Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1918, p. 2

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/ .lirt^.-^.' . â- -> Leave It to Parker THE postman and expressman will bring: '^Parker service right to your home. We pay carriage one way. Whatever you ' send â€" whether it be household draperies or the most delicate fabrics â€" will be speedily returned to theii- original freshnes.s. When you think of Cleaning: or Dyeings think of PARKER'S. A most helpful booklet of suggestions will be mailed on request. Parker's Dye Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 79 r YONGE ST. - - TORONTO CREAM WANTED "Ves," said Ronald abstliuetedly.f She waited for a moment to see! whether he was going to say more;| for _th8 shilling shocker hud a sequel, l^weot or Churning Cream. Highest which likewise had found its way into market priceo paid. We supply cahs, the papers, in a more or less delicately Pay exprosa cliarges, and remit dally, veiled form. But Ronald, though visibly Mutual Dairy A Creamery Co. uneasy, said nothing. It was to her 743-5 Klna St. West. • Toronto that the iritiative remained. Nori â€" ~ â€" m^ined tho'i.gh she w'a'i'to reach cLar'l rOOu! LOlltrOl COmCf ness, and innocent of diffedence oni ordinary occasions, something at 'this â€" â€" moment made un indirect way of ap-' People who wish to help in food proiiching the desired subject seem' conservation should consider potatoes preferable to a direct one. Simultane-| as a partial substitute for wheat flour, i As will be seen from the essential ously such a way presented itself to, Potatoes are the chief staple of the feature."! of Its year's operations set A good way to treat an o^d mo"-i Ipf inlpQ UfanfoH fftrfiach back of a pasture is to run a .tout i "I ''CIBS W dllHIU lOrva&n harrow over it acattor aomn ae»A anH OM J*w«Um'/i Wittfl •llvart Ovrtosi narrow over ii, scatter some seea, ana |nm,»„„, notwMi S^M«.'»worki X«mi go over it once more with a light Old cnitB«i 0iit OImisi. ortMmuiAti spike-tooth harrow. If not too rough, '••^^y^.^'j^'^/JJ'-BJ^i^, », the job may be nicely finished by put- : b. K. * T. ravKtau, XiimitMi ting the roller ^er the land after the ^ antiqcb ^^^^If^ ^^ last harrowing. SUN LIFE OF CANADA IN STRONG POSITION her mind. I semi-perishable foods. Canadians do forth elsewhere In this Issue, Cana- InJ^hci'ffcV'fTonrtLTmf'L'emed'""^ ^*t "-^'"^ ^^'^ «^«« °^ P"*"*"*" ^"'^ "''^^' '"« """"^^''^^ ^o^nP^^^ ing ncr race irom ine lamp, seemed ^^^^ .„ „„>.v,„i ,.i iv... u..... h«u tn.t r}^c^ u hin^hiv onHafooffM^ the continuation of some amused in- even in normal times. We have has Just closed a highly satisfactory ner reflection. ^^^^ largely a wheat, beef and pork year. Total assurances In force on the "Yes; Ardloch has been quite excit- <-'onsuming people. These staples are books of the Sun Life of Canada have ing lately. Events just tumbling now required for overseas and it be- now crossed the $311,000,000 mark, over each other. Why. your humble hooves us to substitute other foods assurances Issued and paid for In ca»h servant herself got mixed up in them., for them whenever possible. We during the year totalling over $47, 800,- You'll never guess what happened to; consume, perhaps, two and one-half OOO, the largest amount ever Issued by '° 'k„7 aswell ' t^rda" !'