Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1918, p. 1

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v». /leskrtxrn ajrtimtw* TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0I 37 No, o(3 Flesh-crton, Ont., Tliursciay, January 2-4, LOUi W. H TflUKJsTON '^tr;-^: ad PBOPKIB Eugenia Paragraphs Mrs. DenisoD uf Torunto is visit ini^ lior sister, Leone Pellar. * Mrs. VVes Ciiiiton, of Suskitchewan, visited her cousin, Mrs. J. I'arliaiuenf Ml. McKinnoii of Bruce viiiied a week with his sister, Mrs. Foester. The Eugenia \V. I. held :i very suc- cos.sful ineetiuK st the boine of Mrs. \V. Purvis, where they made arriinye.uenti. for holding a concert en Feb. Ist, and ii letter was read from some of ilie boys ut the front thanking the Eugei.i* folk f. r the dainty Christmas treats they had received. Ne.\t meeting to be lickl nt Mrs. Parliament's. The Eugenia Lidie.s' .\id and Mi.-.sioii- ary Society held their aunuiil uieetiii;,' recently. Tho otticers elected fur the M.ssionary Society were, President, Mr.s. McKee ; Vice Pres. , Miss ( i . Smith ; Treas., Miss L. Hislop ; Sec. Miss Jlae Carruthejs : Bale Sec, Mrs. K. Purvis. The otticers elected for Ladies' Aid were, Pres., Mrs. A. l-'ameroii : Vice Pros.. Mrs. A. Carruthers ; Tieas., Mrs. J. Campbell; Sec, Miss M. Carruthers; Auditors, MiK. V. Gtnoe and Mies Smith. A dainty lunch wa.s .served by the ladies Mrs. A. Hoy and daughter spent a couple of days with friends at Flesherton. .Vnyone wishiiij to tio knittin;,' for the Ked Cross may get yarn at the home of Mrs. A. Hoy. Don't forget the Red Cross concert on Feb. 1st. The piogiani will consist o^ .sons!=, recitations, dialogues, violin selec- tions by D. McDougal, re:>diog by Miss Welch, violin duet.« by Mis.ses Usborne and McDowall of Maxwell, and music by the Carruthers tamily. Couie oi.e. conie all. Proceeds to buy comforts for the Roldisrs. We are glad to report Miss Maud Uuckett able to be up and hope t-j see her out soon. The patrons of Eugeuia R. R. 1 are proud of their carrier, for the e.xcellent service he has given them durius the recent severe weather. Bornâ€" Sunday, Jan "'0. to Mr. and Mrs. Courthnd Smith, a sv-n- William Percy, Missing Heathcote witli ilu'ir .Mi.v. First " Flip *' Greatest Thrill .Amon^ the men aIio make up the vast ioilal army now beius; trained in ditferenc parts of this continent from Texas to Toronto there ii onu common confession that seems at tirst thought surprisin;!. U is generally presuined that an aviator's greatest thrill comes at the nionient he lirst meeis an cucuiy machine in combat and sends hurtling down from a height of thousands of feet in the air his lirst victim. That tk s is a thrilling sensation uo i\iafor ever dei.ies, ncr that it is a sensation whose e.xciienieiU sets his nerves tingling with c.\hilaratiiig ji y on every occasion it is repeated. IJut, despite this, new lltdged aviators who have learned "stunts'' and otticers who have fi>U)iiit tho Hun alike asree th^t their nH'^t o\i;itiui' inoiiuul came on tho Jiiy they first donned the fur limd helmet and a pair of goggles. "H i-wdid you feel at your first flight?" is a <iuostit.ii thit the aviator, once induced to talk, will lil^:vitlbly answer to one effect. "T cortaiuly bejan ti; tremble when 1 found iny.