» *•:' < • <* The Waste of War is terrible, but the waste of food in times of peace is colosjKiak^ Rich and poor ;: ^^'^^^t tons of food that had|^tle food value â€" and th«useless food breaks down Jtjie so-called eliminating or- gans and depletes the physi- cal and mental powers. >^hredded Wheat Biscuit is all food, prepared by a process which makes every particle thoroughly digested. It is 100 per cent, whole wheat. Two or three of these Biscuits with milk, make a nourishing meal, supplying the greatest amoimt of energy at lowest cost. Delicious with sliced -bananas, berries or other fruits. Made in Canada. Don't Be Penny Wise. No housewife should let the increas- ed price of sugar keep her from pre- serving all the fruit and berries that she can get. A little figuring will show her that the increased price of sugar is only 1% cents to the quart ja VISITED BY A LION. Only the Good Temper of the Animal Averted Serious Consequences. There is plenty of danger in train- ing wild animals; nevertheless, in many cases those who work among the carnivores owe their lives to the good temper of their charges. In that con- nection Mr. Carl Hagenbeck records in Beasts and Men an adventure that would alarm even the most courageous. In the beginning of the sixties, writes Mr. Hagenbeck, I was bringing from Cologne to Hamburg a large col- lection of animals. .\mong them was a four-year-old lion. It was plac- ed in a gri?at kennel and, together with all the other animals, was install- ed in the railway van. A^an named Druard was in charge of the animals during the journey. When everything was satisfactorily arranged, he closed the door of the van and made hi.-nself comfortable. The train rumbled on through the night and the unsuspecting keeper dozed peacefully. Suddenly he felt a great weight upon his chest, and woke with a start. In the darkness, not a yard from him, there shone two RICHES. You can be rich in friends. And rich in kindly graces, And draw great dividei^ds In smiles on many faces. You need not wisdom great Nor feats of glory; Kindness will better state Your splendid story. The long-remembereil dead Lived not in splendor. Their records can be read In memories tender. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED Good opponunlty offered younj women, desiring permanent work In Toronto, to learn waltrooteB' work In the largest established re^rfaurant In Canada. Good wages paid, best work- ing conditions and fair treatment Write, Phone or Call. CHILDS COMPANY, 15a YONGE ST., TORONTO. WHEN YOUR COLOR FADES When a girl â€" or a woman â€" finds her color fading, when her cheeks and lips grow pale, and sl'.e gets short of breath easily and her heart palpitates after slight exertion, or under the least ex- citement, it means that she is suffer- ing from anaemia â€" thin, watery blocd. Headache ,.and backache frequently accompany this condition, and ner- vousness Is often present. The remedy for this condition is to build up the blood, and for this pur- A Poser. "Say, mamma, do big fishes eat lit- tle fishes like these sardines?" "Certainly, my child!" "But how do they open the tins?" Mlsaid'a Itisiment Cnrea Cold*. Etc. Cavalry Wireless Equipment | There are several forms of wire- less viuipment used in warfare, and ' under favorable conditions a range of from 1.50 to 200 miles is possible with one of them. The most portable "sta- tion," however, is the cavalry type, i which weighs 640 pounds, and is car- ried about in equal proportions by four horses. Its range is not a wide one; â- it works over a distance of ftom twenty-five to thirty miles. iROYAL YEAST Next to its unique flavour, the great ; economy of Salada Tea has been the reason for Its enormous sale. i A telescope with two parallel bar- rels to enable two persons to see the same object at the same time has been built by a Swiss optician. One wr.y to prepare rice is to put it in a cotton