February H I5iis T 11 h; f 1. e s 11 k r r n a u v a n c r T H !:• 'HTion -li'^utince «» i.-».i«|Mnden» ncw«|ia|>rr, iJiil.li»hfil i-vei y Ckm- xlajf St th"" ofticc, Collingwood Sweet, (^^^sh«r»c>n. a«b»criiaicm i>rioe|l i*r»nnuin lli»n ii»idin»dv»nc«;$1.50wli»n notio mW Ad '•.T inimi ratu ou application. OironUtlon 1,100 WMkly. W. H TMOdtTON EOITOB WINNING SUCCESS. It FOODCONTROLltH SAYS :- of of and H.iiuliii^ isdiie of the lU'W word'* llic vrnr. It mentis storm:; in excc»< iDquireineiitB. ei|jeciiilly uf f >c'1n â- (u .1 j 'isi itt pie'tan' - H^ â- *' <â- laying up it puKMr sii|i|iiy i'^ is not II cri'ii-j in pi't;e ' iiiiJ< •I4M <ji- W(im ku wli<p wilfully aiiJ cn'jlly (••scidc's lo<l«y l'> storu mt>ic f.iod tlr>a Ix - or '•lie would liuy in dm! in tr y I'mwl i" ejni:ni.iiii!t i">:uelhirvj jl^ elfij" of a cnin?. H« h uiio the [>r'04 ti supplies. Tneie is ii > oaUij i.). p mlc mnoiij Jtlie pejoleoffriimiii. Wij mist expijt to in»ke si'je fojd 8«^ritioe>-- midjbe iviiling to iiio.lify ^iiKe'itiii,' ii.il>itsimi ewn to eit IwM ill ontef Ovil 'Ma i^nUiars nd our Allies may l)0 fed. Theru is ii world «hirta);8»f fjods lieciuse C*iii'Uare i moi-rno I, oihov |)i;->p!e li.ive hill to li.' wil'idrx.vu from fAi-un In li'^lit what is our j ii)i-. ti.iht. Our oliviou.s duly is to aid thmu hy at lenf svivling them as much food as tiriey used tu uet Ijtfon: tlii»y took up.our c-mimou ta-k. Uoardii.t; is thtj crime of selti.-*lily liiW- | iH!{ c*re of one's own skiu to t!>e dstii- uieiit -if others, either in the warring lands or at lijinu. Buying too niiicli for iimiisdiatd c ^ilur paoliiii^ in C'f>»di al.'-o iuip'nci 4 burd;n o'l the poirer cUs->iS in the Dominion. The railv^y dilli:ullies (ire especially ureal this winter ; olntacle.s iu dir^lribntioii "f food ^lull's are adding to the bhortage. Moreover, hoarding I»y people who lick iiro;»er facilities f. r fii>ringni»y easily result in heavy wa=rr. For this re»-«on esiieciaUy, public opinion should be ttroused ii-^jiiiiit the prajiiue. It is a thinu that cuui's do<vn to ll.e «inse ot right in the buyer. If he or she I know.s what patrioliiiiii meins, knous what (ithers h'lve to undergo pnly lii>Ciiuso they did not happen lo iwt in (,'anadH, and in whose pl»cu <':iiiidMiii« in'^ht have been but for llm acident of geo^- rjpliy, there will be no lioirdin£>. Public opinion mid pub'ic dis!ippri)l>;.linn of Jloardiii;< limy do iiiU'Jj 1) dis.'oiiri;,'.? the practice hut Hithiii;: uiii really liiM'dfcl- ive uiilesh the nionil sei.si; «f buycN of ] foods lelU them p'ainly «heu tli-y aio Uyinu in a lfgitim-.ii?.«t 'te or ([r.ibliiui/ at an oppoituiiily of plii.ty for the chief rea- son that they have ciioU'^fh cash t o Kit it . It is no woiidiT that under the stiYSS of war tcniiuii the Htiiish people found for tlie in iii who attempted hoai-dtii'.! the ijxprossive title of " Food Hog". There hats been aonie "huardinu" in Canada of sugar, fliuraud porhnpt other caiumodiliei'. Th-s practice forlnintely 13 of small pr"poi lions and tho ellV-el of measure^ now und..T coiisiJerai ini may result in (he rxposnie of the (Janadl.ui "Kuod Houm". noardint; i.s uimeci's.ary and unpalriotio. The baiter eleinon.s in icoiniiiuoity will refrain from it so fi,r iis their own hoiiHeh' Idi lae eoneefiied and (isu then liiriuence aijaiiist it elsewhere. Ofiuii people will buy