Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1918, p. 5

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February 7 1918 THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCE â- Â«Â«!â-  THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCE • TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- tar d t*7a est at current rate. ^6 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, .Vfanager. P. R. Time Table. Station Trains leave Flesherton follows : Going South 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The residents of Rock Mills, galhen.d it the home of Mr. Robert Fisher on I Tuesday eveuint! of last week, and pre - Going North 'sented Iiis ton, Walter, with a wrist watch ^'g'^lS ''â- "' ^""^ address. Walter has been called to „. ., . „, I \ ^^^ colors imd left for Toronto Tuesday The mails are osed at Flesherton aj „, ,. â-  , , . . .,/ fallows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and °^ ""'' *"«''• "''«" ^^ *»« instructed to 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at '"epo't f"'' duty. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south Mondny nisjhl was the coldest night aail close at 9 p. in. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS ever known here, the thermometers in town registering 32 to 41) below zero at 8 o'clock on Tuesday morning. It was a record breaker, all right. The terribly severe weather was a piralyzer on busi- ness and wood piles. Even the railways felt the ed'ects, the noon train Tuesday being hours late. A very pleiisant eveiiicg was spent at the home of ilr. Price Teeter ou Tuesday of last week when about thirty friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Holley gathered to present them with a The sun is going to defeat this Gertrtan wj'ather some day. A Red Cross tea will be held at the Miifhodist parsonage' on t'riday, 'i'eb. H- Miss Lillie Thistleihwaite of Toronto, is visiting with her mother. Mr. Jack Clarke uf Virginia, arrived tere Saturday to- visit relatives. â- , silver tea service anri a very fitting lioy PattoD has taken a poaitiui wi'h address, before their removal from the the Massey. Harris Co., Toronto. ^neighborhood. Although t.aken by sur. Warden J. A. Boyd was in town on prise both made a neat reply, Friday, accompanied by his brother,; A number of »illa«ers have purchased George Boyd of West Battleford, Sisk. | „ood lots down in the valley from Mr, Sacrament was administered Sunday Armstrong and purpose "aiiuatting' on in the Methcdist church when three new the hind until they get the wood off. riaerabers united with the church, ! They are given three years to accomplish Mr. J. Runatadler of Toronto was in ^^^' **''• .-Armstrong's good Samaritan iown for a couple of days last week on *'^' '"i putting this wood onto the market; business. j ous?hl to insure the fuel for the ne.\t Ti c • uii o J (' c •. . 'couple uf years in conjunction with what The Spnnabill Red Cross Society met , . , , . . „., ... coal we may be able to secure. at the school on Friday eveiiincr and had a pleasant time knitting and playing games. Proceeds amounted to $f?.0O, .\rtemesia Council met on Saturday, Mr. Alex. McLeod of Priceville was Appointed assessor The minutes will .appear next week. An exchangi says that "if you have not walked four or five miles through the country during the past week on snow- snoes you have not reahzed the full glory of living. It is exhilerating in the extreme and is one of the best tonics a person can take." The writer of this The collection lu the Presbyterian eulogy must have written it the evening church on Sunday in aid of the Assyrians ' before the day after his tran.p, otherwise he would never have advised a novice to get four or five miles from home wiihout providing a horse and cutter for the return home. amounted to between eleven and twelve dollars. Mr. Geor»e McKenzie, west back line, will hold an auction sale on Thursday, Feb. 21. See advertisement in thia paper and Wills. U. MePh »il auctioneer. The Advancs is informed that the Flesher property is likely to come on to Mr. Karstedt has had some delay in i the market during the coming summer, getting his car of mill feed bat is closing ' and we would like to suggest the securing the deal and will have something detinite to say ne.U week, December was the coldest month in 50 years, and now January follows with a by the village of the wooded lot known as the park, and which a few years sgo ofl'ered to the village by Mv. Flesher as a village park. It would be a sreat pity record that has never been exceeded, !'f this bit of timber cUd property could with one exception. . °ot be retained for the use of the village Dunville had twenty Victory Loan 1 ** " """t'"" ^-^o^''^- It is not exten- canvassers, and their profits at one half p"'^' but h hat there is of it would be an of one per cent, amounted to «3U. Thia *''«' ."