Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1918, p. 2

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»\ FOOD RATIONING MAY SOON BE INTRO- DUCED THROUGHOUT THE DOMINION Food Conl roller Thomson Will Exercise Compulsory Regulation Stopping Waste of FoodBtuffs. A (lespaU'h from Ottawa says: The new Food ("'ontiollfv, Mr. II. B. Thomson, will, it is understood, follow up the prelimiimry odiicntional oam- rniKn of hi. predecessor, Hon. W. J. llniinu, with >i scries of concrete mid drastic restrictive regulations s( op- pi. iK food .VHste ami mcetinR, so far as puhsihU', the luueiil demand.s of tho allies for increased food supplies from Tanuda. S'* far, with the exception of tlie regulations irovorninjr meatless days in hotels and piildic* eatini; places, Ihcic has-beoii comparatively little done hcyond exhortation to the public to conserve food, cut down consump- tion, and eliminate wa.sU". The new! Controller believes the time haa come for further compulsory regulations in the way of rationing:. There Is little prospect of Increas- ing production this year sufflciently to meet even in an approximate way th«i food requests of the allies to I anaiK-i. The only other way of supplying the need is by Bavins' twenty-five per cent, or more of the normal domestic consumption, thus increasing the exportable surplus by that amount. United States Food Controller Hoover will deal in a similar way with food consumption aeioss the border, and regulations in CauHila and the United States will be co-ordinated according ta mutual recjuirementa and objects. Harkds of llie VorU Toronto. BrMkdctilfr* Jan. 19 - Manltuha wheat- No. 1 Northsro, t2.!!3i: No. i. do., t2.tOI| No. 8, do.. |J.17i; No. « wheat, $2.10j. In Btore Fort WUIluin. Including 2io Uz. Manitoba oatsâ€" No. 2 C.W., 8«Ic; No. « C.W., 81|c, No. 1 extra f«ed. 8Uo; No. 1 feed, 78ic; In store Fori WtlUani. Aineiican corn â€" No. 3 yellow, nominal. Ontario oatHâ€" No. 2 white. 86 to 86c, noniliml; No. 8 do., 84 to 8&c. nominal, acconlln* to frclKlits outside. Ontario wheatâ€" New. No. 2 Winter, (2.22: banlM. In ntnre Montreal. I'eas- No. 2. $.S.70 to »3.ii«, according to frelKhts outelde. Harlpy- .MiiltliiB. $1.4G to 11.48. ao- cordlnK to freights outnlile. ] Huckwhenl -ll.BB to »ll)S. according * to freljphtB outNlde. iMiiiiltnha flour â€" First patents. In .lute line."!. Ill.riO: do. snrondp. $11; Ktiong linkers', do.. 110.60. Toronto. ' Oiifiirlo tlnur^Wlnter. HccnrdlnR to Kiimple, JIO.IO, In liiiKS. Montreal; $I'.»B. Toronto; J9.90 bulk, seatioard. |iromT>t Hhlpincnt, Mlllfcpil â€" Cnr lots, (lellvcied Monlienl frulBlils. liiiRK inchidoii liriiti. per ion. {.I': Kliorts. do.. $111; iniddliiiRs. do,. (-<!< to $11!: gtiiid fc-d flour, pfi' liilR. $:t 25. I llavâ€" No. 1. per ton. $16 to $17 ; ini.xod. t\'i to $lt;r truok Toronto. , Sira«~rar lots, per Ion. $S.50 lo $!>. ' I Country Produce â€" 'Vntoleaale \S ar I mil 1 dibit - IJettei to eat th.in to look at' aie these i eptiles, the Ifuan,! and \llij,atoi, American pi ofes.sor says it is time we looked for some fresh ficWs of lit foodstuffs. in the above picture An ALUES APPEAL TO ENEMY ABANDONS U.S. FOR FOOD MOUNTAIN FRONT Messajje Fioni Lord Khondclu lo Hoover Slaliiin (Jrave t'risLs. A despatch from Washiiiston says: • Greater saving of food will be ask- ed of the American people by J'r-.'Sident Wilson on Siiturday in a proclamation announcing the Food .â- Administration's 11118 conservation program. The critical siUiatiiin in the allied cmmtries and the amount of food the t'nited States is expected to spare them v;i.