3^ Between Cousins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. J PROTECr CROP SAVERS. Our Insectivorous Birds Should' He Klaughtcred. On September 10, scare heads the newspapers announced that Not If some means existed to overcome early frosts, no time would be lost in putting them into effect. Not so,' however, with the continued loss by insects. Our insectivorous birds, far '" from receiving protection, have been frost promiscuously ' and 'continuously had caused damage in the United j slaughtered, to the detriment of our =^ StateH to the extent of probably $50 I 000,000, the grain markets became ex- CHAPTER IX.â€" (Cont'd.) aged band in the direction in which cited, and prices advanced. Why? upon the bank might well serve as a *•* knew the latost ornament to be â€" Becausejt was unusual, pretext for business The look in his "y""'" maybe no l)elieve me when I Every year in the United States, scornful black eyes had spoken plainly t^" y"" that he was up at four this $800,OOOjOeO loss occurs through the enough. And ju.Tt as his first hostility "[""""'"K to get them ready. 'What's jppredations of insects. This is a made by ex- Such an Announcement, how- field crops. â- Canada and the United States have recently passed enabling acts giving effect to the Migratory Bird Treaty for the protection of insectivorous birds. To many this protection is looked, upon as a curtailment of lib- erty. In reality, however, it is a means of putting money into each had began to' meft; "it "was" a' pity, ''l"' yoiTre snippin' at?' I asks him, conservative estimate really, and would make her visits to ^^hen I heard the .-cissors go. New had "g rwir "s*-;' XHjf'^e 117- s«yT-the"oli':net a;:^U?Sr -er , -er. creates no interest either in the j ati.en's pocket, and everyone, both by and. with increasing familfarity the shabby.' 'Duncan,' I whiles says to S^m market or newspapef. Canada > example and influence, should do rustic derails had revealed such unex- him, 'you're as bad as a woman, any suffers proportionately. It is but an- everything possible to protect our pected charms . She was quite intimate "^^y; 'f y" 'I""'*- •o"'^ «'"' you'll be other of the enormous wastes which ^ feathered friends. now with the inside of that hut which. Knowing as fussy as any old maid in we are content to put up with, as we <» at first sight, had given her such a 'he parish.' " i i ''" ^'^h the heavy fire waste, and feel ' Dairying with hogs on the side is shock of displeasure. Neither the , "How strange â€" I never would have jj,gj_ ^^â- ^^^^ o^^ l)ountif ul harvests and now, and is likely to be for some time, flagrstones of the floor, nor the hang- thought that of Duncan. Heâ€" doesn t jp,, natural resources, we can afford ' one of the most profitable lines in On- ing platform which represented the : look like that, somehow.' , I to be extravagant tario farming ceiling, nor Wen the underside of the' Fenella glanced about her ^ith *° ''^ ^'''•^*' ='««"*• [ ta.io larm.ng. thatch, plainly visible above, crossed, f â- '""'' 'X astonished eyes. The pink by birchen branches with the bark still paper-fringes and the blindingly on, any longer offended her finer bright biscuit-tins were far from be- sensibilitie.s; and this principally for ing isolated in their language, for in the reason that, humble though it all a pot upon the window-sill something was, she had gradually discovered that seemed to be trying to grow â€" not it was yet absolutely free of that of- oyer-successfully â€" while in a mug up- fensive "messiness" which too often o?l the table a branch of flowering is the boon companion of such hawthorn, evidently freshly gathered, humility. The impression of cleanli- mingled its scent with that of the hot ness and order which had struck her oatmeal which, within the.se w&lls, on the first day grew steadily with seemed perennial. The sy;nptoms each fresh visit. There were things struck her all the more betause of, ruwxvcTin af^ivxirv at uniui? that amused herâ€" such as the display their seeming incongruity with the al- 1 UUME/hllC S<^ll!iINL.ll. Al