Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1918, p. 1

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/kfih^rtflfti %bmnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' * 701 37 No. '57 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, .ririniiary 31, lOlJ^ W. fl THDKb'TON '"^.Zâ„¢ ROIM.i: Ceylon Chat Aiiollioi" yount! miii hsis piiil clie iupreme aacritice, Pie. F;itley Whitruker, who wa.s wuutided and giitseil and later died in France. He was born at this village 25 yeHrs ago but left wiien <|uite youn;, with hi.s parents !.. reside;; near Port Ariliu.v u. ... , . A li" lur. parents He had just- pnnna junior MatricuUtioii in June I'.IKi and intended to study for the clurav. when he enlisted with the Bull Moose liatt.jhack froSi the formei- place He leave.s ijesidea his parents, six sisters «nd three brothers to whom much .sym- pathy is c.xpresaed. Mrs. Jas. Ferris (nee Maf;','ie Mends) of Toronto, who has been in the past two years, passed away at her home, 4.j St. Ciiirens Ave.,^ on January 22, at the ii^e 'f .01 year.s. The remain.? wur,. brouyht to this station on Thursday noon train and conveyed to the residence of her brother, Mr. Will meads, from where the funeral look place Friday aftern.wn to Evttgieeu cemetery. Many beautiful floral offerings tovered the tasket. Much By.npathy is e.ttended to her sorrowini? bus baud, brother aud sisters in thnr bereavement. Mr. and-Mrs. Wilson, Mes.srs B. and J. Meuds, Toionlo,atlo/id- eJ the funeril. • Wo arc are soiry to rep.rt \\'illiam White ill. Pte. Thomas Martin, former assistant ..at this depot, spent the weekend aud ^w*ile here was a ^uest of Mr. S. liauds. Pte. Martin leaves Thursduy for the if nit. Mr. Will .Sergant, wife and uvo child- ren of Port Dover, are visiting with the former's parents here. Our Sunday-school hitend having a Mucial this cvening,(Thursday) when they will entertain the parent.s and friends with a program to which they will e.xteiul a welcome to all. A silver collection is all that is asked. U, Cook piid a business trip to Owen Sound on Friday. Mrs. Walford spent a couple of days in <,)wen Sound last week returning Saf. Mr. Alex Holley,who has bten visiting f-ieud.s here for the past month, left on Friday for his home at the Sou. Mrs. Crowford of Durham, i»at present visiting with her sisler,Mrs. CCoilinsou. Mr. lliury Piper is now comfortably settled in his new lesidenco. We extend him a welcome to our bur;i. Pto, Norman McLeod spent a couple of days here last w^ek visilinghis moilior and sister. Feversham Items Mi.sf Mae WhiLei>ak leruriicd to To- ronto last week after spenduiji a few weeks at her pwrenlHl home here. Will Col<iuetle left here for Montreal on Tuesday last to interview Inspector Loaan, Will's applicatirn fur a position on the'C. P. Rs consliibulaiy fjrce having been aciepted. Mrs. Culiiuelte iteonipanied him as far is Toronto and will return with him when lie c;)mea Will pects he will be stationed at Port 5Ic- N'icoll f(.r the pre>!eut. The many friends uf Mr. aiitl Mrs. Will Colijuette touk the young couple by .'urpi-ise one eveuin;,' last week in their home and prosented them svitli an .-id- d less aud a kitchen shower. .Mr. Will Kaittiug iiccuj;ied the ch.iir in his usual elUcieut, jovial manner. Mr. Culipiette replied "to the address in a few well chosen words. Lunch was supplied by the ladies and a pleasant social evening was spent in game.'i, music and soiii!. The gatherins broke ui) about 1 I o cb'ck, all wishing the young couple a happy and prosperous journey thionsh life. The many friends of Mr. aud Mrs. ,J. A. Kernabau and family wore very sorry to hear tliiit their only son, Winnie, who has boen in the trenches in France for some months, had been vvnuuded a second time. Winnie wa.