# Between Cousins; OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. J CREAM WANTED Kucet or t'Suriilng Cream. Highest market i)rkoB paid. We supply cans, pay express cliarges, and remit dally. Mutual Dairy & Creamery Co. rt35 King St. W««t. - Toronto CHAPTER XXVI.â€" (Cont'd.) To-day's revelation was as unex- pected as it wa.<5 mortifying. But, though the tears of spite had actually started to her eyes, they were re- solutely crushed between her «ye- lashes. Common-sense had already pointed out that to betray thi.s morti- Jication would Uc not only perilous,' but likewise foolish, since the minis- ter's daughter was no lonper to be feared. In a flash she saw her chance. F'or what was it that at this moment Ronald most urgently required? A confidante and sym- pathy. He should have both. Be- fore he had done stammering out his story she had recovered hep self-con- trol and cho.^en her part His last words founti her hand stealing into his, in the shelter of the feather-fan. "Poor Ronnie! Now I understand. I really had not before appreciated the flepth of your sentiment. You must fiirgive me for those stupid jokes. What a bad time you've had of it! But you're not the man to cry out your eyos for the moon, are you 7 .And she's quite as unattainable to you as the moon, you know; though it's ra'.her a reversal c>f the positions real ly. Just fancy preferring a great,' hulking quarryman to you!" The glance which went to illustrate the words carried a balm equally ap- plicable to a wounded heart as to wounded vanity, and laid it on pretty thick too, for this was not a case which called for any far-fetched subtlety of treatment, as her intimate knowledge of the patient told her. "Thank you, Mab â€" thank you!" And he pressed the (inj;ers within his with a vigror which made the smile she sent him seem heroic even to herself. "It's Kood to have you on my side. I feay talk to you about it sometimes, ! mayn't I?" i "As much as* you Hke. A song? Dclig-hted, Lady Anne, I'm sure!" â€" the last sentence being pitched con- siderably higher, and addressed to the hostess, who, across the room, had been pleading for some music. A minute later Mabel sat at the piano, with ht^ cousin turning over the pages fur her; and an hour after that, having di.sniissud her maid, her dres.sing-gown wrapped about her, her place was at her bedroom fire â€" that spot, and that attiie, and likewise that hour which witnesses so many self- comminings. "Six months," .she mused, as she poked the coals. "I'll give him that; â€" I think six months will do it. But, all the same, it's just as well that Duncan M'Donnell is not lying at the bottom of the loch." She smiled into the ember.'' â€" a smile of trust in the future. Things would, after all, work out to that so satis- factoj-y arraiigenient which she had had in her eye all along. For those who knew Mabel best knew that, for all her random chatter and reckless bearing, she had a most excellent bus- iness head upon her shoulders â€" a far better business head than, for in- stance, the stately ex-governess. It was not fronj the casual daughter, it was far more likely from the precise mother that any act of sentimental folly mitrht be looked for. And yet there was something ten- der too about that smile of trust and triumph. .A.fter all, it was not only because he had a fine estate of his own, and because he would make an excellent and useful master for Bal- ladrochit, and a most comfortable, subrnisfivo liiisband, that she meant ti) marry Ronald, it was also a lit- tle because he was just himself. grey by contrast with its surround- ingsâ€"drew to the Island there was the usual whirr and flutter overhead, as the white birds, and the black birds, the gulls and the crows, rose screaming into the air from the snow- laden trees. "It's real wonderful how the minis- ter keeps up, ajid him loving him same as a brother," whispered one man to another during the wail that followed; for the tide was at its low- est, and to hoist a coffin contiiining a man of Adam's size up a face of rock eight feet high, required both muscle and ingenuity. By merely rounding the nearest point, where the shore dipped abruptly, a much easier landing was to be eft'ectcd; but, chilly work though it was to sit still in a boat with the snowflakcs creeping down the back of your neck, and stick- ing in your eyelashes, the idea of such an expedient did not so much as enter into the heads of the most shivery of the mourrftrs. Had not this in- hospitable rock been the M'Donnell landing-place for generations past? To have made use of the Robson or the Stuarts' equally time-honored stages would have so gravely offend- ed Ardloch tradition as to endanger the repose of Adam in his grave. Such a breach of Island etiquette could not even be contemplated. Ardloch, used to these little tussles with the fortress of Death, waited patiently, in a silence broken only by the shouts of the men hauling at the ropes, and the grinding of the boats against each other. The bank straight opposite lay there barely visible, and as still as the Island