Mai-clj28 HU8 TH a TLISHRI? rOI? AUTANCR THK« Flesherton Advance BBlailsptndenl newAiiaiiur, ^xililinlieil evrry Cliur Alay at th' offlcts CdIIhikwoikI Su-eot, flnherton. 8iilMcriptii>ii price $\ i>i-i annum .<lh*'n |>ki>i inadv<iuc« ;tl.rijwlirn u<it wi i>ai<l AJ< er iuait rate* on a|iplicutii,». CircuUtiin l.luO weekly W. H.TUIKSTON. ~ fUOP. =r-Sr Osprey Council CoiMivitt Ships. Sblp bulldlne hft« received a tie- menduui irupetuv during the pa«t year. The delenulnatlon of Germany to wage unroBlrlctod submarine war- fare has iiiad« tlie Question of provid- InK ships to make good the wastage one of momentous liiiporlance. j poiiitid t<» nii »itoiiipt mi lieorKe Sinclair Booth, s^ed 14 >tar-', Qj who fur nearly Ihiue years had lived with J.ihn Kiiieu of Caludon towufliip, v as electrucuted mi hit wiiy liuiiie from schw 1. His hody wuH found with tliv tiHucIs 9nd tliu liody Imdiy liiiriii'd. The iiidicationa boy K part lu ^^ktSi^ssSfSS^ ^^T^Zj^-J^.Z^T/'^^sS'^fi&S^^.yiS-^^iSf. < >i;iit>y Council uiiii at Siugliainpton on Murcli !>, with thn nii-inhora all pres- ent and the llfcvo, Irwin Morrison, in the chia-. Minutes of last inee'inK wore veaJ and abopied.^ Tlio lltJBVii was instructed ti> take afttioii as ho Oiinsidered iifoetsrary for thi> C»ri! of Ira Fiko, an indiifen'. Mr. Aritutt was instrucled to nut I lie grader in repair at an t'arly diti-. Tlie collector w*'* instructed to receive the taxes charged a>;a<nst A. L. Smith on lots :W and M. con. 2 S D R for 1!»17 less $ll.*i8, as these lott l>elong to a soldier ijon now overseas. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve were instructed to iovestisate the catting of tiiuhcr o'l the South Line. 'The dividing line between Road Uivisions Nos. I and 5 wax altered so as to put the 4<>r.'ti sideroad in Div. No. 5, and the sum of $400 was alloted to each of the five divisiuiii>. Bylaw No. (144 was passed to appoint road cjiiinus- sioners, viz., Div No 1 (lobert Aruott, No2tieo\V Ross, No :; W Kuittinjf^ No 4 Irwin Morrison, Noo .1 liocklmt. Bylaw No Mb was passed commu',in<; the statute labor at 91 per day on all lamlu bordering or Iyinf4 alijug the roads desi|(- nated as county roads in this township. Orders were istued lo [jay the Dundalb Herald $;J1.50 for pruning Audit .rs' report, aud the members of Council $2. 5<l each foi' special mcetiui'. Bylaw No. (Hti was passed appointinj^ ollicers as follows : rATn.MASTKIts Jos Jackson,R (iruininett,T Simmon*, : John (Jruniuiett, A I5ro\vn, (ieu Coutis, Samuel Wood, W Sprott, Sprott' Hector (Jibson, W (I Arnolt, It Little' .John McCulloujib, .laniea Lloyd, .James Sandiland, Jos Priddlc, D itriy^s, Nelson Tempest, Geo Vouiii?, Jas Winters, D Gillies, Wni. Bealty, Alex McLean, W Potts, James Rlakcy, Thos McLean, A N Brownridi/e, Albjri Heron, D Jamp- bell, D Mclntyre, John McKtniion, Jas Rinn, S Hawkins, John Kenwick, Henry Coul'.hard, .Tobn Conn, T Be.lty, W J Louglioed Frank Stoiibeiis, Win Suiill', Mori Sayers, Wm Brown, W Fawcett, A McGinn, Alex .Fiiliiisori, .las .Scwell,.J(ihn Dand, Jas McKiMizie, Wni Ilddgfon Angus McLt'oJ, .7 (Jiiiivfurd, Jas S.iyeiSi A Fawcett, W ,1 Mullen, W McKoclmie, Ed Syke.s, M Gillies, Annus Bell, James Louaheed, W N."