Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Sep 1917, p. 4

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.># » < Sfptcniber J? 1917 THE FLESHKPrON ADVANCR iC olicrton Cl^u^ncc xn iB<l«penJen» newni-apcr, |nil>lisliecl every fliar-.^ky »t th<" office, CulliiiKwixxl Street, tn^ertoD. Subscription price $1 |>erknDUin Ihea paid in advance ;Jl.53wliMn not »o paid Ad vet ii«ln(t rateii on application. Ciro»to*~ 1,100 weekly. W. H Tmuh«ton Editor Artemesia Council »nd line AiUmeaia Council met In Fiesberlon on 8epl. IT), with all the iiieuiber* present ! the Reeve in the chair. MiimteK of Ust ineetiiw wen- read and contirnud. Com- municatioDH wera as followa : Bydro Cummission re account Tom Mercer and J. W I>avi«, H. H. Burgess preaidcnt Co. IJrey Children's Aid Soiiety asking « grant to !>ame, T. J. Stinson iejK>rt re ditch at acliool house diich near Proton 8t«ti<>n and an pxpenditure in '.{ravelin g at Ceylon, estimateH from all ihe nthoul boards, S. L. Sijuire municip*! adviier re appointment i>f a Township •.'um- missioner, J. Bunie l report of expendi- ture in Division Ni>. 1. Mtlhewson â€" Cameron- By- Liw No. 15 of 1!'17, to k'vy rites for the ye*r r.»l7 a.4 filled ui: aad ru) orted by Coininittte be now read a third time, signed, sealed, »n<l onttred in liyUw btok. Carried. iJ<nieron â€" Burnett -Thai the account .»f W. H. Thurston I'lr printing and and idvertisin?. Voters' List and < 'ullec- • ni'H KdlU, ^X'l '**> bep'iid. I'arilid Oamaroii â€" Slinson That the report uf Mr. Burnett <if s<i i'k|ieiidilure uf $.'S.'>5 .'Ml in his ditiSKin be receive J and he be paid ^r>..V) cuniinisnion and $)i.H.'> fi>r oversee- ing committ«e »oik. Carried. Muthew.'win Stinson- That Mr. .''tin- .Ion's report ond expenditure uf $50 70 iiiuvel ing, and i^TIKW a'. I'roton .Station ditch li« recfiveJ, and he be paid $1H for work in connection therewith f 2 50 for committee work oi town Arte-nesi.i and Glenolg â€" Carried. Csiiieron Mathewson - That the following accounts for gravel used on I roads ly overseers be paid : Janie- 1 Oliver »'.'.50, J<ihn Carson ?7.70, J. H. ( Watson i^i, S. Martin $.'».5li, Mr*. ) I'edlar $« lit», K. Tedlar $18.»J(l, W. I Swantun SIO, George White ff'A 70, Geo. j .Mo. re $;{r.O. H. Patterson $4.80, tJeo. Ctiins $2.11), K. Hannah $7, K. Cairns *«> 10. T. Henry $."> 10â€" Carried. Cameron â€" Stitison That a grint of $1U be made to the Children's Aid Society of Giey County -Carried. Mathewson- Uurnettâ€" That A. Ca«ser bj paid $4 for d<-livering stone crusher at fowu nail â€" Cirried. Council adjourned. ^ Odds and Ends )p ARTICLES FOR SALE P(ii.i.(M K Phonoi.a.s sn'l <louli|« (liKC ' records for tal<.<. Phonoliis friini ^ITi up, ' »nd records fioin ^ric up. Wtien in j town call and hear gome good music at , â€" W. A. Hawken, Photo Studio. I For sale cheap and on easy it rnis, Lot j 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is ] a first class farm and in a good state of , cultivation, tiood bank barn and new j frame dwelling. Apply to R. .J. Sproule Flesherion For Sale or Rent- Urickveneer house in the village of Flesherton. Apply to - Malcolm McDonald. Fle.sherton. g^v^r^j-v^^^T^y^-f.T^-v^T.