Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jul 1917, p. 4

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July -26 1017 T H £ Â¥ L E S II F 1! r O N A l> V A N C E -IHK^ /iCGl)crton Clt^unncc wn InilcpenJ'-nt iieWKpaix-r, [niblishea every rhiir'iay ftt th-- ctlice, C<ir.inRwi«>a Street, tflaiherton. Sul>«crii«tic>n price $1 (x^r annum Vhen i»i<3i"»Jv'.ncf ;S1.5Jwhcu iii>t »o paiJ \.lver Wnd r»U-H nn ainilication. Circnlation 1,10<) wfjkly W. H Thurston Editor Attack the Potato Blight Torpedo Plane vs. Submarine lÂ¥â€" 'K-. Insure tli»t our stliplo articla of food ! K: A» the will- dr»gs its »lo«r leniiMi alone; l.y HCciiiK that our potitoes lire not | l>'>th sides .ue luokiiin to new modes of I !^t' de8t»-oyod liy the blight. jwarf.irf lo win for them a .luick succesi. „ , . ,, , ,j,„„,ui^oa ' The Germans, wo know, have Btaked Manj ivhI varied have Iteeii the advices , , , . • . ,,.,.. .. ,, 1 ,„.„^j their future on the submarine, iii the published in connection with Increased . , , , ., . .,, , ,, .. ; , ... ,v , , „„. i. belief that the l-boats will force a "sal food iirod'ictiou. Our potato crop i» . , ,, , . . . ,,,. I t . L Jk » .1, Ki; i,f i-i'sctory peace before winter. i he insured if we see to it that the blinlit ' ' , . J ., 1 . „,u ,, 'experts of till' Allied n'ltiuiis, en does not destroy the rank urowth of i "^ . ... ... FARM HELP SCARCE A few lunnlis ag) the city papeis were shouting iheinsdvcsj black in the face, mgins faimcrs to "produce more! ' Help; labor'? Oh, yts. the help would be forthcooiins from the cilios Ihemselvea. Patriotism would lead the cinpbyces of mauy firms to epend their holidays ou farms. They would live iu tents, boaid th3mselveH, and wjrk for uothiugâ€" their tiims paying full wages and all expenses! But that was in the spring. A per son may be forgiven for going crazy when the fresh coolness of a bursting summer is in the air. Later on it is different. Infortunately, \»e are now up against the "hitcr od," and there is no farm help iu sight. The resources committee has uu resourcefulne.^is to meet the occasiDii. Having is heie and harvest lojinsup with the expec- ted help nowhere in sight. It i-j doubly unfortunate that this city help is not available. Had it been, there is oo doubt but that far- mers would have learned, not Just how to make a mere two blades of grass grow wheie one grew before â€" as the late Dr -lames used to say â€" but three or four! There is no better farmer recent week's. Tht O.A C. at Ouelph is endeavouring to give a.ssihtance bv asking the 27n teachers alteiu'lnL.' the Suniuiep sessi.in to co-operate ana point out how the bll^h'. tnty be destroyed. How TO Dktk(tâ€" The tV.iiiht appears tlr.s time of thei;idwinj{ season. It is detcled by being a brown blight or dis- eased fart of the leaves. Look f< r brown coloratiou of the ieavei* and you the I the view that 3i\^^s/.H;^i;^^^^c^r^jg-^-s^r^-^>^^ Open Stock China The great advantage of open Stock Patterns is the convenience of being able to replace any Irokeu piece at any time, or a few pieces can be purchased <it a time and a full Dinner set made ap as the opportunity occurs. We have five patterns that are sold in thi? way, White, Clover Leaf, Kingston Bine, Brideswell, Cyril and Oornforth. These are all English semi -porcelain goods and are all reasonably priced. jother li;ind, begin to take the best chances lie in a great campaign \ . '^ in the air to destroy the submarine and 'i n:»val tuises .if ihe Cerinanc, to ciippleii'J Fancy China and Glass ^i their amiiiuniliou f ictories and In crush their trench defences. We h-jar if plan.s for fifty or a hundred thousand aeroplanes to undertake a terrifying invasum of the ! enemy's country. Two eminen'; Anieri- ican admirals, F isko and Peary, ore lend- Wehavejuit received a large shipment sectired at a special reduced price and pass the saving oil to you. Among the pieces are Cream anrl Sugars, Marmalade jars, Butterdishes, Bon Bon dishes, Spoon holders, Coffee pots. Cake plates, Berry sets, Water sets, Rose jars, Flower vases, etc. etc. The decorations are all novel on high class French China and the shapes are specially good. .inc all their authority to the suagostion. may be pretty sure the blight is present. \ ^,^_y ^^^,,_^^.