/k0l)ctt0n "TBUTB BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINDIPLEb NOT MEN. ?01 37 No. :N FleatLcrton, Out., Tliursday, February 7, 191?^ W, H TflDKiiTON ""-fY^'Ji U(i PBOPHIB Kimberley Budget Mectinga u! Ihe^Cfiitro Grey Board of Afi-iculture were held lieie i.n Tuesday of Use week. T!i« men'ii ineetini? in the aflernoon was held in I he pubiic h^ill and was aildit'ssed Ijy A. R. Smith of New Hamburg, who spoke or. the wurk of Farmers' Clubs and crop neods for thu coin ing year. He i.s a very convinciug speaker and had hia subjeefs well in hand The ladies' ailernoon meeting was held U Mrs. John Plewea', Mra. Dr. Mary McHenzie Smith of Craighurgt l)ein!> the lipeaker. A joint meeting was held in the Methodist church in the evening when Mrs. Smith gave a line addres-.s on India and its customs and people. Music was furnished by local talent. Ww. Hewgill of Heathcote, presided. Hadden Hutchinson v.'sited, ilurini; the past week, with frieiidi in Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor of Berkeley visited at Jua. Lawtance's recently. Mr. and Mrs. llobt. Stuarc ot Th(.rn. bury, visited i few days last week at James Stuart's. Mrs. JasperGilbert and little dau,<{hfer, ef Vancouver. accompanied by her sister, Pearl Fawcett,arB renewing old aci(Uaint- ance.s in tliis part at present. Milton Hutchin.«on purcha.sed a line cult from Will. Walter.s last woek. Wni . Moore bought the bush on the Bath property and has a gan!< of nier. cutting logs. Mr. VV ilf re :1 Wallers, of Cluoy, Alta. , who hrts been viaiting friends here for a few weeks, returned West on Monday. Wilfred is doing well in the West. Pow€r House and Vicinity witli Intended for Last Wei.k Miss Kate Weber is visitin friends in Kimberley. Mrs. Gorley, sr., visited friends in Markdale. Walter Thompson spent a cuuplo uf days at Chatsworth and Owen Sound. .luhn Badgerow of Port Law, visited with his sisters, Mts. Fred Ciraham and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. Mr. IMcBrida and Mr. Smart tf Kim- berley, spent an evening at the power houi-e with operator Lawrence. Mr. Geo. Dawson visited friends on the eighth line. W. Thompson visited friend at llope- viUe Heathcote Intended for Last Week A uumbor from here took in the carnival held in Clarksburi; rink mi TuenUy. Sorry to report Mr. Joseph Green i.s ill. We hope tor liia speedy recovery. Mrs. James McC'lung visited with lur brother, ftlr. .Toseph Wilson for the pa-t week. Mr. Robert Murray, wife and family took their departure from our village on Saturday last to live in the .suburbs of Markdale. We, their Heathcote frieodi. join in wi.shing; them success in Uuirt new home. Mrs. Kicfaard .Greeu was called lo CoIiinKWood on Monday to nurse her daughter, Mrs. Matthew PMlis, who is ill. Wr. Harvey Craickshank of Colling- wood, is visiting at his home heie. The Beaver Valley Municipal Tele- phone system heltl their annua! meeting in ths village hall on Monday afternooi. and was largely attended. Airs, .\lux.. Reekie and little daughter, Lena, of Brandon, have arrived at th« parental homo here,to nurse her husband who is ill. Mr. John Irwiu has recovered from frost bites ret'.eived on Saturday morniug JitU , I'i, when bis team was suffocated bv fhe big atorm. School has reopened after a vacation of several weekt on account of wttoopin„ Obugb, The Warden's Address J o HHHHHMP^ !*â- - - ^^t^"*' 1 ^^m>^* •iv 1 K H -^ 1 1 1 1 Mr. J. A. Boyd, Warden The, fuUowuig is the address of the newly electcT Warden, Mr. J. .\. Boyd : Geutleinen of the County Council of the County <;f Gri y : Willi gieat pleasure 1 gree! you iind t.\teiid to you a hearty welcuuie tu this the opening ses-imi ot llie County Council for thu year IDl.S. i congratii lute you (111 yi ui' election, especially as most of you have been elected by accla- lualiun. The eJeclioiis ot iha various niunicipalitie.s have shown thai they lia.e iinplicil c mli Joiice iti your inlegnTv and abili'y, which i.