Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jul 1917, p. 1

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'"7 /lesl)«i:t0« â- â€¢<â-  TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN.' VOI a? No. Flesticrton, Ont., Thursday, July '-?e 1017 W. H THDRb'iUi. a.Til PBOI'lUE Eugenia Paragraphs Aithuv Wiliiaraa of th« Advance staff' spent the week end with friends. Mis. Dive Genoa and diiughtar, Dorothy, viiited the former'.s .s s'er, Mr?. 10. Hillock, near Wareham. Mii-sLeoim Pedlsr accompiinied them. Rubert Mi-Kee and two chiljien and sister, Mrs. Jerry Thompson ot t'lUing- wuod and Mr. and Mrs. Weeks i^f North Bay, are visiliuf; with Mr. and Jlra. A. Carruthers, Mrs. A. Saiith received word fruiii Geriiiauy about a munth ago tliut he^ Bun, Fred, was ill, but, glad to know, she received a letter from fted hist week Buying he was i|uite well again. MissKdiii McGruiher of Souih Oriiige, N.J., is visitinf» wi'.h Mr. and Mrs. 'J. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. llioij. Geuoe and three children of Ceylcu visited the former's fstlier recently. Wu see T<iai Im3 purchased a ubw car. Mrs. Williani Hislup spei.t a few days with her brother, Mr. .McKeuzic, eit Ceylon. The Kui(euiu Women's Institute will hold iheir monthly meeting in the yrove oa Wed., .\ug. the Srst. All niiiiibers are asked to be present, this beui!; a special ineetini>. J. K. Jiimieson and L. Latimer utten- de3 the <,!uirterly Hoard at Mount Zion Mondiy. A memorial service w:is held in the Presbyterian church ou Sunday, July 22, when the village and ct.'niin unity turned <'UC in large nuuiljcrs to pay the la.st tribute of honor to Pie. Rubt. Leopard, BOO of Mr. and Mrs.jHnies Lcppard, and Pte. Emerson Smith, sin of .Mr.and Mrs H. Smith,â€" two heroes of Viui; Kidge. The pastor. Rev. A. Mc\'icar, preached a sermon full of comfortiiiK thoughts for the sorrowing ones. He took his addres- from St. Matthew lU : Itiâ€" 22. The chu'ch decorations were uniijue and effective. The front if the pulpit wa>- diaped with white, and a union juck was .eurrounded with small Ha^s. On the coin uiuuioD table were placed photoi^raphs of the two boys, each in uniform. The pulpit and table were banked w.th beautiful while flowers, also a newly hung roll (jf nonur containing the names of twenty-niue of tur boys who have enlisted. Master Joe Williums, Mrs. i.ieorxe Williams and two children, accompanied by her sister, of Toronto, are visiting friends. West Latimer, two daughters. Vera and Wilda, and two ei.slers, Mrs. Slack and daughter, Edna, and Mrs. J. Jamie ton and son, George, are vititiui< the former's father and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Allister and two childien of Ti^ronlo are the guests of Mrs. K. Puivis. 5Ii*.s Sherman ot Dwen JSouiul i- v;siriiii; with her friend, Mrs. Larye. Mrs. lioddy of Owen Sound spent tlit week end wi'li Mr. and Mrs. A. JSmitli. Master HiUiatd Leyard and friend, Ercd Helj-Uf, of Toronto, holidayed wi'.li his farmer aunt, Mrs. T. McKee. We Congratulate Master Herbie llaiioy on pas^ing his entrance exauiination. Lightning's Freak Lightniin! [days many a prank, i.nd gives many a cIksb cill without doiny any gieit hiirm, but rarely doe.s it play a stranger trick than it did at Thomas Bowler's, Ashtield; iluriiij; a .stor.ii ilie end of List week. To the fact th»» JUrs. Bowler was away from home for the night, she