Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1918, p. 5

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January 10 J9I8 THE FLESHEKTOK ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA IMAD OTFieC • TOROMTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. .38 FLESHERTON BRANCH ssT'D itra CEO. MITCHELL, ntanafer. Trains follows.: Going South 7.53 a. m, 4.27 p.m. The ruiiils are C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station demnity, yet she iras puttibj; billions of money and millions of men into the war Her object involved a greit moral i->sue. She was bs'btini; for the freedom iiianlcind with absolutely no unselfish end in view. follows : For the north at 10.40 u.in.and Tho.se who were present at the Meth- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at odi.st church Sunday evening enjoyed a rare musical treat in the singing of live Going North!' 12.01 p.m. I t>.18p. m. osed at Flesherton U, 3.40 o'clock. For ruorning train south mail close at !) p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS \. Mi-s Altda MitL-liell re'.unred to ^Vhitby ladies' college on Tuesday. Mrs. \V. A. Armstrong is visiting with fiiends in Turonto this weet. Mrs. Wesley Clinton of Srr^::;;5»Id, Sask., is visit-ng friends here. little boys, the eldest not more than 13 | years of age, sous of Mr. and Mrs. Win, j Large i-f Eugenia, This manly little ' {uintette rendered two sacred selections j in a way that cave much pleasure of those who heard tlieni. In the selection, ' " Lord, I m coming hume,'' they were: particularly effective, taking the air, | tenor and alto parts very sweetly indeed, i In both selectiotis they sang the words withji't a hitch and from memory. These „.„.,„- - ^ . talpntei' little lads will drubtless be Miss hDiily renwicK c,t Feversbi m ! i> , ,. i- neard from some day. Un this occasun they were an insp itation and all who Jas. Stioson, â-¼ isited last week with Mr Toronto line. * The Red Cross knitting tea will be held at the hoiae of M«. Will Boyd on Friday, 11th icst. Kverybody welcome. The Spriughill Rftd Cross society will meet at Mrs. SI. Thistlethwaite's, frL evening; Jan. II. hlverybody welcome. The annual meeting cf Kimberley Poultry Association will be held on Jan. 10 .it 7.30 p.:n. The weather of the past week has been a vast improvement over the previous week, which has made life better worth livioj. were present hope to hear them again. Outside Elections C aptain Spencer, Hero ? The Meaford Expte&s is hot on the trail of Captain Spencer, who was such an indefatii{able recruiter in this count y for the 147th Batt.. and whoae brave words resounded in clarion notas from he Methodi't pulpit in Flesherton during the campaign, aa in many other pulpits throughout the county. Some ••f the young men whom thu^ brave rtagwaving captain i.iduced to enlist at J Flesherton have made the supreme aacritjce, whjlc he is now said lo be returning home from Eo^'land after -smellina the battle from afar. Here is what The Express has to say : According to information received a^ thU othce we Irtarn that C*pt. Spencer is another local otJicer who is on his way ^'^ I home from the front, he not willing t... j 80 to France and used his age aa the I stumbling-block to save him from further j anxiety at the seat of war. W"j don't like saying these thinijs behind any j pet on 's back, but we will remark that i he w.ll get a " real welcome "' when he j ecmes back to Meaford, if he ever does. ! If there ever w;u a man who should fee! i ashamed of himself, it ij Captain Spen- I cer, WHO stood on the platform in the i town hall and Jared the youna men to go i to the front, aisurina them that he would ' not asK them to ijo where he would not go himself. lu the pulpit of the Meaford Methodist church he stated that he did not want to speak to a young man who was a<,l in khaki. Well, Judas Iscarii..t. who ever would have thought that a man who has acted as a clergyman for so many year^ would fall into such evil waysâ€" to become the joker when the pa..:. Ls shuffled. He also led the people of Meaford to believe that h.