-rv set forth in a preliniinary statement on Friday nigh' by Food .Administrator Unovei-. whc^ iiuotcil a cablegram from Lord Hhondiia, the British Food Conlroller, which said: '"Unless you ;ire. able to send the allies at least 70,1100,000 bushels of wheat over and above what you have exported up to January I, and in ad- dition to the exportable surplus from Canada, I <'annot take \.\k rcsponsibil- Hy ^i/ assuring our people that there will be enough food to win the war." Although the Food .Administnitioirs plans contemplate creating the export surplus largely by viduntary methods, Some measures of forced conservation will be employed, notably in tlu! con- sumption of wheat floui, which will be reduced by arbitrary means at least thirty per cent. This reduction \s\\\ be accomplished by limiting the sales of distrilmtors all the way 'rom the miller to the retailer. REIGN"0F MOR IN RUSSIA' littlsht'viki N'ow.s to Wipe Oul | the itourKe<»isie. j .\ dfspatcli fioin I'elrograd says: ' .\ddrcssing a meeting of the Keksholm | (iiiards on l-'riday, Knsign Krylenko,, j the Holsheviki coinmander-in chief, i declared thai while he believed in the J 'reedom of speech, all liberties must lie set aside during llu- strupgle with' I he Bourgeoisie. I •'We uphold the power of ihe vvork- mens and .Soldiers' delegates," said Krylenko. "and shall shrink from no- thing, not even from spieadinpr whole-' sal .error and woe. to all who attempt to c*oss our path. Wo must not stop short in our reign of terror until we have completely exterminated all our ••nemies. X'engeance on them to tlie end. and wilhoiil mercy." \ S. IS I I'ltNINC OUT -'.(100 i-:miI';i.i)s .\ day. .\ despatch from Washington say.->: The first .Americanized Knlielii rifle! turned out al ll\e Winchester plant for! .\mer;cun troops abroad was present- | i-d to President Wilson to be preserved as a personal souvenir. The President ! was toUl the rifles are being made at Ihe rale of 'J.OOO a day. KKItl.lN THK S( F.NK I <H (iU AVK IMSOKDF.KS. i A tlespalcb from I.oniloii says; .Anj Amsterdam desjialeb lo The Daily Kx- jiress, repeating the earlier rumofs ; I hat there were sriiee disorders in' IJe'liii, .says no lelcgrani, press, pri- I \ ale or busiiies',, was alhuVcd to leave I Me liii oil I'liilay. • I Teutons Evacuate Large Sec- tion of Territory at Monte Tomba. Italian Army lleadiiuarlers in Northern Italy. â€" The enemy has evacuated territory on the northern mountain front behin<l Monte Tomb.i, extending from the Piave River west- I ward. Their defence lines have now been moved back to Monle .Spinocia. Italian' patrols mukirrg reconnais- \ sances in the last few days found I that the enejny patrols and sentinels i had been withdrawn, and later dis- !coveied that the enemy hail aban- doneil fhe entire region. I This retreat is a sequel of th" brilliant victory Frencdi troops recent- ly obtained on Monte Tomba, inas» much as the enemy's position thereby became untenable. The retirement of the enemy is im- portant as showing that he has given up his effort to force' a passage to the Venetian plains by way of Monte Tomba and the west bank of the Piave, at least for the present. lie is now constructing defensive works in the rear. RY. RATE IN-^ I CREASE DEFERRED jWill Not Hecome Kllective I ntil t • March. I i \ despatch from Ottawa says; [n- creasetl lieight and passenger rtiil- way rates raised by the Kaiiway Board I in its judgment of December "itf, UUT, will not become effective until some jtime in .'rar<h. The iiicrea.ses, with the exception of the rates on wheat, deferred by a special judRment of the board until .Tune I, were to have become operative on February 1. The postponement of the date until some lime in March is the result of the protests made to the Cabinet Council by the Western provincial (Jovernments and public bodies with whom wore associated the organized farmers and some of the lHisine.