Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1918, p. 5

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January :{1 JiM8 THE F L E S H E K T O JS ADVA NCR THE â- â- T'o lara STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD opnce - TOnONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at •very Branch. 235 FLESHERTON BRANCH •CEO. MITCHELL, iManager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leavs Flesherton Station as fotlovrs : Ooing Si'.uth Gnins,' North T-.'iSa. 111. 12.01 D.m. 4.2? p.m. !).18p. ra. The mails nro osert at Fleftlieitou ?? follows : For the north .it 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the iiftertioon mail south .it H. 40 o'clock. For moniinu train south mail close .a 9 ;>. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Nearly nineteen dullard wero secured by a special c illec'ion in the Methodist ^St«bbath school on Sunday last for the "utfering Arme iiian.o. A lilie collection will he taken m the Presbyterian Sabbath school next Sunday. The ice harvesters are now busily at B'ork on one uf the Knest " cropi " ever harvested here. The blocks are of im- mense thickness and A 1 grade, a.s they naturally would be with such tierce H'e.-ither as we have experienced durins the (jiiHt two m >nthK. 1 The.^d\;incc went to press too early lor a lust weijij to annonuce that Mr. .lohn A. Boyd of Markdale had been appointed The proceeds of Mrn. Mylei Thistle. Warden of this great and glorious county tbwailc's tea at Springhill was f;!.40. of Grey, and that withoit any very Mrs. George Alton of Markdale, has "'''<'"* o|;position. The . new Warden been visit iny her muther. Mn. Wtn, "'"• ^"^ ^'â- '*'' *"'"''• Kreco the ^.osition. Wileock, during' the past Week. H'" niiiny warm friends in Flesherton Remember the Red Crosa concert in [ "* ''*'''"°« <:»!'«'-»t"lations. the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Friday of , We heard a aeutleman say on Satur- this week. i Hay that the prettiest bunch of youug Mrs. Blackburn w:i.s in Torontu jew days last week. Mrs. W, J. ftlartin and little son. ladiis he ever saw, was that which toon Milboutne, visited from Saturday until P"'' '" ''»'-' concert given by the Literary Tuesday with friends in Dundalk. .Society of the high school on Friday Bob Trimble of the Union Bank. ' T"'"^ '*"*'• ^'« ''"'^^ a«reo with him. .Shelhurne. spent Sunday at his hoa,e ^"', f"" ' '*" '^^ ^^''^ "'^'"^''''â- ''^- ^' , would scarcely do to make them vain as . , „. ' well as pretty, and spoil a sood thinL'. If t». Frank Forsyth of Glasgoar. Ont.. i j f o h visited her brother, Mr. John Wright, The regular monthly meeting of the last week. | W. I. a ill be held in the hinh school on Mm. Hulse of Oranf/eviUo was the ^Vedntsday, Feb. G, at 2..W p.m. Sub. fuast of her daughter. Miss Clara HuUe J^cts-The place of the Institute in the of the high schooi;8t»fiF, 1 coraonunity. by Mrs. U. Richardson: , . 1 *.i .. c n. . ,^ ' Help in home dressmaking, by Mrs. 1'. It IS rumored that some of loronto''* . „, , , „ .. „*" ' _, . ,, ,. . , , ^ . ,. ^ Blakely ; Reading by Mrs. W. Trimble, ins lewelry manuFacturers are subatitut- . „ , .. ^ ,,.. , . t., , J. 1 t ,.L 1 tu- J ' All welcomeâ€" Mrs. E. Mickens, ."sec. ing black diamonds tor the real thing and •ellinK at no advance in price. j Mr. Walter Simmons ot 'he 4th line Hiss Louie Micholsun of Toronto, has purchased ihe lot and residence returned home last week after spending; owned by Mr. Thomas Suell. opposite a month with her sisters here. Miss V. the i'resbyterian church on Collingwood Nioholson and Mrs. Jos. Duncan. I street. The sale was ett'ected through Died-At Aneroid, Sask., on Jan. 9. i Mr. Shunk, the property having been Wilda Elizabeth, infant daughter of Mr. and Sirs. George Paul, aged nine days. Cause of deatn, pneumonia. The Red Cross tea