RHEUMATISM A MYSTERY] This Troabkr is Rooted iB the Blond and Can Only be Cured by Enriching the Blood. Some dl8«fi«ee give Immunity from anollier attack, but rheumatism works JiiM the other way. Every attttck of rheumatisni invites another; worse than that, It reduces the body's power HO that each attack Is worse tihan the one before. If any dis€a8« needs curing early it Ls rheumatism, but there is scarcely any disease that physicians Had more difficult to treat successfully. Wlien a medicine does cure rheumatism therefore it is worthy of special notice. Medical authorities agree that the blood becomes tJiin with alarming rapidity as rlieumatisni develops. Maintaining Uie quality of the bleed Is therefore a reasonable way of prevent- ing and combating rheumatism. That it works out in fact Is shown by the beneflclal effects which follow the tireatment of rheumatlam, acute, mus- cular and articiilar, with that great blood tonic, Dr Willlama' Pink PfHs. That thousands of people who have taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their rheumatism have been cured la a fact beyond dispirj. That rlieu- matisni does not return as long as the blood is kept rich and red is equally true. If tlierefore you are suffering from rheumatism in any form you should lose mj time iu giving Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a fair trial. Mr. A. E. Hintan, Western Ave., Toronto, says:â€" "t'p ib about a year ago, my wife had suffered for nearly three years from rtieiimatia-m, from which she suffered .(jceatly. She had been under the care of several doctors, be- sides spending dollars on advertised cures, but did not get any relief. One day talking to a fellow clerk, she said her sister had been cured of this trouble by Ur. Williams' Pink IIUs. Although not feeling very hopeful I tock two boxes home that evening and urged my wife to try ihem. By the time they were used they had done her so much good rh;it she required no pressing to ountinue the treatment, and after taking six or seven boxes she was completely cured, .-^s 1 have said tliis was about a year ago, and she has had no return of the trouble since. 1 f&i>l very grateful for the im- mense good Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done my wife, and I hope other sufftrera will benetif by her experi- ence. Vou can ge! these pills through any dealer In medicine, or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brci-kville, Oni. 'J Pra<'tic:jl Hen 'ft- ITS For the youngster who is just be- ginning: to walk, as well as for his brother a few years older, this design is particularly good. McCall Pattern No. 7738, Child's Bloomer Dress. In 3 sizes, 2 to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. THK I-IRST BRITISH BARRAGE. The Kffecf of a Concentrated Effort on the IHirt ot the Artillery. Tbe Boche batteries were celebrat- ing the new year â€" in fact thoy were" a little previous, because it was but noon of Decemtfer .'tl, and the year was 191!>â€" at Ypres. Ever since daylight the Canadians had been having a beastly time of it. The Boche five-point-nines had been cominsr over with unceasing regular- ity and the British artillery was re- plying with a feeble tire. They claim- ed shortage of ammunition ami in re- ply to the repeated calls from the in- fantry for shells they would sing out â€" "You've "ad your allowance." The Canadians got pretty mad at this continued slielling, and a friend asked a gunner whether they couldn't do something to distract the Uoches' fire. "That's all right,", was the answer; "this is Fritz's last day. Wait till to- night!" He waited â€" this frieu'i. Kxactly at the stroke of midnight pandemonium broke loose. It sounded as though all the express trains in the world were running overhead. .And well it should. Thirty 12-inch howitzers had been rolled into position during the day and were at that moment flinging half-ton projectiles onto the (lerman