Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1918, p. 4

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â-  ilil Wt l ll l iO llll .i lâ€" «n I iw i ii Fel>riuiry 7 I'U'^ T H £ F L E S II K T TO N ADVANCE TH K« Cl fuoiis ollii r lliHii nlieitt, butiur niid iiieatt j rRl^liri I arc itll dii-udfully slioit and tliat uila xiiJ ^ ^|jLlM|< fats xru |ii.inticHllv uiioUtainitlile '*'* ''"^ i I J||\||ll ! unly one of tlie ISrilii'li Duiiiiiiiniis piact- l*^!^ â-¼*'<T''-4;^'j»T*' "^ â- '^. *â-¼" 1?^ ' 7lu;l^rra:"u.":;^r'c:;ili;|t!;S'tel'-''>/"-?:'''^ toc.,^.c.rne,^ so l. .si MaUe money ... tlVheit!.n. SuWrifli..,, i-ru/jl iK-rannum 1 '»»'>"fi"'(ly ""P to (auadii to strain every â-  ihftn i>»iaiii idv^nce ;$l.:V'\vhtu D..t so iiaiil | nerve to iiicreasetlie exportable iiuanlilies A'Kcr -isinit raim uii :k|>|>lio:t>.i' :i. Ciioilati'in \ of thiise con'modit.rs 8<> iiiiicli iie«il>.'d 1,UK) wi-eWly ] Editor jour spare time tliib Winter bv Pclli.ia VV. M THURtTON About Root Seeds FOODCONTROLLEU SAYS :- Kveiy i»ound m'dcd to the nuurihliini; tliiii'48 to eat,â€" aiiiiiul <>r vegetable, will count ill this moiiientouK year of 1918. K'j one sI'OUDd shirk takin;- up work en • 8iual| |)lut tliiough tou iiu'deht an idea of iu value. Food control Ins to beftin <in the small ecale. It will bo chiefly «'ffeclive thrcu'.'h it^ thornu>.;hne.s8 in the 1 At prexeiil the root situation i« us far from licinK satisfactory hn one could wish : it to lie, iinil th>t it will be like Inter in { the seiiKon ii dilticull tn foretell with I ,accur«cy now. One thin;; is certain,^ 'however, iiikI tli'il is llml the prici-s timt have lo Iw paid by root flowers for seed ' . this year will tw abiionii.illy lii^h. A cataloi>iic jusl received from a highly respectable aeed houses ijuotes prices tliat were uiitliousht of in the [ire-war tones of plentiful supply M.innel seed is on tho average ijUoleii m $1.1)0 ii pound, as Hgniint 4uc. last year ; Swede turnip seed is offered at about 81.41. a pound, as compared with iibout G5c a year ago, mJ in tielj c.krrol seed there is an inciease over list year'.s prices thai in instances tjiiiall but innumerable h( uv-holds in lh« ' """'U'"'* t>^ "^e"- f'fy percent. land. Su, if more foods can be ^ro«•n on ' , ^'h^e prices tell a stojT that can , , , 1 11 ! hardly be misunoeistood. 1 hey clearly the home plot, no iimtler h^.w sm«ll, i j^ji^^,^. n,,, ^^^^ avail..ble root teed there will be a «Avii:« in exportable food supply is small, a fact that iilso may be aud to that extent an increased amount ^ gathered from import tiuiiies of the list offooa will i.e released for shipment to two^y""*. '^ S'ven by the Departnieiil the .\ Hies. Every new bnsliel of vege. ,.,','. ... . . , ,. .,1 I nder the circumstances our advice to tables next bpimi; and !,ummer will ^,^^,^^ ,,„, .vers who have not taken the release its e'Hiivalcnt in wheat, it is piecaution to yrow their own seed is lo the drops of water in tho r.ooAli that go to secure whatever •luantiliea of sead are iiiiike lip the mighty tide of iho Bay of i '"^^dod for the o..minK' season's root crop Fundy. The essence of :iiore production doe« not moan Miniply Miore icros put to wlie»t, but nior.' citable things from each nuu's libor. A small area well looked j after is often more proti table in an unfa- 1 V orable season than a targe area. An Kniilish far.ii i-i often measured down- wards, i.e. by the depth of its productive las early as posi^ihie. AUCTION SALE KAllMSToiK AND IMI'LEMKNTS eoll, rather acreage . thin vaUiel for its sheer Of tbe need fur allexport.ible C.inadiun j food products no one should bo longer la doubt . The tirBl of a series of fortnightly \ ctblegrains from Kranoe to the Food I Controller states with ii plaii>nc.''s that' would be pitiful if it were n.t so noble, I how badly off the French civilians are. I The undeisi;;iied will (.Her for s.