<s in- terests of Ontario. -•:• â€" 718 I'KKSONS I.OSI ON I'NNO lUJlllSIl SHII'.S. .A d(!s|(aieli from bondon says: I5y the sinking of two steamers by the enemy in the Mediterranean about three weeks ago, 718 lives were lost. The announcement was made in the House of Commons by Thomas ,1. Me- N'amara. l''inancial .Secretary of the Admiralty. Mr. McNaniaia added that pttldic notilicalioii id' the loss of thes<' vessels had been delayed until the relalives were notified. , <â€" - - MUTINOl S Sl'lltn IN (IKKMAN NAVY. niltlfi- -< 'ri-iiMicl y, .'^oliils. p'T 111. 4<4 lo 45c. prints. i>fr Ih.. 1.'. lo 4tiic: diilr.v, per ll>.. .ta to :i4<'. • KgRs Kifsli KHt hired cKfTS. BO to olic; rif«' laid. 55c. hi'cssed piiiiliry ('bicUrn.o, 24 to 25c: ; iiirtl. 1!' lo 2ftc'; diii-ks. 2.'! to 24c; Reese. ! t\ lo 22i-; lorkc-y.s. 2« to 3n<-. . T'ot:ltoes- \\'holcs;ilei's ai'e l>;iyllip to ; Prowers end iinintry slilppcrs. for first- , . rlii.ss stock, f.o.b.. outside points. $2.25 i to $2.:{B for Deiawares. and $2 to $2.10 t)H Coal .\Iiners f.o.st Their Lives EXPLOSION 1N NOVA SCOTIA MINE FOOD CONTROLLER HAS RESIGNED FRENCH MAKE SUCCESSFUL RAID 1 Tor Ontarios H •Tie selliiiB: to the retail trade at tlio I'ldl iwinir pric.eB: - Cheese -NVw. Ihikp 235 to 24e: twins. 2.'n t^* 24i. . rrni'l.v chee.«ie. 2B-J In ; in Bif* Di.saster. despatch from Halifax, N.S., ;says: An explosion occurred Wednes- 2i:i : larec twin. 2t; lo 2tiic.- ' ,says: tKw explosion occurreo w eune.s- , . , ^ , e ^,, . . j .. i. i. lio.tor^^Fri.sh.Uaiv.v 'choice. W to ' day of last week at th- AHon shaft, 1 „ ^ ''^^^P^^/h /rom Ottawa s«ys:-| 'A despatch fron ...creamery prints, 4, .o4vc; solids. : ^^^^^,j^ ^,^^, Company's collieries, ! "T."' W- .T. Hanna has resigned the ,„ f ranee. saya::-l .M.uKarine -2!i to ,l2c. ' i Stcllarton NS shortiv after 5 "ifi<-e of Food Controller tor I anada. day executed a bi Krks New laid lo carton.s. (ir. to 70c: â-  , , , .',â- â€ž, .v^i„„t„ , ,i-j , ,1, 1,.,. • ^^'''"-h he has filled for some seven (Jerman lines east No. I sioratfc. 4s to 4l»c: .select storoRe. ^ O'clock, a few minutes after the day .-.1 lo 52c. 'shift bad left. A blast of smoke was lire.Msed imulny â€" Spniic elnckens. 27 | , „ ,, .1 o ii. to 28c; iitiiu-f<d chickens, lb.. :)()c; fowl, seen to come from the mouth of the 24 to 2«c; iinkcvs. 35 to ;i7c: ducks. | pit, but no noise was heard, even by] those on the/siirface near-by. The death toll of the disaster is Sprlntr. 21 In 3llc: cesc 2,'. to 27c. I.Ui- poultryâ€" â-  'rui'l\e\'s. 2Sc: Spring chlclicns. II).. 2" 111 21c; hens. 20 to 24c; ducks. Sprinir. 20 in 2L'c: "jrcsc. 2(i -10 21c. Ilciif.\ C'rilnb- l-'xtni tlliH. 1 ♦; n7... Sri.r.i): 12 oz., $;); .No. 2. $2.40 to $2.50. .SlrHidPii -TIms. 2*'s ylid ;">'« l!l lo lU.Ji' |Hi' lb; iM's. I*.4 I., r.ic: ao-,j. IS to ISjc. Ilpans- faiindluM. liinlTl-i)lcked. bush., $>â-  l{i JS.2d; liiipiiricd. huiid-iilcked. Bur- ma or Indian. $tj.;'>0 lo $7: Japan. $?: I.inias. 17 to I7.ic. Potatoes â€" Ibliiwares. hac. $2.2.i to S:';!.'i; Kiitttrios. has $2.10 to $2.25. Provisions â€" Wholesale I J. Thompson, of Victoria, Penetrate German Line on ."J.OOO- IJ.C. Succeeds Hon. | Yard Front Without W. J. Hanna. Suffering I^oss. A despatch from Ottawa says: â€" | A despatch from the P>euch .^rmy The French on Mon- rilliant raid of the ward from Vienna- Le-Chateau. near Four de Paris, along a front of JS.OtW yard.s, and reaching a depth of odO yards. An intense ' artillery preparation made the pro- duties of pressing biisine.' interests. - 1 liilip . uiodituii. 31 to 1; to L'7c: cooked. 