Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1918, p. 2

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BRITAIN TO BE PUT ON RATIONS BRITISH DRIVE ACROSS PIAVE Breadstnffi Toronto. .Tun. Sâ€" Miinlluba wlimit â€" N... I .Vorlherii, »2.2Xi: So. 2. .lo.. »a.2ni: .\<i. 3. il<>.. ii.l~i: No. 4 wli'iit. IMf'i. In .tloro l''oit U'lIIlaiii, lin-liullriK 3io liix. Mnnltuba <i(itM -No. 2 ('. VV.. SI if. No. 3 CW., "7|i-; No. 1 extra reed. hI<-". No. 1 fee<l. 74J<-. In Htore Fort WIlllHin. Aiiiprl<iiii corn ~Ni>. 3 yellow, iiunilnal. Ontfirlo outs -Nil. 2 white, 7i> to »0r. . , i , ,, ,._. , . , ^ ... nominal; No. 3, do.. 78 to 79c, nominal, day will be the meatless day in Lon- ^ successfully a diiiiciilt raid at niKUl ucconiinK to freiRhtH outKide don, and would also affect the province, across the Piave, takinc prisoners and ' Compulsory rationing is to be put into inflicting damage on the enemy," said Lord Khondda Says the Scheme Difficult Raid Successfully Car- Awaits Sanction of Cabinet. \ ried Out and Prisoners Taken. London, Jan. .'1. â€" The Diioctor of Meat Supplies announces that Tucu- A despatch from l-ondo'i sayii:â€" One of our battalions carried out Market!, of the World effect in Britain at an early date, ac- an official stiitemi-nt on Thursday '",[/,;! {jf'''!* j',' ",','!'''"• cording to Lord Khondda, the Ontiirlo wht'Hl â€" New. No. 2 Whiter. 12.22; Iiu.sIm. In Blore MoMtreiil. I'euH- .No. 2. $3.70 to $3.80, arc-ordlnit ttc- , , , ,„.,â- ., .u I. 1- "•> t'"K. »l S2 to $1.34, 'ood from the Uritiah forces on the Italian ooirttnif to rreiRhtK outside. Controller, speak-.K at Silverton on , front. ^o'l-nl^H^'o^lid" *" "^''' ^""""^^"'^ This was the British raid reported rtye --• No. 2, $1.7S, according to In jut« BtronK Thursday. He prefaced his announce ment by saying that he was afraid ' in yesterday's Home official statement '''•:^',f/;,"|^„;;;;'^H','^;i';._Fir«i patents that compul.iory raLioniiiK would have â€" the first time that- British troops i,;ikm. jii.nu; 2nd. do., $11.00; to come, and that it was on its way, have been reported in an offensive ac-. '''^;><;^r«^.,d" â- |,JJ»;^'J'^.T^^ ,„ and thon dedared that bis department tion in this war theatre, I sample. $10.05, in lia^.s. Montreal; $'j.85. had completed a scheme, and that a^ "On the whole front," says the "^- J,;V,';^',|.';', *''"" ''"'"â-  •'"â- '''''""â- "â-  •""'""t goon as the sanction of the Cal)iriet ficial statement issued on Thursday Mlllfeeiiâ€" Car lots, dr-ilvend Mcmt- had been received, it would be carried , by the lUlian War Office, "there has J^;;i »55';''''„^\nris*;\lo".'' ^Iif "nrddUn'^Ts'; out. j been nothing of importance lo report, do.. $4!> to $4G; Kood feed liour. ner hue. Lord Khondda warned his hearers { "On Tuesday night enemy airmen '^â- /j^^, that there would continue to be a dropped bombs on Cnstelfranco $i6.66; shortage, though the position would Veiieto, obtaining two direct hits on 'r"Jjy^'^_^^^ ^^^^ improve, and improve steadily. two hospitals. Eighteen patients "There is nothing alarming in the ; were killed." situation," he said, "You have only ^ . to tigh-.en your belt. The people o^ -v-i-t i r>«« i oi ivir-M this country arc undergoing nothing •^'^' »-"»» i.o^i i>t»-i^ like the privation.