*'*'*'' ''""' ^^^ '^'^^ ^'â- "^'"''â- " ^^^'i^^^shels of potctoes per capita per a Canadian life company. r ' Money in Maple Sugar. Maple sugar and syrup is produced at the time of year when the fanner is least busy, and it costs him little, if any, more now than before the war. By tapping 100 trees he can sell 500 pounds of sugar or 100 gallons of syrup, netting from |100 to $150 In three weeks. This is more than the soldiers fight- ing in France gets in thrice the time and he offers in exchange his life. Will you who have maple trees not oflfer so short a space of your time to help him and to put money in your • â- m»«iy7MW*fj->.s -. ' ll4UMitl>t* 114* Ramsay s Fine Floor Paint-- Is made to be walked upon, (hat ii tho floor Paint you want. It Is time tried for severe usage. There's a Ramsay dealer in your town; consult him, of write us for booklet, A. RAMSAY & SON COMPANY Makan of Paint and V0rnlah»4 »ina« 1843 TORONTO MONTREAL VANCOUVER She looked at him with a glance' j which plainly said: "Don't you want, to know?" â€" then without waiting for ' a demand that was evidently not com- I ing, rattled on: ! "I got a proposal of marriage. year, or about one-third of a pound The Company's Head Office staff Is per day â€" equal to one fair-sized po- now In.stalled In the fine new Sun Life tato. In .lome European countries Building recently erected on Dominion one pound per day per capita is con- sumed, and in some districts four pounds per day, and nearly twenty- ; There now! .-VnJ from a native, too, [five bushels per year ,- that young man with the red hair,| Despite the Increase in price since jthe minister's son, you knovv Never; thg ^^r, potatoes are still among the I was so taken aback in my life. He cheapest of foods. One pound of ' had been very useful all summer" (his _ ."^ , , â- â- """=• ""> f . : failure in one of the uses he had been "^"^^^ '^^ef costs ten times as much ! I put to, that of stirring the present *^ « P°""'' •>* potatoes, and twenty; ] hearer's jealousy, was necessarily left.Per cent, of beef is bone. Three and; I unmentioned) â€" "and perhaps I had, a third pounds of potatoes suflply ^ j been a little too Imprudently grate- 1 1,000 calories of energy, at a cost of â-  , ful; but how was I to guess that he'd less than 10 cents, while about 2,500 ^ take -â- " " "-â-  - â-  ^ - "^ ' "' Square, Montreal, -where the adoption of the most up-to-date office equipment should result lu still greater efficiency in the administration of Its large busi- ness. TYPEWRITERS ^iÂ¥^"c!.". Look at these bargains: â€" T.vpowrltar* Rebuilt. Kuarant«e<1 In perfect onl«r, from 126.00 to $66.00. Save time, monay dnd trouble and buy a Typewriter for your business profesaton. or for your . homo use. I.lHt sent Wee on .application. CANADA TYPEWRITER E::^CRAirOS AJTD BXTPFIiY CO. Tel. Main 23O0 ea at. Junaa St., Montreal, F. Qaa. ds in the body, material in potatoes is 98 per cent, simplicity.: digestible For Sale by aH Dealers Between Cousins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. J They can be with CH.\PTER XXVI." .Some two weeks or so after the duy on which Duncan .M'Donnell had re- • turned a.-s from the dead, Mabel .i^t- terton, attired in a black and scarlet Parisian "creation," which admirably set off her dark beauty, sat in a well- appointed lowland drawing-room, ex- changing commonplaces with some half-dozen other maidens and ma- tron-i, pendin- the male invasion from the dininK-room . | Among the differerit pairs of eyes' present, it was Mabel's that turned! most i)ert,i!ftentiy towards the door,i just as it w-in her ears which listened most attentively for the ascending steps. Arrived barely in time for the dressing-gong, she had been agreeably surprised to find her cou-i sin, UonaUl -Mncgilvray, figuring' among (he actors in to-morrow's' drama, to whifii the famed pheasant coveits of bashwood were to furnish! the fci'Un. liMt leisure for more than' a pa.ssing Erecting theio had been! iililllllillllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllll^ NOV/ there IS just one 3 "WALKER HOUSE S In ONE TOWN where I = stay, = And, lay, you ought to 3 see me grin s When my trip he«ds a that way E e E S 2 Theonly otl-.er timel wasso luippy, " Goodness knows, Was when .1 kid Dad bought me Ited topped boota with copper toes. trave'lers hit that 5 When other B town, '5 They, too, don't want to roam, S For they B«y, "At that WALKER S HOUSE 5 It's just like staying home." S Where ia the ONE TOWN whero B that 5 WALKER HOUSE Is? Doo't â€" jrou know ? g Why, It's that good old biirit spelled C l-0-R-O-!f-T-0. £ The House 0/ Plenty I The Walker House i * Toronto I Geo. Wiisht * Co , Pr.