Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1918, p. 5

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March 28 \919' THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCR STANDARD BANK OF CAMADA MKAO OmCK - TOnOMTO TRUST FUNDS CXir Savings Department givea you • guarantee of absolute security and i«T'o i«T» interest at current rate. 23, FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, ««..*,. John Sharpe Killed Road Closing C. p. K. Time Table. leave Fleahercon Station Going North 12.01 D.m. Trains â- follows : Going South T.XJa. m. *-27 P-m. 9.18p.m. The mails are osed at Ftesherton id •follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and t p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south a.t 3.4C o'elocic. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. Two never failing signs of spring â€" sids on the streets without hats, and , cows snooping around the Lack yards after something to nib'ale. By the way, ' what has become ot the Cow Bylaw " Is it to be numbered with the has beena • Or was it a bit of camouflage in uider that co«s Tjelongmg to certaiu favored parties might have better pastures on our boulevards ! Another Fleshericn U>y, hai made the supreme sacridce in France in the person i of the of John Sharpe, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Will ijharpe. .\ cable was received Saturday last statinij that Pte. Sharp,; waa killed in action ou March 14. Previous to enliatiog with the 147th Battalion, Jack waa 'en^atied as clerk with F. G. Karstedt. He was a young man highly esteemed xad his death is deeply depK.reil. Hid parents have the deepest sympathy of all in their sorrow. _ Fleaherton has thus given »ix of it* best afi a sacrifice tu humanity in this tiuht for right against luighc. r R. C. Kerr Killed Notisa la hereby niieu that the Council Village of Fl«>shert;M »ill aft«r one month from the tirst publication thereof in the Fle*h<irton Advance, tUe . date of such tirat pubiicatioa is the l-tib oay of March, I'Ji'i) priraeed to pjus i bylaw to oeaae and dispose ot chkC part lc , Hill Street lying between luta 15, l»i and 1 17, y.E , and South- West ot said street > in Campb<>U's survey. Al> parties lucer- estsd ire hereby re<iaired'to take notice. Dated March U, 19tS. -W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. The Old Adag The Proof •( the Pudding the Eating & For S«rvice VICINITY CHIPS Lieut. Scott Laidlaw of Lions Head, a ^ bi'-ither of Miss Ina Laidlaw, who attend- ed hiah school here, has been reported Read the Cdds and Endi on thi.a page. ^'"**i- "Scottie wa.s a very popular The Red Grasps tei at Mrs. Crossley' y°'"^«.'"^° /° l^^ h"'â„¢* town and his netted $11 00 death is deplored. Previously he had won _,, J ., <*^ D.C.M. which he sent home and TheproceedaotMrs. Alf. Harrison's ; which will now be dearly cherished by Jled Gross meetma were «3.0d. ; his parents as a souvenir of a brave son >'uQifcers hive tapped but the returns "ho has given his all foe his country, have been small. i and Nurse Jamieson Miss Zilla Trimble is spending a weeks with friends at Thornton Toronto. , _ Mrs. A. S. V^ Dusen, who spent the RetUmS Home winter with her ion in Chicago, baa xr „, ,. ,, , returned home. ' ^ ursing sister Mae Jamieson returned ; home on Monday evetiing tram after an Miss Osborne, Maiwell, will hold he^ -absence of a year and six -nontlis. She snillitiery opening on Saturday of this was sent to the Mediterranean and alter week, March 30 a short service was taken ill wich fever, The L'nited Farmers of Fevershaia *°'i W *' Malta in a serious condition will hold thsir meeting in the Orange for some time, dually being invalided to England, and now returned home. A large number of citizens greeted her at the station