-* h-nored in El. gland two y.'urs or more aijo with an "Hiue in ihe uiiKtaiy service wliich, if he had kept, *oula have preven';ed him going to France, so he gave up hi.s cfHce an 1 went to the front as a piivatc that, he ini-ht do his bit out in the trenohcs to koei; llij old Mag, wliichsitajids tor libeity and jiHtici', lloaling. .VII honor to all our Canadian boys who are diing and hive flone likewise. We hope Winnie's «'iunds uiay not. prove serious. Victoria Corners A veiy flcvereslorm and cold wealhor V. as the order 1 itely. Mr. Bradley Vernon of Saskatchewan is visiting his Cousin, Mrs. J. Lockhirl. Mrs. James Lockhart has been slaying with her sister, Mrs. John iMc(.'onnel, â- who.se b ibe is ill. A number from our vicinity took in Iho splendid- concert at Dundalk recently â€" The Birth of a Xatioii Mr. Beiilham of Flesheiton took Pev. Dinnick's work the last two Sundays, the liitttr IjoinR ill' Inistiogo League is expecting a \isit from nuuJalk League. Mr. .John Russell of Sask., visited at Mr. W, Gallagher's. A load from this neighborhood attciiu â-  ed th.' Fligh School Poncert at Fleshertoii last Friday uiuht aund report » g^iod time especially coming home when the team got, ktuck, and it was imperative lo uuload Sumo were gracefully helped oat, some fell out and others were shovelled out, aooie cried, some laughed. But Ihey all arrived home before morning; Ihi^Ae wlio did not walk or ride, we are told, literally rolled home. We are enjoying another severe storm. East Mountain The East Mountnln Guild •>>*» organ- ized in Noveiaber last. .Its aiinti aie devotional, missionary, educational aud Docial. 'I'he me«iing« are held on Wed- nesday r from homo to borne. Its uHiocrs ire Corufotd ThompeoD. Fi'ts : Mildred McMwlleti, Sec ; Misa Allen, Cor. Sec ; Baai) Otrrn liters. Tress ; Uionie >Smart, Fred Smitb, Muriel Oarrutbers, Viola Oourley, Vice Presidents ; aud Muriel Osrrmhei* '.'rganist. C.jntribut,ious, wbioh are ri'ceived monthly, nvc divided cqaitlly between Missions and lied Crons. Ivcrybfioy welcome . Osprey District LOL. The inniial meeting of the above lodge was held in the hall of L () L Xo I0b!5, Feversham, ou Tue.sday, Jan S, VJIH. Although the weather a-id roads were uot at all favorable, still there was a fair attendance uf the nienibeis lro.ii the difierent lodges in ;he District. The reports of the ciitlerent committees showed the lodye lo "be in a prosperous condilioij, both iu numbers and tiuaiice. The usual grant wis niado to the True Blue (hvhanaye at Picluu, and after otlicr business had been disposed ot Past Ununty Master A J Conion was requested to take the cliair and uundnct the election and installation of i.tliccrs.whieli resumed a.s follows ; District Master, Rr,, ,1 H Scilley Dep ftlaster. Liro T .S Willou â- â€¢ <'haplaiii. Pro llobt l^dwards Tiuaauror, Uro W L Taylor Kuc JSrc, liro Tho.s Scoll> " FinSte, A .} Conroii Dir uf Cer, .\ Morri.sim " LOe', Thos A <'oMron The bretheren being duly installed, th.. lod'^e returned again to general business, when l!io otlicers elected made very appropriate speeches. One feature of the meeting was that cVeiy act spoko of union, tliero being no opposition to any oltico, but all were elected by acclama- tion. The Wurshipfu! M.nst.-r, Bro J H Scilley, and Ktc Sec Bro Thomas Scott, were appointed a cuminiltee to forwa'id letters of condolence to the brutliieii and their families, of Che dill'erent 1 .dgos i in the disM-ict, who have son.