^ in (iermany. There they have Ic^s than a pound of meat a week . ' -No. 1, new, mixed, do.. per ton. $15.ri() to $13 to $15, iraek per ton. $S.5» to J9. Country Prodnc* â€" Wholeialo city w liolc.suler.s are pa.vlnB at roiin- fry points the followinK for butter and .-x^vi. .. • I •> r.T./^-r'mjiiun Hutter-^Hreamery. Bollds, iier lb, 42| 1 1' OK HALl' DECEMBER. ,o 43,,. prints, per lb, 43 to 43ic; dairy. j per lb. 36 to 36o. t^ . I »^ !• . . 1 /•> c f •» noi Ekks â€" Fresh (fathered ckks, 50 to 62c. ITotal Enlistments in L.b.r. Z,0»1, Dressed roultry- ChlckenK. 24 to 2Bc: fowl, Ui to 20c; dufk.s. 23 to 24c; Kcese. RY. CARS RETURNED Against Wastage of 3,702. A despatch from Ottawa says: Re- 21 to 22c; turkeys. 28 to 30c I'otatoe,s â€" Wholesiiler.s are iiaylnBT . .. «v^i^..,.v.. .-«... â€" â€" --„-- - prowcM'H and country shlppern $1.75 for ; -ruiting figures showing ths number (ir»t-cla.«s stock, f.o.ii.. outside points, ,1- .„„., «„ll,.f«,l in fVi,> InfTr-.trv artil- Wholesalers are selllnK to the retail rin/\llll IT O /" '"^" enlisted in the inlantry, arm ^^,.^,^,. „j ,he followlnir prices: hKllVI il S ' K'rv, railway construction and forest- 1 t'heesf-Ncw. larne. 23 "> i'iic; rwlm. ri\Uifl U. a- y 'units in Canada and the United I i;^»^J",,=3^i-„-'-'j,j<;_!>-- ^»» '" 2»c: States during the first half of Decern- 1 luitterâ€" Fresh dairy, choice, 40 to 41c: c, , â-  n â-  n u A TT^Jj'er, and the wastage in the CE.F. for i'/,^''"'-' >' i'^'"'"- « '^ â- ""•• »'â- ""«â-  "< '<> Shortage is Reins Relieved For l^^'^^^^, ^^^.j^^^ j,^^.^ ,,^,g„ j^.^,,,, by ,' MarBaMne-29 to 32c. Canada by United States |,he Militia Department. The flKuv.J .„»=='^,'^--?;-Jji<'iJ»,,-^^^^^^^^^ rnveal a net loss for the half month, 147 10 48<-. ^r 1 col ™«., ♦Vin t,^fn1 onlwttnontii lip- 1 I'rc.s.sed fj'iultry â€" SprinK rhlokens. 2B of l,(i21 men, the total enli.vtment:< be- i ^^^ js,.; milk-fed chickens lb. 30c; fowl. ing 2,081, as against a«total wastage , 22 to 25<-. turkeys. 35 to 37c'; duiks. The total enlistments were 1 S|'/'"b. -'7 to 30c-. pree.se. 2S to 2" Australians viewing the destroyed bridge at Bapaume. Manat^ement. A despatch from Ottawa says: The new centralized management of the United States railroads, with its pool- of 3,702. HOLY CITY I SAVED FROM TURK [Battle For Possession of .leru- 1 salem Won by British. j A de.spatch from London says: â€" â-  Since Boxing Day Cen. Allenby's army has followed up one brilliantly ! following officia BRITISH AEROPLANES BOMB METZ FACTORIES IN SUCCESSFUL RAIDS Two Hundred Bombs Dropped on Ledeghem Ry. and Other Railway .lunctions With Satisfactory Results. A despatch from London says: â€" -The' en down out of conlrtd. Three of our statement dealing' machines are missing. ciivided among the various h^^<±^:^\JpJ:r^'^Y^l.^:\^ (^^ ' fou^rbatth,; by;a series^ l:f5*?f>"*' ^"'^''°" ^^« '^^"^'^ ^'"^"y ^^^""i mJ'"^ "'' "''''" '" ^^"di^io"-' ^^OO ing arrangements of rolling stock »»"' j the services as followf>' i ducks. Sprint;, 20 to economie.