Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1917, p. 4

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yaiw>»niiiM-*<aj~^ July IJ) 1017 T H h: f i. e s II f r r iS a d v a n c e TH E« jyicshcrtoii ^TlDunncc «n ia<linwnilen» newspatwr, jiiibliiihed every rhnr /liiy «t th'' ortice, CoUingwood Street, KlMherton. SnVmcrii>tii>n piiee $1 perantiuni Vb'n r«><> in adv'-nce ;$1.50whrn not no paid Adver •iBinft rates on appUiation. Circnlatiou l.lOt) we)kly Tmor»ton Eoitow Singhampton AN HONORED PROPHETB88. W. H GREY COUNTY'S GOOD ROADS SYSTEM Till' best wishes uf tlieii many friends p^^pi^ (,( I'^rls H«<1 (Ireat KaItU In Ku will) Uev. niid Mra. Ijuiiib t<) t'leir | Madanie Thebes. new lioine rtt U«rrie. ' An extruordinary career ended ! with the pasBing away Thebes in Paris. Men's Wear for Summer Mis. Eildio Hi^gins, wi.li her twti children, Mar^tret aud Jean, itUu Mrs. | J. Barrass and li'tle daughter, came up Fri'in the i^Kiten ('uy un Saturday to | e|iend the sutmner with the former's (Kkrents, Mr. ai.d Mrs. 0. Kiildell. S. number from here attended the of Madame Until the outbreak of the war her prophetic genius won world-wide renown, but for the last year or two her guessing has been wont to miss rather than mAke the mark. She has been one of the romantic figures of Paris for a number of years. With good looks, magnetic Th9 adcption by the (irey county council of the Rood roads system is undoubtedly appreciated by the pejple of the county. For years other countie.s have benefitted V>y this provision by ihe i)ntario Le^itlature for the c.nstruction of ROjd roads, while Grey county failed to appreciate the advantages. Notwith- •Undini; the tardy movement it will not be surpri.sing if -it the end of ten years this county will have measured up to the standard atUined by other counties where Ihe system has lieeu in effect for some tunc. This will largely be due to the fact that in no county is there a better quality or more generous distribu- tion of good road making material. The adoption of the system naturally Laves the MUi-Ktion of I'le location of the roads and on ex»min»lion ..f the maj» it will | be seen that th.-r- are a number of j leading roads which p»»H through the | counties of Or y, Bruce, Siincoe and | Oufferin. which natural'y will have first CiUiMdoration. In <;rey there is the Toronto and Sydenham road running north from OrangevilU Ihr-uah She'.- burne, Dundalk, Klesherlon. Markdale, HoiUnd Centre, and Chatsworlh on to Owen Sound, giving a straight line to Toron! .. This will have, however, a big bid to becmie the inter provincial high- way. Another road running north is known as the Ouelph road and extends from Mount For.'st throuuh Varney, Durham, Dornoch, Williamaford and Chatswurth toOwen SiuuJ. ijivrng direct access to Hamilton and the Niagaia peninsula. In addition to these roadf. running north and south are two main crossrotds. Ooa runs from Kincardine through to Singhampton by w«y of Walkerton, Hanover, Durhiiii, Priceville and Flcuherton. Another, farther north, origiDttleK at Southampton or Late Huron ahore road, strikes Allenford, JacUson and Owen Sound through to ; Meaford, where it cimnecls with the | road from Meatord to 'JoUingwood and then on b) way of Barrte and Yonge street to Toronto, a section of which will be an inter county r.iad. These roadK, witli tne development of the motor truct, must beci me ailenes of travel and traiisportjition and eventually be of tremendous importance in the develop- ment of the county of (irey, and in fact, all of the (ieorgiaii Bay «:>uth shoie Counties. Other fee<l<rs will be develop- ed in each towinhp, which in time, will give 'he people of ihe county eaHy acri'sS to all the business ceiities in the cuuntiis <)» this district a« well as excellent opportunity of seeing undoub'uJIy the rMM*' p'cturch<|ue â-ºect on o( all western Oai*."o.- (). 8. Times. garden party at Hatherton on July 4 vnd I personality, and her uncanny Insight, ' she has won her way into some of the most eicluslTe salons. She al- rcport a go. d time. The baseball mitch between lioneywnod and the lioine team proved very interesting, our I oy* ciriy- ing oft' the honors. (^tuite an exciting hour W!i.