Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1918, p. 4

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mmM,Mmii^tm ^•imi%' ^SSSZTT^tWl Jmmaryni 191H T H i5 F L E S H !• 1? rO N A D V A N U R T H le- an i.v\«I>«n<l«nt m'w«liai'»-r, piibliBlied every fhv.i iUy at the „ftice, C«>llingw.K.d Slre«», flMhfrton. Subin.iil>ti"n l>ric«f ♦! in-r annum IhVn i>»ia in »dvAnce -.SLVwheii n.a s" \>*M •l.iver iMnd rate* im nppliiati"!:. v^iii:'<l:»ti'>n l,li)0 weekly Flying Cadete Fast Become TWO BRITISH AIRMKIf. |gftfiigr2&^;^.^>i^"^I-7^3:^:^^:^^:^^^^^gE^^-^^ i^" 222^2^^ .W. H Thurston Editor Don't Stop Writing By Tommy at I he Front. •• Nu letter foi me Bg«iii : Ail nglil â-  Tw.. can pUy .n th»t «».ti.!." That is tho kind of Ihinn one hears nowiidays *hei> the mail in disliibuUd. The diaaitpointed j Some of llieni arc laUiiin iheir Hist "Hii) T'liiiuiy tuin« away grousina, to wait and tlie fascination of that ihiill *n..iher 24 h.)Ui« in the hope of receiving To one wild titet vi«il» one if the several irrodinmcs of the Koyal Flying ",)ips in t'uuiuU, it comes in tho nature of a biiipiisu tu aee ao manv loniplaneB >»lufi. 8wno[>ing down like huxh vultureK, racing across the n'rodeoiue and riuint; gracefully on (heir gliateniuK A'iiii;K> It >(><;hks nuicli for the orticiency of the K. F.C. tiainint' methods thai most of the aviators in these machines are young cadota who have junt miurateU to the Kliybt Wing frnm the Sclioul of Militaiy Aeronan'ici at the Toronto I inversily after 4 to l> weeks iireliniiiiary trainint!. A [.rccious envelopo healing the Mamp of •' JUighty. ' iiils, don't let this Sort of thing happen : l>o not let the boys out thete i-et it into their heads that because the m\T goea on and on you are .forgetting them. There is enough to grouse about, keaven knows. Aod the longer the war oontinuca the more neces-sary your letters become if the " hlues " ate to be routed, Pai-fsls are scarcer, but we can under- stand that. Letter* do not cost any «nore than they did in 1!>14, and they are much more vain ible to us than eve,- thsy were. So write often, and write at length. U IH o»»,v to siy in an occtsiona letter, •* We arc always thiiikina of yiu " but this iH hard lo believe unless we receive the evidence of fr»'|vieiit letters. Dj not let your correspondence cease, evei. if you have met your correspondent once or iwic. Itemember that since he joined the army his life has been at a swodatill in most respects. In terms of civilian life ho is not a day older, Vou of peol>le and last Proficient ^" <"••'*•'â- â€¢â€¢'"" "' '*â- â€¢><•''â-  <'<M)lne'Hii ami I'luck. The following story was told by » wounded pilot iinrt seives as another Illustration of the t-o^lness and |»hiok of British airmen. i "Two of out fellows," he said, "had rather a startling adventure the other day. They left the aerodrome] for a patrol stunt over the Hoche; lines. They saw soinetliing doing I'l , the rear of thi- Hun lines and fl.ew , down to have a iloser look, and they came under the lire of some •archies.' 1 Of cour»p they paid little attention i to the lire until a direct hit smashed the engine, and Iho pilot had barely time to turn the bus' for home when most of the engine fell dear. He didn't lose control, but planed down j as much in the direction of the Brit-, Ish lines as be lould. They came to earth with u bit of a crash. Inside the Boche lines, but neither the pilot nor his observer was hurl. They nipped out of the ruined 'bus' pi^tty quick and started running will 1 i like always linger in the young man's memory L'ln;; after tho oadet has mastered the art of tlymg, even when he can do loojs, "imuiclnian" turns, spin.s, and all t! e jjfaies in the direction of the British ' >p! "stunt*" m the aviator's bag of lric!i»,he\ trenches. j y,\ always Kioks back on the joyous wn.sa- 1 "There didn't seem to be any j (, , , .