lar;;o i|Uaiililies of tlxsefoodi i^itlioiit I hiiiliiii;; ofllii> way in which thuy imy ho d»-piiviiit{ olherjt. Every pitriotic Can id i in will do well to resolve tliallii- will "play ihi! ((ami!" fairly with hi- neiifliLor, and with the ;.ooiir L-hnne.'', by 'puroliasino food only ill iiorirul nuannLii^ while llic present emcrjiuncy lasl«, and by dis. courajt'iU' hoarding wherever ho Iiio'h oviiU'uce of i'. Muat B* a Continuoui Parformanoe, With No Intarmlaaiana. •Tbe other day," Bays a writer in the Americin Maga/.hic, "a famous author was telling uio how he felt when hl.s flrat gtory was accepted. He aaid (bat within a few minutes the thought flash- e<l acroM his mind that he could not gtop. but must go on. One good story must be followed by auother and an- other and another, else bis reputation would die, and he would be huinilinted. lie Mid that the foolin;; was not ex- actly comfortable; thnt tbe prosiiect was In a way terrilib'. 'Being success- ful,' he .said, 'Is not easy. The suc- cessful man advertises to the world (hat be can do certain things well, and he mnst go on making good or back oir the map. It's a great sensation, a ;;reut experience, worth almost any- thing, but It Isn't n snap.' â- •It Is tbe same wiiy in business. The .salesman who sets a liij;li mark has to go right out nud beat that uiark or suffer by comparison with bis own rec- ord. He cau't sit down in a rocking cbiiir and devote the rest of his life to receiving congrnlulatioiis. 'Have you ever sat in a rostnunint and compurod your Job with Hint ot a waiter'? Try it some time. No mut- ter what your work is, I nin sure yon will SCO the jiolnt if you wiitch lln! waiter and think how oxiiclly lils job lyidlies vours. Tiilio. for exniiiple, my |f,l,_lhat of an editor. An cditc-'s Job is exactly like that of a xvaitor. "e has to go and got soinolhiiig good and l.ring It in. And after he has brou.u'ht it in lie has to go riglit out and got 1 fu- AS we in } soinelhiug more and bring that in. Tlio ' iniuule he sits down or stojis lo talk I unnecessnrily with the guests, be cfa.-os I to give as good service as before. Tlion tho gnosis who praised him a inoiiioiit ago bcuiii to growl. And so, almost iintucdialely, be has turned from a good SCI vant into a poor one. "This fits any line ot human activ- ity. A coutluuous porformiiiice is what is wanted. Nothing else i.-ounts." TROOPSJN^BATTLE Trained SoNiert Are Wholly In- different to Danier. ^^ 2rji^i^ei^ S^^^^SfiSii.S^l^''^*^^^ ,\Tr\^ry^^-'^^'^''^'r-iV^'ry r-. FACE DEATH WITHOUT FEAR. e-i iu',**l> Inr the il hi^ t li.> III 11 .il •ilso htflpiii' ^ ^'o liiiineli of luture MAIL CONTRACT S.'.il."l T.-ii'l.M- a.lilrcsscil to the I'ostma^t.- I'l ouTal. will Iji' iTc^lvi'l at < li t iwa until noon on l-'i-llay. till- Sth of M in-li.l'.ns. fm- tin- con. vrvanciiif His .Mo ji>>ly'.- Mail.-^. on a prop is- !ilGi iitracc fiir foiie year.H, si\ tiiiu* pi'r wei'k i^ach w.iy â€" K A Vr.NNAlti ii VI, .MAIL ItnrrK Ml. 1 fioni llo' !.•<â- . of .\pril, m-st. I'riiit-il notices roiitainiii'.' fiutluT iiiloiijii- tioii US tiM' oi'litloiis of pi'o|i(,scil ( '•iitracimay 11.' «i'i'N mid li'a il; fornix of Temlcr may !»• olitaiiii'il at till- I'o^t Otlice at Itavcniia ami at tin- oiK ;.' of tlie I'ost Otlice lnii(iet- (..!•. ToMllto. .V. slTllKKr.ANI). l'o>'. (Ittig.- Iii,<pit..r. I'.iHt IMti-.