Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1918, p. 4

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JitiuiAiy !0 191S THE F L E S H F If r N ADVANCE 7- !5f â- V 14 K«*V"w- i*»nll<»rtn n ^ Ullrt tif #1 ''" '"*'' P''^'-''^'''* "*'-'f •"^'' conducted the ♦BLKlfflK-ixl^ni new«pa|wr, |Mil.lnl.«.l every ; now closing, a-a wo all join ill wisliiiiK fh«r*l»y at tli' ottiw, C'.illin(j«oii(l .Street, ; |,j,„ ^,„„{j„m.,j ^u^^j.^^ j„ |,jj imlilic and »*lr»h«rtoii. Subscript!. m i.ru-» fl |i<Taiiiimii I n ij HKr> ii»i.lin»<lvMic*;«l..'>Jwli.ii not «» l>aui piiviitp .v.iciiti.ii Carried. Ad.cT -iiiiiUf ratM <«n apiillo»tl'.:'.. CiicuUticin iao<> wi-okly «y. H Thohiton Eoitob _ " . I __••..•« A Remarkable Map ^"'l'."*'- .'7ii'%..-^ ."''. ''l-Ci-?'r/."'ir^v^J^j«'.^ CdiuumI ndjciuinoil Kino dm Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE ' ^i^iSii^:im,rm^m .f.vf.r.VaTf'. f^'.fkVi "-W ,â-¼â-  ."ir^yr -»• ^k:.^i»- -^^ -^r. â-  ^^ . ^ â- Â»Â« iyr 1^â€" '^'-^^'- ^^â- -'^'- -'^- jla^vaAV^'t .â- r«tf;vwii^ .^-^ Artemesia Council | IVihap.- tin- moa* roiiiiiiiticmui fiiscm- atiiiu, vet «ti!l the iiuist iuipurtant pwrt of the flying iiian'H duties at the front, is Ai teiiiesin C'Miiicil met Dec. 15, wiven d^, g^,„tr,,i of (.uiilire fiotii iibi-ve the th J follow ill i{ business who transacted : | 1,,^..., ,,f (1,j. p,,, .my Anyone visiiiiiK ilii- \ iter a b>Uw w.»« pab.-'eJ iiI>P'i>"ting (|,p Sl-IkhO of Mililaiy Aeroimiiic-t iil the , ll clerks ami let uriiiciif otticera it » >s 'j\,f, „^„ luiversiiy ciiii ineiisuie the iii.vod by / iiniiiirtunco attitehiiig to this branch of Siinson- M'.lhewsnn-Tn»t the ucct. ] the Klyii.t' Corps' work by the elaborate I'oiiy For .Silo Somul mid not nc'iv- iiiw. tiiMid hrl hHi'iit'K-i ftiiil bliiiik''! â- â€¢ 'fs with il. A|ii)ly t" Mr.s. Mit-'iilluiii, Klesheitoii, or Aniuii lJro\vniid}>e, Al-ixwell. Cow fur saleâ€" Due Ist. May, 8 yenrB iiM. .•^I'lily Ui Uiil.eil Odborne, luineiiia. 1 • ( A. Hersot. $1.7."), f«r ie(>i.iiing the! -!4der, be piiilâ€" Cttiied. I Cameron- Burnett -Tbat ucciuiils as ^jlloWK 1,0 i>iid : J. 11. Watson, wood | t ,r hall, t'!' >y.i ; Mrs. tiorley, refund of | dog tax, ?1 ; Jamea Maj;te, refund of ) statute liibor charsed, $'â- '• ; Jos. Fonwick, | iefuud nf statute Ubui churned, 8;i ; .'. bclUuiy, attending Imll for Division I C'jurt. ?'2 r.btanlcy Cumpboll, r.-fund of aohoo. taxes char^'ed in error S'T ; C. Mc- Cutcheon. gr.ive!, 82.20 ; Jamet Oliver, gravel, $0.50 ; J. E. Larj'e, refund of Joi; tax, $1.- Cariied. Stiosonâ€" Cameronâ€" That R. Nwitntoii beiMitd $4 for rnad work in 1"J10â€" CiiiTU'd. 'Ihiit .Jno.Beecro't Caraeron-'-Slitison be |>aid $."'. fur gravel used bj overseer on road, aud John Cars'iii be l«id tOc for gravelâ€" Carried . Stinson â€" Cameronâ€" That .John Carson be paid S8. To for statute .bbor charged in iyi7â€" Carried. Cameron â€" Stinsonâ€" I'hAtlibu foUowint? accounts for postage and teleidione mes- iwijee by nicmberi of the (.'uuiicil and ih" clfi-k be paid : The Keevo .*4, Mr. Cameron ?1, Mr. Siiiiacjii 81. :!•">. Mr. Burnett ?1. 50, Mr. Matlicwson t>5c, and the clerk $8.40â€" Carriea. Cameron - Stinsonâ€" That the account of the Treasurer for war tax stamps and e.xiharge on cheques be paid, I". - Carried. Cameron Stinson- That the Ueeve be paid $2.50 for services re the Keid ditch at the Durham Road -Carried. , Burnett- Mathewson -That SV. Ding- wall be paid i'A.