HUinUi ; ._ of empty biscuit-tins upon the mantel- . leged author of them. It was indeed ! Fifteenth Lesson â€" Rye, Craham and Health Breads. pieceâ€" or the choice of prints upon difficult to connect pedantry and fussi- Nature provided man with grains bowl to ri.se for three hours, in a warm the neatly papered walls. Her favor- ness with the almost aggressive viriM- containing valuable nutriment neces-, place, free from all drafts, about eigh- ite among these was a certain very ty of Duncan's personality. Appar- sary to maintain life. Man, craving ty degees KaTirenheit in temperature, fed Joseph, being sold by hislently there were discoveries to be ^ luxury, discovered a process of milling Now mold into two loaves. Place in Old Tea Looks AU Right Old tea and fresh tea, poor tea and good tea, all look alike. No wonder a 'woman often gets a bulk tea she doesn't like. Red Rose Tea in the sealed package is always fresh, always to|i05f[rT good, always worth the price on the label. Kept Good by the Sealed Package 044 /Ibout the OUS well brethren, one of whom was pinehingi made about this rustic cousin of hers, or refining the meal which is made well-greased pans and return to place the calves of his legs, something after! Nor was this the first of the discov- from the grains. By grinding grain to rise for one hour. Bake in an oven the method of a farmer showing offjeries; for a few days back, upon a lit- into white flour, which is a process of of 3i!5 degrees Fahrenheit for fifty the "points" of a prize; though this tie shelf in the darkest corner of the refining, much of the vital element is minutes. Remove from oven. Brush was closely run by an imposing array! room, she had come upon a small col- ; renioved . the tops of bread with melted butter,] then lay on a rack to cool Rye Bread Two and one-half cupfuls of water, two medium-sized potatoes. Peel the of personages in kilts, which, to judge j lection of well-worn books, and not The vitamines and mineral elements from the uniform gloom of the wear- exactly the sort of books she would so very necessary for human struc- ers' countenances, must have been con- [have expected to find in a quarryman's ture of teeth and bones and bodily wel- siderably too light about the waist.jhut; for beside the inevitable "Scrip- fare are lost. But though some of the details made tures" and a volume of Sunday at The human body requires sixteen potatoes, then cut'in thin slices and tenella smile, none of them made her, Home, she had been rather taken elements for its daily well-being, boil until soft. Rub through tins sieve, shudder. Whatever there was of metal: aback to read .such titles as "Emer-' These elements are found in mother Now cool to eighty degrees Fah- shonc ever with blinding brightness,' gop's Essays," "Paradise Lost," as nature, the earth, the 'rains and the renheit. This amount should measure what there was of crockery blinked; ^vell as a condensed history of Eng- vegetables. The loss of any one of two cupfuls. Place in a bowl and add: immaculate. That distressing dis-'janj^ a^j g third or fourth band copy these plays havoc with the body; by i two tablespoonfuls of sugar, two tea- play of family linen which wal the of „ work entitled, "Ten Years in <l''*^'""ding several more, their loss is spoonfuls of salt, two tablespoonfuls rule elsewhere seemed here unknown. (Canada." ' i plainly seen. of metled shortening, one yeast cake. So abnormal, in fact, did this state of : "Duncan's hooks" Adam had ex-' Now is the acceptable time to return two cupfuls of white flour, one and things appear to Fenellaâ€" all the more plained when questioned "He's to the foods of our granddads, name- ""'^-hali cupfuls of cornmeal. Place abnormal in the absence of a house- ,„i„i,tv fond o' readin' " 'y- '° *"' whole meals. Bread made the ingredients in bowl in the order wife- that on one occasion she had This too had been a revelation to ^'â- °'" ^hole wheat forms an ideal ra-lK'^e."