and escorted her home. Hall on Friday, March 29, at 8 p. m. Gnr. Koy McCauley, "Oih Battery, Toronto, spent a few days at his home h»ri>. I Miss Mable Swifr left today, VVednes- ; day, to spend the Bister holidays at bar home in Tcrouto, i -pi â- -â-  , â-  r , ^ • j The Central Eipern-enta! Farm at Mr. Harry Quiig will hold a sate of ' Ottawa has pioiJuced a new whaat. of A New Wheat Rev. QgiC. Kerr, who was pastor of the Baptist church here for a matter of two years or over, until he enlisted in the 147th Batt., has been killed in action. Mr. Kerr give up his charge here as a laatter of pure patriotism and bis death is keenly deplored by his many friend. '^e pure ored Shorthorn Bull on lu 3t», coo. 9, .\rcemeaia. Terms Jl.OG for grades. Must be paid within 'â- ) months from date cf service. 1 Jan. 17. -R. U . TUR.VEK. Notice To Trespassers Anyone taking wood or rails otf or in > any way trespaaaing on any part of the He was a popular pastor, not jnly among J north half of lot 30, con. '•>, Arteiuesia, his own people, but with .rember? of the i '^'^ ^ prosecuted, othir churches. Ha was alw»ys willing j -MBS. W. C. PEDLAR. to as«i»t in every good work regardless of ^-:^;â€" â€" â€" â€" ^:â€" _â€" â€" _;;^-^^_^^__â€" ___ creed, and he will he Ung remeaibered. , u i ^ • i. „tw » u u â-º 7\ .4 n ,. Holstein BalllFor ServKe His home was at Urasaeo, Out. ' i The sani is equalh true of the 190C Gravity asher. Tn one and be convinced chat there is nonp better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full Hue ut McCormick Fiimi Implements, Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, Riding and Walking airows Brantfcrd "Wind Mills, Puncps, Piping and Finings of all kinds, Beattie aye Carriers. Hav Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence Cutters tind Sleighs. A CalJ Sohcited Satisfaction Guaranteed. j Agent, S. HEMPHILL Cey on, Ont J KiUed by A ! A«tiiuroughbre<l Holstein bull for service oa lots 1S3-1.*4 S. W. T. A S. a. A.i-t«me»i«: doe- I cly related to the world's champion 44-poand T-< « » • r-r< ' ""•â- â€¢ Terms- $1 50 fur jjrades, $5.'X) :or pure Falling Tree i "^^ i 1 Jaly 17 â€"GEO. MOORE A S.^a. Mr. Anaus Livingstcn, who lives wit-h his parents ou the townline between N Ottawa and the Poplar sideroad, met with a peculiar and fatal accident on Monday last at nine o'clock. The youug man was felling trees in theic^? bush on the 4th of Collingwood township and while a large tree was falling a top branch broke cli' and srruck the deceased on the head, although he waa standing behind a stump "^Qdds and Ends mm^^ For Sale cheap or rent- Late John J. Martin farm, lot 1, con. 4, Euphrasia, containing about 130 acres r dwelling and new frame barn, stabling un^Jer. li not sold in time i,>r seeding will reut. Apply to Charles Martin on ihe premises or to some dUtance away and at what; I u. j. Sproule. bnesherton. ffarSSth Jive stock and farm implements on Thur. .\pril 4. See bills and advertisement. The -Vdvance has jus: placed in .stock a supply of wourning notepaper and «uveiopes to match, ladies' and gents' visitiug cards, ,ind wedding stationary. Nothwithstanuiug thetoss of the snow anti mild weather sap is not running Muoh, It is said there is too much frost ill thc'^rouiid for it ti> gush much as yet. If you have any soldiers' letters that which the Agricultural Gazette saysâ€" The new wheat, which has been named Ruby, Ut;awa t>23, possesses characteristics in ripeninu and other qualities midway between Marquis and- Prelude. It i» beardless, possesses bard red kernels, gives a fairjocld, and makes Hour of the highest quality in repaid to color and strength. Bread made from it ranks in the lirst class. This wheat is the result of a cross between Downy Riga and Red Fife. Downy Riga