ALMOST HELPLESS FROM RHEUMATISM Only Able to Move About on Crutchesâ€" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restored Ac»ivity. Inflammatory rheumatism, acute rheumatism and rheumatic fever are different names for practically the same thing. It comes on with hardly any warning. The pain Is excruciat- ing, and there \k a tendency of the disease to attack the heart, when it may have fatal re.^uUa. Any one who has suffered from an attacli of inflammatory rbenmatism knows that the usual treatment Is highly unsatiafactory. External ap- plications of hot cloths and liniments and interu J doses of salicylates to re- lieve the pain are not enough, for they do not drive the poison from the blood, and the sufferer is liable to renewed attaclis ^'henevor exposed to cold i;r dampness. To cure rheumatism so that It will stay cured the rheumatic poison In the blood must be driven out, and the blood made rich and red. When the blood Is pure there can be no rheu- matism. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up the b!oo<3, make it rich, red and pure and In this way cure the most obstinate caees of rheumatism. Mr. George HarbotUe, R. R. No. 1, Fever- sham, Ont., is one whose cure rhrcnigh the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Is most striking. Hig mother gives the particulars of his attack and cure as foll6ws:â€" Some years ago while my son was working as a blacksmith in a Michigan lumber camp he wa.? attack- ed with rheumatic fever. He was at once taken to a hospital at Marsenett, and ^-as there under medical treat- ment for four months with but tittle or no relief. He tht-n decided to go to Mount Clemmens, where he took the baths for three weeks, but did uot find any benefit from them. By this time be felt that his case wa.« hope- less and decided to return home. When he reached home he could only move around by thp use of a crutch and a cane. One knee was so stifT that he could not bend It. and most of his joints were swollen out of shape. He could neither dress nor undress himself and_ had to be helped like a child. I urged him to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and finally he consfenied to do io. He had only been taking the pills H few weeks when he could limp about, without the crutch, and his ap- petite greatly impro\-ed. This gave him new courage and as he continued the use of th« pills he showed con- stant improvement, and was able to â- walk about outside. He continu-^d to I use the pills for some four mouths, by i which time every symptom of the ] trouble had disappeared, and he went i to his work in Michigan a cured man. i His case was w eU known to the neigh- I bors around here and his cure was lookt^d upon as marvelous, for every- one thought that at the best he was doomed to be a rheumatic cripple. It is because they liave made such wonderful cures as Mr. Harbottle's that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a world wide reputation, and are the only medicine used In thousands aud thousands of hou'es. You can get these pills througli any medicine deal- er or by mail at ii) cents a box or six boxes for $3.50 from The Dr. Wil- liam's' Medicine f:o.. Brockville. Out. * M.VDE MIMCIP.VL TKEASLKER. Soldier (liven Responsible Position in Oty Government. Corporal Troughton. a returned sol- dier invalided home from the fjont last year, and trained in municipal ac- counting by the vocational branch of the Military Hospitals Commission in Saskatoon, has been made secretary- treasurer of Chaplin, Saskatchewan, with the annual salary of $1,000. Corpl. Troufthton returned from the front with heart disease of a nature which would not allow him to pursue heavy work, and the future looked blacit for his little family. He had been in several small businesses, be- fore he went overseas, but his capital had all gone to support his family during his absence and the lack of funds prohibited him frc-i setting up anew. A course in accounting was offered him by the vocational branch and he took it eagerly, lie worked hard, long beyond the prescribed hours, and the instructors as well as his fellow-stu- dents in the training class rejoiced ov<;r his good fortune in securing the Chaplin appointment. lU The Weekly Fashions FERTILIZER ONTARIO FERTILIZERS. LIMITED WEST TORONTO CANADA Dress the small lad in a middy suit and he will be prefectly happy. Mc- Call Pattern Xo. 7776, Boy's Middy or Sailor Suit. In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 years. Price, 15 cents." A LITTLE FRENCH HE.