Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1918, p. 7

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n«R«npi •"'â- -â-  WEAK, ANAEMIC GIRLS Caa Regain Good Health Through Dr. Williams* Pink Pills. of many for po«ition. Our »hip was vibratiitar with the spefd. Our rsntAin paced th â-  briiijje, keen'y o^'^ervant. When th • U-boat finally got the position he wanted and renewed the shel'tire, ouf Beside the Marae. Beside the Mame fair Springtime cornea again. Wild flowers breathe fragranee and the soft winds blow, j â-  i j - r . ..u _ u A , ,, 1 , 1 . -1 »v _;_!.. trun crew decided to let them have it And all day long and while the night * , . _ i â-  . j t*. I, as hot as our )ru%wfwiM stand. Afr<"r rm... "^ A 1 J â€"I. _„ a few minrt'?' we landed a :hell , White crosses stand on guard where , »u r- > t, i »» Bloodlesftneas Is the trouble of many ' bny^ men sleep sqvarely on the German j, back. It ap- tlrla who ought to be full of life and j ^„j ^â- ^^. ^^ters ever onward flow patently disturbed him a goo^l deal. good spirits. Instead they are pale. | Beside the Mame '""^ *** stooped fir^nj? at once, th^ their lips have no color, they have no i slackened speed, altered coudre aRd appetites, their digestion Is poor, and : Bj^ide the Mame the graves lie verj' submerged. Order Now ONTARIO FERTILIZERS. LIMITED WEST TORONTO CANADA If th«?>- walk fa«t, either In the street or going up stairs they are bo tired and out of breach that their hearts beat as If to burst. Almost always such girls are thin, flat-cheeted and sallow, w^lth nothing attractive about close. And sacrifice is writ on earth and air and ikj, We bare our heads for lo! 'tis God we - see, I Clearly as on the Hill of Calvary, >- hni ceaaed to think aboat the crown, and only wants to be allowed to live in his- own way. His only regret ia that he ginnot Ii%'e in his old palace at Livadia in tne Crimea. N'icholaa | Tn,-,.! dre.-ses in civilian clothes and ..peads | much of hia time with his son Alexia. A Boy That Laugha. I know a funny little boy â€" The happiest ever born; II ib face i!< like a beam of joy. Although bis clothes are torn. I saw him tumble on his nose. And waited for a groan â€" But how he laughed! Do you suppose He struck his funny bone ? each word he them. If they do not get better they , Where heroes fought and laid them , win have a cough In the winter and j down to die then, not unlikely, consumption, that [ Beside the Mame. most hopeless of all diaea.ses will de- 1 Beside the Mame did the gT«at dead. velop. No girl should be like this. | behold She should be plump, rosy checked ' -rhe Flag upborne by oar dear lads and full of life, able to talk fast and to stand exertion without being br«ithle9S and palpitating. To be la this healthy, happy condition she must have plenty of good, rich, red Proved O^'-e Slore ' In Soutbainpton, Ont. That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Rheumatism. i sunshine I speaks, a , ,... .f-H's laugh is something ?rand; He corresponds only with his mother. ^^^^ ^^p^i^^ ^„^^„ ^-^ ^^^^^ Like waves on snowy sand. LEMON JUICE IS FRECKLE Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten the skin. Harold O. Bertram Had Inflammatory Rheumatism ar« One Box of Oodd's Kidney Plli« Cleared It Out of His System. Sonthanipton. Ont., March :i.ith â€" (Special) â€" That rheumatism Is caused by disordered kidneys and that Dodd's and fit? Did journeying sun record each well-j loved name | On .some clear page within the Book of Fame? blood, as It Is only through the blood iThe Empire's deb\ forevermore is writ fhat the body can be healthy. And the B^^j^g j^g Marne. only medicine that will keep the blood j , ... supply rich and red and pure Is Dr. Beside the Mame Canadian glory Kidney Pills will cure it Is agaia Williams' Pink Pills. Their effect up- j lives, | proved by the ease of Harold D. Ber- on the pale, weak girl who gives tfiem â-  I" '^^<'** ^h"*'**?