batteries. The British bombardment went on for twejity-four hours; and for three .weeks aftei ward there was not a soli- t.ary heavy tierman shell fired on that sector. Which all goes to show an- other form of tactics â€"the holding hack of shells for a concciitiated ef- fort. ♦ Soap for Wounds. Common yellow soap, the kind used by housewives iti wa.shing clothes and dishes, has been found to lie a wohder- fnl cure for wounds in French hospit- als and its use has spread to the Brit- ish medical- stations. -A solution is made from a c;ike and injected into soldiers' wounds, even iu the latest in- stances into the deepest bullet hofes, where it has proved itself to be a su- jierior antiseptic to hydrogen peroxide and most other germ killers and In ad- dition a .strangely effective healer- of toiii tissues. Wounds treateJ with soap need few- er dressings and lessen pain far more than do wounds treated with other Hiiliseptics. These facts greatly expe- dite the woik of the surgeons, who can handle more men than when usinjf other Noluliors. A splendid idea is this for an over- dress, to be worn over a waist. The three-piece skirt is in round or instep length. McCall Pattern No. 7617, Ladies' Overdress. In 5 sizes, ,34 to 42 bust. Price, '20 cents. These patterns may be jbtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co.. 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. WINTER WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES Our (^auadiari winters are e.xtremely hard on the health of little ones. The , weather is often so severe tihat the mother cannot take the little one out , for an airiug. The consequence is that j baby is conftiied to overheatewl, badly I v>>?tiluted room*: tn'res colds and be- | i comes cross and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets should be given to ke^p the , little one healthy. 'ITiey regulate the stomach and bowels and prevent or â- cure colds. The Tablets are sold by ! medicine deal<?rs ur by mall at :;5 j cents a bo.\ from The Dr. Wiihams' j Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. TH E M ESSl .N EH (i R A N D ST A \ D. iluw a Csnud'an Knginecr OIKcer Watched the Big Fight. The featured participant of this sti-ry was a Canadian engineer oHicer. The cale can never be proved true be- cJU^e the C.E.O. has since "gone over" â€" -ne\er to return. He was stationed in front of Mes- sines Ridge. His work as an engineer attached to the British Army had car- ried him 10 this position and he could go no further. .As his work was com- pleted he was just waiting 'round â€" for something to happen. A British artil- lery officer happened along. I "Now that everything's finished, wh«n is it coming off?" he asked the gun officer. ' "We're going to touch 'er off to- night, perhaps," he replied with a twinkle in his eye. "By jove, that's bully. Say," h2 added, "where can I find a good seat to get in on it?" "The artillery officer pointed to the crest of a hill which at that time was being methodically shelled by the Boche guns. | "That's a jolly good view â€" but it's too near the orchestra," he laughed. "Oh, that'll be all right," was the re- ply. "The Boches will be too busy to attend to the hill." | About eight o'clock, when the Brit- ' ish guns opened for a preliminary bombardment, the Hun batteries stop- ped and the engineer took himself up on the hill. He looked about him until weary, then lay down in a shell hole to sleep. Early in the mornint^ the big guns stopped tiring suddenly. He awoke. Half asleep he tried to dis- cern what was happening. He climbed out of his shell hole and stood looking at the ridge. Suddenly there went up, one after the other, a number of enormoim I â- sheets of earth, smoke and flames, ' which rose slowly until each formed a huge mushroom. .Apparently they were a mile high to him. ! Then he was knocked head over heels by the shock of the explosion. He was stunned for the