^ j,^^^^ .^ .^ „^^. ,,,,,^^ ,,^,^^. | Ukmki.v â€"The remedy consists of what | f^j y,,^. jj „, j,j^j. y^i been made for achiev- j is known as the Bordeaux mixture. This I j^^^ j,„p„j.,„,t resulia lioth by land and I by sea. I I'nder present eonditi.in.s the strategy | of the anti-.subHiarine campaign is at I fault- The only «ay to deal successfully | wiih the situation is to prevent the l- 1 boats from getting out into the open sea. | No amount of potting at singlesutiiiMrines j ii made up of blue .itone, nuickliine and water. Hero are toe proportions : â€" H lb. blue stone (copper sulphate), k lb. of ciuicklime (iiiiglacked). These are dissolved separately in granite vessels in > small <(uantity of hot water. Then both thete mixtures are put together and and sutbcient cold water is added to the "bugs" at the same application, this â- nay be done by adding a heaped desseit spoonful of arhenate of lead to every two gallons of water. Thus for live gallons twuand one half detseit spoonfuls are needed. Arsenate of lead may he purchased at a drug store. How TO API-I.Vâ€" Put on the mixture in the form of a spray. An ordinary "sprinkling" c«n will do if no spraying machine ij available. Cse up all the mixture and do not leave any standing in metal vessels. Ontario will produce :'rt million bushels of |>olatoen this year if the growers stamp on earth than the man who lives in i out any inroads made by o'lght or insects. â-  ,. „ 1- . J â-  II , i,:ii already at large will do the good that make hve ga Ions. 1 1 it is desirable to ktU .... .- l n would be done by preventing them ad from leaving their bases. Admir-.l Fiske believes that great iijuadronH of "torpedo planes," the new variety of airship that drops torpeodoes instead of bombs, could start from a sea base not far from Helgo- land, and iiii^ht f:tirly hope to reach and under favorable conditions ti« destroy the base ill Kiel, at Wilhelmshaven, at Cux- hiweii or at /eebrugge. That would be successful Htategy, for it would put anei j to submarine activity, at least for several inonthH, Supplies for Overseas Boxes These Suggestions May Help You. Coffee Extract Coca and Milk Chocolate C)xo cubes Chewing Gum Fancy Biscuits '. Pipe tobacco Cigarette tobacco Loaf Sugar tS^ardines Confectionary Salted peanuts ; Honey Dates Raisins Candles Pork & Beans Toilet Soap We Stock Them all 5 Tooth Paste Shaving Soap • . Writing pads â- ,. Envelopes Pencils - Khaki Handkerchiefs Grocery Special A good uncolored Japan Tea at 25 c. pound or 5i pounds for $\ .00. the city and wears a white collar while working! At least, such is the case wc inferred, from reading the daily papers. Meanwhile, the pressing question is. How will the work be done? For Laying, the side delivery rake and the hay loader will be used more this year than ever before. Labor saving machinery will be used as tar as pos- gil)|e â€" bu', it is expensive business to tie $150 or $200 up in haying machinery that will only be used G or tj d*ys 111 the yeir \V»ter Scale of PMi>ortions Blue Stone t^uick Lime But il will fake time to build the iireat air fleet that will be needed if the Allies are to achieve such command of the ail F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. ^. Holstein Bull For Service 1 A'jthiiroHglibred Holntein bull for service on I lot-s 1!<;MS« S.W. T. * S.R., Arteme«ia; cl(» LETTING THE ROADS SLIDE l!ut» are the curse of roads, and they •'k gal. lib. ilb. 5 gal. h lb. ilb. 7i gal. ilb- lib. ID (V.I. 1 lb. lib. •JU gal' 2 lb. 21b. 40 Kal. 4 1b. 4lh. Wm. G Uammom. â€"GEO. MOORE & .Son. as the plans would re<iuire. and especially I cl'y relatedto't'lie woHd'* champion 44-i'><nind | will it take time to 'rain the thousands je„w. Term*: ?1 ;Vt for grades, JTi. 00 for pure I of avia'ors wlm will be needed. Perhaps i bred*. we can in in- wty bo of greater service to ^ j^j^ j. our allies than by supplying aeroplanes and airmen in great numlwt.s. In help- ing to Ciirry through a f uccessful raid o.i | Kiel or /ebrugge a leally cleT^r -and lucky -avi.ttor might easily do work that MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS FOR SERVICE L<t24, con. 14, Artenie.sia, purebred 23.0((0 infantrymen could not get a chance Shorthorn bull. Valley Kin-j. (Jrade to do. â€" Voulhs' Companii n. |cow» 11.25, purebred $4.00. 