^elf beii.g strapped in. .Vnd my fears were not quieted when at the cry "contact sir" the engine roared and the greut piopeller swished, iiiakiii.! a huriicane that bent buck the grass for tifty yards bohinJ .he uiacliine. Then when the wood blocks were cloaie.l ai.d the machine careered buuipiiiir across the ivrodroaic, my trembluig w.is frightful. Up a few humliod feet wi> besian to "bank". 1 f 'liiui myself looking no-: at the ground. 1 whs no lonuer tionibliii'!. It was the purest, maddest joy I've ever felt. The feelinjj I'f power ami mastery, the sheer e.'ihilar»'ion tilW me with a new sen.saliou. a thrill I'll never foigot " In the Royal Flying C't; .i trainini; Citiiipa a good interviewer can gel sMiiiljr "tirst flip' impressiouf from huritlreds of the cadets in training. l5 it he must be I a good iuterviewei. There is a vaguo, I j mysterious tetieence c..-"!* over â- Â» man i I once he settles down to i:fe around .-t^'ro- 1 plane hangars. -New interests, new ' I exparieoce?, uew ideas crowd upon him daily till all s»^^e of novelty seems to I e â-  , lost. Uo lives in auother world. And ' the fact that the men who lead in that I j worldâ€" the uiou who have "doue things, ' ,, . . , i,'^ , , over there " are inialestly silent about I bP'' to I hank the electors ot Osprcv n â-  j â-  u- • .. . .. „ .t '; * ^ then- doings tinprosspR him mightily. He' becomes mudly reticent â€" boc.tuse he is treating ihom on an •> ,ual footing and leariij to respect/ the staudard.s of good ' fellowship that they respect. Perliapa I that \» ( nc of the (^rtatest H'tmctioiis the ' lU), the public (»nd high schools of R^'y! Fl)'in« Corps ctn oflvr -an all.per- | Kl >r« have been closed indetinitely on '< ^"'^•"« y>-'^ ""' "btrusive <tpirii . f ; • ccoont of the sc.wcify of fuel. " mradesf.ip. j Mrs. Richard Breen has arrived home after a fortnight's visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. Hammun and Dscar Maxwell of Truax, Sask., ara visiting with thoir brother, U^rb, of this village. Joseph Kaake hod the misfoituiic to l.'Se a valuable horse while drawing logs from the bush i. Thornbury. Mr.Couldof Markdale visited Jiin'es Hoyd and family recently. The Methodist .Vuxiliary held monthly meeting at the home of Owens, third line, Thursday afternoon. Thomas Sewell attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Lake, near Woodford, on Sunday, Jan. il. Mi.-ss Madge Ueekie returned hut we..k alter visiting her graDduiother, Mr.'<,Jas. Charters, over the holidays. The I'resbyteriaij Sunday school held a sociable evening at the home of .Mrs. Simuel David-iun on Friday evening,.'8ii. II, when a very pleasant time was spe-ii. 'The Heathcote VVoiueu's Institute held a special meeting for sewing pur- pises at the home of Mrs. J. Tv. VTliite on Wednesday week, and, on account of the splendid success, it is decided to continue during winter months on every second and lut Wednesday of each mouth. The next meeting will he held at ths home of Miss Oertie faweett on Wednesday, Jan. ;!0. Mtev the bu.tiuess part of the meeting the remainder of the time will be speot in sewing. The Piosbyterian Auxiliaiy met at tie homo of Mrs. Jaines Uoyce on Thursday Hftenioon. PTE. SIAXLEY PaRLI.\ME.