likely owes hetlife. She had ijoiie to J. Hojjaii's to care fur the children, Mr. and Mrs. Hoxan being away for iheni^ht at Teeswactr. During the night the Buwler house was !.truck by li>;litnii!s(. The current struck the pfak of a gible, and after tcarini; the stucldiiiL! HiKl lumber somewhat, it dosceiidc;! mid went clean lluounh the bed on wluch Mr. Bowler was sleeping. He had a lude and sudden awakening by being throwli upon the floor. t)n exaniinatiun it was found that the linhtnin^ Imd made a f.»i»ly cleancul^ h'jle ehrougli the buddlni;, lUaltreas and all, large euou^ to put one's head through, Tlio <iiirrent then reached the giound (Vitlii.ut dinng further damage. Had Mrs. Boiler not happened to bo away thai nigJit, there likely would be a differeiit story to tell.i- Lack now Senti- nel. Vandeleur Happenings Ceylon Chat \ Kimberley Budget (Latt week's Items) Mrs. Geo. Pritchard left on Friday last to visit her sister at Gravenhurst for a few days. Mrs. H. Ready of St. Marys is visiting at the home of her mother here. Misses Eiina Burrit and Maude Plewos of Kimberley spent the week end af (.leo. Pritchard's. Frink Davis, E.Warlinii, Dave McGeo, E. Bowes and Ci^to Baker motored to Uwfn Sound ou .Monday, returnini; the same day. We 'ue s.irry to r-iport Harry Baiier having had to undergo an operation fm appendicitis at the general hospital list Thursday, but are ploas^d to know he is recovering nicely. iVIbeit and Miss.E. Widdilield and Mr. M. .\lcox of Orange Valley spent Mon- day with friends iu this vicinity. E Bak.r and wife went to Owen Sound on the 12th to see their son, Harry. Oeo. Wright has been indisposed the last few days with bronchitis. Miss M. J. Buchanan has been visiting her brother in Toronto the last couple of w.jcks. Portlaw Mis J. L. Wood of Toronto visited w'th her sister, Mrs. Wni Taylor. Mr.Kobett Watson bad the misfortune t> have the small b .ne of his riglit Irg broken by a stroke from a colt. .Mrs. Wesley J tmieion ot Toronto has been s()fnJ.i)g the past two weeks with Mrs. \\ i; Jtmiei-on. Mis. S. Oill^rt of Vandeleur and •Misa Whiii- ..f .Vlarkdale are the gues's of Ml., riiuiiias Tayl.ir. Miss May Corulield (pent some days visiting fiieiids in Toronto. .Mi.-s VioU Cornli-ld is lioinc from the city for her summer holidays. .\Uin McKenicie is recovering from a severe attjck cf tonsilitis. Mrs. (ieorge WiLson spent a fortnight visiting sisters at Sudbury. The Kourili Line Orange Lodge aie in iking preparations for a big garden party at Geo-ge Fisher's on Thurslay of this week. Victoria Corners ill-, and Mrs. George Moore have gone ou a visit to their sou's at Newbury ; iKo Toronto .iiid Detroit. Miss .VI. Woodlan of .SmitliviHe is v.siting her sister, Mrs. Chaa. Moore. Mrs. E. Duncan ^ave a splendid report If Sun"'»y Sclviil on Sunday at In'stioge of tin S. S. Cmventi'iii at Priceville I»st week. Shelburne Mrs. Martha Bowles, wife of Cliarles Uowles. Governor of the DulTerin County Jail at Orangovdie, and matron of liie iiistitutioti for ihe past 2;1 years, died at her residence. S. 11. Kutledge, iiitrble dealer, lost a couMgniiiuiit of !