Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1918, p. 1

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* â- ' '"' --â- m â- *â-  • %imnu^ *... §1 m 37 No. 47 •••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PRINCIPLEb NO?: MEN." T'T- :^sac: Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, April -4 t01<3 W. e. THDKtfTON '•-'"'^"" w:.d I'BOl'KIE < i J) «- ^} (I . < *?> V V if Hthy Proton Pointers ' Vwitors home over the Uolidnys ai'a : â€" Miaies Myrtle and Lillian Wyvill, ac- conopaniud by Miss Wat-soii of Toi'oiiio ; laa Kouiue, Toronto ; Clarn Biiinio, Tborabill ; Ada Achesnp, Toratito ; Mary Wyvill, Duiid»lk ; Edith CoiiRloy, Fltfshertou ; Ernie Stfnson, DuudAlu . Mrs. H. Payue of Hanover, spout Easter with Mrs. J. C. VVri^h^. Mr. Bates took a number from Iiuid tu to Dundtilk un his car ti N.tcend the Anglicaii rervicejjn Suuduy evening. Hiss &I&ry Hanley is visiting rutntives in this vicinity. Mi8>) Maud Boyd, Fleshertun, spent Katiler with Miss Mildred Biniiiu. Miss Ethel Neilsou favored the Pres- byterian <KMigre£'a>ion with a beautiful Solo on Sunday evening which was much appreciated. It is seldom wu have the opportunity &f listening to a .sinj^er such as Kfisi Nuilsou. On Tuesday evenijj; the yiunij people held au enj->yablo social in tneirlUiild. A s^ood program was given after which tl. ;rd were contests and a boui.tiful lunch. A glnJ surprise cann to the home of Mrs, Wq^ehpuso, when her ha.^banJ, rte. "S'(^ Wodehouse,^ une.xpectedly arrived home on the noon train on Tuesday of last week. The f.,llowiu(» evening a reception was given liiia at his home by the villagers whi-n he was presented with a purse of money. Pte. VV'oodhouse interested the company by telling incidents from bis experience wbile on duty as coast .guard in England. Maxwell Sugar luakini; is the order of the day. The j)00[)le here ajipear to be very p'ttriotic. Eaater visitors spending the holidays with their parents are : M'ihh Arile Wright, Miss Mae Stock aiiil Harry Field. Mildred and Alice McCallum of FlesherloD also spent Sunday at Dr. Guy's. The W, I, met at the home of Mr.s. S. Oahorne uu Thursday last, where iliey packed a hvx conlainins; 42 pairs <il sox, which were sent to the Canal ian Red Cross. The next meetiniii will bo held ut Mrs. Wilbert Poole's on Friday, Apri^ 5. Lila Fisher visited with I:er sister, Mrs. M. Kertbu, over the week end. Oon'k forget the Red Cross social here Oil April 10. Elda Karstedt of i< lesherton spent the week end with Mrs. W. Poole. .\n!{us Msrrison visited with relatives near Toronto lu.st week, Mi6s Alice Fenwick entertained tier Sunday school class at her h.ime Saturday before she^leaves for her new duties. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. George Uoss March 31, a daughter. Mr. Art. Portcous .lud wife have moved to their new home lately purch- ased from Alex. Ferguson. We welcome them to.our neighborhood. Durham Road Tjo Lato Last Week The-Red Cross concert m the Durha-u Koad schoolbouso was a real succc:<s in Hpitu of the bad roads. An exceedingly well behaved audience filled the school room. The pro{;ram wa.<i a good one and the sinking by Messrs. Hollaud, Murray and Sullivan was i)<uch enjoyed by all. A bag of potacocs, donated by Andrew Gilchrist, realized 43^.25. A bag of wheat, donated by James Vause, sold for 97:25, and ciudy sold amounted to $7. .55, door proceedftf39.95, totalling $8». Andrew Uiucks and Jimmie Carton leave on Tuesday for the Woat. We welcome Mr. aod Mrs. Harry Spicec and family to the N.D.R. Wilfred Parslow has returned home atlcr spending the winter iu Toronto, Mia. Willie McMillan is under the doctor's care. . We hope suou. to Uiav of Uer rtcovcry. Kvery ounce of eocri:y tht^wu int'O th% WC«k of atimuUting the work of food p'^Viducci'ii and nchievtment of food ',â-  . 