\RT. "Madame la President*: â€" Permit a little French l.eart tacome and present to you his wishes the most sincere. My parents join with me in sending their beat compliments for the New Year, and in thanking you for your great kindness. I thank you all, dear good ladies, for the nice things you have put in with the Tb« War in Afric*. The war has from the first be«n brought right home to Africa. The four German coloniea, over which the war extended, have an area more than four times as great na Germany; and there has been long and hard fighting in all of them except in Togo. Out- side and within these areas of actual warfare live thousands of white* who are intensely interested in the Euro- pean struggle. Many of these whites, even in the depth of .\frica, are re- ceiving the essence of the news every day. Even the Sahara desert is now partly belted by a telegraphic line, a French enterprise, with wireless ex- tension in Timbucto. Thus this once is Are Popular West of tbe Great Lakes Mrs. W. J. Vale Talks of Dodd's Kidney Pills. She Also Tells How Her Dyspepsia Was Cured By Using Dodd's Dys- pepsia Tablets. Pandora, Alta., Feb. 25thâ€" (Special) â€" "We are never without a box of Dcdd's Kidney Pills in the house." That's what Mrs. W. J. Vale, a well- clothing addressed to my dear Papa. . , , „ , known and highly respected resident ^very evening in my prayers I ask mysterious c ty of Sudan i. now m of this place has to say of the great ^od to spread his bleasing over you. [touch with the great events of the Canadian kidney remedy "My hus- Receive again Madame la Presidente day- The Belgian Congo is efficiently band suffers from lumbago, and they .a«d all the ladies, the best wishes of served by the French cable to Libre- always help him," is the reason that y°'^'' ''Itle protege.â€"Charles Opde- ville and the land line to Stanley Pool, she gives beck." i where navigation to the upper Congo | 'I must also tell you." Mrs. Vale ' "^^'-^ ''"'« letter has just been re- ' begins. The news is then wired up I ceived in Toronto, by the President of the Congo to the mouth of the Congo, the "Friends of France," who knows and then by wireless to Stanley Falls, i w-hat interest it will have for many ' 870 miles above the^Kasai people in every part of Canada, who have so generously sent help to the hospitals and refugees. Charles and his mother were repatriated from the North of France not long ago, and find themselves with little or nothing to live on. During their captivity the^ ^o"'' grocer has the lemons and any mother was struck by a shell, and lost '^^^ store or toilet counter will sup- a leg. The father is an ambulance driver for a hospital in Calais, and this is what he says: "Dear and Good Ladies: â€" I thank you so much for the parcel that has just come. It contained 4 pairs of socks, a T.annel shirt, chocolate, sugar, soap, cocoa and soup. If you knew how happy we are to h-ve these things, for now it is so hard to live that my poor wife can never get anything nice. She is so happy to be near me at Calais., but unfortunately the "cochons de Boche" come often to bombard us. also tell you," Mrs. Vale continued, "what Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets dijl for me. They cured me of a very bad attack of dyspepsia. I have also derfved great benefit from the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. " It Is evidence like this that proves that the Dcwld's remedies have gained a permanent place In the family medi- cine chftts of the West. Dodd's Kid^ ney Pills are particular!* popular. The success with which they have been used to treat all kinds of kidney Uib from bacliache to rheumatism and Bright's disease have earned for them the gratitude of thousands of people on this aide of the Great Lakes. Pessimism is a black man in a ^lark closet looking f^^r a black hat that la not there. GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON rom SAXJi JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallownesa. A TALKING COCOANUT. Philippine Natives Were Frightened By Clever .\rtifice. "While in tlie United States govern- ment employ in the Philippines," says a writer in the Electrical Experiment- ply you. with three ounces of orchard white tor a few cents. Squeeze the ; juice of two fresh lemon's into a bottle, then put In I'ne orchard white and ?haJie well. This makes a quarter , pint of the very best lemon skin ; whiiener and complexion beaudfler , known. Massage this fragrant, creamy lotion dall.v Into the face, neck, arms and hands and jast see how freckles, tan. sallowoess. redness and rough- nens disappear and how smooth, soft and clear this skin becomes. Yes! It WEiiK.'.Y SKWSV.WER IN ^SKST- ern <.>ntarlo. Doing a gooU bn-sl- r.ei-a. Death of owner places it on O-i market .