- Beat well, to mix. Set sponge interrogated Adam on the subject. I Fene la and had he'Ded to explain the V""! '* furnishes protein, carbohy-'to rise for one and a half hours in a "Is it a neighbor who keeps your hut sunerior nualitv o^ hTs Enl^fsr a^^^^ '''â- «,"^-'*' '*''"'« f*'"* ""^ '"'""al salts, 'P'afe about eighty degrees Fahren- so tidy for you?" she once asked him,' '"^^^d to ?ha of his father i ""'^ a portion of the bulk that he anjhe.t. Then add firee cupfuls of rye her eye. being ...ught by some wonder-, "To interSLi was Ihe in her latest ^inTs'''''"^'" '°°' '''''' """" '^^ ^^'- fcn ^o^pUcTand kf rTe fortwo r cVS"^.hev''"^';:i!h"hi7f:"\:Sn ^'•"^/7 '^'^V^'*'" ''rr. ^' T "^"^ "^-^'-t qauUtles of whole ' hours." 'MSld'i^to"L'v^Lrd let^rse h^rr al h^r H r'uiV "''^n ^^rned from the quarry that day she wheat make it necessary to lessen the for forty-five minutes. Bake in a HUM diner .1^ ,isu. 1 could not forbear a halt-quizzical com- f;our when making bread. .moderate oven for fifty minutes. Adam laughedâ€" a laugh that held plimcnt, destined, perhaps, to provoke Rye flour contains slightly less Caraway seeds may be added if desir- both contempt and vanity. some explanation of the phenomenon, pluten than wheat flour; this gluten ed "Are any of the neighbors' huts kept But here she succeeded ill. is of a tough character. A portion of i Gluten Bread like ours is?" I 'I've just found out that it's you wheat flour is necessary to prodacej One cupful of water, eighty de- From where he sat in the wooden who act the housemaid here," she had a ^ood loaf. In many parts of Europe ;grees Fahrenheit, one tablespoonful of arm-chair before the he-irth he turned •''''''' smilingly, though with that touch jt is the necessary staff of life, and is sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, one- his still bandaged head from side to of condescension which still lingered !"3" ">; "'[f/ "^ .h''e"'l- '" the old half of yeast cake. Mix in the order vide as thr>uo'h with his lost eve.i he '» her bearing towards the son, though country the bread is frequently baked given. Crumble in the yeast cake and <4uld see the familiar (letads I "o '""Ker towards the father. "Do' jn batc'hes sufficiently large enough to add sufficient gluten flour to form a (ouKi set me lamiiiar ueiaiis. , ^_h _ , ^ ^__.,^ .^^^_, ^^ Inst a family from six to eight or from thick batter that will drop from the eight to ten week.s. .spoon. Beat well for ten minutes. "Toll me truly. Miss Fenella: have V"" '<""W. I '"" 'lUite astonished vou .seen anything as braw as this y""'" achievements, here room in all Ardloch barririg the Duncan flu.-,hed hotly, more hotly Rectory, of course," he deferentially 'han offended modesty seemed to de- added " ..mand. "No, indeed, T haven't; and that's! "What is there to astonish you ? A why I can't understan<lâ€" " j "lan doesn t need to be a gentleman, "No more can I," chuckled Adam. I •'"*•« he, in order not to be fond of liv- "It won't enter into me how he ar.ds.i"K m « PiK-sty? [by time to keep things as straight as he! "he brusqucness of the answer was dried and il is fin:iily prepared intolnutes does." I''0 pronounced that, fenella hastily flour. It is used in special cases of I iMilk may be used in place of water "He?" repeated Fenella, astonished drojiped a subject which, for some rea- diabetes, kidney, liver and intestinal in the above recipes (iraham flour is flour made from tfien set to place of eighty degrees whole wheat. The outer coat and some Fahrenheit for one and one-half hours, of the bran are removed. It finds Beat for five minutes with spoon. Pour favor with many persons who dislike in well-greased pans. Set to rise for entire wheat bread. j one and one-quarter hour.s. Bake in (iluten bread is made from whole- ' hot oven, 350 degrees Fahrenheit, for wheat flour. The starch is removed forty minutes, reducing the heat to washing. The residue is then ^ 300 degrees during the last twenty mi- Bt the use of the pronoun I son o:' other, seemed to be a sore oni?. troubles. "Duncan, to be .'^^ure! And the trou- But he was not always so unfriendly Whole-Wheat Bread hie hi' takes over it!