Decembei' 20 1917 THE FLESHEKTON ADTANCE IT r^ n^ 1' ♦ 1 < •â- 1 -t- f I v» '? 1^ ^ /{ STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HKAo ornce - Toronto TRUST FUNDS Our Savings Department gives you a guarantee of absolute security and i»T'B t»7» interest at current rate. 239 FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, Manager. C. P. R. Time Tabic. , . ,. , o U iM i-e(;OrteLl fi-iuii t ranee tli.-it rle. Trains leave Flesliertoii Station >i.s R I'- Bfliiiiiiy i.f die Id'h Cimadian follows : .Machine (iun Cd,, :t Fleshertoii \iny, has Ooiny South Onin',' Xnrth been tecomniendecl for the D.C M. 7..">3a. m. 12.01 i..m. ^â- -' P'">- i'-J'^P- m- Tlie lokn.wledcps with thanks The mails are used at Flesheitoii p j the annual JhriMnias gifl of a big fat follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and „ ^,, f„ „, ,, ^, ... ... , «., ,i, , 7 p.m. ; and the ;itterni).>n nvul Knuth at . . . 3.40 o'clock. Fur morning train south Sii'l >' "'"re than ord.nanly appreciated mail close at f) ;>. m. the previous ev'g. i i lhi'.>-e tiiue!. M. R. Hammond Dead Mr. M. K. Bainmnnd, postnoAster at iCinibe.rley for abc-ut 35 y«ars pant, died very sudduuly on Monday afternoon at the age of 7''^ years. He was attending to husineso as utusl and Btooped down behind the counter to gel an article and never arose or spoke. When laid on a couch lifd wag ent nci. He leaves a wife and four children â€" John of the Meafoid high school, Uujh of Eugenia, Mrs, Frank Hutchinson in the, West and Will, a school teacher. The funeral takes place to-day (Thursday). Some Local Majorities Following are S'line of the iinj'>ri;ies in South (iiey : Wri-hi ^VICINITY CHIPS^ Ihe Advance wishes a Aleiry Clirislni '^i to all its readars. A cir of Windsor barrel salt just iiived Frank Duiitan. A f' w cords of dry and "n eii wood Wanted at this ottice. Mi,vs Hazel Henry aii.l Mr3.T. l'.r:idy tanii: li'iMie from Tornu'u i.n MouJay tw their ballot^}. Owing to the holiday coming' Tuesday next Tlie .\dvance will be slig'itly late iu pulilishin;^ next week. Maud Richardson is spendin;^ the . Chrbtmas holidays \ith hei bruiher and Mrt . I'tice Teeter, e^si back line, tister in Toronto. pa^aed away on Thursday tf week ia Rev. Mr. Lowndts and Mrs. Lowndt.s her .'iOih year, after .i year a illness wiih of Biantford are sjueats of their daughter , Jrtp^y- The deceased lady w.i:s born in Mrs. (Dr.) E, C. Murray untd after Krin township, ishe leaves to mourn Christinau. i a devoted husband and si.x children â€" Ihe members of CVurt Flesherton, I. ^^'"^ """» "'"^ """'^'' daui-hters. The ••>. F., are requested t.. u.eet on Wid. f"""''*' '""^ l''^'*^" "" Saturday, Dec. 15, Uev. L. W. Thoni of Midhurst will ri't're from ihe minii'iy at the new year, and if a Kuitablo residence cvn l)c secured will 1 .CHte in Flesliert.n:. Need'ess to say Ml. 4111 1 Mrs. Thoai wi,l receive a iiearty recipiion .it thj hinds i.f tie citizens of Flesherton. The tlectiou returns as yivjii i.ut in in the town h ill on Mund.iy cvenin',' were hiuhly satisfactory and there was a larije auendince of both ladies and trentleineti, Seiersl youn^ people fr')ni St >ne's Lire helped to pass the time with recitations and song The Ihatik... :jf ih .se pre.sent is tendered tliese yr.unj foU; fur their Vi'iistance. Ball 44 '.•8 Dec. 2ti, for elcctiun of oHiccts. - [I . WallH-, R.S. Mrs. W. W. Trimble returned laat week from visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. C, Crane, 0»eii Sound, who ia '?ericu>ly ill. Kiiiiberley public school will give a concert on Thursday evening;, Dec. 20, tor which a choice pr(>'.