bag and drop the same ful again into a kettleful of bciling water. Saving the Glove. When one or both fasterners of a glove have pulled out, darn the hole and sew an ordinary dress snap near the old fastening and the glove is use- When buying yoar Piano tnslst OB having an "OTTO HIGEL" PIANO AOTION MONEY ORDERS The safe way lo send money by mall Is by Dominiou Express Money Order. C^^^-a^ flrannlated Eyelids. Run a spade down around the roots Eyes inflamed by expo- (ure to Sun, Oust and Wind uuickly relieved by Murine CyiBemedy. No Smarting, jii6t Eye Comfort. ^ At of ccsmos^lants to check rampant ! y^.^f.D^ee''''^ 5i!.<^P" B""'f- j''''^''«E> DODDS ' IKfONEY 1^ '.i-HTs oisi.c'^. pose there is no medicine can equal greenish lights, and he could dimly see I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They build the shaggy outline of the lion's mane, up and renew the blood, bring brlght- In some way the fastening of its cage jiess to the eyes, color to the cheeks. growth and t« force them into flower had become disarranged and the huge beast had escaped. Druard was a trainer of long experi- ence, and he knew that this lion was good-tempered. So he decided at once that the best thing to do was somehow or other to tie the animal up. For the rest he must share the place with the lion until the next station, and make the best of his awkward situation. Fortunately, no trouble broke out between the lion and the other animals. Had anything of that sort occurred, the man would never have Mlnard'a I,inlinent Cnrea Divbtherlk. IRSCEI.£A]rXOVS and a general feeling of renewed health and energy. The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, plain food. The girl or woman who gives this treatment a fair trial will soon find herself enjoying perfect health. You can get Dr. WllUama' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mall post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CVA.N'CER . Int SalveinTubes25c. ForBoohollheEyefreeask I Druggists orMurineCyeBemedyCu., Chicago Propellers made of pressed steel, ' lacquered to give them perfectly smooth surfaces, are the last word in Tt;SIOR.S. LUMPS. ETC. ernal and external, cured with- airplane construction out pain by our home tr»atmfnt. Write UB before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. CcllinRTi-nril Out. I Mlnard'a lislment Cnrea IMatemser. TOD CAN'T CUT OCT Jk Bog Spavin or Thoroughpia but you can clean tliem off promptly with AB50RBINE '^ TSAOEMAHMUG.as.PAT.OrF: and you work the horse same time. Does not blister or remove tht hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Will tell you more if you write. Book 4 -M free. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured MuKtnor Ufimcnti. Etilftr(ed Oi&ndi, Wcni. Cytli. Alliri psin gulcfcir. Pnce XI aad tt a botUe u dmcrutt oi delivr rpd. W F rOUNG, f. F., 516 Lymint BIdg., Montreal, Cai. Iksorblue ul AbtorMoe. Jr.. ira miii in Ciulb Amrka's Ptonetf Da( RanieiiiiK BOOK OS DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed £r«e to any adilrcBS by tbu Auiiior RCUY GLOVER CO., Ine. 118 Weat 31. t Street, New York Like A Boy at 50 Bubbling Over With Vitality-Taking Iron Did It Doctor says Nuxated Iron us greatest of all strength builders â€" Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate, nervous folks 100 per cent, in two weeks' time. RUSSIAN ROYALTY IN PRISON lived to tell the tale. Druard quietly i untied a sash that he wore round his j How the Deposed Crar and His Family body and placed it round the lion's Spend Their Time. neck. Then groping his way through the dark and jolting van he succeeded sw It Be The former czar of all the Russias is not a man of resource, says the Lon- PAIN 7 NOT A BIT 1 LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF No humbug I Apply few dropt then Juat lift them away with flngera. This new dnig 1* an ether co>mi70UD4 discovered by a Cincinnati