October 18 I9i: THE F L E S H E R r N A D V AN C E '«- BUSINESSCARDS Societies PBINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. XS3, A.K.ft A M, uieeU in tb« Ukaouiokall. Arm trpBK s IIlocli yiMherton, OTerv Fridny on before tlie full moon. T. lloury, w. M. U. W, Hicklicg, SecretKry. C-BOSKN FRIENDS- FleiKurtOD Counci CbOBcn Frlendi 3U mectu In Claytcii'a Hal fint and tliiid Wedoerdav u> larb moutli a 8 p.m. Pay aixtiueDta to Idcoidtr cu o tefore the firtt day ol fiih uicutb. I'bie CouDclllor. W. n. hunt; lUccider, Mil. U A Kieber. Dentistry tvr- B. C MURRAY U D. S , dental tDrgeon A/ bCDomraduate o( Torouto Unirerait; and heyal Collbf;e ot Dental Bur^fOiiH of Ontario, I4ae adRiiaiuiitered for teeth eXtractioo l&cc at reaideDoe, Toronto Htreet. Fleaherton. Medical J P OTTEWELL I Veterloar; Sargeon Jradaate ol Ontario Veterinary College reeidence â€" lacond door aoutb weft^on Ikaxy street. Thia itreet runi ootlj l^cabrterian Cbnreh. Cha*. e McLean, M 0. C M, Specialty- Surgery, Midwifery & Wnnien's Diieases OmcEs â€" Klesherl >n, Ij w Hoiue. l'ric<\ill* foti'mercial lUiel, '•".3<t ui 1 nm. Urug Ktorr in roiiUfction with "tticv. Office Hours ill KI«-nherton--We<lnfsday and Vriday aftrriioon 2 to .'> li.ni. Phone ine«i!a(!f» receivv prmniit attention at Uth officri. Itt.Maylh Legal ( CCA8, KASEY 4 hKNHY-Barrl»t«r«. â- *-< bolicitori.eicâ€" 1. U. I..UCH. K. C. : W. E, Kaney K. <\ ; W. D. Heniy, H. A. Uttkei. Toronto, MCV Tiadors Hank HldK., plione a.ain 1412; Markdale Lucas lllock, Ilioiie 2 A. brancki oUlce at Oaodalk opan every Saturday, WKIGHT, TELFORD t McDOSALD barriater. Holicitora, 4c. (Jfllcea, Grey * Bruee lllock. Uwon Bound. Standard Hank Hlock.Fleahertoo.lSaturdavBl, W. H. Wright, W. K Telford Jr. J. C. McDonald. L. L.. li. Business Cards If OULLOUOH A YOL'NO '^ liaukeia Markdalt General banking buaineaa. Uoney loaned at reaaooabla rate* Call on ua. DMcPHAlL, LIcrnaed Auctlonee for tlie • County of Orey. Terma moderate and fatia'BCiion guaranteed. Tbe arraugeuiuuta and dalM ol laleacan be marie at TIik ADViuce «.!».c«. HeaidiiDce and P.O., i vyloii, Telepliou« coDDactloo. Dec. C, 07 WU. KAITTINO, icanaed Auctioneer lot the conntiea of Grey and binicoe. Farm and htock aalea a apecialty. Teruia ii.oderate. latiafaction guarantied. Arrange- luenta for dalM uay be Diadtat tbe Advance cfflce. or Central telapbone oB;ce I'everaliau or by addxeaaing ma at Feverabam. Out. Representative WANTED at once for FLESHERTO N and District fi>i Canada's Greatest Nurseries Kpring l!ll7 (I'anting iint now ivady Splendid list ol hardy Can^dinn Kniwii fruit »nd ornumental stock, indudiiiK, Mcintosh lied Aiijde, -St. Ku«is Kier- liearing Uispljurry mid iimny ullier eaderit. New illuKtraled catHlooi;*- sent on Hpplicaliun. Start now nt heal celling' time. I.ilier- h\ pr»p(jbiti'jii. Stone & Wellington The Konthill Nurseries. n;-iliilili-.tied 1K!7. ) TORONTO . ONTARIO Farm For Sale or Rent Lot UlU-.', :{id luiigo N.K.T.S.U, Artiiiiehia- 7M Hcrea uiulcr cultivali. ii, I'ood barn siid brick hou8i>, hii hcvc ot orchard ; wt'll wiilcrcd. Apply (o - â€"I. SINCLAIR, InUutlT Ftoblierti'li. Strayed From llie preniiseg of llie iiiiilyrsiKiifil Rome wcokH :ii,'o, IJ ewes iind Ti I,uicc«l«T Uiiiha, iindockptl. IiiloniiAtinii wi uld h^. thitiikfully received. -\V,.S. INKHTKR, \VHi<liin>. l-or^ Service (Jno pure DreU Slioitliorii Mull on lot ItO, fon, 11, .\rtonit'»i». Tt'riiis 51.011 f.'i ^raden. Miiitt bo pnid within i* idoiiiIih (ri)in date of service. IJaii. 17. ~R. O.TIKNKK. Roar for Service The uiiderKigned h'>H ii IhoroUKli.irc'l Yurki*hir« Hoar for Hervico on lot ll,ci>n. 8, Osprcy, TcrniH ti.oO. FKKD HI'OFFARn. Voluntary enlittmonl hiis taken UiouuiiiidH of men fmiii ollico work, (.'onHcripliun will take more. Ollico liel|i Ih Kcarco â€" will be Hc<icor vory lor n. Youiis woinun and bojH under inilitaiy ai{o must till lliu vuoaiil pUccH, alid lliry need traiiiiii)^. .O)- â- ^' is Iho very boat p'acc tn Kut a trniniii^ and prepiiiu to holp iiiuut tliti dtiinniid for traiiind ollice holp. Students Miny outer l*ny liny tiiii«. No inciease m fees Ciecnlirs free on applirailion. C. A. FLEMING.P.C.A.,PnnciDal, left. A., Owen Sound, Ontario. 