^raui is being prepared. See bill-. to Meifo'd Road cemetery, an I wag ; largely attended. Mr^. Teeter waa a member of the Presbyteri.n church and WIS hi.;hly esteemed and re«[ie(.ted by all ; who Knew her. The f,>uiiiy have much 1 sympathy in their sorrow. i The C.l'.U. station at this place is aL'aio without a nii^ht aiieut and the I public is the one that -fulfers. We under- stand that at all stations on this line ; where no :vssistant is employed the aijent Mr. and Mrs. (A'.. F.awlor announce â- j^ ^^,1^;^^^ to meet tha ni«Ut train, but the engHgement of their eldest dau,iLter,;^j more important stiti .ns where an Mary Zaida, to Mr. William E. Irwin o; ; .^,i,t,„)t j^ emnioyed the assistant looks Windsor, Out,, the marriage to take place Christmas wee!^. The pupiU of M.-i. W. A. Aiir.srrong'j and Mrs. W. Moi.rj's Sunday school olatisas were entert.ticed by the fo;nier on Friday evening list, when a very pleasiint time was spen; by the young people. TheFlesIierloa VV. I. will visit the ^^^ndeleur \V. I. at :hc home of Mr. H. after the night tr-iiu business. This as-?istai;t is not a telegraph operator and can get or give no information as to the moveiieiit of trains. Thrnf.ire intend- in;; travellers have to wait jt t!ie statii n fia their train, .sometime- for an hi.ur or two if the train is late, as fnipjently liappeiis during the winter season. It i.s a genuine hardship to have to drive out a mile and a half to the i>t ition and stand McLuughiy, east b-Kis line, on Thursd.iy{-»r>'""J f"'!'"-'"^'? for .la hour <r two, ilternoou ef this week The members ' H"'! le t.- hnd out how long the vigil last will meet at the pitt oHioe al 12.4.'', And it is all done to save a few cents where rigs will be in waiting A eoUec 'ha' t''^' «««'•' ^'uli^ «•?' overtime : We uon will be taken tn o'^fray e.' | are surely a long sutferina peoide to stand bed in the ! '^'* *"'t of tiling. A few yeais am. the same thing .vas tried l>!it the scheme did Mr. Wilfred CuUi-i (ireac Methodist church at both services en "ISunday last, the pasti r having taken the v.icant Piiceville wirk. At the evening service IVlrs. Jjhii Ctirr.s of McAteer. Out., and Mrs. George CairJcs of Klesh- erton, reimered a beautiful dutt wh ch was much appreciated. Itiils h^ve been i-oued for the Chalmers Church anniversary on Chrisluns 3ven- ir.g. A varied iiro.'nm of solos, readiii;;s, by the si-iiuol, and addresses ly the resident iniuisOTs will be n\\e'.'. A number of pleasinij eiitorla'iieis fri ni outside have boon secured who will add to the ittracti 'lis i.f the prograni. The younif pen[.l» eatheied at tl:n not work veiy well and ti.eagent was put bacb. JLet us hi pe the economy experi- n;ent9(l"s will soon experience another change of he irl. Report of Flesherton High School FORM 1 • Wilting ."0 L Thomis'ii 3!", E Ferris :i7, R Muir oli, Stinson 35, V Levtr ^ 'M, N Spci.cer :'.4, L Buskin 'Mi, O Lever 1-., U l,>uinn ^51, L 5>cuait 31, S Ludlov home of Mr. Sam Phillip., Colhngwood [ -'l- I*' ''^'^^^''t ^W-'' '^^hi'* :»•" I''"-!^''"' gravel, who recently took upon himself j •"'• S McT,.vish 2^^, 1 Shunk 28, B the duties of home !u'e as announced .n McLeod 27, C (^uir.n 2.-. H LeCJard 21, I Ust weeks Advance, and presented Mrs. i Spilt 20. li Beltry :>o. Phdlips with a iii;>cell.iiieiius shower, .S»ienco - S Ludlow •>''. I. Uuskiii tiU, after which soii»l intercourse, dancing, j N -Si-encer (it), L White o'.'. KMiiiro", etc., delignifully whiled away the evening I' Shunk 52, I Sprott 52, L Thompson hours. 47, K Stewart 4G, t) Lockhart 45. G The Midland oil drillers, afier a long ' Stinson 4;!, B McLeod 43. K Ferris 42, period of successfi.! d.iUir.g, met with a ] » McTavish 42, G Quinn 40. C y.i.nn 31, reverse last weeit when their cable broke i « I'«:Gaid .