* great chance for a COAU -xi'a ea»h. Apply Box S2, Wilson fuWiiliinir Co.. I-lmlted Tor-jnto. __^_^_^ ELL E'lL'lPPED NEW S P.4 P KR xa<i job uriniinir plant lu EAst-rn Ontario. I.ns'iranca oarrled S1.300. Will to tor $1.21*') on »ju:i-k sale. Box «:•, WU»on Publishing i-'o.. Ltd., Torotno. icacwT,T.Ai»aotr3 CaVCER. rfM.jP..S. LUMPS. ETC. inlera&l iir.d ext-maJ. cured wi-.n- cut pain by our .*«oai« treatmeat '.Vri'* as befor* too la'* r>r Bellman Mejio.-U To Ilmite.!. Cijilirgyogd. Oct. er, "I was stationed on the Island of Pasilan, which is a small island in the 9° *^"5"«^2y ^^^i' threw a dozen bombs,; Sulu Archipelago. "We frequently had the natives en- tertain us with their native dances, and in turn would fill them with won- der and awe with a phonograph which we had in our outfit. We found it necessary to put up a telei>h«ne line between two buildings that were a bttle distance apart, using two mag- neto sets. \ is harmless, and the beau'lfui results will surprise you. there was only material damage hap-i * pily, but since my wife was struck,! Ked Cro»»s .Must Save. she ha.s such a terrible fear. We hope- The e.xecutive of the Red Cross that the Boches will soon have finish- Society of Regina has as'sed that the The Soal of a Piano Is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIG-U* PIANO ACTION I v:e ed their crimes, and we can be happy again in our dear countrj-. God watches over us and will protect ui Receive, good ladies, my affection and thanks the most sincere. â- . Le Soldat Arthur Opdebeck- The "Friends of France" heard of advice of the Food Controller be care- fully observed at any gatherings in the interests of the Red Cross and that if the hostess really wishes to serve food she should at least be care- ful not to use the commodities most needed overseas. "One day I found a rather large cocoanut under a tree near the bamboo this family through one of the ho>pi-^^ â- hut we were living in, and conceived - tals that they help near Calais, which MONEY ORDERS the idea of making a cocoanut talk, is visited daily by scores of refugees. Pay your -jut c( to-vu accounts by So I emptied its contents and hung it The nurse in her last letter says: 'Domluicn Elxpress Money Orders, on the outside of the .^ouse oppoaite "Without Canadian and .American help t")ve dollars eoets tbre« cents. the phone, so arranged that we could we could not exist. Many hospitals have had to shut down. The cost of living is so high and the government can give us so little. Many of our wounded are very ill. and need nourishing food. One egg costs 13 $1.00 num- Bon-0}i!M Isii* the Ejes Ph-?ic!a rs aaJ e.e i.pac;all3t.t ,""•- â- crib* Pon-Opto a« a uafe home r^m>j<i/ In th* treaim^iit of eye '.roubles dn-i t» strenethen eveslKnt. Sold under nion-r r«fUMd nia-in!y by Ail druggtata. 8 A Care lor 8 put the receiver through the grass wall and drop it into the cocoanut. "We invited some of the natives to see the wonderful cocoanut that we could make talk, and with the aid of an interpreter at the other phone who cents at'd butter and meat are understood their language we had a a pound. .Just now enormous lot of fun. Some of the natives were bers of refugees are aiTiving from the so frightened they left the village. North of France, in a state of exhaus- Next day a delegation returned and tion of which you can truly form no . .V- f^ directed us to destroy the talking idea. It is spetit-lly at the begin- Sinmple and effective is this attrac-j po^^anut. under penaltv of immediate! ning that these families need heip, tive dress. McCall Pattern No. i oJV, : ^^^.^^.j. .j.^^^ jjj ^^^ j-j.^ ^^ j^^^.^ ^^ ^^j^^^^ ^j^^.^ ^^.^ ,^ weakened and de- Ladies' Dress. _ In b sizes, ol to ""lun^gnny ^ thing around. There was moralized. It is a question of ma- bust. Price, lo cents. , ' much rejoicing when we consigned it terial help to revive their morale, be- Thesc patterns may be obtained,, .j._ „ t^ " „ ^^„_ _ .. .,,_ _.., ,.„ from vour lucal McCall dealer, or Maple Sugar Wanted. Every pound of maple sugar pro- duced this spring adds to the food stock of the country at a time when e\ery pound of tooitstuffs is needed. Maple sugar makers are sure of a market tor everj' pound of pure mapla sugar and syrup they produce. to the flames.' from the McCall Toronto, Dept. W . Co., 70 Bond St. STORMY WEATHER HARD ON BABY Quarter Found Diamond One of the world's largest diamonds may come to the United States as Americans are among those dickering for that superior quality amber color- ed stone, weighing 442 Vu carats â€" about a quarter of a pound â€" found re- cently in the Du Toits Pan mine in South .\frica. The stone is the most The stormy, blustery weaiber which , ,.