!!', R K Iwards, D. MeOougall, A Cameron. nil MiKKi;rKiis U Davidson, <Jno Mckuinoii, \\ Noil, S Clayton, Jas UuUsjlas, K Harbuttle, T Heppenstall, W II Guy. KKSCK VIKWKIIS Jleclor Mclnlyr.', Wm. ftTiilliio, H. Moirisoii, J. U j>s, L. Mooie, Tims. Beatty, Geo. Brislow, (!. McDunuUl, W HGuy, F llawtoii, W H Arnott. K Mullen, R Gibso:i, .1 11 .SeeU-y, W Ni-(1, â- «R\;4*..i.i''. Mii;i:r vai.i muks J Sandiland, J .S Winters, Wm Scutt, J U-uxlas, W Nell. Months ago It became evident tliut a shorURo of plates for ste^l ships was well within the range of possibility. Substitutes wt-re, therefore, sought. One of the moat promising Is ferro- concrete. This material has been In use In barges, launches and. even to some extent, in l.-irgcr vessels for a number of years. Consequently, it was not without hope of success thnt attention was turned to the construc- tion of concrete boats to take care of the traffic on the thus, set free for freightlnB boats at present plyinis , t .i • . , ,â- , tbeivon "e I. eed no further iiitroducliun than A shipbuilding firm in Montreal I tl'e '"'-•t I'lat wo havo b.ien in the has commenced the construction of Nuiseiy bniiness .SI.XT YON E YEARS, such vessels. One of these is a 125- andaic now prepared tu meet exi-stint; feet single screw steamer having | conditii.n.s liy .>fl'erinj» our Inah KraUe attach the lirokeii ends of s live wire run- ning from the Cataisct Pu«er Company Ir. the Conlidci Supply Ooinpaiij's phmt. Booili a H'Jiiie l.oy. FRUIT TREES I I AND PLANTS : ij| ^.rtai'Tn^V^a'n i Fof Spring Planting! U structural sleel ribs and keel with a [trees and plimtH direct to cusiomri.s at bull of reinforced concrete. The shell | ROCK Bo'i'rD.M IMIICES. is from three to live inches In thick- ' ^^,^^^ f,,roiir illusirated circulars of ness. U is. of course, thicker tban, ,,.^,.jy varieties which you can order a Bteel plate ship, but It Is dalnaed that the weight of the hull is less than of a wood ship of similar dimensions rdy varieties wIucH you can direct and save the agent's commission, of which you get the benefit . Our prices will c 8iire to interest you and all stock One of the outstanding advantages of j ^j,, ,,^,^| ,i„j ^,^^3 ^„j ^^ueio name this method of construction Is the ' great speed that may be obUlned In building. Thus, work on the vessel In question was commenced early In September and the boat was launched November 14th, THE CO, CIIA8E BROTHERS (Jf Ontario, I/inited, Nurserymen, COLBORN'E,â€" â€" â€" ONTAKIO i Sap's ruiinin'! In .Sou'li Wost^rri'. 