*'''*'"^ *^'*'*«*''*^T-; tram, a young man well and favoiw a fair trial is wonderful. »Thpy im- 1 enward turn, ' > ably known here. He had inflammar prove the appetite, backaches and : And mothers yet unborn the tale shall tory rheumatism for two months, headaches di.?appear, the glc«v of' *^'1» [Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him. health tinges the cheeks, the e>-e3 ' ^°^ ^°**''''* "**" °'^''^*'"* '1** P"'^^'^* I -The doctor said my trouble started sparkle, and the step becom«'« light ' °' hell, .... j "''b the grippe," Mr. Bertram states. "My hands and feet were badly swol- len and the doctor did not seem to be doing me any good. My grandmother, Mrs. G. Crasser, advised me to take Dudd's KidEey Pills. I took one box and elastic. Thousands of girls -^"d future sons a code of honor learn, throughout Canada owe their health ; Beside the Marae. and attractive ajjpearance to Dr. Wll- ( ^"cy C. Gilmour. Items' Pink Pills and do not Jiesitate . Brockvii le, March, 1918. to say so. Mi;^ Jennie Book, Beams- ' * ^ vllle. Out., says:â€" 'I siflfend (or over'^'EEDOF BETTER DEVELOP.MENT of them and I haven't been bothered two years from anaemia, and gradual- â-  s-lr.ce. I am cleac^of the rheumatism." ly grew verx. ill. Previously I had •^'^»Kn'z«* by All Jhe Belligerent That Mr. Bertrams trouble came Countries. . fnim his kidaeys is sihown by his , 'â-  other svmptoms. He had stiffness ia -norfy.nce of promoting more .u â-  • . .• j â-  i ^u J , •^ , ,, i the jomts. was tired and nervous, and been strong Vnd robust, but grew pale and a mere shadow of^my former self. I tried several medfclnes, and while some seemed to give me temporary relief. I soon grew worse again. As the months went by I began to de- spair of getting better, . when my mother happened to read an ailver- tisement of Dr. Williams' Piiik. Pills and suggested that I should try them. By the time the 5rst box was fisiished I knew they were helping me. and 1 continued the pills for nearly three months, using iu all nine boxes, when I was restored in every respect tio my old time strength. This was several years ago, and as I have not since had any return of the trouble. 1 cannot speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills a.s a permatieut cure for thi.s trouble, and I strongly recommend 'Jiem to all anaemic girls.' Squeeze the juice of two lemone into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, ami complexion beauti- fler, at very, verj- small cost. Your grocer ha.s the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Ma-^-sage this sweetly fragrant lotjcn into the face. neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disappear and how clear, sjoft aa-d white the skin be- comes. Yes '. It is harmless. ^ Where Trousers Grow to Order. • * When the poorest class of Gauchoj", who live in -a very primitive state in the southern .-Vrgentine pamnas, need a pair of pants they kill an old mare and strip off the hide of the forelegs, as one would draw off a glove. These are drawn, hair side in, over the feet and legs up to the hips, when they adjust themselves like tights. They are thus worn continuously day and night imtil a new pair is needed. REMOVER j;<j matter how the day may go, You «tnnot make him cry; He's worth a dozen boys I know, Who pout and mope and sigh. f- Baked Indian Pudding. â€" Mix to- gether 2 table spoons commeal with 1 pint cold milk, ^ cup moLassf«, a little salt and 1 well beaten egg. Stir gradually into a quart of boiling milk, stirring until thick and free from lumps. Pour into a buttered pudding dish and bake slowly three hours. Serve wi".h rich milk or cream. Klaard's tlaiaieat for «als «verTTli«r«. FOB BATE w KBKUY NEWSPAi'ER IX WEST- ern Ontario, l^iinn a good busl- oe^itf. Death of owner places it on tlia market .