3. Ar*, [L.S.J CANADA GEORGE the FIFTH, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions be- yond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may in anywise concernâ€" GREETING : A Proclamation calling out the men comprised in Class 1 as described by the Military Service Act, 1917. The Deputy Minister of Justice, Canada Wi- rHEREAS it is pro- vided by our Militia Act of Canada, Re- vised Statutes of Canada, 1906, chapter 41, Section 69, that our Governor-General of Can- ada in Council may place our Militia of Canada, or any part thereof, on active service any- where in Canada, and also be- yond Canada for the defence thereof, at any time when it appears advisable so to do by reason of emergency; A nri '\A/h#»rf»ac \y\at. part of our militia of Canada known rXllU VV 11(^1 Cdb 33 the Canadian Expeditionary Force is now engaged in active service overseas for the defence and security of Canada, the preservation of our Empire and of human Uberty ; and it is necessary owing to the emergencies of the war to provide re- enforcements for our said Expeditionary Force in addition to those ^^osc inclination or circumstances have permitted them to {volun- teer ; "• A n H \A/ Vi ^r^Q C ^y reason of the large number of men who .n-iJU VV ll^lbdO have already left agricultural and indus- trial pursuits in our Dominion of Canada in order to join our Expedi- tionary Force as volunteers, and by reason of the necessity of main- taining under these conditions the productiveness or output of agri- culture and industry in our said Dominion, we have determined by and with the advice and consent of our Senate and House of Com- mons of Canada that it is expedient to secure the men so requiredj not by ballot as provided by our said Militia Act, but by selective draft ; such re-enforcement, under the provisions of the Military Service Act, 1917, hereinafter referred to, not to exceed one hundred thousand men ; A r\A \A/'Vt^r/»QC '' '* accordingly enacted in and by the rVIlU VV XlCl Cda provisions of an Act of our Parliament of Canada, holden in the 7th and 8th years of our reign, and known as the Military Service Act, 1917, that every one of our male subjects who comes within one of the classes described and intended by the said Act shall be liable to be called out on active service in our Canadian Exp>editionary Force for the defence of Canada, either within or beyond Canada; and [that his service shall be for the duration of the present war and demobilization after the conclusioa of the war ; A nrl \A/Vt^r^^c '^^ *"'" '^\\o are, under the provisions of rVIlU VV llClCdb the said last mentioned Act, liable to be called out, are comprised in six classes of which Claaa 1 is, by the proviaiont of the said Act, defined to consist of all our male subjects, ordinarily, or at any time since the 4th day of August, 1914, resident in Canada, who have attained the age of twenty years, who were bom not earlier than the year 188.1, and were on the 6th day of July, 1917, unmarried, or are widowers but have no child, and who are not within any of the following enumerated EXCEPTIONS .â€" 1. Members of our regular, or reserve, or auxiliary forces, as defined by our Army Act. 2. Members of our n>ilitar>- forces raised by the Governments of any of our other dominions or by our Government of India. 3. Men serving in our Royal Navy, or in our Royal Murines, or in our Naval Service of Canada, and members of oiu' Canadian Expeditionary Force. 4. Men who have since August 4th, 1914, served in our Military or Naval Forces, or in those of our allies, in any theatre of actual war, and have been honourably discharged thercfrum. 