cbemUt. It is called freezone, and can now ba ob- tained In tiny bottl«a as here shown at very little cost from any drug store. Just ask for froeione. Apply a drop or two directly up- on a tender corn or cal- lus and Instantly the I soreness disappears. I Shortly you will And t4i« | corn or callus bo loosa that you can lift It off, root and all, with the Angers. in fastening the other end of the sash I don Mail, and he is feeling horribly i to the handle of the door. At the \ bored with nothing to do but to water , next station he sounded the alarm, ' his flowed and talk to the wife of his and wlien lights were brought led the j bosom on the telephone â€" in the pre- lion tjack to its cage. | sence of a guard. He is allowed to see his children, but also only under supervision. One of his girls became so unhappy at his plight â€" it is the Grand Duchess Marie, who dotes on him â€" that she had a nervous break- down. ' The other girls, with the czarevitch, try to keep up their spirits with tennis and lessons and music. Tatiana, the ' second girl, has quite a lovely voice ' SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY No season of the year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the summer. The e,tces«<ive heat throws the littlQ stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid Is at ' and is as musical as her brother. Had her lines been cast in other places she might have made her fortune as a prima donna. As it is singing means good fun to her. Those who have come in contact! with the czarevitch feel very sorry for | the poor little chap for the change in I his life. He was patriotic above all ^ Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate ' things, and it was a passion with him the bowels, sweeten the stomach and to stay with his father at headquar- hand the baby may~be beyoKd all human help before the mother realizes he Is ill. Summer is the season- .^hen diarrhoea, cholera Infantum, dysenlry and coUc are most present. Any one of these troubles may prove deadly if not promptly treated. During the summer the mothers' best friend is NB;w YOnii. .N. Y. â€" Not long aRo-a man came to me who was nearly tiult a . trentur.v old ami awked me to tfive him a preliminary examination for life Insur- ance. I wiis aiitonished to find him with the blood presBure of a boy of 20 and as full (if vigor, vim and vitality as a younij man. in fact a younfc man he really waa ntJtwithstanding hlw a(?e. The secret he Bald wa.s taking Iron â€" nuxated Iron had nlled him with renewed life. .\t 3" he was In bad health, at 4fi he wan careworn and nearly all In. Now at BO after taking I Nuxated Iron a miracle of vitality ami his face beaming; with the buoyancy of youth. .A3 I have said a hundred times I over Iron Is the greatest of all KtrenBth j builders, [f people would only take Niix- 1 ated Iron when they feel weak nr run- down Inutead of doHinK themnehes with rmlpura Soap hhompoos pro. ceded by light toucheoof Cu- tlcura Olnt- :. . . . , â€" mcnt to SDOt* I "SOit-formlnK druKS. stimulants and al of f I a n d r u f f andltchlnffare m(Wtcffc<*tivo. They tend to aiTfjiit fall log hair and pro- mote a beal- tiiy scalp. Bainpk)* rre* bj mall AddraM '•C^at4c(ir». Uept. N. B<j«toD. V 8. A " Sold evef7- wbcre. ItlSUptOlD AnlciciM oholic lie\ernffeM I am convinced that in I thl» wa.v they could ward oft ilinease. prevfnllnB It becoming orirnnic in thou- aandH of ca»es and thereb.v the liveH c)f , thouHanda mlirht b» saved who now die i every \-ear from pneumonia, Krii)[)e. kid- i n*y. ll\er. heart trouble and other dan- ' gerou** maladieH. The real and true ! j cause which started their diseases was j ' nothing more nor less than a weakened | â- condliion brought on by luck of Iron In i j the blortil. Iron Is absoluteb' necessary 'â- : to enable your blootl to change f(»oil lnt*» t i living tissue. Without It. no matter how j 1 mucli or what you eat. your food merely i I i>a88es through you without doing you I 1 any good. You don't get the Htrength [ out of It ."ind a.s a conse^iuence vou be- t ' come weak, pale and slckiy looking just j like a plant trying lo grow In a !