at Mrs. W. Boyd's netlpd 9C 10 and at Mrs. H. Wilson's advertised through The Advance for the past three weeks. Mr. Shunk his a couple more properties left for quick sale. Mrs. F. H. NV. Hickling left on Satur- ^8.50. The next lea will be heic' at Mrs. j day to attend the bedside of her niece, (Ue».) Belfry's on Friday, Feb. 8ch. | Miss Dorothy Clark. Ottawa, wh.. is Mies l.a Mitchell, who was otfduty S'it'ou-'y'll- Later-The youn- woman last week owing to the necessity of Paa.sed away on Tuesday. The funeral closing the i,ch..ol to make repairs, spent I *'» ^^^^ P'"'^'-' "" ^"''''^"y- ^'-'''- ^- f"'"'" last week with friends in 'I'orouto. \ ^^e residence of her uncle, Mr. F. LI. N\ . Hickling, Fleihertoit, lo Flesherton The regular meeting of Sprinxhill Red Cro»» Society will be held in 'he school- house oil Friuiy evoi.ii:g, Feb 1st. , Everybody welcome. i We are sorry to reperi that Mrs. II. LeOaid IS very ill with intlamumtory rheumatism, but hope to hjar of her j speedy recovery. j Wo have corrected out mailing list to ' date. Just loc kit your label md .i'ee if the date is coned. If H'N wi' would, like to bo informed, as it is ea.sier to; correct now, than lalei 011. j The fuel situation is still acu'e here, j One of our dealers ha.s been unalle to | ^et a single car load since l,\st summer, , althouirh the cMiimission s.vys he is j cemetery. During the past week the moon Ims been shin'ng very brightly, making ideal nights for snowshoers and <iuite a tew have taken advaiitiigo and gone out to have a gooc' time. This is one of the most exhileratiug spor.s there are,, and should be taken more advantage of by the older i,e>ple as well as the yung. It t,*kes away the superlluou--' tat that h-ia coiigicgateil during the past year.and spurs Ujj the digestive o'gans. while loi.' tendons ^et a atietching that may make them !»ruuil>!e for a few days, bin for which tliay will be much the better. Try it. During tie course of an inteiesliug TliObe who atteiu'ed the high school concert on Friday evening last enjoyed a rare treat, the program being one uf the bust thu school has evtr gotten up. The pupils taking part all did their parts remarkably well, and the program was ijuite a lengthy cne. Some of the fea- tuies efpecially worthy of mention were the dunibell drill by a pretty bunch ol high school girls, the singing uf the Largo family, u kitchen band, Highland Scliot- issclie by another bunch of pretty young ladies, readings by Misses K. Acheson tnd Mabel Swift, and a most laughab e thing Women's Rights in picture and simg. Mus Uulae also gave two much appreciated violin solos, and the resident clergy all made short addresses while they gave out the diplomas and certili- cates. The entertainment in every way was one of the most successful ever "iven by the school, and bot!> teachers and pupils are to be congratulattd on their work. The proceeds imounced to over 870. The Bylaw adopting iho county loads system for this county has been approved by tha Lieut. -Governor and the County Council at its session last week appointed Mr. John Johnston, Reeve of Keppel, as road commissioner for the county at a salary of $l.")0O, he to pay all travelling cipeuses", but the county will supply liiin with H ^hW auto and keep it in repair. Mr. Johnston has been in munioipal lite for nineteen years and represented his township in Council for the past eleven years. He has had considerable experi- encu in roadinaking. It is thought that the govorniaeni will adopt the whole four inter-county roads suggested, on which they will pay t)0 per cent. The County has now taken over the cimnty roads and no more statute labor will be done on them. The County of Grey was one of the last to adopt this scheme. We believe there are only about three counties in the province that have not taken up this progressive work. A