5. Clergy, including members of any recognized order of an exclu- sively religious character, and ministers of all religious denomina- tions existing in Canada ut the date of the passing of our said Military Service Act. 6. Those persons exempted from military service by Order in Council of August 13th, 1873, and by Order in Council of Decem- ber 6lh, 1898 ; At^A \A/V»prPac it is moreover provided by our said Military nU VV llClCdS Service Act that our Governor-General of Canada !n Council may from time to time by proclamation call out on active service ns aforesaid any class of men in the said Act described, and that a\\ men within the class so called out' shall, from the date of such procliimation, he deemed to be soldiers enlisted in the military service of Canada and subject to military law, save as in the said Act otherwise provided ; and that the men so called out shall report and shall be placed on active service in the Canadian Expeditionary Force ns m.iy be set out in such proclamation or in regulations ; but that they shall, until so placed on active service, be deemed to be on leave of ulisencc without pay ; A T-1/-1 ^A/Vi^rpoc '* " "'^<' provided by the said Act that at .rt-IlU VV llClCctS „„y ,j,„g before a date to be fixed by proclamation an application may be made, by or in respect of any man in the class to he called out, to one of our local tribunals, established in the manner provided by the said Act in the province in which such man ordinarily residci, for a certificate of exemption f.om service upon any of the following GROUNDS OF EXEMPTION :â€" (a) That it is expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in military service, be engaged in other work in which he is habitually engaged ; (/>) That it is expedient in the national interest that the man should, instead of being employed in military service, be engaged in other work in which he wishes to be engaged and for which he has special qualifications ; (c) That it is expedient i.i the national interest that, instead of being employed in military service, he should continue to be educated or trained for any work for which he is then being educated or trained ; (</) That serious hardship would ensue, if the man were placed on active service, owing to his exceptional financial or busuit^ss obligations or domestic ]>OHition ; (e) III health or infirmity ; (y) That he conscientiously objects to the undertaking of combatant service, and is prohibited from so doing by the tenets and articles offalth in effect on the sixth day of July, 1917, of any organised religious denomination existing and well recognized in Canada at stich date, and to which he in good faith belongs ; ,, And that if any of the grounds of such application be established, a certificate of exemption ahall be granted to such man. A r\A V^H^f ^oe moreover it is enacted in tad by the pro- .n.iJU VVacrCdb ^i^i^^^, ^^ g„ ^^^ ^^ our 'Parliament of Canada holden in the 7th and 8th years of our reign and known as the War Time Elections Act that certain persons thereby disqualified from voting with such of their sons as on F>olUng day are not of legal age, shall be exenyjt from combatant military and naval service ; A nH AA/^h«»r^aC '* '* fur'ber provided by our said I&ilitary <A.i.iu. V V 11^1 s^eto Service Act that applications for exemption from service shall be determined by our said local tribunals, subject to appeal as in the said Act provided, and that any man, by or in respect of whom an application for exemption from service is made, shall, so long as such application or any appeal in connection there- with is pending, and during the currency of any exemption granted him, be deemed to be on leave of absence without pay ; A nH Wh/^r^ac our Governor-General of Canada In Council X^llta VVilQlC2cl& has determined to caU out upon active service as aforesaid the men included in Class 1, as in the said Act »nd hereinbefore defined or described ; Now Therefore Know Yc ^ rh'efaid^ctss"!: comprising the men in our said Military Service Act, 1917, and hereinbefore defined or described as to the said class belonging, on active service in our Canadian Expeditionary Force for the defence of Canada, either within or beyond Canada, as we