THE CARE OF THE DAIRY CALF By W. F. Taylor The dairy calf should be developed for the purpose ' for which she was born into the world. It is highly im- portant that this purpose should be in the mind of the man who cares for Her. One reason why so many men fail in the proper growing of their calves is that they do not realize their possibili- ties. Many calves are not worth feed- ing; the best feeder in the world could not make profitable cows of them. The first demand on behalf of the dairy calf is that it should be well born, but if the breeding is right, then It is deserving of good care, and the higher appreciation its owner has of its possibilities the better he is prepar- ed to do justice by it along all pos- sible lines of development. Whole Milk Essentnal The calf should first have whole milk. It has been proven beyond any question that no other fat in the World except that found in eggs will take the place of the fat in milk. If the milk is very rich, however, a little skim-milk may be added from the first and in any event after two or three weeks the new milk may be fradually substituted with skim-milk, t is best, however, to give a little new milk in the ration untu the calf is six or eight weeks old. Many men are in- clined to give too much skim-milk. There is a great difference in the oats, too, are excellent, wheat bran and middlings are both good. In fact, as we have said, nearly all the grains grown on the farm are adapted to this purpose. Best Roughage For Calf By the time the calf is six \yeeks old, we may begin to feed ensilage, very gradually at first, using care to see that it is free from mold. In a little while the calf will be able to con. sume quite a quantity of ensilage and the amount will increase as time ad- vances. The grain fed to the calf should always depend in some degree ujwn the kind of roughage consumed. There is no better roughage than al- falfa hay. It is easily digested. The leaves of the alfalfa seem to contain a principle indispensable in the de- velopment of the young animals and not present in other roughage, but alfalfa hay alone is not good for a calf. Taken in connection with skim- milk the ration is too narrow, that is to say, the amount of protein as re- lated to thft carbohydrates and fat is in excess of the demands of the animal. This condition is corrected by the feeding of ensilage and grain like corn, rich in carbohydrates. Keep Claves Growing • Now these calves, should be kept growing all the time. They should not amount of milk that different calves ' be crowded like calves designed for Ydti may be deceived II some day by an imitation of mm n B114 and possibly you will not detect this imitation until the tea-pot reveals itt Demand always the genuine "Salada" in the sealed aluminum packet, ai^^ see that you get it. if you want that unique flavour of fresh, clean leaves properly prepared and packed. The Great National Highway By Frederick Wright, Editor of The Canadian Municipal Journal We have for some time paat been cost be divided into four parts, and borne by the Federal authorities; the Provincial authorities; those munici- palities through which the road would „ .. , , . ! pass; and by public subscriptions in couraged by many of our contempor- 1 the following proportionsâ€" one-half The special reasons we give , by Federal money, one-quarter by the urging the building of a national high- way across Canada, and we are pleas- ed to note that our efforts are en- aries . why such a trans-continental road should abe built are: First, it would find employment for our returned sol- diers at a time when our industries will be dislocated and consequently the communities not able to assimilate three or four hundred thousand men. Provinces and the municipalities, and one-quarter by public subscription. The whole of the work to be under a commission, made up principally of engineers, who should have the ab- solute control of the route and the manner in which the road should be will consume witn profit, but the Jer- goy or Guernsey calf should receive no more than eight or ten pounds per day for the first six weeks and after baby beef, but they should be kept growing. They should be fed plenty of good feed in which the nutritive ration is right. If calves come in the that the allowance should be very 1 fail, the grain may be omitted in the â- lowly increased with the eye of the fore part of the summer after thoy are feeder always on the calf to see that it accustomed to grass pasture, but the does not get too much. Now bear in time in which a calf changes from a mind that the allowance of milk herein winter ration composed of skim-milk, suggested is for the average calf, grain and excellent roughage eaten in