a period wheu the seas that wash I fell from a building and received what the doctor called a very bad sprained ankle, and told me I must not walk on it for three weeks. I got MIN.A.RD'S LINIMENT and in six days I w-as out to work again. I think it the best Liniment made. .\RCHIE E. L.\LNDRY. Edmonton . Learn to Swim. Swimming is an accomplishment of more importance to men, women, boys and girls than any of the other sports, yet comparatively few can swim. .\s it is easiei: for children to learn than it is for adults, they should be given the opportunity whenever possible. They love the water, as a rule, and if there is no body of water near at hand, let them don their bathing suits and go out into the summer rain for a frolic. j .\s the suits are easily made at home. ' the children could afford to have them ready for a rainy day, especially as they save good clothes and furnish so much genuine fun. On an extremely hot day. thus equipped, they may frolic in the back-yard with the hose. l£l]iAx^-( Unlmant Curea Qitrarat In Ci^wi Soap and Ointmoit Siapka Free by Post Asimpk.eosy, speedy treat- ment. Smear the pimples with Cuticura Ointment, wash otf In nve minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water and continue bathing for some minutes. Use night and morning.. For pimples, redness, njughncii, Itchi.ig and irritation, dandruS", itch- ing scalp and tailing hair, red, rough hands and baby rashes, these fra- grant emollients are woaaerlal aa well as ideal for the toilet. For frva m.tip1» eaca •Jilmt pcrt-ea.*Oi *X;«<>car«. DapL N. BoXoo. U. S. A." aUU by viualijra thrvuchout tiiti wyno. Bridgeton.N.J. â€" "I cannot speak too highly of Ly'ii* £. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound foi icdammatioa sod other weaknesses. X was Very irregular and would have ter- rible pains BO that I could hardly take a step. Sometimes I wculd be so misera- ble that I could not sweep a room. 1 doctored part of th« time bet felt no - tx>k Lydia E. Pink- Compound and soon r the better. I took it cx\i healthy condition. '..ne Finkham remedies ta I change, han'.'s V fe.t s .-^ 1 unt; ; 1 re- all women as I have used them with such good results. ''â€"Mrs. Milforp T. CuM- MrsGS, 32:i Harmony St, Penn'sGrovsk N. J. Such testimony should be accepted bv all women as convir.cing evidence of the e.xcellence of Lydia E. Pin'sham's Vegetable Compi^und as a remedv for the distressing ills of women suc^ sa displacements, in tlammation, ulceration, backache, painful periods, nervousness and kindreu ailments. dealers formerly supplietl this duct . pro- Made from choice whole wheat and malted barley, this famous food retains the vital mineral elements of the grain, so essential for balanced nourish- ment, but lacking in many cereal foods. From every standpoint â€" good flavor, rich nour- ishment, easy digestion, convenience, economy, health from childhood to old age â€" Grape-Nuts food. "There's a Reason" ^ the shores of their archipelago were much beset by ferocious pirates. To put a stop to their depredations a tieet of lighting ships was prepared. and therv presently ensued a battle of the most desperate kind with the pirate fleet -the buccaneers being formidably organized. The pirates were defeated, their ships sunk; and. no quarter being piven. they were wiped out to the last man. That was the end of organized piracy lu those waters. So far. the story is historically authontic. Out- is at liberty to believe or not the theory entertained by the Japanese to this day, that the souls of the men slaughtered and drowned ill that battle entered the bodied of crabs. If you discredit the Idea, they will show you the crabs, every one of which has the fai-e of a Japanese lighting man on its back. Further- more, the face, with Its bloated fea- tures, is that of a drownetl man .-V curious point ab<.->ut this taira crab, as it is called. Is that it has a set of supplementary legs, by the help of which, if It happens to be turned over, it can i-uu swiftly on its back. I .-Vwful Lo8s. Gertrude, aged 3, sat in her high ! chair at the dinner table turning about in her fingrers a nnall ear of corn from i which she had I'een nibbling a row at 'a time. Suddenly she burst into tears. "What is the matter, dear?" ased her mother. ' "IVe lost my placet" sobbed tho lit- tle one. City Eye Specialists Tell How To Strengthen Eyesight 50% In a Weeks Time In Many Instances Land worked this year for the first time will be in better shape another year, providing it is cultivateil '.he en- tire season, keeping the weeds out and the ground as mellow as possible. The Real Dress. Whutevcr the fashionable tailor may sny, the really well-dressed man of ti.>- davs wears khaki. The needed repairs for the mower and biiui-'r will cost no more now than latiT. and may, if ordered now, saves costly delay. £a 7. ISSUE 2»â€" '17. .\ IVpe rresoHptJon Ton Can Have l"UKxl and Vso St Homo. Boston. Mass. â€" Vicilnis of eye strain and ottrer eye weaknesae.'*. an4 thL<9» who w^ear glasses. » tU be glad to know that Pootors and Eye Specialists now agree there is real nope and help for them. Many whose eyes were falllne »av they have had their eyes restored and many who oiioe wore glasses say thtv have thrown them away. One man says, after using it: "I was al- most blind. Could not see to read at all. Now 1 can road everythlnK with- out inv glas.oos. and my eyes do not hurt ar.v more. At night they would pain Jreadfullv. Now tney feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me." I A lady who used it says: "Tlxe at:iio9- 1 fhere seemed haiy with or without gUisses. but after usinj this prescrip- tion for titteen days everything seems clear. I can read even fine prlut wlth- pui glasses." -â- Viiother who used It says: "1 was bothered with eya strain caused bv overworked, tired eyea which Induced iierce hcaa.xches. 