-T-i'':^^ FALL MILLINERY An elegant assortment of Trimmed Hats from wl you can make your selection. FRESN NOVELTIES EVERY FEW DAYS Tlie Conciliation Board iui|uirin<.' inio â-  he dispute between the C.P. R and is station ageDts, operators, train despatch ers and linemen, has r'>c'>mmendetl an increase in wages of not less than 12 per cent, for des|ianhers ai.d not less than 18 per Cent, for the others. They asked 25 per cent. Farm for Sale Lot l.VJ 15.5 K'tst Bick Line. nie»m, -nile and a i|uarter A rie- from Kle.-herton, containing '.K) ac es, mostly cleared ; comfoitabli- hou'e, uoort bain with Ktone foundation, f>matl orchaid ; farm well watered, nood crain or stock farm. For piiticulais apply on the premises to JOHN BFECRdFT, Flesherton, P. ( ». MISCELLANEOUS Havinu taken over from H. B. McLean the VV. (i. I'lckell (nsursnce buaiiii'is, I ^ am preuared lo Ux'k after (he interests of . the puhlie. Huah II. Hummond, K. R. No.l. Fiugci i.a Agent. Phone 2 r 2. j 1 Aug. Try F. versha.n Pastry Flour, the best for your cook. All Onturio wheat. If y< u want a good piano or any other musicnl iiistruinen', c»ll or write J. C K-^ntiier, .iiusiu dealer and'photo artist, Mark.1ale. Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. .Apply lo K. J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept a.'i first selection of Ladies' and Misses' I Highest price for buitei-tand eegs at Graham Bros. Kujjenia. .June2»I I'aintin; simples.- • anil [Hiper-hanging. See i H.Carrington. Oct. 1 Ladies Fall Coats Thi.s week we place on exhibition tht Full Colts. The .styles are the latest and every garment bears the ."tamp of excellence and good taste. Prices range Irom $10. 50 to .$30.00 and are all excellent value. Sweater Coats for Cool Evenings The cool weather makes the need of warmer clothing imperative. A nice- cosy .sweater coat ju.st fills the want exactly. We have a swell selection in all the leading colors in plain and fancy weaves, with the new shawl collars, made np Ironi dependable wool yarns and beautifully finished. Prices from $2.7;') lo $»).')0, for Men's and Women'; 1 s sizes. F. H. W. FLESHERTON. HICRLING ONTARIO. Retrenchment the Watchword ( ,'(y Hi-riMrii K AiindwU.) Female He'ti Wanted -.\ reliable' eapablo ijirl fir small family, p'ain cooking, no urashin/, »ii e.xeellent li.iiiu> and hii;h wages paid Mrs. F. II. Marsh tiit Keewstin .\ve., Toronto. Phoiir Belmont »7'-'. J * â-  •' . • •^ * ^ * y;^ * ;^ * _^ * ^ * :2 -* y ' ^ * ^ *- ^ * ^ * i^ * X * :^ * ^^ * i.l * 'l * "' '•â-  * ' 'â-  * - ' " * ' ^ * ' ^ '' -'^ * ^ * ' ' - *' vvAVA j ywg, ' g Cci-iada'i Imports from U. S. A. $664,219,653 Canada's Exports to U. S. A. $280,616,330 .A number for sale. M <f hens In g â- >'! o ndition s. M. Thistleiliwai'e Two aprnia tteer calves for sale.â€" .1. I K. .laniieson, F.'igenia. Farm for Sale li.t â- _'7, Con s, O.^prty, aljoiit roilv aires e and, the lialance mostly hardw 'od bush wUwaterrd Thin farm must ts-sold to wind up an estate App!y \VM \V THO.\ll'-*ON. .