was produced I'loni was considared safe from any danger of | â€" accident. The blow at tirst w is not con- ; For sale cneap *na on easy c^rms. Lot sidered3erious,only a slight oat appearing i 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This i on the surface of the scalp, aad he i a first class farm and in a good state o cultivition. (rood bank bam snd new frame dwelling. Apply -o R. J. Sproule Flesherton I w, returned home and received medical attention. In ihe afsernoon the unfor- unate young n^an became unconscious od passed awiy to a short time. â€" n zerprise. ' H. BUNT Agent for Dominion Pianos and Organs FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. n Will Shoot the WeU would he interesting to the general public two early sorts, Wehur. an ludi in variety. send them to The Advance tor publi- i and ttnega f.oiu Northern Russia, eatioii. I R;iby is tecommendtd for trial where The Spring Hill Red Cross Society j ***"!"''* *^°'^* ^°^ "P*" satisfactorUy. will moot Hi the school on Friday eveninst ' â- *- ''^^3 hmi.edcistributiou of five pound M.uch L^V». Everybody come out and â-  s^iaiples is l^eiiig oja'le to farmers requir- help. , if* an early sort. .^ siithoieut crop will I be srown m thh E.xperiuiental Firms to provide for a .^eoeions dtstributiou next We understand ihat the Midland oil mi-'n intend to "shoot"' the well whiek they drilled here during the past winter. j The expio-?'ve is now ou its way from j Petrolea by team, as the railways will not j carry that cUias of goods. Keutner's Popular Music Store, Mark- I dale, is the placs to buy your' Piano, Organ. Photiogrsph, Sewing ilachiue, Sheet Mjsic, and all uiusicaj supplies. j T.-y Fevershaai Pastry Flour, the 'jest for your cook. All Ontario wheat. Yearling Leicester ram for s.i!e i: #1-5. J. A Stuart, Kimberley. A Flood Story Mr. D. McTavish lias got the contract of teaming in the machiuery for the new hydro power extension in the valley. There will be 65 tons of machiuery. One }arge piece weighs elven tons. An Ovvou Sound wood firm, who purcluised the slabs at Rock Mil's this winter, are shipping the last of 'he purchase this week. Altogether they have taken o5 carloads or about 57U cords. Pte. Robert Irwin, who recently returned from overseas, his taken a job with the Dominion Police rounding up def tultei-!. He went to Blind River last week to look after some cases. Alex. Henry will hold a credit farm sale of ch.ittels, etc., at lot 11-2, NV.T-S.- R., one mile south of Markdale, on Fri., I April .'itli. See posters. D. McPbail, 1 Auctioneer. i Rev. Bou. U. ?peuce, secretary of the Doaiiiiiou Alliance, was commiitoi for trial ou a charija of violatiug c.-rs >r»hip regulation.s iu relation to the publication of a book "Ths Parasite." Tha a!lei,ed objectionabe putlica'ion was alon.; the same lints as "The Fiddlers." Mr. Karstedt unloaded a car of mill feed here ou Wednesday of last week and Mr. Duncan received a cat ot nut co.U lU Friday The car of ecal cinie too late to b) of uiuoh use this year, lut the mil' le«d came iu veiy handy aud was snapped ap at once. Many (artuers came ou the icene too late to get a share. Theieijular monthly meetiu^ of Fle^h ert<'n \V. I will be held in the high •choolon Wednesday, April .'5. at 2.30 s'cKck. Subjeo'.