1 hjive worn f lasses for several years, both for dis- ance and work, and without them I couid not read my own name on au envelope cr the typewriting cn the machine before me. I can Jo ooth now, and have discarded my long distance Klasses altogether. I can count the Butterim leaves on the trees across the street now which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to me. 1 cannot express my joy at what It has done for me." It is believed that thousands who Vear glasses can now discard them In a reasonable time, and multitudes more will he able to strengthen their eyes BO as to be spared the trouble and ex- pense of ever getting glasses. i Pr. Beck, an eye specialist of nearly ' twenty years practice, says: "A patient ! came to me who was sutterlng from I Wepharitis Margtn,<lis with all the concomitant eyniptonis. as morning agglutia4(l4a vX U^A UU4r kIu^uud y-il^- j-jnctivlcis ap 1 erhiph.^ra. Ker eyes when not congested n.iJ the dull, suf- fused expression con^mon to such cases. Having run out of her medicine a friend suggested Bon-Opto. She used this treatment and not oply overcame lier distressing condition, but strange and ama»;:is as It may seem, so strengthened her eyesight that she was able to dispense with her distance frlasses and her headache and neuralgia eft her. In this instance I should say her eyesight was Improved 10O'"„. l t^ave since verlfled the efficacy of this treatment In a number of cases and have seen the eyesight Improve from •a to 75 I'.T cent in a rem,u-kably short time. I can s.^y It works more quickly than any otlK>r retuedy 1 have pro- scribed tor the eyes." Dr. Smith, an oculist of wide experi- ence, s.iys; "1 have treated in private practice a number of serious opthalmic diseases with Bon-Opto and am able to report ultimate recovery in both ?cute and chrv<nto cases. Mr. B. came to my oince suitoriiig with an infected eye. The condition was so serious that an operation for enucleation seemed Im- perative. Before resorting to the operative treatment I prescribed Boa Opto and in .H hours the secretion h.id Kssened. Inilimmatory symptoms be- gan to subside, and In seven days the e>e was cured and retained Its nor- m.*l vision, .\nother case of extreme convergent strabismus (cross eyes) escaped the suigeon's knife by the timely use of your coUyrium. The tightened external mu^les yielded to the aoottting and anoi^-ne effects of Hon-Cpto. I always instil I'on-Opto after removal of foreign bodies and apply it locally to all burns, ulceri and spots on the eyeball or the lids for Its therapeutic effect. By cleans- ing the lids of secretions aiid acting as a tonic for the eyeba'l itself the vision is rendered more scuto. hence the number of cases of discarded glasses." Pr. t'oTnr 3a.y9' ' il;- «)• < w^re in bat! cuadltiott «twia^ in iba sovsrs , strain arisingr from protraccel niicro* scopical research work. Bon-Opto used according to directions rendered a sur- prising service. I found nxy eyes re- markably strengthened, so much so I have put aside my glasses without dis- comfort. Several of my colleagues have also used it and we are agreed as to its result.s. In a few days, under my cbsenratlon. the eyes of an aatigmatij case were s> improved that glasses have been discarded by the patient." Eye troubles of many descriptiiip.s may be wonderfully beiieilted by tha use of Eon-Opto and If you want to strengthen your eyes, go to any drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Optj tablets. Prop one Bon-Opto tablet la a fourth of a class of water and let It dissolve. V, ith this llQUld bathe th» eyes two to four times daily. Ton should notice your eves clear up per- ceptibly right from the start, and in- tlammation and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother yoa even a little it is your duty to take steps to save them now before it is too late. M.iny ho;»elessIv blind m'lcht have 8;ived their sight It they had cared for their eyes In time. Note; A eiry ph.Tsietda to whoiu the tbove article was submitted. MlJ: ''Yes. Bon-Oplo la a reoiaH^able eye remed.v. Its ei^osiltu^-Dt li>- gndteots are well koowa to emlaent eye jpe- claittti aod ivlileij prvsorlbed by them. I tuts used It very iuceesstully la my own prncti'.-e ea liACteats wbose e.res were itTalne^l tbrouitti oter- work or mlsilt glasses. I eau bijch:? riH-v[na)«ii<& it la case of weak, watery, achiag. smart'ig^ itelllag. burning eyea, r^ liJa, blurrv,! vlsleti .jc ft>r eyea InSaiu-d fr-im exposure to amok*, lui^ Just or wind. It is one of tile rery few prvpam* ttoas I feet sheiild be kept ea baod for regulas use la alOKist e>ery frnmiiy." Bon Opto Is sot a patent medicine or se^'Pvt r*'me,ty. It la la etbical prei>aratEoa. tb« formula tH'tng pr*.at*d oa ttie paokage. The manafaeturvrs snar«ote« It to atreagtben eyealKht 30 per evitt in one week's tljue ill many iaslaucs or rei'itid tbe mon,^y. It is 41^ ponsed bv all gcH'd druggists. Including getierul stores, also by (.:. XaukbXyu au4 T. Katuo * Co>. ToFoato. i.-^' ,.v-..