~'> for refund of statute labor charged iu 1!».7â€" Cmied. MBthewsonâ€" Burnett That R. Genoe be refundfd 8Cfer statute labor charged iu 1917â€" Carried. Mathuwbonâ€" Burnett Piitchard be refunded $1 for do, and interesting cuurse laid out for traiiiin<; ciidets in u'lial observauon. since it is iuipussible to take a wholo class <f cadets four or more thoii.sand feet luto I ho air, the instruction has to bo given in specially .irransted class rioins. In one of these class rooms ;i j;iouiul nn|i covers the lloor the most ieaiHil<.u)lo â- nap of Its kind in the wcrld. U is mado of sand colorc'd to correspond with the actual colors of tie cr^tind and dottep with niiniaturo buildings, tri'e«, rivers, 'roads â€" all uc-urately located and rcpre- Isentative of the hi'v.hI appeiiiince of the actual Bppciuar.ee of llie ground fioin an altitude of 4000 feet. The aviiiturs in-lniiniiig look duwn on this ninp fioin a t^iillery. The iuslnietor Hashes tiny electiic lights which are embedded in the sand to indicate burtt- ng shells. Cadets, watchinsj these buut-s and the .siiiiill iiiiips with which they are supplied, send down to the instructor wireless cud-'s advi^-ing him how to correct his (ire. It can be seen thattlii.s neccs.sarily caHsfor a i|Uick and iilert biaiii, an eagle eye and a lliocough groundiniJ! in rvireless leleyiauhy. Yet this splendid tr:-.inin'4 is hul (Jiie i.f the many phases of ihe aviatm's propaialii n. Apart from actual Hyiug he must also learn something if lisjhtin'.; tactics, atrial •,jliologra|il]y, in;ip re:idin'_', bombing, engine and ,i luplane construction and machine guns, .and iiieteuroloy . It can be safely said that the courses followed by Cadets at the School of Military Aeronautics ensure that no aviator ^s given his wings at the fioui without having us his best eiiuipmcnt a t borough practical traiuini; in all these branches of the (lying man's craft. N(»T1CK-A club of White Sowing Machines at cut prices up till Xmai. ' .1 liii the ehib. save money. A special deiiionsti.iiur wdl be here mi Dec. 20, 21, 22 and will show to ymi that the White, ni.'ide III ('ainula, is Kiiii; of all inaolilni.'S, .\ special bargain will be yivcii to the tirst purcliaiev from Flesherton. What about that piaiKi'.' Sjii'cial piicesfor Xnias J. C. Kuiitner,tuusic dealer, Markdale. For sale cneap ana on easy tPrins, Lot ' f if( IS, con, 11, Ospioy, 110 acres. This isi | K> a tirst class farm and in a good slate of | l^*i cultivjiliiin. (inod bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to K. .J. Sproule Klesherton Farm NVandd- On shares with (^r without stock aud implements. Apply to â€"Fred Tyler, Feversham P.O. F,ir .Side One set siii;;l one robe uliiinst iU'W,iir wi for green stuve wood. Klesherton, lint. harness new, bf oxchansjed W. \V. Trimble. House and Lot for .Sale at Maxwellâ€" j Apply to James Long, Feversham. j Try Feversham Pastry Flour, (he best for yiiur conk. All Ontv.riu wheat. Yearling Leicester ram for sale at 81a. J. A StUiirt, Kimberley. MISCELLANEOUS 'iinthook f.iuiid- Apply to Some New Year Bargains LADIES' CLOTH COATSâ€" We have a number of ladies' cloth coats in tliilereiil styles which we carried over from last sesison â€" the cloths are all wool iiiul very much bettei quality than can be obtained now for love or money. The sizes are fairly well as.sorted and every garment is in first class condition. Prices originally ranged from $IO.i30 to .