\ Jiity2««fWt THE r L E S H E K T O N A D V A N C F. • f • • . ^ > i t > < THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. 239 FLESHERTON BRANCH â- GEO. MITCHEU, Manager. taT'D itra AShelburne Man's Inventions ^^ ir 'w "V '^^ "â-¼-. -^^ -r -^ ^w -w -^ Lai fmt^m-i/m'it'ii^»J»l., a â- â- a â€" » ,m m .m 't 'A C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as Fresh Li.ne fur sale at Levi Di:cliett'e. Bornâ€" In Amulet, on July Ui, 1017, , to Mr. and Mrs VV G.Nixon, a ditualit-r. Going North I The Fourth Line Orange Lodge will a A"'""' l>'*''i * B*f'i6'» P*f'y »' Geor^^e Fisher':", 9.18p.m. Fg„t^ Lice, on Thursday, July i:6. be given cun-sisting of Trains follows ; Going South 7.53 a. Ill 4.27 p.m. The mails are osed at Flesherton aj . ,, 'lollowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and ^ Pr^grim will ifvic INITY CHIPS 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at '"^â- ' ^""^ instiutnent il mu.-ic and 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south refreshments seri'ed. Baseball match mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. between Dundalk and Kimberley boy% aUo a foot ImU match. Matches start at 5 W, taa at 8 Admission l."> and 25c. The Khaki Cluh gave a picnic %t Mrs. W. J. Lever'j, east back line, on Frid,iy, at which there was a good attendance and f27 realized. On Saturday evening a remnant picnic wa.s held on Mr. , Mitchell's lawn with a short program, the proceeds amounting to Sti.85. Th's money is used for comforts for the boys nX, the front. Tha total proceeds »moun< ' ted to «:'4 40. Miss Carrie Suliiyaa of Montreal is ~viaitiog her mother here. Misa Ellen Wardrobe of Toronto is ti • Iting friends in t<)wn. Miss Clara Duncan, milliner at Kic- â- cardiue, is Home for summer holidayj. Mis3 Hattia Co'e of Ttronto is holid^- iog at her oarental home here. I With a view lo having the Toronto line Picnics suffered last week at the hands | taken over as a Provincial highway, rep- of the weather man. owentatives of ihe interested municipal- Dr. T. Henderson, wifa and liftle ities are meeting the Minister of High- daughter, of Toronto, are holidtying in ' ways in Toronto today, itoeve McK.en> •town for a fortnight. j zie and Deputy Reeve Cameron represent Mrs.R.Blackbarnof Toronto is visiting Artemesia, and Rteve McTaiish repre- •with friends here. Her husband was up seits the village Thera is lit'le doubt ever Suuday. returning Monday. '•''" 'hat eventually the road will be Misi Ruby Radley of Toronto is the '*'"'" ""''' ''"' ">« Government is guest of Mi... Irene Wilson and other ''P^T"^ '° undertakine any heavy ex girl friends. Miss Madge Little of Owen Sound has been the guest of her brother. Dr. Little, details, plans and speciticationu tu the British authorities. His idea then wa'> •for a few days. Mrs. Geo. Bellamy and f'koiity visited relatives here last week betore leaving for their new home in Winnipeg. Mr. W. J. McKee and Mrs. Jerry Thompeon of CUlingwood were guests â- f Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blickbui'n. pcndilures durinij the war. Over a week ago, Ma.Hter Freddy Vo'.!e t, son of* W. C. Vollett. barber, {ell on a pile of stones and cut '(uite a gash in the palm of bis left hand. It w%a not thought serious at drst, but when headaches and lumps upon h:s arm I developed, it was lexrnedbloid poison ng *et in. Medical treatment was thvu prompt'y applied md the littlu lad is now about hiniselt again. â€" Tom FiKher has moved his l>arber shop Durham Review. -to commodious quarters in the Buskin mi. .t. j < i. ,, , ibe other day an aviator was forced to 'block alight and landed in a birley tield nesr Jas. Patten is in the Owen Sound hos- Angus. The tarn.er who owned the pital, where he uuderweot an operation field, instetd of gettmi.' iirilatcd and for Kail stonns. The (rouble w*» of long hinting at d^m iges for his crop, ahowed ttanding. A Toronto p'.per recently published the following about J. J. Marshall, an old .Shelburne boy, and son of the ktii James Marshall of that town. Thrf paper says : The dispatch published jesterday tel'ing of a dovicd attached to Atlantic steamships to pick up mines atiracjjjd the attention cf John Jamts Marshall, 130 Mutual street,who asKu.