1 July 17 -W. A. WEBEK. Artemesia Council Delightfully Coot on the Great Lake* | Boar for Service This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If yuu require anythinit in the line of Binder>, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp era. Plows, Sleighs, Waggons, Cream .Separators. Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline eti gines. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chanee to quote prices. .\ special iiieetin.; '>f -Artcmesij Council WH.s held oil tile 21st inst. The members w I uii- the ctirso of road making have been iii a ml iu kee))iii'' i;p our roadsâ€" a ml that the cotinly roads echcme may (,'0 a loiii; way to Bujoolhiuy cut- NVu pay little or no | line A A 1 Btienlioii to mainlenauce, but tjiade j -^o" ; tirivel a road and then give it a nice coat of gravel- Soon it is a '„ood road, but nothing IS done to keep it .ij- In a few year-i the road i^ a.= had as ever in the bad spots, and tlie doso must be lepealed biiiall holes are not hlled in as they develope, ruts are ullowrd togrow â€" with the appar- ent idea that roa'ls can look out fcr themselves, an ideajdi.-[iiovfcd by fuels every day iu the year- J'ue roads are not dra^jged as they miylil be, I and bad spots are let lie that could ( be easily lixcd while forming- Some townships iLSC the diaj,' reg- ularly on dill roads and lind it puje â€" but these are, for the most part, townships through which improved county roads also pass The county system pulls the townships out of the rut, and o[)ens tip a new field. o( road building and uiainlenance. We aio ripe for such a change here, but it cannot coiue before the people want it- PoKr M<Ni((.ii., a short plensanCI The undersigned his a thuroughored journey via Canadian I'acihe Uailway, H Yt-rkshire B'lar for service on lot 11, con. the tialoway to the tSreat Lakes. St-^sm ^ Osprey. Terms fl.fiO. ship Kxpress leaves Toronto 2 W» p.m. FRED SPOFFARD. each Wrdnesday^nd S.iturd.iy, luaking ' were all present the Heeve ,n the chair. ' direct connection at Port MuNicoU withi ' either stenmohip "Kecwatin or "Assini | riie Rueve and D.-puty Keeve were ' h,,j»' for Saiilt Ste Marie. Port Arthur appomiecl to wiit on the .Minister of nrFuit Wtlli.iiii Pitliculars from any I'un- Ijrerl \ ork»hire lioar f >r.-4*'rvler at the Pul.lic Works until,. 2.".-h init. in reaard iC*i.«diai. PaciHc Ticket Agent or W B. McRaefsmi near IVyl.m. Terni*-Sl 5<l Howard, bistriei Pi.ssen>!er Agenr, ('•': »••«""»'' »<â- '"•''â- , ,.,,,,,, ,,.^,,.. I>.)\. ' r I *Mil.I>>ii>* John Wright, - Ageivt Flesherton Flesheirton ^^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors . We Aim to Give Eutlre Satisfaction LAL'NDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evenia CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We are agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Cluthos cleaned and dved. feathers rejuvena^ei T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR Boar For Service STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE Tamworth Swine, B. K. E_'s,'?, and Rouen Duck Eggs. til the ProvincidI Highway fniii Port Creuit to Owen Soued, via Toronto and Sydenham Koait. The fo|!i.wiii4 sjioci il ^nnt-i were nude to be e.xpeml nl "ii rouls ; Town , ?iiO : Village of Ceylon, lloaj between Kleshertiii and Ceylon, JIC" ; ColliOiiWoi d r.-a'l bii4 Eui;ei,!« siJel ladil'.M. C me 1 adj. urne.l. Toi'Mltii, iiiif. Fall Fair Dates \:, & 14 IJji EDITORIAL NOTES By the way, Nuah liad nolhiiig (••I.KsHKin'iiN Tl.ink.'-iivin.' D.y MarWliL- Oot. ;• \ M I'jle.h.n ChatHwurth Sept. I ChexKy ^,-|.'. l.-* \ Cl:tik.sbuig Sipt. l.S \ lit Collin/w. i.d Sep'. 1'.' 21 Dondilk Ifct. 11 * 12 lluilmni Sept. 2ll it 21 Ke\ei»l.am Oct. 2 »V: :i Ilanovrr Sep'. 20 & 21 Holstein Sep*. 21) l.iiiolcn (Western Fan) Sept. 7 1."' .Meuford Sept , '27 A L'S Mount Fme,-,' Sept. 1!» \- 'Jll Orangeviile Sejit. IM A IK ()«en Sound . . Sept. III:! I'rieeville (let. 4 .V i> Uocklyn t)ot. 4 A r. Shelbunio Sept. 25 & 2l! Tara Oct. 2 d V, Toronto (C.N.K-) Aug. 2r.