Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Feb 1918, p. 1

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fkB\\txim %tfmnu TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " â€" " PBlA'CIPL&b NOT MES. m :57 No :)x Flestierton, Ont., Tl^ursday, Febriaary 1-1 IG1J3 W, e THUMON :0!T'.H cdPBOPlilE 1 Eugenia Paragraphs 'Vhtit U wruii with our in vl ciirier ' He is wry irregular. Wli '.ii; fault is it ' Priijer u.eelin'^s iie liclJ in ihe Prea- l')ti-ri:»ii churcli WeUnesJuy afternoons Ht l,;5t). Nutivithstaudii)'4 the iui.leuiL'iicy of tlie weather oil Fridny, Ftli. ] t, Llii; lied Crusa concert was a "uccess, tlie piv-ceeds asnouiitiui; to §':![. 00. Aileen Twuhy and Mabel Huy hij niado up a rery pretty cusiiiou and sold 3tJ tickets at 25c,makiug f 12.5U, or a tot.il of $oi for Red Cross work. -Mrs. Levi Betts iv:is the foriunate iady in the ilrawinn. The little ijirls asked their luwuey to Iw used to send txoats to le tke boys in Frinco. Mr. A. Tn-ijhy has umvjd '\\\s family into Jake Williams' resiJence. The Eugenia W. I. held a very success- ful lueetin^at of Mrs. J. railiammt's last Thursdiy. .Mrs. H Feuwiek of Feversliani gnve a pa[;er which h;u, inu( h appreciated, the subject bein;; Woui'ui'j Work and U'drry in War Tune, Fuil arraii!;eme«ls were uiido t<' sei.d our boys overseas boxes for Easter. Any d )uations til this eud will be thankfully rece'ved. The boxes are to be packed ut the hoiiie of Mrs. Twohy Feb. •-'â- -' in the eveuiuti. Anything' can bo left with the President. Mrs. A. Uoy. Uu3tell Pirk has joined the forces aud i< ({Uarlered at Niagara. We understand he is at piestnt in hosijital at Humiltcn. .1. K. J iiuicson had to shoot a valuable horse. The aniuial wa.s sutlVring with paralysis. Mr, G. lieuson of Saskatchewan is vi^itill|^ liis father who, we ar« :.;lad to ivporf, is able to be out after having been contir.ed to liia bed for three i r f )ir vfecks. Pithy Proton Pointers Victoria Corners Messrs, H. >ind W. Uallaaber attended the funer.il ot the former's si.-,ter, Mrs. Lawrence, at Creemore last week. Mors real estate chanj>iiii; bands, we a;e toH. .Suri'Iy we will be able to re- 1 orl weddinji bells some of these davs. Kev. Mr. Uinuick aduiinisttred the s . Tainent at Inisiio^^e on Sunday. â- Strange tilings happen even in th.-so 1 .c*l opti^.n daj.s. iipnie people riOinu peacefully to church last Sunday simiily fell (.ut of their sleij^hs. Wlut oxpli'ni- li U could you Lil'er, please .' E'sst Mountata 'MisB Mildred 5Ie.Mu!lcn .iml hi- ml vstc(b:it Ihiiiuin tocentiy. Ml. lluiubei^'oue 13 i;;ettins out tin.ber '. ' build a new barn. Mrs. Kobt. McMullen visited a fi w days uith her mother at IJock iVlills. Last Week's Items Wo iifar that fail Huuiberstono and .Jolin Welsh have teci-ived exeuipiioiis. John has just relumed from a fortnii;l.l's vi<it with « >wen SouuJ friends^,^,. Mr. and Mtf>. I'li'is. .Martin s|'ei I Sunday with the lattcr'.s pareirta at Kleslierton. Ward has been received from Pie V. Kurd, who has b«>en in England recover- JDK from vi'uunds, that he was in a diaft to Frauce oa Jan. li>iu. We Iiupe he has ^ood ftuccets in his next strugsflen.-' Tho V'liuDi; People's Society he'd * HOcial evt^niua: at ihe home of Thos Halt. Every oii« eiijuycd themselves. ^d. Slttau of Kiuibeiley, ba^ be«a helping! Mr. Allisa the past week. Miss White of P»riy Sound and her cusiii. Miss Whit« uf Osprey, visited thtir ct vibin^, .