<oil ; deficient in Iron. If you are not strong I or well you owe It to yourself lo make the following test. .See how long vou can work or how far \ ou can walk ' without becoming tired. Next take two ' five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated , Iron three times per day after meals for rvvi wcks Tlien test your strength again and see p,r yourself now much you have gained. I have seen douens of nervous run-down people who were ail- ing all the while, double their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspe|>sla.. liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in th« proper form. .And this after thev had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any beneflt. Hut don t take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of Iron slmi)ly tu save a few cents. Vou must take iron In a form that can be easily absorbed and a-s- slmilated like nuxated iron if you want It to do you any good, otherwise It may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prizefighter has won the day simply because tie knew the secret of great strength and einlurance and tilled his blootl with iron bef<ire he went into the affray while many another has gone down to Inglorious defeat simply fur th« lack of Iron. â€" li. Sauer. M.D. .VOTE: Niix-iteti Iron, recoiniiieii.led a(i,.v„ L-y Dr. B. .-^auer. Is not h piiten; iiietlicliie ni.r ».'cret r»»inedy, but one w>tlch Is uel] known to uru£gl>ts. and wlioie Iron ciinhlllwe-nls »:â- -» widely pre»crlbe<l by emi- nent p)iy«iclltn« every '.vliere. U'lillke tha 'titler Ini rgaxilc iron products, it ]» ,f.i.-lly itsvltnllated. <ii'eii not injure titn teeth, nuike them liluck. nor upset tlie ?tninarh; â- m the contrary. II Is a numt potent rem- edy In nearly all formH of lnilJK»p4Mori .la IK"!! HH for nervouti. run-down cmilftlona. T^ie niunufacturers iiav,* Kuch Krejt . i»nf!- tlen.e In .Nuxutcil Irtm that they u!f*'r to foitdt SIOO.OO to any <-hurItabte Invtilution If tliey I unnot takn any man or wnnmn. I Oder oO. who lR,-kB lr<tn. and Incres!"* their »ttr«!igih 100** or ov»r In four week^ ttiiie. iirtivldeti th**y have no serJcun or- ganic intuble Th*-y also offer to rpfun t your iTonwy If It does not at leaat doutila yi'Ur ^t^''nBth and endurajice In 'eii days' rlTIO' It c â- ilTeuBF'ti f'V all K"'">d irMRK'"'*- keep baby healthy. The Tablets are 1 sold by medicine dealers or by mall at i5 cents a box from The Dr. WU- I Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out Buy by weight. Disregard the measure. Insist upon correct weight. Not a <wlnge of pain, I Patronize a responsible merchant. By HoroDt»8« or Irritation ; insisting on full weight you obtain ! the photographs of all his German re- the full amount of food for which you ; latives. When he came to that of ters. Although he had been rather a terror as boys go before the war, his keenness to jerve made him behave well, and the officers of the chief staff, instead of finding him a nuisance, say ' that he was as willing to do his bit as any common or garden scout boy. He was found one day tearing up| not even the sllghteat smarting, either when applying freezone or afterwards are paying. This IB to certify tha"t--fourteen This drug doesn't eat ' years ago I got the cords of my left up the corn or calhte. i wrist nearly severed, and was for but ehrivele them no about nine months that I had no use they looeea and (xmu« right ouL It l« of my hand, and tried other Liniments, ho humtHi*! It work* like a chaxm. 