43 to 30c: bioaUfiiRl ba'con piiiln. K'i to 44c: bone- .^iiKiUcil meals .'!3c: 1:0.. bcHVv. 44c; rolls. 2S I. 4 to 4L'c; hack.<, lH.<is. 4."i to 4(;c. I'uicil loi-nts. . l.oiiK clear bucou. 28 to i:"! ; clear belllos. 27 to 2Sc. l.ald-l'orp lard. Ilercos. 2S.* to 2!lc: tuli.s, 2Sif lo 2Sic: jMills. 2:1 to 2nje: fooiiKitiiid. lif'i'ccs^ 2."itc: lobs. 25^c- luills. 2lic. Montroal Markets Montreal, .fan, 2:1 o.itsâ€" Canadian WcsPrn. .\.i. .'i. lii'Jc: c\ira Nji. I feed. :i75c; N.I. 2 local while. 1121 In !13<-; No. .•f biiai white. !il.i to H2c; No. 4 local while. !hiJ Iu ;i1c. li'liMii'Mnn. .SpvliiK wheal luilf'iits. liists. $11,110: seconds. $11.10: sIroMK liakers'. $lo.iiii; .srraiRbl rollers. bMKf. $5.25 In $5.40. Holled ontK --BaKs. !I0 Ihs.. $5.30. Uruti. $.-15. .Sborls. $10. .MIdilllnRs. $t.s to $50. Moiiilllp. $5li to $5.S. Ihivâ€" No. 2. car lots, per Ion. $14.50 to $15.50. (""heese-- b'iiii'.xl n-es(iMMs. 213c ^ul^^â- l ea.'Jtenis. 2Ue. lliiii.r -I'lioicesl cieamerv. 4114 lo 4Ti^ seiMiiid.". 45J In ^fie. 1-;kKS - Krcuh. SSc; scleclcil. 52c; .N"o. 1 stock. 4kc: No. 2 slock. 45e. I'olntoc bap. car lobs. $l.S(j to $2.25. i listed at i'8. ( dmpany olTicials say : that there were one huiflred and live â-  men in the mine at the time of the ex- ' plosion. Seven of these, on the first landing, escaped, and seventeen bodies have since lieen recovered, the last two bavins' been brought out late . , , , . . I Thursday afternoon. Twelve of the ^°'".'-' ^'^^^^•""""""'^â- Â»-«''' h>s intention to bodies have been identified as miners , '"'^f'^* 1^°^ ^^^ I'Ood Controllership belonninic to S.ellarton and West- i '" '^^ ^''^f â„¢^"'- His resignation villc. thr-e are l''i'enchmen, and the i ''•°^; f"rm»'ly a«'epted on Drulay. other two are unrecognizable ' I ^'''- ^.''"""* "'^^^ »' "^^' ''â„¢^ '^^ *"* There is now no pras in the mine, ' 7*"'^'V,'-""'' ^ veteran amonp; Food ( ontrollers months, and will be succeeded by H. B. Thompson, of Victoria, U. t'., wh<> has acted as Assistant Controller for a period of four months. Mr. Hanna decided that tlie work of press of the troops easy, and they the Food .Administration had reached were able to destroy all enemy works, such proportions that it required the shelters and mine {jalleries, before re- whole time and attention of the Food turning- to their own line. Fifteen Controller. He found himself unable, prisoners were captured by the therefore, to do justice both to the French, as well as three machine puns. that office and to other , The French suffered few casualties There- '• and none killed. .Ml of the participant.s in the raid declared that the {runners' work was magnificent, not only as regards de- struction, but in the manner in which it completely silenced the enemy artillery. BK; WHKATdJUP IN .\K(iE.MTN.\. no pas in the mine, ,, , ,, and the work of dearins' awav the ' ""troHers. his appointment ante- debris is proceodinK apace, A few j'^^'ng that of Mr. Hoover, in the small falls at the bottom of the shaft ^''^ted States, a,ui still more so, that have been cut through, but there I "* L*"''* ^''""dda ,n Great Britain. appear to be heavy falls ahead, and , •• -> â€" . .A despatch from Buenos .Aires, .Ar- otlicials are unable to say when they |.°(i(Ut fVJNTROI I\' KR WTF gentina, says: With a wheat shortage will be able to reach the eiphtv-one j " '_ ' â-  ' • j^^ ^[j ^j^^ world's markets estimated. men still in the mine. Thcy"have\.,.^^.^^. .^^.^.