'Jnt'irio, Peter McArthur of Ekfrietl tajipel his trees early in March. Season's lite this year thoU£i|i, old fashioned winter. Csi out all llif buckuis, old and new and make the most ol your time. There's a market for every pound of sugar and gallon of syrup. Hand made, fancy bread in Cmiada wentoll'the market on March 15, under the Canada Food Board's new rcgulalions. Standard war Hour, meaning Hour about two per cent coarser than ordinary, may only be used for bread from bencef'irtli Rev. T. It. \\ liite of Alton, formerly of Eugenia, was electjd Deputy Gr.tnd Master of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland, at the Grand J?Iack Chapter muoliMg at Chatham. .). K Thompson of Oraiigeville, sliipbcd to the West recently, a carload of horses valued at glo.iXW. BUSINESSCARDS Societies I PRINCE AKTHUK LODGE, No. :U3, A.F.4 ! A U, uieets iu the UaaoDicliill. Arm < troiK's HlocK FleaUertOD, every Friday od hofore tbe lull moon. T. Honry, \V. M. H. W. Hickling, SecreiRry, CHOBEN FKIEKDSâ€" Flenliertoii t'ounc* C'hc&di J*'i'ii'ii(lH :il4 nieuts In Cla)trirs Hao fli^t niid tl>iu] \Vc(]iieFda\ or cacti ijiotith (t p.ui. rav asset uiciits 10 litcciilir rii before t)i<^ lli»t flav of f eeti uioiitti. Cbie (.'oiineillur, W. H. iliiut ; Ilccoi del, MiE. I,.A Kielier. Dentistry j |vr. E. C MURRAY L. O. B, dental sargeon ** li( noi' graduate of Torouto University aDd Kayal College of Dental BurgoouB of Oatario, 3aii adiuisiolitared for teetb extraction 1 Qiee at reaideuce, Toronto Street. FlealiertOD. j Spring Millinery YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH OUR SHOWING OF SPRING MILLINERY NOVELTIES. Miss Mae MitcheU is in charge of the Show room and you are assured of prompt attention and capable execution of your orders. Every- thing reasonably priced. New House Furnishings The near approach of Spring makes one think of the many different wants to be supplied around house cleaning time. We have a splendid" choice in any of the articles mcntioncHl in this list and everything is rca.sonably priced con.sidering Mar conditions Carpet Squares Cietonnes Rugs and Mats " Wall Papers Linoleums Paints Floor Oilcloths Floor Finishes Stair Oilcloths Varnishes Window -Shade.s Chin tzes Cmtain poles Curtain Rods «1» Curtain Scrims Lace Curtains Litjuid Veneer Ja}> Matting Kalsomines Brushes Carpet Sweepers - Brooms O'Cedar mops Bungalow Nets Art Sateens F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Medical /P OTTEWRLL Veterinary Surgeon I ir&dtiate of Oatario Veteriuary College, reoideiice â€" second door Boutli west^OD ' I: kAfv street. Tliia street ruca outlj I Presbyterian Ulinroh. 1 Notice to Creditors ('.iiuicil adjiiuiiKMl 111 imil .il Mixwell ( on Muy 25 ii>;xt ai n ('uiirl ut Uevieioii. --TIIM.S. SCOTT, Clurk. AUCTION SALE «)K I'.Vlt.M STOCK Hinl I.Ml'IJvMKNTS III the matter of tlie Kstati^ of Tlionins ti. Slu'rwoiid. Kte nf thu Township of .\rtiMiieKi;i in tlie County of (ire}-,ftniier, tWciiised. Notice i.s hereby given, pursuant to Uovised Stitiile.s of Oiitiirio, I'.tH, Cliip'or Jl^l, Hcelion •")(> of Tliu Trustee Act and aiiuMiiiinf,' Acis, tlml all cii'd- itor.i iUnrolIiiMsliinuij diiims or dLMiiiimls ivj.!.iiiist rlif I'-l I'e of Tliuiiiiu (i. Slufi- wood, lilo iif llie Tinvii.sliii) of .Vrtciiif.siii ill liic C iiiiily oftiriy, furiiier, ;loci:>sod, wild died oil of iiliout tlie 17(li day of .April, l!tl7, .it Ills lute ro.Mdeiici' in the Towii^liiii of .VrU'iiiesiii in die Cmii.ty it (Jri'y, arc re-iuircd to delivir or .send liy post pivp;iid, to .Itisuph Slierwodd, tlu' adiiiiiiistiat ijr >>f„llie estnte, on urbi^foic the M diy of .M..y, UHH. iju'ir Cliiisliiii niiinL'.