$1^,50. All Selling at Half Price. We offer the balance of our ladies coats purchased this season at a discount of 20 per cent from regular prices. Footv^ear Bargains Women's Overshoes-â€" 'â- 'ostqoaliiy goods. Some buttoned, otliera with buckles^ Correct style last.'; â€" All Size?. Rfgiiiar 82,50 for S2 Men's Snag'proof Rubbersâ€" First quality goods. Red sole and heel, three Eyelet.'^â€" All Size?. Regular 83.25 for s2.50. Aden's Felt Bootsâ€" T'ii'st quality goods. Rubber sole and vamp, eight eyelets. Sizes 7 to 10. Regular 83,2.'i for $2.93. Uaderwear Special Two lines of Mens wool, elastic knic, ribbed, luisbriukabie shirts und ^drawers â€" nearly all sizes 'creâ€" especially those for small and large men Tlioro are two (iiialit'es, one worth SI. 25 and the other SI. 50 per garment. Selling for 75c. and 95c. Two Olkly â€" ^len s Eat lined coats. Otter collars, good l-eavy black wool beaver shells. One size, 40. for 840.00. One size, 12, for S45.00. Ijotli these gartnenls ofler a saving of at least SI5.00 each on regular prices. are k4, ::> iMi-3. A. I'.adgeiow, Fleshevtoiwi'ral (iwiiercan have same by paying fur this ndvl. Having taken over from H. B. McLean the W. (J. I'ickrll Insurance busiiu'ss, I am prepared tcj look after ihe interests n[ the public. lluLib It. Hamnunul, li. It. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESH ERTON, - ONTARIO. Coliimbia Grafonolas Xo.l, Kcigci i.a Agent. 1 Aug. Plume 2 1 Notice â€" All accounts overdue must be settled by Jan. l.">, otherwise costs will be incurred.â€" .liinics A. Kennedy. Priv.ite "funds to loan m real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. \i)idv to R. .L Sproule, Flosherton. â-  " ^ .sept 2;{ charged in error in l',)17 â€" Carried. Burnett- Stinson- That W. D. Hop kins be refunded -SI. 5" for statute labor charned in l!il7^Carried. Th Kinpress lintel in Mount Forest has been closed owinj; to lack of fuel. The llydro was turned on in Tara and the street li;<hts are working in perfect order. Everyone is delighted with the That George ; ijg|,j ^nd Tara ir, now o.ie of the host '"" . lighted tuwiis in the pio.ince. I...- Rettlets Nitur*. Nothing: iu nature ia absolutely per- manent. Changes are going on slowly, but steadily, every uoment, parts of Mathewson- Hurnettâ€" That the fob j the earth being elevated above the sea, lowinc statute labor char-ed in 1!»I7 be Parta sinking below it, the oceau wear- «. uranain vi. â-  • tnUding it out In another, and SO oa to ioflnlty. FISH AS A FOOD. refunded iJraliani S<) - Carried. Burnettâ€" Cameronâ€" That A. McVicar be refunded 17.28. beinj? bu^iops? assess- ment in error for ^I'-'l?â€" 'arriad- , Net Nearly Enough of It Is Used In Mathewson â€" Cameron â€" That Mr. This Country. Burnett's report b" received and ho bo' The avornge .\uicrlciin outs twenty paid »:!,4r> on »34.D0 expended, and poiuid.'J of fish a .voar, 82.50 for overseeing work Notice â€" All parties owing me for sows | please pay up, as I have gone out of the j bus'nesaâ€" Geoige W.dler. I Farm \Van'ed--To rent, near school T. Fenwick. Hugenia. Hishesl price for butter and eggs at 1 Graham Bros. Kugenia. June 20 | Columbia Records -FOR SALK BY- For Sale -A Doherty orijan, Hve (Ctave, knee swell, ( ctave coupler and ,.l<.ht other stops : in good condition : cheap and on easy tetnis. Advance orticc. Kiiipiire at W. A. Armstrong JEWELLER, FLKSHKRTON (in townline A. and P. â€" Carried. Burnett -Camerouâ€" That Mr. Malli- e'.vson's report be received and he be paid «2.!»5 on $21».2i) expended, al8u 20c .for suppliea for (jraderâ€" Carried. Burnett â€" Mathewson