> was dyin,' to get to France and OSPREY got away with a k t of tonsense because I Morrison, Reeve : .\ Arn.tt, Deputy | ^® ^^ 'he nerve to carry it through Reeve ; Cour.cillors, W Kaittinp, John L<ieklivt and Georae Ross. The Royal Scarlet MARKDALE Markdale council elected by acclama- i tion, as follows: Reeveâ€" Mr. A. J. Boyd; Councillorsâ€" T. H. Reburu, R. O. Whit- ! by, B. H. Walden and T- H. Wilson; Chapter of Arte- . ,,5^, f^,, j^^^,,^,^, trustees-H. Knott, W oiesia will meet iu Clayton .< hall, Flesh- erton, on .lau. 14 for eleccion of otticers. . â€" Glen Daris, Scribe. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar .anuounc the engagtmeui of their youngsst daughter, Annie Gladys, to Mr. George F. Hargrave, the wedding to take p'ace the third week of this moaffa. Mr. Will Thompson of Strathcona, Alberta, sends Tke Advance his 3'2ad renewal for the paper, accompanied by holiday greetings. Thirty-two jeivrs as a subscriber is a pretty fair rt;cord. C«n any pei-son on our list beat ^c '? The annual lueetiu- of the East Grey Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall. Flesherton on January lUch U)ld, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. All â- lembers are reijucs'ad to be present. â€" W. A. Ilawkrn, Stc. Mr. AUie Best, who was so seriously injured a year a^o in a bu!«h accident, I Mr- JaiU'^s McAuley of Invermay. was was taken to Owen Sound last week to ' ^""""^ ^^^'^ "> ^^- ^'^^'^ was due to undergo massage treatmeut in h opesthat 1 beatt tailiire it may iuipro .e his condition. jLllie'a nany friends sincerely hope it m.ay. Clerk NV. J. Bellamy received otiicia| notification on Friday thaf his second son Robert, had been dangerously wounded. "Bob'' IS with the Cauadiau fortes I near Lens, and it ii supposed the j casualty occurred in the recent activity | of the Germans in that res;ior.. I'riceville | and Mrs. j A. Xcely and Rev. J. Thurbutn-Conn. GLEXELG All by acclamation â€" A. McCuaia, Reeve: Councillorsâ€" T. Turnbull, M. lunis, M. Black and Geo. E. Peart, DUNDALK Reeve â€" A. E. Cjigan: Councillorsâ€"' W. J. .Vrmstrcu^, W. J. Russell, A. C. McDowell ar.d R. McKinnett, all elected by acelaniation. EUPHRASIA J T Miller. Reeve : Geo Hutchinson, Deputy Reeie : Councillors, Andrew Wallace, U V Gaudin and W Paton. PRorox Reeve â€" E. E. Hockridge. Dep. Reeve â€" W. A. Richardson. Councillors â€" Robinson, Fraser and McTavish. carry it I Whi^n this man enlisted he attended the meeting of the Methodist Conference iu a khaki suit and received all the credit due him st that time. We wonder if he will appear -.iX. the same mee:ing when he gets home and tell his fi-iends that he came home on account .if his age â€" that the authorities would njt let him so to France and they simply had to bold him. he being so determined to go. A Hero of Three Wars Michael Scully Dies Suddenly on Monday Pte. John Menary and his sister. Miss Annie Meniry, of Toronto, were iu town for a few hours on Monday, putting up a the Grand Central hotel while heie- During the day a number of their friend:^ called to extend Xew Year's greetings and to congratulate P:e. Meuary upon his safe return from overseas. Pte. Menary has the unusu&l distinction of having served in thre^ wars. He was through ibe second Riel rebellion, fought in South .Africa in the Boer war and went overseas with the Second Canadian Cor- tingeut. He » '.s in the trenches on the Western front upwards of a year. The veteran is looking well and says, that he intends 10 go overseas again and help tinish off the Huns. Pte. Menary is an Orangeville boy. of whoiu all Orange- villiaus i>asl and present