\nnie and (ilMlye Hall. TIh Jugoitava. Why do we write JugoskTs when â- oulb t^lAVs would do mucb better? The word simply lueaus s«ttth SUvn. its first half beiag tlie universal Slav term for "south." It la not written as prououueed, or, r»<lier, it la written as I a Clermaa would prououQC« it. Oar phoueUo trsa^Utc ration should be "Vu- KO'Slav.s," a form which Is often oscd. Buf'sotitli Slats'' indicates much more intelligibly tbe great racial nuit of flom* 15,00O,<JOO louls that occupl«e tbe whole (toQtbwost corner of the dual aGtouarchjr abattlng on tU« Adriaticâ€" LaucIou C'bk'tiolcltt. Too bite for last Wevk. The smriu n w so severe and the cold ao inton:?e on Sunday, that tbe Iccal ministera failed to reich their appoint- iuent.s. Miss Wright stent the week end in Dundalk. Mr. and Mis. Dan Wideinaij hive returned to their home after spending jevernl «Eeks up uorth. 5Iuch .symja'hyis felt, iu thia vicinity, for the sorrowing Jackson family iti> suddenly bsreft of * promising yi>iiu>4 sou and brother. Excellent speaker), sent by .he .\.;r"- cultural lustitule.addreRsed tho branches here on Friday afteriiuon and evcnins;. Dr. L. M. Smiths talk was a splendid treat to the ladies wl.o were comfortably seated in Mrs. .!.. C Wright's parh.r. After a brief outline of the work done by the Institute durii)<: the year, the Dr- gave 1 piauticil talk on food values anil the proper feedijig of children, and also sketches of her work as health inspector iu the public schools throu;{hout the diH'ereiit parts of Cauada. .\fter the address \ dainty lunch was .seivta by the hostess, air. Smith .iddre.-sed the men in tho Orange Hall on various u^pics -f iutere.st to farmers All whii heard hiui were very much disappointed bccau,>;e he was C'uipelltd to leave on theiiieht rain bel'oie the evening uieeling. Dr Sinijh gave tn addretson Iudi.i,wh>>.re.sl:c spent a nunilier of years as nielical inissioi.aiy. She is a splendid speaker ai.d greatly deliylit. d her audience. A recitaliou aiio sevci-.i v( c.il nuiulu-rs by .some of the youni: people helped t.i make 'heuiee'ii u liiterrsi.n,^. This Wick s Ileius On Tuesday eveuioj; of last week the Lidios Aid of the Presbyterian chureh wet wi-h-tho Vouni' People's Guild. At the close of the (_iui!d meeting the ladies invited Jli.<8 Kdna Achesou to come forward, when a beautifully worded address was read by Mrs. M-dduigb and an envelope cotitaininy a neat sum was presented to hor by Mrs. Cousley iu appreciation of her services as organist. Miss Eilua was completely taken by surprise. A dainty lunch wiis served by the ladies and asocial lime spent by all present Misses Clara Biniiie, Thoruhill, and Gertie Lyons. Toronto, took ref-iac under the parental loofa duriii,' the hoatUss days in the city. .^Iis. MiscHiupbell, An-iis, wa.'. the Suost of her father, Jlr. Kd. Kiuhorfoid, duriiig the past week. .Mi...s Edith Cpnsley, b'ieslierti ii, s^o: : die week etM at ber home hero Jlrs. CuUerwell of CobiraJo u visit ini; her patents, 3Jr. ai.d Mrs. James Med- lUuxh. The conyiejiatiau ot Kno.t church held theii annual iHceiiiis; .in Tuursday ev ':; last, when the following' otHcers were elected for the ensuing year : Managers -X. McUannel jr , U" Blackbur.i, A Sherson, G Slierson, H Becker, R Vans.', J Parks : Auditors, 11 Uockir, J Paiks ; Seo-Trea.