-i and yuriiiuiie», iuldrc".'<i'.s imd diM'riptioiis. iliu full piiilionliirs in wiiiiiiij of tlli'ir clniniK, 11 sl.ili'inciil i^l i.liOir Hcc'oiiol.-i, ;ti.d till" 3ftiil'iU! of il;e scciiiity, if Jiiiy, licld by tlieiii. And |!iUr notice tinil after hiieii la8' mi'nlioiii d date llie .AiliniiiiK'nitur will Wioceed to disirilpiile the as^et,'- if tlie »«id <leceaei'd .iiuoiiK tlie purtioN eiitilKd tlifreto. liavioH riiiud only to the clitiins of whii'li lie .iluill lion hive iiotica, and the haid Adininistralor will not he liiihlo for Ilie ^.lid assets or any I pun Ihiieof III liny person or perMii.s oi iliiiii; noliec .shall nol Inive lieeli received liy linn at tile lime of siuli doll ilmtion . .JOSKl'H SHEHtVool), AdiiiiiiistraUir, Kimeiiia i'. ( >. I>tli)d tl Meslierton this LTnli il.iy of Ma-ell, A,D.1»18. Ch«s. E McLean, M O. C M, 1 Spdcialty â€" Suruery, Midwifery it Wuiuen'.s Disease-s ! Oi rin;s â€" KU'iliert ni, li w Hmise. I'l iieville-Cuieineicial ili tel. !t.3n M 1 p.m. , l)rn[; litoi-,. hiiiiiiuecliuii witli orticc. 1 . ,-, , Ottice Hours ill I'tpslirtton-Wedmsiliiy aii.l t OCKCt LUtlPiy l''iiilii.v iifterimim 2 to.") p.m. I 'li. 1111- iiiessagCH receive prompt atti'iitiou at Ijoth iiftiees - lliMivylS Buying ; Suggestions ' Silver Plated Cutlery ' Cold Meat Forks Berry Spoons Susjar Shells Pickle forks Cut lass sets Carving sets Pie Knives Decanter eets Pickle Cruets •I L L'CAH. Lkoal K.\S1;y * liKNKY I . Itazors, Slmvjiio linislies Skates (automobile) Hockey (supplies Ciotliea \Vringei3 Carpet Sweepers Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorouehored Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8, Osprey. Terms 81.. "iO. FRED SPOFFARD. Complete a Course in <he ELLIOTT ,^^;7^. I'ouge and Charles Streets, Toronto And the re.sulls will prove to you Wisdom of graluatinu from '.hi.-! Fsuious School. CataloBue Free. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT. PRi.sciPAr. STOCK FOR SALE Fleslxer-fcon *f^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfactia LACXDRYâ€" Bisket closes MoDd,»y nis;ht, delivery friday eveniu CLEAXISG aud DYEING- We »i agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothut. cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvena'ei T FISHER •PROPRIETOR , , , ,. p.'^'^J?'""-! Eiminelwarp, Cluuiis, Food Choppers Hatidsaws, Bucksaws, ^ riolicitorB.t'it:. Itttuov, K. C. ; W. 11. lleiiiy. H. A. OOlcos. ri.foritn, Hdli-il TlKilois Hank UMc. iihono i loiiii ui'i : Mttikiiftio Lucas Hiock. I'lioiio 2 A, 1 Aiiil iiiaiiy Other vcrv iisciul iiunclKilllco at Duiulalk oi>«uovi-rySatnraav. I Braces gift? n lUOHT. TICLrOUl) A o' liiorimuv, HoUcltorrt, Ac. McDonald I t.XlieeH, ttrt^v Uriicii UIocli, Owuu Koii'iul. Stiiii.liml Ituiik iilock.Klafliortoii. (SatiinlaMil. W.ll. Wiitht. â- v. P. r'ellord Jr. J. 0. McDou«l-J. L. u li. 1 F.W. DUNCAN The I lii>ve vt present foripiic-k sale - Yorkshire sow.s, some yoiuiL' cross-bred pigs juit reiidy to we^n, 1 Uoiien drake, 1 Hiified Ro'.k rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€" GEO. W. KOSS, t>spri'y Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am openma upatonce, ii blacksrnith- ing .ind woodworkins; bu.