â€" more trouble' »» <his; and though he had never, in Two cups of water, one tablespotm- many woras, thanked her for her ful of sugar, one teas than it's worth," added Adam, with; so :»spoonfuls of salt. In northern Europe barley flour is used in making broad. Try using one and one-half cupfuls of barley flour in placB of all-white flour. The bread has a conviction which was proof even attentions to his father, Fenellu yet, two tablespoonfuls of .shortening, one, a delicious nutty flavor and is parti- Hgain.-<t \ani'.y. "What do you think ''.V innumerable small signs, by count- yeast cake, five cupfuls of whole-' cularity healthful bread for children, he does when he comes home dog-tired less unspoken words, knew that he wheat flour. Dissolve the sugar and I If unable to obtain the barley flour or from the quarry? Take a rest, may-l was not ungrateful. | shortening in boiling water. Cool to meal, use the cream of barley cereal: be' Not Duncan' It's down on his And "et, to-day, as she walked up eighty degrees Fahrenheit, then add first cook it into a .stiff mush. Add knees he is the mc.'nient he's swallow-' the hawthorn-scented glen, whore the 'ho sn't. yeast cake and flour. Knead , two cupfuls of this to the bread ed his supper, scrubbing at the flag-| burns, swollt:i by yesterday's rain, f'"- ''tteen minutes. Put in greased sponge. stones as though he were scrulibing the face off them be careering round with the broom after the cobwebs. And it's no that alone; he's no coiitent with having things clean, ho wants them .smart too. Now, that paper edgi.ig to the fchelvos," and Adam waved a band- bent on' seemed, as they leapt down the hill -or may- i side, to be shouting to the bawling How To Save The Fats. | would be a wholesome economy and a From now on the menu will require •'«"'e"tific advancement to prepare all river below: "We come! we cornel' â€" ... â- ' « v.ni iiv.,T uii tiii^ iiiv lilt » 111 i\;,|uiii.. . , , ,, ~ e \ L and where the sheep glazed among much care and forethought to have it '''eani sauces without the u.se of but the boulders with their noses «s per sisteiilly close to the ground us though they had been great white leeches (To be continued.) INVALID SOLDILKS' LKAGLE. Convalescent Soldiers at ICdmonton Form Model Organizatloji The Invalid Soldiers' Welfare League is a newly formed organiza- tion in Ihe ildmonton Convalescent Home which promises t<T become a model for similar leagues in all the convalescent homes of the Military Ilo.'pituls Commission. There are many phases of life to be carried on in the homes, and the pa- tients here hit upon the idea of form- ing an organization which would pro- vide machinery for promoting ath- letics, social life and maintaining a canteen, as well as a bond of interest common to all the '.len in the home. The membership is constantly changing, of course, as cases are dis- charged and new ones come in, but every man while he stays belongs to the league. The aim is simple â€" "For the welfare of the men in the con- valescent home and hospital" â€" and the appeal is direct. The returned Toni- mips like the Idea. There are throe chief committees; one is in charge of athletics and ar- ranges games, field days, and all sports; the social committee has charge of all the picnics, concerts and movies; and (he canteen committee of ihe smokes, refreshments, etc. The .supreme proof of its usefulness comes when it lends money, to the aniQimt of 1400, to any man going out ir.tm civil life 'ijeod ing a lift, if he can give proper s^wjrity, and every dollar loiuied to date line been repaid. This is a boon to the man who lived on a salary before he enlisted and whose family used up his small sav- in.i.''i: Ml hi- absence. Tn 'he Kdmoiiloii Fair the boys properly balanced, if one is to keep down expences and eliminate waste. Fats, at this season of the year, are iiniong the most valuable food units. _ They furnish heat and energy to the I â- â- ,1 body. Rut fats arc also scarce in the cleare.l *-i,000 on a show they staged, markets and cost the housewife a pro- Each man who worked was paid %'2. a portionally high price, day; and ten per