moment, but soon realized his position and roused him- self. To him it sounded as though every British gun on the British front was firing: as fast as it could. Exactly one hour and a half after- ward he was on the ridge, following - the infantry and carrying on his work. He afterward learned that so well had the aerial photographers detected the German batteries that eighty per cent of them were put out of action ten minutes after the explosion occurred on the ridge. »- CARE OF INSANE SOLDIERS, McMital Cases to be Maintained by Do- minion Government. Are Very Popakr in Prince Edward Island Mr. M. Arsrneault Tells What Dudd's Kidney Pills Did For Him. | .Not ii minute should be lost right iiow in looking up your seed supply for 1918 planting. Shur-G^in Fertilizer I KEPORTLNG THE SER.MON. Opinion of a Highland Hostess Re- I gardiitg Her Lodger's Shorthand. j .\ kilted regiment, while on the I march in a part of .Scotland, halted for 1 a Sunday of rest at a remote village m the Highlands, and some of the • braw laddies were billeted on the in- habitants. j One old ludy had to find lodging foi- { tW'O of tne soldiers, Sandy and Tam, ! and she was delighted to k?iow they were going to the kirk in the evejiing. She herself was unable to go, and her pleasure increased when one of her guests, who happenetl to he an ac- complished writer of shorthand, pro- mised to tell her everything that the minister said in his sermon -although I she had her doubts as to how^ tie woulil ' be able to remember it all. The two "kilties" came back from church, and Sandy read the sermon from liis notebook, to the ailmiration and astonishment of his landlady, who had never heard of shorthand, and i could not understand how anyone j could wi;>te as fast as the minister spoke. ^ I When Sandy had finished and the i good Fady had expressed her thanks i for the privilege of hearing the ser- I mon, she asked him to let her look at I the book he had been reading from. â- She seemed much disappointed, how- t ever, because she could make nothing I of it. At lu.st, after a dose inspection of the mystic signs, she said to the blush- ing warrior: "You're a grand laddie and a vora gude reader, but 1 must tell ye, and if I WHS youi- ain mither I wad hae to admit it, ye're the verra wurrst writer I ever came acrOss." ^ Z Peanut ami Cottage Cheese T.uaf. Three-iiuarters cup kidney Jl)eans, one cup cottage cheese, half cup ground peanuts, one tablespoon chopped onion, om' cup bread crumbs, two lablf^poons ilrii>pings or savory fat. one cup cooked Umiato, one cup cook- ed rice, salt, pepper. Bake llie loaf in a moderate oven twenty-five min- iites and serv • v.ith pimento or green I>*|)per sauce. Provincial institutions will be en- trusted with the care of the members of the C.E.F. returned to Canada suf- fering from insanity, but the Domin- ion Government will pay for their maintenance. This decision was reached in the conferen<-e of the Mili- tary Hospitals Commission, the Board of Pension Commissioners and the re- presentatives of the provincial gov- errmieiits held in the M.H.C. head- (luarters Tues<iay. Heretofore the Militaiy Hospitals Commis.sion and the Board of Pension Commissioners have paid a Hat rate in hospitals for the insane for the 360 men suffering in varying degrees from mental ailments. By the new arrange- ment they will pay provincial institu- tions for their maintenance and in ad- dition Sir .lames Lougheed on behalf of the government agreed to pay an extra allowance per capita, which sura will be directed to the eqiiiijinent and maintenance of the buildings. Over 50 per cent, of those now re- ceiving treatment in institutions had been suffering from mental diseases before they enlisted and eventually would have become i)ublic charges in the orilinary course of events. They Gave Him Quick Relief From Headache and Backache â€" He Re- commends them to All Sjfferers. Cape Egmont, P.E.I., Jan. 28th â€" (Special.)