There may be one found now and then the shelter of a comfortable stable, to that will consume a good deal more pasture grass consumed too often in and pay for it in rapid growth, but wind and rain, is a critical time and these are the exceptions. It is good the change should be made gradually, practice to feed the calf three times | The calves should be turned out day- daily until it is throe weeks old. The , times at first and sheltered nights and i daily allowance of milk divided into some grain shoild be fed until they three feeds will give better results 1 are accustomed to the out-of-doors, than when the little animal is fed but; then if the pa.sture is good, the grain | may be omitted as we have said. The Jersey or Guernsey heifer may fresh- j The in- ning of the milking period until two Mfe^ Cirn//i4cOK^^ flh^JOtCbn. Jau/ Mother* and daughter* of all ages ara eenllally Invited to writ* to this ^apartment. Initial* only will ba publlahad with each queitien and it* anawar •â- a mean* ef Identification, but full nam* and addrea* mutt b* given In aacn lettar. Writ* on ona aide of papar only. An*w*r* wlil b* maliad diract It atamped and addre«*ed invalop* Is enclosed. Addre*« all ecrrespondcnce for this department to Mrs. Helen LaWt 239 Woodbine Av*.. T*ronto. Florenc*: â€" 1. Florence Nightingale i 4 cups of flour make a pound or • was an English nnrs* who von nation- quart. 2 cup* of solid butter make a pound, Butter the size of an egg equal* 3 ounces or % cupful. One heaping t&blespoonful the same. 2 cups of granulated sugar make a pound. 2% cups of powdered sugar mak* wide fame for her nnparalleled work ajnong the soldiers in the Crimean War. She waa in general auperintend- cnce of all the hospitals in Bosphorus, and had at on* time 10/000 wounded j tinder her chargv. When she return- i ed to London a fund of 9250,000 was raised for her benefit. This was spent i a pound. in founding , a home for training ! 8 cups of meal make a pound, nurses. msB Nightingale was de- j 1 pint of milk or water equals a corated by King Edward VTL and im- • pound . mortalized by poets. She died in 1910, } 16 ounces make a pound, at the age of ninety. 2. The popula- j Soldier's Sister:â€"!. There are many tion of the earth is about 1,691,761,000- things to choose for your brother be- Housekeeper:â€" 1. A little over 20 ' sides the knitted things or the comfort per cent, of the food matter in a can i bag For instance, an electnc flash- light, a khaki air pillow, a pair ot twice. Starting With Hay and Grain -^ ,.^, ,, _, .L li u J • en at two years or a little older. T As soon as the cajf shows a desire; â- Q.aXtXj^m may well postpone the begi for roughage it should be given a .•'..« « . . little good hay, preferably clover or alfalfa. Soon after a little dry grain may be placed in a box where the calf can eat it. Sometimes calves manifest years and a naif old. Watch the Individual Cow If freshening is to occur during the Second, It would be another practical j builtâ€" materials, etc.â€" with one ex- link between one municipality and an- 1 eeption and that is that the whole of other, and one province and another. I the work be done by returned sol- fhird. It would create a tourist traf- 1 diers under miliUry discipline, but nc that cannot help but be a boom j civilian pay. to those municipalities through which This is a great task that we sug- the road would pass. Fourth, it would ; gest to the people of Canada, and one tap many of our natural resources i that some might think inopportune at that now he dormant, but waiting to ; this time, when every dollar is re- be developed. Fifth, it would be the [ quired to finish the war, but we be- best incentive to those parts of the lieve that we would be remiss in our Dominion, where a road is only a dutv, if we failed to remind our fel- name. The Sixth, though not the last low citizens that there is the after- reason; for we could give many more, math. One thing is certain, the larger 18 that such a highway would be the part of our present industries, which best monument that the people of are munitions, will stop. And what Canada could build in memory of those then? Tens of thousands of family splendid sons who have given up their bread-winners will be thrown out of lives m her cause on the fields of employment, and surely it would be Flanders. Such a road would be a suicidal to increase this large army of real peace monument. The mile ' out-of-works by another large army of stones would bear witness to many out-of-works, which would really be a thousands who came after us that fact if the returned soldiers are dis- Canada had done her duty at this' banded on their arrival in Canada, time of democracy's trial, I What then can we do with the return- But such a national road would cost ed soldiers to whom we as a nation money. Our experts consider that it of salmon is protein or tissue-building. More than 2S per cent, of the food matter in a can of sardines is protein. Both of these fish canned contain 12 per cent fat. 2. Probably the follow- ing table will be of value to you. It might be pasted on a card and hung in the kitchen. 