\ irreat chance for a man with cash. -KovlY Ko.x 12. Wilson Publishing Ci Limited. Toronto. XYrTLL Ey'-IPFED NEWaS'AFEK â-¼ â-¼ and lob prlntlas Diant in Es^Cera Ontario. Insurance carried tl.SOO Will r" Jor 11.200 on quick salf. Box 59. Wilson Publl3hlne C" . T.td. Toronto. To Brighten Linoleum. To make linoleum or floor oil-cloth look brighter and keep it bright heat buttermilk and wash the linoleum with it, allowing it to dry thor-Jtrzhfy before stepping on it . acauurd's T.itiiTn^n- Cur«« Burns. £to. iDscirLi.Asreotrs C.KNCER TCilORS. LL'IIPS. ETC_ Internal and external, cur-d wltix- . jt pain bv our home treatment. Writs OS tefore too iate. Dr Bellman Meillcai r-n T.)mlt*d- CftlUncrworfwI. f^* The s lentific methods of rural as well as .u _ <â-  v • •• • l. . u-. , , , . ' there were flashes or agnt before his 0. urban development is engaging the ir v j j • ... , *^ . . ? -7. eyes. He had a dragging sensation. attention of prominent groups of citi- .i. , - , .w: . o 11 i_ii- . â-  , . across th© loins, was always thirsty f zens in all belhgerent countries. It ,s ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^_ i generally agreed that reco^•eIT after' Rbea^^^sm is catzsed by uric acid the war m each nation will be the ^^ ^^^ ^j^ ^,^^^ ^^.^ ^^^ more rapid in proportion as more ef- ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ „j ^^^ ^^^ dodd's ficient methods are applied to secure Kjdnev Pills cure the kidn-vs. the increase of pro<iuct:on. Canada " . " ' i yes: m.%gic.\lly: corns lift out with fingers KHAKI D.\TES BACK TO IS48. has never failed to apply the doctrine of Adam Smith to incite ih« natural efforts of the producers by means of promoting a condition of freedom 't ^ as First Adopted in That Year in amongst its citizens and encouraging British India. the ^settlement of land by the real ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^;^ f^^^ ^^ ^^.^ "fteea users of the land I r^ortunately, ^j^pjej in British India in 184S by Sir however, land speculation has been Henry Burnett Lramsden, who had been so little controlled and the planning ^sked to equip a corps of guides to ..„ „.. „...„. and laying out the land for economic ^oUeot intelligence and ta conduct an You can get these pills through any "^e has been so much neglected, that English force on the northwestern uiedietne dealer or by mail at 50 cents Pfo<'uf ''."J" "as been, hampered and frontier of India. i a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The ^*''. '"^^H conditions have grown up. ^ xhe cloth was a light cotton (frill, as ' Dr. Williams' .\h?dicine Co., Brock- : ^""^^'"«"* ^° "^'°"'/'r°" *>>' ™«^"^ suited the climate oi HLnJustan, and vllle. Ont. I of mere owiiership of the land has ; t^.^^. its name from a native term i proved inadequate because of these ; ..khaki." which means in the Urdu lan- ; deficienciesâ€" and the quality of the g^^g^ "dusty," being derived from ^^^ ! natural effort has been unpaired as -khak" or dust. Thus the term applied a result of overcrowding and bad sani- t^ the color of the cloth rather than' tation m the cities and isolation and t^ the material. | poverty in the country. j According to the dictionan% it is ; ' pronounced kaykee by the natives, but the English pronounced it kharkee. Germans Salute British. "During my first few days in cerne I had an experience that was hu- morous and seemingly anomalous un- til I got an explanatior." said a Re<l Cross worker who returned recently to the United States. ''The mountain republic is filled with interneil sol- Jters from both sides, and I went about a good deal with a British officer in charge of many British prisoners. , "â- Is he a German?