â€" Dodd's Kidney Pll'.s have cuinerous frienids In this tight Utile Island, and among the most entiiusl- astic of lilK-m Is .Mr. Matburin .Arsen- tault, of this place. "I recommend Dcdd's Kidney PlUa to all who suffer," .Mr. Ai-seneaiik S'ays. "1 had been troubled with head- ache and backache about two years till I read in Dcdd's ,'\lmunac how many suffeii rs had benefited by using Uodd's Kidney Pills. j -"I decided to send foi- two boxes. Before I had finished taking them I was feeling as well as ever. "It gives me great pleiisiire to .say a few words for Dodd'a Kidney Pills." AM over the island you find people who tell of benefits received from Dodd's Kidney Pills. They are recog- nized as ihe standard remedy for kid- ney Ills. Acting directly on the kid- neys, they refresh and invigoiate those crgaua. The result is that ihey rio their full work of straining all the iin- ' purities, all the seeds of dIsHiise, out of the blood. That is why Dodd's ICIdiivy PIlOs are recognized as a Ionic. Ten Thousand Substitutes. Ten thousand substitute food ar- ticles have been introduced into Ger- n imy since the war, according to a statement made in the Berlin news- papers by Professor .luckenack, a I'lumintnt (jermun food expert. He mentions as the most striki^ig ex- amples of successful substitution the following: .Aitificial butter, eggs, sa- 1 lad oil, honey, milk, coffee, tea, sugar, tobacco, fish, sausage, cheese and caviar. Some of the substitutes are directly harmful but others are so good that they will outlive the war | and become regular articles of con- ' sumption, be assorts. I The publisher of ihe be.st Farmer's l)aper in the .Vlaritiine Prorlnces in writing to us slates: "I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the rest of time like .WiN'AUD'S LI.VIME.N'T. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has ciitllved dozens of would-be competitors and iinllalors." CANADIA.N TI.'>IBER GROWTH. In France Yields of 30,000 to 15,000 Board Feet Per ^Vcrc .Vre Common. Lt-Col. J. B. White, woods man- ager of the Riordao Pulp and Paper Company, Montreal, and for the past two years in charge of forestry work in England and France, stated recent- ly that if yields of 30,000 to 45,000 board feet per acre were frequent in France, as his own investigations had shown, there seemed no reason why Canadians should tolerate the relative- ly small productivity of timberlands in Eastern Canada where soil and climatic conditions were not dissimilar to those of France. One plot, meas- ured by Col. V\Tiite, contained 100,000 board feet within an acre. Such a showing ilid not tend to increase our satisfaction with Canadian lands pro- ducing only two to three thousand board feet per acre. ..J MONEY ORDERS Buy your out of town supplies with Dominion E.xpress Money Orders. Five dollars carts three c^-nts. NO ALUM It matters not what money crops you grow, give your soil a change. Introduce legume crops frequently and constantly. They will keep nitrogen and humus in the soil, keep the soil mellow and friable and open the sub- soil to other root a. It is many years since there wa» on hand in Ontario so generous a win- ter supply of both grains and general roughage, with the exception of corn, which is lower than usual in bin and I silo, says a bulletin of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Mlnard's Iiinlmeat Curaa aareet In Cowa When you put a porridge saucepan to soak always fill it with water. The prevalent guess is that next year is not going to be as good as the average for crops. All the more rea- son to do your best work. aUnara'B I>lnlmeut Corea Olntemotr. In cold weather clothes pins aire apt to freeze to the clothes and cause a tear when removed. This can be avoid- ed by first soaking the pins in salt and water. Misc£r.z.AxrEOXTa ANY CORN LIFTS OUT. DOESN'T HURT A BITl No foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers â€" It's like magic! oâ€" «i n- 0-- '»â- o- o-ii-o- -oâ€" -o- â€" o---'* Bore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind ot a corn, can hannles-^ly be lifted right oui with ilio fingers if you apply upon ilie corn a few drops of freezone. says a Clnclnnali auihoriiy For little cot't one can gei a small boKle of freozone at any drug slorc which will positively rid one's feel of every corn or callus without pain. 