-< very t'ralifi iui.', indeed. I congratulate you ou the prospaiiiy, whlcn is evident on every baud, especially with ilie afjriculturists, not only of ibis county, but tlii-jughiait the whole Doiii nioii. The year l!tl7 vill Ions; be reiiiemtcred for its bnuntiful Imrvest. I ask you, with due resp.ct to yuur families, to exhaust your fullest energies ill the L-iiiiservaliun of your products, so I hat cmr iii;ixiinum [lOWer may he exer- cised ill the production and preservation of toud for (iieat Biitain, and her Allies and her subjecls, ihat suffering and want may be reduced to a ininiiiimn in Ihi.s great world-wide coiiHict. In this connection 1 am voicing the sentiments of this Council when I say we are under many obligations fur coniiueiicatioii and Ihankiigiving to a kind I'loviilence for these many bles-sinys, and also f ,!• the conduct of our nation and our fellow subjects, particularly of which I iiieiition : 1st --The wurkl wide Ui.stiiicliyii which ha.s been brought about Hy the i^allant deed.s of our brave soldiers ou I he Frfince and Flanders. '.'ndâ€" The expressed determination of cur subjects to stand by our b .ys at the fiouu, yea, even to ilia last man and last dollar. 3rdâ€" -The continued generous sukscriptions to the Red Cross and i'atriotic fuud^, and the loyal response to I he reipicst f'..r the purclueu; of Victory Houds. I trust and feel sure thai the ye^r upon which We have entered wili«ee the end of the iloheuaolleru and the iron heel of militarism replaced by a astiug peace, un.slaiiicd and uiidauntid by the auto- cratic demands of a dea^jolic ruler. And wh'lc wo congratu'aic ourselves, let us remeuiber that when we consider our circumstances and our position, not s single sacritice has been made, save and e.tcept by those who have t'iven their husbaiids, their luothers and thoir sons, to tight fur thu cause of libciiy. These are ulrenuou* timeN for tha immediate fi lends of our boys, on the other hand the maj.jrily are living in the midst of prosperity and know no sacritice whatever. I hope we shall never forget the debt we owe to our soldiers, also the respect which should Lie shown to their immediaro relotives and dependents. At this session you will he called U|K>n for further grants for last ^•e.s^ion. The repre.ientatives of llie vari.ius inuiiicipalilies discarded, or set aside their own jjiirlicular interests from a local stHudi.oint ani detined their roads in such a way as to connect and converse with the through road.s of other Comities lis Provincial County Koads. Vou will be called iipon at the present session to appoint a County Superinteu- dent of Roads, and I irust you vil exercise the same go" judgment in making the appointment as you did in dfttining the roads. Ill sliort, the business of this sess-on vtill consist prihciually of rouliiie work, the igranting of the sum for Patriotic and Red Cross purposes.and the aiipointiiient of a fiond Superintendent, all of which I commend to your own good judgment, which ymi have exccised on f./r.iier occasions. [ want to lliiink you most heaitily for the coutideiica y^u have placed in me and the honor y.iu have done my iiiiinicip il i'y in electing mo as your Wardon for tliis year. I trust 1 shall be able to fully riispect that contideiice by exercis- ing the many imponanl; duties that devolve upon me a.5 Warden in such a inanuer as to serve the best iiUerosts of tlie Couiily and to maiiitain the dignity wliicli bell iigs to the oftice, practically at all times as muidi decorum and accuracy as my ability will warrant Wi.sliing you all cmitinued prosperity and gool health, I remain Yours Ue-pectfully, JoeX A. BOYD, VVaidcM. Itweii ^l)Ullll; .fan. 1:!, 1!)1,H. Feversham Items ^ ery cold vieallier with ocjrtsioiial stmnis. Tiiiity-live below zero one mnniiiig this week, hut then, as they say out West, that isn't cold, but the iirst thing you know, presto and your nose is frozen ! Mr. (niy Kailling lift last Tuesday for T'ravers, .