/toli^ricrn ^Hmu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBlNCIPLEb NOT MEN. fOl :57No. 15 Flesh-erton, Ont., Tliursday, Aucrust ." O t017 W, H. THUKbTON tod PBOPBIB ,« « « f x> . « Pithy Proton Pointers Held Over Ilims Mr8. (jiieenii of Orangeville U visiting *t her hijoie here. Mrs. J. '. Wright and fimily, accom- panied by M.S. 0. Binnie iii.d little i;rttnd8on, Master George Talbot, »je vpending a few weclis at Kinc-vtdiiie. Vina Watson of Portlaw i.s vi.'iting her friend, Elsie Blackburn. L'zzie Neilton is spending holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James NeiUoQ. Winnie Wodehouse has returned home after spending a couple of months in Orangeville. We were pleased to see Mrs. W. Mitchell of Owen Siund renewing old ac'iuainlances in our vicinity recently. Rev. and Mrs. Laidlaw anU children of Heathcote spent â- » few days at Robert Acheson's. Mary and Jean McOannel are visiting with friends at Swinton Park. Katie UcOouald of Ceyloo is holiday- ing at J, NeilsouH. We are glaJ to know that U. BUkeley m able to be <.ut again after bis recent illness. <*.i Tuesday morning the people of Proton had a very distinct view of in aeroplane which was sailing exceedingly low while passing over here. Feversliam Items Ceylon Chat Eugenia Paragraphs The showery weather is holding the farmers back with thfir htrvest. Mr L ttle moved his family to Colling- wood last week. Miss Olive Heron of Toronto, has returned home after spending i cxuple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. R.C<jl(|Ufclte. Mr. John Coultbard is visiting with his son, Wm., in Toronto at present. Mr. John StoQt>inburg and wife of C'illmgwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrb. Jas. Davidsun Mr. James Buckmghtm and wife of Collingwood, spent last wt-ek with friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Irt Perigo went West last Ti.ursd»y to visit hu son, Charlie. Mrs. I. Perigo spent a few d.<ys last Week with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Siewart in Fleshertou. Mr. Fred Weldrick, wife and family visited friends at Ravenna recently. Mrs. U. S. .Mc<urr was called to rxbriilge la-st week to see her brother who was seriously injured by a kick from • bone. Mrs. Andrew Douglas of New Liskeaid is visiting friends in this part. Born- On .iugust ifi h, to Mr. and Mrs. K. Henderson, a dauithter. East Mounta in Charles Martin and wife spent Sunday with the lalter's parents at Klesherion. We underst<tnd that Miss .\luia Hum- l>erstone has secured a school at S<-lkirk, Out. We wi.sh her .succeu*. Miss Wild* M&rlin of Flesherton is holidaying with her grnDdmother, Mr.-i. J. J. Martin. Nat Caswell and sisters, UJi. i and Myrtle, of Flesberton. visited friends in this vicinity. Mi»s Irsuli tirr, who haa been holi- daying with friends on the Manit.mliii islaiHl, has come to her home here snd w.ll attend the high school at Kleslierton. Miss Nettie Martin and geiitlenau friend if Owen Sound motored (lo^n imd visited friends here. Mrs. Thomas Lewis visited » few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.ihn Smith of Rob Roy. Barbara Armstrong of Toronto vi.Mtnd for a week with her friend, Mildred .Mc- Mullea. Pastor Run Out of Country A case which ha.s ar>uscd coioidei^tble interest in Erin village and d strict was heard before R. Cull, J. P , at the police court in (luelph re':ently. i.i which Rev. Fredtr ck Hedilen, pssti>r of the Disciple chmcri »t Erin, was charged with using s;diti..us Unj-Uiige. The iofornmnt in tlu- mm v.,s Daniel llray, a pr.iminent Missrs Jean and Sybil 'Ct>lliiis"n of Saskatoon are visaing their parents heie. Emma VVhittaker of .