<1,(I00 worth of Scotch granite momimeuts, which was shipp d on the ss. CaitlMginian, which wentd'iwn lu June. This is the second I ;t he has lost since the war staited. The ceusign- ineiit WHS insured, but he will lose in re[)lacing i', as ihe price nf graiiiie has increased. \ couple of aviiiors ironi Camp Bor- den, who came over Shelburne on Mon- day evening and effccted^a hiniling on W. J. Creary's farm, west of town, encounter- ed considerable ti( ubie in atti'iiipting to make a (light, and smashing into a rai. fence luri.ed the aeroplane nose down- ward into the eirtli, completely wrcekin« the propeller and doing daiii.igs lo the niichine estiiviatod III over Sl.ltUO. They remained in Shelbuiiie over night and on Tuesday a motor truck from the Camp conveyed t"ie wreckage back to camp.- - B'lee I'ro.-isi. .Sam Chislett, Toronto, is holid lyii g 4t his uncle's here. Cecil Cushnie is visiting with Gleiielg friends Clarence Muir returned the past week tu his position at Pickering, after a fortnight, under the p-irenti! ro-.f. Mr.anil Jlrs.J Cainaiins have re'uriied after a couple of months s[.ent iu ihe city. Mr. and Mrs. (Jazy, Toronto, were !;ue8ts at the McLiuciilau HoU<e last week. Miss Kate Wilc'ck has leturnid from s.'veral weeks spent with friends in New York State. Mrs; Ferris, who hai heeu residing with her broiher, W. Meads, for the past yenr and a halt on account of ill health, r'.'lurned to her heme in Toronto la.st week, accoinpttiiied liy her sister, M.-?. Joe Oliver. Miss Wild, Toronto, is a uuest of Mrs. S, Rands. Sliss Jennie Nielson, Toronto, and Miss Annie Nie.'sou of Pro'on visited their sister, Mis. .1. .\lcD< nald, here last week. Dr. and Mrs. H. Holmes and Miss Jean, Owen Sound, visited at T. Chislett s the tirst of the wiek. Sam Cliislc t, -Mrs. J. McMillan and son, Jolin, ajcouipauied chem back to Owen Sound for a week's visit. Edgar P.ittersoii, Mrs. L). Stewart, Miss Lottie Muu, .Miss Eva Ludio* and Miss ivatu Ba.\ter motored Tuesday to Collingwood to visit fi lends. Miss Floreuco Bennett is visiting with Slarkd tie fii^ndj. -Miss Mary McVliillen, TorontM.ariived Monday to visit her parents. Mr. E. Gioskiirlh Waldeiuir was in Toronto riist of week. Mr. Newbauer, who has bcii visiting at L). WhittakerV, St >ne'» Lin', returned Monday to his home in Canli^n, Ohio. Durham We syii)paihi/.e with .Mr. .M. J. Bolge.' nf Ike MiUdaugh House, in his bereave- ment through the Lms of (lis wife. Mr. .Joseph Siie.'l met with a bid acci- dent .It the cjinent plant yesterday. While Working around the coal building he got his foot into the McCaslin ciiivey- or, and had it badiy mangled. He will lose part of the f'^ot, and will bo permanently lai.ie. Me-isrs. C. N. Richardson, U.r'o. Sullivan. Chas. Stewart. Barm-y Weltoii, Mark Wils.n, 'L'hos. Phillips, Oscar Phillips, Dr. McLean, and -loe Aexander of Klesherton got lo Durham on their way to the Listowel races on Friday, but 1)11 harning that iliey h id be,n pii,srp.jned returned hr.ine. Chronicle. Waikerton Al Ch.irlci .>tuut, prinoip'e of Parry Sound pu'"lic school, accompanied by his wife and little son, Is holidaying with hi" parents here. Walter Harris of West T.>ronlo rciiewet' old ncijuaintiincas in ihis pait during the pa>l week. Hugh Huiniuond and Wm.Butterwonli of Eugen a iver-; m uur village last week. They were putting lightning rods uu Jasper Stuart's due rciideiice ; als j on Joe Corntield's barn. Wm. 11 uiiiu.md, teacher uf a pnblc 8^-h )iil near Sirarf j:J, hau nine pupils w.ite on the enlraiu'.' exams. All passed, ([uite a iiotnber Willi honors. .