itself; for all hands had turned out in honor of the dead com-i rade. That familiar "chip, chip"! which seemed like the voice of the| place, was today hushed under the! deserted siieds. Presently, muscle having triumph-' ed, the dusky procession wound away; among the white billows, scarcely re- J cognisable as the usually so familiarj mounds â€" the perfect carpet of sno\y| trampled to tatters beneath the many feet. It was a new place to them all to-day, dimly seen through the cease- 1 less snow-dance. The raised horizontal slabs had become more than ever like tables, by virtue of the whit* cloths spread upon them; or, with snowy cushions piled ,and thickening everyj moment, seemed to be inviting to a chilly repose. Even the upright stones bore rims of white, which soon would trickle over the worn names of, the dead in showers of cold tears. Among all this whiteness the new- dug grave alone yawned dark. Beside it stoodVJohn M'Donnell, with the flakes flying about his white un-j covered heaei, his narrow figure up- â€""" I right amid the restless whirl. The Tho.se who are crying to the (iov-i speaker of a few minutes back had not ! eminent to provide feed for hogs, and I been the only one who had felt a ', bitterly criticising officials for failure ' vague astonishment at the minister'.s to supply sufficient bran and shorts, bearing. One and all they knew of i^„,,,j j^^ ,i^ ^ the facts, the aliection whini luul united these two men sitice boyhood; one and all BRITISH RECRUITING MISSION. To Secure 20,000 Men From U.S. In^hree Months. Tor the week ending March 2nd the lirltlsh and Canadian Recruiting Mis- sion dispatched to ('anada 1,089 volun- teers for the brltish and Canadian armies. During the absence of Briga- dlerOeneral W. A. White, C.M.C, Colonel J. S. Dennis of the Canadian ExpedltlonaiT Force is In command of the recruiting program In the United States. lirlgadler-General White Is making a tour through the South la an effort to stimulate interest In re- cruiting. Tho pictures accompanying this article Illustrate the campaign (hat Is being carried on In New York by the Mission. Brigadler-Oeneral White a"nd Colonel Dennis have started a whirl- wind campaign tor recruiting British- ers and Canadians iu the United States covering tlie next two months. Their ambition Is to secure 20,000 men from the United States, If possible, before the terms of tho draft cimven- tlon between tho United States and Great Britain become effective. Dur- ing the eight months the Mission has been at work In the United States It has secured 22,000 volunteers for the I British and Canadian armies, and has ! examined about 16,000 more. Brigadier-General White has made the point that if a Britisher or Cana- dian desires to aid the Allies he can do so by promptly volunteering, be- cause the machinery of the British and Canadian armies for training men has been so well developed by three and a halt years of experience that It can train a man, put him in the firing line, and have him invalided home In six months. This has actually been done In quite a number of case*. On the other hand, the United States Government, starting much later, has had its hands full in training the tlrst contingent of the draft numbering about 700,000 men, and the second draft will follow close upon the heels of the first. TO MAKE A MAGIC BOAT. An Interesting Experiment for the Small Boy to Make. The surface of all water is covered by a film of the water itself, which in its action is not unlike that of a thin sheet of India rubber. To comprehend this one must imagine the rubber to be transparent The surface of the water itself is so elastic and under ten- sion, so that a needle, though heavier than the water, may be floated on the surface. Several interesting experiments may be made with the elasticity of this film. One of the best is to place two slender splinters of wood side by side on the water. Now drop a little alco- hol between the splinters. This alco- hol will immediately break the surface film between the splinters, and the pulling force of the remaining film, since there is nothing between to hold them, will cause the splinters instant- ly to fly apart. -'Vnother interesting experiment is to whittle a thin, slender splinter, pointed at one end somewhat like a boat. Place a tiny bit of gum cam- pnor on the rear of this splinter -and the gum will destroy the surface film ' so that there will be no pull In the rear. As there is a pull in the front not balanced by one in the rear, the tiny boat will run forward as rapidly as the camphor can dissolve the film in the rear. Some interesting little "magic tricks might be developed from these experiments which would surprise and instruct friends. Articles Wanted for Cash OM jvwtumri ma>««i auTMTi owtMi llliUtncMiln««v«*i VMdlaworki &M*! Old OhlBki 9at tttftui Ornaaimta/ WMekMi Bla«*i «»M« tTar*. Writ* or MBd Mr BxprMS to a M. k *• nwkiwm, umifi ANTIQUE OALLE3R1ES M ••> W OeUaf* StaMt, Torosto, 0»ti War Limits German Frocks. More silk dresses are being worn' by the women of Germany than Jlir-; ing the first