Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1918, p. 1

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'•T fk&httion ^imnte. TfiUTH BEFORE FAVUB." â€" " FBI^OIFLEb MOT 11£N.' ..^y TOl 37 No. 46 Flcahierton, Ont., Thuraciay, March '-?8 lOlii W, H. TflOHaTON "^S^^l ud PUOl'itIB V I ^^ Two Letters From Warden Boyd Warden' J Oftioe, Match :.'() Dear Sir,â€" I aiii jus .ii reeeips of a night lettergram from G. C. Crcelman, Chairman of the Agricultural Section, Resources OommiBiiou, urgiii(^ (in ac- cor'lance *ith proclamation of the Lieut. Governor) a war emergency session of the county council, the object being tte discustion of cooperation of all ;.ubnc bodies, essential at this time, lo produce the necessary results to lielp win thi war. In view of the fact that the people have not fully realized the seriousness cf the situation, and in Accordance with the proclamation of the Lieat. Governor the Resources Commission is endeavorinj^ to employ such means as will brine th« fact^ home to every British subject, so that every niau aud every woman will resolve and determine at this critical to moment do his or her very utmost to help win th e war. It, therefore, naturally follows that every patriotic man wiH get his coat otf and do all he can to increase production. The time is ijomewhat inopportune for a session of the County Council. As the work has to be done through the local municipalities, aud as j:he session of Council would cost live or six hundred dollars, I would £Ugi;est that tivo or si>c hundred be added to (hat amoint and distributed anions; the rural municipali- ties for orijauizttion ; that the Reeve of each municipality personally lake chari^e uf the work, with the assistance of any outside SDeakers he could secure, and that the local municipality be responsible for the expense, subject to reimbursement by the county at their discretion. I sincerely Itust the Reeve of every mun)cipali>.y will at once get right at this important wo'-k . In the mesntiuie I -A ill be governed by future develop- ir.ents and expressions from membeis of ihe County Council, and I would be grateful to hear from every nieuibct of the Council as to his opinion regarding holding of a war session of the County tVmncil at once. Yours very truly, -JOHN A. BOYD, Reeve. Dear Sir- -I am respectfully takiiij; the liberty of writiiis! a letter to the lieevo of every municipality in ilie County uid the Deputy Reeve in every townihip, wiih a view of impressing upon them tho facr, woU known to }ou all, that famine and world hunger are on our threshold. We who are respectively the doly fk'cted executive head of our several iiiuiiiciinl- ities should reali.5d uur lespousibilily in this very important matter. While the war m;iy not be won wholly by prodnclion yet may 1 suggi^t that it might bo lost by noi.-productiou, ly indifference or by our neglecting, individually aud collectivily, to do the very most we- can for the cm>e of production. Many of our sturdy soiis have Ijicn relieved of the responsibility of figlitiug in the trenches because of the necessity of tncreasins; production. This fact B!nne {â- hould forcibly impress upon us the uigency of the situation, thrill us wi'.li a dotermiuati'jn to t;reater activity that uur maximum power may be exercised in thir* great world crisi.s. I would suggest that you at once (if y ,u have not already done so) call a sptcia' meeting of your council, place the facB before them and oi,L;aiiize and imprebs upon the foople the seriousness nl the situation. Give them to understand the responsibility whtth rests upon them. The Govornmeut has made- provision wi;h the Banks, whereby those who hive the acreage and are short of seed can borrow money for that purpose. We should also liko to call your attention I > khe f»ct that Marcpiis Wheat can be purchased through our Aaricultural Kepreseiititive(H. C. Dutl', W»rkd'»li-), fro'.u whom particulars may be obtsiutd. Means shou'd bo provided through our organizations, whereby liiose who huve ni'i-e aereiige thar. they can handle ehtill get assistance so that every available piece of bid will produce lo its full capacity. The urban municipalities should also oruairze, and (Jiiiploy means of a-isistln^ und c r.opir'ilioii with the rural niunici|;al- itles ill si' far as tbi'y ciu. I would further s'.iiiy.