\kron, Onio, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs Buckley of Toronto haie during the past week visited the latter's parents. Mr. and ilrs. J. McM'illen. Minnie Mc.Arthur left Saturday o'l an extended vi.sit to fiiends in ihe Wrst. The C.P. K. has a number of men employed shingling the ruof if the granary. Mis. Crawford and son of the Wes>, who have been visitors at G. Colliii.so:i'>, left Saturday to visit friends at Uurbiin. Royden Gibson returnu<i to the cy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fish>tr of Toroifo are spending a fortnight with the Uter's moih'fr, Mrs. .\. .McLeod. Mrs. Coleman and son of '>weu Sound sp<tQt the lirst of the week at Frank CoUins'in's. Fred McMuUen spent the week friti with his parents hitre. Mrs. Gritiin and son, H. Grittiii Toronto, a fi inier teacher here, ,- the past week with her daughter, W. While. Mrs. Pepper iif i>rillia is vi.sitinu her diughter, Mrs. S. Kand. Charles Rani.-ige, wife, sod and daugh- ter, of Durham, visited with .Mis. R.P. Legate the hr"t â- ( the week. Mrs. Murdock of Caledou is visitiiiif her sisteis, Mrs. J. and S. .M.:Fadden. Mrs. Murdiick <.t '."aledoii arrived >'ii Moiul.iy I.) asMsl in waitin:; on her mother, Mrs. Mrldruui, who is very ill. Mrs. Wnrd and little daughter, whu have l>eeii guests of Mrs. J. Cummins, 111 pent .Mi>. Victoria Corners W- Mrs. lieorge Mooie visited « few days with herdaughtu, Mrs. « m. Talbot. Mr. S. Jaekson of Hamilton is visiting his nistfi, .Mrs 11. H Gallagher. Mrs S. W. Woodlan ol Smithville m visitinu her daughter, Mrs. Cha«. M-wrc. Mr. Leffl^r i.<f Kansas visited last week -vt T. Danuoti's. Don't forget Inistioije auniversaty ser- vices ft'r Sept. :» and <K't. 1. ftiuier in ihe Krin distric', and the ' ''""'â- ""I Monday to their heme specific cliafge against the defendant was | Turont... that .Jii or about Sept. l.'>. I'.iU, he had Gladys Cu^hiiie, who has been spend- spoken to the inforiiiaMt In reference tt) I '°^ ''er summc-r vacation with her ar-iiid- the Geiiiiau occupation of Belgium, tirid ', parents, has returned to Toronto. had said tha. the British during tho South .\frican cainpaiga had perpetrated atrocities as bad as Germany was then co3iaiit(ing m Itelxium. Just why the charge was not made s )ouer IS not known, but it is understood that only recently events IwppeneU in Krin which culmiiulcd in proceedings being taken. Mr. HeJdeii was defended by N. J.-iliey, while Col. McDonald piosocuted, and a long conference look place between counsel before the case was called. No evidence was heaid, .^tr. Jeffrey making the announcement lh»t iftlieiharge were dropped he vould guarantee that hi« client wculd leave the c luiitry within a week. This was agreed to by Col. McDonald aaU the inspector from OtUwa, wh,. was acting for the i Government, and .M.igistrate Cull dis- missed the ca^c with thai unierstaodii g. .\ number nf the prominent peop'e from Erin w re in cuit, and they stated that the leoling in the village was very bittei. The s.icrament wi'l be dispensed in the Methodist church Sunday. Si/pt 2. Mr. May and fiiiiily, who liwe been been empbyed at the Mun»h»w house for some ti.ne, have moved i; tn Mr.'. Bell's I esidcnce. Mr inlMis. \Va;i»ce of Toronto have taken tiieir \> .