â€" " How and whtu to disinfect," by Mr». W . Moore: Seltc'.ion of moats in market aud best ways cf cook ills; each, by Mts. M. WiUou. sr ; Ro'.l call answered by Amusing anetdote* â€" Mrs. K Wickeiis, Sec Mr. Charles Findlay of Torcr.to visited relative* here this psvst week. He has ricenlly i-etiivnod from France, where ho wa« ougaKod with t):e Kotestiy Bi-igai!e His wile has died during- his at>sonce. . Mr. Fin.li.iy li\ed in this vsciuity about fifteen year* sgo. He is a brother of Mr. Jamea FiuJliy of Ailometla. i spring . Markdale House Burned Down The Markdale House at Maikd;Ue, owned by J. E. Marsh, was burned to the ground early Tuesday morning. The tiro is suppose*.! tj have sfarted from an ash heap iu the rear about Lj.4C>a. m. Nothing was saved excepting a few c'lairs. The insurance is said to have been small. Cow for sale â€" Due 1st. May. S years old. Apply to Robert Osborne, Eus>«uia- Congregational Reports The prittted con!i;regatioual reports of Fle-ihertou and Proton Proabyteiian churches ai-e now out. The tiuauces, except S3»J.7l by the Flesherton Sunday S.'hool eiitertaiuunent, were secuied wholly by voluutary otlerinns. This is tha only method teconi^uended by the Ptesbyteiian church in Canada, i. e. giving without receiving s^meihiog in fie way of entertainment or inatetial things iu return. She is iieartily m favor of social ssacheriUiis. C>ur Boards and Sessions have b.wked this method of self-dependent lit eraliiy. aud It is giati- fylBg to botli people ind pvitor to know that Wh stations have attained an average well ivei $'20 pel family for the year ending Dec. 31st, liU7. Fleahetton â€" Local $1" (,t>o famil:«» regularly con- tributing.) ani' .Rudset (.50 fan i its) $4 per faiudy. Pi-otouâ€" Local f 19 (2S families coutributiu£) aud Puiget (10 families) $T per family. Families under the caro of the Session â€" Flesh .-rtun 73, Proton 'J.'S. These figures do not include coutributions to lied Cros», Tetiiperauce Alliance or piatriotic purposes, to «hich both stitious have also conlritaitcd got>u Hiuounti, but they d.> iii.^Iudo baUiicex from inui. * -A. McVIUAR. Lt-rd Uhond 1 '. Ri i'ish Fo..d Con'riller »ays the fot>d situ->t;on for tho Alliea wUi be most lUtfic-.U dining tho ue.\» two month'. While Austin Colbeck's express trans- fer was making its way tJ the station \Veduesday uioruing, iu going through a couple feet of water at Hewitt's bend, ii came to grief,- whether through a sub. marine or mine is not known. The skipper had had a rough trip over the gravel b>ttom, but his course was fairly well ilehned till he struck the water at this spot. Here he struck the danger z lue, a narrow p!iss;4ge, uncharted, and uot knowing what lurkctl beneath the surface. Austin' motive power forged steadily ahead. till old Ralph hita pifceof submerged partly floating ice. He stumbled across, but when the sleigh struck it almost capsi/etl. The horse went down over the bank aliu'jst out of ai^ht, while a couple of crates of fowl tlijated down the stream, lu answer to the S. U.S. signals Jim Bruce hove in siiiht, waded iu waist deep and assistetl ill ceitiitg the horse out. but by the time rescue ciews were on the scene the chickens were dead, fiurteeu of them, and as (.'llie Starkmaii says "the tiuest, fattest roosters they e'er shipped.' Some neeso iu another crate were about all iu when fished nut.â€" drand Valley St-\r. For Saleâ€" .A good heavy road apply Malcolm McDonald. waggon Oats For Saleâ€" 100 bushels, l>3c a bushel at the barnâ€" H. Stone. Buckwheat For Saleâ€" l'X> bushels of good clean seed. â€" E. Sargent. L'eylon. MISCELL.4.NE01S Having taken over from H. B. McLean the W. G. Pickel! Insurance business. I am preparetl to look after the iuteresCs > f [he public. Huah U. Uiaiiuoiid. R. K Xo.l. Eugei i.a Agent. 