< spent heie on Sunday when a number of the Hying corp.s at Camp Uosre called ua their way from Fevershaiii with a plane that was damaged on .Saturday while attemvting way* wore an air of myeiiclsm, and after the manner of her kind was apt to go into trances for indeOnite periods. Her tongue was two-edged and she was feared »s much as ihe was feted. Madame Thebes lias had a lengthy career and for some time past her health bad been failing. Her son was killed r:cently in the war. When Interviewed in Paris last March she was a broken-down old woman shir- Keadv to wear suits ,$8.50 to $19. 50 IJeady to wear pants 2 25 to 4.75 Work shirts 75 c. to 1.50 Negligee shirts 75 c. to 1,75 Sport shirts 1.00 to 1.50 Suniiner ho.sierv 1 5 c. to 75 c. Leather belts New neckwear Summer underwear Straw hats Felt hats Silk and cloth caps 50 c. to 75 c. 25 c. to 75 c. 50 c. to 1.00 50 c. to 2.25 1 00 to 2.75 50 c. to 1.5o to rise. The airmen were a very pleasant and courteous bunch of 1»1» aud an-jerlng by the fire, but with lambent swered all Mueslions good imtmedly. flames of her old spirit still appear i|ue9tions gii The \V. I. Blill meet each Thursday night in their work rooms, where they khit, sew and pack Utxes for our boys. Since the 17"rh Battalion left here we have iiuite a number m'>re to rememler J each luoiith. Letters hive been teceivid from bo b France and KnglandJ showing how much the boxes â-  ra appreciated. Kich Sa'uiday the ladie* Kirve Ice cream at Mr. J. Hammil'H, the members liking turns at providing the ice cream. Ill this way over JHOS \\\\* been realized and as the warm weather has haidly commenced we are looking forward tn |a uood se.-kson. Uesidea our iiieiiibership fees several of oir genlemin friendi ; have kindly donated money, making in all tn date over Sl'O, nut counting fees. We also received %'i. from t le Blind Line •icho(d to go lowird purch^ising c tmforts for our bop.s. Over 8' was dona:ed by our own M-liool. The conceit returns were also /ery sttisfnctory as ab.>ul %'i1 were added to the tieasury to help ahmg this good cause. The W. I. ortic.rs wirh to give a hearty vote of thanks to all their friends h r their help and support and assure them that It ii both needed and apprec ated The writ ir Lsu't prepared to say exactly what the expenses of the loxes shipped overseiiH are, but with contents and p ist»K'< together, it ii estimated that thjy will come to over I'iO eich month from now on. This is not counting labor. I â€" Uulletin. Fall Fair Dates Ing at times. | •'The disappearance of one of the â-  principal authors of the war will bring about a great change," she said on thi.s occasion. [ •Which of the two I cannot tell. ; The future is too dim. Many shape- less shadows pass before my eyes. The sinister old man and the modern Nero. Both of them are marked men. Death follows them and will suddenly betray them lK)th. The Hobeniollern will die a madman or else by violent means, suicide, or as- sassination, I cannot say which. The Empress and Prince Henry of Prus- sia and perhaps one of bis sons, will alone survive the Kaiser." The "old man" referred to is presumably the late Francis Josef of Austria. She foretold with accuracy the date of the death of Pope Plus, and months before the war clouds loom- ed up she prophecied that France in 1914 would be drawn into a great war from which she would emerge victorious. It was the habit of Madame Thebes to issue an annual book of predictions, and in her volume for 1915 she foretold the latest earth- quake In Italy which occurred in January, 1915. Among other suc- cesaful prophecies were the fall of Khartoum, the assassination of President Carnot, and the death of Queen Victoria. One of her really remarkable pro- phecies was that of the great luizaar are which occurred In Paris some years ago, and in which many of the French noblesse lost their lives. It must be admitted that most of Madame Thebes' prophecies regard- ing the war have already proved fallacious, an- her popularity waned in proportion. There was a time wh«n the French people had the ut- most faith in everything their seer- ess told them. I In any erent, the sayings of Ma- j dame