-st that Uiu urban municipal- ilie.i , iH>iui iig..> lbs pro.iuction ot hoga wiihiii the r Bcveral nii)iiicipalitiu8. Evo:y family could at least inise a puirof ! pigs, i\a well as do their p;irt in having evory avai;*') e piecs o£ ground p'aiited ot gfewn with some kind of farm or garden crop. The Dominion and Provincial Govern- oaeots ire cc- operating and appealing to you and your asiistance, shall we not jrestpond? I think I can safely say on bcihaif of tiie County of Grey, that we will do our very best, i .ny assiiiance I can render you will be -cbearfully siveu, and I would esteem it a favour if you would report to me such progress as you may make from time lo tinoj. Yours very truly, â€"John A. Boyd, Reeve lEvist Mountain Mr. and Mrs. G. Ma^ee and children of the 8th line visited with Mr. Fred Martin . aiiss Ursula Orr has secured a position in Toronto, A sleigh luad from Ferersham drove over to Robt. McMuUen's and spent a very pleasant eveuing. C. Hum berstonj called oo- Kimberley friends las! week. Carroll says of all the spring flowers he likes the '•Lily" the host. A number from here attended the BrockelbankTeed wedding in Egypt. Sugar making has buguu, but it lia.s uot been a success ao far. Mr. Harry Thompson with a caih),id of settler's effects, left for the West on Th ursday. We are very sorry to note that Mr. Kobt. P. b'awcett parsed peacefully away on Wed . Mar. 20, at t he home of his father, Mr. Irwin Fawcelt. He had been ni'iing for .sume time with that dreaded disease, consumption. His wifo died a'oou' 10 years ago. His rem.iius were interred in Thonibury coiiietery, by iht» Orin^'eman and Furesleis. tie leives li mourn nis loss one daughter, Ruby, in Toronto, and dub son, Edgar at home; five Lrothers- Jauie.s Edward. Andrew, Thomas and Charlee, also his father lud -.lU'ther. To those bereaved wi! extend our deepest sympathy Feversham Colder weather and the old March lion is ibakiiig his mane. Never mind, you will 8oon have tn gc, old boy. A number if uur yuung peo|jIe attend- ed ;i miscellaneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole if Maxwell on Fri- day ni|ilit last and report a good time. Mrs. .â- V. E. Long of Weyburu, Sask., retuuied to her home in ihd. West on Tuesday, after spending the winter with friends in ihis ue'gliboihood. Eiiicrsou Osborne accoiupanii'd her aud will spend the ."summer out West. Mr. Melvil'c Dous;l.i.s3 has retunied home after visiting with Mr. John Thomson of .A^incouit. Tho roads have been in very bad c:nUitiou of late owing to the p.pndsof water in suiiio places fmrn the rapid thaw of last week. AROUND GREY COUNTY •Vrthur Hunt of Beiitinck, 4> years of age, died last week of heart trouble, five minutes after he w»s jtricken. Hanovoi water tank on Saturday. March Itilh. Tt wa? built in 1815, was 1(55 feet hig and weighoU well over 100 tons. It was built at a â- ?ost of $T,:«II.). Fred Ruhl ot Hanover, had part of his Ifl hand thunih severed in an aocideiit at tho Spietz furniluro facioiy. In a U'.fer to a girl fiioud in Shylburiie Gnr. Fred Whorpole, a prisoner of war in Germany, says, that he is the heaviest of four prisoners. At th.it he only weighs 98 pounds. While hanijiug cut clothes, Mrs. Young of Uwcn Sound, fell in somo way slrik:nglier head against a projection. A doctor was called and found it ucccsniry to put in eleven stitches. Corp. ,J. A. Rolih of Owen Sound, has been aw:ii,led tho Mihtary Medal. He eulistvd Milli the 37ih Bait, and went iivmvf.-is in IJJla. I'.ic huieaix year old daughter of Harry Pl-uite, Owen Sound, was burne] trom bead to fojt when she Upset a Hnip as sh was parsing the t-ible. T. F. Lookhut and «. BeamialT, o. Dan-'', k, m.v g Itin^ the fur. IMiey go thre-j foxes ami six odonsTn three (Uys Women -of Cii.