\T Stanley Parliament, who.se photo appeals above, was reported missing on Nov. litli, 1!U7, and hi-* pay was stopped on Uec. ;!l>t. No fuither woid lias lieen received regarding his fate. His only brother. Earl, wiis kilted in action i>n Sept. l.'i, 191(> The two boys wore the only sotis of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parliament of the 8'h line, Artemesia. Staul.;y enlisted with the lo4th Batt. in London in August, 1915, and went to England in October of the .same year, wh,.Te he was later drafted into tlie :J4:h Reserve. He left England for France in August, 1'.I17. Ho was 'J.'J years of age. The probability is that both of Mr, Parli^oo'iii s sons have made the supreme sacrifice for their couiUiy. His son- iiilaw. r^o. .\Kx. Hoy, is also now in Fcnnc-', he having gone to Eniiland tt''h t e :3l.Stii lU'talion. Ceylon Chat Feversham Items M^ss Clara Uilchriil left on Thur.'dHy last to visit with frieula at Caledon and Toronto Mr. Cuiuiiiius left last week to visit with Toronto friends Mr. and Mrs. W. Meads, Mrs. Ju.seph Olivtrr, Mrs. James Oliver visited last week with Mra. Ferris of Toronto, who is still very ill. Miss Ethel H.irrow, who has been visiting her parenl.s, Uft Friday to vis,l friends at Toronto and Washington, DC. Mrs. Bell, who has been visi'ing her father, Mr. Robt. Oliver and other frieiid.s, left in Fr:day for her home at Belliughuii, Algoaia. Mr. Joe Snell ,imt his niother, who have for the pisl year been at Cliauvin, Alt*., I el urn ;d here Saturday. JIic Snell remained in Toronto for .i few days' visit. Mr. Thos. Spleer, who h:i« worked I'li the C.P.R section lii're for .several years, has enlisted and left Tuesday imiriiin!; for camp at Niagara. We trust our boys will be .spared to ret;.rii home safe. (»u Monday evening there met at the residence of S. Hemphill, the church Sunday S;hool workers and neighbors to suend an hour and bid farewell to his s on, John , who has joined the colors and left Tuesday uiorning for camp at Niagara. John has always been a faithful member of the Sunday School and will be much missed. Wo trust ere long he will be spared to return and when he does a warm welcome will await him. The eveiiini! was spent in games, uiu^ic and sinking, duiiu;; the course of *h:ch he was ['resented with a purse and address as a slight tuken of I he esteem in which he IS held. The Willing Helpers also presented him with twoBne pair of socks. Both Mr. Hemphill and John thanked the donors very kiiully for ihe g'fts. AftT singing 'God be with you till we luset again" and "God save the King' all rep.iired to their homes. Proton Station The l>usiuess and social life of our villaga has resumed its normal condition since the storm, which isolated it for a lime from the outside world. The Red Cross Society will meet on Thursday evening next at the home of the Piesideiit, Mrs. J. C. Wright. We are gNd to report Miss Lena Park recovering, thouah slowly, from a trying | illness of two months' duration. Nurse Earle, who has been in Hlteudanco, « as allowed M depart on Saturday last. Born- To M». and Mrs. S. Bach'-ler. Sau^jeen .)uncti*n, a son â€" still born. Grey County Council For Year 1918 On Thuiscay afternoon, Jan. pj, Buckingham and Fevershaiu branch of t'le lied Cross .Society met at the lume of Mrs. A'ui. Kaitling ftr the oL'ciiou of otticers for the ensuing year aud also to receive tlio auditors' report for the year nil". Tho aud tors' report was :is follows ; Uece pts S2:i.").7"', expenditure •*218.0li, leaving a balance on hand of ST.ti". Duiiug the piist year this branch has sent to heaJipiaiters the fuUowiiig . 104 paiis socks, 18 shiit*, 2^ d )Zeii pyjania.o, 24 shirt.