^ ''''"-''' ^^^ ^'"^g® n>'S''t "«11 b« was sll handed over to the Red Cross. What the Navy Has Done I In consenuence of British command of the seas, apart from air raids and a few apaamodic ('ashes of enemy cruisers, the territory of the British Empire has been held inviolate from enemy invasion. The British Empire is the only nation engaged in the war which has cun<iuer3d enemy territory and lost uone of Us own. The lines of comiiiuuication between a'l the theatres of war have been amply defended, maintained and protected for the transport of over 13,000,000 men from port to p»rt. Moreover, under the guardianship of the Fleet, over 2,000,00o horses, 2(i,000,(i00 tons of munitions and war supplies, and c:!,O00,COO tons of coal and oil have been conveyed to meet the needs of the allied armies. Within the Bricish Empire itself the Navy has safeguarded the ocean carriage of nearly 140,(JOO,000 tons of food and material. Notwithstanding the vigor of submarine attacks, the number of vesselg of all nationalities -irri .ing and departing from I'liited Kingdom ports in the week ending December liSth, 1917, was greater than in the week ending February .'jt'ith, 1!'17. when unrestricted submarine war- fare began. The maintainance of the blockade of Germany has resulted in the complete atoppatje of her ocean going coranierce. The tjerman tlag has been swept from the seas, and only on one occasion, the 1st of .f une. I'Jll), has German naval power ventured to challenge a fleet action. The conquest of German colonies in Africa, Asia and Australia has been the direct result of the applicatiou ofsea- powar in support of the niililary force on laud. School Reports Reeve Boyd of Markdale was banquet- proud. Two young Flesherton lads, Uelbert ed by the citizens after his return from j Pattoii and Jmi Wilson, one not seven- County Council, where he was appointed teen and the other under eighteen years to the Wardenship. of age, went to To.onto recently with a „. , , , ... ,â-  f » view t â-  pnlisting. The recruiting othcer >\ e have corrected uur mailing list to , i i , , . , . , . J . 1^,1. Ill j.„„i.''""^ asked for their birth certificates, date. Just look at your label md jee if ' ' the date is correct. If not, we would like to be informed, as it is easier to correct now, than later on. The Sprinshitl Red Cross Society will hold a social in the school house on Friday evening. Fob, I"). Progressive games and lefresliiueiits. Acrommoda- tioii for horses provided near the school. and these being unprocurable, and no good if they did get them, the boys, after two attempt.', decided t.' return home. The recruiting officer told the iioys their hearl.s were in the tight place, but he could do nothing for them. VVhat a contrast is the conduct of these luds wheu compared with some af the contomptiblo squirming and wriggling indulged in by The Osprey Fanners milling Company i some others to avoid military service. held iheir annual meeting last week.,! ihat tha boys in the trendies aio The treasurer's statement nude a good | ^j^j^jj^^ a ditlerent view of life and its showing for ihe past year and a dividend ^^,^3 ,„g,„g ^^^^^._ j^ ^^^^^^^.^ ^^ „^j^ of 10 per cent, was declared. Last year gtatement we quote from a letter received a dividend of 2i.> per cent, was paid. â-  by » h,dy last week from a Flesherton Mr. Andrew Dow, Neville, Sisk., [boy â€" a boy who even before tho -.iiir was writes The .\dvancc : "We iie having looked upon as a model f.ir others to cold, frosty weather, i'.O to 40 below, but | follow and a general favorite. He says ; we have plenty of coi>l, 1 think we will | You have no idea how much encourage- have an early spring. We have not got 1 ment a letter, such as yours was, can be much snow here. I am usiug the bugizy j to us so far away with nothing but mud so far." This letter was dated Jan. oO. ' and liardship.s staring us from every side Teamsters down the valley road say «'id I' niust think you veiy much for it. that the hills on either side are now re- â-  L'fc "ver here sometimes is pretty hiid echoing with strange sounds of axe and , »nil rough but I honestly think that the saw, but more especially with the groans : Canadian in Franco -s a 100 per cert, of those whose muscles are unused to the better man than iu pre-war days. Being gentle exercise of pulling the saw and ' constantly in touch with death and swingiug the axe. sutl'ering, there i.i a human ne.ss and lacri- ticing spirit among them that is seldom Tlie funeral of the late Mi-s Dorothy i found under other conditions. The Slacker's Prayer (Guelph Mercury) Clark, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. j D. Clark of <.