- la-pi-cti^'tf Ort'ici-, T..io,.to. .Ian. '.':2iicl. V.ns. MAIL CONTRACT .SKAbi'.i) Ti;xiir.i:s aiia.-,-,,,! t.. PorttMilhliT (Joliio-al «ill li- ifirivo I at Ottawa until noon on I'riilay.tlii â- 'â- 'th of .M irc-li l:i|S. for tin- n.iivoyancM' of lli.-^ .VI i,if<'y's .\l.iiU. on a i.riipo«ocl (Joiitr.o'I for f iiir yriii-, sl\ tinii'.^ p.'i week on tlo'iouti- .\i \I!k1).\m: itiUAi. Kill ri: no. i lioiM t!,H 1st of April, I'.llS. ni\i. I'l iiitVil iiotiii'« coiiMiining fiiitlur iiiliania ticoi IK to 1- iiv(litioii> rcf |,n.posc.l 1 ii'itnict iii.iy Im' «wii and '.lUiik fonin of'r.iiiler may lie oiiOii I at the l'ii>t ( Mtiie- ..f Markil.ilv mill at llic otiiiv of the I'^ist (IHiii- In^-peft or, T'O'Oit... A. .-SI l'll|-|!t.ANIl. l',.-t lIMii'i' liispictor I'.iBt Ollili' ln>ptrto;',, (Itiii-*-, ir>nto. .Ian '.'.t-.l. IHiS. 'I' AUCTION SALE i.\i:\i SKI .\.\li IMIM.KMKNTS AUCTION SALE I- \|{M STtM'K AN'1>; I .Ml'I.KMKN'I'.S \ The unilcrbigiieil will olf'or for nale by Poldic Auction on [,ot l.'i'J, eon. ;{, .S. \V. T. and S II.. Aite.nesia. on Tliurnday, Ki'S. "Jl, the followiiiu articles, n iiiii'ly : 1,1 VK STOCK 1 .Vlirc « yours old, 1 iinro 7 years old. I U'^diii.^ lisiny iwo yeiiH, 'J e iws Riipji >'^ecl to lie in call, I div c iw, 'J liuifffH aupiioned I > he ill nlf, .j iieltera rising 'I ye.ira, 'i stiMrs risiii;! 2 years, 2 uleers '2 years old. It c.tlvo», IH ewes, ."»0 liena. 1V11'1,KMF:NTS, K'c. I l.mdei, I niii*er, hiy rake, seed drill. fanMiii.' null, Hiraw cutter, plow, gang |ilow, 'J tjiilii iron hai riiWH, ^plin;; tooth Imriow, culiiviiior, Una roller, l>"a Imrvestii, <;raiii cradle, 'i wnjoiis, rleinoeiat. w iijoii rack and lio«, (,ei b.dwIeitfliN.rnol. jnilper, «culfl<T, liuiiip ne.-d sower, net doil'de •,iini baiiiesH, er.-.iin artpir.tlor,ai(iiniilily oluood houiflrihl fiiriiiiine, neck>okiH, wliitlii'irei'H, eh iir.H. foiki, linea, KhiivelK. Hild oibi .iitclea loo iniiliii "l!. to inusiioii. Rale Ml 1 o rloek p.m. TKUMS Allcuiiiaif f 10 and iiiid.r. cadi ; over 111 t amouiil i Mtdve iiioii'lih' cMfli' will 1,1' oiv, 11 oi apin.vcd j liiir , ,1. . . .. \ ,1,1 , 1 j o ci.li in lieu 'I'lie iindei.sigoe,! I lai lici-li insiiiii^lol by W. .! IltWIN to sell liy I'liblic Aiictioii oil 1/iT IT'-". (.'ON. 1. N KT iV: S.U , .'!', oiiU-> Siu'li of Klesho toll. on •MiiNDAV, FEB. '.'."., lUlS o,.criJ c.i* line to cvhn .lune l."i, hliie cow line M.ir. Ii 10. red co*r ilno March ID, nil cow dun .March S, black eow line .Mauliti, ridcowdiic M irch l.i, black ho.f.-r duo .M.ieh 10. red an.'. white hoif, r dn:- iMaicli 'J. llireii r.ol clisi rs ri.'<ing 'J, M calvoj rising one year, one piiri' iiii'd ii-LMnli-nd Ihirli'iin Bull 1.' yiMi.'i.old, "J V,.••k^llire .sows 2 years old, lino March 'Jll ; 11 Hio:i' pins, .'5 gocse and gaiolci , .'t.'i hens and Iwo roosters, I MIM.KMKNT.S (»ne K.'criiig bindfi in l;ooiI repair. (' .ckslinit l.'i disk .socl dull n.iaily iiu»', slcel laiil loller, 'i i-els do-k iririowri, hay rack, faiinini( mill, hv 1 tiuioiv t'ockslintl walkiiij.; plow, one D.urii I! lulliviiior n oirly new, Maxwidl liiy loader with four carriage, turnip pulper. cream i-epiittor, crosvcul siw, water triouli, s,'l hlilll;^, 10 cow chains, 1 1 Mpiaos if Kliiiiglci'. a â- piinliiy of go al hay, 400 iiusliels «Hede tiirnipi, 100 bududs barley, .")0 Ini.sliel.