-; of routing and motive i^f^ntry,' 1.308; Artillery, 375; ! "'?ioMev -(!o,nb-Kxtra fine, 16 power, IS already helping to solve j^^,,^^.^^ c,„„^^,.„^.^i„^ g„,, Forestry, 1 «'5n; 12 oz. $3;. No. 2. $2.40 to $ one of the main problem.s of the Canadian Railway Companies, name- Railway Con.struction and 311; miscellaneous, 87, The total geese. 20 to ments which have brought under con- 1 ,j,„. trul of the British Palestine army the whole of the watershed between the Mediterranean and the .Jordan as far I 50, Strained Tins. 2*'s atirl 6's. 19 to rUc per lb; 10s. 18* to lOc; 60s, 18 to ISjc. Means â€" t:anadlan. hand-picked, bosh, north as Birch, and they have a splen- '^ '''' i did line across the scene of many con ! flicts of ancient times, I Thp troiins are now well north of were dropped on six enemy aerodromes, including the Gonirods Iv the more nromnt return of Cana- ! ""'"'?'" "f """n cnlisiod in Caimda dur ^^ ,^ imported, hand-picked Ij, the mm c piompt ittuin ol cana j^^ ^y^^ ^.^^.j, ^^.^p)^,. „.a„ 1.310, m the , to $7: I.lnias. 17 to iTjc dian rol.ing stock routed to United , ^^^^.j^^, g^^^^^ ,^,.j,^,^,, ;,, ^.^^5^^,^,, 3 , States points. Rolling stock shortage | ,j,j^^ ca.'ualties overseas during the j Provisionsâ€" Wholesale j The troops ».c .iv-.< .-^i. ........ â€" , in Canada has be<rn aggravated to ajij^.j, ^,^^,{1, totalled 1217 of which j â- '^moke.l an.l . wn-d ouais and lard are , this line, for on Wednesday they oc- large extent by the delays in PeriiringLjj-p^,. ,.^^, ^^;„^ .j. ' ._. â-  ^^^.^^^^j_ . cjuoumI u, ^the^ u^^^^^ Beitin, the Bethel of the return of car.« from the Lnited States I .^.j^j^^j^ ^ period of six months be fit' Smoke.l meats -Hams, medium 30 lo Scriptures, and a bountiful water roads. Thou.sand.s of Canadian box I f^^. g^^^,.,,, ,^,,5^^; "^ t„t.-i; of 9n.ll'Uc-"r.,l\T^\^\>!"{^.Uf:M^.o^ -^"I'P'.v between Bireh and Ramallas cars, etc., have been kept across fheij^pj, ^.^,|.^. ,]i>.eharged in England, 981 ! "< '" â- â€¢2c; backs, plain 40 to 4U-i bone- . has been secured, ! were returned to Canada for di.scharge I 'â- 'curtd meVts--T..mp ,-lear bacon, 27J ! The rapid advance in a most dif- benies, 26J to 27c. j ficult country was due to the over- "r.a'lTs'' 2u"to"20Jr; ! "helming defeat of a Turkish attempt was 1575. leoiiipound. tieices, 24J to 26c: tiib.s, 24! ' to retake .Jerusalem on Decemlier 27, "Two hundred bombs were dropped ^ aerodrome. Successful raids also were lursday on two hostile aerodromes - carried c on the Ledeghem Railway junction, on | weather carried o»t in spite of the vei-y bad â- igain.st the factorie.^ at hutments in the neighborhood of the Mezieres-le.s-Metz. railway communi- Houlholst Forest and billets south of : cations at Woippy 'and "the railway Lille, I junction at St. Privat, in the neigh- "Six hostile aeroplanes were tlown- ; borhood of Metz. .-MI of our machines ed in air fighting, and two others driv- j returned." line fur months. Th; shortage of cars in the I'nited State-:, the keenness of railway competition, and the lac any central co-ordinatiny manage- mer.'