-Vdininistrator, |)ai21 .HiiijfhaiJipton, K K Holsteio Bull For Service MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS EVIMtY dullir iinn-< "••;<arily .i;i>"i' by a Canadian i Jadi/iJiial 'or poration. or •iovtrninont i today ix a dollar divcrieil ironi ih<' iirvi" tarfk of ttiaiiitiliiinK tli.- im oiioiuir hrtivi'y a:i'J nailnnal pr<)«|i<*rlty of I lie country â-  Cnly ihe itiiiHt rlnid retrfmlnncn' <>i onomy Ik too mild a word will «,iifl)( e to kf^'P Ihii (c)iinlry In a sound atol safe po!*iiiiin diirinK tli<* remain li'g iMTiod oi ihi- war und the oii^-ii- Ins inonilis of the p.«a. « readjust- nfnt. The n»'''d for eKinoiny lia^ been pr,,a< hcd l)y f.ir rilijhi.-d .Iti/.'-n.s for iMVral y.-ar.H past. Irii wIlli very little pffi'i I on the iMlldIr at large. I rn'-d to praillr.- ilirifi for varlou.i a.ad»Mil' r>-as')i .; :i.iil in prfparallmi lor rcrlain (l;^;atii ai:il vaRu-'ly iin derstood ion':' iic i-«. Ca-iailiaoH l.nve riirlail"d a f''* Sii'-'irtr ••xirava Kanfa and i;oii» i heerfiiUy on with iiiost of th'Mr orilinaiy cxpcmlltiir's, <.)mforiinic itovniolv.-t with ill' t:ioii;;hl lliat 111" .ouiiiry ti;n iriati aiieil to do wiilioiil thrill for lli-* la.il H'viily live yar.-i uimI liDiil.l lliiTf> l.^c l)<» abl>' M I ..iitinii'v Hut ('ana.!.! i- 'o.Uy f,i • i| !â- > an • iiiirely \\<"* .-iliKi' i'lii 'i'l;is I I -iriiry for y»ur» aiiioiiR ihe lif;nl.i per <fcpl'a borrower!! In llic world, i- now not nior<'ly pr-<l'n|ri| from .my fur ttiiT borro-.vinK of i'>w lapltal, but \.- urahie lo e olJ.-.-t la.ih for her own present oitpiii. and inunt cither ro;i It he to Iliianre b'r own m.-iloniciR or iHiise to find a market for a larRr pro |. union of l.or prmlu' t.<. With Mil- fni:y of ili- Inlteij S;;tt(s Into 'he »iir. anil lli" niobill.ailon of ti.e tinani Ul ri':>>uries of Ibai ronn liy for llo' servl'O of th» Alll'il i uuse, the lani uvailabl- iiiarki"! for funds waji > loHeil to Ciniula In Ibe month of AosMrtl not a dollar of Canadian muni' ll<al linaio liii? wna done in lh<' t'Dllid Si.iie.1 'I'll.: tortus e.xac led for th«j n-K-nt lionilnlon Covriiment loan In N'-.v York i;iftd» it «'vld<>nt thni no flirt licr !ii-?<laian(« ne'-d lio loolnd for from that uuarler. I While lht> i;nlt.J Hiaten is iiiaklng. aid will rontlnile to make. l:ir:;e ad Yahi'M lo variolic Allied loiintrieH. the (or.dlllon of Ihe.su advances Is that l'ra<''i< ally the wliiiU- Hum uiipplleil â- hall be spent in tli" I'-iirtiug coutilry. Thi» londitlon ileliari Canada from pari j'iiiai iiiR In him h advames for Ciinada's ne-J Is for i a.sli for the I carryini! on of her own industries of! war equipment aril food pnidm lion. | At Ihe same time, the wlllinsnesi' of tli« Cnlted Slates lo finance the •rders of Ih" Allied beiliei-renm i when placed with American produc ' rr>:. has naturally led ihe Alljf^ to J' r»fii!W lo place ordiTs in any country which (aniioi Brant the same terms The presenl r>'diiclion In activity in Canadian niiinlUon planls Is due not | t« any cessation uf demand Iriun : fad I cny aid from the Cnlted States; and not only in coniinuiOK it, bui in in < leasing the ranK)" of the iraiLsairtions upon which suc!i credit Is granted - lor the Finance .Minister recently an- I oiin< od that arran!;«nients had hneu made by the l!ov*>riimi!nt to furnish (.real Britain with $40.i>J<»,iHM) for the piiri'ha.se of Canadian â-  liee.se and III), i,i'),.;i)) for hay, oats and Hour. There is good reason lo expect that a siinl- la,- accominodal Ion niiist be extended to (treat Uriiain for a large part of the export of food.stuffa for the pre sent fiscal year; iln- magnitude of this item is instanced by the fact that I he . export of wheal alone toCii^at Itriiain ! tor the llical year ending .