\s a leich'-r to secure results, Wiliiain is a "S a; ' of tl'.e l;r>l niaijiir uJe. Win. i? ,i K mber ty I o; , ami, ,if cmiise, enuldu'r help liut make g o d. [|| the death ot .Mis. James M. I'luirs- toi, wliieli iiccniied m Chicago rLvcntly, the Beaver V.illoy U.st one o: its early Ijioiieers. .\ lady ot s'erl ng worth. 1 i times of sieknois ;.i.o w.ia always rea> y to lend a liil.jiiie h Old. She his gone i.i her leward. .\ deep 4I0.1111 w Id cist o\tr i!ie coiutiuuiily on Monday last when i' became known that Sims .Xgties Wiekeiis, o ily dauglit'.r of .Mr. 'iiid Mrs. Chirks W.ckens, li:id |.assed awiv. The y on g Udy was of a kind disposition \\xA belov- ed by eveiyone. The remains were interred in lie Elesherton public ceme- tery on \\ eilucsday l.isi, where a l.ii â- .;'-• number of sorrowiut! friends iiaid tluir last iriliute. Much sympathy is ixpreo- sjd for the be.caVeil iiuiily in th'», tin ir sad hour of alHictniii. Mr. McLe.in, insurance a^eni 1 f Thornbury, in.ide a business tiip to our burg on Saturday last. Cecil Fawcett landed a bur speckled beauty on-j day recently. Cec 1 says when lie pulled him out the river went down about * foot The Late Robert Leppard France. June 2s '.''17 Bditor Dear Vdvance . Sir. -N. Dundalk Mis. W. A. -â- Armstrong, Fl.'shcrtoii, and her sister, Mrs. LiHorot Everet', Wasliiiigioii, Were 'quests of the MLsses Johnson on the 12th. Priviligos fcr the tliilling for oil or gas have been giant d l.y tevei'iil furiiurs along the Gravel tiiul cast of Dundalk. Evidanlly oil men will test this locality in the near future. L.t us hope Ihey may "stiike it lich." • ex. Weaiherliead, a "big inusculir firmer from l.'ipe Chin, and who is s.iid to hnve been soiiiewliat ot a hully on ilo^ Bniee I'eiiinsuK, was fiiitd S2i' ami cn-.t.., by Judiu Gieig nl ihe Couil Himse here on Wedi-esday morning, fur pointing a gnu at his own wife and at a neiglib ir, John Caesar. The accused, wi,o cKtended himself at the trial, was also bound over in the sum of S20U to keep the peace for a year. Crown .Vtloruey Di.\oii ajipo ired f.ir the proseculion, ai.d by means of witnesses succeeded in establish' ng his cai^c and putting the guilty si^n on ihe accused. On .Moud,-<y afternoon of last weel;, while Mr"j. John Bel beck in 1 her d-«ughter, Ada, were tickiu;^ straw ben ies iu Iheir pasliire li ihl near Kilrii Grove, they noticed two strangers walking along the opiiesitc side of the fence, near the edge of the clearing, a short di8t...nce away. Presently they were s>ai tied by a volley of shtits from something in the revolver line. Tliiiikioi-, however, ihit ih-.'pair were shooting at birds or F(|uirre)s the women kept picking to the lu 10 of thj! pistol's rins. A rAiiistonn suddenly breaking, (hey reache I for their granite berry por, when ihey beheld it full of bullet holes. It was then Ihi-y ,re«li/..'d that ihey had been dai>cing with death by moving among the bu^he3 neifrby while all around them the air was full uf j Strayed from Lot 1. Con. !., ().,,rey lead. liookmg around fur the jays who 1 three jear-oU heifers-two red oius w \\. nearly put the crepe mi their front door, I somo white sp.ilss om them, and the oil doubt it was wi'li extreme rc«ret that ymi learned of the death .if Robert Leppard. At lensi it nas with us anyway. He was o( a rather ijuict .iispobitioii and was well hktd I y the boys. His interest in others was shown in the fact that in the trim journey mentioned over two mouths »vo be was one of th'i fellows to stand up alt night when there wasn't mom for nil to lie down, lie was not in "iiy company but I learned from ihe boys iu h:s platoon thai he wis espojially Ikid bicausd ot his coolness u.;der sliell tin lu fact as it happened. that verydesiii- ible ipiality was his uiidoiry. .