-^ition. Dtvi<i Genoe anil daughter, Dorothy, s^rut 4 fc* ca)S wiLh her si ti-r, Mis. E. H lci.:l>, iiesr Wa ehaui. We are u' li to rep rt M.iy Parsons ami Itussel Cameron recovering uice'y fioiu • hroa' o;>rratiiins by Dis. Guy and L ttl.\ also E.rl Twohy, who h i J ade- uodsieno.-.i by Dr. tjuy s.. uie liiue ag.. Mr. -lud .\lis. Wright of Tooiiti (St«;lU IVdIi ) aie visum'' fr ends and r^la'iws in ti.io vicinity. Sti-lU w»» one of oar III "St highly ,«te&iurd yuuug ladi s an I we wi-,h the young couple i lon^ *i d h .pp.- life. Edward Ijraham took Ins >>roiher. Wrll.t.i Tor oo Saturday lor treit.n -4 l. Kei.iieib ami Frrd L>r«e have re'uiii e 1 af er noliJ iv ing wiili ilieii '.iniidcii. Lirgeat 0«eii Sound. .\ brg'it young soldier arm I it the hoiite of .VJr T. F.nwirk Au;,'. 'S> '.'on sra ul.iion-. Edaarl Gr>ha'n and faui ly are b'«>-. iilg for a month's vs.t wiUl Mrs. Gr.i- liims r>ihler and oth r fuend.s ai .Stoujbl 111, .S.»sk. The monthly meetin:; of the Eugenia W I will be held in tlic Methodist churcT on tt'ednes'l.y. Sept •"'. «t - o'cbick p. m The President asks ill •iw mbers ;e be present au.l "ll those »ho are interested m the boys at 'he front are welcome, as arraiii;einenis are U> hv mtdea' this meeting for packinij boxes to be sent to the boys who htve enlisted from E igeiiia. .Miss V-A Wilson IS vititin,; her Hi>i.r. Addf. Shelburne The thresbers of Peel county have formed an associatien known as the Peel I'^resliers fraternity with fi<) members Tbey liavo increased their rates for the coming season to i2 pet hour. A little dve year old daughter of Jameii Hooker, near KeIdoii,met with an accident oa Saturday last. The child had opened the dror of tho house to go out side when a hound owned by Mr. Hooker jumped at her and bit her nose Iwdly. The child was brought to Selburne and the wound was dressed. Free Press. Praise For Canadians Tb« newspapers of the French capital All pay vlowing tributes to the splendid work of the Canadian troops. Le Petit Parisien says : " If it were known what human mis- ery, abnegation and telf sacrifice were involved in those 1200 metres of trenches recently captured by the Canadians in this corner of hell, in which every C>er- man soldifr fought like a wild beast, tbe ))Oople would be touched and thrilled. An enemy nthcer remarked of the Cana- iKaus : ' Only onc« have 1 known a cliiss of soldiers as brave and thoroughly trained, naosely Von Kluck's men in What Hanna Says Folljwing are •'Uifvestions put lorih by H..n W. .J. Hannah, Canadian Fotal Controller : 1. Cse perishable fuodh. S.ive garden truck lliai h.as been pt.Kluced so ahuii- dmtly this summer. Preserve, dry, can H'ld Store. 2 Eat more lish. :!. Substitute other cereals for whest products-cornnieal, buckwheat (lour, lice Hour, and above all oatmeal. 4. D<m't throw m,od food inti the garbage can. iiJO, '000,0110 is wasted every year in this country by careless- ness in the kitchens. j. Preach once more the good old fashioned gospel of the clean plate. Do not let ch Idren waste food at their meals. Do not waste it yourself. 'i, C. Organize Various women's organ- ii»tious are already active. Their leaders will tell you what to io. Get in touch with the workers district. Ill your own Kimberley Budget Isaac Fawceti ind little son, .luhu, of Esterhizy, Sn.sk., ire visiiii.g »i'.h 'le former's brother, John, of ihe Tia/ellei's Home. ftliss Bee McGowan of Durham visiiid last week-with friends here George Hutchinson and daughter, Rtchel, left last week on the exciir.n u 'o the Weal, where they will spend son e weeks with .Mr. llutchinson's .