-ilo by I'ublic Auction on Lot I j".!, con. ',\, .S. W. T. and .S. It., .\itCinesla, on Thursday, Feb. 21, the f<dlowiiii.' articles, nimely : LIVKSTOCK 1 Mare H years old, L iiiarii 7 years old, 1 ^^uldiiiy risino two yeirs, 2 cows supjiosed to bo in calf, 1 diy c)W, '2 lieif« rs kupposed l.o be in calf, ") lieifeia rising 2 years, 2 stec-ra ris'nj 2 yi'iirs, 2 steers 2 years old. I! cilve?, 18 ewes, ."lO hens. IMl'I.KMKXTS, Etc. I binder, 1 mower, hiy rake, seed drill, f.-iniiinj; Nursery Stock iiml New Seed Potatoes This is the liiue lo start on Spring Hale.'. â-  Wo pay l.igl.est commissions and fiirnial. our Salcs.ne.i will, liteni- tnie with a "punch" to it. Send for our lift of New Oft'erings and full particulars. Stone. & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries, f Established 1837.) TORONTO - ONTARIO BULL FOR SERVICE Kei;istered Shorthorn bull for .service Terms: 81.. ^0 for «rade cows, ISii.OO for rei'.istered cows. Cjn. 4, lots KJ 11 Arteuie.siH. ' .Julyl8â€" â€"J. D. M< I.EOU. Ceylon- For Sale or Kent The following Va'uable I'roperly : | One lot situated on the west side if j Sydenhaiii street. Flesherton, conliiininjr | .n a seven roomed traine dwelling tilted Some New Year Bargains LADIES' CLOTH COATSâ€" We have a iminber of ladies' cloth coats in clifl'erent style.s which we carried over from last season â€" the cloths are all wool and very much better quality than can be obtained now for love or money. The sizes are fairly well assorted and every garment is in first class condition. I'rices originally ranged from $10.50 to .$18.50. All Selling at Half Price. We Her the balance or our ladies coats purchased this season at a discount of 20 per cent from r-egidar prices. Footwear Bargains Women's Overshoes â€" ''"'''S' quality goods. Some buttoned, others with buckles. Correct stj'le lasts â€" All Sizes. Regular 82.50 for $2 Men's Snag-proof Rubbersâ€" F"'«t quality gcoils . Red sole and heel, three Eyeletbâ€" All Siiies. Regular $3.25 for $2.50. A\en's Felt EtootS â€" First quality goods. Rubber sole and vump, eight eyelets. Sizes 7 to 10. Regular $3.2,^ for $2.95. null, slruw cutler, plow, jxan;; plow, 2 "The supply of brcadstufts I'* cauiing |^p,„ „.„„ hnixows, sprinj; tooth harrow, ^rave anxiety. Inipurls are very thort. ' cultivator, land roller, [lea harvester, Our bread car ma chinerv hii« been com- 1 '-^r"'" "•iidle, 2 wa«"nH, democrat, Wiiyon , , . .lit 1 11 ,„i rack ami box, set hoiisleij'lis.root imlper, weted buDrespiit lack of cereals will not • " • , ', s,' j^icivvi uui j/ii. . ., . .J,, scutfler, tuiiiip sejd sower, set double petir.it of its application" it savs. What | ^.„,„ !|,„„e(,s, «ieam .separator.aiiuantily docs that mean ' Simply that France is [ of jjood liouseliolu furnituce, ueckyokes, •so sboit of bread that it cannot risk even â-  wliitlielrees, cli liii.s, forks, hoes, shovels, ,. , , ( ..i,„, , i„ i;.„r,.ii., ' "'"' oiher ailiclea too nunieinus to a re adjuitiiieiil of what lllu^t i>e literally i h»nd-toiuoutli syfctem.Iest some .should starve. Yet France iiKhrs glorious'y .' Sjurely a common pride in an Ally tiKhting •.he bravest fjijht of all the ages should belciodit will In i;iven on approved joint *noU!4h to make anyone determine that | ''"tea, or .'j per c.-nt, oil fm cish in lieu in as far as in him lies with electric light, soft water in basement. One lot situated on north aide Mar^i^uc! street, t'lenherton, contaiiiini; a six roomed fi line divellin'^ and fr.inie stable. .Mro a park lot eontaiiiiiiL; two acres, well fenced and cultivated. For terms diid particulars apply to l,Jan SIL.