\l«rch III , last amount 'd to $ l!)4,s:t^,'.i'J.'>. and ! wlieat Hour In J:;!!,'^^ <>ilo. | TI.e only way iii which Canuu.i lan |iOs.-:c»s herself of tho funds necessary • lor this iiii!iicns.> and unprecedented ' la.sk (il lln.iDciiig her ciistomers is by I linidly < urtailiiiK her own expendi- iiii'H on all iinne<e.<.sary objects. Par- liciilarly is II necessary tliiit all super I'lious Imports should be slopped. In i the last fiscal year Canada Imported I fiiiu the InPed Slat s no l-ss ihnu >ii>i!.2t!i.tt.'.:i wnrlh of i ointnoditi, s, while fXporlliiK lo that country only J^SD HI «,:::;'). TIc-.-e imports included | Ji.'',iH).i .') of aulomohlles and paiis ' lli-rivjf. $IO,')0«,IM of fresh fruits. >2,|i)u 1.) I of iiiii.:hal Iniilruments r'ver $:!.!> «i.t!<)1 of furs and maniirac (Hre.4 thereof, $:; D'Vi.MO of ' faucy iitll'leji," j:!,."iij>),c â- '» of veBelablcs. f I,k:,0,iK:) of tobaco and Its products, :'ml tutiny millions of dollirs of ; waller itcii.s lor jrticlis whi^b i in lj â-  disiiensec) wllb wholly or In lariv ' p.irl wiihoul any grave dWlculiy. \i\ l<iliillion to llie:;e an Icles whiili rca. b , C.'ti.ada in the form of liiil.shed liixii rlih, there Is nil iindlstliiKuishalib^ i un.ounl, which iiiusi be very large, of j liirioiis raw malcrluls which are em- ployed In Ihe inanuraclure of luxurlia | in Canada llself; to say iiolhing of tli(« ' lommodKie., whii h. while not luxuries i ill Ihrmirflves, arc made to by extra; ] Vusaiit lonsuiiipllon or by bein-; ur^il V here ( heaper or domestic produ( l.i V ciild do just as well. Canada, while compelled lo extend credit upon al nii),'it everytliing which she hers-lf sells abroad, Is obllsed lo pay cash for all of these Imports, which are consc nuenlly draining llie reHonnes of the (ounlry wilhoui i onff>rrlng any real Icnefil upon any part of It. Few if any luxuries that are ( on- hiiMied In Canada do nol (oiilHln a col sbleral)!* proporlion of imporled goods aineng their raw materials, even If they are not wliolly of foreign origin. Hut even In the case of luxu ries entirely produced In Canada, if 'any such lloTe he. ihn case asainst their ( onsiiiii|)lluii is e(iiially strong, 'ri-,elr prodmlion dlverls Canadian labor from ibe producllnn of commo- dities salable abroad, and thereby In- 1 reaaes the bal'Snc of trade a.-alu>,t this country; and the funds employed r.in' -A II ck sprie suit cunt h-tween Will .McCoriniek's, 7 h sidero»d, and Uichirdnon's C.irlier Kinder please llllonil Mis \\ n<. Uichlld:'!'!!, I! K I, l*rotiiii Stiiiloi', < lilt. J .V.thoroMijhI.nHl HoUtein Isdl f..r *ervice on I lot!< 1.s;M,S1 S. \V. r, a .S. K.. .\"-teiiie>ia; cloi.- [ fly related t.) the world'., cliiuipi'.n 44-iHiund eo'w. Term-: *I 'lOfor >:i.ide.