'HiIb simple drug (Irles the moment it is applied und does not even Irri- tate the surrounding sUIn while- ap- plying ii or afi-TwardB. Thi;. annowiicefueiii will Inieresi many of our readers. If your drug- gisi. liasnt any freeznno lell hlni lo surely gei a snuil! bulllo for you from his uiioiHsals drtiK lionse. C.V.NC'KR. rCMoJl.S. LUMPS. HTC. Internal ."ir.a externul. cured with- out pain by our home treatment \Vii(« lis bpfore loo lule. Ur. Bellmun .Meillcal Co.. l.lmileil. Ci'lltngw ood. On t. ! \\7 KM. Kwl U^IMCD NK\V.Sf.\iKK i TT iiiiii .i"li tiii.'iiliiK plum In KH»ii-in I t iiitariu. hiHiiraiu-e cHrried $1,600. Will I ISO !"r Sl.L'Oti 1^11 onlek sale. lior. '1», i Wilson ri] lill."lM'iK <'o.. Ltd.. Tuviiiui. B<Hi-0|>(o IV r Hie Ky^'s l'lr.«l'iu:i» •'^•'' '•>« siipciallsis \'V'- scribe IJon-Oplo ;.e » .safe home reiiieUy In the trealmpiu "f eye troubles ana to â- treiiKihen ..\esiKiii. .Sfhl oiuler inoin-y leriUMi BUiirHiiiy hy all ilniKiTl.sts. -^- JNB Granulated Eyelids, Sore Kiel*, Eyc« Inflamed by iun, Dait 3,1 J Wind quickly 'relieved by Murine. Try It In ' your i^yes and In Daby't Eyeiw )NoSintrtiBi,J»tEy«Coadort Murine Eye Remedy .tlji^K" M'^'-mShSI tye aalva. In Tii\im «*Q. I^or ffoolTa/ tiM Sv» - ^r«e» Ask MartBe By* Remedy Co.. CUcaa«« The Limit. The folluwiiig amusing story con- ceriiinj. Madam .Sarah (Irand, the well-' known novelist, was told to me recent- ly by a per.sonal friend of hers. I It appears that the gifted authoi' of "The Heaveply Twins" is very ab.'sent- mindcd. One day her friend, calling on her une.xpectedly, found her with a big awkward volume on her knee,' heated, excited, and evidently very' much put out. ' "Is anything the matter?" asked the ' caller. .^ -^ j "Oh, yes." she answered, desperate-' ly: "I've lost my pen, and I want to write to catch the post." | "Whv. where are you looking for' it?" _ I She glanced at, the liuestioner and tiion at the book. _ j "I--I believe," .she faltered. "I was, looking fi'C it among the p's in the die- : tioiiary." ! The morning breakfast food is vari-- cd in this menu by frying^the cold left-| over mush and serving it wi'h -lyup. | Th<' milk, usnnity served with the! cereal aixl most c.;senti«l to health,; must lie introduced in another form. | By serving cocoa for supper this is- accomplished salisl^ctorily. • I Klnard's Iilnliueiit Cni-ca OlvhtherU. Less .Sugar for Candy. Preliminary steps ha\e been taken to curtail the n.^e of cane sugar in the manufacture of candies. .Manufac- turers have been informed of the necessity for saving such sugar and are now endeavoring to adjust their business to '.he lequirenicnts of the situation. The money spent foi' candy in the United States and Canada in tbe pa.st year is double the amount of money needed to keep Belgium supplied with food for a year. Mlnard'a Unljuant Ottrei Colds, Etc. Island is a "Warship." The island of .Ascension, in the At- lantic, is the property of the British .Admiralty, and is borne on the Navy List as a vessel, being classed as a tender to one of His Majesty's ships of war. The island is governed by a naval captain, and the men stationod there (chiefly Royal Marines'! are subject to the same rules as they would be on board ship. There is no private property in land, so there are no rents, rates, or ta.xes. The flocks and herds are public property, and the meat is issued in rations; so are the vegetables grovfn on the farm. .1 New York state has passed a law re- ' quiring counties with a population of 