/' •f , April 4 I '.11-^ T H i^: F L E S Tl I r r o n a u v a n c r IH K. Fiesherton Advance «n i.k-lcpi^ndaiit ii'tv-paiitT, ^mUliHlieil i'ktv' i\i\a Avj at thf .iHico, (.'"llinfw.i.Kl Street, (â- 'l.-shertim. Subiicii(itiim |>iitv $1 |» ronmiin kh>m lUkUl ina<lv«iu'H ;|I..V>wlieii net no pa'<l ' A'iv(?r iblugr rate* 'in a|n)lii.atwa. Ciiciilslioii 1,1U<J wi'okly. W. H. 'i'llJLR.SroN. â€" I'llOP. «( Snow is Manure Wasting Food In Storage List wc!i'k AB were tuld timl .snnie tliuuijiindH uf |>(>uiid8 (if cliii'kt-ii w«io destiiiyol in \Viiiiii|ie){ bei-iuise it Imd â- poiii'd 111 cold scora^'i*. Tlie reasuii giM>n fui' iliit hiioiliiig wii8 li Uiik ill lilt! w<irU' chickoii li:i(l tii^uii (ivi^r ii Ktoidne bi'fuie llio leak spoiled llii'iii. L;i3t week, in Muiitroal, Iiibpcclor Bouelmi's report tliowed that in huus^c, Lilt ill year iu cold fuel that fairness wiin tlio rctiiiilly mi-ii ly unotlier iiHine for St'lotlivi" (/'. ii^ciiptiini, an well aft from the fact that tlio Govein- infill had pledged itself, if r».-tuined, l» a jiiKt enfdict'inunt <if It-gijlaiiun 'Ihis proiiiisi' is to lie fully ciinietl rut. I,)ii'.'sii<inuirc.s will lie iii<\v nddrrsst'd to â- ill fXi'inptt'd nii'ii, ulio niiiHt retuin th(>in, pro|ii-rly lllled in, without Ions of tiiiic, 111 forfeit iht-ir cxvinption papoiH, pii'viously ^i-.inlicl. Kxt'inpted men wliii liHVo ciniiiged (lieir itddrcsK. s should iiilify the ltej;istiar of their disirict without delay, hk fiiiluic to receive ,fr^ ^?â€" y^,^j C% r't*^..C< V, f*- y:>0.,-^..-*» JT-,^,,-»-^,-«r. .-^„-TL .-^ ^ d^tTfjr^,^^iir.'^T,zz^j:^^fj^jr^jz^:}^^ Tiit'ie is a general lielief that |?rain and ^riss crops f'lllow « Imrd, Kiiowy Winter. Tha". iii geneinliy true and there is lotson fur it. We know firmeri! whosay "anuw is ainnure' iind they uctuiilly ront<iiii plant food. Whili.- llio snow carries some i;itroficn out of the wir, ex|)eriinuiilK at. llothanislead sh^iwed thit iho eiit le yeir'a rainfall hrouyhl h^rely tiie pourds jjer *ctc during the entire year. The value of the &now i!i nut so much in any oKiit food which it may sdd as in itn nijistuie and uiulcliin;^ ellVct. As the enow nielt.-i in the ssininH the water peiia- tratea the soil and tills it with moisture. It givts a fuller supply than the same (jaantity-f water in the form of rain, thirty days 12,77.") pounds of lisli, §."),M:t7 ,1 c . , I 11 i iiuestionaires will he ic'irded aK riiuiva-; worth of oy>teri", and a cnii-idcruhle 1 ' " . , , M t , , II , I 1 ; ' lent to failure to return it. properly filled f lliiiiiiituie veal, nil held in ; . M ipianlliy ot lliiiniiluie vea cidd slornge, weie o.dered to be destroyed i hecauso they h.>d becuino uutlt for food. ; III these d lys of scarcity tucli wast a is a . crime. No doul)t the cold storai'o liioii will pleii thai II i.s unavoi'tiible, the ^ lesull if iii'iiideiit or curelessiiesti of some employee and they iv'll argue that it is unrcasonaliic to think that any cold' stora<ie corporation would wilfully allow I food lo spoil ill older to keep prices up; but ihu public iiinid i.s not di.iposed to | licwbuch thii gs very leniently these' dayii, and many will agree with ihel ecti.or who says: "It was expected that cold storage would lend lo clieaiit'ii food the tJinu" ppiiully. '. who liavo already 111 ; and will invite The general public rendered valuable service in the ento^ce• nieiit of the lei<islatiiMi are invitee to continue their endeavors to the end that justice lie rendered ail tho.se affected. School Reports For Fehru.irv since it remains lon'.;cr in the soil, and and spic'id cmsuur. Ion of suiiiiiier crops thuj has a letter chance to work in. Then the snow protects grain and gru.ss by ccvering ih^- crop .just as a mulch of straw protects th.