â-  . J 1 ,1 1 .,,1 „, Boches about where they came down, | f,f ti.ns when he hrst donned the leUl.er, ^°^ ^^^^^, ^^^^,^^ ,.^^ ^^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ , coat, fur lined helmet, goggles and those | dropped to have a breather. While ; Honderful prid bo jff which »re tho aviator s ' they'lay on the ground out of His initiation into the mysteries I breath they spotted a sort of erec- j^; . ,., n • I.,,' tion affair, bankiuK and that sort of \ . fllying begin with ' aual ">'"'!='. ^"V | thing, coveted with camouflageâ€"!! that you to M*y have met all sorts <loue all sorts of tliinRS since yuu .aw liim ; he has had no such diversions. He does not ruminate over the experi- ences he has had in the army -he would like to put them behind as soon as may be. But he dees remember that last tiieetinv with you -remembers ic as keenly as thou<;h itoniy happened yester- day. He linds it difhcult to understand why you do not. Tt may I n'et hira,tni a holiday and tlmuiiUt ti'. tend^'m a few letters when he joined •Oie'arnjy. As time passed the corres- jjondence dropped. Are you sure he was the last to write .' l>o you_not rscill that plaintive field poslcird '. ^ Possibly you think it would be to" •• forwaid to reopen corresii jndetice. ll would not. It is no easy matter to be »â-  forward ' with a man whom the >eas divide from you. If he were in hospital w.iunded you would write to him. Believe me, he don't need your letters ^uy the less now lie> in the front line. When y.iu write du not think that tho mention of little h-unely lhm;i.s will make a man homesick. Do not think he is h>ine»ick if he enthuses about them. Ihe end, when we .shall return, is what we love to tliink>nl talk ami read al.i.ut. ..Sometimes we get the " blues ' when we •.hink thai end is far,f« oH. Hut do ma be lu-ai-i of writing about delights in store. t)>, ni.l !>c afraid of de»crihing the good •.lines you have recently had. It is so that your happioc« may noi be dintmyed â- hat we lire hghtini^. ' l^ '' hucks ' uj t i â- ilize tint our efforts bJ'-'e not lu'en in .ain. For once do not be afraid o' wearing your heart on your slesve. AlUy â- -litii some warm drjps of umity yur }-:iigli.sh spiiit. We aie all sentimental •ver here. If your friendship ripens lul-jsomelliiiig warmer, well and good. If not, no harm is done. No one cin .â- â- :\XM you of indiscretion when y<mr aim ~ to cheer up a lighting man. I>o not write about the war. The war •s always with us. Stimulate your iirespundent's interests. Put hiin on .a train of thought Tell him about !ie books you are reading and tlie plays you have .seen. We are all develop' -ig the reading habit. <>jr reading gimul . iins all the way from Walter Pater to I'liarles Service. But we all read. 8avi Mp the jokes and seid them to us. We love a good stoiy. 1) lubtless you are al' doing your bit nowadays. The little n'ore, and how much it is : Let writing II uj constitute that little hit uiore. 1 adjure you. do noi slop writii g. after d:iy he «oes up with hii iiisrueiori looked like a big until he has 1,-ariied lu eoiUrol the', crept up closer to machine liinislf. He must pnctise land- j iug, for the mark of a skilled airman is the ease with which lie lands. Then one j day he will be sent up "solo ' on the lirst of many Hights and landiims. This is j the real test of his tilness for Hying. Day by day liu is given greater freedom on these solo trips until his instructor announces him a ma.-ter of his art. Uuringlhis course in actual llyiug the cadet receives advanced trainint? in wire- less telegraphy and signalling. He also ^Bis aoluil practice m lurial photography keeping the same records .-inrt si riving for the accuracy that will be demanded of him in Kiaiico. Not Ihe least important 1 and fascinating he learns t..