^^ua^,l^ gv^i. found in Griqualand we Iiave during PVbruary and March .y^-^^^^ although it is not a record as is extremely hard ou children. Con- ditions make it necessary for the mot Klssid's I>l]ilm«st Cnres Oartrvt ta Cows Plent> of I'redit. Ml. Butterworth, the grocer, was looking over the credit sales slips one day. Suddenly he called to the new clerk: "Did you give George Callahan credit?" "Sure," .said the clerk. "I â€" " "Didivt 1 tell you to get a report on any and every man asking for creitit?" "Why, 1 did," retorted the dork, who was an earnest young follow. "1 did get a report. The agency said he owed money to every grocer in town. and. of course. If his credit was that good I knew that you would like to have him open an aciount here!" I SW-Gdin Fertilizer her to keep them lu the house. They are often confined to overheated, bad- ly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the hous* and an occasional dose given the baby to keep bis stouia^ch and ; bowels working regularly. This will uot fall TO break up colds and keep j the health of the baby lu good coudl- • tion till the brighter days come along. | The Tablets are sold by medicine j dealers or by meiil at 25 cents a box i from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., : Brockville. Out t ♦-â€" - I Shortage of Feed. ; According to a recent statement ; ^raade by Mr. R. E. Prothero, Presid-j ent of the Board of Agriculture, there 'â- were only enough oats available in Britain to feed working horses on re- ; ducetl rations after making allowance . for milling stocks. There was no ! ; concentrated food for cattle feeding- and this shortage would, continue for ; â- at least a year, he declared. He was j afraid that all carriage horses which , I had not been sent out to grass would ; have to be killed, while hunters would \ have to be sent to grass and kept j regards weight. The most famous diamonds in the world and their weights in carats are: CuUinan, now called the Star of .\frica, part of the British crown jew- els, 2,032; E.xcelsior, 9i;9: Koh-i-noor, 900: Regent, 410; Orloff. 193, all un- cut, and the Great Mogul, 'JSO. oirt. cause i-fter a time they pick up won- derfully, and in a few months gather together a little home less sad. .\11 the second-hand clothing you send, which is so good, iinds owners immedi- ately." The "Friends of France" is an in-; corporated society under the Wa*^ Charities .^ct. Its headquarters are' 21t) Poplar Plains Rd.. Toronto, and the President, Mrs. Wells, will gladly receive and acknowledge gifts in money or kind, such as clothing, food; and hospital supplies . i « Community rat hunts will make your county or town a rat-free place. This will reduce living u-osts and dis- ease. 7/7/Vfi Granolated IjtUs, Jote E; ttfn. i>B«tanJ In^^mcd by qulcKly reiievtd by .Murta*. TwIt la your Eyesandln Baby't Ey<»> iNvSautiif , Ji«i trtCoaint HvtaeSy* K«ne4y ^{^i^bS^ V'n.^: Aik MmrlB* Br* Bea««y Co.. Cklcac* < ' Stale corn cake may be used in crumb bread. I The food problem, which is the ', fundamental problem of the war, can \ be met only by the regular farmer. I However commendable amateur ef- ' fortsi may be, they never can and they never will supply our armies or our .\lli*»s abroad. Only the farmers can do it. and the responsibility rests with him. * A Baked Cereal Food Different from the usual run of toasted or steam* cooked cereals,' Grape-Nuts is baked in giant ovens â€" baked for nearly twenty hours under accurate con- ditions of heat, so that the whole wheat and malted barley flours m«y develop their full, rich sweetness. You don't need sugar on Grape-Nuts. •There's a Reason" maard's Lliil]u«at Citr«« Slchthcrla. Fat in Food. I Nowadays we must not eat for pleasure, nor must we eat because a mealtime has come round for the sake of eating. We must eat for raent alone, and to do that we shouM study the needs of the body, and .hoose our fooil accordingly. .\t least a third of the body's food : should be fat. .A man doing sedent- I ary w^ork requires three ounces of fat daily in some form. Ordinarily, , bread contains from I's lo 2 per cent, of fat; in war bread t'ne percentage is much higher. Butter is pracrically a pure fat, but potatoes contain none at ', all. Cocoa i-s the only popular bever- : age which contains fat. ' We are told that there is a famine j in fat in tierinany. which, according to 1 experts, is a more terrible thing than 1 a famine in bread. Before the war i the Germans consumed more fat per ' head than any other European nation. To-day they recognize its value, and ^housewives are orderevi to hand over I to the authorities all the dripping ' thev may have. WOMEN I IT IS MAGIC ! LIFT OUT ANY CORN Aoply a faw drop* than lift coma or calluaea off with finger* â€" no pain. o- -c â€" O â€" O â€" O â€" o ^^ â€" ft- iy Q o freezone . Any itrug- I'canut fornmeal BiscuiUs. One cupful yellow cornmeal, two; teaspoonfuls salt, two teaspoof.fuls peanut butter and <>ne cupful water. ' Put meal into a shallow pan and heat in oven until it is a delitfate ' brown, stirring frequently. Make the peanut butter into a nut cream by mixing with one cup water and heat- ing. It should be the consistency of thick cream . Stir the cornmeal in- to this cream while hot and beat thor- ! oughly. .Mi.