1. orvatioB, p.utioaUrly at thrg moment, li a vifci! sorv c ;. to the .MJiod cause. ^^tn U He?d f<ii' all Can>d» om jt've of cfMaki, meat,- bacon, h\i>iM miU obeeto. Eugenja Paragraphs Syrt^j-makiiig is the order of the day Miss Elta Latimer » punt the holiday with Toronto friends. Mr. Joe Williams and family aie moving back to their old place after spe-idiug ovii a year in Toron'o. Mr. May of Toronto, opcnt the holiday with his wife and family. Lance Corporal Russell Park has relumed to Brantford after spending a few days with his parents here.^ The churches wer« nicely decoivled for the special E istor services. Mr. James Linton .spent a few days last week in Tor'jnl)., The Hydro are preparing to raise the road on the 30th sideroad. Mr. Wcs Cooey . spent Ei»ter week with Toronto frauds. Mr. HiirryTate is spending Iho holi- days at lii.s home in Grand A'alley. Much synipjthy ia e.vteuded to Mr. and .Mis. George Paul, Atiepyid. Sask., in the loss .f their daughter, .•shihIi, aged 1 year .nd 10 months, who died after a short illiicss withjsymplcins of appendi- citis. 3Ir. and Mrs. Paul and daughter visited with the former's pireius, here, lastsun.mer. In Jannury last they lo.st their i.ifaiii (Jiiughter, Wiida \v!io died of piieumoiiiii . Power House and Vicinity Mrs. W. Williams and son, Bilj, nnd daiighs^r, Elsie, of Toroiiio, iitc visiting relatives in iliis part, Davii (I'lnliam of Vandt-l. ur, and friend, Jliss Burritt of Kimbferlcy, called on frit'oi!.! here ncently. IK'iiry Weber and sisleri have moved U) Kred .laiiiieson's lesidouce, kimwnafs tho 'I'uriiur firm. Mis. L. B.idgerow and little dauyhler,s, ware visitois with relatives in this neighborhoutl, Mi:s Lillie Campbell of Uaiumond'.s store, Kiinberley, spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Durrant are ependiug Easter with frieiid.s n Buflalo before laaving for their new home in Regina. Pto. Russell Park from Brantford, renewed old actjuaiutauces here Mrs. Stanley Cam^jbell, and Mrs. KruU Graham and ohildren, are .spending the E:*ater liolidiiys with iheir moliier near Port Law. Tho brickwork for the new power house is completed. Portlaw Wood bf es are tho order of the day. The iuaplt..s are making it sweet for us lhe.=e times. It is claimed by some that their trees havo been rniiniiiiii •a'*'' while others say that their'* have not budged, but that sap has been inovm^ some these days. *" Everybody is gpttiiig ready for the big spring drive un tho land. Sorry to report that David Jamieson is down witli an attack •.! scarlet favor. Mi.ss Shuuk is Sfentiing her Easter holidiys in Toronto. -j,. Mis^ Aleda Lyons is viKiiiiif; with friends in Toronto. Among Easier visitors from Toronto at their respective homes were Misses Delia Pedlar and S'iolet McNally iiud Murray Coriitield. Charles Holman of Tor into, is spend- ing a few days with frionds around tho old home on the fourth liue. Vandeieur The W. I, he'd a hard time.s sovial at the lu'ine of Joseph BuchanAii on Mon- day evening March 25, at which there WM no end of fun. The proceeds, $13, were donated to the Red Cross. Mi.ss Jean Wright of Hatbord ooueg- iale, Toronto, accompanied by her cousin Miss Bcrta Gilray, spent Easier with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Wright. Mr. and Mis. Si-'. Gilbert ami fiur children, al.n) Cbarlis Giil>crt and stn, Norinai), all of Colpoya, are spending the l.olidiiys with frii nds here. Born â€" thi Friday, Match 2!', to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Necly. a son. Misji Cor>k ilutoliiuson, who is attend- in;; Notmal school i^ Toronto, . ie hotto fur the Eastst bblid^y'. Kimberley Budget ^Beautiful spring weather. Among theieacliois who are spending the Eiifter holidays in their respective homes in our burg are the following ; J. E. H.tnini(mdi- Commercial Specialibt of Meafiird ligli school ; Delia Acbr- orombie, of Sligo ; Kima tiuriitL ol Vandeieur, aud Nellie Burritt of (Jheese- ville, and Wm. Hammoniiof Goderiuh.) | Miss Ndlle Soule of Duncan is visiting at present wiih hei sister, Mrs. R. 'A. Carmthera. â- ? Strs. John Wickens and children vi^;- ited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pudlar ii Rocii Mills, Seme snHHk thief efl'ected an enliancu to .Ja.iper Stuart's •.