cent, of the profits 1 Ways to Utilize were turned over, as is their custom,! Carefully trim off all pieces of fat to the widows and orphans fund the Great War Veterans. ' GAY HALLOWE'EN. •Among the wigwam shocks of corn, I met the crisp October morn. With pumpkins high I piled my load And thought of children as I rode. I saw instead of yellow piles, A waRon-load of saw-tooth smiles. With glowing eyes and fearsome flare. Anil candles gleaming everywhere. I saw a laughing, motley crowd. With .lacks held high and shouting, loud. j I heard the calls of girls and boys, ; And smiled at thought of coming joys The jollicat crop of all the year, â€" Gay Hallowe'en at last is here! of that accompany meat. Cut fat into j small pieces or put it through the food chopper. Place in a saucepan con- taining sufficient cold water to cover and cook slowly until the fat, when pressed in a sieve, will yield no mois- ture. Strain and stand the liquid aside to cool. When cold remove the cake of hard white fat on top. Thib fat may be used in place of butter for cake and cooky maKiiig and also for frying. Heef fat may be combined with other fats in proportion of one part of beef fat to one part each of mutton and poi k. Melt it and then strain. This >'nn be used for try- ing, etc. Do not waste a single bit of fat Rubber Comforts Dangerous. The sale of rubber comforts is pro- hibited in France because they en- danger the lives of infants. Ucgiilur Personally ever.'^ec the food before it is stored a'vay. Kemi.ve all the surplus fat. Pei'sistantly drain all fat fram the pans uswi for sauteing (fryii'g). Use a Hpatul:i Ic remove it as much as possible. Set aside the saucepan and kettle containing the water in which meats were cooked. Let the water cool and j or egg whin and beat the milk and then remove all the fat. Clarify it by 1 flour smooth. Place on the fire and ter. In order to thoroughly explain this method, it will first be necessary to classify cream sauces as follows Thin cream sauce, such as Is used in cream soups, purees, au gratins, etc. Medium cream sauce, such a^js used for vegetables, fancy sauces, ets. Heavy cream sauce, such as is used for molds, cutlets, etc. The Proportions It ' ffHguld not be necessary for the housewm^to turn to a cook book or a recipe eaSh time that she wishes to prejiare i^sauce, if she will place this recip* oti her kitchen cabinet door, next to the flour bin. One and one-half level tablespoon- fuls of flour for thin cream sauce Two and one-half level teaspoonfuls of flour for medium cream sauce. Five level tablespoonfuls of flour for heavy cream sauce, to each half-pint cupful of milk or water. How to Prepare the Sauce Use a saiifepan that is absolutely clean for making sauces. The outside of the pan is as important as is the in- side, for if heat or scorch marks are apparent on the outer surface of the pan this will have a tendency to scorch the milk, v/hen large quantities are cooked. Place the flour and cold milk in the saucepan and now take a wire beater placing it in a saucepan containing au equal amount of water and Qne-quar- feeding, frequent drinks of boiled wa- ter teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda ter, and clefln, dry clothing make a '-et this come to a boil. Boil for five pacifier unnecessary. Better allow a child to cry if you cannot discover and remove the cause than allow him to form this filthy habit.. Upset diges- tion, adenoids and crooked teeth are a few of the evils attributed to this one cause. .K factory in which radium is being produced has been opened in .Scotland by a Scotch chemist, A n electric egg candler has been invented for use in public places where the freshness of an egg can be demon- strated. minutes and then strain and cook. Lift the cake of fat from the water and put it in a cool place until needed. This fat may be used for pastry, cook- ies and frying. Kliminate the use of butter in sauce. Butter is a fat that is not suitable â- or cooking pur^ioses. This is because the butter, when heated to a tempera- ture that will cook food, burns, thus „ setting