-, 24 pillow covers, also 11 be.xo.-i to our l>oyfi in France at Clir:st- uias time aud 7 tiozen towels, ;•. very good showing for a branch which only started a year ago, and we are ^ure that thd. ladies who have Worked so hard and f.iilhfully f..r the su>-cefts of their undoi- t.,kuig must have felt joy welbng up in I heir licirts when ;hey heaidooe of ' lieir auduo a read wh i'. th. y iiad,accompIished byr ihuiretUirti to supply lueessiiry th:n<is tor our .Soldier boys who are lighiii:'.» our 'uattles and many of them making Ihc- suprcme taciitiee tiia". we may stil! enjoy the Iroodo'ii that the grand old L'niou Jack floating over >is ensures The oHicers ehc'ed for 1918 wore : Piesi- denr, Mrs. D. 51cMulUii : V ce I'tes , Miss .Mae (."D'nuette ; S-c.-Treas., Mrs Wui. H. Bewell : also coinmiilees fo^ various work. W'e beiieva when thi? co'lc'.'tois appoiutod for Feversham d'S trictâ€" Ma-j Coliiueite and Mrs. W R. Coli|Uetteâ€" call on the poi pie of Fever- sham and vicinity their solicitations will be met wi;h a leady response. The heartiest th-jmks of the membLi-ahip w.us tendered to the President aud Secretary, .VIrs. D McMulleu and Mrs, Win. 11 Bettcll. for the etticient and careful way they had performed their aiduous ta.sks. The branch still ha.s a supply of i;oods on hand to be made up and the next meet- ing will be held at Mrs.' U. .Alt x^tnder s, Feversham, on Jan. 24. .Mr. Sam S.;ndprs(in attendeU his mothers funeral at Orand ValUy wecK before last. Sherd Hudson of ' Umia, Sask., is reuewina old aopiaintauces in ''otario. Mrs. M. Leitch of Kindersley. Sa-k.. is visitiiiu will her mother, Mrs Liugh- liii, and other friends in iliis vicinilv HIS LAST PRAYER. Card of Thanks for their uenorous support in the recent Municipal oleccion. â€" W. KAITIING There will hn a few chaogcs in i he County CuDcil for Grey this year In most ofihe rur.il muiiicip-ilities -if (Jrty County, the till? councils arc in l)y accla- mation, .t> that the same uunibtrs will be back .-i^iain in the no.v. Coiiniy Parliaiiieii'. The eood R-iads Council of 1017 wi 1 be almost intact to Kiiish the j 'b so allv com liieuced .last year. Ful'oving is tin- list i^f Ci'uoty Ciiuncillor.s and the inuoi cipalities which they ropre«e'it : Owen Sound â€" .Fohn Mtijaalcer, ./. (S. Hay, J. C. Giier, Allre-.l Ailkens. Keppel-J.il-n Johnsrii. Sarawakâ€" .A. Abia. Derby- John Leask. Sydenham J. L. Bojd, Geo. Hid. Shallow Lake--VV. J. Shouldce. C!ia's«oilh â€" J. H. Sudden. Holland Ro"-!. llowey. .Meaford -W. H. Sin.'. Th.irii'>iiry â€" l.>lin W. Hutchin.s<ni. Maikdalc- J. A. Boyd. Hanover â€" Dr. .Meains. Piiihaui-- Will. Calder. Fle.iliertou - D. .McT.ivish. S:.ViiKont -P. L. Marshal'. Euuhra>ia--P. T. .Mdier.W. Uutcliius.ui Collingwood- John McCldlan, A. .Vic- Coleman. Gli'ue!g-A. \rcCi>ai«. .\-.tcinesi» -T. R. McKeuaio.A. Camerou. Usptey- Irwin Morrison. Albert -Unott- Protonâ€" E. K. Hoi-kridg-. W. \ Ruh- srdjon. Pontinckâ€" J. Motcftlfe. i .Noraianlyâ€" ,\ndy Si kenk, ,\. Filswgi.r. Diindaik- .\. E. Colgan. E;reMontâ€" John M<s\rt!iiii Stavaiison Wrote It For His Family ttH Night Before He Died. On the night before Deuth gave bin his hand Robert Louis Stevenson com- posed and read lh his family the lol- lowing prayer: "Wc beseech thee. Lord, to behold its with favor, folk of maii.v families ai:d nations, gathered together in the pee e of this roof; weak men uiid women, subsisting under the covert of thy |;:! tieuce. Be patient still; suffer us .vet awhilo longer with onr broken pur- loses of good, with our idle eudeavo.a iigainst evil: suffer us awhile longer f" endure and (if it may be) help ns to t . better. Hless to us onr extraordinary mercies; if tho day come when lhe.