-on. Kr ink, at Swilt l_'urrein, S.ijk . Miss Lee of Collmgw lod is holiday ng with her friend. Miss Myrtle Camu-k. James Liwrence and wile visited with their son, Leslie, at .\llandale la.-r week . Mis (ilenday if Toronto, accompinied by Wis. lirieves and two sons, are visit- ing Willi the formei's brotner, Jlr. Wni. W-iUers. Harold Broome of P.rry Sound, who ha.s beei; working with Ji*. .M:igee t'l r the pa.st three months, reiurne.i h^ate on i^riday. He is a tine youm; m.tn and has won the esteem of every one in the neighborhood. Mr. Cieo Hutchinson had a valuable cream horse get i s leg broken by uetiing iiit.i a luixup with «n auto and a t-Mm oi horses while belnif dllven to Kusjeiiia by some young men on Sunday last. Mr. .\ruold Fer^uii 11 and wife of Thoriibury, visited lec nlly with R.'rs. M. Ferguson. Mr. Chas. Huogardand wife, also .Mrs. W. L Goldsmith, all of Clarksburg, visited one day Ust week at the Travell- j els' Uoiiic. All aviator from Camp Borden drop(>ed into the l)«y at Barrie when his eugihe stalled. The front part of the uiachiu« sank beneath the surface, but tho wings and tail remained above the water. The s(.ectacular drop was witnessed by hun< di-eds of people and the cadet was psoinptly taken from his frail sMt by a canooman. The machine was later t^wed ashore and tikea back to *he oamp on a lorry . FIGHTING NEW .MICROBE. ti«« GauiKn-ne Ha.s Causes! ^Uuiy Fatalities in War. The discovery of a curious btit highly dangerous bacillus, whos* de- velopment in gun:sbot wounds is said to be the principal cause of gas pan- gren*. is announced by Dr. Charle? Louis Laveran. the Paris scientist and physician. The results of re- searches conducted by Dr. Laveran, witb the .issistance of Dr. Weinberg and Dr. Seguin of the Institute Pas- teur, were first brought to the attin- tion of the Academy of Scientists and have since been described in Ue- tail in a Paris despatch to the Lan- cet of London. This particular death-dealing ba- rfllus, which is an anarobio microhe -^one which thrives in the dirt of wounds but succumbs to the ope:i air â€" had received from its discoverer the name of histolytic bacillus. It Is asserted that nine hours after a cul- ture of the organism is inoculated into the thigh of a guinea pig a pro- gressive local liquifaction is observ- ed. The muscles of the thigh, their she«ths and tissues and the skin it- self are digested and transformed into a blood-stained pulp and there remains no more of the damaged limb than the bare skeleton. The animal survives only twenty-four hours after mutilation begins. Dr. Laveran and his assistants ar« now engaged in preparing a serum with which to combat this microbe. The announcement at this particular time is of peculiar interest because vl the frightful number of fatalities caused by gas gangrene in the war. I'p to the present the microbe which had brought about the destruction of tissues had not been isolated, though It? association with sas formicj germs had been suspected. More than a year ago the Lancet asserted that, contrar>' to general opinion, this most modern of wars was proportionately mote costly in men than even the notorious Crim- ean campaign. 'When there is delnv in giving aid the danger of intention and the development of life-destroy ing microbes is of course tremend- ously increased. Dr. Laverna was among the first of the scientists to recognize the ne- cessity of new methods in combating the effects of trench fighting and of the greatly increased usie of shell fire, j He t)elieved changes in modern* war- Tho deceased had been despondent for! '*''* demanded changes in scientific i r . â- ». 