.. '.ave made the tracing and re- turn of cars to f:anada very diflicult for a considerable time past, ENEMY raids" ON CANADIANS Beginnint; of Year Brings Great .\<livity on I'ronl Held By Maple lA'ufers. A despatch from Canadian Ilead- (I'-iurters in France (via London) I .says: Our guns are giunibling around f.en,^ after an evening of activity in! which they were vigorously cmploye'l | l.n a.ssisting to break up an enemy raid j against our flank. New Year's Day,' which camo in (ii.ieUy, went out with j unusual activity leported all nlong the' f'-ont. The enemy attempted raids | in no less than four places, one of ' theni in strength. | Our patrols have been busy nlong the front, and have come victorious In various clashes with emy pa'-ties. Both our own .nnd enemy aircraft have been a<'ti'e. , ",'and hVA were discharged in Canada. ; t'>2>*c lb; clear be! ; of n.i . , i â-  â-  c L •i„ I I-ard- Pure lard. The total wastage m infantrv units tubs 2SJ to 2i»lc; I conipfiund I to 2Sic tierces, liails. 25 to 2uir CANADIAN TROOPS | ARKIVK IN KNGLAND.i . Montreal Markets M<^ntrenl. .Ijin s -(»ats- CaTiadiun Western. No 3. i'.'c. e\lrii No. 1 feed. i!l2i-; No. 2 local while, .'<7Jc: .No. 3 local .A despatch from Ottawa savs: It is, white, .isj.- I'lonr-Manitoi.a sprint; â€" . , ,, 1 ,1 1 .u c n â- ..^'"â- herit ptitenis. llrsls. $11.(10; second.'!. olTicially announced tlial the following $11 lu hIpoiik bakers'. $111,110: siralKhi troops have arrived safely in Kngland: roUe.s bines. $r..2o to $5.:!7* Kolkd /-' J- i-,ir . T. i„; â„¢ rn,...* (Hits Hhks. Oi' IbM. $5 .'!0. Mran â€" $3:1. Canadian Olnccrs I raining Coips, jj,,„r,s^$in Mt,idllnt-s. $4S. to $5", caiididatc:s for army commission. | Moulllie â€"$.',(; 1,. J.iS. Tlay â€" No. 2, in-r ., 1 r'l 1 <•• ._ „«•.„«.., lion, car lots >l4.5i> lo $lCi.ou. Cheese- Koya! IMylng C oip.s. omcei.s, i Finest western.", 213c; finest easternR. Draft: K. Yorkshire Regiment from ; 2Uc. lui iter -choicest iM-e.-miery, 4ii ,, J I to 4Bc, »ei-ond.s, 436 to 41c Kkks - 15t:iniufla. Fresh, 54 to 5,'.c, selected, 4(;<-; No. I Draft: .\rtillery, horse, siege and j »tock, 42c; No _â-  siock. 3s u. sue rn- a II f ... o^ T,^u., XT u i\,f ..i,.«ni t tatoes â€" J*cr buK. car lots. Sl.Joi p. $2.1". f\cld, from St. .John, N.R., Montreal, , i.r,,^.,,^,,, b.>Rs --.M.attoir kllh-d. $21: r." le Ontario, .Saskatchewan and British $27; do. counirv, $2i.!;o to $2.'i I'.uk - Heav.\' C'liliada sliol't mess. bids. SS 10 TO SPEND BILLIONS ON SHIP-BUILDING RUSSIA AGAIN TURNS TO WAR I when, after resisting desperate at ; tacks for nearly twelve hours, the I'nited States (iovernment Ar British delivered a masterly counter- ranging Gigantic Plans. ! stroke and rolled up the enemy right, „. , . cauinp the Turks, who sustained! A despatch from \^ ashington says: ' tremei'idous losses, to yield almost im- 1 Plans for a $2,000,00(1,000 Government Russia has turned again to war Will Not Capitulate to Ger- many's Terms of Peace. A despatch from Petrograd says: â€" Ke- pregnable positions and fall back ' shipbuilditig programme were reveal- ' .