'also doctors, and was receiving nj tor a few centa you can get rtd of . benefit. By a persuasion from a fvery h«M com. soft oom or com be. ! friend I Rot MIN'ARD'S LINIMENT tween tlbe toea, a» well aa painful cal> the Grand Duke of Hesse he sent for j his youngest sister, who is his chief pal. "L ook here, Nastia," he said, | "can I tear up mother's brother?" "Of I course," said Nastia, "as he's a Ger- man!" Together the two children tore the photograph to bits and stamp- ed them under foot, cheering wildly a.-^ they did so. luaes on bottom of yxnir feet. It never disappoints and never bums, bites oi Inflames. If your druggist hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to !pe>t a littl* Iwttle for you from his wholeaal* hwiee. AN OPERATION AVERTED and used one bottle which completely cured me, and ..ave been using MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT in my family ever since and find it the same as when I first used it, and would never be with- out it. ISAAC E. MANN. Aug. 31st, 1908. Metapedia, P. Q. Philadelphia, Pa.â€" "One year ago 1 was very eick and I Buffered with pains in my side and back until I nearly went crazy. I went to di fferent doctors and they all said I bad female trouble and would not get any IN BLIGHTY. Oh, to be in Blighty. Now that summer's there! But I can't get back to Blighty, For the U-boats won't play fair. So I lie in this long, white ward, and ' dream Of the old home farm and the plough- ing team, | And the sweet flowers starring the ! hillside brow In Blighty â€" now! Oh, to be in Blighty! I'm broken, blind, and sore. My heart sure aches for Blighty, .'Vnd I'm tired of blood and war. Wanted to Be There. "I like to have vacation," said Tony. "We can't get along very well with- out you," said the boss. "You don't need a vacation. You'll only blow in your money and come back broke." "I like to have vacation." persisted Tony. "I get married, and I kinda like to be there." Dr. Becky The Well Known Eye Specialist and Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author y Publish Astonishing Report on Wonderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say it Strengthens Eyesight 50% in One Week's Time in Many Instances the eyi'slglit more than 60 per cent In one we*'k'H tlitie. 1 have also tist'd It with Bur- prlsln;^ cflfect In <â- ^^'eH of work strained eyes, pink eye, Inll.iinincd lids, catarrhal cou- Jiiucti^'ltes. ii(Dart:iig. painful, achlug, Itub- Ing eyes, vyve wt-iikened from colds, smoke. Bun, dust and wind, wotery eyes, blurred Tlslon, and lu £nct many other conditions too numerous to describe lu this report. \ new and startllug case lias Just come under my observntlon, wblih yielded to Uon Opto. Is that of a young ^Irl. 12 years old. Two relief until I would | And I think of the stone-paved village be operated on. I had suffered for four years before thia time, but I kept get- ting worse the more medicine I took. Every month since I was a young girl I had suffered with cramps in my sides at periods and was never regular. I saw your advertise- ment in the newspaper and the pictura of a woman who had been saved from an operation and this picture was im- pressed on my mind. The doctor had given me only two more days to make up my mind so I sent my husband to the dnip; store at once for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comnound, and believe me, i soon noticed a cnange and when I had finished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. I grant you the privilege to publish my letter and am only too glad to let other women know of my cure. "â€"Mrs. Thos. McGon- IGAL, 3432 Hartville Street, Fhila., Pa. ED. 7. I street, i And the bright-faced lassies so trim and sweet, .