â- ;((. V Lev .r 'M. G Lever 27; leaving the diill thirteen hundred feet / ^^ ^^^'^'y '^-• Osprey Township ........ Arteiue.sia Township .... Proton Township Flesherton N'ilUg',' Markdale Village 72 Dundalk I'l.i Durhiim sou Aytoii IM Hanover ."4'.i Ball's niajoriiy in tlieiiJing is.iUU. Middlebro is elcted in North Grey by a mijiiiity of lirio. Bad As Hamilton Highway The liiuce Heiald and Tiuies says : Three gents from the Pinkerton district while driving to Wiikertou imbibed too frjely from a lioltle of boozj along the route. The chap wli'i carried the inoi-ture and who, it seems, ul.iyed the good fellow with the stutl', had irriijated his own thirst to such an extent that he was in a badly intoxicated condiiioii when picked up by Chief Ferguson in town. A search of his raiment revealed a full flask of whiskey, while an empty (jiisrt bottle, which was also secreted in his clothes, bore evidence to how well the bottle had been patronized. On beiii'i takeu before Magistrates Tolton and Richardson the inebriated one told how the boitle had circulated among 'hem <a the Way over. The result wus that he was mulcted 32C0 and costs for having and Jriukint: the booze in a public place, while bis two associates were invited by tlw Chief to the town ha'l, wheic thev admitted before the .Maatatriite of having sampled the tanglefoot on tlie way over and were .assessed $200 and costs each â- for their sin against the booze act. The toll levied on the entire thr.e will reach the rospeciablf sum of $li21, of which over fOl'tl will go into the t iwn treasury. \\ hile reL'rcttina Ibat the Iri.. should transgress, and ^et their le-s polled in th^s way, vi I it is an ill wind thi; blowi ni>l)ody xood. for 'he laxes inii>; si'en start to drop if the justice sin jj keeps replenishiii'4 I he e\chri|ii<M' in Ihi) f.lshi. II. Machine Falls on Farmer About 4 o'clock .'^aiuriay al'tern 'on Jack W.ioJhnd of the 2iid line. Mono, son of the late .( iiiie.^ Woodland, met with a most, serious accident and one that will l»y liiin up tor S'lne time. He was drawiii'4 .i big power cutting box troiii his brother Ossie's fsini and just as he ;;ot st:irled ihe accident hippened. He was walking beside the machine when he slipped and fell. .\t the same Hioment '.he hor-ies stepped forward and the heavy machine fell over on the young man. A (.rotiuding si eel sl'..ilt struck him on the jaw aticl broke and crushed it in a terrible manner, knockinu' out the teeth. He was also badly injured aijiut the body! I>ii'. Henry and Kyles were Cilled III and attended to his injuries, .arter which lie waa lemoved to Lord Outierin hospital, wheie ho is making as (| lick recovery as can be expected.â€" Oiaiiiseville Sun. A Merry Xmas to all We have a full range of Xmas things in, â€"something for Mother, Futher, Wife Husband, Brother and Sister. Let me help you to decide â€"a pleasure to show you the goods. Fancy Turkish towels, plain and with borders prices from 38c. to |1.25 each Babys woollen jakets S5c. to $1 25. Baby wool pullovers 75c. Men's Fancy Tiesâ€" a grand range for 50c. ties. Men's bedroom slippers 81.23 to $1.73 Men's and Ladies' sweater coat.s from ?.3.50 to $<j..'.0. Men's bedroom slippers $1.25 to $1.75 Laiies' Kosy bedroom slippers .:!fl.25. Ladies' (!rey. While, Tmi. Black kid uloves $1.7.") Men's Mocha g'oves in (jrey and Tan $2. CO : Men's knitted vioollen gloves 7-")'.' Men's aim bands, suspenders in iioxos. Wilting paper in fancy tjoxe.s, from l."'c. I i S1..".0 Handkerchi.'fs in fancy ho\e> i,.r ladie.s oryent. Ilandkeicbiefs â€" Men's K\oelda- c '.jred border and also Kiulii Manicure sets in ebony. C 'iiib and brush set in ebi .ly Brush 'ir.d c 'inb set in Fri-ric!i T-. 