- sliawberry plants by (jrevenling the Hlternale frei zing and ihnwing which U" mi when soil is exposed, liiain and new seeding will ho Iiuit most ill an open Wjirer when the ground is l).ire, for then the plants are pulled out a Utile by each freez.' and left a little exposed by e.citliaw. The sunvv covers them all Winter and ineveiits this ex- posure. That i.s t lie chief reason why l>ig .1 lincrops usualiya hard Winter. y, r â- •' S. S. N'>. -i, Artenicsia !r • I ^' 4th Class- -G Akins, 1 Breen, F Irwin^ ||K, well into winter. Insltad of this, the inoriliiiato gieed of tlio corporations has turned the coldsturugi) warehouse into an instrument for e.xuacting ever higher and liigluT prices out of tliecniisu.ncr, and of raising t lie -ivernge rate to I be public by taking iiiHterial oil' the market which would ollieruise be K<jld." The feeling is widespread that all loo many men look upon the proeiit as a j;olden opportunity to add to their wealth, and the man who is capable of gettiug rich out of the war is generally believed to bo capable of getting 1 ich in ways that are whilly indefei saUe. â€" Jhristii«n (iuardiaii. li Irwin, A Hieon, M Moore. :ird Class â€" A Hogarth M Moore. .Sr2â€" MUreen, \V White, II Akins, M McMullen, N Siinninns. .If -J T. .Shaip, H Allen, L McMullen. li Itlackburn. Sr 1 -.1 Allen, M Hogarth. .Ir l--Elhviiod Moore. I'r-F White, H Akins. 4tli class- Spellingâ€" .\kiiif--, f! Irwin, F Irwin, A I'.reen, I IJrcen, M Moore. - B. THISTLKTHWAITE, Teacher K^ Men's CiothingSpecials All indications point to nmch higlier pricM for woollen fabiicsaiitl cvei,) miotatioii received is higher than tho piececd' 'ng on«. Foreseeing tlitse conditions we placsd larger orders for Men's (•toilmig titan nsnal last fall, and we liave a splendid selection to oiler yon at very rea.soiiable prices. The Cloths include new coloiings and designs in Fancy T>tee(l?, Sdgis, and Worsteds. All garments are well taiiorurt and beautifully fiuiplied. Men's size."! range from 30 to 42. and prices from 810 to S20. 15oys' sizes range from 20 to 85, auii prices from !*!4 . 50 to j? 1 . 00 . ' Satisfaction Assured with Every Suit. Our Special Felt Hat for Men, $2.75 Our s pecial Feil Hat for men $2.75. Newest wide leaf style, colors black, navy, seal, coflee, plovr r and bottle greenâ€" finest fur felt. Men's and boys' caps 50c. to $1.50 Millinery Specials Everything that is new and stylish in MILLINERY at reasonable prices. The (ierniaiis are for pence at any price Bo loni; aa .s iinebody elso has the price. â- I II o Kaiter, I'.ilH, has been ushered in by far tlie bloodiest record in the world's hi'itory. o o o Sbvbii .Americans listed by Germany as prisoners in concentration cinipa are safe in their h<inie8, which is no credit to them, perhaps, u u u o The British have taken .lali'a, .lofl'a or .Joppa. The Gernians would have cla'm. eJ the cap' lire of all three towns.â€" Chicago t'ost. o o o o .