Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1917, p. 3

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â- Â«i t Bank of Montreal Reports Assets in Exc£ss of $400,000,000 The RtuU or Alonlreal. folioiv- Ing Us lOCth anniversary, is out with Its stioDgeHt Mtaleiiient and »«tablishea new hluli ro».urJs I" ail principal aecounts. The position shown by an c.v- , amination of ihe dtaleuient for ttie flsral year ejidinif (lotober ^Ist. 1917. Is us lemailtabl;? a» It iâ- ^ i<>a.--siJrir)K. Hand in luinU with Ireniondnus ffains In .assetsâ€" â-  malting: it pos- .slhle for Ihe l!anl< to repi>ri lota! a^f-et.'^ in ex«-»*8s of four liuiiilr'*"! iiiilllon dollar.o 'the Hr.-'t time such a liffure has hefn rea<'lied ill '''anadian b:uil<inK) it has de- Vcionefi j. p.j.-:! ti'.n of atUl Kreattr strcrjfth as lepresenu-d by liquid as.s.^ts e'luivalunt to over To"; of liabilities to iiublic -At the .«anie Mine the ^arioaa acoTOnts reili-ci the larffe and iinpo'tant under- taiciMK*!. In coifnecil >n wi'h tiie war. whic-h the BanI' is carrying out on helialt of the DMiiiinlon and British Covprninents. It has ais'»4>«;f.^ possible', to meet tli'e larger i'<-(jiiirerrientrt of customers dB refh-f-ted by a siihsiantial Bain nT'i â- current loans. ., â€" .S T E .\ 1 y y K X P .\7JS T i - .\ IiEl'OSIT.S â- >P The sa\inR'.s accounts rf. the people of the countrj continue to pile lip steadily and now amount to over |M5.0l*ii '•on. an Increase of ainio.st |iil.«OO.OtlO for the yeai', or at the rate of close to 13.000.000 a I'lO'ith. As the bankers of the (lovern-^ iiient. the Bank of Montreal has evldantl)- assumed its full share in p'ovidini? for the country's neeils. a.*^ Uidicateil l>v an increase of twenty-eight million clollars In the value of Dominion ami Pro- vincial (jo\erninent seiMirltles; ah Increi^e of seven million in tlft Deposit In iVniral (Jold Re- serves; bala]:ce due to the Oo- niinlon (iovernmtnt of »13.<J38..'62. the latter account appearinif lor the tii'st time in the Banii's statement. The Bank has perhaps rendered a .still greater Service to the • oun- Iry b.v keeping it.^elf in such shape as to create complete t'on- (Ideiire In t'anada's financial posi- tion durtiiK a most trying [Jeriod. To the Women of Ensland. Oh, yon (florious women of Englami' Is thore flight that you have not done To prove to the world the victory i Your nobilitwhas won? â-  l^ there one sTfigle pathway Your footstep.s have not known? Or a work that your haiids could mas- ter That they have not made ilieir own? It is you that our hoys all fight for, You and the babe.s you hear; Ycu, who have given them courage; You, wlio their burden.T share. Yru, who so bravely suffer, You. who give naught but cheer, ; Who weep â€" when you do â€" in private. But abroaitihow nevtr a tear. Oh, you wonderful women of Kngland 'fime your fame can never dispel; Tongue .shall never be born that fal- Iters When your storv it start.-? tc tell. Words of pof t.-5 .^hail singr youi praises i And your noble deeds relate. ' When ihe world ha.' lonjr fortrottt-n [ The tale of German hate. I j O'er the winter fire? of Eiifrland, ! When she once more has h^r own; jQn the. soft» green lawns^.of .England, ' When peace reigns o'er cot and throne A tremorial will be builded, ! T'ndying to your fame To the heroines of England And their immortal name. . â€" Arthur Franci NOVRL BED. !lmeirted hy an .\rn;y , Surgeon for I P»r:ilyzed SoWiclip. "Her Money Trou- bles" â€" They get more vex- atious as the cost of foods Om« of the latent examS«>.of the. dimbs sk>-v/ard. Meat, eggs suvgf on s conytaTrt endeavijj-s to lis.:nt- -' ' =»= en the sufferings of our wounded men and Vegetables are almost jf/°''^f°""''''.''', "•''^.'