4 quarts make a gallon. 8 quarts make a peck. 4 saltspoonfuls of liquid make one teaspoonful. 4 teaspoonfu't of liquid make one tablespoonful. 4 tablespoonfuls of liquid make a quarter of a cup military hairbrushes or a trench mir- ror for shaving. 2. The best remedy for sore throat is hot water. It should be applied outside and inside; outside, by means of fomentations for fifteen minutes or half an hour twice a day) inside, by a gargle of hot water, as hoi as can be used, from fifteen minutes to half an hour until relieved. Drink plenty of hot water, in order to in- duce profuse perspiration. If there is fever cool the skin with sponge baths. Keeps the feet warm. If ths symptoms are severe apply ice in a ! bag to the outside of the neck and i gfive the patient little pieces of ice to 3 teaspoonfuls of dry material make ' swallow. A few hours of this treat- a tablespoonful. 16 level teaspoonfuls of dry material make a cupful. 8 heaping tablespoonfuls of dry ma- terial make a cupful. 2 cups or 4 gills make a pint. 4 cups of liquid make a pound. ment will effect a cure in simple cases. The inhaling of steam is a most effici- ent means of relieving pain and in- flammation. The application of oils and grrease of all kinds to the throat is useless notwithstanding the popu- lar opinion. a desire for grain at first, that will ; ^j^jnter, a substantial grain ration lead them to eat too much of it, m] gjjouij i,ave been fed for some time, which case they are apt to refuse it; previous. Remember, the thing we entirely and to give the feeder a good: ^^^ ^^ j„ jg to develop this young deal of trouble. Only a very little ; ^^^ ^^ ^^at she can yield milk in ai grain should be given the calf at first; proft table quantity. If we have fed' and the allowance should be increased , {jg^ uberally the "second winter and very slowly, always being sure not to' ^j^^ j,^g ^^^ „„ g^^^ pasture during give the calf too much. Care should , tj,^ second summer, she is a beautiful be used also not to feed more hay than „nin,al. Now, if we begin to feed her the animal will consume in from one to ;„ ^bout three months before she two hours. The hay the caf does not freshens and gradually increase the eat does it no good and while it is not ; ^^i^-^^^ until she is consuming four or ao bad to feed hay to e.xcess as to^^^ pounds of grain per day, with eif- feed too much grain, it is entirely use- g;,^^^ ^^j j^^^j clover, the machinery less to do so and should be avoided. ^^^ jj,g production of milk will have Feed Grain Dry been fully developed. For a few days j It is important that the calf should' after freshening, we are going to be eat its grain dry. It is not bad prac- very careful with her. For three days tice to scald a little linseed meal and we will give her no grain nt all and put it into the milk, providing we let; then only a little, very gradually in- ft settle to the bottom of the pail and creasing the amount as the days go by. allow the calf time to eat it after Now the quantity of grain that she drinking the milk, but it is not neces- will consume after the first three sary and it consumes time that may i weeks have passed, will depend upon just as well be employed in some oth- the amount of milk she gives. A er way. Allow the calf to drink its pound of grain per day to every three milk straight and eat its grain at its or four pounds of milk produced, ac- leisure, taking plenty of time to mas- ; cording to the richness of the milk, is ticate it and the saliva will be mixed : a very good rule. Still there are thoroughly with the grain, insuring j many exceptions; to this rule. When much better digestion. When the calf I roughage is very cheap, and grain is becomes accustomed to the grain there e.xpensive, it is profitable to feed an is no harm in giving it all it will clean excess of roughage and a smaller ra- up with a relish, but until that time tion of grain. Always watching the would take 3,500 miles of new road to link up the Pacific and the .Atlantic Oceans, and would cost in round figures $75,000,000. A huge sum, but none too large for such a purpose. We have already suggested that the are under special moral obligation? One of the answers to our mind is to put the men in the building of such a national roud as we have urged, and thus use them in a great work at once healthy and profitable to themselves and the nation. INTEBNATIO.NAL LESSON NOVEMBER 4. Lesson V. â€" Dpfoat Through Drunk- enness (World's Tempi*ance Sunday)â€"! Kings 20. 