up a decomposition in the fatty 1 ber that the secret particles, which renders it unfit fori beating, food purposes, and if it is used it will | 'Try this method frequently products intestinal disturb- ances. Butter is not neeessarv in the mak- ing of sauces. In .Tuly, 1^14, the Culin- ary Society of Paris decided that it bring quickly to the boiling point, beat- ing nard all the time that the sauce is cooking. Cook for three minutes after tho boiling point is reached at a very low temperature; that is, if using the gas, turn it off and let the sauce cook on the hot burner for this length of time. Now the constant beating has blend- ed the flour and milk into a rich creamy sauce that would be impossible to obtain under the old method of us- ing butter, flour and milk, and then just stirring it until cooked. Remero- is the constant and eliminate all the fats from sauces and gravies. By this you are doing your bit in helping to conserve the food element, which is important to our nation as sue our soldiers, our sailors and our guns. DREAM UNFULFILLED. Though Germany Has Gained Much She Has Lost Still More. Three years ago Germany began this war for the conquest of Middle Europe. What has she gained? What has this gain cost her? She has gained by her arms the ter- ritories of Belgrium, Luxemberg, Serbia, a small but rich Action of northern France and parts of Lithu- ania, Poland and Rumania â€" a total of a little less, than 204,000 square miles. She has lost: Except for an insignificant corner in southern Africa, all her colonies, over a million square miles. Virtually all her shipping not bot- tled up in Bremen and Hamburg, a loss. estimated in tonnage at 3,600,000. Of- the flower of her youth, more than 2,000,000. In cash, nearly $20,000,000,000 to be added to her national debt. Before the war, though unpopular ' as a people, Germany was honored among all nations for her intellectual j scholarship and her industrial schol- ! arship and her industrial efficiency. f , She has lost irretrievably this respect^ I and won in its place the mingled hat- I red and contempt of the civilized; I world. Scarcely a considerable neu-^ I tral nation is left except those whose ' safety compels their neutrality. I No one thinks Germany can retain ' ber gains. No one imagines that she can recover her losses. -Jt is not strange that some of the German peo- ple are seriously discussing amon|^ themselves the question whether it is n^ time to change their business managers. j We have two classes of unfortunates in this old vale of tears and laughter, I those who can's get their minds on their work and those who can't get theirs off it. B ABTS OWN SOAP For Nursery Use you cannot take chances on Spap. Four generations of Canadians have enjoyed the creamy, fragrant skin healing lather of Baby's Own Soapâ€" the Standard in Canada for nursery use, on account of its known purity. Baby's Own is Best for Babyâ€" Best for You. ALBERT SOAPS, UMITED, Mfrs^ MONTREAL. BO w I ;!^ Repels Colds. Chills, and Influenza .^ '^^ OUR SERVICE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE No Aatter where you live PARKER Service is right at your door. Wherever the postman or the express company go we can collect and deliver whatever you want cleaned or dyed. Our service to distant customers is carefully handled 80 that goods are insured of safety in transit. The excellence of our work has built up the largest dyeing and cleaning business in Canada and is known from coast to coast. Almost any article can be cleaned by one process or another, brought back to a freshness that will sur- prise you â€" or made new by dyeing. We pajr the carriage one way on all article! sent to us. Think of PARKER'S whenever yoa thiok of cleaning or dyeing. Send for a PRF.E copy of our vieful and intxreiting book on clcu'iing and dyeiMg. B9 sure to address your parcel clearly to recelying dept. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED 791 YONGE ST. - TORONTO w r "THAT'S THE POLISH"' ' ' SHOE POLISHES 10* -BLACK-WHITE-TAN- |0* F. F. Dalley Co. of Canada, Ltd, Hamih.ua, Caa.