Thebes will l>e missed from the > ' strange conglomeration of fa«t and | I fancy that is Paris. Our Assortment of sizes in every line is Full and Complete. ' Groceyr Department -- Uncolored Japan Tea at 25 c. A special purshase enabl<^s the offering of a good Uncolored Japan Tea at 25 c. per pound or A\ pounds for $1.00. Under present conitions of the Tea market it will pay you to lay in a stock . Millinery Department Clearing Prices for the remainder of the Season. F. H. W. HICRLING FLESH ERTON, - ONTARIO. Holstein Bull For Service .Vjthoronghlired Holstein t'lili for service on ; lot-i ItCi 1K4 S. W. T. & S. H.. Artemeaia: clou- t cly related to the world^s ehainpioii 44-poiind |e<m-. Terln^: ^1 .W for gradea, $.1.00 for pure , breijs. 1 July 17. ;E0. MOORK Jt Hon. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS FOR SERVICE Lit 24, con. 14, Arten:esia, pure bred SliMrtiiian bull. Valley King. tirade cows Jl '.'.">, purebred f4.00. 1 July 17 -NV. A. WEBEK. I Boar for Service ' The undersigned has a thorough .ired I Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms $l.r>(». 1 FRED SPOFFAUD. Boar For Service Pure bred \orkaliire Ixar fomorvice at the MuKae farm, neur Ceylon. Term*- â€" $1 150 for ull an ii:»U (*er\ed. lNo>. -.1 F. COl.MXSON- This faiiioua make of implements is well known all over the country and their own uood work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If yoo re<{uire anythinic in the line of Binderb, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp era. Plows, Sleighs, Waitijonf, Cream Separators, Harrows. KuUers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en sines. Sawing uut6ts, etc , give us a chiinee to quote prices. Fles]:ie]?tioni %l^ Tonsoria! 'V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evenia CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We ar» agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clotbos cleaned and dved. feathers rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Admitted Hi* Guilt But is Liberated OranK-ville, July 15.- Albert Allen, the Sinicoe coimiy fiirtni-r wlm was indio'ed hI the June Scfisions of tie County Court here and failed to appear, and was sub8e<|uenily arrested i>y \\\\l\\ Constable Maishall, has pleaded KUiliy on two oouiits ill the iiidiolineiit, the theft of grain ai.d cattle, upon which the Grand Jury had a tine bill. He was airtigiiud before ihe County .lud^e, aid was allowed to ^o on su.^-peiided seiiteiire on fuinishiii/ a bond of ;$l,(MXt. The reason for (lie cU-nieney was the fact that tie had enliAted with the Vork Siincue foreJter'j on the 'iSW\ n't. Kvidi-iiow wh.s given of ciihbtment and atlesit iig, tnd the .tiid^c wtA informed that Allen was roijuired lu j'lin his ballaliuii at once. Allen was accordingly uiveii his liberty and lift f' r ('kiu;; Loiden yt'stfrdny morn iig. Me ii \ bii/, str«| piiiL' fellow, and will liltcly r.i ike ;.ool at tbc froht. FLKSUEflT* IN Thankngivina P»y M»rkd»I« Oct. U & 10 Ciledon Ocf. .â- !A4 Chal.sworlh Sept. \\\ k 14 Ciie«l.-y Sep'. IH A I'J CUiksburg .Sept. IH .1 19 Collingvi ouJ Sep'. IV 21 Diiudalk ..Oct. 11 4 12 hiirham Sept. 20* 21 Keteistiam Oct. 2 A ;i lliiiiuvtrr Sep*. 20 A 1 1 Ilo'.stein Sept. '.<> Loiidi.n (Western Fair) .S -pt. 7- 15 1 Meafiird Sep'. T, A 2H ' Mount Forest Sept. 19 A 2(t Orangeville Sept. IS k I'.t Owen Sound.. Sept. ll-l:i I'riceville Oct. 4 4 5' I Uoc<l) n Oct. 4 li ii , jshelburne Sept. 25 4 2(1, 'T4M Oct. 2 (f;li Toronto (C.N.K-) Aug. ?5 -Sept. lOl Walkerton No Fair this yen | Walter's Falls Sept. 26 A 'JO | Wiirton Sept. 'J.') & 2(i |pS^«*» Suuuii^SS^. The Old Adage I Till' nomadic 'ife wai reireseiited in iliis town for a few hours ui e day lust week by live unto loud^i of lyp c il gyp.sie* Tliey cUiiiiel til have ciiiiu fr' ui Moiil real and that Iheir iii'ssiiii in life wi.s loll sell lace. A (Quebec license on one Tile Michi}fan Speciai Convenien: ^ighl Train for Detroit and Chicago I lie Parliouiar Mtteiitioii i.s ci'led to coiiveiilciil lii/l't li.iio opi'r.ited vi« the | ^i,|^ (,, Canadian I'^icilic Miclii^ui Ci-iitial Koutu to Delioit, ami ( liiCHUO. Lcitve Toriuilo 11.3) p 111., daily, aiiive D.'froit 7..'