'tv. !• ancy table covers $1.00 Tapestry table covers $2.75 lo $5 7''- Tapestry table covers $1.00 Fancy table runners in colors $1.00 Men's necktie rack 25c. Fancy mirrors Haiidl.erciiiefs- I full range fiom 10c. to 70c. Jewel boxes Silver brubli & coiuh set A :riiid laii:^,; of fancy dishes Conic in and .see the raniie uf Xina.s ttjVs fur children â€" doll.s from 2."c. to if5l.yO, It wmild take np t >•< inncli .â- <|)aco to tell yi.,ii all the uddiI thiiiLTS we have, so come i!'i ami .-ee f'l r vvii-self. Highest Price Paid for Produce T4i F. G KARSTEDT FLESHERTON. ONTARIO. r ii w -m â€" »-•• â€" wâ€" wT-» â€" â- â€" m â€" â- â€" â- â€" â- â€" oâ€"w â€" â- â€" « â€" »â€" 1» â€" 1»â€" • â€" 1»â€" â- â€" â- â€" â- â€" â- â€" â- â€" â- » â- w â€" m â€" â- â€" «-'«>.« â€" »"'^^.|E! FORM 2 iV';iei>raâ€" G Mitchell 'M, K Consley W down 111 fhe earth. It i« said that it will cost $150 or $2e0 to recover the drill ; before operations car. be resumed, and , ;vi Butler 80, VV Taylor .-"!. F V\ iUiuni'on will cause regrettable delay. Mr, Martin ; k Boyd 84, M Graham ;-(l, K McVicm of Penetang wasintown last week looking I K McDonald 78, F White 70, R Oiigo over the situation. The work is noi» , cj, \v Stewart 'i.-t. W Heird 57, .1 closed down until after Christinas. Stewart 57, A Irwin 52, .V Murphy 51, T A referendum will betaken by the j Irwin 51, A Whitu 41. 1, Atkinson 24, .J Methodists of the Dominioii to deciae | Auann, K Davis, W Armstrong absent. up'on the abolition, change or retention j ' of tho limited pa.storal term. Most I One of the riveters nanu'd Slookli*)Iiii, Methodist ininiHters fivor the abolition j employed in llio Collingwind sliipbuild- of a limit for tha [lastoral term, It is ; ing yaids, was terribly atHcted by the not known H-liethci a majordy cf :he ! appalling calamity that > \erliiok Ua'ifiix church nieniber.s are for or against tie j His entire fami'y was wii).'.l out by the present system. Tho vote is to he taken j awful explosion. When the ne*s reached in Februaiv with a view to aetioi by tie th> yard the riveters ci.-ci! I'.ed the hat MehtdisI General Ooiiference, which nid a hundred dtllnrs » n 'p:;cily rsised meets every four years, iweet next September. and is due to with which the grief stricken man was sent to "ihat city to b'.iry his loved ones. Notice to Osprey Council nr'lilhs ajjo joii were so gay as to put in your Council minutes tlo" viewing of the feie;e between John Poole and iiiyseil and said the case was awarded lo Poole. «liicli he bad half the e\pense and lo put a nUBiitity of iwils i n the ground, which he has not done. Now 1 you, Osprey Council, to see the rails put on the ground before your term, is run ,,ut. -S. K. GALLOWAY Too Much. "Why did yon quit that bnrberr* "Well, I didn't like him. Every time be moved my head he wanted to use my ears as handles." Shopping, First Ladyâ€" Mrs. Smith is too young to go shopping alone. Second Ladyâ€" What is that? First Ladyâ€" She's Uabl« to pet excited and buy something. Immune. Ellaâ€" There goes the IncUlost girl alive. Hclla â€" In whnl respect? Ellaâ€" Nothing she eals niaUes her fat.â€" Har* i-er's Haziir. "Vestenhiy." siiid tho snge, "is dead; forget it. Tomorrow (loos not oxLst; i'on't worry. Today is here; use It." . •»•»•••••••»••••â- â- •••••••*••"•â- â- »•â- •â- â- • " •â- •♦•*•â€">â- -*"»"•• â- ••-• ">"«"*«-»-»^»«»». •»»«>•â- »»»">â- â- « â- •»â- â- »«â- ♦•- 1 •â- •• •"♦"••-#•â- ••••â- ••â- •-•• t • ». « See Our Beautiful hristmas Display ^| V.iu ciu lu.l ;ind i lielter|place to'.'et lUst the ritiht thing loreveiv i w.^* 'or newlst.'ck is full of atlriTf.oii.'