<, W Wackburn ; i)r.»auist,lvlna Achesou : Assistant, .Mabel Waujhob : S s Supeiiijiendent, Mr McCannel ; Asai.itftut, 51r.s Oonslcy : S S Scc-Troac, Stewart Keddick : S .S < iri-ariisr, Mrs Wilson. ROD AND GUN Kimberley Budget Gdorne Dunc^iu aud Mr. XihnsioD uf Dundalk visite<i last week with liieir aunt, Mr-i. (ieo. Hutchinson. Miss .S>phia McCuuuell of .'saskatche- were renewin-.; ac')uainlances iu this yiciuiiy recently. (ieor;;e .Stuart .)t l*owa-*«au visited frie ids here durlni; the past week. Kev. A. 1' Latter of Tur^nto, reprii- seutini; ihe 'I'eniperancj and Mora' Reform f.f the Methodist charch, lectured ill the church here Friday eveiiinsj last and on Sunday nmniing. Mr. and Mis. Howard Uaker and children of Bay view renewed oldaciiuaiii- taiiccs here recently. A meetin-,' of the Kimberley Pi>ultiy .\ssociHtioa will be held iu the pub'ic ha 1 on Thui.-day evening this week. Mr. .•in.i Mri. .\shlev MeCailum aid little son of Duncan visited recently >t Uoiiald \\ allace's. '^'uit.' a stir wa:; eaused in town i n Saturday when thu stores wer« ui c allowed to sell anything but foids:utls. \ lot of the users of lue noxious »-e,d had to ;40 without a supply. Too bad it could Lot be cut out eutirely Mr. Robert Irwiu, wife aud little dkU!{hter, Susan, visited at J.is. Stuart's i>ce day last Week. We are s.irry to lo.se one if our most progressive faioierti, in the p<:isu:i of Tho.nas Knott of the fourth line, north, who is goiti!» to move to the Fuitord farm . n ihe ihiid line. ARTEMESiA COUNCIL Artemesia Council met at the ti-wn h.llon Ireb. •_» With the membi-rs al- prcsen": with the Reeve in the chair. Minutes o' last luoetin*; weie read ami continued. A letter was received fiom the Hydro Electiio Ouuimijsiun, re Th<.K. Oenue, t'tat they had .settled with hiiii for xl c'aiins re .'{jih sideroad. Wright A Co., solicitors, account of •S,') for lesjal services re Akins vs. Arteni csia : .Muunicipal World f.)r subscriptions, $6 ; Tile Reeve .ind Mr. .Mathe».sou's report as to Trea-surer's suritios; By-laws li re remnu- eritiou to Council, 7 re C.uiicil, S le Treasurer, !• to appoint .Assessor weio passed i'\ tho usual v»ay. The followini; weie ordered to lA paid : G. I'.iimio, refund d.i; t.ix : Muiiuip,;! World, s<i ; Wright it Co . ?5. Caineri 11 â-  Mathewsou ~ That this <-\)Uiicir»ppropriiite ^Jioji) to be expended >n the h-ghways of the Township to be divided as l.dlows : Div. t, j;;!llil ; Ulv. 2, ^:<i.M» : Div. :i, $:5C0 ; Uiv. 4. .^odUand •â- ?l."ii> for 'ho Yalhy Ro id. 1'his is lO include all work on towuliuesand bridgea up to ?J5, all biidKu work over $25 ti be under the supctvisioii of the Reeve and Coinmi>sioner of the division in .vhicli the W'Tk is lo be dono and tu> new bridges shall b« bLill without a resolution nl th:.4 Council. Tile t^omiiiiasioiicis or Couiuiiilets shall be riipiired to submit to the «.'ouiicil a written report of expenditure befuro icceivii.gany ConiinisAton,and the b .und- aries of iho sevenil divisions shall remain as f.irmerly except, ...» atlVo^ed by the County G'joi^oads System. -Cm ried. The C.i'iucil Ailjounied. Ceylon Chat Tlie follow in.: is a satcium , Ceylon Willing Helpers Society i r '.iie ; year ended Feb. 1, 1!)1.S_: .Sent to i>ur I boys overseas, 18;{ Ixnes, 28;! pairs so.x, j 2.") piirs mit», 142 pairso.x sent to Trench j Fuud, 24 hospital sliirtf m ide and sen', I 4 hospital .jui'ts, :>0 hospital toweis, 0*i I stretcher cips. Yarn biiu'.;hr, :it>Oj lbs ; I i'yi paiisof SOX knit : $.'575 i>'2 leceivid j f.oui d .nations : ?14<>.8(> i>ci-ivid I'loin I teas. R-ceipis ;<522.4.S, expensses I $4" 4 IJ, baffcucocu haiid §1>J< .'J.'i --Anna j McMillan, Sic. j James Pat lisun spent the week end ! will, f I lends .