- that b.ive made the supreme .sacrifice for the main tenance of ihe livil and roligiou.s liberties we enjoy, and for llie H.v^ Ibey loved so well. God bless the boys, ut' matter what their color, creed or nationality may be, whoaie eudeuvuriug to keep the Uoiou Jack floating over us, the Hag of freedom. May there be uniou ibroughout the British empire and union with the Brili.sh empire and al! her allies, until they ai'e crowned with success. ' Pithy Proton Pointers Mr.»s. Consley visited in Flesheiton last w<iek and attended the hi;;h school coinmeiiceine t exercises on Friday eveuin;;. .â- Vn interesting l\ed Cross meeting was held on Thursday, ,,'au. 24, at the home of the I're.sident, Mrs. J. C Wright. Ways and lueanu of raisiiit' money for Rel Cross purposes were thiu'HUghly discussed. A plan was adop- t.ed aud every wM^e earner within reach of the enthusiastic ladies may expect a call. The oliicers of the Vouiig People's Guild of the Presbyterian church for the enauins» year are : President, Duncan McNic'ol I Ist Vice, Edna Acheson ; 2nd Vice, .Mildred Binnie ; .'!rd Vice, Maii« Sherson ; Mh Vici', ./ack Xeilgon ; Sec, Mrs Wilson ; Treas., Marjorie .\chesoii; Organist, M tbel \Vauchobe.. On Wertiii^sday last the branch of the I'. K. O , which has its headi|uarters at Proton .Staliiuj, sl.ippe-.l a car 1 lad ot stock to ToTonto, under the supervision of their shipper, H. Ij. .-Vchestn. The results were iiuiie Siitisfactoiy. .Vnotber load was ready for today (Moiidiiy) but owing Lo the stiriu the trains were canccHeJ. Theluslidito speiKcrs are e.\pec(ed to be in Proton on Friday, Feb. 1. In die afterii'ioii A. K. (1 .Suiith, Xew Ham- burg, will address the men in the Orange Hall, and Dr. I-. M. Smith, Craighutst, the hidies in the bisement of the .\pg!i- caii church. At night a joint meeting ijilt be held ill the Oiaiigc Hall. The well known I law liruthers are expected to supply instruinenal music and vocal niu>«ic will be given by home talent. Kimberley Budget The inercuy said 2,S below /.no on Sunday morning. The January thaw sei.-ms lo be » ihin^ of the past. .Miss Velina SUivart of Powasseii is renewing old aci|Uaintanncs iu our buig Hemv WalUci! of .Sask Ui on is on an extendL-d v:sit wiih friends in this vijiii^iy. Jasper Stuart was on a business trip to Parry Soun.l distr4ct last week. .Miss Viclel McLean of Hamilton is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mis. .lolin Taylor moved to their faitn near Fairmount recently. Mr. Hugh Hamaioiid is bu.sy moving his household effects from Eugenia and will succed Ills fatiicr in the po-t,iliice and niHicniiile business. \N e welcome -Mr. and Mrs. -ILibrr: Tliompsoii til our burg and w'sli them a prosperous j-mrney through life. Miss Wr,ig.;et of Umubiik is visting wall her cousin, Mi-s Uach'l Iluiehinson Miss Lottie S]uart of Fleslierton spent a couple of days iu town l.ist wovk Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks, Manager. Pig Came Astray â- Srayed onto ilio premises of the pndersignud on or about July l.st, one uig. Owner jjrove mopcity. pay expens- es and lake .samo away at once. J. T. .>^LED Fle.shpiton. Jewelery A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Osprey Council Artemesia Council The Council elect for I'.ll.S met on Monday, Jan. 21, lill8. Members pres- eut, T K. McKenzie. Reeve ; A. Cam- eron, Deputy Reeve : J. Burnett, F. .'