^iiea chat it is aa iidapti^ n of a device which- nineteen months a^o he submitted with â- j^S il to have the Jev.ca attached to warships i ji=.^ to enable them to enter the mine fields | \fi otf Heligoland. Mr. Marshall has sub- A mitted some thirty plans to the British fVj War Inventions Board and several have | |^^ been acted upon. .As lonu ago as 1912 he turned over to the Na.al attache of the British Embassy in Washington who came to Toronto to consult hmi, plans for relinini! cannon which have sutfered from exploaions. So far he ha.s had no financial re urns from the luipeiiil authoritit»s, despite promises made to hira. "I could have positions that were otfered me by the American and Russian Governments but refused ihem to devote my work to the British Government" he said today. Mr. Maraha'l ia a na-.ive of Shelburne. A brother is a fchool super- intendent in a Manitoba town and bis sister is a wife of a Brantford druggist. He gained bis practical experience in the G. T. R. shops wheie he worked four years and produced and patented an automatic stoke, now in ijeneral use and an automatic tire door opener. He was employed with the Toronto Railway Co. when the was began but save up his pos- ition to devote his time to inventions. He has recently had built fur him in England a turbine loroplane motor which he is hopeful will|win success. It weiglis but 100 pounds, can generate 500 horse power and cost tut |.")0O, while the famous French Gnome motor weighs 250 pounds and costt 92500. HARDWARE SUPPLIES! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Screen Doors Window Screens Screen Wire Paris Green by the pound Hay Forks Hay Fork Pulleys Hay Fork Tracks Hay Fork Ropes Double Harpoon Hay orks Rafter Brackets and Hooks Three pronged Hay Forks, strapped and furled Scythes Snaths Rakes Scythe Stones Grind Stones Barrel Chums Dash Churns Washing Machines at a great Bargain ! ! ! ! BINDER TWINE! ! PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR BINDER TWINE-NOW -AND SAVE MONEY BREAD ! WE ARE HANDLING DURHAM BREAD AND BUNS - t ^ » C4 i F. G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. 1 Lower School Exams* The Lower School Entrance lo Normal Eianination r> suits were published last week. <.>nly three pupi's wrotf here and two jassedâ€" Frank B'lnt and Bob Meadji. In addition tome fourteen passed by taking up farm work. FoUowin.; is the list fur the whole county : Will Wilson of St. Catharines visi ed his mother, Mrs. A. Wilson, over the week end. His wife and sou returned, after severnl weeks vi.sit here. We have thi? week boen getting all that we haveleen asking for in tht w.iy of hut weather, and everybody has been sizzling with the thermome'er at 90 in the shade. A Rod Cio.-rs kiiiltiuK tea will be held at Mrs. John Nubu's on Fridsy ut thi.^ week, July 27. Everybody c lae. The proceeds from Urst of July Celebration were 9of>- Mrs. ^Rev.) McVicar, who underwent a serious operation in the ^ereral (lospital, Toronto, Itst week, is in [>rov> ing satisfjc'.orily, Hccordiiig to lat. st iuformat'on The Advance would take on * young woman to learn typesettiii;< if a suitable t)n9 could be found. Mai.y yiung women are leiriiing this art now and eonie othces are entirely 'â- nuiiined " by girls, outside the foreman. The regular monthly meeting of the W. I. will be held in the high school Flesherton, WtdnesJay, August 1, at 2.30 p 111. The program will be given by t'le Priceville W. I., who will be present with us. Lunch will be served. â€" Mr?. E Wickens, i^'e'. A number of memliers of the Fle.sher- ton W.M.S. notor-'d and drove to Kim- berley to fraterni/.e with the .Vuxilisry of that viMia;,'eâ€" and for a go >J fetd at the hands of the hosts, on Wednesday of last week. jV u'ood time was enjoyed by all, and the ladies arrived bonie safely between showers. The Advance man had a run up the .