â- y7*''t ''^ beyond the family purse. ,St. .Mary s Hospital, raddinsiton, t-ng- â- ' , â- j i land. It is a special bed for ihe para- Happy is the hoUSewife who ^y'f- , ^ , , . ' knows Shredded Wheat, its One of the great problems in cer- tain cases of spinal ^-ounds with par- low C6St and itS higll food alysis is how to move the patient s;.f- , ^al,^g_ ^ better balanced ficiei.tly 10 niako his bed and tend his ! wounds without increasing hi.s suffer- I ings by movftig him. Ths new bed solves tha problem. j Surrounding the bed just at the â-  eiige of the mattress is a rectangular framework of hollow metal piping. Connecting the two parallel sides ara broad bands of webbing stretche I across on top of the mattress, and on these the patient lies. The -wo short sides of the framswork, the one at the head of the btd and the .>ther at tfc»fuot. are connected by a geared wHeel with a vertical steel post, so that by simpjy turning a hand'e at ths head or the foot of thcjieil the frame- work with the patient lying on the webbing cv.n be lifted off the mattress without his position being changed in the lea.-t. ration than meat or eggs and costs much less. Two Shred- ded Wheat Biscuits with milk or cream make a com- plete, perfect meal, supply- ing all the nutrim.ent needed for a half day's work at a cost of a few cents. Delicious for any meal with milk or cream, or with fresh or stew- ed fruits. Made in Canada. AGRAi\DMEDICl\E .SI.'KST.\.NT!.\L (i.\lN K.VR.NI.NOS IN The prollt and Iobc account .shows that earninff.s allow a com- fortable margin over the dividend and bonua rciulreniejitR. They are substantially abo\e those of the previous year The net pro- tits for the twelve months amount^ to $2.47T.:>6!i.O!». equi- valent to I5.4?t% on the paiil-up cHpkal. .Added to the balance of pi'oflt and li>ss. thev brnujfht the total amount available for distri- bution up to $3.k;';.393. FH:.\TrRE.S OF CJENER.AL ST.VTEJIE.XT The principal sonx with those as follows â€" Total assets . . I-lquld assets Total deposits. Circulation . . (iold and Silver c^>H^ Doiiiinii^n t;otes Deposits In cen- tral Ruld res. «'all and short loans Dom. and Prov. (lovt. sec'tlcs I'an. Mun. se- curities and Urlt. and For. anil Ot>i. sees, other than Canadian . . . Current loans. Loans to cities, inunlpls .... Curt, loans and Disc. elsewhere Net profits . . . Hal carrd ford. ai'counts and comparl- of the previous year are 191" 191S $403.9sc» sae J365.215.:41 276.29S.39" 24H.9S2.6SO 317.156427 299.206,049 29.30S OSS 21.779.134 20.592.S91 30.760.233 21,040.803 20,273.216 14.500.000 7.500.000 100.«10.2M 113.002.097 2S. 573,322 419.73* 21. 796.159 93.720.065 11.255.571 10.045.S11 6.47S.263 2.477.K69 2.2O0.471 1 664.S93 1.414,423 33.455.264 97.607.404 11.415.3S3 .Animals kept in the back yard will produce manure that must be supplied to the garden, and at the present fear- fully high prices of fertilizers animals nre almost worth their keep for the production of manure alone. CANADA'S FOREST FIRES. Since Confederation the Loss .Vmounts ; to Total of Billion Dollars. ' Forest fires in Canada since Confed- eration have destroyed vastly more of the ration's wealth than all other kinds of fires put together. ' The fire losses paid by insurance companies in Canada since 18(i7 amounted to $272,250,777, .says the , Canadian Forestry Journal. The act- ual property loss is ascertainable at about 25 per cent, over the foregoing figure. This refers to ordinary pro- perty, houses, contents, £a<.'tories. etc., and includes practically no standing timber which only in rare instances is insurable and that only during the past few years. It has been generally accepted as a modest estimate that for every foot of timber ever