\lta, after spending a few weeks at his parental home here. Miss Sadie .lulian visited with frieiid.s near ll.jck Mills, last week. Jli.ss Ada Kaitting is h.ivinc; a well earned holiday and is visiting with friends in Toronto. Ad.i has been mistre.ss of our telephone cntral for the pa.st thr'jo or four years and has surely been very attentive. Miss Fmncie Ale.vmder visited with her friend, Ethel Winters, ..f r.,rllaw, last week. .Miss Uitu Osborne spant a couple of weelis with fi-iends in Collingwood. James Grey of Toi'oiito aviation c.iiii[) visited with his uncle, Geo. Pullifttur,and cotisics, Mr. and Mrs. .\lleu McLean of this villageâ€" another of our brave (Jana' dian boys who is in training lo lit himself for service overseas to help defeut the madman. Kaiser Bill. Success, Jiiii.ai.d il sale ri.-iiini, .say wc. Mr. mid Mr.--:. Georue Dollon Oiee Miss Linai »trevvell, of .\rcola. SasI'.., visited with the liitler's uncles and cousins the past tew weeks. Jlrs. Bolton's many frieuj.sjweie k1:u1 to see hor again and wish tlio young couple a happy and prosperoiH joiiiiiey ihrounh life. Come to the hard limes social in the <")raiig8 Hall here on Friday night, {•\:\<. t*, lu aid of the Suuday sch'iol. Victoria Corners We are sure the old bear could see his shadow last Saturday. Thai is not very encouraging for the fuel ipiestion. Mr. O. Stevens has purch.i.«cd the farm owned by Mr. Wm. ,Scott ou the back line. Robert .\nderson u! UHwk^^tullt^ attended thu funeral of his brother st Kelt Cross and I Durham ncid k;ave h's sister, Mrs. <Jeo Ceylon Chat Cur -Sibbath school held ils social evening Thursday evening hat, when a very enjoyable time was spent. Rev. Mr. lihiinii ucenpied i ho chair, when a pr. grain was given by llie children inter- gpeised by gramophone music given by Mr. Rands, which was thoroughly en- joyed by all present. At the close I'acli of th3 children were given a treat. -^ The Willing Helpers held their regular meeting it the residence of Mrs. .( . (libsoii on Friday afternoon, when the election of oliicers took place, all ofiicjrs retaiiiiiifj their place for Ittl.H. It was also decided to havo a knitting con'esi from Feb. 15 to March ]."> with Mrs. F. Cairns and Mri-. McDonald as eup'a'.iis, and also to hold a social evening in ilie near future for benetii of the society. Mr. B(jne and wife from the West were vi.'-itors at T. Chisletl's-last week. Mr. IC. Sariient has installed i new boiler in his iiiill in order to be leidy for I he spring work. Mrs. D. McPhail wa> at Duiidalli titst of the week. Dr. McLean, Pric'ville, was in town on Saturday and operated on Ehel lienuett, removing the adenoids in her throat. Uev. McA'icar held a prayer iiieeling at the residence of Mr. .lohn McF.iddeii i n Friday evening. Mr. George Arrowsmilh c/f Ihe Wis', spent the past week visitir.i; at, .Mr. .\rcliie McMullen's. Ptes. Tho8, Spicer and .loliu Ueiiipbi 1 of Niiigora Camp, spent the <vi!ek ei d with their parents here. Jfts. (Dr.) Holmes, Owen Sound, visit- ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chislett, pal t of last week . Sir. D. McKenzie, Fevershain, visited the tirst of the week wiib his sister, Mrs. S. Hemphili. Mrf, \lex. llolley left on Friday to visiv with Markdale friends. Mr. .lames Colliuson of Dundas is visiting his father here. Vandeleur Happerings Mr. P. Beard actended the funeral of his sister, Mr.s. Matson, at Owen Sound, on Thursday. ,' VVm, VYoods is threshing clover in this neighborhood. Pretty cold job those (lays. Mrs. .1. .1. Mctiee returned hoir.e on Saturday after an extended visit With friends in the city. Mr. Wm. Chadwick of Toronto, â- .Iteiid- ed I he funeial of his l)rotIier,Georgi',wiii) v?as buried at Kliefezer cemeteiy li-l Satuidey, Mis. Il'.'ftdy, who ha: been vioitiiig In v mother, Mrs. .1. M. Davis, for some 'ime returned lo her h^.me in .â- st. M oys â- n Tuesday. Sirs. R. Geiiiie visit id friends ii Toionio lecently. Mrs. K. Baker spent a couple of e.iys wiih her mother, Mrs. Slatl'ord, mar Kiiiiberiey recently. .Mr, and Mrs. VYill Sramborsl^ie of Tiioruhill.Man,, are visiliimwilh fiiends hereabouts. .