> use his machine gun like a master, chasing small baloons and larnets toWed by other machines. Owen .Sound public schools may close for want oF fuel. The house of W. A. tioodfellow, 12ili con. of Proton, had a narrow esca|)e from destruclidii by fire the Sat. night of fhe bifi stoini Mr. Goodfellow noticed the llames bieaking .lut neir the rouf, but could not have saved the building from complete destruction had it not been for the "(uick aasi.stance secured from neighbfiis who were sunimoued by telephone. gun-pll. They 1 1 the pit and got ) near enough to hear ihe Boches talk- ing, but not near enough to be spot- | ted. It was a gun-pit and a jolly big one al that, so they squatted there I and then made a sketch map of It, . with a bearing or two to get the pro- per range. After that they crept and ran and crawled until they got to the bank of the canal. They had to swim for it, and they took oft as I much dunnage as they could â€" strip- 1 ped to their shirts, and one of them | stuck the sketch in his tobacco pouch I to keep it from getting soaked. Then they started off to swim for it. As | they left the bank a couple of Boche ftnipers got a bead on them and they h»d iUBt time to locate the beggars sniping In sunken barrels before ^ they dived for it. They swam under ! wal«r, coming up for a breather I now and then, with the Boche snip- â-  ers blazing away all the time. "When they got to the other side, there wa« a bit of a slope to get up, and then one of our own sentries started to are at them. They didn't j want to kick up too much of a row , and be pipped by the Boche after getting so far. but they maanged by ; cii,.p„ piotpd Pntlerv signals to show that the sniper-chap | °''^f|;,\i*'/,^,VJ.'[.'^'^> had made a mistake and th»y got through all right. "The flrsl thing they did, while still dressed only in wet shirts, waa to get on the 'phone to our heavies. and by the help of the infantry O. C.'s map to give the exact location ; of that big gun-pit. as well as the j tw« barrels. Next thing that hap- i peiied was a series of direct hits on â-  I that gun emplacement, an,d the two , (0ip«rB' barrels sent sky-high. It | ' wtm a eonvplete wash-out tor the ; Bj>«toe." i Some New Year Bargains LADIES' CLOTH COATS -We have a nniiiher of ladies' cloth coats in (liHercnt styles which we carried over from last seusonâ€" the cloths are all wool atul very much bettei (|uality than can be obtained now for love or money. The sizes are fairly well assorted and every garment i.s in first cla.ss condition. Prices originally ranged from $10..')0 to $18.50. All Selling at Half Price. We offer the balance of our ladies coats purchased this season at a discount of 20 per cent from regular prices. Foot^vear Bargains ^Von\CI\'s OversKoeS â€" Kirst quality floods. Some buttoned, others with buckles. Correct style lasts -All Sizes. Regular $'2 . 50 for $2 Men's Snag-proof Rubbers â€" P"*8t quality gooda. Red sole and heel, three Eyeletsâ€" All Sizes'. â-  Regular $y. '25 for $2.50. A\ei\'s Felt Boots â€" First quality gooiLs. Eiibber sole and vamp, eight eyelets. Sizes 7 to 10. Regular 83.2.'* for J2.95. Uivderwear Special Two lines of Mens wool, clastic knit, ribbetl, nnshrinkable shirts and drawers â€" nearly ai .sizes are I'd'câ€" especially those for small and large men- Tliore are two 'inalities, one worth $1.25 and the otbcr §1.50 per garment. Selling for 75c . and 95c. Two Only â€" Men's Eat lined coats. Otter collars, good heavy black wool beaver shells- One size, 40, for $40.00. One size, 42, for $15.00. Hotli thr.«e garments offer a saving of at least 815.00 each on regular prices. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Buying Suggestions Origin of a Popular Hymn. | Tlie followiii;; illiisiriitioii ijiven by , D. Ij. Moody .sii.i;;;psts the tine origin of 1'. r. Bliss' li.vmii, "1*1 llie Lower ' r^lglits Be Biiniln:,';" "A siilp on I.aUe I'^riu bauixl for C'IovoIiiikI linrljor waa ovorlakou Ijy ii storin, and n.s tlioy i iioarod tlie port tlio pilut eoiikl only see i llio iipiier lislitâ€" tlio liKlit from llie liisUIIiouso slicniiiin.L; lo tlioni tlinmuU i tho storiu ami darkuoss. The Icwcr liKlils were not huniiiiK'. Tlu? |ill;<t conlil not .SCO liow to sloor into tlio liar- â-  l>or. It Wii.s iinposslhlo to sail hack ; ftKuin upon ihe laUo. The .sliip hail to fro I'urwanI, iinil fi>r the want ot the j lower lights aloiu; tlie shore the vessel, now at the mercy of Ihe liiii,'e, roaiiiii; waves, was diislud to pieces on tlio rocks, and many of the crew perished before help coulil reach tlicm. I'. I*. Blis.s was as.sociuled in those early days with D. Ij. Mi^ody in Chiislian work, mid he must have heard Mr. Moody use tUis illustration, which gives n beauty to it8 meaulns." Two of a Kind. "Where did you get that stuff, kid?" "I was teacbed it." "reached if? Who learned you to talk that way'i" Poetry. "Do you enjoy modern poetry?" "Very much. It's such good fun try- Ins; to figure out what It means."- > The less heart n man puts Into a taak the more labor it T«wxi.va» fold Meat Forks Berry Spoon.-; Sugar Shells Pickle I'orks Cat lass sct.a Carving seta I'ie Knives Decanter sets Pickle Cruets Pocket Cutlery IJazors, Sliavjiig r.iiii'hes Skate.s -(anUiinobile) Hockey supplies Clotlios Wringei? Carpet Sweepers Kuanu'lware, Clmriis. l''ood choppers riandsaws, f>iiek.*ii\vs, Braces And many other very useful gifts F. W. DUNCAN The Flishertftn Hardwire. Ptione .?o r?. Boar for Service The undersigned bits a thorbuohjred Yurltshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms 81.511. FRED SPOFFARD. [iA Mik. ill In It Pays to Attend the Yonge anJ Charles Streets, Toronto All graduates and secies ol our under- i!radu4>es of the past year h^tve secured good business positions and still the demand is far beycn.'. our supply. Write for our Catalogue. Knter »t any time. W. J. ELTJOTT, Principal Fleslneirtion #- Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaotio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday erenia CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We »j agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothftn cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenatej T FISHEK - -PROPRIETOR STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE Tamwortli Swine, B. R. Eggs, and Kouin Duck Eggs. 1 liiive foripiiik .tidf sdiiip yt.iiiiK'1'iiinworths for liii'edin^'imrpi.sis ; alsoai>uie Haired Kuck egsts. ami K"iieii Hiick v^^* {,,r hatching piir- pti.-ipj. I'lices ri(?lit I'liune o,- write â€" (;t\). VV. RO:SS. UliIM u; OsprevTI. .'^ysfrin Ma.vwfll, 1' O New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 ;iin openina up atonce, a blacksmith- in;; :iiid woedworkin;; business in Max- well, and .'tin installing up-to-date wood- workins; luacliineiy. It will be my en deavor tu serve the public in » satiafsc- lory manner and I would aolicit p»tron- aiie. I wmt yourwiirk and will do it riglit. 7 April 1 Ihis Samuel Corbitt, Deputy UeKiatrar of <)«en Souni). fell deitd i.n liis way tu the ')ttice on Saiiirdny .fan. 1'.*. Carefully Corrected Eacb Week nutltr 32 to ••JO EggH, fresh 42 o .')0 Wheat 12 25 lo 2 '^5 OatH To to "f' poHs 1 (HI to 2 10 H»rl«y !«ot<) 05 potatoes $1..'15 Buck wheat 1)0 h. n-. Ducks 2;ito23 GfCfe 21 io2l <^hickims 22 to 22 Fowl HI to Hi MAIL CONTRACT .-^,m1.-.1 Tciul.-i-:iil.ln-.-*^,-(lt...ll]i-r..>ii„:..l(r (Jcnirul, will !).• \ -Ivi'il at Duawa until niiini oil I'll. lay. till' .â- <th .if .\livrcli,l!llK. f,,r tlif ron- vey.iiui: of lll^ .Muji.sty'H Mail.", mi a |ll•.l|l...^. etl<J( iitriK t f.ir four viars, si.