>pri«-tors | Itiltllllllilllilllllilillllllllllllllllllllll^ none, and .she had several things to say to him. That was why she look- ed 80 hard at the door, and also why she had chosen the seat in the room which seemed to ensure the moat privacy. The door once opened, and his eye caught, it required no more than a slight wave of her feather-faii to bring him lo her side. At dinner al- ready she had privatt'ly noted that he â- wan not looking as cheerful as the prospect of to-morrow's slaughter ought to have made him; and while he crossed the roum towards her, the impression was strengthened. The observation fixed her determination to say what .she had to say. First a few airy generalities, so as to get under weigh, then, Muon the same lone: "I'm fresh from Bulladrochit, you know. You've heard of our latest Ardloch stniiation, have you not?" Over ihc top of her fan, with which she was pretending to shield herself from the glare of a neighboring lamp, Mabel watched her cousin curiously. For months past, she had puzzled her head as to how fur exactly that flirta- tion in summer had gone, and to-duy Mhe meant to know. Tho start of pain ho gave, as pal- pable as though the word ".Ardloch" had l)e<'n the point of a sharp knife, <ould not escape her, nor halting of his voice as he said: â- 'You mean about the missing boat- man and the search In the loch; and then hi.s turning up again? I saw something about it in the Scotsman." "It was i|uite exciting, I assure you, - (piite a story-book sort of affair. They were talking of nothing else when I got home. .Nobody for a mo- ment believed they'd ever see him again; and if he hadn't happened to be an Al swimmer, they never would. Kvcn as it â- was, and though he did maniige lo flght his way to land, ho nearly smashed his skull in doing so, being hurjed Htraight on to the rocks, 'as helpless as a bunch of see-waed,' accurding to his own version. And like a bunch of sea-weed he lay there all night, un good as dead. It was there thai a parly of poachers found him at break of day â€" -the very same wretches. 1 do believe, who have been thinning out my grouse lately sprawling all over a rock with his legs in the wutei-. Botwonn them, they draggeil him off lo their lair, - some f.ive in the hills, I'm told, where they hnve been housing for weeks past, lo the distraction of my keepers. When they'd briught him round with whiskey, he naturally- wanted a mes- sage sent to Ardloch; but the ainatour SHinaritaiis quite as natural- ly objected to Ihc publicity of the proceeding. .As lin was too woak to move immecliaU'ly, and being, at any rate, on the wrong side of thf water, there was, therefore, nothing for it but l<< lie low. That's what he wag doing that whole first day while they were scouring the shore and plumbing the ilopths. Next ilay, when tho seiirch had irioveii further down the loi'h, he managed to crawl forth; but It took liiiii the v^'hole ihty to 'â- eftJl the iieiire^t houae, tiial l» nalladrocnit, fof hU ankle, too, huil boon ill treated by the 1 oeks . 