\ meeting of tiie Farmers' and W. I. combined was held ill the chuich on Wednesdiy ifiernoon of las' week . The Department delegatof, Mr. Smith and Mrs, Dr. Smith, gave illtcre^^rng addus- «cs. The attendance was not laiue «vvjiig lo the e.xreuie cold. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Jewelery Pig For Service Pure bred ramwcrih C„ir for Service "11 lot I7(i, 1 S. W.T. ami S. R,, Arte mssia. Terms .?1 or r=2 for piirehieds. ' 1 jiinels â€"'I. .1. STiy.-iON, p,- ,p A Splendid Stock from •which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT 111 iiy i IS HSIS MS -\ -r" ^'ow ()riin<re,Tenjoii ^ A /A ,>^' ,111.1 Citr 1 Pools. Shelltvl Cy^ <;^MValniit,.s ;:: 1 Alnir.iids IV.s "^z. -^ Pastry Hour. "(nhrcail â€" Five Ko.-^e.s -K .111(1 Harvest (^)iieen Ontario bran aiul short.s Wc luiVL' a lull .stock ( ;i hand of Hoyul Purple Sti.iek ami Poultry .Specific a: ;d Calf .Meal. W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario •••••••<••••••••••»••.•••••••«•• r" LET us SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines : Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Siable Equipment, Etc D. McTAVISH. FLESHERTON Wliile Ux -Reeve Hiliiard Aoderson of Munn MTM sway from home last Friday NOine i>eiiuu made away with |12o,which he had \eH iu the houaa. The disappear- ance of the raonty is attributed to a hired iiHin, wtio fook Kreuch leave the aame dty kod lias not been seen ainco. This 43 the xefoiid time Mr. Audormn has fiDtrered frooa hired help, ft foroier employee havioj; tired hit boildlngn about four j^eatn e«o. Patriotic Funds aH 1 1 mn confident you I Moore, » call will Qo your whole duty. Do not forget that your people are loyal and have the money. There is no mistake about it. I »ui tjlad t\, say, alihotij.jh our finances aie Homeabat depleted from nornml con- ditions, yet we »i1I uot suffer, oui people liave the money. Last year we mad* the larffest levy in the history of the County, yet neve- did the ,jeop!e iwy with more ^raoe '»ud piouiptneM, niid ivh:l.> I stcoiiKly «(U'iso rn'reiicbuicot iu every â- natauce, I ask your libenilityiu patriotic and any expenditure oonsiatent with the winnini; of the war aud our loyalty to thuA« who bght. I cou^rat'ilaio you on the iiplendid .system of couuiy roads Jotineii «ud ' established by l)ylaw of the Council at Ridwrd L'lwff.a Peel towoship farme.'. •' narrowly escaped losing his oyosi-jbt ! from the cllecls of hd csploNJun. He was in the blicki«initb shop goltjii^ ."omc work dime, Hi:d undertook to blow the | bellows for the blacksmith. Id the heat- i process a ga.^ na^ fotuiod under the coal which caused such â- * violent cxplualon that tire panes of glass wure blown out of the windows. Mr. Lowes was severely : uu the forclicad, eyes tind oheuk;*. j James Boll, a oirizcu of St. Vincent, I died Kuddeuly while carry io^ a ijuartei' of i beef tj the house. Ui« wife was holding the door open for hun ti ontor, whoii he 'oil at the «fep .lud sever »polte. ' Dundaik I'liiioip.il K.I vt.c of ilic iHililic ^cii.j 1 h.as plaood his resignation in the ha'K.'h of the tru(it.ti.'«, ti« take clltol at Ea'ter. He h«.s loceptod an olfor ot h much liiglior salnry from the Roard of Education iu St. Cuthflrinos. Mrs. .1. Silk, a respeclod resident of j MoUncthun near Shelburnf. died sud- ' deiily on Saturday, having taken ill oulj' I the previou-i day wiih Iioait troiilde. The deceased was a sisut of Mrs Henry JSilk ; of Duudalk. The Loodl Exenipiion Titbunal coii- •jisliiia of Mesara. -J. .Sinclair and f<. Itel), | withC.kpt. Miaaid ul Toronto aa miiilary repiusentitive, U meeting lod:ij' (Wed.) in the town hall at the rcqueat. of the OiivernmeDt authoiilicK. F.»rly-two young nieu who had been i;raDtcd (â- ]i>'HipttoD a couple of niontha n^o have l>«en Mot.itiud from hcad«|UHrterti loaltAu.l i the tribunal sea^ions it. otdor lo have I their casB^ re-heard.â€" Ifyrald. J ' FOR A PAIR OF BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of (.Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON 5 WVAWWWMWA«iW,W«ffl«WÂ¥MftitNWVWlW I