- civilians whis- j ,^^^^ ^ ^,^,„^.^ h>,Jt,.i BabVs Own pered to one^nother as we walked to ^^^^^ j^,. ^^ uttleTnes she will use nothing else. Their use teaches her THE ONLY MEDICINE . FOR irnLE ONES Y'ou say to the drug store man. "Giv.^ me a small bottle of freezone. This will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or cal- lus from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether cofci- pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn relieves the soreness in- stantly and soon the entire com or callus, root and all, dries up and can be Ufted oft with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of cortts was introduced by a Cincinnati man. whto says that freezone dries in a moment, and simply shrivels up the corn or callus without irritating the surrounding skin. Don't let father die of infection or lockjaw from whittling at Jiis corns, but clip this out and make him try i-. If your druggist iiasa't any freezone tell him to order a small bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. our hotels. The Britisher was literal ly bombarded with salutes from Ger- man soldiers, and at the outset it be- came embarrassing for him. But his embarrassment could not continue long, as the salutes were too frequent. Soon he was acknowledging them as mechanically as if he had been walk- ing through the streets of London. "The matter was made plain to me when later I found out that it is the rule in Switzerland that soldiers of all armies salute officers of ail armi*. German discipline did the rest." Marion Bridge, C B.. Ma.v â- ','.. \2. I have handled .\IIN.\RD'S I.I.M- MKXT during the past year. It i^ al- ways the flist IJnimeut asked" for here, inrfl unquestionably the best Keller of all the different kinds of Liniment 1 handle. .NEIl. KEKOCSON and this is correct But as cotton was not warm enough for all climates, uniforms of the same kind were made of serge, and the term , khaki thus included woollen. I Because it was well fitted for the climate of Cuba and the Philippines the United States chose khaki for the soldiers' uniforms during the Spanish. .American War. ' .> ~ EX-eZ.VR UXSCKT.VBLE. Empress Says He Has (irown Dull Since Dethroned. Imprisonment has affected greatly the mental capacities of the former Emperor Nicholas II., according to a letter from the former Empress .Alex- andra Alix, written from "Tobolsk to one of her former maids of honor in Water in which rice has been boil- ' <*etrograd. which has been intercepted. ed makes one of the best starches '" '' ^^^ former empress gives a de- for old lace. j tailed account of the r<H«il family'.' •> . ' life in Tobolsk. lUaard'a Ualmsat SeUsves Mearau^a. The former etnperor, sh« writes, xivPTV Mil i.-TirPT~%T «r t seems to have grown dull and very MNEn-MlI.fc FIGHT \^ SE.\. .^^o^jaWe. He does not evince the Gunners, .\ftcr Long Kangr Duel, Score a I'erfect Hit. Nothing so good for a sprain as bathing with very hot water, to which turpentine has been added, an ounce to a quart. Mlaaid'a Iilniiii«nt Curw DandroS. they are absolutely safe: that they never fail to give relief and that the little ones do not dread taking them as they do castor oil and other harsh purgatives Concerning the Tablets .Mrs. John M. Weaver. BUsstield. X.B.. says: â€" "I h^ve used Baby's Own Tab- lets for the past ten years and have found them so good I always keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealer? or by malt at 3d cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. BrockvlUe. Ont. Noth'';'? will :ake t'n: plav.e c:" sunlight r*r a vegetable garden. Don't try to raise crops under trees. The shade is bad, and the roots of a tree, spreading as far out as the crown spreads, "wolf" the moisture that the vegetables need. â-  slightest interest in current events. .An officer of a steamer from an American port give.