'Fhere h« n«»l"ly gave Aliek the gardener, you know a fit by •lalkinK in In the dusk nnd de- inaiidlnc; u boat. I beiiove be bud to punch tne- nian'a head in order to con- vince him that he wasn'tji ghost. And the rest, of roiirtie, was all tears of joy, and km on. It's quite a shilling shocker; don't you think »o?" able to any person under fifty. But, <^°«s we could live on 25 cents a day I all the same, it is rich, isn't it? That Wealthy men have lived and worked ! young man will go far yet." I for months on a diet of nothing else I Through Ronald's transparent phy- than potatctes, olomargarine and a ' siognomy something like the sym-i little fruit. Potatoes contain pro- pathy of fellow-feeling was looking,' tein of the very best kind. They also I as though froin a window ! contain mineral salts which neutralize I By Jove that s cheek! Bu , al harmful acids in the body. The food : the same â€" Im sorry for the fellow," ' I "So am I. He's such a queer mi) ture of sharpness and ,, j. When I said No, he seemed to jump to: Canadians have large supplies of the conclusion that it was his sister's potatoes, carrots, onions and turnips marriage that was putting mo off, 'and by consuming these vegetables You have heard about that too, prob-| freely, they can economize with bread. ably. It'rf the proper romantic end- More than 3O0 ways of cooking ing to the boat story." potatoes are known. They combine i Over the feathei-y edge of lier fan' ,, :,, flavors : Mabel's eyes grew keenwiifi theT®" , "'^"^ . °"j , words, superfluously keen, J..r the "^^"^ *" economical advantage growing agitation was writ large. 1 meat and fish, in stews, croquettes, "Yesâ€" Iâ€" there was som.ething in' hash, chowders, meat pies, etc. One the Scotsman about that too; But I half a cup of mashed potatoes and two wasn't sure whether it wasn't just! cups of flour make a bread mixture M\i." I that helps the flour go farther. "It's past the stage of tidk, by this, Good cooks know the ways of using time quite a properly attested fact;! t^toes are various-boiled, steam- and it isn t nearly so sbirlung either , , _.,,,, ,._ , »„• j ,as H looks at first sight. The manf'V^?"';" ' ' '-"^'PP^^'.f "^'i' 'is her own cousin after all; and ''^^hed brown, creamed, escalloped. though she wears, more on less, fash-; stuffed, au grntin, and scores of com- iondabie frocks now, her father be- binations. : gan by working in the nuarries, just' Canada has plenty of potatoes and, the same as his father did. In a way ' although tho price is high compared the marriage is quite suitable; though to normal times, it Is not high in in another way it's of course a big comparison with other foods in war come-down. Nobody seems P'eased ^j except the minister, â€" and, yes, to be' ' » - sure, mamma. You should see herj p„i,„ta ^n Italian way of serving patting the girl s head as approvirigly i "ii"i.-», <"â-  â- Â»<•«•"» n , . ,* ' as though ^le had just finished a '^orn-meal, makes almost a meal in It- dictation which needed no corrections, i «elf. Put slices of cold mush m a I've suspected for some time back: baking' dish, cover with a cupful of that mamma's a fraud. My young sliced onions that have been fried in man seems to feel the thing a good ham or bacon fat; over these pour two ' deal. He would have felt it more, no cupfuls of canned tomatoes and cover Ho'.-bt, If they had stayed 111 the cuun- gy ^.m, ^ ^.^pf^i .jf grater cheese; j try, but he asuresnTfe that they won't. ^^^ ^„^^;, „,^, ^jj^^se Is melted and I Going to decamp to Canada or soine-i ,. , ,, , , i where. The old father, who would! '^''^'''">' ''â„¢"'"'-'^'- i have been tho difficulty, has only a I - * - -â-  -- little bit of tether to run, it seems. I They're not quite sure wljether it was the shock of losing his son or the' .joy of getting him back which is kill-' ing him, but anyway hi.i days arc numbered. 