\ R .Anintrong, R S .\ikev. D Aijiiew, bis patriotic spirit by hitching his team I ^ ''•'"• f" ^^' Bunt. CUHB.iry, ME on .he plane, drew it cut into a ha, i B^-^^e.d, C M Battcu.W Blum vhun). meadow. and mowed a sw ah wide ! ^ """"â- ''• ''' " ^''"''""' ^ ^ '^'"''"""' ^ enough for the plane to lu.i through thus ^ '-^'*"'' ^ ^ ^'''••- ^ ^ ^"'^''^ *'â- "'" '• "^ enabling the birdm.u to g.-t a«ay s.^ely. j ^' ^ ''•^'""' '^ ** "'"' '"â- ^ "^'l'!'"' ^'- ^'' -Staynor Sun. i ""-''''• .'' ^ ^"""- *' *' ^^"'^' ^ ^' Lennox. E Lougheeri, M J Lawrence, V I Lanulry, i» M Me.iser (hoo.), 1 1 Marshal!, B Mcad.s M Mcpherson, V con.. Arteinesi^i, i nule and a orAiter i ,, ,. . north of Priceville, on Sunday liist, at ' the age of 7S years. Mrs. Coakcy was a MAIL CONTRACT SE.VLKU TE^â- D^â- :K^ adilres.-«;d to tne Postmaster General will Ix" rweiveJ at Ottawa until noon on Friday, thi 27th of .luly 191T, for the conveyance of His >Iaje.»ty's Mails, on a proixwed Contract for tour years, six timeH per werk on the route CEYLDN KIK.VL ROl'TE NO. I from the Ut of i V-tolier, I'.iir, nexf. Piintedaoticei, cootaininir further informa , tion as to eouditions of [iruiHused contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obcainei* at the Post Offices of Ceylon, and at the office of the Poat Olficv Inspector, Topjuto. A. .slTHEKLAND. Post Ortic- ln»0'CtT Po»t Office In»i>eotor'H Office. Toi.into. .hine Uth, l:t;T. Tired Eyes ' Sensatioiu exist for our fuiJance. They are Nature's warnings. Over-worked eyes demand rest. ; Eyes t!ut tire easily call for help. r Properly adjusted glasses aiTord the only assistance possible. \ I Wi make x specialty of relieving HARDWARE Screen Doors & Windows Poultry Netting Paris Green Zenoleiun Lice Powder Hammocks & Hooks Paints & Varnishes Churns & Dairy Pails jireJ e; « and guarantee satisfac Sprinkling Cans, etc.. tioa etc. W. A. Armstrong:. Mrs. 5f!iry Con'ioy. widow of the Matthew Coi.key, died at her ho ue. late 2nd native of Argyleshire, Scotland, ,ind came out to this ccuntry when a girl. She leives behind two sons and one daughter .\ichie and Mary at heme and Dr. John A; Conkey if Richmond, luUiuna, also one brotherâ€" Angus Ken oedy of Priceville. The funeral took place on Wednesday to Pricev:lte come ti'iy. A piteuted nasoUiie siju rter was in- ,-,t»l'i'd by Reeve D. McTavisI", to a.coui- modate thirsty motor cars. The ild order cbauueth, and ia a few years we may I' ok to joe the hoiseo in tlie Rejve's I livery replaced by g-is wa^iin.s of several I lypes tor summer Woik. When th t ti'ue conien the horses will iike'y be rent- 1 ed to farmers for the suaiin8r,Snd put on the road in the winter. But this will | u >t be until the county toads are improv- I e.J. I That he split log dras; should be more in evidc noe on our roads is iiuitj boti t j !t by the following from the Graid' Valley Star: The fiur li concession | , line, E.s"- Lutl-.er, i.-i a fair example of ] ho<Â¥ a in<id road can be maintained by thv> use of the split log drag. Mesirr, Uixendale, Me.Artbur and Krskiiie undertook lo keep this road m shape with the u<e of this simple iniiilemenl &nd the roads arc strikingly iiatisfactory. Rruc-* peninsula as far as Lioni Head on Despite the exceptional rainfall this Tl*irsday last and found the ciops, piece of road ij dry and smooth like a generally speaking, very good, al-.hou^h piece of good roads, and bears 'a great E t; R McKinnon. S E McCrae, W S McCuiii:, C McKenzie, M (.' Nich.lis, F M Norman, .M PedAcU, N Phillips. M A Perry. M \V Ruherford, L Ritchie. C E Ridley. F M Riechen. M Schwau (iion.), PM S,<gsw.Ttb, A M Smith (hi'n.l, i." Short, J H Sharpe, A E Stewart, '51 M Spencer, J TiiLtnpson. R Thompson, G Teen, M E Wi'.ite, N Wylio, \V Wray. A M V\\»ui<h. M Wooiis, M Wright, MJ Wyvill. MAIL CONTRACT Sealed IVnder^ atMrew.cd to tlif Pi'^tiiia.