. M.itliewson, andS. Ba-lieler, Councillors- Ahtiv signing aud making the doclaiaticn of i|ualiHcAtion they took their seats. The iiiiiuiies of last meeting were read and coiilirm<«l. The following appoint nionts were made by bylaw : A. li. McDonald, .-\si0S8or ; W. 0. Davis and W. Sw.mton, Auditiira : .V. D. .McLjod, lioaiLl "f llenlili ; J. L. -McVluliou and li. .Shiiw, high school tru-tecs ; John Fadden, S. i\k\Julleii, J . Lockhart, H. Piper, -M. L. Mclntyre, G. Warling, II. Plar.tt and S. I'edlar. sheep valuators. Accounts ordered to be paiii ; W. 11. 'rhui-stoii, piiiiling and supplies, ^n:; ;.'5 Cltrk of ihe Cuurt !?,5.i.'(), c.sls re .-Vkiits suit. L'oniui.ssiciiKTs appointe 1 : Div 1, .1 liurnelt ; •_', J. F. MathewFon ; .i, S. U.itcheler ; I, .\. Cameron : Val.ey ll.>nl the Keeve. Eighty dollars was j^ianiod for gravelling Snuth Line fi«oiu the 40th sideruad to baao lino, Mr. Burueti to pay any additional amount reipiired from his appiuprialuin. Ten dollars was granted tu the hospital for sick children The Clerk w a'j ordertd to sub.-cribe for sx oopiies of the Municipal World. The Reeve and Mr. Mathewson were appoint- ed to eiiijuiie as to Treasurer's security; Letters from LuciSitC'i. re culvell on Tormt!) bine niid .!& sidoroad woie Orderetl to be tiled and the Cleik to send oipyof ItUer ic .SO .sideroad to the Hydro Coinuiissioncr. Thescdeof wnges lobe paid this year is, inau 92 per day, man and team $4 per (l»y, â- â€¢perator on grader $2.50 a day. Jlr. Malhewftu was appoint eil a lUiniber nt Grey County Koird of Agricultuvo. Receipts were received from British Red Gross cf urant oi. I}U)0 and Navy Leouue f<'r gr«iit of 9KX). Camori n -IJHtoheler - • That the per Mr-John McGowau has arrattKfd wtlb I diem sllowance for members of this tint iuoikl hydro co:nmi«sion tu take a 50- horitepoffer current as a Bu(>plcuentary pjwnr for the opera' ion of his flour mill. The oatnieHl mill has sla<- TO horaepower, And these contracts will help mMeriitUy to v^y libe cost tu the town, and should give a reduction iu Ibo hydro rate to uiicra. â€" Uurhso) Chtonicle. A little <3 wen Sound school buy.SliewM't Holland, fell from a stairway bannist^lr about twenty feet to the lloor below. He Uy uuconaci^iua in the biw1)ital for two d»ys hot in now reoov^nog. (•â- i acjount of t lie s'orni tlio mem'iers of Osprey Council did not meet for organization until .Lm. 17th, when ihe following who were duly ehotcd, present- ed themselves aud seveially iiiado and subscribed lo the declaration of othce imi declaration of (|ualilieatiHn as foUows : Irwin .Morrison, lioeie : .Albert AreoU, Deputy Reeve : Win. Ii.%itti'ig, fJeo. W. Ross, John Lockhart, Coiincillois. The minutes of last iiieet ing " ere read and adopted. Comniuiucatious, accoun's, etc., were received from Thomas iSooti. Clerk's certilieile a^• tu election expenses; -Vdvauce oHice, FlesherloB, §;>:). "o, for printing and stationery ; Municipal World account SO.liO, elect loii stalh.inry; the Salvation .Vnny, appeal for donation lo buil'l rescue home ; Hospital for .>ick Children, appeal for donation ; ^^ illinm Miller, cla in of Sl.'i, sbeei; I ilUd by dogs : Jauie.s Douglas, accouii.- < l â- ^'l.jO, sheep valuation : Tlioiua.s .Sc'll, ueeount •$() for postage ; Robert T'aylor, account !?•-' tiO, sheep vaiuator ; Joseph Essex, asking for iinprovei.nenl to HO sideroad. Ijylaws were passed us follows : 2»o.r4(), appointing .Jami's I'olU as .assessor ; N>). 1)41, appoint ill I.' A. J. Uonron and II ir- old .SpoHord, auditors ; No. ti42,api)oii.i ing Irwin .M"rrison, .-Mhert Ainott and Dr. H. Guy, members ijf the locai Hoard of llealiK ; No. (>4;!, aulhnriziiig ihe Reeve and Treasurer lo b irrow iv.oiiey for current expenses. (hders were issue i on the tiea-urc lo pay W. S. Ink.ster. C. W. Long. I II. l\rig>, C .