^ a stirring account I of a ninety-mile fight with a U-boat ^ in the .Atlantic. It lasted" from the . tiring of a torpedo, which just missed, A flock of sheep add to the ap- at a quarter to twelve a.m.. until pearance and value of the farm, both twenty minutes to six p m. During bv keeping down the weeds and ma- that time ttie stokers worked without mirinij- the ground that thev are graz- ceasing to get every oimce of speed ed over. Tt«i for ton sheep maiuite o"^ «f the boilers. The engineers got is more valuable as fertilizer than h*r up from a norn^al ten or eleven that of anv other farm animal. ' l"wts to more than thirteen and a half. j "The gunners were on duty every second." said th?~-oflficer. "From the ^fSS Granulated EjeUdl^ bridge we couUl see every shot from ' '^IS«:«Cv««. Enm IcSaitikI to the submarine. We formeti |J««. - •y«UJ iNoSMTtiiM..'*'* E7*C*ai«rt AtkMmrtaaEye B«H«4]r o*.. CU«as«« If there is an old building K-.SrJ««.Srfe^ ^^«^ target .^00 feet long, and tho en- 3uiE>'«s»>4tnB»by'iB>'«ii emy showed only a small dome hve miles astern. .A couple of hours inef- fectual shelling made him a bit ven- turesome, but our gunners speedily showed him that it was unhealthy to come too close, the . "We had plenty of ammunition, and neighborhood and the plaster can be we used it lavishly. With constant ^ had from the walls and ceilings gath- practice, too. our gunners began to get er it and spread over the garden. The 'better. Xevertheles.":, about three, lime will improve the condition of the' o'clock the German gunners got out toil. When old ceilings are torn down | some better shell* and shrapnel be- b« sure tc save the old mortar for use ' jan to rain on our decks. The man in on thp ijarden. AimVi SKur Gam toi*ti1tzoi* ; the wheelhouse was struck by a splin- ! ter. .A shot pierced the scupper over. • the boatswain's room. .Another >itruck ' i us abaft the engine room on the port . side. j "For a while the fight was fierce. â-  Then for half an hour no shot wtre' fired, while the submarine raan.xuvTPiI Wakeful Nigrhts go out of style ui th<? family that once drftnk tea or coffee but now uses Instant Postum This wholesome be\- erjigre of tiellcious fla- \or contaiius no drutr eleniesQts to upset heart or nei'ves and its cheery goodness is jimt t-he thing in thf way of a hot tablo drink. "There's a Rcasou" Heals like Magic -> burrs, cuts, charnj, blisters, pil«, lb- «c«*KS, mnbum, boils. bnjis«», and oth«{ inflimmation. At dealer, or writt Us. muT ae.Miov _com?ast,,h««iiim..Cm^' Bruises and Spfains H»\-e Sio*n's Li.';im«nt handy for bruise* and sprain* asd all p«in3 aud ache*. Quick relief follows iu prompt appltcatioQ. N'o need to :ub. Ic quickly pea«trat«* to ck« trouble and drivea out the pais. Cleaner than muasy platters "r oint- ment*. Sk>an'» Licisient d^c« not »tain the »kiD nor ck>f the pores For rixeumitic acKcj. nfuialfia. •<if auMln. Uiaa b^k. hnaWao- feul. ttrkis*. aad ipr«iaa. It si'.M ^uKk t«11W Cwrroua liied bo<lla> •! all Jiusgis-.*. Umtmm Sloan's p .;»» r>ot inc-eased 25c 5'Dc %' V\> :. ISSUE 13-18. ^ » f: i Cansc c! i Early Old Age T The celebrated Dr. MichenhoK, T an autho ity oa early old age, layt that it is "caused by poi*ont i generated in the intestine.'* i When your stomach digffstj food ^ properly it is absorbed without V forming poisonous niatter. Pcl- T son* bring on early old age and if premature death. 13 to 30 drops 9 of -Stigel'S Sjmp" after me«U ^ makes your digestion sound, n ^ HUBS and HORSES The Soal of a Piano b the jVctlon. Insist on the "OTTO HIQ-U' PIANO ACTION 9k The world is short o£ horses. To get the most out of >T)i;r teani use MICA AXLE GREASE " L'x half 03 much as any other " The mica flake< fit! the pores arrd crevices in the axle ar.d the grease keeps them there. Mica Grease means fresher horses at the end of the day and longer life for your hant.?