cut in Canada, seven have been destroyed by fire. Placing government stumpage duos at the very low rate of 50 cents a thousand feet it is not unreasonable to , assume that the public revenues have suffered by scores of millions of dol- I lars. It may not be fair to accept i such a total as a thousand million i dollars, as does the Montreal "Finan- cial Times," because Government dues 1 would not have been collected by any ' means on all the timber that has gone up in smoke, although every square mile of public-owned forest must be regarded as possessing potential pub- lic revenues. If one considers ths actual and potential sources of gain to the Government treasuries, prob- ably a billion dollars is not extreme as the total of the penalty visited upon the Canadian people through forest fires. Two l'e'ai,i:< in the I iiid. I heard a rathor good yarn about the French Commander-in-Chief the j other day, says a. London weekly. He I was driving in a motor with an • equerry past a town near Venlun ->•â- >> CAD I ITTi L' flVCC "'"'" ^^ came upon four little boys rUK LI I III Ot\L j marching in .single tile, arrayed in sol- diers' helmets and carrying real bay- Baby's Own Tablets are a grand ""ets. The sight of 'the little faces, medicine for little oiie.s. They are a almost lo.st in the real .soldiers' hel- mild but thorough laxative; are ab- mets, amused General Petain. and, soluiely safe; easy to i?ive and never stopping the car, he -aid to the leader fail lo cure anv of the minor ills of uf the tile: "You are Irave fellows! little oi:es. Concerning ihem Mrs. .las. S. llasiey, Oleason Road. .\'.B.. writes: â€" "I have used Haby's Own Tablets and have found iheui perfectly satis- factory for my little one. " The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2.5 cents a bo.\ from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. What is your name?" "Oh, I am Gen- eral Petain!" replieci the boy, who hid no idea to whom he wa.< speakMig. This reply greatly amused the general. "Well, my name is General Petain, also," he said: "'and I am ver.\ pleas- ed to have met you!" The t'v.i gener- als then shook hands, gia\-'ly sahnod, and parted company. TI.MBER FOR AEROPLANES. ji ^: ! ECAUSE it is a gift that's of real, every-day service ; because it adds to his comfort, yet subtracts from his expense : and because it looks â€" and isâ€" the best of its kind, the Gillette Safety Razor is the one sure-to- please Chritmas Gift for a man. '^ 292 British Columbia .'^|)ruce is sively Utilized. The e.xtensive utilization of British Columbia spruce for the manufacture of aeroplanes has called into the ser- vice of the Imperial Munitions Board a special staff of technical foresters, among whom are Mr. H. R. MacMillan and Mr. Roland D. Craig, the latter being "loaned" by the Commission of Conservation for an indefinite period. The President of the Canadian Aero- plane Company, virtually a Briti.'ih Government creation, when at the coast recently made a thorough inves- tigation of the possibilities. He said that there were great tracts of spruce in the province which would exactly meet the required conditions for aero- plane construction. The supply of spruce in eastern Canada was very limited and the manufacturers were compelled to look to the Pacific Coast. Considerable of the material now used comos from Washington, but the pre- liminary reports as to a supply from British Columbia as well as the .