^,1^;,,^ ^^,^. ^j^^^. ^j^^.^^^^y ^^,j,j ^j^.g along the Nablus road, leaving in the ! ed on Friday when the Shipping democratic neace onlv if Cer- British possession points of great ! Board asked Congress for authority R"^^^''' '' <i*^'"°'-'-'*t'^ P'-^^^ ^'"> '^ ^'^^ strategical importance. to place .$701,0011,000 worth of addi-jmar.:- succeeds in gaining a general.^ tional ship contracts. .A.t the samel peace. Russia .sees anew the necessity all I nffj en- j the' I'wo of our machines attacked a parly of seven hostile planes yesterday nnd brought down one in flames. TO iMvMovK ( o.\ ri:\r.s 01 .Ml Si;i .M TO.SAFKIT. A despatch from London says: An official communication was issued dealing with the (ioveriimeiil's propos- <td intention to take over the British Museum for use by the Air Boiird. The (ommiinication nay.* the (iovcrnment intends to utili:',o for oiTice purpose.s the coii.siderabU. space made vacant in the MuHeum by the removal of the art treasures to tilaces where they are not eKposed to air raid.-j, and that speeial precautions have been lak"ii to ensure the safely of the conlonts of the Mu- seum which have not been removed. The aniioUncemenl says that the read- ing-room will remain open lo the pub- lic. Columbia. Signalers from Ottawa, Forestry from Montreal, J>cvis, To- r.-into! Winnipeg and Prince Albert. â- â€¢ â- \Iedica! Corps from Ontario, Canadia!! Mur.^ing Sisters nnd V.A. 1 1. Nurse.s from Toronto, New foil nilland troops, Imperial I'e- crults, details. «- I ONLY 150 CASUALTIES j IN GUATEMALA 'OUAKE' A dcspatcli I'roni San Salvador says: : -Tile la'OKl advices here show that i llio first reports of the Guatemala I eH.rtti(iimUo were oxnggorated. The fatalilloH as a resuli of the disaster , aKgrngaied BO, while only KMi persona wore Injured. Eanli shocks foiUliiiie, liiil tlie.v are • weak, IloM*:^ committees are being • fortni'd all over the counirv and a sec- tion of the KpiI Cross will depart \ 46 piece.s. $,',2 I.. .^fiH: do,, Canada shoil rill back. bblK. 4,'. to f.fi plei'es, $50 Ui $51. I.ard Coiiiiiound, wood palls. 20 Ills m-l. 25 to 2flc; Ilu^^. wood palls, 20 Ills nel. 27J Ic 2Sc. Wiunlpefr Oraln W'lnnlpeif. ,l;in. .s - 1 'ash piic-s - < )aU .N'.>. 2 1" \V.. Slii'; No. 3 f.W.. 77J(; extra No. t feed. 778c; .No. 1 feed. 741(': I No, 2 feed. 7U.'. Hailev - .No. 3, $1.3S; No, 4. $I.S3; lelected and Iced. $1.17. iKlax .\o. I NWC. $:).1SJ. No. 2 1 â-  W,, $3ID; No, 3 CW.. $2, US. LONDON IVIEAT SUPPLY IS WOEFULLY SHORT | A despau-b from London says: â€" So meagre is the supply of meat in London that llie first mcalless day is oxpected lor a largo nuinlier of the ! inliabitanis during this weekend. ! lletail Imlcliers to-day crowded the ! wliclesalc markets in an attempt to obtain a the dealers mot time an immediate appropriation of for continuing the tight. $82,001IS(I0J) was asked for the exten- j Uussia has been swvpt by tUo de sion of shipyards and for providing | mand for peace, which was partiy i housing facilities for workmen. FRENCH MANPOWER SORELY STRAINED TTnltcd BtateB Markets' .Minneapolis, .Minn .Ian. S --Corn- No. » yellow. Jl 70 t,. $1.7?,. < labsâ€" .No, ;i white. 