two years of the war.' This is not because of gn*owing pro-' sperity, but results from the fact that' no more wool or cotton can be obtain-! ed for women's clothes. Silk also is becoming exceedingly) scarce, as it is being extensively used| in making airplanes and observation, balloons. Italian smugglers who take' the risk of being shot in getting past! the frontier are earning enormous re-' wards by bringing silk into Germany. Manure should be thoroughly incor- porated with the fine ploughed section { of the soil . The more porous and better drained the soil the deeper ma- 1 nure can be ploughed under. I Shopping iin Food Control Comer CHAPTER XXVII. To Maggie Maclish the reappear- ance in the flesh of Duncan M'Don- Tiell, had been as annoying as it had been gratifying ot Lame IJz. Had she not all along maintained that Maggie's corpse lights were a fraud? But presently the triumpli was temp- ered by Adam's demise, which, taking place within the fortnight, seemed to justify Maggie in her declaration that >4lie had mentioned no names, and that the "lights" would do for the father quite as well as for the son. Her occult reputation, though having sus- tained a narrow shave, still survived: and at the thought that the omen had not L)een wasted, all Ardloch breathed more freely. It vvas on a still, white day with the air full of noiseless snowflakes, be- hind whose moving curtain the hills had vanished away as though they had never been, that Adam set sail for the I.sland. Among those who stood waiting upon the little slate- atone pier beside the old ferry-hou.se, round whose black tongue every boat in the place had been gathered, there were full-grown men who could not remeinbtr SUt'i » -snowfall as ibin. As they kicked the STid'Rf from their boots, pending tho aitival of the funeral proces.sion f>-om the glen, tlie elder one.i dug precedents fronn their mem- ories, while (he pessimists foretold great thing.=< in floods. Yet the gen- eral improA.sion on the public wau Stimulating, even exciting. These dazzling, wliirling mass<-3, this un- broken whiteness on all sides, was a lit- tle awe-inspirlnsr, to be sure, 'jec.iuse lio unfamiliar; ^et, by virtue of tliis very niifamiliurity, festive as well as fearful. Winiiiii;,' flieet or bridal veil? The likeness held oiti.er way. Vet, even among tho neare-it mojun^rs, there were Moni'j to wlioni, despite V thuir sorrowful hearts, this white world appealed to smile lathfir than to wet" p. 49 tl»e little fleet of boBts full of iiiack figures which the flukes were doing their befit to paint white at its head tht- one c'Vjffin-ladiin, in whiih â- ^ the minister's surplice lookeii iilnmst Canada does not produce sufficient Christian resignation notwUhstand- ^ '"â- »" «"<' shorts to feed hogs in nor- ing,â€" they had expecU>(l to .see him f""' t>m'?s »"«[ recourse to other feeds deeply bowed under this loss â€" for has always been necessary. In the they knew him to be of tender heart, effort, however, to aid farmers, an 'Some had wondered whether he expoit embargo was placed on mill would have the strength to conduct: offal and the price of bran and shorts the ceremony. All had expected to: ^as fixed in fair proportion to the hear his voice falter and to see hisl ;,, „f ^,^,,^,. ^„^ ^^^,,^.^1 j^,,^^^ ^ head droop over the heavy task. -And : , ., • xi it ... , c.^ i. now that the moment wa.s come, thatl 1?" '"^^â- '" ">*" '" ^^^ United States, white head seeme.l poised a little' ^his, of course, was satisfactory as higher than usual; and his lirown '"r ^^ " went but the trouble was eyes were to-day not those eyes of the! that it could not possibly go far en- dove vvhicli they knew so well, but' ough. Not enough bran and shorts tho.se of the eagle, which also thoy, arc produced in Canada to go around, knew, for having, at rare moments,' Canadian mills from .September 1st/ trembled beneath this glance and ,<,i5 ty February 1st, 1918, ground at shining from them a light which they j,,e ,.^tg of 18,000,000 bushels of did not know. Nor was it the voice , . -u i.- u of a broken man which spoke theT.^f* * "'""t*'' '''^''^ ^^'a" ",^^«'7 words of the Burial Service. , high proportion as compared to That something sustained him while' iio'nial- !'"'•<"" this amount of wheat, he stood upright on the edge of the' however, under the new standard flour open grave, they all indistinctly felt, j regulations, about two per cent, more without suspecting tho real nature of j of the wheat berry is retained the invisible prop. And whenâ€" the; in tho flour. Only 120,- to produce more hogs. The European situation depends on it. The difficul- ties will have to be overcome. Farm- era will have to grow the coarser grains and depend less upon mill offal. American corn will be coming more freely into Canada as the fine weather develops and transportation difficul- | ties lessen. Every farmer should , realise that we are at war, that \ Allied Europe is hard pressed, and determine to do the best he can, under his own circumstances. Save Food In a time needing food economy many people are not getting