-., *.VtX) f..r pure III I'll!., I 1 .Inly i; â€" liKO. .\H)ORK A.S..n. I This famous make of implements is j well kno»n all over the country and I their own good work is the best recom- I mendatiun they can receive. If yoo I require anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drill*, Cultivators, Pulp I era. Plows, Sleijihs, W.ijfj/on!", Cream 1 Separators. Harrows. Itollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, (i:i.>.oline ey nines. Sawing outfits, etc , eive us a chanei- to i|Uote prices. Flesiieptoii ' «^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfactiou I LACNDUYâ€" Basket clones Monday I ni^ht, delivery Friday evenia CLEANING and DYEING- We are agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothoa .cleaned and d»ed. feathers rejuvenifei ; T FISHER- •PR0P8IET0B I ^ Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers PHONE HILLCREST 268 124AVENUERD J.W.Bates,' Toroto R, Maddocks, Motor Equipment Manager. Pre! iS«i;»S»SwS«::»Z«I"Z"«"«Z"«S"»Sâ„¢;LrLrajI"«i»S*." The Old Adage "1 John Wright, - Agent Flesherton STOCK ANU EGGS FDR S,4LE Taiuworth Swine. 11. It. l'.i;o?, and 15,niiii DiiL-lc K.'o.-s. 1 l.,ne Liripii. k «:il.-«..ine v..iui>,' â- rai.i»..rtli, f..r liieedinitpnr|i..«e> : aU..>..tiii- r.,in.'.l lock rf.i>. and U..ueii lluck e^'ir« f,,i hatcliinK' p.ii- p'.M-.. rrii-» ri({lit I'll, ne •â- . w rii.- â€" i;Ki). W. Hd.s.s. ()itl:i Ii; tispret Tl. >-'v,tciu. .\li\«,-ll. I'd New Blacksmith Shop I At MaxwelJ I 1 am i.peiiin.; in. at nice, a blacksmith- I iiii! and woodworkinu hu.siness in Max- I well, and am lu'al.inu up-to date wood- I workiui: iinchineiy. It will lie my en- jdeavor t . serve the pul'lic in a satisfac- jtory maiinor and I wnulj solicit patron- : Hife. I Hint youiwotk and will do it jiiuht. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG Tl le Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating 'illl« .'^aiiir i.^ I'l |ii;ill\ tl'IK ol tlif ,l'.t(M' Cra vilv a,-;lit'i . Ti\ li|U' aii.ll H'ctmvincctI iliat llu "If i.s ttt-r. linni' S. HEMPHILL Agent. Ceylon V M I â- Â»" I' II M 11 :.; « .1 III Flesherton i<i Till Shop- I have just plafi'd im tlie .^liflvt's ;i full Hue of Tinwaiv, Nicki>l\vare ami A.^ratowaie for domestic n.'<t\ Call on iiu' ami jit't ynur .su|)j>lie;i. r.;ivi«tit)iiL;liiii.,', Sti>vfjii|H-saml .Stovi:' Furnish- I'lill limM)t Aid 'oiinifk Kiuiii iui|ilt'iiu'ii; Miiwcrs, Iv'aki's, Loaders, hrills, C nltivatoi -;. IJiiliiiLT and Wallsiiiy Hanii\\s I'liaiiltiid i\li!ls, rmi]s, ri|:iiig ai.il Huir.us t.l all lltMllif Hay ('arriiTs. Hay Kirks, Sliii<;s Cu'rii'is, l''oldiii<4 Hath Tuli.s, Frost Wiifaiul ('litters anil Sli'ii,dis. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed S. HEMPHILL I'd lid CIS riows. Wind kimls, Kiltrr Kt'iu'c ! I D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIOr I Agent, . Ceylon, Ont. 11-^^-^^^^^^^â„¢.^,^^ WE SELL ^ IHI !HI l(jl 1^1 l^.