â€" That Mr. tilinson's report on 140 sideroad be received and he be paid ?;'..20 on 8H.'t.75 expended -Carried. Burnettâ€" MalLewson â€" That the report of cooiiiiittce to build snow fence on the station hill sliowioK an expenditure of 4124.40 be received and the cominilloo be iMiid J2 .">0 each for one day's .services on same Carried, Burnettâ€" Mathewson That tin) tieas- urer receive from Mr. Stinson f7 for lumber sold aud not rei|Uirod for snow fence, and from the Keevc >;{.50 for timber sold the county fr(.tn Sauf^uen liridge- -Carried. Mathewion â€" Cameron - That Mr. Stinson'H re{x>rt on balance of expendi- ture be received and he he p.tid 91 .ori on 410 44 expendedâ€" Carried. Cameron â€" M*thnwsoti That the iieeve'a rnpott on valley road, showin<! ^48,2.'« expended, be received and he bo |iaid 94.H^i for sameâ€" ('arried. Mathewson â€" Buinett-- That the tioas- uror receive from tho township ol Proton through .Mr. Stinson $.">•"> in eiiuivalent | Butler, tunxpenditure on the l.>wnliiu' in 11117 ~C»rrted. Cameron â€" Burnett -That tli>* H. K, Fower Com. ere hereby authorized This includes oysters, clam.s, crabs, lobster, shrimp and mussels. Ouo dietary authority states, according to Leslie's N\'eekl.v. that 20() miles Inland from our three coa.sts (be coBsuniplioii of llsh food pec person is less than a half pound uniiu- ttlly. Each inhabitant of the British isles has fish on his bill of fare to the ei- teut of lOO pounds every twelve months, while ttio fish consamptiou per capita In Germany is 120 pounds; Hol- land, 130 pounds; Norway, Sweden and Denmark, 1j() pounds; China, 225 pounds, and Japan, nearly 500 pounds. Latin Americans are the only people Who eat less fish than do tho Inhablt- ants of the United States. There is absolutely no sane argument against the larger and more extensive use of fish as a daily diet Uiroughont the length and breadth of this laxid. It is ideal as a food. It Is highly nutri- tious and rich in protchis. It is most easily digested. It contains in great abundance the chemical ingredients for making boue, muscle and tissue. As a food nothing detrimental can possibly be said agahist it. l''ish, with the excep- tion of a few species, are clean feeders iH[ umn. Carefully Corrected Kaoh Week Kkij;s, fiesii Whe.a t>«ls ... . Peas to B*r'"y--. , . , ., , I Potatoes. . . proceed and make tho necessary chanxen ftuck wheat •»nd connections in order to j^ive Mr. (i. ' f2 Duck- *'. Orahaiii power tor !iIh mill at MuKflnti --Carried. At this stage Ihe Iteeve wac reipiested to vacate the chair, nhicli waa taken by Mr. C iineron and Ihe fidli.wui;; resolu- tion was introduced : Cameron --Burnett -That the thanks of tlii* ('iiuncil arc hereby tendered the Hoevf, Mr. T. U. McKen/ie, for tho courteous and o«[>al>le manner in which I Chicken-* i Kowl. . . .•{'2 'o ;u"> 42 ofiO to 2 25 70 to 7r> 1 '.HI to 2 10 <Mi to !)5 li.:ia !»5 to 1).1 2;i to 2;i 21 to'.' I 22 to 22 MI to l)i BULL FOR SLRVICi; Iloyistored Shnitlinrn bull for s.>rvii'e. Term-: f 1 .50 for ^rado cclw^, l.'l.OO for tefjiatcrod cows. C")n. 4, lota 1.0â€"11, Arteinesi.'*. I July l"*, J. D. Mil.EOD.Ceyhm. The Old Adage T^e Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating 'J'Ik^ same is o(|iialI_\ true of the lOoi' Gravity asher. Try one and he convinced that there is none liettor. S. HEMPHILL Agent, I Ceylon ImiU Hiic i)t McL'tn-mick Farm Implements, Bimlers Mowoi's, KiiUes, Loai'crs, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorou2h.)red Vorkshire Cuir for service on lot 11, con. 8, Oprey. Terms 81.50. FRED SPOFFARD. WINTER TERM FROJl JAN. 2.M. ^ELLIOTT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Points with priJe to its long list of successful graduates. A high standard is always maintained here. Write for our Catalogue. Keen demand for our students. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prixcip.m. FI es]^er*ton ^^ Tonsorial V Parlors We Aim to Give Entire batisfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monduy night, delivery Friday evenin CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We at agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Cluthoa cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER. -PROPRIETOR STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE Tamwortli Swine, P>. R. Eggs, and Kouen Dnck E"gs. I liave fi.riiiiii k salesoine yoiinjjTaiuuoitlis for bieetlinK Iiiii|ic>se.<; also some liarred Rock eggs, and Rouen Duck eggs for hatohing piir- po.ses. Pnce.sri(?ht Phone oi' write â€" (iKO. W. Rt)tiS, Oct IWIO Osprey Tl. .''ystein Maxwell. V New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am openina up atance, a blacksmith- ing and woodworkina; business iu Max- well, and am "nBtallins; up-to-date wood- working machinety. It will be my en deavor to serve the public in a satisfae- toiy manner and I would solicit patron- age. I wint yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG jgj Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placetl on the shelves a full line )i Tinware, Nickelware ami Agateware for domestic use. Call on nie antl get your supplies. ings Eavetroughing, Stovepipes ami Stove Furnish- Kepairing of all kinds prciv.ptly attendetl to. ]{i(lini' and Walking airows Uiantfcrd Wind Mills, Pmiips, Piping antl Fittings of all kinds, Ik'attic ay Carrier.s. Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Fohling Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wire and Fence ('utters and Sleiglus. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Something Sensible for Christmas Gifts P^^ II jl » Select a i;ift this year (hat ijoea int.i Ihe home and atayi in tho home I! -â€"something that will KiVJ yearn of service and will bo a co latnut reminder jl of your thoughtfuieH.'i and affection. jl FlUNITUHK IS THE MOST WELOt.MK OF AU. XMAS GIFTS. [jl Some appr<'printe selections llookcases. Fancy Tabl<'n, .lardinero Stands, Pi Easy Uhairi, Rockers, etc. Hi Another u.seful auggeation â€" A Kitchen Cabinet. KverythinR at hand H A (tep saver and a money saver. I For The Youngsters â€" Hij»h Chair', Hocking; llornes, Kookerx, S^ D(dl Carriages, etc. New Moiddinff^ on hand for Picture Framing. Ni:W MKTUODIST HVMN HCOK II A ntiniher of congregatioii.s are adopting the now llyniu liook at (he t Now year. We have aaniple.s on hand and are lakiiij,' orders for (he same I anil intend i>ii(ting in a aeleet sli'ck in the varioii.s Blyles atul'biiidings. Seciue one for yoinself ft make vi'or (lieiid a present of one for Xinaa. W. FI. BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, >â-  ONTARIO. Pipetitting, incliulin Kiunaces installed. Furnaces. pnnip work. for Glare Agent Bros. I D. McKILLOP I CHRISTOE BLOCK in FLESHERTON M ONTARIO. i las jasjaKffls^^i TJ^PJS/SPSPJS!, FARM IMPLEMENTS { 1^ A.|i^ents fox* Plows Hay Rake GultiTaton Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AQKNT FLESHERTON.

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