-uita- bility of the shipments already made were causing all aeroplane manufac- turers to look toward British Colum- bia. Greater length and greater dia- meter than is now being supplieil is what is sought in spruce for aero- planes. One British Columbia district from which good reports as to a ricld of supply had been received was in the northern section in the Queen Char- lottes and around Swanson Bay. The Italian government is propos- ing to use fir as a substitute for spruce in aeroplane manufacture ow- j ing to the difTiculty of securing spruce [ of proper size and quality. It is re- I ported that a contract for •_'5,00il.000 I feet has been made with Washington lumbermen. IV10NEV ORDERS Dominion Kxpress [•"lircign Clieques Exten- are accepted by Field Cashiers and Paymasters in France for their full race value. There is no better war to send money to the boys In the trenches. f GERMANY'S CONFLICTS. ^ Has Waored Several War» During Past I Fifty YearH. I Pacill.its. and other people with iGeiman sympathies, are fond of tell- , Ing us that from 1871 lo 191-i Ger- jmany was at peace with the world; ! and that, therefore, shj cannot be by I nature so very fond nl fighting. ' F<-.r four years, fiom l'.»o:i to 1907, ,the Hiiiis in German Southwest Africa wafjed ;i war of exterm.natioti against the Ilcneros, iii th» course ot which some oO,OliO natives and over 5,000 i Germans lo:5i their lives. I It was the seizure of Kino-chauâ€" a ' warlike act of aggr- ssion against a friendly power â€" which led up to the anti-foreign outbreaU of the Chinese Bo-xer.s three years later. In the war for their suppression Ccrman troops plavHil a leading part; and, in obedi- ence to the kaiser's orders to "take no prisoners." they were the oniy ones aniotig the alli"s who consistent- ly iei'u.''('d iH;arter to a beaten enemy. Finally. Germany was almost incc::- :-ai!t'y at war in 'German East .Africa between 1888 and lOOfi, during which period more than 100,000 natives are estimated to have been killed; and she als'i waged other ''little wars" in Togii'aml and the Cameroons. -•> girls: whiten skin with lemon juice Make a beauty Iction for a few cents to retnove tan, freckles, sallowncss. ^'oiir (frocei tuis tiie lemoc.s and any drug sif re or toilet 'â- ouiii-"'r will supply you with thrf^e ounces of crchard white for a few ceats. Squeeze tha juifi' CI iHo fresh ieinoii- into a botile, ;liHii iiiii In •he onlu'.rd >v!ii'e and siiake \v(-!'. This makes a quarter pint of ilie very bi-st lemon i-kin whiteiier and complexion bfautiller known. Massage ibis fragrant. creamy lot'on daily into (be face, iieck. arms and hands and just se« how freckles. laii. sallowriess, redness atul ri'Ughuess disappear and liow sincotlt SI f; and cl'-ir 'he skiti becomes. Y^ s! It is liariuless. and the b'-au' f'li :••â-  -u" - "ill -urprisc yon. I'ruit Sandw iches. Olid liits of canned fruit can i-i minced. mi.\ed .vith cream cheese, ard vcrv good sandwiches can :ie tiucic I Tuugh I.uck. I "So you've been rejected by your I girl as well as 'he army doctors." I "Vei, after I got back she deci'led tha: if 1 wasn't good enough fur the I army there must be something 'he ; matter with me a.id he refused t« : ta.ke uiiv chaiicc.«. ' Minora'! lalalmcat Ctur*« Oistamptr The h<'n that â- ~ i.== the hen •.hu' pays. Fat FOB SAIiE Bw.AiTiFfi.i-v serf vr;-;!! sriF. in «'Sl-.i;wn. fu.inc .M,-i.H jichlill I'h"' :â- â€¢- let curs. WiiUariis Plunos. J'l ous\- 'ac- Tiii^fs. 4"-i't. f-ot. 'cr'.lle l»-vel, h>'ai'liv. .â- S|'l<Tiil!>) iir. -s:in-nt H-x ^'.M imluiva. 3IIdCi:i.I.AirEOUS C' «.NCKU. TUSIOH9. I.CMI'S KTC Internal «nit t-nernal. cureil wiih- rut pain by cur hcm» ireatinent. '.\'rlt« a* befor* Kid lata Dr Bellman Madlcal Co , I.tmlinl. ifoUlnrwood. Ont. â- â€¢^ The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIG=:U' PI.