\nd the old man driving the soft-eyed cow In Blighty â€" now! Oh, to be in Blighty, Now that summer's there! But I can't get back lo Blighty, For the U-boats won't play fair . So I'll shift the arm that they're try- ing to mend. And doze awhile, and just pretend That when I wake I'll find meâ€" how? In Blighty â€" now! â€" Eileen Smith. A French eletrician's wireless re- ceiver is small enough to be carried in a pocket, yet will pick tip messages when connected with almost any metal surface . ISSUE 30â€" '17. KlBkrd'a Unlm^nt Onr** Oar«*t In Oowa and Malted Barity skillfully blended and processed make GrapQ-Nots a most delicious food in flavor as well as a great body, brain and nerve builder. lDbor«*t a BtasoiT I'll. Utt.li A FYe« 'Prescription You Can Have FUled aud Vse at Uome. i New York â€" r>r Beck, a Now Torlt etnfc »ye specialist, and l>r. Judkiiis, a Massii- i chusetts physician, were nskcd to make u thorough test of the popular eye remedy, JJtui Opto. Their rep<^rt« were most lutor- esting. Here they are: Dr. Beck reports. "When my attention 1 was first called to the t^onderful eye ruin- I edy, Bon Opto, 1 was Inclined to be skeptl- j cai. I make It a rule to tfM. every new I treatment which Is brought to mv attention, ' Having speidnllzed In eye work for the iiast ' twenty years, I believe I am quallfled to express "nu Intelligent opinion on renieill s â- ppllcnble to the eyes. Slucu Don Opto hii» created «uch n sonsallon throUKliout the I fulled .states and Cun.ida. 1 welcomed t!io ' oiiportuiilly to test It. I hegnii 1.0 use It In 1 my practice a lltllo over a year ago auil I I am frank to siiy that the results obtaiuid are such that 1 hesit:ite to tell of my ei- I perleuce for fear It will souud Incredible. I Some of the results I have accoiniills! prominent eye spiH-lalists, after a thorough examlnulloa of the young girl, decided In order to save tbo sight of her right ey», the left eye must be reujoveJ. Before permit- ting her to he operated oa, the young girl's father decided to uso Don Opto. In less than three days a marked Improvement was noticed. At the end of a week the Inflam- inatlou had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks thareys was saved. Just tliluk what the saving of that eye moans to tills Uttlu girl. Aiioiber case Is that oT a lady ninety three years ol<l. She oauie to Die with dull vision and extreme inflamma- tion ot the lids aud the conjunctiva was al- most raiT. After two weeks' use of Bon Opto tho lids were ahsolutely normal and her eyes are as bright as many a girl of sixteen." Dr. Judklns, Massnchusetts physician, foriuerly (,'hlef of Clinics In the Union (ien- i>ral Hospital, BoMoii, .Mass., and formerly Bouse Surgc-ou at tho New ICuglund Eye and liar Inflruiarr of Portland, Maine, and medical author for many years, reports 1 "I have found oculists too prone to oper (lie and oiiUclnns too DR. JUDKlNS caused b.v overworked, tired eyes which In- duced lleico headaches. I have worn glassoi for several years, both for distance and close work and without them I could not read my own nnme on an envelope or th0 typewriting on the mnchlno b«>foro me. I con do both now aud have discarded my \,.iihV,„ ,« V.i.o;..^rK.. ' CBU do Doin now aua nave aiscarueu my fs of tlin?wonde?fMi <â- •"""' '"« ""^''-r'-'B 'oaves ou the fret :.Vouble"So°,"'opto!|rrrfhs'''' "'""' """' ""''' ''" ""'"'' » a remarkable rem- J'"",".* •r the cure and prevcutlon of manv efe , ,' ^ fl^ iers. Us success In developing aud ,V,"l ," {thenlng tho cyt-slght will soon make I „,..;: '.. e hisses while noglcctln lus which form the bn: home treatment for eye troubles, Bon Opto, This, lu my opinion. Is a remarkable r«m- ed.v for the disord â- •- •"â- â- Bon Opto method oro- ,^, strongthcn their .yes so as lo be spared "^"^ the trouble aud ars have looked like a dim green bl'.r to me, I cannot express my Joy at what it has me." belleve<l that thousands who wenr eye baths which th vltles, will make Its us;.^ as common as of the tooth brush, I am thoroughly eon vliKj'ed from my experience with Bon Opto that It win strongthou the eyesight at least 60 per cent In one week's time In ninny In- stances, Dr. W. H, Dcvlne, dlrivlor oC medical InnpecUon lu the Bo.ston schools. In 1 is report pulillshed Kebruarv 20. 