^l II IJI- i<l 1^1 II II 1^1 l()l 11 ini Ivt'IKiiriii- of'all kinds pioiiiptly allfiidt'd to. riptdittiiii,', iiic 'nni.ui's installt'd MUIKU'OS. ihIiiil; pump Ai'i-'nt Work., for Clare llros. I'iiirope for munitions, hut to tke that Canadi. cannot .oinpete with 'h' ! JnThelr Vn.Viiri7on a^e'neede.r'for th Inlled Slair.s In ofTerlng llnuneial ' aicamraodatio I to Ihe inircliaHers. Until slie wan excluded from the Ameriian nuiney ni.irkei, Canada had been al>le for HOiiie time paHt lo ex lend partial tiiiam i;il io. nnimoilatlon to the Allied ceiinlric:4 for the .sup pllen which lh*'y obtained here, and lhi» willioiil etifonliiic upon herself dtrlt'l ri'siraen of thrift. Rut « waHdue In part to Ihe fact thai vlille lendliif; lo her customers uhe y.nn (heraelf hnrrowiiiK from her iieiKhhor. 'I'he Hales of f-madian fcondrt of nil ilaaseM in the InlteH m States In I'MS wore $ir,4,00«.(M», and In Ifliti $2i»7,0''>«,OiV>, This year the Iioniinluu Hovernnieni lian sold $100, nce.OOO and inunliliialltlen ahout $7. lODIWO. lender IIivk<> ilr( uiUHtaucM llraiK ing of export trade. TnUer Ihe lieadlng of "luxurlen" and "iinnecei.-sarie.s" ( ome, at Ihe pre- i.i-nt time, all caiillul expenditures which will nol he Inunedlalely pro rti.ctlvB of an 111. rea.sinR export of lominodtlleM. Tliln IncluilfH all niiiui 1 ipal iiii.l ^;ov.•rnnl«nt work.s which iifTcct merely the convenience or com- firl nf tli<; liilzonn. Hrnadly HHeak- l.'B 11.1 piilili.- worlt.s are Jniiimable at ll.i prv-:eni jiinctiir' except Hio.»fl which n^niove uii liiiMi-.'dlal« nienaofl !o lieallh nr an In.me.llan obatrurfien to tlm procert.se.s of iiroiliielloii or trade. 'Ihia il a ilMie for the raichiua; up of rh\ plant rather than the .sub:-il.lluti»n of new, however much outworn tho Old may be. To ropeat: Kvery dollar tinn«ifp» it v.as not difllciilt for t'anada t.i |8.irily r...ienl hy {\in.id!,sn (individual, II :«Ko ftdvam-es to the Allien, on the imrpoialion, or â- ^overnniniu) to-dny, i» |vi,ic,iUii^> t-f miiiiltlou!! In ililii 'fiun |a dollar diveriiM from the urgent try v.Iiloh cl (lir. c:nl of July totalled ila«k of nmlntalnliiK the economic saV'i i'<'-()t»M), Vri'o dllllculty consists activity and national prosperity at in cC'iitUia4ng IhU procca» without Uho couplry, . .-- .,«|.^__„ .,a*t.r~,. ANNOUNCEMENT Having' piirtli.isftl tlu' I'^iirniturt' Ini.sincss of Mr. floliu ('h.ipiniinat a ratf on tlii' doil.ir, I am propared to oll'ff l'"nriii'iMt' ;)t uiilifard t>f' prictvs. For tlu> iu>xt tiltt'tMi days the pii'dif will lit,* alilt' to profit liy this salo, as 1 iiiusr tlispo.st:' uf most of it. Tlii.' Stock is now and up to datf in t'vi'i'v it-spool. Dros-iors. Staiitl.s, Tarlor Soisnnd otlifi' (dioit i\m)oiU at prifi's t!-;at will siirpriso you. War time duos not atti'ot llu'>o as tlioy woro mostly purrliast'tl hcf n'o tho rai^r and arc anii.in cii' in ordt-r to m;tkf tpiiek sal'>. Ci^me in aiiiihok over {heJftock. W. H. BUNT • Furnit'virc cvnd Ui\dcrt£\ktn^ FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. g^ ssji^ES-SS â- ^^â- ^r^^r^^'^^smm^^'mm ^^^ FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents Fox* Wagons Plows Hav Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers ^^j JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT TLESHERTON. •A' ! 1^ •â- f" .- *'- 1*^ ^ ggga 1 â- M

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