-rda, the kilrhcn U, your fiir(. Food will uin or iose llii- Ceylon Chat Mr. and Mrs, Wydemau aud son. Will, Proton, visited their ton herfl the tirat of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bates, Proton, spent the lirst of the week at H Benuet's. Mi«8 Ida Osbor.ie of Ma\well assisted a friend here for a coui.l>j cf days lai>t week Mis. Uelia visited btr sister un the South Line last week. John Irwin, who has been spending the winter here, leaves this Wednesday for Regina. Hia wife will remain here for some tiiuc. Dan Muir, who has been out on his late brother's farm in B.C. the pist six mouths, returned home !a.st Thursday. Miss Jean Collinsou left Thursday for roronto. ~ Wo are plcjised to report Mrs. A. Kutledge, Dan Wydemaii and Ivan Mc- LichlaL'. who have been very ill, arc all iiupro.nig under the care of Dr. Little • A gloom was cast over thii village on Monday when it became known that R. C. Kerr, a former paslor here had b. en killed in iclion in France. Pte. MoKinnon. sou of Mrs. Farquar McKinnoii, R. R. 1, Ceylon, who has been in the hospital for part of year received his discharge aud arrived homo on Monday noon and â-  was given a warm welcome by his friends. Mis. Thos Irwin, Stone's hne, spent the week end with Markdale friends. R. Cook a. tended the sale of Stewart McNally at Ebordale on Friday. The Farmers' Club shipped i car of cattle and hoi;s on Monday, Roydeu Gibson taking eliaige of the stock to Toronto. SPRING WHEAT SEED FOR ONTARIO The world demand for wheat in 1!U8 justifies the greatest possible eti'ort to incrensedproduction. The small acreages uf fall wheat pui iu last fall will mean increased aer.'a<.'e in Ontario available for s^rin^' whe.it. The Ontario Government is cooperating with the fanners in order to provide seed. It lias purc.iased 20,000 bushels of No. 1 Martjuis Spring Wheat Seed through the SPel branch of the Fedei-al Department of Agriculture. More will be purchased if neoeS8.try to fill iiecd.s. DISTKIBLTIOX-Soed is sold in two bushel tags. Carload will be placsd at cert un points in ilie province whe<-e lets than carload orders can be tilled Where Farmers' Ciul.s ur other orgruizalioDB bring in carU.ad lots, the price at their local stati >ns will be the samo as at distributing poiius. VMIEKE TO BCY-Purcliases may be made either in the warehouse at tho dislribuliiig points, or mdeis may Ijo placed with Ihe uearett UiitricL Repie seiititive of Ehe Provincial Department of Agriculture, or they may be sent direst tolheMaiket Branch, Uepartmeiib .f Agriculture, Pailiaiiunt lluildn^s, Toronto. PAYMENT IN CASH â€" Price is §2.74 at all local stations. In all cases w:th-.ut exception, cash iiiu&t accompany order. Send remittauco by marUid check, postal note, postctfici^ \>r express money order made payable to Ontario Deoartiucnt of Agriculture, Markets Branch. t>BDER E.\RLY- In ihe efeui of the requirements of the Proviuce being ucdereslimatcd, there may not be enough seed to go around. ]r is advis- able in ordci to insure hmmg tlu-ir ordfis piled that piircha.sers should pUce ordirs a.s soi'U a* p.>.H8ible. All oideis are subject to cmlirmation and will bo tilled ! iu iho Older received. As s.ied is delivered in two bushel bags, ordtia «liouUl be fcr even numbers of busnels, aud uo order for Kss tliau two bushels can be nccopted. NAME OF Dl^nilBrTOR-For Grey County i.s: Rob Uuy Cereal .Mil's Ounipany, Durlmm. Uninrlo Dep.-vrtin.nfc of Agricolluro. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. Muiishaw and daughter, Mrs. Large, attended the fuueial of the lute Aaron Munshaw. Major Wright of Winnipeg, while on a bii.siness trip to Toronto, called on his aunt, Mrs S. Carr, duiiog the pa-t week . Much sympathy is cxleiided lo 'Sis. and Mrs. W. Sharp and family of Flesh- ertoii ill the !-ad lo s of their w>n, wli.. has been killed iu action. He wa-s .i cousin of your Eugenia corre.spoiident. .Vll who a tended the .At Home givuu by the W. I. on Thui-sday evening at the home of iMrs. Twohy spent a vpiy enjoy, able time in card playing and games of all kinds, and a progi-am of music by tho boys of Eugeuin, assi-sted by Miss-- Elsie Williams of Toronto. The lunch was nicely served by the ladies. Messrs. Twohy and Geo. Hyslop pmiriiig the lea. which .'idded to the novelty of Ihe lunch .