may. in the command or direction of our Military Forces, hereafter order or direct. And we do hereby strictly command, require and enjoin that each man who is a member of the said class shall, on or before the 10th day of November, 1917, in the prescribed form and manner, report himself for military service, imless application for his exemption shall then have been made by him or by another person entitled to apply on his behalf ; wherein our loving subjects, members of the said class, are especially charged not to fail since not only do their loyalty and allegiance require and impose the obligation of careful and implicit obedience to these our strict commands and injunctions, but more- over, lest our loving subjects should be ignorant of the consequences which will ensue if they fail to report within the time limited at afore- said, we do hereby forewarn and admonish them that any one who is hereby called out, and who without reasonable excuse fails to report as aforesaid, shall thereby comm t an offence, for which he shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for any term not exceeding five years with hard labour, and he shall nevertheless, if we so require, be com[>elled to serve immediately in our taid Expeditionary Force. And we do hereby proclaim and announce that for the greater convenience of our subjects, we have directed that prescribed forms, for reporting for service, and for application for exemption from serv- ice, may, at any time on or before the said 10th day of November, 1917, be obtained at any post oflice in our Dominion of Canada; and that reports for service and applications for exemption from service, if obtained at any of our said post offices and property executed, shall be forwarded by our postmaster at the post office from which the same are obtained to their proper destinations as by OUT reguIatioDg pre- scribed, free of postage or any other charge. And we do further inform and notify our loving subjects that local tribunals have been established in convenient localities throughout our Dominion of Canada for the hearing of applications for exemption from service upon any of the statutory grounds, as hereinbefore set out; that these our local tribunals so established will begin to sit in the discharge of their duties on the 8th day of November, 1917, and that they will continue to sit from day to day thereafter, as may be necessary or convenient, at such times and places as shall be duly notified, until all applications for exemption from service shall have been heard and disposed of; also that men belonging to the class hereby called out who have not previously to the said 8th day of November, 1917, reported for service, or forwarded applications for exemption through any of our post offices as aforesaid, may make applications in person foi exemption from service to any of OUT said tribunals on the 8th, 9th or 10th day of November, 1917. And we do hereby moreover notify and inform our loving subjects who are within the cl.iss hereby called out, that if, on or before the 10th day of November, 1917, they report themselves for military service, or if, on or before that day, application for exemption front service be made by them or on their behalf, they will not be required to report for duty, or be placed upon active service as aforesaid, until a day, not earlier than the 10th day of December, 1917. which will, by our registrar for the province in which they reported or applied, be notified to them in writing by registered post at their respective addresses as given in their reports for service, or applications for e.'c- emption from service, or at such substituted addresses as they may have respectively signified to cur said registrar; and wc do hereby inform, forewarn and admonish the men belonging to the class hereby called out that if any of them si. .'11, withovit just and sufficient cause, fail to report for duty at the time and place required by notice in writing so posted, or shall fail to report for duty as otherwise