\» a gauiple of freak Irgt-ilalion, a bill in the New York leL'islalure, to have a bell on all cats running at l.uge, is worthy vi' notice. <Jne can imagine the musical tine it would im part to a feline liglit during the "silent wituhes of tli»' iiii;ht," ,ilso how the tail of every rat would wave in approval of such a lull ineiiMiie. CI f> o o Five cisei of 'redeye" were stolen from the C I' U. etation at Shelburiie. Entrance was iim le by forcing the steeple. Tlie people around .Slielburiie mift have luite a habit of getting tluir boe/c in that fashion as tins is the thiid or f' urtli time such a tiiiii â- Ims happened. Nell- I'landiy Hell- >'ell- ADILKMMA "Oh, (le. r, I'tn iuch Kolsten To Fairly Enforce The Service Act The Exemptions Granted to Be Scrutinized by Govt. When the people i.f the Dominion J decided to di.sr;iid the vnluntary method of reinforcing and making good the wastaao of the Canadian Divisions at the Front they did so fully believing that thj alternative of ,'eleeliie conscript inn would be fairly and uriiily carried out. Thi-y were strengthened iu this belief by the S .'^ No 11. tuprey Sr 4 - liesnie Aino.t 6."), Wetherall (iO. Jc .•_Bis.-ie Vounu, Itose Wetherall. .b-;!â€" Vin'a (Jordon, Ned Winters, Violet Wetherall, Gerlrude Siiiilh. .Ir 2â€" IIuoli Hardy, Ida Heatly, Ger- trude Gordon, (tsbornc Franks. .Sr 1 -Hoy Ari'.ot*, Wesley Voung. I'r. â€" Bob Winters, Alf Hardy, Belle Wiiit.'is. V. It. SOIl.I.KV, Teacher. F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. Buying Suggestions I Notice toCreditors '•Whai is It r" •' Jack proiiii.sos ti I Klopdiiiikin<; ill iiiairy him, and Tom thiealens in begin if I don'i."â€" Boston Transcript. AUCTION SALE OF FA KM S'I'DUKand IMl'LK.MFNTS HAI{|{V </l l(i(i. Lois mi;, Ii;7, \V. 'J'. !S. !{., .irteiiiLSia, will sell by public nuction on Tliuiidiy, April 4, llifS, the ♦â- olloviing ariiole.1, nainely : LIVK. STOCK Mare ris im 4 by King Abbot, mare ri.siiig '•'> by King Abboi, yearling horse colt by King Aiibot, one thoroughbred reis stered Durham years old ; thoi ouglibred Durhiiii years old, th ruuglitircd hei'e <iursini{, 4 months old â- 't bull. •_' cow <> calf, thorouglil re i ;i year old heifer, tliorouuhbred bull ciilf :i| inontha old, iiuisiiig ; ihorout/hbr.'a heifer Si years ^Id, urade cow fi years old, tiuraing calf .'U inoiitUs old ; grade heifer -â- ; years old, nursing calf .5 nionlhs old; grade steer 2 years old, 2 yearling steers, yearling heifer, sow due March -n, 12 ewpg, about 7<> whit" leuhoru hens. IMPLKMEXTS Macsey Iluriis bin- der, Deerinir mower, ha., lake 10 foot, broadcast spiiiiK to Hh seeder, Flnity | |^''i"; 4»loir No. '.'I, Wilkin.son loin plow, two •inele liuggica, lumber wagon, cuiter, set 4 bull hnrro«'*, fanning mill, set team harness, re* lingle iiarnosn, »et bobsleighs .,'iaval box, fipiiiiu seat, sugar kettle, airiiip pulper, h»y t-ck, hay feik an'l clings, a ijuintity of hay and pcita'o, s. Jfl'KNmJRF- I organ, .Singer taw- ing machine KoodI as new, parlor suite, bediooin set, 4 dining room chairs, (i kiiolien chaira, ar.n chair, rocking chair, lideboard, kitc'ien tible, 4 sinall tables, kitchen r*nge, omil lie'ter, bariel chum. .4lsfla large i.iiniber of small anic'cs .-uch as fmhs. chiins. h.u.iiehold nionsils ^to. The fvrin will also he ollerel hii â- ix\f. fc*de a- 1-2 ii'clocic m. TerniK - All sinus of liJ «"â- ' under, .jisli ; over that amount 12 months credit m approved joint note», or ."> p c. ffl for ash in lieii of Holes U.<Jt'IG(i D. Mcl'IlAII, |*roprietor III the matter of the KUate of Tlnunas U. .Sherwoad, Kte of the Towmhip of Arleniesia in the County of Grey,! iriuor, deceased. Notice is hereby given, piir.'juanf to Kevi'cd Statutes of (hitario, I'.lM, Chap'er 121, Section .')•> of The Trustee Act and ainendoig Acts, that all crad- ilors aiid,'otliei.sliHViiii> claims or demands against the I'stiio of Thoiu is (i. .Shct- Hood, late of the 'I'owiiship of Arleme.sii ill ill.' Ciiiiity of ( irey, farmer, deceased, who died 111 11- aliout 'he 1 7i h il.iyofj April, l!tl7. at Ins Ute lesideiiee in tlie! Township of .Ai eiiiesiu in ihe Cuui.ty ol tiruy, are rc.