^iness in Mux- well, and am fnsiallini; up-to-date wood- workiut: unchiiieiy. It will be my en deavor to serve tlii> puLvlic in a satisfuo- tory manner and 1 wuiiKI solicit patron- aae. I wuil yournork uiid will do it riKht. , 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG Fleshertuii Hardware. Phone 30 r^. Business Cari>s OULLOUGH & YOUNCJ Ilaillu'i-H .Mal'lttltild liiMit'ral tiaiikiiii; iMiiiiiiLtHti. Money loaiiel at reatonablu vatue Call 011 uu. Pulpwood Wanted Two Mc tlions.uiil cortls uf S| ruco ami n.\lL, Mcenisd Auotlonee tor the Balsam wood, out 4 ft. loi,:;. not lets tlmn 4.^ 111. at ihr .small imuI. knots triunuod i-losi-, for which wo will pay S(i per cord for balsim, and if7 p;*r cord for Spnitv, dclivfroii at iu'aro>t U ulroad Station .Vnyoiio liivim; »aiiio fur sale write to phono Maik >jik' o!) oi.'. -W. T. KLLIS. Kimherlcy. (Nninty of tlrtty. Terms tiiuderate atul c^ntiH iii-iii'ii tjiiio Hiitttd. 'Hie ananueuietita ^ttiul liates of ^hIi-s t-Aii ha iiKutuat 'riiiiADVAnco olllce. Kt'iiUliiiK-ohiul P.t)..('ii>loii,Telei)lioiio c-oatit'Ctlon. llee. (1, V! \JJil: KAITTINO. "' the ooiiutli'H Icensed Auctioneer (01 of CSrey aud Biiucoe. .-'Hi'iu nULl Htoek riitlea a Hpeoialty. Toruie uodoratn. RatlKfaotiun gnarantced. Arrau^e- jiento for itatefliiiay teuiadoat the Advauoe itllci'. or Coiurnl teleriKiiiouliii'u htiverabaiu 3r tiy aiidruxHiui: me at Koveiahaui, Out. / HAKltV i,iri(i(i. Lots loO, 1(17, W. T. .S. It., ArtfiiicHia, will m-ll by |ioblic •tnctioii on 'I'liiiraday, .\[iril 4, 11i|h, ihu follow in:> itriiulea, iiamuly : LIVK STOCK- .MaroriH iiK I by Kin;; Abbot, mare rixiiiK 11 by King Abljoi, yearling liir»e colt by Kiiii; .Mibut, ore t.lioroii(;libi'i'il ro){i.stercd Diirhain bnll. 'J yeura old ; llioroiiLjhb.'ud Uuiliain cow II yearii old, llionni^tlilired lii'ilcr calf, nur«ini{, 4 iiiontliH old ; tlioroii^tibro I .'t year old heifer, tlioronKlibied bull calf lU months old, iiurKiii){ ; tliorouLdilirva heifer 2 yenrH aid, ;<r*d« cow ."> yuara old, nuriiing calf -t^ iiiiiitlit old ; ^{radi! bcifi'r -^i yearH old, nniainij I alf I'l iiioiiIIih old; Krade uteer 'J years old, L' yuarliiiK Htuori', yearlinjf liuifi r, sow due March 'Jfi, I'J eni'N, atiout TO wlilt>> leghorn lieiiN. 1MI'I,F;MKNTS Mii«s.-y llariis bin- <lfi', Di^ei inn mower, b 1^ iiiko II) fool, broiidcaat M(niiii/ to itli ai'eder, Kkmy plow No. -I, WilkiiiHon t « ill plow, two I'.ulo buKKiif, linnber wnyoii, ciittor, set 4 bnll liairofa, fanning null, sut uinin harnehH, hbI »iii;.{lc li iriu'sf, »oi liob-ilu ghi ({ravel box, spiiiitf Hi'at, •unar kettle, inriiip piiljn'r, li»y r*ck, bay foik aud kliiigH, H iju^nlily of bay and potaiinH. M H.