. "^'e Isave .ill sorts ,.f I'.ys for the children - KUctiic Tram?. Mechanical T>y, -M'.del Buildeis, Flyin- Machines and Games f All "soils. We have a ..od stock of Ciu»diaii-M ide D'jlls. I' 'i older people we have Cmb i>i Brush sets m Ivory or Ebony. B'loks, Snap-shot A.oum-. P '-^t C»r.: Arauins. X-nas S'*tionei-y and perfumes We have the new Methodist Hymn Book. Buy your Xuia- e ir.dier^ nt w lu'foro th'" ("K-veriiitient Mo[>^ tniimifiietiui' of :!i'!i!. Will there be a Victrola in your home this Christmas? Come in and see them and hear the records. W. E. RICHARDON & ON Flesherton, Ontario . ♦..•"•"•â- •» -«..»â- ••-••â- •••-•' ^.^.B' »•â- •-»â- â- *•â- *â- â- *"*'â- *-*"* .»..•»»«•â€" t^t- '«"•"•••»•â- •»••••â- •* v" •â- -* «â- *«-»"♦"♦»»>•»».•♦••»â- »â- â- »*â- ♦ Farm For Sale or Rent Lot Ul-U;i. :'rd ran-'t NE.l'.^H. Arteiiiesia- 711 acres niulcr ciiliival ,â- ii. food barn and brick house, an »cre ot orchard ; well ivitered. Apply t'- - I. SlNCLAlit. 1,-.N . 17 Kle-dier .M,. TH'.-: U' \s A t.IKI.-s U Ir I', ne ;e.-n «"i'\- ,.. -ifenuou-iv a t he : itu - producing r "li r 'â- â- I t T â- .hi-i- i' nome and I'versei- -l. . 'd I'B ^iien the opportunity : iiii;ir.iviifi< iheu Liu- ei.ioii diti'f J â- 'â- â- -• -' > â- 'J »i::tel .1. -^li;. .• ' • Pulpwood Wanted ^T /y6^.^''/fs'/?yy </ ,//. '-^ T* '.'lou-and crds of S[ruce and B-ii.-'aio Wood, cut 4 ft. long, not lean Oiin li III. at the smalt end, knotH tiuiiiiieo tlosi- f' r which we will pay $ti per cord f .r buUaii!. ii.d $7 per cord for Spriicf. delnered it nearest Uailroad â- â- "talion. Aiiyoio- lnving same for sale »:;:e t . piione Mar'^^jale 5'.l-o2. Christmas Suggestions Silver Plated Cutlery Co'.tl Meat Folks I'leny Spoons tjiigar Sbell.s Pickle b'orli.-' Cut, OLlSS 8Ct3 Carviug 3elH Pic Kuivoa Decanter sets Pielilp Crtio; Pocket Cutlery Kazofs. ijliavjng Bruslion j Skates (iuloiuobile' j Hockey supplies | Clothes Wnngofi | Caipet Sweepers Eaamijlwai'.', Clinrns. Food CliopfC 3 Hcndsaws] 13ucli#aw3 Braces i Aud many other very nsorul gift? | F. W. D U N C A N| The FleshertiiB HarJwars. i HHone .?0 ra. The fee- u .â- n '.'.:!i-i 'If'' •«'â- â- â- f.iri'i produce -'It â- 'â- I'-ai- ] i^e pi of todsy. T' e V.H.l'i{ pe^'l i- »il ' e benelitjd th.-vi-h- .t life tr 'o 'l,e naming i" Po-otess obt uned i.i a few wmtei .;. nl! - i ur Sp-ii.l r.usiness 0. urse. Win'vr 'eifi iieijins. Wed. .Jan. 2 Cu' ii!a:» fi. r. C. A. FLEMING. F.C A, Principal. Dept. A., Cwea Sijund, Untario. Buy Now For Xmas Put i ne* P'iloCA I'hoiioli in your borne f'lr X'lias -♦n.i li ive 'he real music which will entertain -nery person. Also a good stock of ReC'i'is on hand. -\V. r. HI. LIS, Kimberley. $90 Othrk Mo"k ,1 FifM Sl-i- «2r.n For Service One (lire c led Shortli rn Bull .ii\ lut .'iii, con, ;), Aiten.t'sia. Teiuis 01. 00 fi't sjrades. Must he paid within months from date ! f service. 1 Jan. 17. • H. 0. Tl'KNKU. .\ full line of sheet music <>n hind a'so Cameras and the I ite't styles of Folder- .V '!' W. A. Hawken's Photo Gallery Flesherton Representative WANTED at once for FLE SHERTON I! vi I )|9UUt tor Canada's Greatest Nurseries .'sjiiing 1''17 p'lniing list now ready Splendid list "I hardy Can.adiun grown fruit iind oriitnncntal stock, including, Mcintosh lied Apple. St. Kogis Ever- bearing'beriy and many other eaders. New illustrated cataloutie sent oo apullcation. Start now at best selling time. Liber- al i)rop(>sition . Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. fK-tablishud 18;i7.') I TORONTO - ONTARIO I Carefully Corrected Each Week I Butter ., ..,,. 32 to ,36 Eggs, fresh 48 o 4H Wheat $2 25 to 2 25 *'ats 70 to 7-T Pes 1 <)0to 2 10 Barley 1)6 to Do Potatoes- $1.;{5 Buckwheat !(5 to 05 I Ducks 23 to 2;t j Creese 21 to 21 .Chickens 22 to 22 Fowl Hi to Irt