good roads conimittte of live waa appointed to pass accounts. House of Refuge Needs Fue( The county houce of refuge at Mark- dale 18 face to face with serious coal shortage, according tu the report of the House of Refu;;e Couimittee to the County Council. The institution has but two weeks' supply of cual ahead and there is no more in sight. The contiactor who obtained the order fur this year has been unable to supply :nore than about (me half of the coal renuired, and he writes the committee st.iting that ho can cet no more. Superintendent Sinclair of [he Shelter has a gang of men in the woods chopping and cuttini; wood so that the ininaies will not be frozen out if a further coal ."upply is uot fnilhcumiiig* Mr. Artley of Markdale secured the contiact lo supply the institution with coal. Ho IS iii.t a regular dealer, hut tendered to supply 100 tons at a dollar cheaper than tiie regular Markdale dealer, who also tendeTed. Mr. Artley secured half thu one hundred ton.s but WHS unable to secure any more.â€" (»- S. Advertiser. Hargrave- Pedlar entitled to two. I seriiiou Sunday evening Rev. Mr. Beifiy Alfred Down, son of Mr. II. D"""' â-  ji^jd ; " There are generally two classes Maxwell, underwent an operation f"^' j ^f people in a conimuuityâ€" those who appendiciti'< at his home 011 Sunday. I ^^^^^ ^^^j ^^j^^^^, „[;„ i„„,. j^p others lo Dr. Guy of Maxwell, and a Cobingwood ^^^^.^ ^y^^^ 'Yheie .vre some who add to doctor hiul ch.irne of the operation. whicli ' ^j^^. ,jf^ ^^^^j prosperity of a community, was socccNsful. 1 while others, s(ionge like, liiko all that Mrs. Robert Gniham of Mauitou, othsr pcoi'le -.re willing to do and -ive. Manitoba, who IS at present vi.siting with , yy,„,,(i,„^,s young people iu the home friends in old t)utario, gave The .Vlvance ^ ^dd strensdh, comfort and joy ; at other a pleasant call on Saturday last. It is tj,„g^ ;[ j, ii,^ ^on and daughter in the eighteen year.s since Mi. and Mrs, ' i^^,,,^ that takes the liwht from mother's Graham went West. ' eye and the elasticity from father's step. Tho 0.vcn Sound Sun of ^.-iday last The ideal life is the life of .service, mentions that Mayor Webster has a fjUowina after Him who announced that beautiful collection of rare anthracite in His purpo.se in life was not to be minis his window We are not afraid to state terel unto but to minister. that it would be a gre'U treat if some of u, could even get a wee peep at some of those black diamonds. Mr Karstndl is ordering » car of mill feed to be taken ofif the c.u by tbe purchaser at actual cos^- Thi.-» through patriotic motives, in relievo the feed coudition. advettiseuieiit in ihi.i issje is done order to See his for These are times when one heats so much about war grafting and prohteering it is refreshing to hear of cases where men give their best energies eutiiely without reiiiuneratioii. Such an io.stanee came ti> light in Walkerlon this week when the treasurer of the I. <>. D. h. re- ceived a che<iue for $375 from Messr^^ A. full Collin?, J- J. Schumacher tuid J. H. Ranisbottom to be devoted to solttieri The. marriage was i|uiutly soliMimized at St. James church Uectory (n Wcdnes. day, Jan. 1(5, of Annie Gladys. dau<.;hter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pedlar of Flesh- erton, '.o George F. Hargrave, only .son of Mr. and yr». i'.eni.iiinn Harijravc of Osprey Township. The ceremony was (leifirmed by Kev. W. (j. I'.liicUwell in the jireheuce of the relatives and friends of Ihe biiue and groom, .