1-21 (iolden Text, 1 Kings 20. 11. anil the most prominent member of his dynasty' he was king of Israel from about B. .C. 875 to about B. C. 853. It is not clear to what period of hi.s reign the events here described belong. .Jehovah â€" The deliverance will prove that Jehovah is in truth the God of Israel; he is the saviour of his people now as- he has been in the past. Young men â€" Tht- personal attondants, picked men, of the dis- trict leaders. The districts are the divisions of the kingdoms referred to in 1 Kings 4. 71f. Begin â€" That is, mar.shul the forces for the attucU. 1()-21. Defeat of the Aramaeans. Noon â€" That is, during the intensely hot period of the day. In the Orient the middle of the day is a time of rest; hence an attack at that hour would be unexpected and, consequently, throw the enemy into confusion. Drinking SA)fY£S All the boys felt eagerly in their pockets. Their hands brought out almost everything except money. While the others were hunting for money, Dannie had run to the grating and was on his knees, peering down through it. Then he jumped up, and his eyes were shining. "I see it. Miss Stuart," he cried, comes constant care should be exer- cised. Almost any of the grains grown on the farm are good for a calf. There is nothing better than corn and the calf will eat it whole quite as well as in any other way. Indeed, I have seen calves shell corn from the ear, eat' It and thrive as well as any calves could. If we wish to feed it in that way, there can be no objection to it whatever. Experiments demonstrat- ed that there is great loss in the feed- ing of whole com to older cattle, but the loss was very slight when the individual cow to see that she is not, over-fed. At the same time weigh] and test the milk that we may know what she is actually doing and thus be able to feed her enough to produce the milk and maintain her body. j Now, this is tho theory, the success in its application will depend upon the man. "The longer I live, and the more I see of dairies, the more do I value the individual man in the success of any program of development. It is a great thing to be able to develop a dairy. The man who can do it is calves consumed the grain. Whole worthy of confidence and respect Verses l-ll. Benhadad proposed terms of surrender. Ahab was ready to accept the first proposal (verses 2- 4), but the second was so humiliating , , , , , , , - (verses 5, tj) that the king, with the] â€" '" ^^eir drunken stuper the leaders full endorsement of elders and people,' "'Te in no condition to devise ade- rejected it (verses 7-9). Whereupon Quat<-' Pl"ns to meet the attack. Ben- Benhadad threatened the complete ' hadadâ€" This name, meaning "Son of destruction of the city, to which Ahab} (tl'e god) Hadad," is borne by three replied: "Let not him that girdeth on! kings of Damascus named in the Old his armor, boast himself as he that, Testament (compare I Kings 15. 18 putteth it off' (verse.s 10, 11). and 2 Kings 13. 24). Since Hadad 12. At this point of the story the was a popular deity, personal nnmoa lesson text begins. Tho defiant mes- containing his name as an element are sage of -Ahal) infuriated Benhadad,; n«t uncommon. Sentâ€" Tho text who gave orders for an immediate at-' should be changed ro as to read: ".\nd tack upon tho city. Drinkingâ€" Here,! they sent and told Benhndad." The as in verse IG, the implication is that , initiative was taken by the observers the drinking incapacitated the king: near the city wall. Take them alive for intelligent action. In his drunk- '--The arrogant boast of a drunken en condition the king would be more: man who could not under.stand why he easily stirred up by the irritating! should not have his own way. The Dannie's Gum. The afternoon session was nearly over when Miss Stuart, the teacher, ^ . , .-..., r. .i. u^ < saw that Dannie Luce was chewing "^an^ J can get it, too! I ve thought of gum again. i ° "Dannie Luce!" she exclaimed. "Take out that gum this instant!" Dannie promptly obeyed. He look- ed and felt very sheepish as he did so, for all the other pupils smiled, and some of them giggled aloud. But He did not throw the gum into the waste- basket. He tucked it carefully into a pocket for use after school. \ When the closing bell finally rang, most of the pupils promptly hurried homeward . Three or four boys â€" Dannie .imong themâ€" -were slower in starting than the others, and they were lingering near the door when Miss Stuart came out. She had an errand to do and waa in a hurry to catch a car on the avenue near by. As she came