1 Aug. Phone i t 2. For Si\le - A Doherty argiu, tiv cct.ave, knee swell, ccfave coupler and ight other stops : iu good condition ; cheap and on easy teims, Eu'|uire al Advance ottice. THE BUYS & GIKLS Whc have been wock- >o strenuously oil the farms [iroducing food food for those at njuie aud Overseas should be given the opportunity of itnijroviug their Edu- citiou duriug ttiesla':k winter uioBths It -.ho Columbia Grafonolas ,--f ^^ The fees iie no hi>(her than when farm produce sold at half the price .if today. The younj people will be beuetJt,;d throughout life fro-u the tiaiuiug iu Business obtained iu a few winter months of our Special Business Course. Winter term lenius. Wed. Jan. 2 Circuliirs free. .A. FlLlD'G.F.C.i.Pi'incipal. Dept. A.. Owen Souiui, Ontai'w. \\\ IHIEIS. Corrected Each »Week Columbia Records I i -FOR SALE BV- W. A. Arn]^ti:< •JEWELLER. FLESHluRTOX CaxehiUy Butter Eggs, fresh . Wheat Oats ?2: Andrew Ostraiide: of Hottouvllle, has the ch»uipiou goose story. On January 12 two of bis geese disappeared. On February 33, when the snow bcpan to m-'lt, they were disc<»vered alive in a sa<iwt>aiik, where they had been com- pletely covered aud witl.out focil tor upwards of five weeks. For Saleâ€" Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull | Pe** for sale. Hi months old, dark, red, p>rice right. Also 21M) bu., O. A. C oats for seed, pure and clean $1,2'> per bu, Jas. Findlay. Markdale P. O. Ph-me. For Sale or reutâ€" Cheap, easy teims_ gi'od dwelliui;, stable and ten acres 'of land at Potllaw . Don't miss this, must be sLild as owner does not require it, .\pply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. mai2Scf Barley ' Potatoes Buckwheat . . 1:1 ides Ducks Geese Chickens i« 'o43 40 4O io to 2 25 VH)to90 3 es to 4 OO I 30 to 1 35 *1.35 !J5 to !,)-â- > Uto 10 lOo 23 to 23 21 to 21 22 to 2:2 IH to lt> FOR SALE About 3"^^' bushels of O * C oats from legiitered seed, 2(K) bushel.s nectt>r'» Early white, and ab >ut 30 tons of gootl hay. and a large brood sow, s'lpp.^setl to he due ill .\pril â€" M. O. (Vr. Proton St.Atioil. Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. AddIv till R. J- Sproule, Flesherton. ^ sept 23 Pure bred Durham l^ll for sale, eighteen months old, from M'lPhorson stock. -Vpply to J. WilliamsiMi, .Pricc- ville P.O. .Vlsike and Sweet Clover seed for sale Jl."* per bushel for each, fne from u 'xious weeds.â€" Jo*. Buchanan, Fles'ierton. Wanted to Buy J.\lce Zener is piyins highest 'nisrkot prices for r^:«. n-.bbers, copper -lod brass. Save all your old stutV ft>r me, I will call at aay time. -J. ZENKR. Box HO, i M.»rkCa!o. AptlS \ For Salo -Lady's COOB coat. .size 3S, fur as gooU as new. m»y be seen at this olUce. Clubbing Rates The .\dvauce has no extensive clubbing list this fall, most of the papers being supplied at regular rates. Following are some prices : The -Vdvance $ 1 OO Globe â- Â»-W |m*i1 -t.OO The World and .Vlvance 4 75 I News and .\dvance 3,75 ' Star and .\dvance 3.75 j Youth's I'oiiipaniou 2.25 ! Fauiily Herald 1 '23 Farm Wantedâ€" To rent, T. Feuwick, Eugenia. near school - \ Righost price toe buttei Graham Bros. Eugenia. luvi eggs at BULL FOR SERVICE Ri'sj.stert-d Shorthoru bull for s<rvici>. Terms: #1,50 f.-r urade cows. $3.00 for registered cows. C'ju. 4, lots 10 11 i......a...v, Make niouey lu youi- spare utne this Winker by scliing Nursery Stock and New Seed Potatoes Thi-5 is the auie to siait en Spring Sale?. We pay highest commissions and furuisL our Salesmen with titera- tare witbja "punch" toi:. Send for our li.«t of Sew Offeriiigs aud full i>aruculars. Stone & Wellingtoi The Fonthill iNurserle*. iKstabii.slicd l!<;.{7.^ TORONTO - ONTARIO June 2.>.Vteiu«ia. -J, D. M 1 Julvl!<- LKOD. Cejiou. For Sale or Rent The following Valuable Property : One lot situated on the west side o Sydeuh.iM street, Ftesherton, contaimng ase^en roomed tram* dwelling fitted with electric light.>*t>ft water iu basement. (.>na lot situated on north side of Marxaret street, Flesherton. containiog I six roomed frtme dwelling aad frame stable. V â- VIso a jurk lot etmtaiaing two acros well fenced aud cultivated. For terms duu particuUrs apply ; â-  Urn SIL.\SSUl>K.

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