-. Manpiis seed wheat, a ipcintity of stove wood, a quant- ity of potaioe.i, one pirlor suite nearly new, one waahing iiiichine. SALKAT I Ol'Ull'K I* M. TKHMS I' •tiitoos and drain, and all mum of IH"> alrl iioJei. I'lMl ; over lliil Thought of Calamity Bothara Tham j Not, and Thay May Ba Savaraly i Woundad Without Faaling Pain. | Uniqua Analogy From Railroad Lifa. The thon^ht of not coming out of a battle olive rarely enters the mind of a seasoned soldier, and he goes Into the coullict llred only with tbe sen.se of a patriotic duty to be well and fallbfully performed, with perhaps a vague hope of promotion for a deed of bravery or daring. Very few people are afraid of u natural dealli. but u violent death is dilferent, and yet 'liiindicds of thou- sands of moil have gone to meet pra.:-ti- cally certain destruction without giv- iiiy a sign of terror." Concerning the ab.sohito iiidiffoience of the trained soldier to death in the midst of battle and the reasons Ibere- for, Dr. .MacKeniia eii)|iluys a uniiiiio ami graphic illnstratioii frum the rail- road world. "Let us imagiue," ho says, "that the brain, tlie organ that links uii the body with the sources of llioiigbt and action, is a railway terininns into which run hues from all [larts of tiio country. Tboio are lines (o and from the eyes, the ears, the feet, the hands and every muscle In (lie body. "In tbe beat of battle tniiiis loaded with messages arc racing on the dow linn to every muscle. On a well dcred railway syslcni certain trnliis have priority, while others are held back until congestion is relieved and some of tho tracks .ii'o cleared. "A wis? train disiiatcbor will soetliar! a slow freight train docs not get in the way and blocl: llie progress ot a pas- senger express, and the mind tiding in this role takes caro I hat no train laden with fear liiids it.-i way out ot the terminus to throw the other tralllc into confusion. There arc no tracks to .â- •â- pa re for such a cargo, the whole railway system is occupied with the suppTy ot more urgent necessities. "By a similar observation one can ex- plain the frciiiiently ro[)ented statement that in tlia lient of battle a soldier may sustain a forraidablo wound and feel no pain whatever and even be unaware (hat ho has been hit. "Tlie injured limb or organ dispatches j an express train along the lino ot some sensory norve to the railway termlinn in the brain, but on drawing near the terminus tbe signals are found to l>e against it, and it caniidt force its way through llio press ot tralllc into the station. It is therefore sidetracked. "But ju.st as an ordinary train will try to call tho allention ot the signal- man by blowing its whistle when the signal is n;.;aiiist it, so a soiisntion ot pain may succeed in calling the atten- tion of tbe lirnin lo its exisleiico Iiy sending on a message not of laiin, but (;f hoaviiioss or pressure. "This may bnvc llic elToct ot opening a path for the wliolo train to run through, and the wonmlcd man lio:;in-i lo discover that be lins been bit or hurt. But in most cases a Urtig inter- val elaiscs hi-lwcon the ililjictioli of (he wound and tliu rcilization ot the soldici' Unit be lias liecii woiindiMl. "I have bocii informed by a soldier who b!id a largo piiHc blown out of bis thiuh that bo was ipiilo unaware ot bis injury for several niinutes. Ills iilteii- was attracted by hearing