-.Sept. 10 Walkerlon No Fair this yeur Waller'.s VOU Sept. '25 iV- 2ll Wiarton .Sept. 2t') & 2C. gSir:SfiS>*9!Z?'.!ui>vnJ :>â-  1 Old Adage i The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The .same i.s e(|ii;ilU tiiie of the I'MH) (iiavity asher. Try Olio and be eonviiieetl "lat there is noiif lietfcr. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon I'ull line ot .Meroiniick Farm Iinpleineiu.'J, ]iiii(lei'!> Moweis. Kakes, Loaders, Drill.s, I. nltivatoi-s. Plows, Kiilinji; and W'alkiDj,' Hanows riiaiitfcrd VViiul .Mills, I'liii:};.-', Tipina am' ]'iltin;4s r,f all kiiid.s, r.eattie Hay Carrieis, llay Fork.s, 8lings, Filter CaiTJers, Folding,' Hath Tubs, Fro.U Wiieuml Fence Ciitter.s anil SKmoIis. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, i 1 I have t'T'iuiik ^aleii<iniey.inn){T;iiii»,,rtl.* for l>reedinm>uriK»<-!> ; almi.Honie Hailed Kick rgK'- and Konen Diiek e|rjr» for liatehinif \tm- IKise.i. I'rice* risrlit Phone c- write â€" t;Ko. \v. Ri)s.><. Oct I'.ili; 0.«;>rey Tl. -*'y9tnn. M:iswfll. P O New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am upeiiinii up atonce, a blacksmith- ini{ and woodworking business in Max- well, and am na'allintj up-'.odate wood- working machineiy. It will be my en- deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- aee- I w lilt yourwoik and will do it j right. 7 .\pril 1 CHESTER LONG l^ll Flesherton Tin ^^y || M 1 have just placed on rhe shelves a full line of Jlj l^^l Tinware, Niekehvare and A-,'ate\v;tre for domestic l^il use. Call on me and get your supplies Ij^l Euvetroughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ^\\ Kepainng of all kinds promptlv attended to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Furnacc-s. Bros. "ZsHmSs ^^ Sj ^ iniinj this year. Talk alii'Ut ricruitiii(4 otiicors ! An *t.!o-bodi.d nr.ii with iiolhinn to do is f lolish to i{0 wi;hin 10 miles of a farm unlenH he is rendy to get on the busincsi id of a |.ichfork. The weatherman seemed to forjjel tl at the c luiitry has gone dry. The old "swimmin' hole" m the "big pond" ri "ouiuU Huain with splahl i >«« and HV)uti--but of an a'i ii souinl. '1 he boys are over in France, and so the youiiK ladies have taken it over The Mlchl}<an Speciiil Conveni<^nt Night Train for Detroit and Chicago lr=.'r=.'rm!r ^Tr=7!=l r=J/-=lr=zJrâ€"2 n^r=:J f31i=SI, \ lire in t'le •»»i«n Suund bent chair factory Sumb.y inorniiiii( did a large aoiouut c)f damage, but was eventually put out before the buildingj were destroyed. Particular attention ih called to the | convenient niirht luiin operated via the \ (/'anailian Piieihc - Michi(;an Ceiitial Route to Detroit and (>hicago. Leave' Toronto ll.;ili p.m., daily, arrive Detroit 7.W) a III. and ChiciuoIS.IM) p.m. Klectric Li|{hted Standard Sleeper \a iperated to Detroit. Kurt/ier particular.'* froni any Canadian Pacilic Tiiket Aacnt, or W. B j Howard, District Passenijer Aj^ent, ' Torento, Ont. Tenders Wanted Tend- 11 will bo received up to tin- 2Hlh day ot .Tiily, I'.'IT, fur the purpose -^f piinli'itf wi "(I work (ouinide and imide) ainii oilioj^ and wills of .S .S No. ti, .Vrtemmiia. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George H. Cairns, Soo.-Treas. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purehased the Fiivnitiirt! business of Mr. John Chapman at a rate on the dollar, I am prepartMl to ort'er Furniture at unheard of prices. For the next fifteen days the public will be abltito |)roht by this sale, as 1 must (lis|)ose of most of it. The Stock is new and up to-datt! in every rt^spoot. Dressers. Stands, I'arltjr Sets and other elioioe goods at jiriees that will siirpri.se you. War time docs not att'ect the.so as X\wy \\v\v mostly purchased before the raise ami are again cut in | ord(>r to make (|uick sah>. Come in and bok over the Stock, nj -^ W. H. BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. I D. McKILLOP iiHH CHRISTOE BLOCK ^ . rk * m FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. Ceylon, Ont. | i«i WE SELL HS FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents For Wagons Plows ig« Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. fi' t. I •If •V

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