are justly proud. â€" Orangeville Banner. , . , The old centleman was one of i>uple and ' ^ ,. , , , ' bound s oldest business Owen men, the firm in the early days Iving Lloyd & Scully. Mr. Michael Scully, who has for years cmducted a produce business in Flesher- ton, died suddenly at his huuie in Owen Sound ou Monday of this week. This last fall, owing to poi>r health. Previous to rtnioving troiu I'riceville | j^j^ g^.j,„j. ^,^,^^^5 ,„^ busiuess here and to Toronto, on Dec. -^ti. Mr. and Mrs. j ^g^,;^^^ t^, ^^.u^ j^^j,,^, to his home in McLianou wore made the recipients of a q^^„ Sound. He was suddenly stricken goodly sum of nwuey aud a warmly j ^^^^ f,^^^ {,^11^,^^ i,„ Monday, worded .iddre.-s. The citizens presented a purse of J7o to the worthy the Red Cross presentod Mrs. McKinnou and daughter, Laura, with a piuseof $20. 1 Almost every trade and profession has! its newspaper or journal locking after j iti. special interests. There are several j farm papers, but only one t'.iat can be. It was learned last Friday that a move- truly called the Fanners' Business Paper, nient is starting among Kitchener manu- That paper is the \Yeekl)r Suu. Toronto. [ faeturets to retaliate against the boycott Every farmer who farms for profit should that is being placetl upon that city by lie a subscriber. The Sun will pay for , neighboring and distant cities. It is itself many tioaes over dutini? the year, 'stated Ih.at a start has been made by one C«R8iderable woud has been couiiog to prominent n..inufacturer who retuses to town during the past two w,»ek9, and place an order with a Brantford tiaveller although no coal is arriving the fuel , because of the sevr te sentiment against 4ue«tion may be said to be fairly well in Kitchener euiaLating frc»i that city. hand, for the lime beinvr, at least. Wood , The manufacturer is said to be cm* of the has sold here for four dollars per short | firauiford concern's best customers and cord, which is not considered abacrmal | he is determined to puruha.'se nothing The Kitchener Boycott The Rural T^leplioae For The .\dvanc*. The rural telephone is Si-.?, I certainly must say. But it's very hard to get the line On almost any d»y. •Then when ycu trv *â- â€¢: <:»11 a friend You almost always hud Au audience great to ycu attend. In silence very kind. Sometimes a biibv cries, and then] The audience smaller grows. Because the baby don't know when He ought to tell his woes. So thii advice from lue please li«ke â€" I don't mean to otfend â€" No conversation private make When talking tc a friend. -MISS PRIM. Rod and Gun con- I more from Brnntfurd. when the price paid elsewhere is sidered. Some towns have been unable to got either coal or wood and ara j ghirt manufactorer. it wa* learned that suflfering. Even the city of Toronto Is 1 delegates from the board of trade m St. up against it «ood and haM with Sunday ! Catharines. St. Thomas and Br.antford emergency dehveries lo the most needy. ( called on him ia an effort to i>ersi«ade Sunday was ob.servd ia the churches ' »»™ '^"»--^^« "> o°« "f ">* l^ree cities, here as a speciai d«y -f i'rayer for the ' "* "'•"'^ '*"»' •»« "^""^ '^' <^^' '^^ '^ ""^y .\iiiong the m.igaisiues on the news stands du ing the holiday season the January number of Rod and Gun. with its li»t of contents depicting outdoor life makes a si'iecial appeal to the sportsman, In :in interview with a pri.