-t'-r ^ Ceneral, will be receiMil at 0>t:i»a -intil ii""U .11 Friday, the L*7th if .July. l'.'I7. fi-rlhe 'â- •â- n vevanie of Hi.- .M,ije«tv » M:iil-, "ii a |>roii".» .•»! C* iitrart f'-r ti»ar yi-ar>, »i\ tiiio-* per w^.-'k CO the mute â€" FLKt^HEKTON A KlMnKKl.KV Via ki<;kni.v troiii th(>Ut 'f ilrfi'oe'. n.-\-. Printed n"tice» '"utainin,; further iiii jrii.a- tionaa to Oi'miitions <f pr'.inweili." •ntraeliiiay be seen and blank fortnn of Teiuier uia\' be ol>tained at, the P..,-t Office- .f Kk-lieit R. Kimberley an I Kiiitenia. .I'li! :it th' ff-> if the Post Otlitv lusiwetor. Tiroiit". A. SITHKHLAM), Po:.'.Ot«tvIii-lvt. ;â- . Po^t Uthce ln-|)e.tor- Olfio'. V Toronto, June I'itli. 1'.<IT. HOMESEEKERS' EXC U RSIONS retardtd by the rains. Settled weather now, which appears lo have arrived, will make a bumper crop of both grain and loots. Mr, H irry Tucker of Owen Sound was in town la>t wuek on oil business. B.(?. says he has "real money" behind him to prospect this district and h) is ^ling to do!t' The more the merrier also the more prospectors the more satisfactiois to those who want to know, you know. So'iie sort <f a di»eise h%'< struck the I mall trou'> in the hydro poud at Kuiren a and they are dying by the thousand, Kaing tho banks with hngerlinga. This looks bad for future li-ihuit; and tho DheoomvMil Kport of early cuiiunei- ui y not be repeated next year. There is deal of trathc. There is a working arrangement whereby their roadwork ii completed in labor thu-i spent, the resuk being most satisfactory to all concerned. Holes in the roads are not a' all nec«(i8ary, and the areate.'tt cause for dam i. e and annoyance to travellers. Keep the surface 8^^oo^h. .\ few weeks ag« h ced*r tree that has bo*jn lyi.ig prosTato fti the forests of Washington for at lea.st fouitenu centur- ies w.as sawed into perfectly sound shiujjles. The time tl a', has eNp cd since it fell was shown bv a tree thai had grown up astride of 'he f dlen cedar trie nnd that hsd 1,;<80 annul' ritios. ThU is one of the longe-t known periods in wliich timber exposed o the weather nas remained free from decay; but there "vro Death of Mrs. M. J. Bolger t'n Friday aften.o n Mrs. Matthew J. B 'Igor of Purhiin [ .issed .nvay a' the home of her sister, Mrs. ,!. .HumtHd'.er, 80 St. Clarens Ave-, Toronto, after four months trying illness. The deceased was the youngest child of tho late Mutt. Egaii and Mrs. Egm, former res dents at Ventry. Mrs. Bolger, who was in her oTth yea.-, wi.- well and favorably kr.owu here, and much sympathy is felt for the bereaved hu-sband, mother, brot"iet8 and sister. 'who survive. Tho reunins were brouuht to l)uiid;ilk Monday nioriiiua by C.P.R . and interment mido at St. PiU- rick'schurcn ee net ery, Proton. â€" Dundalk Herald. little or no tishiug thore at present, the records of wood that, having been kept fish having geared to take bait or fly of diy, or continuously covered with water any kind. ' qj i^^ ba» lasted oven longer thau that. Lawson Abercrombie The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomai Abercrombie of Kimberley w,i,s the scene o" a i|u;et weddinar on .'u'y 11th, «heii their d>«UKh;er, Mary Evelyn, became the bride of Wm. Lawson »f Wodehousf. The cerenmny was conducted by Rev. T.W.W. Liinu. The brido, who was given away by her father. w.aa unattende<*. She wore a drere of whi'e .»i!k crepe de chine, with veil and orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of nvses and 'carna- tions The wedding inarch was played by the bride's sister. Dell Abercrombie, and during the signing of the reijistor h» r ii.-ices, Enua asd >'eUir» Biirrilt .sanu 'The Voice that Breathed o'i.«r EJen. " After the wtdding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Liwson motored to Fiesheiton, where they loft for Toronto and Niagara. On tlittic return they will reside at Wodchouse Representative WANTED at once for FL E5HERTON i:k1 District t ; Canada's Greatest Nurseries Spring 1017 p'anting ii^t n^w reidy Splei.did list ot hardy Canadiin grown fruit and ornamental st'ick, including, ' Mcintosh lied .Apple, ^v Ro.