>ttawa, took place privately â-  to Flesherton cemetery on Thursday I afternoon of last week, the reniaiiiH' having been brought here the day before. I The young woman, who wa.s 22 years of 1 age, had been a ficiuent visitor to I <^''"' ^'^'' l''« "'•'^''e ""''''•. Flesherton ant' was well known here and 1 ^all out the rank and (ilo : loved by those who knew her. An only | ^'*" ""t ''«« '•â- '"'l »"d t''" crippled, daughter, her death is doubly sad, and to I The lame who can't walk half a mile, Mr, and Mrs. Clark and sorrowing rela- 1 ^'^''eie are the men from Kngland " tivoa much sympathy is extended. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, and Mrs. Wes Armstrong of Toronto, remained with friends here over Suuday. Send tliem luck over the Sea. Send 1 ut my brother, my sister, iny Mother, but for the lo\o of Mike ! DONT SE>ND ME : S. S. Xo 7, Artemesia Class 5â€" Faniuhar Oliver. Sr 4 â€" Elmer Muir, Beatrice NA'atteis, Allie Parslow. Jr 4--Mabel Parslow, Marion Muir, R J Turner, F J Vaase. Jr 3â€" Elford Watters. Thor Currie. Sr 2 â€" Joe Meads. Malcolm McDonald. Jr 2â€" Bob Parslow. Ivan Turner, Mabel Watttrs, Alice Muir. S' S. No 7, Dsprey Sr 4â€" Rosie McGirr. Jr 4 â€" Fred Hollingshead, Emerson Wright, Fancy Tupling. Sr y â€" Alma denderson and Lena Moore, Lillian Ottewell, Mary Fawcelt Jr 3â€" Austin Wideman (h). Lei Pritchard (h;, Miller Coulthard, Dorothy Robinson. Sr 2â€" Gordin Henderson (h), John Robinson, Cecil Alexander, ElsieWright. Jr 2â€" Hazel Alexander (h), Victor Wright. 1â€" John Weldrick, Ivan Alexander, Aggie Speeis. Part Aâ€" Ha.'.el Hawtoii (h), Bert Ross (h), Ross Long (h). Ruby Henderson (,h). Not Rankedâ€" Annie WeldricK, Hilda Uallani, Annie Hawlon. No on Roll-40. -L, JOLLEV, Teacher. S. S. No 9, Osprey Si 4â€" B Loijg, Alice Ross, M Wnght, C Browuridge, Browniidge. Sr ;! -Daisy Feuwck, A lladley, D Kelly. .'r:JWS':utt, A Morrison, L Udell, J Lougheed. Sr 2â€" Birdie Pallister, M Heron and G Pallister equai, A Long, E Lougheed. Je2-G Pallister. J Parker, Pearl Priestly and Priestly equal, M Ross. Sr 1--E Robertson, D Forth, Jr 1- E BrownriJge, A Scutt, M Radley. Pr Aâ€" F Pallister, M Bemnse, Tarker, W Lougheed. Pr B-Muriel Forth. Pi C- Verii Pallister. Registered .'IS, avenge .'U - C. C. SPARLING, Teacher. S. S. No 8, 0*prey Sr 4â€" M Morrison. Sri!â€" Elinor Lougheed, L Smith, N Lindsay, N Slepheus, E Stephens, Jr 3â€" John Beatty, A Morrison, R Gurran. Sr2-,lessie Thomson. Jr 2~(ieorge Murphy. 1st -Annie Thompson and A Seeley equal. Prime! â€" Robbie Seeley. - ALICK WINTERS, Teacher. S S Noo, Artemesia 4th Class â€" -Fred Icwin, George Akius Gordon Irwin, Ida Breen, Adele Breen. 3rd Class â€" .Vlex Horarth, M Moore. Sr 2â€" Wes vVhite, Harry .Akins.Merv. Brceii, M .MoMullen, Newioii Siuimot.s. Jr 2 â€" 11 Bl.'jciiburn, L Sharp, Lizz'.c McMulIen, Harold Allen. .Sr 1--M Hogarth, James Allen. .Ir Ij- Ell wood Moore. Primer -Freddie Wliiie, Vl Akiii^. Spelling - Fourth Class - Ida Breer, George Akins, equal ; Fred Irwiu, Adele Breen, Mildred Moore. A GREATER NEED INSPIRES | A GREATER PRODUCTION » And to assist this greater production we are prepared to "do our bit". We have decided to buy Milling Feeds in Car lots, and distribute it to the farmers of this community and those of PriceviUe at MILLER'S PRICE in car lots. This m is an exceptional offer but these are exceptional times. Pork and bacon are needed badly by the Allies and in this way, we hope you, Farmer, will assist in this great need. Under ^i the foUow^ing conditions can this only be accomplished : '^^ "That you will lift the quantity you buy at the station when die car is on the track" 'That every farmer buy ut least five hundred pounds either Bran, Shorts, Middlings, etc. ' "That a depo.sit be left to your credit when the order i.s placed ; the balance to be cash when the feed is lifted." This means "FEEDS_ATC05T" We hope you will enter into this arrangement with great vigor. Place your order now for what you want. The sooner you place your order the sooner will get the feed* We mean so start right away. Get in on the first car lot Watch for our announcement next week. F. G. KARSTEDT Flesherton KARSTEDT BROS. Priceville ^i VJW, * ^ " ;!^ " ;^. " -*, '" .^^ '' .''