down the steps she took a coin from her purse; but she was in such a hurry that the coin slipped from her hand and rolled through a grating in the sidewalk. .Miss Stuart gave a little cry. "That was all the money I had with me," she said, "and I must go downtown! Will a way! He ran back into the schoolhouse and brought out a long pointer from one of the blackboards. And what do you suppose he did next? Miss Stuart opened her"~eyes wide as she watched him. He took from his poc- ket the forbidden piece of gum, wet it in his mouth and stuck it on the small end of the pointer. Then he lay flat on the iron grating and push- ed the pointer, with the gum on the end of it, far down into the hole below. .An instant later he pulled the pointer carefully back again â€" and there was Miss Stuarts' coin sticking to the gum. How they all applauded, and laugh- ed, too, and Miss Stuart loudest of all, as she thanked Dannie and praised him for his quick wit. But Dannie could not help saying, "And now you see. Miss Stuart, how lucky it is for you that I chew gum!" "Yes," laughed the teacher as she started toward the avenue, "but in school hours keep it in your pocket one of you boys lend me five cents till where it will be handy for such uses to-morrow?" as this." - More Veterinary Notes. •Quidding"' of hay, or pain (tooth- mouth (bar) between the first incisor and the first moinr tooth, may be in- jured by the Ijit in young or hard- mouthed horses. The jaw-bone may be chipped or splintered by the bit. A raw sore forms and grathers feed and All weak trees and evergreens will be benefited by fertilizing with well rotted stable manure. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POULTRY, QAIVIB, loot A PSATHER8 FlMia* wrItfJFor particulars. r. votT&or at oo., W Bonaeoonr* Mavket, Koatreal words of .\hab, Kings â€" The thirty two vassal kings aiding Fi ithadad against Israel (see verses 1, lij): they were the chiefs of cities or sman-dis- tricts subject to Damascus. Pavilions â€" Literally, "tents;"' probably the group of tents, or, the camp. Set â€" A technical military term, meaning, to prepare for an attack, either by tho formation of storming parties or by runs MwioTRAII^ MORE MONW PORTNerVRSYOUTRAri UHSTEI Tbd Itrieil fur bouse tal the World neeae your fius. I W» pay Of all,. WritsTor | i our new pnce Jut on Kac- I coon, Muikrat. Skunk, Qpo>- I sum. Fox and other Furs. I Trnppers send us their lurs \ year aiter yew because they MH get more money and q square deal. Our new bock wll' tell ' vou how to trapâ€" allows the dir- iereiit (urs iii tcautiiul, natural coIoiQ -^ giveg tlie game laws, I Cr era on Gicci hws, emokera, etc. Send |lorittouay--r.-!;4 FUMSTtN 8R03. • CO. riulldlng St. Loals, Ms Market Calendar. Roasters (crate fed), young ducks, young geese, and some young turkeys should be marketed in November. By systematic fattening is meant the periodic selection of those birds which are most mature and the ' ap- portionment of the fattening periods to meet the market requirements. Bran and rolled oats, well soaked in milk, provide one of the cheapest of poultry feeds. A supply of gravel for grit and sand for dusting should be secured now for use by the poultry in winter. The flock will be in better health and more eggs will be secured if the hens are provided with some sort of green feed in winter. Plenty of fresh table scrap.t, liberal amounts of bran and shorts, and gt-een feeds, should make up a large part of the diet of poultry this -fall in con- sideration of t!ie high cost of grains, but the scraps ;hould not contain an excess of salt. . « thought expressed in verses 1 9-21 seems to be that the .\ramaeans gave their attention to the small band of picked men who went out of the city first. When the main army appeared, the attackers were taken by surprise and utterly defeated . Syrinns â€" Or, ".\ramneiin.s;" a group of Semitic tribes which settled near the upper Euphrates as early as the middle of the second millennium B. C. The Old Testament i.s concerned chiefly with ache), shown by holding the head to decaying saliva, which soon give off one side when drinking cold water or a foul odor. Probing of the wound chewing feed, slobbering, or foul discovers exposei^ diseased bone which smell from the mouth, usually in- flakes off (exfoliates) and should be dicates a split or decayed back tooth, removed. This i.s best done by means It should be pulled with forceps, or of a bone scoop or bone forceps in punched down into the mouth through ten to fourteen days from the time of a hole made in tho bone of the face discovery. above the root of the tooth by means .