by law required, he shall be subject to the procedure, pains and penalties by law prescribed as against military deserters. Of allof which our loving subjects, and all others whom these presents may concern, are hereby required to take notice, rendering strict obedience to and compliance with all these our commands, directions and requirements, and governing themselves accordingly. In 'nsfitimony Whereof S^trbf mT^! Jilt, ilid the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. WIT- NSJws: Our Right Trusty and Right Entirely Beloved Cousin â- and Counsellor, Victor Christian William, Duke of Devonshire, Marquess of Hartington, Earl of Devonshire, Earl of Burlington, Baron Cavendish of Hardwickr, Baron Cavendish of Keighley. Knight ofOur Most NobleOrderof the Garter; One of Our Most Honourable Privy Council; Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George; Knight Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order; Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. .\t Our Government House, in Our City of OTTAWA, this TWELFTH day of OCTOBER, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and in the eighth year of Our Reign. . X By Command, Under Secretary of State. 151 FARMS l-OR SALE Kor Niile or iiMit for Kin/.iin;. lot l!i>, eon. Ill, mid pint of lots \\\ and Il.'i, eon 14, Ailoiiieniii, IHI acres more or less known » tliy * 'o" liot f«riii. W ill tiiMl for pBHlurottlhia seiiHoii, or tiiko Nlock in by the moll III. This ma hplondid (jniiu and yrnzitij,' fiinn.woll watered and fi'iiced, « lot of v.iliiahio tinilioraml ci'dar ruiil about !«) acres tit for eultivHtioii. It is wtdl worlli till' Htlonlion of stock num. Will h pi 1 Ii KIcsboilon, Ihit. Farm for Sale LEARN TO SAVE MONEY. Banking Maraly a Dollar a Wsak la a^ Good Invostmont. "It ia mighty bard," said an tuforto- nate workiugmau some time ago to tti* - writer, "to save up a thousand dollars; by laying aside a dollar or two a week . and then to take It out of the savlugi. hank and lose It to a get rich quick, swindler, as I have just done." The poor fellow could work and save,, but be bad not had even a kiodergar- ten education la finance, else bis story would have been different. He had. never given a thought to interest and so was absolutely Ignorant of grrowth. through compound interest and, of course, had never heard of that won- derful process of accumulation known- as "progressive compound interest." One dollar deposited in a savings bank that pays 4 per cent will amount to $2.19 in twenty years. This is sim- ple comi)otmd Interest. Now, if you. deposit $1 every year for twenty years; or $20 in all, the sum to your credit Will have grown to $30.97. Any wage earner can pat by $1 a week. That money deposited in a sav- ings bank for twenty years will have Increased to $1,612. A deposit of $5 & week will have grown to $8,000, and this at 4 per cent will be $320 a year. There is no secret, no mystery, abont this. It is as clear as the cloudless sun, and the method is Just as clean and honest HOW THINGS DO CHANGE! Medorn Improvomsnts In tho Lifotima of Ono Observer. In tbe American Magazine Irvtn S. Cobb bas an article entitled "Looking Both Ways From Forty," In which be cays: "I've seen the Kansas cyclone find a worthy successor In Billy Sunday. I was present on tbe spot, so to speak, when the aadible celluloid cuff, B. P. Roe, tbe pug dog, the congress gaiter, tbe hammer gun, tbe safety bicycle, the mustache cup, parcbesi. tbe catch- er who took 'em off tbe bnt with his bare bands, the pfacb kernel watch charm, the pousse cafe, the operation for deboming the human appendix and tbe Dowie movement gave way. inch by inch, to the spitball, the automatic ejector, tbe rest cure, the cold storage egg, Henry Ford, the cabaret. Orrllle and Wilbur Wright, eat-andgrow-thin, pay-and-grow-thinner, rural free deliv- ery, tbe imported Scotch iilbliek, Eli- nor Glyn, middling meat at 42 cents a pound and stewed prunes at 4 bits a portion In any first class restaurant. "And if I have