1 have all this at first hand, from my red-haired swain, who used it, mind you, as a means of ! persuasion. The workman-brother-' in-law wasn't a real objection, he j argued, since he was going to vanish i from the horizon. That he himself! : might be the objection did not seem to , I have occurred to the -innocent youth." 1 I She paused and again waited, and' this time it was clear that something' 'was coming. One little shove more! ! and reserve would topple over. I "Have you ever heard of anything- : so preposterous 7" she asked, with an' , insinuating trailing of her words. | I "It wouldn't have been preposterous! if you had cared for him," stammered! Ronald, deep-red in the face, and very intent upon the toes of his evening pumps. "But one doesn't care fur that sort, usaally." "One does, Mab â€" sometimes. That's what happened to jne. 1 don't know if you guessed -" And then the flood-gat<(s burst, /and the story of his rejected love (joured unchecked, though brokenly, from his lips. With tho mere act of speak- ing, hi.s ill-treated young heart grew lighter. .After months of tongue- 1 tied brooding, merely to put his griev-| ancp into words was to diminish it. | .Sunk among the soft-cushions, withj her fan now dropped to her lap,' I Mabel ligtenod in u sort of conslerna-' : lion. Sho had not guessed this. That. ho had been smitten, .she knew, but| never in her wildest speculations had ; her surmises gone as far as an actual j proposal of mnrriugo. Her natural 1 i arrogance of mind forbade alike the! thought of her cousin stooping so low, I as of the minister's daughter not leap- 1 ing at the prize. .M tlic moat she ' had concluded that, aware of the! entanglement, Ronald had fled from! ! the gphuro of danger. It seemed a! i sufficient explanation (.f his iirecipit- â-  ate retirement; ami in her heart she ' had commended his prudence. (To be continued.) With government e ncouragement, j extensive experiments will be made j with a view to reviving Ihc growing of flax in Scotland. j I'^mall leftover pieces of linoleum. ' so often thrown away, can be used to lino a coalUix or toolbox, to ntand j SUN LIFE KEEPS GROWING TPHE results of operations for the year 1917 show a continuance * of the notable expansion that has marked the carter of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. In Assets, Income, Surplus, New Business, and Total Business in Force substantial Increases are recorded over the corresponding figures for previous years. , . RESULTS FOR 1917 Assets at December .SIst, 1917. • * - * .* « $90,160,174.00 Increase 7,til,ns,00 Cash Income * j ..«.** • 19,288,907.00 Increase 7M,e()8.P0 /Jew Assurances issiied and /'o/rf/or /« (Taj// * « « 47,81 1,CG7. 00 Inoreass - 1 5,O»,270.00 Assurances In Force at I>ecetiibcr Hist, 1917, 4 < • 811,S70,Ot5.00 itieteaA* ' So,«a,248.0() Profits nakl ot Allotte<l to Pollcylioklers . * » * l.SSoisO.OO tiettam its.tsa.oo I'rofits paltl or allott&d to Polieyliolders, In past five years. 6,234,003.03 Total Pnymeijts to Policyholders, 1C17. - .< . « 8,840,315.00 ltWciistif(itoIH>1lcyhokl«r<!>ituo«oT),'iiiil»<tlon • * $6e,t0t.8l8 A!fctli»iitfc*»"t>liej'JioKl«rs • - « < • ,* Ort,lon,t7i saucepans and flower pots 011. pf«mhtm«t«(»lve^«1ni'eori:auimt!on • • . . fcfH!«nt» to Pol loylK'Vltr-j am'. A»iat« I19IJ ha lliraa ^xoawl ineivemhiuir, re^ivM lifi • , » • • Undivtevd surplu* at Daoembor 31«t, 1017, over all liabllitte« tBuudtn} CApitnl •••••••< THE C0MPAm"3 GROWTH n«B,:S4.480 ISS.BGi.SM •«,S93.e64 $8,550,761.00 In roMI The Company takes this opportunity of thanking its pollcyholderl and the public geneially for the continued confidence and goodwill oi >fhlch lh« above figure* give (uch strong evidence. Sun LifE^ WGANAM HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL T. R MACAUIAY, Pfewdenl 1917 '^y^M

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