(iiired to deliver or send by post prepaid. In Joseph .Sherwood, the adiiiinintrator ot.the estate, on or befoie the l-t day of May, I'.llS, iheir Cliiisinn names ai.d Suriiaiiies, addresses and dfscriplions, the lull particulars in wiitiiiu' of their I'niiiis, a statement nl I tho'r aeeoiiiili', .11, d the 'natiuu uf ihe ( security, if any, bold by th-m. I .And hike notice that aftci such lus' iiieiit ioind da'e tlie Adniiiiistralor will I nroceed lo diHuibuiu the as.iels if the snid dcceii-ed lUiiong the parlies entitled 1 thereto, liavii g leu'iid only to the j claims of which he shall then hive notice, , and the said Adiiiini.s.rator will not ho ' liable for the f^aid assets or any j part thereof to any person or persoi s of , wliose claiii: not iee .shall not hive been received by him a( tlie time of such d;^lribulion . - .lOSKI'll .silKlliVtMiP, Adminisiiaioi. I'Juueiiia 1'. (I. Dated It Fl.sheitwi this '.'ill h day of March. A.D.lltbS. S S No 7, t)s|»rey .Sr4- U McOur. .1,. 4_C Tupling, E Wiight, F ingshead. Sr :$~-I. DttcMeli, I. Moure, A derson, A Weldrick. M Kawtett. .Frli-L Pritchaid. A Wideman, RohinSon, M C'oullhard. ?,. o_(j Henderson, M Wright, Kurton. K Wris-lit. J Robinson, llallam, .( Thomson, C Alexander. ilri!â€" Victor Wiiaht, II Alexander .Sr 1- .1 Weldriek, I .Alexander, Speera. .Ir 1â€" H llawton. It Wideman, Henderson, B Kirton, I! Coi.n. -Hl.r ,K)LLKV, Teactier. rioll- .S S No 8, »>jpiey Sr 4 M 'kliii lison. Sr o N Stephen.^. V. .^Stephens, Kj li lUgheed, l.elie Sinilli. ,Ir;!â€" .1 Heatly, A Morrison, U Curran | SrL'â€" J Thomsiin, F Younsj ! .b -J- (1 Murphy. First â€" .\ Seelev, .A Thomson eipial. l'niiier--A SeeU'y,.\ Vnuno, U Ileal y> j It Moii;><;haii. _A. W INTKUS, Teacher Silver Plated Cntloiy Cold Meat Forks I'-eri'v SpooiiM Sugar Sliell.': Pickle Forks Cut lass ?eU .Carving sets Pio Knives I |)ec:U!ler feta Hen- 1 Pickle Cntets I Pocket Cullei y U j Itazors, Shavjng I'.nislies I Skates (automobile) I Hockey (sttpplios H| Clothes Wrinjjei? H I Carpet Sweepers ' Kiiiiiiiplware, Clinnis, Food Choppers j Handsaws, nncksaw;!,' Braces A Anil many other very nsi'fulj gifts "F. W, DUNCAN I The FleshertOn Hardware. I pnotie .so f^. Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorouEh.ired Yorkshire Boar for service on lot ll.cou. 8, Osprey. Terms $1.. "id. FRED SPOFFARD. Complete a Course in vhc i'ouge and Charles Streets, Toroulo And the results will prove to you Wisdom of gra'.uatiiig from this Faiiiuua School. Cataloi;ue Fice. En'.er any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal STOCK FOR SALE FXKOrToU.S' CREDIT SALE Of Farm Stock, Vehicles and Household Goods F. I'lDI.AK and A. CAMKKON, enecuiors of ilie estate of the late James 5tai,ee, will hold a ciedit h^Iu of the iiig efl' c-N oil Tliur.sday, April 11, fat i iiolock pill', or. lot :i4, con. 8, Anemeata. FARM STOCKâ€" Draught mare rising V, draught geldinjj rs ng 2, cow rising I! with calf at foot, cow rising 5 with c ilf at foot, cow 7 yrar» due Apiil 2(1, cow aged clue April '20, M ewes supposed to be M llerou, K Li-ugheeu. "''•"'V"*'" o . ,u ! .Ir2 (J r,dli..te.,P Priestly, Feu. Misculaneoua i sets good hsavy K S No 14, «'-piey I Sr 4â€" S Fiiidlay (i7, W Pedlar (il! I Sr :!- W Cameron IJti. Pedlar tlO, U I Mcti'uarrie 5!). .h :i 1) Mctjuurie 7f<. K Fiudlay ''\ JL ftlclnnestia, H Kindlay lit, C Cameron joS, N Pedlar 58 J D ftlcl.hmrrie uO. 1 Sr L'-Annie Wilton (â- i'.t,Mabel diiy (18. I .Ir 2â€" Oeorue Thouipsin »>'•', Uussell Mclnnes (15. .Ir 1 U Findlay(!8, M Findhiy 68. H Wiltod 117), M Mclnnts tiO. Pr n B PtUlar liO, L Cameron t>4. Pr A Willie Fiiidlay, Itoy Thompson; ! â€" K. P.. UlLMKU, Teacher. 