35,000 or over to erect and maintain tuberculosis hospitals. i LEMONS MAKE SKIN \ WHITE. SOFT. CLEAR Make this beauty lotion tor a few cents and see for yourself. , What girl or woman liasut licjud of i lemon juice to remove complexion | blemishes: to whiton ilie skin and lo j bring out ihe i-o«e». Ihe freshness and ' the hidden beauty? Hiif li»mon juice 1 alone is acid, llierefore irritating, and ! should be mixtid with orchard white j this way. Strain through a fine cloth j the juice of iwo fresh lemons into a! bottle con.tainlng about three ounces i of orchard white, then shako veil and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about llie coal one ii;iially i)ays f<3r a small Jar , of ordinary ct;!d ci i-ani. Be sure to ' strain the lemon juice s-o no pulp gels tiilo the holllej,lhen this lotion will rc- inaln pure and fresh f<ir monihs. When applied dally lo the face, neck. ' arms and lui.nds it shouM lie'p lo bleach, clear, .-smoo'lhen and beautify llie skin. .\iiy driiggisi will suw>ly three | Clinics of orchard white at very little ccst an-d I lift grocer has ih« lemons.- The Soul of a Piano Is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HJQEU' PIANO ACTION ^aea The Cause of Heart TrouMe Faulty digestion cause* the generation of gases in the stomach which inflatoand preis down on Ihuheartand interfere with its regular action, causing faintneas and pain. 13 to 30 drops of Mother Sclger^ Curative Syrnp after meals sets digestion rtght,which allowi tha heitrt to beat full and regular. 9 ! BaMesWiih Itching, BurmngSkinsSieep I \itd I ire i iijo! lu.'ia rent after giviug baby a litit bat h with CuticuJ'aSoap foUoweu by a gentle application of (rtilictiradiniineitt. Peat-e falls on distracted lioiisebolda whpu Cuti- oiira outers. 'I'rial free. For Ire« Buituii- vfcuti ftddrtM iK»t-c*r(l: "i:uil- - - ..... r, a„,^ j,y a»»ill» ( ura. I>«pl, N. Bostiia, U. S. A tlLTouchuiil Tlie ivo!td. THOSE AWFUL JRAMPS Suggestions that may save Much Suffering Marysville. Ha. - I HUlVered viith Rheumatic Aches Drive them out with Sloan 'a Liniment, the quick-acting, cjo'hing linicneiit l.'iat pcnetiutca •, ilhout rubling .'ind rc-i'cves tlio pain. So much clcaacr than iau:?y pl.istira or ointments: it docs r..jt -t: iu the ekin or clog the por«s. Always liave a bottle i:i the houso 'o.- tho achca and pains of Iheu.^::^t;sm, gout, Ui.-n- bazo. 8t.T.:r>s. ."pr.iiiis, stiii joijifj and nil mi: ijls oorencss. Centric-...! ftito Uc^tL*o3at alliiruj;gu:tn, 25c., iOe. 31.00. -â- 'For twelve yean terrible cramps. I j would have to stay in bed several days every month. I tried' all kinds of remedies and was treated by doctors, but my trouble con- tinued until one day 1 read at)out Lydia a. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and what it had done for others. I tried it and now I am never troubled with cramps and feel like a difFer«nt woman. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound too hijghly and I am recommend- ing it to my friends who suffer as 1 did. " â€"Mrs. GISOUGE R. N.\Yi,OR, Bo.x 72, Marysville, Pa. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, l.mckache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabla Comijound. Thousands hav« been re- stored to health by this root and herb remedy. Write for free and helpful advice to Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co. (con- fidentinl>, Lynn, Mass. Only womeo open and read such letters. i;i). 7. ISSl'F. .iâ€" '18. aehlnery For Sale 1 WHEELOCK ENGINE. 18x42. New Automatic Valve Type. Complete with supply and sxii&ust plpJn^ flywheel, stc. Will accept $1,200 cash for Immrdlate sale. 1 ELECTRIC GENERATOR, 30 K.W.. llO-liiO Volts D.C, Will accept $425 cash for Immediate sale. PULLEYS. Large size. 26x66â€" «30; 12x60â€" $20 ; 12'>x48- -$12 ; 12x36--W. 1 BLOWER OK F.V.N, liuffalo .Make. 14 Inch discharge â€" $30. REAL ESTATES CUKI'ORATION. LTD. t)0 Front Hi. West, ToroaUl