1917, !-!atQ8 tbllt only 14,U1« out of 89,175 ex- :nlncd, ueiKl lo wear glnssi's now, a marked ccease over tho previous rejiort, Koq with Bon l^pto not only astonished myself . . . but also other phvslciaus with whom I liMve I'pio Is hastening the eyeglasslcsa age iq talked abon;. It, 1 have had many Individ bosjicctaclcd Boston," I unls why Had woru glasses for years for ' far-PitrbteiliK'RS. n. ar sightcdness, astlgiiia ' tisni antl other eye weaknesses, tell me tlicy I have dispensed with them through the .ndop- flou of the Bon Opto principal. .'Vliuiy eye I troubles cnn bo tmced directly to muscular contraction anil rtMiixjiilen aiitl since Boa Opto inelhod tells liow tt) exercise and tlc- velop the eye uiuHc!e>j, it te«i lies conditions not possible threngh ottier means. I atlvHc ever.v thoughtful pliyslcl.nn to study Iteii Onto prlucljial, give it tho same careful trial 1 havB and there Is no doubt lu iny mind they will come le the couciuslon I have, namely, that the Bon Opto method Ofien'^ tile deer for the cure i»f iiiaiiy e.» c trttuhlcB which have heretofore been Impos- sible to e(»pe with. The treatment Is wo simple In Its application tbst It cnn be used at home by Hu.^oiie of nvernge Intelligence, 1' Victims of eye sIrM'.n ami other eye weak- nesses and those who wenr glasses will be glail to know that according to Dr. Bivk and Dr, Judklus, there is real hope and help for them. Many whoso eyes were fall- ing say Ihcy bnve had their eyes restored by this remarkable piescrlptlon and miniy who once wore glasses say they have thrown them awny." One man siiys, alter u«lnK It: "I w.is nhiyst blind, ("ould not see to veiiil at all. Now I can read every- thing without my glasses and my eyt;8 do not bun :niy more. .-M ul.ijhl they would palu dreuiiiiilly. New they feel line all the lliiie. It «•,".•< like a miracle tv me." A lady w ho used it says : '"'rhe nt innsphere swiiied hazy with or withont glasses but after using this prescription lor lu da.vs everything seems clear. I can read even fi:ie jirhjt i without giiisses." .Aiioflier x-,bo ns. ,1 i |u m> own pru>.t!cu 1 UavouueiiU strcuglben J ba^ii: "i was L'otbt.r<.d w.Lli e}« tiUu i yes so as exiienso ot ever getting gla.'^ses. Kye troubles of inan.v descrTptiouB may be wonderfully benellted by the use ot tills prescription at home. Here la the pre- scription: (Jo lo any aitlve drug store and get a bottle of Bon Oiito tablets. Dro|i one Pun Opto talilet In a I'ourlU of a glass o( water aud let It dls-solve. With tbis Ibiultl bathe the eyes two to four times daily. Vou should noilce your e.ves clear up l>erieii,iidy right from the start and Inflnmmai' 'U niiJ redness will cinlckly disappear, li your eyes bother you oven a little, It Is yoiir iliiiy to take s(i [IS to save them now l)>ioie it Is too late, Niany hopelessly blind iiilgbt hnve saved their sight If Ihey had cared for tlielr eyes In tluie, NcrrB- .\:!.)ilier prominent pbyslclon to whom tho alxjvp srib'ie vns siibmlttca, said; "V-b, tli* Ut.ii t>i,to prescription Ik Inily a wenOciitil ef» rtjuiedy. Its iniifltituent iUKredlents nre well Uuewu til cuiliiini ere .swcliiljiits auil widely pre- scribed by tllelu. I bnv« iisoii it vcr.v (^n<'cf^8- fiilly la my ewti prnctlco on pntleutn whose t'r,>s were siTiiimil thMUgh overwork or mitilt glngtri. It is uiie of ihtt M-ry few pr.'pi.r.'itU'.is I feel ftbutdd be kept oil band for renuliir iisp la nhuoi*t every fnailly." Uoii Opto referred te ; Vivp, is not n pntont medicine or « secret i-'hietly. It Is Hn etblcsl prepnrntlon, the fop. iiiiiln otiliK printed un the packigc I'lie iiihiiu. faetilr*-rs Kuiir.-iittet* IT l« streiiRtheii ^^vislBht :n p,r i-i-m in one week's tluie In ninny in- stances or lefiiiul tho moaev, . It It in'i>.^*Hit be nil good druRgl.xts, Incluiiing general stores; also by O. Tiunblyn and T. Katoa & Co., Toronto, i fe! J ifcJ ! MlJ