luck I shall no doubt be an eyewitness to the fading away of these things Uitu the background of tbe past and the oncomiug of yet more timely evidences of the onward and upward march of progress, following along, one behind tbe other. In a mighty procession." Warding Off Old Age. A famous French general when asked how It was that he had such an erect carriage replied that It was because he bent over and touched the tloor with bis fingers thirty times every day. If he had acquired rigidity of the spine so that he could not do that be would have bad with it weak abdominal mus- cles, which result In portal congestion. This portal congestion interferes with stomach digestion and with the action of the liver. Tho poison destroying power of the liver is lessened, autoin- toxication results, and arteriosclerosis and old age come ou at a much earlier day. But by keeping the spine flexible and the abdominal muscles strong and taut the portal cireHlation Is kept free and old age Is held off. Kid Gloves and Paper Collars. The Twelfth corps of the Army of the rotomac was named "kid glove* and paper collars'' by the Fourtoentli corps of the Westoru army, owing to tho 'West Point discipline of the Twelfth corps, which was tho natural result of bavins beeu commanded first by Mansfield and then by Sloeum, with as subordUiiito commanders such men as Williams, Hamilton, Gordon, Uugcr, Andrews. Hnwley and others. â€" Mnga^ne ot .\meri>:in History. Mats For Potted Plants. Liettover pieces ot oilcloth or lino- leum can be cut any shape or size and by betag painted or varnished make excellent mats for iiotted plants and flowers. They can be paluted any de- sired color aud are easily cleaned by wipUig with a damp cloth. These mats prevent the porch or stand from being scratched or stained by the pots. Absinth. Absinth, the most harmful and even fatal Intoxicant, is uinde from a blue- green oil that Is obtained from artcml- : ei& absluthium, ti member of the worm- wood family. SeversI less harmful spe- I cles ot arlemlsia grow throughout Cal- ifornia. Kept Her Word. I Pollyâ€" Mrs. Dashaway used to say I she wouldn't marry the best man liv- ing. Dollyâ€" Well, she has the satisfao tlon ot knowing she didn't sell for reiisiMiiiblo cush imymoni, lialance Apply to 11. .1. Sptdiilp, easy ternia. J uly (>i f Lot 152â€" irill li^al P./ick Lino, Alio iiiosin, .nilo and a (|i)iiiter from I Fli'shorlon, con'.ainini! IHI acres, moatly | eli'iiied ; oomfortalilo house, i^ootl I'lun ; Willi Kioiio foundation, »mall orehiud ;' fiu-m well w;itoioii, nocd triiin or stock firm. For imtieulais apply on iho^ piuinisoa to j --.KHiN bef:cui»kt, I FIcaheitoa, !'â- » ' j Public Notice Tnko notico Ihiit it'.l porsons aro lu'vo- by forbiilden ticspassiiiy ou, or dunipioc any mbbisli mi, or li>kin«, »«n-l, liinvol, earth or other iiiatlpr oil Turk lot known as tho VlesluT sand pit, in Floshorton, containing hIkhii two verex, as all persoim tri'opiissiu^; or uoniniiitini! »ny waste ol roinovinir ,uiytl\inu Ihcrefioin, cm .\iiy part of the Klesher estate in and around Flesliortoii Villnijo, will be ptos- ecuted accoidin)j to law. DM. T. S. sPROULE, JiHy l> Exccu'or for the Eitdte Boar For Service I'uro liicM Vorkxhirc Inmr foprawrvloe at the M.KiU' fiinu, near O.yloii. Tcruis-ifl f><> f..r all aimmld »er\cd. lN„v. -.1. F. COLUNStlN- Holsteiu Buir For Service \uli"ioiii(lil>rivl Holntoiii bull for icrvicB ok l lt.tHlS;tlsrs.W. T. AS.It.. .\.ti>iiie(.ia; clos- et v relatml tj thf world's champion 4t'iHmnd eo\v. Twins: %\ W lor Rrndu*, f.5.00 for p\ue bred*. 1 ,Iiily I". â€" 'IKO. MOORE 4 Son. Cashing Him In. Womanâ€" I want a divorce. I.«wyer â€"Aud how lauch alimony? Womanâ€" i One hundretl per. I wouldn't let hUn go tor less. â€" Town Topics. Sorry Hs Spoke Knaggâ€" A womau's work Is never done. Mrs. Knaggâ€" fisiiecially when her work consists iu trying to make a man of her husband. Lost Bones. The Cat â€" Nice mtizzle you're wear- ing. Sport Cost touch ? Tho Dog ( «ad- )>)â€" About five bones a daylâ€" Ufe.