<i! must bo taken, liave us piny the m;o,i under aaiiclioii. He with our friem'. ;: be with ourselves. <Jo with each of v.3 to rest; if any awake, temper to tl;: :ji the dark hours of watching, nnd wliou the day returns to us, our sun v. i.d comforter, call us up with moruii.g f.ices and wlili morning hearts, on^.'c to labor, eager to be happy, it h.Ti)pi- ue.'s shall be our portion, and. if the da.v be marked for sorrow, strong to endure if. "We thank thee and praise thee, ai'd. in the words of him to whom this ("ay is saoreii, <.li>se our oblatiou." Bates Burial Co. * « Funeral Directors and ^ w W C JL C 1 V Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPIVfEIMT A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. R. Maddocks. Manager. Pig Came Astray W. A Armstrong, Jeweler S rayed onto h • [u-on.si-s ,.f (ne pnderjisjned on or about July 1st. one' uiii. I Iwner prove nroporty. pny expen.s- ' es and take same away at once. •IT sLKD Fiosho,,,.,,. FLESHERTON, O.NT â- â- <'â- #â- â- Â«*•».â- Â«.â- Â». •••.*..«»•..•.. -'••••"•-.p..^..^^^^^^.^..^,^^^, ^.„ t ,- Hi ifi! 1 m iilS GifS v~r INcw < ;anue.l enion ^v ,^^ .iii'l Citi-o , iVt>l.s. Slielli"! '^> .^ \\';ilniit.>; an.: Almc-ml^. iJcs ^'y^ â- ^ ru^trv Hour. 1 . r breailâ€" Five Roses -K and Harvest (^)neen Onturio bran and shorts '^ We have a lull stock on hand of Royal Piu-ple Stock and Poultiv Speoitic .iml Calf Meal. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario '••â- *â- â- *"♦' ••• ••••••••*•*•••••••••.••••..••.•.. f n LETiUS SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines : Cutters Sleighs ^^, Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Siable Equipment, Etc D. McTAVISH. FLESHERTON >ik=^ i 1 GEMS OF TRANSLATION. Som« Crude Spanish Found In Ame.-4- can Business Catalogues. .V man who n.i-: louniea iJpnnish ill Siiain picked up one of the iiitincroits .iniericuii bnsincss ciitnlofrnes tbtit are sent to l.atlii .\incrK-aii ooiiutries in ul!ei:cd Spanish. This is what he read, ttC>.-ordin,i; to the run .Viiiericnn Review: "In an uiitoinoMIe ciitalotjuo splen- iliUly issued and richly Illustrateil, but full of absurdities on acocuut of its In- snfleraldc traiishil on, I read this cap- lion at the foot >.•'. a inagniticeut illus- tratioii, "Cinco |>.-i-!a,)eros eurros para viajando,' Just a.s if ue would say iu English, 'To tra^r ing car five pas^sen- gcrs,' instead of "i le pusseugor ear for traveling.' In a h-. tlier goods catalogue tho caption "IlariN ss for a single borse buggy' l3 transhi ed into Spanish in i thia way, 'Harness for a bachelorvhorso I ftill of bugs." â- ' I Tou cau flud in many hai^iware w | machinery catalog ics the most striking trniislaUous; for instance, corkscrew , for screwdriver, in t fur screw, gobb'er ' for bolt and hjiir i- ij;l for corkscrew! I Ml of whicli i!.ii>t spread laugtiU-c aud suusbhio iu ^. nth America. ' ! FOR A PAIR OF ' | BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of[Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON

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