8 S Ho tl, OjprRy Sr4 -A R0.8, Bl.yng. K Parker, C Brownridge, M Guy, ti Brownridge, M Wright and N Uoberibon ecpial, W Karton. Sr ;t-D Fcnwick, A RaJley, D Kelly. Ir Hâ€" .A Morrison, .T Lingherd, \, Idell. Sr 2 - U Pallister, A Long, (i Morrison Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The I.itest 111 Sheei Music .t I he PHOTO GALLERY 1 have 'It piesent for i|uick sale •-' '\'orkshire sows, .some yount'cro.ss-bred pigs just ready tu wean, I Itouen fTralce, 1 P.iirred Hock rooster. Prices right. Phone or write. â€" OKd. W. Rt).SS, Osprey Tel. System. Ma.xwell, P.O. Fleslnex?toi3. #^ Tonsorlal ^^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satistactio LAUNDRY-Basket closes Mondikj. night, delivery Friday evenin CLEANING and DYEING- We ac agents for Parker's Dye Works â€" Clothfjt) cleaned aud dyed, feathers rejuvenatei T FLSHER- -PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opeiiini! up atoiice, a blacksmilh- iDi» and wuodworkint; business in Max- well, imd am iiuialliui; up-to date wood- working iiiachinety. It will be my ea deaior to serve the public in a satisfac- tory inanner and I would solicit patroa- aue. I wiiit yourtvork and will do it right. . 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG I % % % Xi 1 Fiesherton Tn -^h^p ^:^_ 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic Call on me and get your supplies. KavetTouohing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- n.se inti-s. W. A $90 Hawken - Fiesherton Phone 2:{ r4 FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS Fr Spring Planting We i.eed no further in'iodueiion iban the face that we havu been in the Nuraeiy buiiueat SIXTY ONE YEAUS, exiating Co 1 I I i % Fmnaces Furnaces, Kepaiiing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipetitting, inchulinii pump work. for Clare Bros. installed. Agent D. iVVcKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON g, ONTARIO. 1 Kas':as'ar^^5 ^^9SS>^SS9^ m^^^^t^^^ WE SELL Hi.rne,H, set »in^de h.rn»,«. Imsig,, r.mu "i"". «' I'-'l^f' " ''»'»'«''' ^ Robertson, and are now prepared to meet ^ '-"'â- â- â- â- â- - - loonditiona by ofieiinx our hiah grade tree* aud plants dirrcr >i> cusionieia at' cut, a cutters, pur light s'li^hs, demo-iM Itota, I> Kerth cri', a "unir kettles. .â- "•<• «ap huckst^i, MelottP cream separitor, llerlin organ, bedroom s'-t, centre tah'e, »ewing ma- chine, cook stove, ilinin;: room tsl)le, chiirp, wiisl in.! M.^iebiiie, cliilliei wringer •of I. , TKHMS All Mill. N of S.'t and inder. ! " ^^' Pr B-M Foith Sr 1-D Forth, K R .1 ertsor. . ,lr 1--K Hrownridge, M Uadley. I'r A- F Palliaier, O Parker, Ueiiiroae, W Loughwed. A Prieitly, AUCII JlUPr VII Miii.s of 3.~> and iiider. Cisli ; ov'i I tiat amount )i nioutlis' credit wi I lie )j;iien on a; prnvc-d joint tiot.s and 5 |<ei ai.nHin otf ft>r c<sh in lieu i-f I otes. Wm KAlTTIFii, Auctioneer E li:<ii)iheed, HiicWini^hiini. I'r (' Vorn Pall liter, Verna Long. -V. C. .SPARHNO, T«»ther. IIIOCK1«»TTO.VJ PklCKS. j .Send for our illua' ratal ciiculirs of .Ihardy varieties wbieh you can oidei ,, 1 direct andaatolhn aceil's coiiimi>aion, â- '', of which you get ihf henolit . ( >ur prleei I will c suie tu iiUerest you and all stock is absidutAly firil das* ai d true to name. TDK CHASE P-HOTHEns Cii. of Ortaiio, I.iiiiled, Nurseiynieii, COLBORNK,â€" â€" â€" t»NTAKl() ARM IMPLEMENTS Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Hofvse Blankets WagoAs Plows Hay Rakes CultiTitors Harrows Mofers JOHN HEARD, MPLCMKNT AQENT FLESHERTON. t. r' * ', • « t • . * i • » ^a- lA v â- f