\ftor It.e ceremony tho younK C'juplo with their friends i.roceeded to tha homo of Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Hargrave where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrave left on Thursday for their future home on the 4th line of 0-prey Township, Dundalk Herald. Card of Thanks I desire to express my gratitude to friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy during a trying period, involving a two years' illness and death of my wife, liHen Meads Ferris. â€"JAMES FERRIS. Mrs Fame. Ferris died at her home, wo.k. The che ,ue represented the ti, at *:sVc arens Ave , Toronlo.on Jan. 22, h.Vf of the pay received from the Govern- in!r an U s of two years duration, at meiit by these men for se.ing tl.O.COO hei; o oljears. The deceased lady worth of Victory Bonds m W.lkeit.K WM aslHterof Mr. J. W. Meads, O.D.R., When the second chcMue for i..r,, con.cs Tn^ ^8 married to her sorrowing along, it will also be turned over ro the hulrte years ago. She was a I.O.D.K. making 87;>0 contrtbut.^ in .ill ..;.tc of Artemesia township. The by the.se generous ct,,.or.s NeedW, o remains were brought n"p on Thursday say the women are delighted with the ritrl Id .nlrnJnt took place ma.nihce.u gtft and "'" "- 'J ^^^ - rriday afternoon in Evergreen cemetery, beat adyvntage of the bo,s at the front. from Mr. Me»d»' residence. \ - Walkerton Teleacope. A GREATER NEED INSPIRES A GREATER PRODUCTION And to assist this greater production we are prepared to "do our bit". We have decided to buy Milling Feeds ia Car lots, and distribute it to the farmers of this community and those of Priceville at MILLER'S PRICE in car lots. This is an exceptional offer but these are exceptional times. Pork and bacon are needed badly by the Allies and in this way, we hope you, Farmer, will assist in this great need. Under the following conditions can this only be accomplished : "That you will lift the tiuantity you buy at the station when [he car is on the track ' "That every farmer buy at least five luimlred pounds either Bran, Shorts, Middlings, etc." "That a deposit be left to your credit when the order is placed ; the balance to be cash when the feed is lifted," This means "FEEDS_ATCOST" We hope you will enter into this arrangement with great vigor. Place your order now for what you want. The sooner you place your order the sooner will get the feed. We mean so start right away. Get in on the first car lot. Watch for our announcement next week. W F. G. KARSTEDT Flesherton KARSTEDT BROS. Priceville S^gg:^S^.^?. H!Sg&5:g:gsg:j |^^^ ; ^^i g5^^ I B. "Went down into my cellar on arriving 1 home last evening and I don't know when I I saw such a pleasing sight." What kind of a sight." "Anthracite, iry boy.'' The hot water heating system in N- Fisher & Go's store, Shelburne, went, "busted." A break lot water down into the fire pot, which was amaahed -ind the cellar tilled with ashes. No material damage was done, except to the furnace, which was put out of .; businesa fur only a day. iijutmS sagay . The Old Adage ^Odds and Ends^ Pony For Sileâ€" Sound and uot nciv ous. Good set harness and blanket g'les with it. Apply to M.S. McCallum Flchertou, or .\rthi,r Brownudge, M'lX we 11 . The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating -^ is equall} The sam true of''' the 190C Gravity asher. Try (A" one and be convinced Vis that there is nonp | better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon For sale ctieap ano on easy tr-rms, Lot ^ J lo, con. U, Osprey, 110 ac.-es. This is a first class farm and in a good State ot cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwellin-. Apply to R. J- Sproule Flesheriou Kentner's Popular Music Store. Mark- dale, is the placs to buy your Piano, Orcan, Phoiiugraph, Sewing Machine, Sheet Music, and all musical supplies. Full line ut iVlcL'onnick Farm Implements, Binders a Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills. Cultivators, Plows, n Riding and Walking airows Erantfcnl Wind m T\>r;ilc "Pi.rr.^,.-. r:;«: „.-,i rrtn. , ^t „ii i.:_,i„ n all kinds, Slings, Filter "'ence Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fillings of Beattie ;iv Carriers. Hay Forks. Slings, . Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and F Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon, Ont. Hound Pup strayea i mil grovn pup. black and white, on Friday, J.">-^ >^- Finder please communicate with Walter (^esc Akitt, Ruck Mills P.O. ;| For Sale-One set single harness new, one robe almost new.or wiU be excha..ged fm-greon stove wood. -W. W. Tr,.„ble. Fleslicrion. Oia. . House and Lo: for Sale at Maxwell- Apply to .James Long, Foversham. Something Sensible for Christmas Gifts A sad c ise »f suicide occurred in Port Elgin when Gordon Hepner. only son of ! Mr, John Hepner of the firm of ,.Stevens, ' Hepner & Co., bru>h luanufactureis, hanged himself in the cellar of his fath- er's home. The unfortunate young man hid been drafted for military service and after a short tune in training at London camp, returnea to his home in Pert Kigin. where he continued to remain for a few days owinit to ill health. t>n tbe night ( f the traaedy he intimated th.it ho ! was going out for a time, and was thought to have done so. Hearin-; » strange n. iso ill the cellar, however, the ff^lhcr woi.tdowu and (ound nis f-n hinffing from a rafter, and abhocgh ho hurriedly cut him down life was already e.xtinct The deceased was aoout ;52 ye.-vts of 8(i-» Try Fever.sha.n Pastry Flour, the best for your cook. All Ontv.rio wheat. Yearling Leicester rani for .sale at $15. J. A Stu.irt, Kimberley. Cow for saleâ€" Due 1st. May, 8 yearg (.Id. Api>ly to Robert Osborne, Eugenia. M1SCELL4NE0LS Haviuu taken over from H.B. McLean l,he W G. Pickell Insurance buameas, 1 .m prepared to look after the interesaa of ,1,0 public. Hutth U. Hammond, R. R No.l.Eugcii.a Agent. Phone 2 r 2. I Aug. For Snle-A Doherty organ, five ,ctave, knee swell, cctave coupler and .â- i„ht other stops ; in Rood condition; oireapandon ea.,y t.-nns. E.iMU.re at .Vdvanoe otftce. Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. -Vpply to U. J. Sproule. Fleshertoj.^^ _^^ Select a gift this year that goes into the home and stays in the home â€" something that, will giv? years o£ service and will be a co :slaiit reminder of yunr tliouglufuie.s.s anl atl'ection . FIKNIIVUE IS THE MOST WELCtME <>F ALL XMAS GIFTS. Some appropriate selections -Bookc^ases, Fancy Tables, .lardineie Stands, Easy Cliaira, Uockers, et.-. .\m.'lher useful sugnostioii â€" A Kitchen Cabinet. Everything at hand A step saver and a money saver. For The Youngsteis â€" High l^litiir", Kjcking Houes, Rockers, Doll Carriat'P^. etc. New Mouiuinss in hand for Picture Framing. NEW iMETHODLST HVM.N BCOK .V number of congrcijat ions are adopt ing the new Ujmu Book at tho New year. \Y e have samples on hsiul and are taking orders for the same J and intend putting in a seleci stock in the various stylos and bindings. Secure one for youiself or uniko your friend a present of one for Xinas. W. FL BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Farm Wanted To rent r. Fcnwick, Eugenia. near schw>l - Highest P''«« *"' *"*^"' ""'* ""^ *' tJraham Bros. Eugenia. ["^^ T^ow^and Calf foe Saleâ€" Juat frosheood Frank 'Jhard, THE BOYS AGIKLS Who ha* e been work- .so strenuously on the farms producing food fond for those at liome and Wversea-! should be given the opportunity of iinproving their Edu- c«iion durinji the slack winter nK'Utbs at tho •-^ , ' • - â-  I / ;,Vy///' ' The fees *ie no hinhcr th.«n when farm produce .sold at half the price of today . The younu people will be benotited throughout life fro'ii the tiainiiig in Busiiiefs obtained in a few winter mouths of our Special f'.usiness Cuurso. Win'er term begins. Wed. .Ian. i Circulars free. C. A. FLEMING, F.C. A, Principal, Dept. A., Owea Souad, Ontario. Columbia Grafonolas Columbia Records ! -KOk SALE BYâ€" iW. A. Armstrong I .JEWELLER, FLESHERTON

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