^^es Have Been Adopted ^^'^ ^^ ll.OOO.OOO tons Arprentina «- Kiven up all hope of any of these ' „ . ,. pects to have a re<:ord crop of thai men beinp :dive, maiiilaininp- that all ^^ *"* (.overnment. ^,^,,^^^1 ^,,,^1 ^,j ^^^^, .1,000,001) tons for who wero- not crushed to death by j Only the very poor, and men and | export after satisfying the home de- the dclii is must have died of sufToca-. women doing the hardest kind of man- i maud and withholding the seed re- tion many hours ago. ^ ual labor may have more than seven 'serve. The revised death toll in the Allan ounces of war liread a day in France I Of the surplus for export the British (iovernment. acting in hehalf of the Kntente allies, is credited here with the intention of buying 2,500,000 tons. shaft disaster, as announced al an from now on. The entire French early hour on Siiturday nioriiiPK, is as i wheat qop has been re()uisitioned by mine when explo- the government. f<dlow^ 'Wlnulpefr Gtalu ^h Vi'iiiiiipet'. .Ian. 2\1- <'ash iiiin'.alioii oai.--.\o. -J c.w.. S(,\,-: .V(.. .I I'.W.. Mic: i'X\iu N'o. I reed. SlSc; No. l'fr>fd. "8t''; .\'o. 2 feed. 75Hc. Hailev .\o. 3. $1.471 : No. 4. $1,421: feed and le.lectod. $1.21. b'lax- -.No. I .\ W.C. $3.2U: No. 2 <• W., .$:t IS: \,, ;j !• w $:;.(iL'J. United States Markets lig-,. J loiiows: Men in tlic sion occurred, 90; men who escaped! This sacrifice has been accepted by ; while Spain and Holland together have from ,"iOO-foot level or were brought the French people uncomplainingly on I engaged 800,000 tons. the government's explanation that! •> -â€" â€" - out alive, -9; bodies rec.overed by rescue <parties, I'l; still missing, (>6. .Total dead. 87. .Mliinci polls, yellow. $1.55 white. SO} to Itraii $:!2.60. Huiutli. .Ian. 29 â€" t.lnseed $;t.51 lo $.1.B0: arrive, $3.4ii .):iniiarv. $3.6 1; .Inniiarv .Mii.v, J:4.53; .JiiIv. .».'t.4S|i risked. Ih 1, $:: I r,. ncininal. .Inn. 2!i â€" Corn No. 3 to $l.tiii. Oats -No. .1 iljc. Kioiir unchaiiKed.. On tniek. RUSSIANS REJECT GERMAN PEACE $37.0011.000 A DAY. e .A despatch from London says: Live Stock Markets â- j;j[i',"'''^^,J'J," Decision .\ waits RaHfication hy'said the French statement, "especial- Workmen's rongre.ss. • 'â- '' ''^® seven ounces a day. have ileeply I impressed public opinion." A despaUh from Petrograd says^â€" ^p,, ,vho are verv poor or who do Ihe Kussian delegates to the Brest- hard manual labor get about 21 I.itovsk peace conference have decid ' ou,n.es of bread a day; women who ed unanimously to reject the terms ofl'eivd by the (iermaiis. The (leci:^ion of the dele only by such restriction can .American ',\ A K COSTS BKri"fVLN ' reinforcements be transported in ships i : that otherwise woulil carry grain for j their bread, and that, in addition this' a despatch from London says: .\n- grain for French bread can come from 'drew Bonur Law, Chancellor " of the America only by virtue of the actual Kxcliequei', ajinounced in the House of saving of this grain by reduced con- (.'ommons thaf the daily average of ^sumption of bread by the American expenditure during the seven weeks [people. ., ' 'ending .Jan. 19. was £7,.".17.00C I "These extremely severe measures,"! (.$.S7,:J8."i.00O). Toronlo. .luii. 211 I';.\lia choiee licavv ^ KtpeiH, $H.i;o to $12. CD; (hi.'. Rood henvv, j $lo.i;il 1,1 $11,35: bulchei.s' cattle, choice, i $10. S5 lo $11. .•;5: lb... Kood. $I>.S5 to ' Slo.ijic ilo.. incdinin. $!i.35 to $11. si; do.. coinilliJii. $S.lio lo fS..v5. blllcbeis' bolls. : cliolie. $!Mio lo Ji. 35. do.. Rood bulks. 1 $S.35 lo $S.Su; do: i.ieilliuii bulls, $7.«o lo $7.S5: do., rough bulls. $ii.35 lo $(i.s5. i bulcher.s' cows, clinic,.. $'.1.15 i(, jio: do. 1 ({ood, $11.25 lo $S.75; do., iiipdhini. $7.60 ' lo $7..V5; stiickei.-. $7 In $x.50; I'ecderK: j $8.75 to $!i.50: ••anners and cullers. $5.5o , lo $i;.75: niilkpis. Kood lo chnliT. $!15I , ,u 1 .•,â- .• I, lo $l7ii: do., .