7S to 7i"c, Flourâ€" Standard. In carload lots. $11.75 per sackx. Hi all â€"$32.50. Diiliith. Minn.. .Ian. S -l.liiseed on track, $:i.i,it to $3.«2: arrive. $:i,Sli; ,la,nu,Ti.v, $.15.1 bid; Muv. $3.47J; Julv, $;i :ilii| asked. A despatch from Paris says: -The drain upon French manpower, caus- ed bv the despatch of French divi- upply for their «iistomors, i^,^,,,^,- ^^ j,j^,,. ^j,^ alreadv rendered : but the majority of the dealers "K'I j ,,^^,^5^;,,.^. „,g ,.g(.jj,i ,0 ^^^^ colors of j with disappointment. I ,„g„ ^f ^f,^. .i^ further measure in The (bnernmcnt has released 3,0li« , ^j^^ j,y,„g direction is announced bv carcasses of lamb.s, but this supply is „,g canister of Munitioius, who has reserved for distribution among but- - ,,^^1^,,,, ,,,3^ workmen mobilized for chers In the poorer disricts. ( „,p i„.,„eij service belonging to the I The West Knd butchers have beou ! ,9^^ p,j^gg „„(, vounger shall be with- barrel In OS-lb. ! told to advise iheir customers to <^at 1 j,,.^^^.^ f^,,,,, workshops and placed at fowl, game and lisb until meat condi- „,g disposal of the Commander-in- tions are Improved. pf^j^f -phe measure comas Into force Xilve Stock Market! Toronto ,Iaii S l':\l!-;i . ludce heavy stenrs. $li.25 to $12, <lo,. KO<id hea\v. $10,75 to »n; blitciuTs' caltle. cbol.'i., $10.00 to $I0.S5, do.. Koiid, $!i.i;o lo $10.25. do,. iiiedluMi. $0 lo ill 2S; ih... ,,,,,,, , , ,1 ,. , 'â- .iiimion, $S.2B 10 $S.riii, bin. hers bulls. shorll.v for (Inateiuala, -taking modi- choice $11 jo $io; dc . ^ood bulls. $» cliu's, l)laiiki:(8 and other n(oe;s.sli!es. LI .?"*-•'•.: <t" â-  iiiediuin balia, $7.n» t HUNGARY'S WAR LOAN A FAILUR&, 4 .em) (;i;i{M.\N minks SW KI'T IT BY I'K.WVLKUS. A despatch from London says: Dur- ing the past year 1,000 trawlers, which are used as mine sweepers around the British Isles, have swept an average of ;i,000 square miles daily. During the year they swept up 4,(i00 German mines. on January 15, ^% . ANOTHKR BRITISH (J.VIN IN I'ALESTINE idealistic, partly inspired by war fa- i tigue. This transport of enthu.^iasm • reached its highest wave when Ger- 1 many offered what seemed a demo- I cratic peace. But all that is changed. • I Six hundred delegates gave Foreign ^ I Minister Trotseky's war sutcch he- fore the Soviets the most enthusiastic * and" convincing applause. No war , j speech by Kerensky evi?r won ap- plause so earnest , ' The reason is that the soli'icrs snow » now they are lighting for their own j democratic peace terms. The rous- ' ing scene attained its most inspiring • J height when the Baltic delegates cried: j "The Baltic flag will be the last to ' I come tlownl" , llow far this new enihiisiasm will prove capable of action has yet lo be ' proved, but at all events Russia will , not capitulate to Germany's terms. - ♦- I A dis|>;iicli from London sa.vs: Suliscriptions to Hungarj's heveiilh war loan tolnlled about ;f,Oirt),000,oo<) kronen, wbereai; the Coverniiuetit ex- pocted S,i»0,00O,0lW ki-o!u>n, "tele- gruplig iho corr<f>-wpoi.'J<:nt at Anisler- dani of the Kxcbanjje 'I'elegraph t'om- pany. Must of tlio siibsi rlpllons were forced on the leading banks, the mcs- sngft adds, only an Insignlllcant share being iHkon liy the populace SKKKS TO INCUR ASE ' I SK 01 IISH IN CANADA. $7.35; do.. vollKh bolls. $,',.25 to $(i.26; hiiiclierji' COWS, choice. $:i,,',i'i 10 $10; do,, Rood $!