bis foot Vipiolcir every time he moved It. On looking down he saw thnt bis boot was full of blood; then almost immediately he felt a dull ache in the tliigh, foUow- Ofl very shortly by a scii-<arniii of anilo pain. "In (bis case, lo rctni-n to our Illns- tratioii, tho inossagos of |iain from the woiindod thigh lind lioon held np by con. geslion of Irnllii" near the toi minus. Wo iniiy inmgliii! tliiil tlieinipcib'U tia;ii tried to call the altcntloii ot the signal- nian, but failed to do so until a iiios- srge sent from the suburban station i>f sight, not far from the tonniims, got through and liiforined llie stalbm nias- lor that n very important train from a remote imrt ot (ho oouiitry was being hold up. Tim levers were I lion at onoo drawn, niul Ilio sensation of pain pas;- cd" on to I lie sonsorinm. Ail Furs Selling at 20 per cent. Less than Regular Prices Tlii.s reduction applif^s to all Furs and Fur-llaed Gannents io stock. Our as.sortmeiit in{lu(le.<s MuHs and Stoles in Black W')lf, Siberian Wolf, Muskrat, Mole, Coney, (Jrey Lamb, Persian Larnh, MinK, and Marmot. Furs will be much higher in price ne.xt .'iea.son and it will pay you and pay you well to anticipate your wants and buy now. Two Specials in Bulk Teas A good nncolored .lapan tea tliat is giving spleiKli[) .satisfaction to .scores of our customers. SELLING AT 40c. Nt^ithcr 01' these 'J'eas can be diip"^ licated at the' price when sold out, the »|uantity on liiind is'iiniiteil.' Take a 51b. parcel home to-day. SELLING AT 25c. A goo'l Ceyion Black Tea, fine Havor and a .splendid di'a\vin|j Tea worth at least .'/Oc. F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Buying Suggestions Silver Plated Ciitlerv fold Meat Forks I'evry ypooiis k>ugar Slioli.- " Pickle l''otks Cut lass set.- Carving setc Pic Kiiivc? Decanter tet.« Pick If CritPts Pocket Cutlery I'a/ors, SliLivJiig !bu.-lic.= Skates (:uitoiuobi!e! Ilockoy stipplirs Clotiits Wiitigo! s Carpet Sweepers I'.iiaiiulwaro, Churns, I'ocd Chopper.'; Ilaiidsiiws, Piuckgaws. Uraccs And lumv other wrv useful ijifli Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorough. ired Yc^rkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. «, Osprey. Tenns $l.,">0. FllKD SPOFKARD. It Pays to Attend the ^ELLIOTT^^ FleslieK^ton #^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim ti' Give Entire bati.<factt:j LAINDRY-Bjsket closes Mond«.j night, delivery Friday evenia CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We ai agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" ClothuJ. Yonge and Cliarles Streets, Toronto | cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvena'e-i All graduates and scores ot our undtr- eracbia'es of ihe past year have secured Bood busine-s po-i'ions and still the demand i.-. far keyon'. our supply. Write for our Ca'aloEjue. Kuter at any time. W. J. EIJ.rOTT, PisiNcipu. STOCK AND EGGS FOR SA E 11. R. Egsjs, &nd T FISHER - •PROPRIETOR Tain wort UoiK'ii Ibicl I Swiiio, i'.ils??. F.W. DUNCAN The I ton e for ipiitk sah- some yotnii; Tamworths (or lirt'ediiii; piirpii«> : also..<onic I'.airedltock e^gc. and Uoiieii |iiu-k eggs for lintehing pnr- po.â- ^e^. i*riee'* riglit Fhone o,- write -OKO, \V. ROS,s. Oct l:i li; ().