>minent local ; wh)se activities at this season are limited in the field of sport ai'd who is therefore dependent upon written experiences for his enjoyment. .Among the c->ntributors â- J>.3i^^cgg i:! '-1 ! Women Like to Read The Toronto Daily Star Tlie reason is clear. It contains more real features of direct interest to wo- men than does any other daily paper in the country. There is a style dian- which illustrates and describes gowns worn at smart functions. Its fashion notes are written by experts. ^ It gives full particulars of all Woman's Club activities. ] Its Social Service is right up to date. â- '• It has a cornpiete short story every day, and such other featur^^ as Bed-Time Stories for the Kiddies, Dot Puzzles, and. good cartoons, and the latest news of barg:iir.5 in the stores. In fact. It covers every phase of particularly interests women. th e wor Id' s news that In addition to this. The Toronto "Daily Star ' gives the most comprehensive war and general news service ob- tainable through any paper in Canada. Subscribe for it. and after you h week we venture to say that you at any price. ave been reading it tor a wouldn' ?adin bv» \v'ithout it Subscribe for it To-day The price is $o.(X) a year iu advance. You may seud this to the publisher of your local paper, to your pc^stmast'^r. or direct to Buy Now For Xma^ QhpJ5t|^aS Suggestions Put » new Pollock Phouola in you home f.ir Xmas and li»ve the real music^ which will entertain every person. .Mso a gojd stock of Records on hand. eutento allied arms, according to tha kinjt's proclamation. At the MethinUst church in the evening Rev. Mr. Belfry dwoll to some extent on our war aims would arrange to pu rchase his factory in Kitchonei. They wiuld not ageetothis. and informed Ihe shirt maker that he would be unable to do bui>ines.-i from Kitchener. The manufacturer reloited and the power of moral riijnt. during the , course of which he p!»id a remarkably ' t*"*! he coull do business from the p.tid a line tribute to th.' rnitsl States. He , *»f""al regions if hi., gooila and prices «a nted to know what she w;vs lighting ""^ "«•"•'• "" P*^"*** ""* *" "" '""^'^ for, and said : She wanted not a foo-. of ^'^ "*<*"' delegates by selling them all ar. a d..lUt of ia orvter lor shirts. territory and asked not to this number are Bi>nnvcastle Dale, H. C. Haddon. M A. Shaw, Edward T- Martin, George R. Belton, Robert Page Lincoln and many others. The usual departments are well maintaii.ed. I'lider The Trap department appears a write-up of the Grand lutern.alion.al Tournament at St. Thomas recently, while Ths KiHiicl section contains an illustrated reconl of the tecei t Can.adian National ' field Tr'als held at Ot>jibw».v. Rid J and t^iun is publi,-hed at Woodstock. Oat by \V, J.Taylor, Limited. $90 liTHKR Moi'BU-! From lis* w |i50 A full line of sheet music on hand also Cameras and the latest styles of K.lders AT W. A. Hawken's Photo Gallery Flesherton Silver PUied Cutlerv Cold Meat Forks ' Ferrt Spoon? Sugar Shells Pickle Forks Cut Uss sets Carving sets Pie Knives Decanter Pickle Pocket Cutlorv Razor«, Sbavjug Brushe.* Skates (automobile i Hockey supplies Clothes Wrin^ets Cirpet Sweepers Enamelwaro. Churn?, FooA CU.>pperj HoudsawsJ Bucksaws Braces And manv otber verv useful uifts sets Crnetsj THE BOYS A GIRLS Whc have been work- -o strenuously .>n the farms producing food food for thoM at home and Overseas should be given the opportunity of improvinsj their Edu- cation durinij the slack winter months at the The fees are 00 higher than whea farm produce sold ac half the price of today. The yonna people will be benedted throughout hfe from tla training iu Busine«s obtained in a few winter mouths of our Special Business Course. Winter term begins. Wed. Jan. 2 Circulars free. C. A.FUMING,rC.A.,PrinciMl, Dept. A.. Cwea Sound, Onirio. Pulpwood Wanted Two thousand cords of Spruce and B.alsain wo<.<d, cut 4 ft. long, not I««9 ..».. th-»n 4i in. at the small end, kuota Fl^l 1^ I I &I /> a K| i^i^xined close for which we will pay |i.( Im II 11 |\||, A Wtercvud for b.tlsanj. and $7 i>er cord for • â- â-  « 1/ W II V n 11 Spruce, delivered at nearest R.aJroad ;Statiou. .Vnyono having: same for sal* jwrtte to phone Markdale 39-'o2, ' â€" W. T, ELLIS, Kimberley. The Fle$herti>a HarJwkre. Phone 30 «"\

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