\SSIIINK. Underwear Special are Two lines of Mens wool, elastic knit, ribbed, uusbrinkabie shirts and drawersâ€" nearly ai .sizes hereâ€" especially those for small and large men There are two unalities, cue worth $1.25 and the other SI. 50 per garment. belling forToc. and 95c. Two Only â€" Men's Rat lined coats, Otter collars, good heavy black wool beaver shells. One size, 40, for $40.00 . , One size, 42, for $45.00. Uotli these garments ofifer a saving of at least S15.00 each on regular prices. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. (Ji I ^^**â€" ^^ L ^^k, ^ ^^^ ^^. .^^- '^ ^ ^ ^- , *^* | ^ '^â„¢' ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^;, "^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ '^^^ ^^ '^^^ .^^ ^^^ ^^^ .^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^h. .^^^ .^^^ ^^. .^^. ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^\S^Svli Carefully Corrected Each Week Butter .•J2 to 30 Eggs, f resii < 50 .o 50 Wheat ?2 LT) lo 2 25 I iiieHlliiii. Sa!e at 1 o'clock p.m. ! TKKMS-All sums of flo and under. |ca-h ; liver lliiil amount twelve iiionllis' iif notes. na will »id such a noble lace. The cnhle^rani acids that sunn, farinacious D. McPHAir,, .Auctioneer, Ii, F. McKi:.N/ll<: I'loprielor. Oats ... . Peas Barley .... Potatoes.. . Buckwheat Ducks .... lii'ese ChicketH. . . f-'oftl Three Canadian Histonc SpoFs^ p Buying Suggestions Silver Plated Cutlery Cold Meat Forks Berry !3poon.~ Sugar Shells Pickle Forks Cut hiss sets Carving sets Pic Knives Dt'oanter sets Pickle Cruets $1.35 'Pocket Cutkiy !»,5 to 95 i Razors, Sliavjng nrushes 23-102.3! Skates (automobile)' 21 10 21 ' Hockey supplies 2.-) to 2"' Clothes Wriugeis 10iol(i[ Carprt Sweepers I Euamelwnre, t'hiinis, h'ood Choppers ' Handsaws, Bucksaws, Braces t\iul many other very useful gifts Boar for Service The undersigned has a thoroughared Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. K, Osprey. Terms $1.00. FRED SPOFFARD. 70 to 7.'. 1 !Mt to 2 10 Itoto 95 W. DUNCAN The FleshertOn Hardware. Ftione .^0 r^ Pulpwood Wanted Two thousaii'V conis of iS| ruce and lialsaiii wood, cut 4 It. I'lm.', not less thin 4J, in. at the snmll end. knots triiiiiiiecl ilose foinlmh we n ill pay $(> per cold for bals.mi, and S7 per curd for S|)rnci', delivered at nearest H.iilroiul Station. Anyoiie hiivinu same fur sale write to phone Mio.kiale ;")!•- 112. â€" W. T. KI.LIS, ICimberley. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The Latest 111 .Sheet Mu.sio at llio PHOTO GALLERY It Pays to Attend the ELLIOTT, Youge and Charles Streets, Toronto All graduates and score-s of our under- ijracUiates of ihe past year have secured good business positions and still the demand is far beyon '. our supply. Write for our Catalogue. Enter at any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRtxcip.\L STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE Tamwortli Swine, B. R. Eij'gs, and Roiieu Duck Eggs. I have fi>rquiiksule«<.iiicyoiuif;Tamwiirths for breeding pur|X)Sfs : alsusoiiif Barred Rock eggs, and Koiieii Duck eggs for hatching pur- p<iKes. Prices right Phone o,- write â€" tiKO. W. RO^S. Oct 19-18 Osprey Tl. .