-<iaevTl. Svsli'io Max wtU. I' Ne\N' Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opeiiina no atimce, a blacksmith- ins; and woodworkins; business in Mi»x- well. and am ns'allini; up-'.o date wood- worUins machineiy. It will be my en deavor to serve the puldic in a satisfac- tmy manner and I would solicit pitrou- aiie. 1 w ml yuurwotk and will do it rii'ht. 7 April .1 CHESTER LONG I'lcshcrtiMi Hardware. Htione .?() rTi. Pulpwood Wanted Two thousand cord.> of Sj ruce and | lUUain wood, cut 4 ft.. Ioik. iu>t less | than 4.\ in. :«t th.- small cii.l. knot* j Iriiiuiie.i cl.•^e f or « h ch w- will p-iy Sll ' per cold for bulsmi. alid *'" pi"i corit for Spruce, deiiiered at reiire>t I'.iilroad .Station iXnyoiie hiviin; same t..r sale write to phone MmUoale ">'.' o'-'. -\V. T V.1.1,l>!. Kiinl eiK v. 'it' 'I f Jl Mi:l':i.\ll„ (j. Aiittionucr, .McKKNZIi: I'loprietiir Our First Woman'n nitjlits Paper. 'I'lio llisl woniiiii's paper lo be esliili- llslied In this eountry for the deliiiilo purpose of spreading abroad news ot the now wonmn's rights propn','anda was the I. iiy. a tiny four |iage weekly shoot odilod liy IMrs. Aniolhi niootner of Seneca I'lilU, .N. Y. 'i"bh was bcguu In ISP.), Just the year after that fanioii:! Ilist woinan'.s rights (•oiivenlion callitl Iiy i;ii/nbolb I'lidy Sliinlon and a few oilier womoii, the radifiila of those tlinos.â€" llxchango. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and I RECORDS, nlso The I.itest III Sheet iMii'-ic ,.t the i rilOTO CiAl.l.liUV If! m lili II II l@l l^fl II 1 II I 111 II (^1 Flesherton Tin Shop ^^3^==:^ I have just placed im ihe shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agatewar^^ for domestic usi\ ("all on nie ami gi>t ynur supplies. II m l^!i m iHi in us. Kepairing ofaH kinds promptly attended to. aiiioiini 11 ii'iiitli.'< r oil approvi-d j lint loil iii.ili 111 Ih'ii of note-*. D McPHAIl, W. Auctione<T. edit will be uu'oll â- n with (> oil' for J IRWIN, Proprietor Etiquette. Originally the word etbitielte meant n ticket, label or slip ot paper nitadipd to a bag or object to Indicate its con- feiils. It then came lo bo used ot a ticket siven to n person taking part In n eeroiuony to toll him what he sluinltl do; hence the modern nieaiiim;.â€" Kx- cliango. IlUl.l. iOlf SIIHVICF. lleii'ib'rMl Shorthorn hull for aerviee, IViii-: ll.no for fimdo eoxvs, 9:100 f,.i r.<,iii>i t re 1 ooW4. I'on. 4, lots 1(1 || .Vit iiicM 1 I .IiilylH •â- .1 1> .M. l.KOU. Cejlo.-i. Gretna Green, The last blow to Oroliia Green as a cloiirlng lioiiac for marital roniaiioe was dealt In ISoti, when tho Scottish law nuido it necessary for oiio ot the cim- tracting parlies to resldo three weeki In Scolland before Iho uiarrlnue could tu performed. W. A I'ipelittiiig. including pump Furnaces installed. * Agent t\)i l''urna(t\s. w^oik. C'lan> ]il'OS. Kavet roughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- S5 m 1^1 1^1 19! I^i Iv^i D. McKlLLOP CHRiSTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j0! ONTARIO. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Recelro Inttructions from nu enemy -Ovid. $90 Ha'Mrken - FhsSerlcn Phone '-'3 t4 Tor Service I »iiu pnio iicl Sboitlioiii Kidl ou lot I'lii, eon. '.I, .Vilomecla, Tirin;. »l.ll|> for | i;radi-«. Miiit he paid withiti !• months | ' from data of scrvico. I .l«n, 17. -U. O.irUNl'Jl. ! I A^entis F^oi:* Special Prices on Wa};*^i)ns, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEr^T AGENT FLESHERTON.