<is Eiei-: bearing R-.spberry and many other' eaders. New rilustiated cataloui^e sent on application. Start now at best selling time. I iber- al proposition. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (Established 18;57.^ TORONTO - ONTARIO A Chani;c Fdr Those Going West! Homeseektrs' Excuiii,jn* via C.P.R MAY 3th TO OCTOBER 30th TU ESDAY "ALL RAIL â- - also D> THURSDAY'S STEAMER " CiM.it Laoijs Routes" (Season Navigation) Your Future is in the West T>rer9rt;io oraiP98 hova out Western Canwa on tH.) map. Th«fo are »t:.' irwusantlj Qf Kr« waiting fur the man »i»ro *ant3 i home and pfospenty. fake ^ aJvantagd ot Low Ratee antJ travel via . Canadian Pacific F. W. DUNCAN The Fleshertlin HarJware. pnone 30 ra. ii T HE ONLY MAN A WHO SHOULD ^ ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THE MAN WHOjHAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- 4 •^ FER IN THE WAY SERVICE -AND 4 OF 0%. W. v.. U :, D:stiic'. P:is»er'. ;er .A; n'. SUCH A PERSON IS A DEAD ONE- WHETHER HE^ ^ KNOWS IT-OR S ^ NOT. ^ A Hoineseekers' E.xeiirsions to Western Canada at attraoiive fares cucli Tiiesd-iy until October iU, via Canadian Pac tic the pioneer roue to the West. Partiou-' Isra from any Canadian Pacitic .Agent or W.B.Howard, District I'asjenger Ai;ent, Toronto, Out. i ^ NOTICE .Vly lU'.i t -r SI i,~, 11 ot I'.'IT ;--7 I.' stiveFmuers of To'-nship â- ft '-pr<'y a:id surrounding Township* the privilege ^f buying from mo at riijht pricts and terms lo suit [lurchasi r. Thei;oodsiiiaiiut"ac^ure t by Renfrew Machinery Co. The StauJard Creini Separator, wlucii. it eciiulled in America, has n,>tbeeD suniis.sed. The lienfrew Uan,'v Truck Scile r20<>0 lbs.) Thj Ren frew StHnilard and Sta Rite <J}»Si>- lino Eni;ine. etc. .â- Also Singer Sewiii', Machines. All goods uu»r- aiiteed. if operated according to instruotionf", to give sitisfacrKm, or no sale. -Always ot\ hand -a Horse for .^ale. FRANK G DUNNING FeversKam Phone R. 2 short 2 U Master .Archie, aged four, hid bnn told that babies came down direct from heaven per stork, and he was puzz'cd to undfrstand why he could not recall his former celestial surroiindinus. When a second child was born into the household Archie was admitted tii his mother's bed- chamber to take a look at his new lela- tive. The little diap tiptoed up to the cradle and gazed down down at the pink wriik- led mite lying there. He bent far over. "Brother," he whispered aiwut God before you forget," J IH[ «fllll[IS. Carefully Corrected Entch Week Butter W t;n3> Bags, fresh ;il o ."Jl Wheat '. f2 26 to 2 2o tlata 70 to 70 Peas 1 90 to 2 10 tell ai« Barley % to 06 I Buckwheat 9& tg 90 Public Notice Tike notice that all persons are here- by forbidden trespassing on, or dum[)iuB .iny rubbish on, or taking, siuJ, uraTel, eaith ,'r other ni.itier otf Park lot known as the Flesher sand pit, in Flesherton, oontainina about iwo acres, as ail persons ' tr'spassing or committing any waste 01 reinovini{ anything therefrom, ou any piirt of the Flesher estate in and around Flesherton Village, will be pros- ecuted accoiding t,) law. DR. T. S. SPROULE. I July G Executor for the Estate Fall Term from August 27lh.' ^ELLIOTT^^7 , . Vouge and harles Streets, Toronto U uLqaastiooabt] on4 of Canada's I>m6 aomiuoreial si-lioois. Tlie Jsuiand for oiic graduatos Is far 'v\ excaas o( our supply. Write today for our CatalOKus, W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinoipm,. Strayed From lot •'.• on the 12th con.. Arte- mesiii, a dark red suer one year old, with rather wide spread horns, fapir cutljr about face. Any one giving intormatioa that will lead to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. â€" .Tacob H. Holley. Vaodelear ' Uarkdalo B,R, No. 4, Fhoae (M) c 22 -«*?*rmi»er-f<*