^NG ACTION Making Tears. Tears are not made only whcr. we cry. They seem to come only when you cry, because it is then that they spill over. .A. little part of you is mak- ing tears all the time, and your eyes are con.'tantly washing themselves in them. You have often noticed how you '.vink every few seconiis, says the Book of Wonders. You have often tried to keep from winkingâ€" to see how long you could keep from winking. Your eyes always feci very ilry Just before you have to let them wink. That shows thev needed washing in tears. 1 was cured of RhHiinuiiic Gout liy .MI.NARD'S LI.VI.MK.VT Haiila.x. .WnUKW KING I was cured <;f .\cn:e Dronchiiis bv .MIN.VHIVS f.l.M.ME.NT LT COL. C CKEWK HK.vn Sussex. 1 was cured of .\ciite Rheuii. nisni by .MI.NAKUS LINI.MH.NT. Markhani. Gut. C. S. IJIl.l.l.M; l.akelieid. Que., Oct. :>. 1 â- â€¢â- ". WPINE Graiiulaled Eyelids, "*~'*^'*~|SoieK.M, E>e»!r.fiiC!rJ b.< I5un, I'ufft 3;.J IV'inc^qiuckJy __ _^ 'rishevfj by .Murine. Try it In TOUR LYLjNoSiDirti<|,Ja«tE>eConi»rt MnrineEye Remedy ?„in.io')>.r?it-\''-' inunn* iVsk Morlac Eye Remcd/ Co.. Cfalcas«< .\ good soiiKing m iiot â- :.ir;. â- ' :i "r w^l! cure frosi-biitci! Iver. Ui it :i'. night, before going to bed. le-t >â- â- , tuke cold. .Adil more hot v.-atcr ^i" that in the tub cuis off. lla-nitiir the affected part.- wi'li <;:. ri: •. :ni w titer is a!s,i rcconinici.'icd. inord's Liniment Cureg Diyht jieri.^. The choice of c.hirii form <>\ 'w'^- ' • L.se on soil ihoi.i'i dcjithd largely ijiiia relative co^ts, "lie "nc :hat cati be l.i;ii di'Wn at the farm cheapest iicnig â- :i, I'lie to select if an cnuiviileot ;imi. ,nl of calcium ;ind mairMc-rim can iie cO- tained. Hccau e • I its cmM enierce a:'.d safely jncf-iccic may l.-e -jri'. ci feiouiul l,lr,c-.-t inc. if ..tiler thii-g.- .irc ' c |Ual. Minard'B Iiinlinciit Cnrsi Colda, S:c. ! SOLDIERS KEPAIK TRACTORS. Farm Motors O-. crhauli d by Voca tional Classes of M. H. C. Spain's National Parks. The King of Spain has sanctioned a la'vV concerning the foim-ition of .Va- ti'inal I'iirks: Under this 'aw all tho.-e districts of the national territory shall be known as National Parks which are ex.'cplionally pictiir'.'Siiue. \Miodcd or wiM, atvl v.hich arc declared to be so by the State for the sole piirpo.sc of ftuiiitating access to them '.y .-uit- I'ble reals of communica'. ion; caii-in,r the natural beauty of the In :'.';.>- trie, the wealth of flora ard fnuna. the geo graphical and hydrolcificiil pcci:iiari- lics to !e re,-nectcd by protect ii-.: them r A Kid!!cy Remedy Kidney troiiblei »re f'cqucnily caused by badly digeoled food â- wliicli overtaket thff«e organs to eliininalc the irritant acid» formed. Help your »to.Tsach to prr-,peily digMt the food by taking 13' to 30drop»of Cxt-act of Rcoii, sold a» Mother Scigcl's Cirativc Syrnp, and your kidney dlitoi^er â- ^vil! proinpGy dis- appear. U.-t 'he genuine *â- %' I in the most efTicacioi^s man:'er po â-  The tractors on the Experimental against all acts of destruction, d â-  oration or disfiguration due to Farms run by the Government in the various provinces, will be turned over hand of man. to the vocational training classes of the Military Ho.spital's Commission Kiuard'. I.lnlment^ur« Ooriret in Cow. for overhauling during the winter months. I In the motor mechanics course, which is without a peer for popular- l iin; itch, ijutn, c:a<;k, ciiap, and tiii'cd. ia .1 v.-onderluily .siiort time in mo-' casp^. h-»a!i ;'.:c ha:, 's on re. : ir!i:g ;a ;i \\ot i;il. of Cuticu- '. Soap, using i IcP.iy cf lb*; Soap. P'v ard r,. b ("uiicura t)i;ic.i;cr.'. gciu'y I .;'. !'â- â€¢ â- â- 'â-  Lit ) ti'e l:.;:^.iJ~ for onic '.ii.^-. Wear c! i giovcs or ..'I'c; l\ ::i:;t;_'cs dur'ti'' ni;:'ii 'T .--firove hurji'us Cii:>i;7-.c:it v.i'.li -v.;''. :â- s^â- Jlâ-  p^,!"- '.s ;;rc:'cr-C'L Free .Sample Eacii i>y \'.jil )â-  - fr^^-. ..:i;rir>:- i^, i .iv!'C.'