•roeery slore one night about a week ago and got awiy with a largo sack of brown sugar. There seems to be m epidemic of thieving in this part, .la sliiio whips were st den from the Methodist church shod houio t'lne atjo. We'L have to organ'ze a vigilance coniiiiituie ml Iring the mis- ereants to justice. i\y. mnntlis breaking stunc at Kin<jsl)ii would no duuHt have a salutary ellVct. A meeting to .stimul>>te the fannoi.s to ncrease production was held in the public hall on Thuisdny ovoiiiiig last Reeve Jlillor nf Rocklyn and Rep. Reeve Hutcbnisi 11 and Councillors Gaudin and Wallace, delivered Ui4ef iiddresees on the seriousness of the fo^d sli-ntage. It was proposed llmt every firmer should sow at lua.si live acres of firing wheal, Quite a nuiiibar of those present pledged themselves to that eff. ct. Mr. C. McKicliiji, a ptsior of the Holiness Workers' church, will bold services in the I'nioii Church every Sunday uu<miiig at llj o'clock. Mi.s. Jasper (iilbeit and daughter, Beruice, also. Miss I'earl Fawcet', who have lieeii vi.siting fi-iends in this part for the pist couple of iiionlhs, (left for their home in N'aiicouver, B.C., on Tuesday moiniii;;. 'I'lii-y will be accom- panied as fur as Moosej^w, Sa.'^k., by Mrs. Frank IJutchiiison and little babe, who have been visiting with her uMtiier, Mrs. M. R. Uaumiuiid Will. Clarke is building a handsome verandah in front of his lesidence on Main stroot. Cecil Fawcett is holid.ayiug at Charles Huggard's, Claiksburs" David Kreyd, a.ssistaiit representative of the Departniont of .\grieultare, inailn a busincs" trip to our school one Jay last week ill Connection with the rural school fair which will be held at Rocklyn in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Wihuev Ttirner nf Jin- genia visited at James Hill's one day recently. Fever sham Items Cjn'imied mild weather i.s taking the snow of! rapidly. For once Mareli went ..ul like a lamb. The maple juice is running some now, itlthough there has only one good run yeu. The Misses Sidio and Mary Julian h ivc done to vImi friends in T<jronlo. Miss JolU'y aud Miss Mayiiard, teachers of IS' OS. 7 ttud 5, Jro spei.uuv, the Eister holidays at their parental homes at 0.v«n Sound and Meafora. Mis* May Cilipielte vLtiied with Mrs. J. 13. Legate, Gibral.or, last week. Miss Carrie Kern than, teichei al Gib rallar, i.s spending thu holidays willi her p-iients here. Miss E!da Karstedt of Flesherton, is visiting with bcr cousin, Mrs. W, Poole. Miss L'KKio Croft has returned from visiting friends near Toronto und liis rosuiiiud her duties ns s:iles Inriy in Kohinson's store. ' Miss Gertirt Prilchard of l':>llingwood collegiate, is holidaying at her iMronta] home boro. Mr. and Mis. Wilbert Poolo and Mi.ss Katstedt spent tiunday at John Poole's on the lOlh Line. Wd are glad to rep irt Mrs. John Paul improving after a severe attack of bioiichilis. * D^atriue, (be five year old daughter of (Jeo. Wrighl, had tho inisfortuug tu fall and break hor arm last week. Ceylon Chat Mrs. .\ugus McLeud left Thursday lo j spend a month with her dau^Ulor in Toro.ito. James .McMuUen spent E.ster witU his daughter and smis in Toronto. Mrs. Abbot and daughter. Bertha, of EUnwood, is spending a few days -.viih her daughter, Mrs. U. WideniHii. Miss Zelln. McLeod and friend, Dr Palteisou, Toronto, were Easter visilois Ht D. McLt'.d's. Myrtle Humphill of Toronto spent the week end with her parents hero. Misses Jean and Sybil C.illinson of Toronto nie liolidaying under the parental roof. Misa .\giies Harrow, teacher at St laih- aveu, wai an EH.ster x i.silor with her parents, also Miss {Ka;e .McMJlaii, wl o teaches at Hi rUanay, is iionie. LuLliei Torrey of Lauri^toii was i wcik end visitor at 11. I'i; e; s. Marie Cooey is visiting with '•wen Sound friends. The Willing Helpers held llosir iiieit - iug Krulay at Mrs. Cummins'. 'J'lie next meeting will tie held at Mn. It-iyiivn Gibson's Muriel Siiccr of Toroiilo and Mi-^s Irvin of Duiidulk were Kaster visitors at H. iipicer's. Mrs. Walfiird left ^LlnJay'^lr Toioiito. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. .Sargent ana live children, who have s^ient tho winter months ill Now Ontario, visited with the former's parants here over the week end on the way to iheir home in U.ven Souii.l. Marter Lloyd Rands enixirtained a number of his ti tie friends at a biithday parly Friday eveniiii;. Lillian M.Plmil, leacher at Slirigley, is holidaying at home. A uieiiiorial service will be held iu ilie Orange Hill Sunday at 3 p.m. for the lato Rev. Mr. Korr, who was killed in action March 14. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Ph ne Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Tr nt , Ont. MOTOR EGJIPMENT Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICEiNSES J. W, Bates, Pres. R. Maddccks, Manager. A Splendid Stock from which- you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. Pig For Service W. A Armstrong, Pun- bred 'J'aniw.irdi l^)al• for Service on 1 1! .I7U, 1 S. W.T. and .S. R., Arle- ' mssia. Terms SI or •â- ?2 for puiabieds. <MH- !>* â€" T. J.STIXSON, Pr-.p Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Dundalk Miss .-Mice McLeod of b'leshertuii has accepted a position in Dundalk central phone oflioe. Mr. Clias. Lann>i), M-iuagor '•!. the Binkof Hamilton, Dundalk. has roceivi a olHioial notice from the Head Ottice of his appointment totlio positionof manager of t!ie Orangeville branch iif the baiil \ Having been stricken with paralysi • a week previous, James Trudgeon, a pioio v. of the Gravel Road, Melancthon, pas.'oii away on March i'.'iid at tho ripe ago â- it '.tl years. Tlio doceasau was boin m Cornwall, Knglll^d, and came to Canada IS 3 young man ti'.' yeaivs ago, inakini; the ocean trip iu a slow going sailtug vessel. He came to this locality among tfie .01 y earliast settler", and e idured hardsh j'-^ of thotirst pioneers. In 1854 ho "as marr.ed at Uurliam by Rev. Mr. Stewut tojiaeliel McAulay, who now survives him. l.iaot year the old couple celebia.ed the ()3rd auuivursary of their wedding. To them twelve children wore born. sevi'ii of whom still suivive, naiiu ly ; .lohn in Mehincllion; Neil aud Jame.s, V^â- oyburn, Siiak.: Wm. N. lui the home- stead;. Mrs. Wni Rich, Mclaiicihon: Mis. A. S Fowler, High Rivor, Alberta: Mrs .\lf. Siewart, Mazeppa, .\lbctt*. Ladies ! | The MilLncry Season Is in ami wo are I'cat: with a real up-to-tlate stock . of .SPRING il AT- ami wouKl be ploa.sed to have you u'ivc us a call . nd .see our .styles before vt'U buy. We can .suit you if you want an np- to-tlate hat W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario AROUND GREY COUNTY The price of ft (littMi in France in a public cat in(? Ii"iiso of eviii Ihecboape^t kind, IS nil le3.<! now than 8.1.20, Tlioui;li they have bread (iokots in tlaly, in nfiiny places they h»ve no floj^t to t^a^ biead. ' ot S60.0t>0 and Mrs, Thos. .Stevenson of .\iuaraliih, sustained a double fraolnro of hor left arm, at tho wrist and elbow, thruiiih a fall on the ice last week. Nttil Mchiinnon had his les; broken in two places Ij a 'all from a lolcphoi e polo near l.'niidalk. He is rcciviiis medieul treatment at* the GiAnd Ccnl al Hotel in Duudidk. Mrs. Enc;cno Murphy, Sr., of Mount Korest, slipped on the ice and uislucated her shoulder. Petiy thievioH baa been going on for some time by bojs in <.iwon .Sound, atd I tho polico will shortly ni»kc simeancslM. } Tho old Pacitio hotel in Owen 8imnd I has been remotielleJ for a shoe factory, I In I he old fiays it destroyed shoes â€" now thev makrt them. ^ • I The Union Cenionl Co. of Owen Sbund I has made an assignment. The town I holds a iii'irt^Mlfcj p'aiit atoi machinery iiid niffi LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Creaun Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D.McTAVISH, FLESHERTON 4 I FORAPAIROF I BOOTS % Suitable ^'or the wet damp weather, or if you want a new p;air of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, Tli V not be a Ipscr. I Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON .1 »i'i'AWWWA«MWW.»^WM«M«»WWN«WVW J '•w

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