^ * â-  ' . »'* 'â-  » â-  » â-  » â-  ^ â- â-  f, » l » - » The ma'ihiuery of the law is gradually weaving its net around defaulters under the M. S. A., and a ManiCoulin Islander who has been spending the winter in Owen Sound, was taken to Toronto under | military escort to explain why he did not I report tor service or tender a claim tor j exemption when his cla.ss was called ont. The young man's name is Ocklow Bracken and he has been living in apartn<euts ' with his mother and sister at the Coulson I house for some time. He is 22 years of ] age. The local police were notified from ! Toronto to apprehend him, and thsy took him into custody.â€" Advertiser. John McClelland of West Garafraias sold his farm of 2,"iO acres for §!•">, .500. The Old Adage H ^ OddsandEnds ^- Pony For Saleâ€" Sound and u,.t nerv ous. Good set harness and blanket g le with it. Apply to Mrs. McCallunis Flesherton, or Arthur Brownridg e M'lxwell. For sale cneap ana on ea.sy tf ruis, Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton The Proof of the Pudding the Eating IS in 1^ The same is equalU true of the 190C ^-^ Uravity asher. Try (â- .-} one and be convinceil y- V.^^^ that there is none / A^hKc^ better. « S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon I Keatner's Popular Music Store, Mark- dale, is the placs to buy your Piano, Organ, Phonogrsph. Sewing Machine. Sheet Music, and all musical supplies. ^ till hne Of x\lcCornuck Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loaderj^. Drills. Cultivators, Plows, ?T-n°°T;^°^' Walking arrows Eiantfcrcl Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and littings of all kinds, -Beattie ay Carriers. Hay Forks, Slings. Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wire and Fence Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL „ 1^^^^^^^^ Ceylon, Ont, | â- t 1 HI] For Saleâ€" One set sinjle harness new, f ^ one robe almost new, or will be exchanged !U for green stove wood.â€" W. W. Trimble. B'lesherton, Out. Something Sensible for Christmas Gifts ^ House and Lot for Sale at Maxwell - Apply to J;imcs Long, Fevershain. Try Feversha.n Pastry Flour, th« best for your cook, \\\ OiiHaio wheat. Yearling Leicester ram for sile at ?15. J. A Stu.irt, Kimbcrley. Cow for Sideâ€" Due Ist. May, 8 yearg I >ld. Apply to Robert Osborne, Kugenia. j MISCELLANEOUS llavinsr taken over from H. B. McLean the W. G. Pickell Insurance business, I am prepared to lotk after the interests of the public. Hugh U. Huinmond, Xo.l, Kugci i.a Agent. Phone 2 r 1 Aug. Select a gift this year that goes into the home and stays in the home -something that will giv? years of service and will be a co'stant reminder ipf your thouglufuies- an. I .irtection . FLRNITIRE IS THE MOST WELCLME OF ALL XMAS GIFTS. So.ne apprt.priato selections -Bookcases. Fancy Tables, Jurdinere Stands, Kisy Chairs. Rockers, etc. Another uselul suagestionâ€" A Kitchen Cabinet. Everything at hand A step saver and a money s.aver. For The Youngsters â€" High Chairs, Rocking Horse?, Rockers, Dull Ciirriiiges, etc. New Mouldings on hand for Picture Framing. NEW MKTHtiDI.ST HYMN BCOK A number ..fcongresi'itions are adopting the new Hymn Book at iho. Now year. We have samples on hand and arc taking orders for the same and intend putting in a select stock in the various styles and bindiiu's. Secure one for yourself or make your friend a present of one for Xnias. ° W. H. BUNT Furniture and Undertaking FLESHERTON, â- Jp =Jn=lr=i .^7(=,^=nsirzSr, ONTARIO. R. R For Sale A Doherty orgin. hvel (Ctave, knee swell, cctave coupler and eight other stops ; in good condition; cheap and on e.isy terms. En.|uire at' Advance ottioe. TUK BOYS Si. GIRLS Who have been work- so strenuously on the farms producing food food for those ,i[ Home and Overseas should be given the opportunity of improving ihoir Kdu- \ cttion duriiiir ilio slack winter 1 months at tho I Columbia Grafoiiolas Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. .Vpply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 2;^ Farm Wanted -To rent, neat school - T. Feuwick, Eugenia. Highest price tot buttei and eggs r»t i)rahani Bros. Eugenia. June 20 Cow and Calf fii Sale- Frank Jhard, The fees ,iie no higher than when farm produce sold at half the price of today. Tho youiw people will be benelitad throughout life fro-u the ttaininsi; in Businej.-* obtained in a few winter months cf our Special Busine.s.s Cnise. \\ in'er term begins, \Ved. J in. 2 Circulars fric -Just freshened C. A. FLEMING, F.C. A.. Princioal, Dept. A.. Owea Sound, Ontario. Columbia Records ! â€" F'JR SALK B\'- W. A. Armstrong: JEWELLER, FLE.SIIERTON

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