-»i Bidijeros. I ' Much eyuipatby la expressed lor Mrs. j Walfoiii. whoae li'tle diu-.;hrtr, ayed one ; year iiid eleven davs, passed awny <n Wednesday of last WeeU at ihe hoiii" of Mrs. H. Spicer, Stone's hue, wiicre she has b>*en risitii.g. The leuiains were t.«ken to Uivfcii Sound rhuisday n sjlit fo lu'eiiuent. l-*te. Wan. .id,, the father is ill hosijiial III Eiialand, wuuiidrd. Mr. and Mrs. Will Saigeul and two children, who hate bieix visi mu thu foriiier'a parents here, returned Monday to llieir home at Port U.iVer. Pte, Goljwin McMulleu and sister, Mai y, of Toront.), spent the week end with their parents. 5lis8 Agues "ItcPhail sjjett pait of last week wiih friends in !>>i i \k and Shr.niey. S'lss JiSiie iViuir uf Turou-.w IS visiting j her iiiolter. Miss Jsybi) Colausou, who is atreodirg business oollecu in Torouti) was a week end lisiior under ihe parental ruuf . ' }li>s Edua McLeud of Toronto look advaiiM^e of the holidays an i vi,r.ed with her ni.ilhcr here. AROUND GREY COUNTY his "Thd Condition of the t ur S*>alH To- day'' by Bonnycaslle Dale ; "His Fust Diiok^ by F. V. Wiliia,,,^ ; "The Ciiii/.- ing of Split U<i,-k" by M. A. Shaw "Imjui, Dovil" by H. A. Sturtzel ; "A T.,ilelS,t for the Camper" by E. G. Brewer : '-The Old Time Hiver Brigade" by R ,1. Fraser "WHuderiog Trails' by H. C Haddou : "A Hunt with Xuw Brunswick Guides" • these are ^onie of the stories and artleles that go to inske up the mid whuer number of Rod and Om, „, Canada, published Hi Wo.idsL.a;k, Onl. by W j" Taylor Ltd. Iu addilioo t„ tho above their February number contain... under heading of "Oons aud AmmuBil.iou' two fine*Uicle.s by expctt gunmeu, namely. Thomas K. Leo and M«j..t Towosend Wheleu. Mr. Lee i.a de.eriWd by the editor c,t this dep.tiinent as "uudoiibt- edly tho finest target shot with the ?2 rifle that h.s ever b»e,l' ami hw article on Repcuing and Sinitie Sh.,i. R.fl,-s will i \)v t:>%,i Willi inteiest by if-tntiiao ! i Dundalk Dundalk escuipiion IribiULiI di»piMid nf 42 casus which came hcfire tbeni on thrteday« of lust week. Kxen^ption W.IS granttxiin all but one ci.se, that o Russel Wilsou. C A. ArmsiioDsj ww ordered to be re-evaiiiined. Ijis hnal examination at rorunio pm him in Cl.tss K Thrt death .III KiiJay evdi.ing ot Clem JioWsi>|., son if Joaeph Ji.ck8oi), i >,,prey. near Wareham, came with an awful <h..ok to his fiii-ndsand t.. (heconiinun ity ceneialiy. Ho was 28 y,^is ,,f a^e and iu ihe vijor of ycMing ,„ inhood. He had bten do«n lu Uamihon for i» visit returnini; homo on Wedoe.-iJav. The following day he co nplniued of a bead- ache .%iid the -lext ii.ori.ini; (Kriday) ho Wis not Well euou.jfi tai leave hia betl As the day advangtd ha beoMiue wof o, with vouiitiug. Dr. .M.W,lii,ni was KummODed in the aftorno- n. But in gpiteof all that was dor* -^o rohevo hh suffering tho younn mtn pasuvl aw»y at .•ibou'.«p. m. Ueart taiiui-v wis the canae of death. â€" Herald. Mr. W . Claiiser of Hanovei, ICO acre fa m fi.r$lo,COU. S17.J0 was yiid for live hogs.,; '.Ink. dale .'11 Tuesilay .if last -.vcek. Fi-ee skitiug was <iiven in Chatsworth link la.>t AXoiiday night. Mr. dallies Thon.pson of Massiv, was fuund de id, liaiiaini; la his barn early W t dnesilay 111. mini!. The X.