\fter lunch little .Missus Wilda and Lorecn Graham, diiuglireis of Mr. and Mrs Fred (iraham. handed in two boxes of candy to be sohl, which realized §11.82. A silver olleotion aiiiountucl to $« 7ti, making the n-t proceeds $18.5«. The farmers in this vicinity have luvanized a Farmers' flub. The .itticcrs are : â€" Pres , Fred Jainiesuw ; Vice Pres. Fred Pedlar ; Sec., J. Latimer :D,recl • or.s, Stan Campbell, Will M:ig30, Frank Gem.e, Carl Humberttonc, |{. McMiillen aud Lou Pedlar. They «i 1 h.ddilier meeting ou Saturday of tlii.s week. It looks as if ivB may have a vt.unii winter. Mr. J. K. Jamieson lost a va uable cow last week, and a few weeks iigo a line horse . Mrs. Wallace Williams daughter. EUie, aud son, Bobbie, of Toronto, !i»e visuii.^r with tho former's old friends here, who are pleased to have her company. Proton Station "A Red Cross social was belu .t the hospitable home of Mr. Wm. BlacAburn, Saiigeen Junction, last Friday nii^ht wben a .cry enjoyable time was spent b.y those present. Tickets had been s;)|d for a .Red Cro«s, .pnlt donated ly the hostess. Mr. A. Allen, Duud.\lk; wvs the winner of the lucky ticket. Tie youug man returned ulie i|uilt to bo .•-old by auction. It was sold and r.-.)id sevcr.d ciniee, when Mr. Thos. W liile bought it for the .second time. The quilt brouKht the -society about. $.'!0. pn..-vds for the evening being §o8 ;;."i. Mr, aud Mrs. Carl Whitney of Atl.er- ley. v.isited with the laller's parent.s. .Mr. and Mrs. Wyville, previous to iIilJ; departure for I'lo West. Mr. niid Mrs. Trelford. Oranyeviii,-, renewed nc<|uaiutances in this village. Mi.sses. Mildred Wright, Fle.shcri i>, aua Uacliael Hutchinson, Kiinliciloy, were callers here one day last week. "Miss Dess Corbett, Bethel, spent the week end with her gr.mdpareiil.s, .Mr. and Mrs. Gorbell. Kimberley Budget Poorest s)ring for making maple s) nip for a lone time. Only an odd tree -ives a nood run of sap. das. U. F;iwoeit renewed old acquaint- ancos ill Thornbuiy and Coll-ngwiod durinn l!ie past week. Mauscll Cook gave the young people a h>t! down in his home on Friday ni'.'ht last. Rev. Lane delivered an e.\celli'nt sermon to the yoiiiig women on Sund.iy evoniiig. Wm. Flood is erecting a hand^i 'ii^. verandah in fri nt of Ins residence on main sircei. W. .•>. Bishop resumed cq tratiolis i» his saw mil. list week. Mr. and Mrs. John Burns of <,!u'ct V.ilby, visited recontly at Wm. Fawcelt's. Mias Nellie Wiokeus vi.sited Colling- wood friends dnriua ihe past week. Mts. Ko Is of Ci.iisworib, is vieitiiig at present at Jas. Stuart's. Miss Lilian .\bercrombie of Rucklyn. visited last week ;U Geo. Proctor's. We arc phased to report Wellington Fawcelt cu the ma id after his leccnt Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R, Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Pig For Service Puio bred Tain win h Boar for Service on lo^ i:ii. 1 S.W.T. and S. R., .\ite ipssia. Terms §1 or H2 fur purebreds. I June 18 â€" T. J.STINS»)N, Pi-.p Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A' Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT -»««..»«♦..».».,>â-  9 >.â- >..»..♦..♦..»â- , a.i»..»..»..»., â- â€¢â- !•â-  '•â- â- >â- â- Â«â- â- Â«â- â- Â»â-  I ».^..»..».». Ladles I The Mil incry Season Is in and wo are vea > with ;i real up-to-date stot-k of SriUN'd i! Al -i and would be pleased to have you give us a call md see our styles before yc>u buy. We can suit you if you want an up- to-date hat. t W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario â- â€¢â€¢Â»â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ »».»..»â- -«..♦.., •â- â€¢"♦»»♦ " »• •»'•»' â- â™¦"#•â- Â»â- â€¢â™¦Â«#. .♦â- .»..#.^ LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D.McTAVISH. 4^. FLESHERTON $ 5» 5 FOR A PAIR OF BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, â- .%?l TRY MsU'Ut Hi i;-.!'. IS-! â-  .; Tirout". • U. C. Dlh'l\ Axriculturnl K:'prescnlAtive^_ .Viarlid»l», Ont I'l â- â- 'liogj, , iliiief.H. Wm. BToud h^d his Voti eor out f.ir the JjMc spin oi)e ddj^recvnlly. The «ea gulls are bnVi on Lhj ilr uorih of our bu'g in liuudfoJs. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON

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