1 . L . treatment of wounds. Th" first step I some lime. Lsst si>rmg he hiJ broken ; ,^ j^ determine accurately the real . a leg which did not properly heal, and he I causes of gas gangrene and he began | wa« in the Owvn Souud hospital for ' the exhaustive researches which liave trei4tmcr.t and it is supposed that this' f^*"''*"! '".„^''« discovery of the hle- ,, , , .â- , , .. , 1 toyltlc bacillus, trouble led to his despcmdeucy. He had i ur. Laveran has made other con- boen the teamster in the Hepworth Man- ^ trlbutkitts of scientific and medic*! ufacturiug Co. for .i number of years ' "'"* "** '• recojmlied zb an au- thttrity by the medical world. He DR. BURT Sp:iilist in <tis,^^ai«> ot Ihe Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat I iFFICK-loU lUth sr. West,' iwoii Soun.i M the Revere house, Markdale. Qnd ' Thursday each iu,>nrh from 8 Id a 12a.m i Dundslk.ls Wednesday of each month. For Service ' >iie pure ored Sh..rthoru Bull on lor I :i*>, con, !>. Aitemesia. Terms 41.00 for! arades. Must be paid within !> months' from L'ate if service. j 1 Jan. 17. --R. < I. TURNER. Jewelry Boar For Service Pure hrH.i iiik-nire i-.ai lorâ€" r- jr.- iit the MeRae farm, near 'Vylon. Term.â€" 4fl o«l for all aii.ii.klK ««•• ,?fl. IN'v- -.1 K. (â- «)LL!Ns*>N A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Boar for Service The unJersitined h-i.i a ihoroiitfh.ii-ed ^orkshile B^ ar for service â- « lot ll.C'n H, " isprey. Tvrms $1..'><I. FUKD SPiiFFAlID Jeweler KLESHERTON, ONT \ lifCiiT Jcn '"^ '"''^' "'' '"'^'^^ '^"*' ^^^ '^"'' if Lit ILIi I't'iuly wirli evi'ivthiiij; for .SiiiiniuM- wear. Vov ili • Liulies we have .Sport. Pannnia ami l,»'<;li(ini Hat.s an : halsttt suit ('veryl)o<ly fr-inii I ro "^ii yeai-s oM. Hea rifnl Voiles ami .Man|uisettes \vv Siunnio!- ilres.-e.*-. ;; ;iiiiiiei' .shoes of all kinds an<l Everything sold at lowtst prices. Just give us a Call and Exaocine our goods Ai\d you will be surprised how cheep we sell. Highest Price Paid for Produce > V W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store, Flesherton. < / Service We oitlit-M' carry it in ^rtiek, will i;et it. or if isn't made. Dealers In Ciooilyoar. I>oniinion ami Duiilop Auto Tiros aiul Tubes, Gasoline tilling s^tationand Motor oil. Cockshutt Fanii impleiuents and repairs. Masscy- Harris rt.'pairs. Verity and Cockshutt l^low shaies etc D. McTAVISH FLESHERTON -^ The Wiartou Echo says : On Satur- day last, whan the youngest sou of Samuel Gatem.ui. came home tor his dinner from tb.i t'acloiy, and d.d not rind ' bis father in the h use, be weiit to the : stable and there ho saw the avrful fact ' that hi9 father h.id taken h's own life. ! S For A Oooci Pair Of RUNNING SHOES Tan, White or Black, Cool for Summer Wear. Also some Neat, Nobby Patent and White Pumps for the ladies, with and without strap. WHERE? A T One Sim i* a member of the llilith Uruce WW tb« discoverer of the ^arsslto battalion, and two reside in Hepworth. techBicatlr kaom u the malsrbil His wife and a d.iujjhter predeceased BJwmotUuua. H« was aw»r4«d tbS him about six years ago. The (.'itbolica of America will back tho I'^nited States tb^>u|{h the war. Nobel yrlse for a«bi«Tem«nt5 in tkt â- «di<»I field In 1907. â€" Exchange. hos. Clayton's § FLESHERTON fii»3o«»»c8K«ea8aoo«oooc««(CK8a*