«vst,ein Maxwell, P F'lesH.ex^lon «f^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfactio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket clo.ses Monday night, delivery Friday evenin CLEANING and DYEING- We at agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvens^el T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am openins up atonce, a blacksraith- ing and woodworking business in Max- well, and am installins; up-to-date wood- working iiiachineiy. It will be my en deavor to serve the public iu a satisfao- tory manner and I would solicit patron- ace. I wint yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 1 (1) Inside the old fort at Annapolis Royal. (3) Evangeline's well. TIIKIJK iiniijO" iiiid lntprpstlng| vast wilderness. RlretehinB from lilatorif spots are lo bo found iii' rinrtda to the North Pole C'liamplaln Ihe Marltliiii! Provinces of {'Rn-|Hiiil d<< Monta visited Annai>oli» Basin nda. Kach tell.-j Its own siory of a lo- 1 In l(j04, gs did many another hero of iiiiiiiilc pnst as it links us up with the old KrcniU dayH tliut have loiii; since (2) Martello Tower, West St. John, N.B. t Ki'i.eriitioiis li.i.-Mvl away. T!ie tliM <• arp; the old Krencli gale mill barr.T ks at Annapolis Flnyal, tho nil. i-iu Willows and well-svcfo of (;rii:idl'ri', and the inaatilvr* Maripllo tower. ovirlooklnR tlif Hhv of Kuudy Irnm the hel;hts of WV.-t St. .lohn. K;(«!i of the II ill Is wortlii-. of a t>ll •a; cnl no hottt-r obJix'ilvcH J tr:ivi#f r X-zvy in ifils dellKht t:.| : :r;ti: i:i trv'i Ho Iho llillr scti lament was formed and for u i»ntiiry and a half tliev after It tells Ihe Klory of attack, cap liir« iMid rfcapture. It wltnesHPd many a bapti'^ni of blond, did tbiii ancient Kreni-h Hironghold. until ir 1711), lOiiglnnd won II at Ihe hands of a force of New Kiiglanders. Agalit, In ITSI, ItTvas (apliirt'd by an Ainprl can for'o hut to-day It is a plrfur rjifiiio corner of Ciiiaila siliialed in tliiii) In visit oach,nn»i of lbs gnrdi-n aimis, and fating n I long nrin of th" s-n. ... ..iillnii'. visit Jhniaj Next lei im gn to I'Uangellne'.i land, Tlip AnnapriHs of to j wh<»re th ,tp;ili' hln.moniB niitke u â- â- > lloyal of the n|(!i'n licRUlifiil world Ip Iho Riimtner time f tlm tlr.1t Kuro'nntl where a glamour siiil re-ds over ill Amcrb'a. the tho valli-yg in memory of an Arndliin . ot ilvlH/id tiKin rn' iiirtiti 'H who was only tiie drea 1.1 , Kingston. ::ent ou tha friiig* of n, child of a poet. Hero Is tho site ofj the old Fienrli farmstead, ilier*; the ancient well near the older French \;-|llo\v9 where r^al AcadUu raaid -ns drew water, while hard by Is the snilthy'ti fni(A that flgiir^H in th« pooni. as well as tho llttl^^ ihiircU. What a atory the wlllo>v8 lonld toll if they had tho p«\vc,r of .speech of th* days when Frame riileil half of the continent and Kngland was chab lenglns her siipreniacy. 9 And Anally tlier,. is tho old thick- walled niartelln lower prrched on â-  high rn,k above the f'lty of the Loyalists, as St. John Is known. These nilulatiire fortresses slIll carry an nippit of stronglh ;ind dignity, ai tlioy remind onfi of the old Napoleon pra. when tln-y were hullt In Kngland as lueana ot defence, and later is Canada. Similar spcoltnena txrr itlU to ho found In Quebec, Montroal ,ind i". T, $90 W. A. Hawken - Flesherton I Phone 2;{ r4 i _ _ For Service One pine orrd Shorthoiii IJull loi lot .'ill, i-.in. II, .ArteiiH-sia. Terms *1.00 f.'r grades. Must bo piid H illim !> months I from date of service, 1 Jan. 17. U O.'.TlltNKU. i \i H m \^ •B 16 i I I I I I I I I I I CHESTER LONG L' \J Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- iiig.s. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. i D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jts ONTARIO. || FARM IMPLEMENTS Agents For Special Prices on Wagjjons, Plows Harrt>ws and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hav Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON.

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