«5 and wagons. EUREKA HARNESS OIL " Lengthcna Uather lift " Overcomes leather's worst enemies â€" water and dirt. It makes harness pliable and waterproof, prevents break- ing of stitches aid imparts that rich black lustre to all dark dressed leather. Sold In naodaM av^ !w;ka«es bv !iTe Jealers swr/^'aexv. 1MPERI.\L on, LIMITED Cuticura Stops Itching At Oii^i Treatm^flt: QaaseWA Cadoini Soap, DrrudHeal Wiih Cuticura Omtment For eczemas, raphes, itchings, irri- tations, pinipks, dandroff. sore hands and baby humors, Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective as well as ideal for toilet purposes. Samples Each Free by Mail .Vldma "Cudctira. D«vt. N. Bost«s. L". S. ,V" sci'i -Jlru-vah: -; "a.: w&cid. -ft.-^ IN MISERY FOR YEARS Mrs. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkhaun's Vegetable Compound. Oskaloc«3. Ipwa.â€" •' For years 1 was sinxply in mistry from a weakness and awful pains â€" a n d k-Bothing seemed t9 do m« any good. .A frien d aj^v i^ej^n.^ to- taiWT^ytiia Pinkbam's V e g e- table Cocipound. I diJ so and got re- lief right away. I can certainly re- cotiimend this valu- able medicine to other wom-jQ who suiTer, for it has done such good w -k f' me and I kuow it wit! help t". - -:• ::" they willgivt it a fair trial." â€"Mrs. Lizzie Courtney. 1 ^jthAV«., West, Osicaioosa. low^ Why wi!I women drag along from day to day, year in ard y-ar out. sufferi.^g such misery as did Mrs. Courtnev, w'nea such litters as this are continually IwiBg Dcblish.-i E'\v?ry woman who 'sutTers ?roro displacements, irrearuiarities, in- fldinmatioii. Ulceration, backache, ner- vousness, or who is passing through the Change of Life should give this famous root wid herb remedy. Lydia E. Pini- ham's Vegetable Compound, atrial. For special advice write Ij-dia E. Pinkham Me.iicine Co , Lynn. .Mass. The result vjf it» long eiperience is at your ser^â- ;ciL ^â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢i^ HP mt ^^S C•s^c:^v^ f%: ffi' li' Dangerous Gas and Acids That Hurt The Stomachâ€"Sour The Food Cause Dyspepsia, Indigestioo Recommends a Safe Way to Treat Stomach Trouble At Hume i .Vary stomach »ulT»r»r» » alwtty* (uU o( (»« nnd wh^<M :hs burn with acU »rt«r '.J ar« miom- »rljr â- very mt*1 think tbM« thl'^i* kr« th* RSBVLT - - la ot IndlCMllqa when reality they »re the k"-\T. 319. It !s .'<i«t as fo<>'.i8h to civ* artlfl laJ dtcextent* (u.-h a* ceMin. vtc. " a I to stoniacn c( (as and ac!d as It wouM be fi.^r t. tr»n who h*d p«<l on a ts.'k to rub Itnlmeat »a foot without removing tb* tack. Some ttom«c5i» tenerate t«o irmch (IS and ac'.d <3*» St.steri'Js the â- tom- ach wall*, eaualnc a full, bloated oa- rreetlve (evllnc while the add Irn- tatM acd Inaair.e* Kb* ll'ilnc of tb« it.^rnach N»tur%Uy the ?ov4 rerm«nta an-i aoura diseation la often dalaytd acd atoniach misery 1» the result. Artiflrlal dl»es'e.--t» wH:- Utah tliU SO!'. tif'..-!r,i\iit nia.sa '.n'.^ 'he li- leaUaea and so ralteve the a '.smash t.<aln but ttie acid atlll remain* In the stomach to seser«t« uior* faa and oroduee m^ie trouble at the next maal If >0! «re -JaJof dtfeatlfa aids af- ter meals drop tnenj ?u.- a while arJ Instead (et a few S-fra's uablsta of •Ut- pure b.»'.irated m««a*»!a from anv a his druactit acd taka two with each weal B)iur«i»d Ma«i!es'a loea not dlKest food bu*. will nautralis* the ex- geasive acid '.n your stomacli. keep ihe food ew**! and wlU drlv* th* gt» and bloat rUiht out »f )o jr bod;- VifreaTa Te forma t.e eare neala fo. tbia Dtuvoaa a« l( !• not 'axatMe thd In thia raflned form wi:; r.ot lujure tb* atonaoh ta aiur war rrtp«r wad -. Bill t.e titre •« fa* Bliurated Ma la A* oi«##^

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