\ture should be just stiff enough to drop from spoon. .Add- water if too thick, bake in ,«mal! cnVes twenty five minutes. lUaair-l'a UalBtcat Cnr^m 9iM\*ax»n. 8 8 > 8 "Bad bre&tn ;3 a fign of deciy teeth, foul stomach or unci«a 8 Bad Breath 9 ed 3 an 5 8 6 9 8 bowel." if your teeth are irood, look to your di^eitive org&n> at once. Get S«i((i'$ Caritivc Syrap Sat drugKiala. 15 to 30 drop* after meal>, clean up your fcrvd pafiage and itop the bad breath odor. 50c and $1.00 Bottiet. }Do not buy tubatitute*. Get the genulae. Mansonville, .lu.te 2.', 'Vi. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. ! Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen, â€" It aflfords me great pleasure and must be gratifying to you to know that after using o'i bottles of your Liniment on a case of paralysis which my father wa.< afflict- ed with. I was able to restore him to normal condition. Hoping other suf- ferers may be Her.efited by th» ^' ' your Liniment, I am. Sincerely yours, GEO. H. HOLMKS. Official. Corporni *to soldier reporting sick): "What's the matter with you?" Tommy .A.tkinst "Pain in my h'abdomen." Corpora!: ••H'abdomen be "angedl Stomick, you mean. It's h'only h'officers as 'as h'abdomens." Mlaajil'a IiiAlmaat Csrea OolOa. at» To start the eaily hatch ;n good condition it is necessary to have a good standard, reliable incubator, and follow the directions of the manu r'acttiver for its successf'i! operation. Just think! You can :ft off any com or cnl- i.;3 with<Hit p«m or sore- ness. A CiT;cinnati man d's- overed this ather com- pound and aameil it Dandruff and Itching The Cause of Falling Hair Rab spots oi J.i: d; ;ff a: d itciii:..; .vith Cuticura iMi-.tTner,!. ncxt.Tiorningsiijri- poo with Cuticura Soap and Aci water. Rinse with tepid water. Trial free. These fragrant, s:iper-c'-e.i:ny emollients clear the complexion ot' pimples, redness and roughness, cleanse I'le scalp, prevent falling hair and soften the hands. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint- ment lo sooths: and heal. V«r S«m»lM fttl>lr«aB po««-ran]! "Cuicor*. D«f 1. 1^ i « rt « i . B a. A.' buid '.^-ujaagui uie <»»i(t. HOW MRS. BOYO~ AVOIDED AN iPERATiON Canton, Ohio.â€" "I suffered from • fema'.e trouble which caused me much sufferipg. and two gist will seii a tiny bot- tle of {reezonfe, iike here ihown, for very '.ltt"i« coat. You apply a iew drops directly upon a tende"- corn or ca'ius. Ip'tantly tSo soreness diaappaars, then 'hort- ly you wii; find the eoi-T< or callus to loose that you can lift it right off. Freetone is woivler- t"ili. It dries in«tant'y h d*«»n't eat away the com or eal'u*, but ihrivel* It up without •â- »en irr.tatii'g the sarrounding skin. Hurtl, toft or oorna between tno toes, M *«U M painful o»llu89$, lift right off There !• no pain before or after- watiia. If yoor druggist hasn't Irsetone. tel; 'i".m ' ' ^'•rder <« wra'.l bot- tle (or you fivm iii* ivh^ie-ta!* ii•^^ doctors decided that I would hav« to go through an operation before I covi'd get well. • r.|;' motlier, who b:id be n helpt-d by I ydiai;. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora- pound, aiivised me to try it before sut)- ir : tting to an opora- ti'm. It relieved from my troublea so I can do my h-Mise work without a.i^ difieuity. 1 adv-se any woman -.vho is sfllicted with female troubles to giv« Lydia E. Pinkbarr's Vegetable Com- pound .-» trial end it wiil do as much for them. "â€"Mr*. Marik Boyd, 1421 5th St, N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious condi- tion* where • hospital operation is th* only alternative, but on the other bana so many women have been cured by this , famous root and ht-rb remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, aflef doctors have said that an operation waf necessary â€" every woman who wants to avoid an operation should give it A fair trial befon* submittiDg to sv.h ft trving ordeal. If complications e.xist, write to I ydia E. Pinkhsra Medicine Ca, Lynn, MaM., for advice. Tbe result of man; y<iatt experience is at your service. £D. 7. ISSIK 3-11