«--s :'i",t-«'arfl; 'Vm>c TB, Dvpl. N, Uot'.on, i.' -S. .* " .^uld b;.' :â-  -..'Tt tlu .vUghoui 'iic .^or!U. I'^rfil !i=H ifj fm A J Frozen But .Mi^e. Interesting exncriniciit? have been I FOR HIS GHRMIMaS j ity among the returned soldiers re- quiring industrial n'-education, there i and "^^NX made by two French scientists, who placed a number of caterpillars in test tubes or metal boxes in a refrigerat- s need of motors on which to work, m; mixture of ice and salt at a t m- md manv of the men intending to P'-nitu.-c varying between lo and 10 run farm" tractors when their course is degrees Centigrade. The same ci-xr- I finished are eager for a chance to P'li^"'^ ^^'•'â- â€¢'^ ^'-o'"^" '^''^^""''^ '" ^^"^ ! work around a farm motor. . space of a month, and they always i The Government has been spared came back to life, but at each new j the expense of buving motor cars for freezing operation their mo^ cme;ns I experimental work by the generosity a-^-' reactions to mechanical excitation I of many Arms and individuals who became slower^ 1 have given their decrepit motors for "vivisection." That the men have re- ' stored these relics to fitness and put them into service again speaks for the quality of the instruction and the ability of the men. [ In the study of motor construction I they have dismembered all species I I from the fliver to the twin-six. 'Tract- ' I ors are not so easily obtainable and the action of the Government in turn- ' I ing the farm motors over to the I classes for overhauling is a boon to men as well as a benefit to Experi- mental Farms. « If the whetstone gets grea.sy at butchering time, 'wa.sh it off before you put it away. If you don't, it won't work worth » cent the next time you use it. gMTiie Jordan Valley ' " "â-  :n ^- '.ithr-^rn Oregon It •* tl*<iu(l(ul, tcrtiis dltind fhat jou ouo^t ta in< â- w«t'Ca*»». Many thmwrt fiirfifft irt .t.iylng tli>'.«. Ill nuir 'hltr •«ctr) tjiil- -leis Ior«iigni t»l|i thflm r^nt Invrif. iflfnt i*in j^.y My t^iuma frtrii tht n«turAl inrrrai* in tFin vhiue ii rnt Innd aloriB. to iiy no!*i)nf of t^» hlf cr(.-?i th;i) Mifv o£n ^roUuo*. i'rtcM low: tfrtii* i .I'y. A#k «e for .ii,*lii*ntlo InformMlM. ntJH>hi(elv fru*. You aro ror([|«j(y ;^*it«d tt tail at nrom ;J2 Union Poolflc BitlldlBo. •• Ht> our rtrc^Itfit and o>(t*n»i^-'i '/'"btt of :-;4,ji..^ ururti !â-  ttl> IJn'icn t>nr\f\m Country. a. A. SHirg. Co!raii3H«s A Imts^iria) Mi. !W>N7tr.!r;r,.S7Ma« Neuralgia Hcac^r.cK^s A.ier shoppinf» or af tcr a ii.i.-'iclny ure quiclvJy relirv.ij wiL'i Hoan » Liniment. So ea-/ to a^^ply. no rub- bing, and so piOinptS/ ciT<ctiv.2. Cleaner and morr- ccnv^r. jdt Uiaa musty planters a:iJ oui::..cnis. It (Joc3 not stain tiic&k'n. cr cio? the pores. Every Lc.nii ihculj liave ?i buttle handy for s^ r,^.i!.i, strains, lame back, rheumali«: j:a:ns and s::.:, sore muacica a.-d Generous ?iiedbctlii.i v^t itil dnig- giila, 2.ic., 50c., $l.''0. r^bODlVSA IkiDNi ED. 7. ISSUE 51â€" '17. ilrlachinery For Sale 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE. 18x42. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and exhaust piping, flywheel, etc. Will accept $1,:;00 cash for immediate sale. 1 ELECTRIC C.ENER.VTOR, 3i; K.W., 110-120 Volts D.C. will accept $425 cash for immedi.Tto sale. 1 L.\R(JE LEATHER PELT. Double, Endless. 24inch x 70 ft. Will accept $300 for immediate sale, although belt Is In exceHont coiv dition and new cne would cost about $60U. PULLEYS, Large size. 26x66â€" $30 : 12x60 â€" $20 ; 12' ^x-48â€" $12 ; 12x36â€" $8, 2 BLOWERS OR FANS, BuiTalo make. One 10 'r.ch, other 14 inch clsc'^argeâ€" $30 each, REAL ESTATES CORPORATION, LTD. GiJ Front St. West, Toronto

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