\ K hvaids. NW.Scolt, .1 S Freeihy, Woi Nurnum, John L ugh e\ S4 OHcli asDipuly Ketunung t'tlic i- G A Rohfrt.son, .Mberl Heron, J Spti i -, Willis Neir, Archy Mclnlyre, A K Ci.. • eion, D MaLkli'iii, .1 ,1 Set-ley, §.'! each tor service as I'oll Clerks ; U iherr King §2, hall ft^r nomination : Win inkster $'.', Uobt \l\n^ S2, R J Colquette $4, 1$ llammil $2, Mis McLean ^\i, J Bouens §2, John Ea.I Sii, J S Winters §•..'. places used as polling booths : Thos >>c'iu §(i. postage account ; Municipal W.pild .*'.t.i;() eloction stationery, MuiiicipU XNDild 32'J.tsr), blink forms and statiomry ; U T.iylor .?2.()0, shaep valuat >r â-  Municipal Wiu Id .^6, for .six subscriptions to the Municipal World ; .\dvanoo olllc.', l'T.^h• erloi), S^;> Tt'i, printing ; Win .Miller .^l.">, slieop killed by dogs; James Doi glus So. Of, sheep valuator ; W H IJuy c^'.', house for council meeting. The Colli dor \ was instructod t<> receive the taxis jn ' lota l.'i and 14 Pearl street aud part lot lt>, coil li. less $19.>i(, ,\a the piopnty ; now beloUKN loathe Holine.ss Workcis | Society : a'so to receive thB Uwoi of Wni ) Ncill, lot 1, We'linnion st W, Fever- I sham, less $:;t) 55, being amouni charged ag litis', said property for arrears of - telephone lolls. The Clerk was lustruc- , ted to ask IsDao Traynor, C K, to present ; his account for j^rvice up to January l<t lust at ujxt meeting. The atandiUK couiniittces for the year ' were appointed as f>ilIows ; On Heads! and bridges, Irwin Morrison, A Ami>tt ] .................I..*..*...........*.. I. ...... •..•..«.....•.. M l\ lOuil 8 ^l y. //^ rr S> â- y-- Be: ^' \' Five Ucses v/ ^c ]Ne\v Iraiijie, I eiuDii au.l C'iti- • 1 Ptjelri. Shelk^ Walmit.'^ a: ! Aliue.iul<. -^"^ ra.->ti'y Hour. r.)r breatl and Harvest (^ueen Ontaiio bran uiul .shorts ^V(' have ;i lull .stock o;i hand of lloyal I'urple 8tofk ami Poultry Specific and Calf Meal. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario i. T: i ? '< * •Cj >••#»••••*••••••â- â€¢â€¢.•..« â-ºâ€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â™¦â€¢â€¢#"*«»*-«"«"«"l ..«..•..•..«..•..«.., • -••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢-••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ LET us SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines : Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D. McTAVISH, - FLESHERTON t.. Uouucil be $3, «ud ten cents per mile one way attendiuit Council meetings : the Clerk's salary !o he #300 and the Treaauier's snlary SI 40 atd the tJletk . . u /• < .i .r.. . . , , , , 1 *iid -ha ComDiiH8ioiier of the Divinioo preutre a bylaw to bo passed it next : . , . . , " " . ., , , . 'where their »er»ice is ceiiuired. Oo uieeliOB gijiDR etloct to this resolutiouâ€" I T> • .â-  «« i.r .. i.* . ., /% _.:.? 1 Ptintins. Mr. Kai.ling HudMr Lockb»rt. I On Treasurei 8 Seciiiny, Mr Ross and Nr. Lockhart. On Kiniknce and AsseM- Carried Burnettâ€" Cunnaroii â€" Thut this Council meet on the first Sitntdny of each month durh)^' 1018 eireept the month of Deeem- ber, which uviotini< in on Uio 15th €iv»ried. Council adjourned. oioiit, .'vll mombcn ef the Ciunicil. Coaocil adjourned to inext at fevor- Rh»n» on Saluidfty, Kob. Hn^'xt. -Te(tS. SCOTT. Clerk. FOR A PAIR OF \ BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of^Rubber Bott^:^ms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON 5 ^mfmmK^K^mm^^mfmm^^mmmm i 5^ â- 8 ,1l;J( •1* i

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