\ discharging sore (fistula) may of a bone augur (trephine). Persist- form under the jaw on the edge of the ont discharge from one nostril, with bono. The diseased bone, due to the placing of battering engines (see I margin), or both. I 13-15. Measures of defense. Prop- j the western .•Aramaeans, who had their ! be removed. het â€" Like Isaiah, .Jeremiah, and other political center in Damascus. The I later prophets, this unnamed mes- 1 conflicts of the ISrnelite.s were chiefly I senger of Jehovah acts as an adviser, with this western group. The modern j of royalty. It is worthy of note that , name, "Syrians" is derived from ! the prophet Elijah, the outstanding ••Syria," which has been tho name of figure during tho reign of Ahab, does, the country for centuries and millcn- not appear. .\hab â€" The son of Ormi, ' niums. or without bulging of the bones of tlie face below tho eyes, often is duo to a diseased molar tooth which must, fracture, be removed, else heal- ing will not lake place. Cleanse the sore in the mouth and the external sore and pipe (sinus) by syringing with a two per cent, solutioi) of per^ When the front teeth greatly over- lap the lower teeth, causing "parrot i inanganate of potash twice daily, and mouth," the horse c;>n not graze pro- ' swab with tincture of iodine on nlter- perly. Correct this, in curable cases, nate days until healed. Allow soft by notching deeplv with a sharp tri- ; feed. Use a rubber or leather-cov-* angle file across tlie front of the up- 1 erod straight bar bit. Do not use an : • â€" . â- â€" â€" â- â- â€" r ^rrr j per teeth at the proper height ; then : overhead check. Similar discharging How To Have Good Teeth. I otherwise seems to be fairly well, does "'P ""^ ^'^^ over-lapping portions by ; sinuses, farther back, are often due to If parents desire their children to j not begin to cut his teeth at the 'usual "lo""** o^ strong, s^arp pinchers, and : diseased lower molar teeth \^ have sound and strong teeth, they age, he should be taken to a physician, <'le smooth. i must be extracted. Fistula of the must begin to take precautions long 'â- for probably he is not getting the pro- j The lower jaw, on the fioor of the | salivary duct is located near by. before it is time for any teeth to ap-j per diet. " *•' t â€" pear. Babies, like the rest of us, | Scurvy rickets is allied to ordinary ^vj,sh round in it, hla mother or his enamel coating of the teeth. It woult can only build up their bodies from; rickets, but is less common. It iii nm-go should make ,a small, clean' be an excellent thing if all people, ad- such material as is given them. If j also a disease of wrong feeding, and pledget of cotton and gently but thor- ! ""^s and children alike, were careful a baby's food is deficient in quantity I means that tho child does not have en- oughly wash the gums with a mild always to brush their teeth thoroughly or quality, that deficiency will cause , ^ugh fresh vegetable food. It also antiseptic tooth wash. .^s soon as ! and to use a mouth wash after eating ! "vSeiul mc a ton of coal." "Wh;it size?" "Well, a two-lhou.sand-pound ton would swit mo, if that's not asking too much." defects in teeth and hair and nails, as â- afl'ects the formation of the teeth by well as a lack of bodily vigor. | making the gums spongy and inclined The breast-fed baby has by far the ; to ulcerate. Fresh fruit juice, such best chance of luu in« the right sort of ..s that of oranges, and a little mushed bone substance, and therefore of hav- 1 potato in the child's milk will work ing good teeth. The disease known wonders with this disorder. as rickets is a form of malnutrition, Absolute cleanliness of the baby's that interfere, with the proper growth ; mouth and gums and of everything teeth and have time lo do much mis of the bones, and the presence of that he i.s permitted to put into his chief during the long hours of sleep, ricketii snmo'.imo.s first manifests it- j mouth is very important. Until a Sugar is bad'i'or the teeth because self by dp'tiy ai th"! appearance of the i child is old enough to bo tau;fht to sugar turuH to an acid in the mouth, t-Tth. if, IhercroiC, a child that ' cleanse the mouth by rolling ,-; the child cnn be tniight to hold and to candy use a small toothbrush, give him one Children should be taken regularly and tench him to use it every night, '" the dentist, and a decayed tempor- and morning and, if possible, after each meal. The night brushing is most important of nil, for germs and particles of food lodge between the ary tooth should never be permitted to remain by the side of a permanent one.j lest it infect the sound tooth. Vegetables properly prepared tempt, the appetite. When they are soggily^ cooked or poorly seasoned, much afl I niiMilh and that acid works on and injures the ^ them will be left on the table.