\m ItK -lorifan, Sin«er .ow- iii;4 niachinc! t>m.d aa new, pirlor iiuili', liudioiiiii Net, 4 tliilinu room cbaiiN,!! kilclnn cliniiM, aLii chair, rocking (Imii, Hideboaid, kilclii'ii I tide, 4 miiiII liiblos, kiluhiMi raii^.', coal lie»ti'r, luriel iliiiin Also a liiii(.? 1 iimtii'r of hinill ai'ic'iH Mich as fori. M, I'll iins, Inualiold iiu'iisin fic. 'I'lic firm will also lie /lloro-.l for h lie. Sde a' 12 o'cfoCK In. Tt'riii«- .\ll aiinis of fu anil under, < .-h ; over iliiil am nni I'.' iii>niln' erctlil j . < M a[i|provrd joint Imli-, 10 Ti p c. (.If fur .'il . ,-li in lieu of noti' ' ( (.ilUKI V. .M.rilAlI. I'mpiivlor Auction' ui A WAR WINNING MASS MEETING of Artemesia Township Citizens will be held in the TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON, on Fri., March 29, 1918, at 2 p.m. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The Latest in Sheet Music at the PHOTO GALLERY .•..•..•..•..•m«..«««.< •••••••••••••*«M»..«»*..»H«*.t.>t..a,.»»«i.*-«t.«..a.>*.4..>*.«»«»»i.«»«»«>.t»««*M****<*t**«-b-*t"»><i > 'txt"*' The incolini^is called artlic rctiucst of the Or^auiztition ol' ItCHoiirccs Coiuinittcc lor Town.'^hii) t)r},'aiiizari()n. 'riit> iiicctin;^ will ix^ addrf.s.stMl liy a pcprcstMitativt' oftlu^ iViitral ( )i'.;Mni/.al inn, Toroiilo, ami local spoakfr."'! tonvt'r.srtiit with ilif condilioii.s anil llic m-tjcnt and iniMfirativc lu'oc.s.sity for flic iiiaxiiiinni prodii.-tioii jmssil)l(>, lo avert the tlircattMicl liMid .'-lini ta_L;i* to riiilaiii and luT .Mlif.s and ('i;siiit> the .'^iicci'.^sCiil pro.spcntion ami cailit'i' ifrmination dI' ilion-ar. let iIkmc Iti'.a (Jr.A.Mi Uai.i.v of all citiztn.'^ nl' .illa^ix*'-'! : niul III cacli tiiit* rcsolvi' with renew t-d ili'lfMiiiiiiUion ami t'licr^'y as far a.s lies in luinian power tt) induce iiuirlicr earth it yield a record lirriUiii.,' iniMrtsi> (or tlie are P('i|ioctln'ly I'lMint'slcil in i,MVt' pD.s^ilde pulilieity. I'de-ilifbton, Siiict'iclv \ >iii>, .March 'SJ, Mt's. " t. R. McKENZIE, Reeve. W.A $90 Hawken - Flesherton Phone 23 r4 Farm for Sale Lot ir.2 KiM IviHt B\ck Line. iiioHia, .nilo niid a (piarior I ."-I'.MSim »»t IJMn. tlu* iiitt'tiiii; Jill Arte- from Kli'chorton, oon'.aiiii'n; ill acres, moatlv cleaii'd ; uoiiifiii table lion e, ^ooil barn with «toue foiiinliilion, mmiII orchard ; f-triii woll wiilen'j, jjood i;'«in or-i'mk fsrni. Kor pailiculHi.s apply ont-lhe preniisPH to >^ -J();iN r.KKCUoii-T, Fle«licrlon, P (» l^i 1^1 > I m I i IIP m I I [^ I I I i I I $ i i Flesherton Tri ^hffp - 1 luive just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Niekelware and Agateware for domestic nse. Call on me and ijet voiir supplies. inj;s. Kavetroughing, Stovepipes aud Stove Furnish- Hepairing ofall kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, incliuling pump work. Furnaces instalKnl. Ai Furnaces. :tMU for Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j0 ONTARIO. m iiip id $ Hi i FARM IMPLEMENTS A^entas For Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivaters Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AOENT FLESHERTON. miKmim ""Jiijm