\t tlie lime he was hit, he was .sound asleep in hts dug ou'. .\ shell made a "direei hit" killing him ; nsantly. From ih.- nature of the woiiiul, which «nis in l.t head ell y, it was Imrd tu know wheilur ciused liy shock nr sliia|niel. He was Ouried on a place which 1ms been iiiucli heaid of hecaure of the hit • succeeasc-; of the C.inadians. .\s ni.e fellow who was oil the buritil parly n.- m irked, "a person out heru is sure ot tbe best cure if wounded and the dead are given an .ippropria'e buria', al. leisi. ' H.s (.>. C. of the old M7h, Co!. MeFailaiid, kind y Itended the fiiiiiial, the sen ice of whieli was very iinpressiAe. VVhi'e wu shall miss him both .is a brave soldier ai.d a cheery compaiiioii. j we hive cooifmr iiiilie kiiowleilge tii.i j he made the >u|jr< me saeriHce nobly m , the interests ol his bi^liivod God, Kinu ana Country. The AdMince arrivis here fiirly reyii- hilly and, allhough not in the exa.t older of 'M ue is e.\tieiiiely welcome, in fact I W'lUld iMih. r do without some ui my teilois tliaii the piiper. 1 haie 01. ly j re.eutly renewed n.y sub-criplii'ii to ioj English jo(i!n,il which docs not ariivo even as rj:<ul«rly as the Adv;\nce. Thanking yni.for your kind past favors I am, yours for God, King and Country, Chis. Biichaii ill. Three Heifers Strayed a roan c lor. Laa; seen about tli.- middle of June. they espied the pair, whose heids were , , , . , ,. . J 1 of June. Any iierson heaiinj/ or seein > asfreolrom brams as a desert is »f Ln.j.t|,ing ot th.m, pbone or write iccberts, doing the i/olaway act over the I ^^^ UARNET M \GEF adjacent landscipe. â€" Herald and Times. I an.ythiug L au8 Eugenia, U U. I. r â-  Q Bates Burial Co ^Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. .'?^:.^y.^I. W. A Armstrong, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat l>FFIrE-l,;i) lOth .St, West,' iwon Sound Jeweler At the Revere h.nise, MarkiLde, 2nd FI FSHFRTON Thur.sday each m.mth in.ni 8 1,1 a I2a.m »-COnr.r\ 1 Wl^, Duii.lilk,!'; Wediiesibiy I f ••aeli month. ONT > I am in the iiK.rket to buy any quantity of W 30I. Highest Prices, either Cash or Trade. w. L. wRioTi^r The Corner Store, Flesherton. â- â-  â€" â-  " â- â- â-  -â- 'â-  â-  â-  â-  ' . â- â- ' !_» COCKSHUTT ' KiURlM[ IlVIF>lL.t:iVIENTS •MX. .'"v., â- ...•""'s„;.*"^...-tSi, â- â-  â- â- '•':«- 'â- '"•â- - 'â- -.'â- .. Wherevur aoricitUnnil pursuit.^ tie lollo.ved oi ,;siiirr Im 'i.tiiii-iNr, arc showing ilie leadâ€" ricpttriiig 'be soed I'od, sowing 'Le grain, leap iijg the liai-vost and providiii^ llie sloc'K \\ itii Ubor scarce and Oie demand fnr faim implements nn which ymi cin depend abs ilniely CorK-^lli I r Nifi.KMKN rs and Service will f^atisfy ymi. Let lis supply your reoiii rcmeiils if we ari! i.nt alri- 'idy doing so. We sell Ooodyear and l.ioniiiii.ui .\ui iin.diiU' lii'es and Tubes. Also â€" \\\'« Repairs ao.I .Accehio;- es. I^D. McTAVISH, FLESHEIRTON. ^ F'^)r A Otunl l\xiv CM "*" RUNNING SHOES Tdti, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? j\ T Tho^i. Clayton s ^ FLESHERTON ;* ;-

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