\ tiiiiiK per nvrlc (.-adi w.iyâ€" ItvVKNNA l!ll;.\|, .\t.\ll, KOITK NU. 1 from till- Ut of .\|)iil. next. Printed ii.ii|r-.» ri'iitaiiiiiii; luitlier iiifi.iina- lioii an til < niiilitliiiis iif |iro|H>H('il Coiitniri may 111- .Mill mill lilaiik liiriii.s iif 'IVmlcr may he "litaiiii-il at the I'lmt OIKce at Uavenna and at the iiHi?r of the 1'iif.t DIlia- lni.|icc- lor. 'riiroiitii. A. SI'TlfKRI.AMl, i'lis', OHice lii-|i('tiir. I'oft Ollici: liiKpector's Ollirr. Toiiiiito, .I«n. aaiid, lillK. Inula y III your .-piuo Winter by selling Nursery Stock and New Seed Potatoes This is the time lo start on Spring Sale.''. We pay liigliest eoniniissions and furnlsl. our Salesmen with litcra tino with a "punch" to it. Send for our list of New (Jftorings and full particulars. Stone & Wellington The Fonthlll Nurseries. (Ksltthli.'ihed 18:17.) TORONTO . ONTARIO BUM. FOR SERVICE UcKistered Shorthorn hull for ,sar vice TeriuH: $l.r>0 for jjrado cow.s, $;>.00 for •ci>i8tercd cows. ('on. 4, lots U) 11 Artenieaia. I JulylS- . J. D. Ml LEOD. Ceylon Pulpwood Wanted Two llioiisaiul C'l. .> of Spruce .•iiul Halsaia wood, cut -l ir. Inns.', not less j \.\\\\\ 4i in. ut ilitf .small I'liil, knol< i triinincil close for wh'cli »',â-  will pay Jli per cord for haNini. aiii .^T l>."i lunl fm i S|)ruce, dl)li^en'li at luaiot Uailroail Station Anyone hnviiiu simo fir sale write to phone Maikialo .">'.• .'52. -W. T. KI.U.S, Kimhoilcy. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The L'ltisl 111 Sheet MiiMC at llie PHOTO GALLERY CHESTER LONG III '*'^' Flesherton Tin ?shop .^ _ oil I i III II \^ II mill i^^i II 1^1 i>i 1^1 iji i^^i II II II 1^^ II II I have jnst placed on the .shelve.s a full line ol 'I'iinvare, Nickelware and Aj,^ateware for domestic n.^i\ Call on nie and get your supplies. IIIL'^^. Kavet I'oughinof, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- liepairinj,' ofall kinds promptly attended to. Pipolittinj;, inc-ludiii^' pump work. installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces Furnaces. D. McKILLOP MAIL CONTRACT For Sale or Rent .sr..\l,K.I) TllNllKUS addreHstil to tlie! ^i f 11 _;„ \- ,l„ .1 lo. I>„ .,..,i„ . IWti.m.te. (iineVal will lie .mive I nt ! The fidlowin« \ liUiable i roperly : | OU««ttiintilii,i,,i,.,nl'riday,tlu Mlh.if .Marclil (liu- lot situated on Ihe west »ide cfl,,, . ,, , nils, fill the .â- ..iivevaiice of Hi> .Ma|eMy«i . . i?i i . .• • \ W. A. HaWKen .M«ilH, on a iimiiopod lloiUract for four ycatn. j bydenlmii street. Flesherton, conUinioat j ».^r»«^ii kIn tiii»»|.ei wvek on the route i ii Koveii roomed traine dwelling liHed MAKK1»AI.K. lil'UAL UOUTK .NO. 1 froia the U\A Ainil. IHIH. ntvt. j I'linteil iiiitii'iK containiuK foither infiniiia i liiMi .-19 t.ii-<ii<li'iinn "f |ir(i|n.-ed cimliHft may he seen and lil.ink f "mi* nf Tender to ly he $90 Flesherton Phone 23 r4 CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON . m ONTARIO. iU_^^.^^.^^^_^^__^^ F ARM I MPLEM ENTS Agents JPoi:* Ortiee« of MaikiUle I'ost (irtice liisi'iitiir, ihtaiiied at tli- I'l- .tnd at the utti.'.' of tin Torout... A. SUTHKUL.AM). I'.mt Office ln<]ii.( l'i,*t Ortice Inj,|iect€.i'H Office, I- I f -'in -iSftl. lillH. For Service with electric lit'lit,"'i'ft water in basement. One lilt situated on north i-ide df MiirLi'iret street, Flesherlim, coniiininK a Nix roi'Hied firuue dwellini,' and fianie- ,, , ,77 , ,, ,. ,. One (juro nrpil Similluirti llnll on lui *''""â- â- â€¢ ,, , . . ;ttl, con. It, Ailemciia. Tet ins » 1.00 for Also a iii.K lot c....la,i,t.,:,. two acres, j g,„.,..,. M,„t (,„ ,„,;,, „„„i„ » „„„,».. well fenced and euU.raled. , f^,„„ ^,,^ „, ^^^^.^^ Kor leruis dnd |>articiiln,s nppiy to ( 1 J»n. 17. It. (•. TIKNEH. l.Un . SILA.SSUUNK. \ Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.

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