>0 a III and Ctiiofjoli (Ml p in. Mb ctiic Liittited Si'indHrrl Slrepi-r i.s i peintcu to Detroit Kiul/ifr p'lit iiilurs from .my i;H4iiidiaii I'noilic Tirkt" Atfrii', or \\. B How Hid, Disirici I'a.sbi iit,i'r .Aoent. Ton nto, Ont. Delightfully Ccol on (ha Cseat Lake* Poiir MiNlii'l.l, a ^llâ- '^t pba^'Mil jouriii y via (.'iiiiiiiliBii I' ciMc Hiii.wiiy. is till' ••••ii'W'iy ' " 'hi' t Jie â- ! f.iiki'H. .'^to.iii ship Kxprrta loa vis 'loionlo 2.(0 p in. mill Widiiendiiy ai il S;iliiiiliiy, ii iikiiij diieiM coliioriion iit I'l it MiNic' 1' wiih either â-ºli'iiihhip •'K'-eo'iiin or ".Vs.vini boi t'' f.i Niult Sie %'iirii', I'oit Artl.iu or Fo t Wil inn I'litunlirs from iiii> Cai.Moitii I'iiitic Tuki^t Ag..iit or W I', Howard, Wis rict Passenger A>;rnt, Tormito, Out. the auio.s nr^ued for the po&.«ihle validity of llie tirst claim, but the lace gomls slory wu.siiivon ti.e liinico sinn by a b.'vyof| pictnre.-cpii'ly Rtlired females «lio 'Mid' the iiiiiin busimss street in the lime worn i search for victims «ho wanted their] liand.s lead. Travelling by aiito caravan i.s a devolopiiu'iit of the tiomHil'a life in keepiiio with thoNpiiit of the times iiiid would soeni to indicate that whatever tlsei.s lackingthi.se dusky travellers are hi'd the nuiiiev for travel coni- fmts. Tlieirstiy in Mt. Forest was not ui.diily [irob'tiged, a o«iitle lint from the Chief of I'olicj lieini; mtticient to stnrt tke motors whiiriiig ai.d tlie iliiit tlyin;;. â€" >lt. Forest \\e\. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equall} fine of the 1900 (Jravity usher. Try (meant! lie convinced tliat there is none Wetter. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line of AlcL'oriuick Farm Impleiuents, Hinders Mowers, Hakt'.s, Loai'ers, Drills, tnltivatois. Plows, IJidinif and Walkip'' IfiiiioH.s Hiantfcrd Wind Mills, rnii:|.>', ri[:in!: ai.d lMllin}»s of all kinds, lieattic Hay Carriers. Hay l<orks. Slings, Kilter ( 'iirieis, Foidiny: Bath riil)s, Frost Wiieaiid Fence Cutters ami Sit'iijiis. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton For Service For service un bt 12, con. 9, ftsprey, one purebnd Shorthorn Bull. Terms 1.50. Also one pure bred Yorkshire Boar, Terms fl.OO. All accounts must be paid to FKKD TYLER, Mana«er. â€" 1 Sep New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am i>peiiiii>< upatunce, a blacksmith- ioK and woodworking business in Max- well, and am -luialling up-to-date wood- working niacliineiy. It will be my en- deavor to serve the pulilic in a satisfac tory manner and I would solicit patron- age. I wint yourwoik and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG fjjj Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavet roughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. ripetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. F'urnaces. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. | =i=?G Tenders Wanted \ Tend^i.s will bo received up 'o tin' 2Sih diy ol July, l!tl7. for the ptii pi*e f p.intii.tt wiodwoik (ou'hidc mid iiisidi ) nU'i calling mid w,%Ms if 8 Alt* iLC-'ii. I.dwtf-t iriiiy necessarily sccipled. George \\. C.iirr..'^, S«c.-Ttea8< I ANNOUNCEMENT lf;iviiiij;' pinthasi'tl the Furniture business of Mr. John Ciiiipnian at ii rate oil ihe dollar, I am prepared to oiler Fiiriii:iiit' at unlu>,ird nCpiices. For the next tiltceii days the public will bt^ able to proht by this sale, as i must dispose of>most of it. The Stock is new and up to-(lat(* in iverv res})Prt. Dressers. Stands, I'arlor Sets and other choice goods at p|â- ic^athat will .surprise yoii. War liitie dotis not attect tlu^sc as they were mostly purcliastd bt'l-)re the raise and ;ire again cut in Older tt) make (|uick sal'.'. Come in and hok over the Stock. II D. McKILLOP I CHRISTOE BLOCK % FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. U ... WE SELL s No. (;,'! ti iiUet iiiit Kl W. H. BUNT Furniture and UndcrtAkin£< \ FLESHERTON, La ONTARIO. FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents J^or Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers ?^^^^^^ J JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. • i 4>> • t' .-i'. 41*

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