>riherii Gas and GaBOlilTe Co. has been granted a piovinclal chai'.er and in the Spring wi.'l cuiimieiice »o ii;ill for ijaaai Uepworth'. * A Back .Min.irca hen beioo'^iiig t.. H. J.HueiuiUer of Uaiicver, laid an eai; that uuMsurec »..\ and tliiveeiulrli.-* y eii^ht and oue-.piurter inches 51rs. W. Kiiiiggs of Muaford, iochm . adislocved sh.iuldet and o'l^er m ... injuries <vheii she was thrown .-ut t i cutter as sho vais parsing another t... ... Miss Uualee' Oaihrae uf llollar.d, 1. s recciveJ a tine Kdison l>isc INiciui'iijh as first pr liio {,.:â-  beius: iLeVsl I read niaKer in t lie province. Ondeuis oi.ly 14 years of â- â€¢igi. Mr. Win. Ifalhwell, fr..m near .Mt. Voresi, sot bis hand cauv;!it in a aH.>.> me eiinmo with the result that Ins iiiviex liiicer «a< dislocateil an.J a bone iiilie palm of his hand xva< hr'.>kou. Tho heating appi.aiu.s .if .^le.t•• <1 Jlet liodisl ohuich waa so badly dam. '.ie.i by an ixp;oMoii that it »i 1 have I . oe TBpl iced cays Iho fcixprfs.'. The w.iter pipes beuwnte chniijed and tbe e.xpl.oion fol.owed .1 c.iuple li.iur-* .ifter iheloat was turned ..ii, wrtM-kihg the furnace atid siili'miij t In- tire .n'o :he door, 'lb- daninao «*!« oiimaled at fl.iXlil That a "duplex house ' wil'i iwo separ- ate eutraucea tor the upper aud lower staiie<>, cvn.sisi of two p.ivate dwellinis, OKih . f ikhich teuauLs may keep li'iucr without olTendiiijf .igaiust the Onlurio trtiuperaiice act, is tho tiii.iing of .Mr. Jiisllcri Middleion who ipiashed (he con- victim of *Vni. Ciwwell, a loooiiotivc OHRineer of Walkerti n, who mM fined S^IO and cohIs by two pis! ices of the p.'nce. The line Will he refunded. Mr. R Tisd.ile of Arthur, f. ruiorly of OriPRnvillo, Joiiirinf«lrated last year th.it th.TO in ifood money in growing tu.n-'ps On » four acre :itfl », iii.sidc the cotpura- tioulmits, ho itcw 2,4W bushels ..f first cla.<s 'nriiipb "hir-h he sold at 22 cents l»:r husli.-l, r-«iv;ii^ IftSS.tiit The cA^». hMuatu ibo to'al u^i to fr>7."). m alaipjf #15" I net KtC, Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268' 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. j I MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks Pres. Manager. Jewelery A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. Pig For Service Fuie brel Taiiiwi-iih IJoirfor Service on !.>' 17t>, 1 S. W.T. and S. U., Aiie ii'SsiM. Tei-ins SI or $2 f.ir pur.-t>u'ds I j.iiie is ^ I . ,r. SriN.soN. 'i\ ,, W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, "^^ OM ••*â€"â€"â€"•â€"»•â-  ^-^--t ."••â- â€¢--•â€"•..••.I ••-•-.• •* •- «.*..». il[ 8if i 11 EilSlS im y^' ^ew )ranj:t\l enu)n â- ^y ,-y .ui.l Citr 1 Pfols. .Sbelio'i ^y. ,<^^^ W.ilmit^ .: • AlmciKU-. Bfs '^<-' â- ^ I'tstrv Hon;. .>r bread â€" Five Rose s ' />. .1. and Ifarvt'st <^>iieei; Out alio bran .iinlshons We l),i\o a liilJ stock t i baud of Roy;d Purnjo Stm Ic aiid Poultry Specific ai.il Calf Meal. W.L.WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario ^ LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters • Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D. WcTAVISH. FLESHERTON ^ 1 yvyvv^w^\^kVkW«kVkWi^v^^i^vwk'kV'kvwwyvkV:E FOR A PAIR OF | BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of ^Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos^ Clayton^s FLESHERTON J JSi^.-r::^^

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