-..in. and iiud.. $05 to $So- 1 accept theni Imstilities wmild K|ii iiiKci .-< $10(1 1,1 $i5ii: liKhl pwes' $12.50 lo $13.50, sbe.ii. hea\ v. $« tn $7.25: vporllnKK, $11.75 lo $12.75. lambs $17,50 1,1 t|v.r-o: ,al\es, Kood In cbobe. $15 lo $1G; lioKs. fed and watered! $18.llU: do.. weinhPii off ears. $l!i75 do f.olT. $17.50. ounces 01 bread a are very poor or who are employed on ^,„ .^„j ,1^,;^ ^^.^^.^ ^^ ,^,^,|, ^-^^^^ hard work get about 17 ounces a day; , , , „ '*''''* ^^'"* everyone else gels 7 ounces, which is announced by l\lr. Kemenetf, a mem .A despatch from London says: .A j German naval engineer, with the rank | of lieutenant, who has deserted from : Kiel, according to an .Amsterdam de- . sputch to the Express, states that : dissatisfaction among the men ofj the (lerman fleet is muidi more | serious than in the army. He as- ! scrts there have been important re-' volts, generally anioiin' the crews of mine sweepers. <â-º MOIti: IKtJOPS SENT TO FKONT BV POIMKJAL. .A despatch from Paris .says; .A new contingent of Portuguese troops has just been landed in France. Before embtirking Ihe troops were reviewed by the Portuguese Premier, Dr. Sidonio T'aes, who reaffirmed the intention of Portugal lo continue the war In the end. ber of the Russian delegalion. The (iermans declared the terms laid down by them were their last of- fer, and that if the Kiissians did not lie re- sumed. Kinnl ilet'lsion as to peace or war, i\I. Kenieneff said further, rested with the Congress of Soldiers' and Work- men's Delegates. less than half of a pound loaf, or not more than 4 or five slivtis. This bread is made of flour cdTn- prising all the elefnents of wheat ex- cept l>van. with a heavy mixture of flour from other cereal grains, which is obligatory. The price of bread is fixed by vari- ous government agencies all along the , ;^";""table, but, as intimated, causes line between producer and consumer. ; ^^^le^^ expense for foods. Choose be- .baking of pasti'.v or biscuits from ; j,,.,.,,„ t,,,, n„.^, „,„, ^y,^ .Hscussion. flour that is tit for bread is prohibited. ] (^onfectionaries and other such shops â-  *" Mind and Uigestion. It is a great waste of money to eal during a heated discussion or just after any mental provocation. The digestive organs seem to simplv fold The food taken then is not correctly acted upon until mental calm is restored. During the intervening period unfaT- orable chemical action has taken place, the various foods being left to them- selves without the benign influence of ij,he gastric juices, and indigestion de- velops, as well as a nutritive loss. It is not only bad taste to settle all family discussions and differences at SHORT A(iK 01' COAL lOU SHU'S UELlliVED a,e dosed two days a week. Kating , , , . ~\, 'pastries in public is forbidden. A des))atcti from New 1 ork says: i j. -The shortage of liunker coal, which ! NKW MAN POWER BILL NOW LA>\ IN BRITAIN a few days ago was so seriously i hampering the fueling of ves.sels in' New York Harbor, "has been entirely) relieved," according to a statement bv ^ despatch from London says:â€" .1. K. Par.sona, detailed by the United i ''''^^ "^'"^® "*' f^""'"^""* P«sae'' the States (Shipping Board to supervise the bunkering of ships at this port. third reading of the Man-Power bill. The vote was unanimous. Well Qualified. A youns Irishman applied fur a job as lifeaaver at the municipal baths. As he was about six feet six inches higfi and well built, the chief life- saver gave him an application blank to fill out. '•By the way," said the chief life saveT, '"can you swim'?" "No," replied the applicant; "tnt 1 can wade like blazes!'' •- er-.-,^.**l'/y**t.€.*--J

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