>,50 to $!i; do,, nieilliiio. $7.7i to $S; stm-kors. $7.25 lo $s,75; feeders, $1)25 lo $10: iami«<r» and cutters, $6.16 to $5.50; inllherH. Kood lo .-holce. $!'r> to $140; do,, .â- olii. and liied , $76 In $:lll; â-  piiiiKeif. $','0 lo $130; linlit ewes, $1'.! 10 $14. sheep, beaxy. $11 to $7.75. jeiirlinits. $12,25 10 $i;i.;i6 lambs. $17. 7S lo $i!i, calves, Kuod to choice $14 ui A despatch from Ottawa says: The i\<'<'ib. hoKH. led and waleied. $IS.fiO In [ i,-'„,,,i Cniiti-nlloe tV>vnii€rli fbn Pl^ti $IK75; do.. welRhed off car.s. $ls.7f, lo ' "^ """ ^ontlollei tniougn the n»n , $1!'; do. fn.b. $17.50 lo $17.65. fommlllep of his otTice is starting a .Monlreal ,lan, K Cliol.'e ste.rs $12 ' ,.„m,,Hiirn In iiwr,»isp tbo ikio in r"«n to $12 50, Kood Kuers, $10 to $12. mi^I'^'Kn 10 iiHiease tne use in t an- choi.e c.iwf., $7 II. $1150; Kood. $6 to I ada of fro/.en fish. This effort will be :J^iveM""$u'"o $V5'" JLss, 'VV ,o"'ii;i;P«>-t "<â-  >''^ >»>-'^'"- ^'"""Paii:" to in- eaiiners' .aitb- $(> 26 to $1150; alieep. ! crease consumption of all kinds of fish $11,5" 1. sele.-l Ic $iv r.o. A despatch from London says:â€" An oR'icial communication issued by the | JEWISH BATTALION SAILS War Office on Friday says General .Mlenby reports a further advance by a part of his line north of .Jerusalem over a distance of a mile. TO FIGHT IN PALESTINE \ dcspateli frcm London says: ' I The now .lewish battalion of ih^ |Brllisb army, which has jtisi com Ipleted Its training, sailed for iba' SHIPS' Palestine front on Thursday. • . The battalion Is under the conimard, A despatch from London says: â€" of Col. J. U. Patterson, an Irishman Last year 3l>7 Norwegian vessels, with 'and a great lion hunter in Kast .\fricH* an aggregata,tonnage of i)Gt>,000, were I in the days before the war. His ex-. DKNM ARK AM) NORWAY HAVE LOST MANY ,.s.'"on .1"i'»''''$1S?'koo°1 Veiec'r''" O"'*''' '" 'â- ^''''"*«' ^'^^^- l""'"" «"'' '' other meats for export to the allies. sunk, an K.xchange telegraph despatch from Copenhagen reports. Since the beginning of the war 215 Danish vessels, with a tonnage of '.'•.24,000 have been sunk, and '234 Danes have been killed. perlence In conunand of .lewish troops dates back to the Galllpoli' campaign, where he was In charge of. the famous Zion Mule Corps, formed In Egypt of .lewish refugees from Pa ' lestlne. ICiN r T.iA.T cjliy i;N iHt S I OfllEW ,-,IOK Of- THE iVrRl'tT7 jTim fELi.JW who's RCUN I ic.^,TOM, TUA"l'.S THE MAihl - iSAS Off It f-K .THERtvS A oUS lOMlMii POWM Tm. i-itK'lItT HERt. |WUO\'> htEN TRNIU4. TO VLIRT WITH M-^ IVJIJ^C AMO I WAMI'^l' TO - 1 limn esi loo r~ 1 Hellu TH..Rt^ I S:f ,::^IM . - L N0O0LP-5CO0T?] 1 ,4^â€", I â-  I â- â-  w I

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