all the nourish- ment they might from their food. It is not how much you eat, but how much you assim- ilate, that does you good. The addition of a small teaspoonfulof Bovril to the diet as a peptogenic before meals leads to more thorough digest- ion and assimilation and thus siaves food« for you need less. 5-18« - Scarcely anything pleases a woman S more than to come to the city to S shop. There are so many big stores a with such endless variety and S choice of everything. § Still there is just that little draw- S back about where to stay. The 5 Walker House solves that problem. Z It is a home for you while in the g city, and you can have all your pur- g chases sent direct there, where = there are special facilities for look- 5 ing after your parcels. S Come to the city to shop and stay at I The JValJ^er Houses 5 The House of Plenty 3 I TORONTO, ONT. § g P.S. â€" Special attention given to S S ladies and children travelling with- 3 S out gentlemen escorts. 3 (iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii last Words spidjen â€" the minister stooped suddenly, and, gathering up a handful of earth, threw rather than dropped it on to the lowered coffin, 000,000 bushels of feed can be pro- duced in a month, or 21,000,000 pounds a day. There are 17,322,000 odd there was not one man present who I '"'?"'. "''','"'' ''"''''>• '"«"'''• s'i««P «"'' came near to guessing at what the'^wine m (anada, not taking poultry act meant to the doer of it. j into consideration at all. The bran That evening Albert sought out his and shorts produced in Canada would elder sister. It was his last chancel thus give each animal one meal in two of a private conversalion, since his .or three weeks. A cow would con- box was packed, and in order to meet! gunie five pounds a day; a hog, accord- tho boat at Bonnet Ferry he would have to be gone next morning before the house was well astir. With tho conclusion of his own particular job at the loch-end he had succeeded in obtaining employment in Glasgow, and thither he was hastening without ing to its age, from one-half pound to three pounds- though little shorts, of course, is fed to the more mature hogs. There were, approximately, 3,'51!),328 hogs in Canada last year, so that out of every five or six hogs the loss of a single day, thankful to only one would be able to get a full shako the dust of ungrateful Ardloch, three-pound ration of shorts per <lay from his feet. What work remained or, if the shorts was divided equally for him here? As little as at the a^ong all the hogs, less than two- ""^..'i^'" 1 , , c , T V 1 1 thirds of a pound would be the maxi- When he had found .Tuhn alone, and: «•,,•â- •„ oil ,..„V, .x. having made the usual remarks aboutl "^""^ '".''''*,'',"^*- ., . , ., being called in the nforning and touch-| , ^'"' '« »h"* »» 'here is to the prob- ing an early breakfast, he relapsed: '«""• The question of distributing into momentary silence, then said.l this feed to the farmers throughout with sudden decision just touched with Canada arises. It has been suggest â- assmenl: (To be continued.) No (iontleman. embarrassment: ed that farmers be allowed car-load lots. There are 714,04t) farms in Canada. (living each one its share would mean that each farm would get a car-load once in twenty- four years. A car-load contains twcnty-flve tons It was their honeymoon trip, and ' -„nj ,here are about eighlv-four car- Ihe first lime they had ever been out i„ads of bran and shorts produceil of their own county. | ;„ ('gni,ci„ p,.r day. u takes a 100 As they waited on the pint form at;i,„,.,.ej niill about fourteer. days to produce a car load of feed. Sixty per cent, of ('anadian niill.s have no great er capacity than lOO barrels a day or less, and could ship a carload no off.ener than once a fortnixhf. Nevertheless, despite this dilTiculty and nil ditVieulties, t'anada will have Send it to Parker's You will be astonished at the results we get by our modern system of (iyeing and cleaning. Fabrics that are shabby, dirty or sirotted are made like new. We can restore the most delicate articles. Send one article or a parcel of goods by post or express. We will pay carriage one way, and our (5harges are /most reasonable. When you think of CLEANING AND DYEING, think of PARKER'S Let us mail j'ou our booklet of household helps we can render. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED CLEANERS AND DYERS 791 Yonge Street - - Toronto *'^. ^ their destination for the guard to' bundle their boxes out of tlic van, the' young briile and bridegroom were' manifestly einliarra».sed. I Then a porter came up and asked:' ••('an 1 look lifter yer baggage fori yer, mister?'' | The red tdood mounted to the young hride'.s checks, and, turning to her luibby, she demanded: I "Well, well, well! If ye' ain't' Hgoin' to thrash him for refairiir to' nic liki' that, yc'rc no man, (Jeorge!' FERTILIZER ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, LIMITED WEST TORONTO • CANADA An Investment Free from the Dominion Income Tax Dominion of Canada 5^2% Gold Bonds Maturing 1st December, 1922, 1927 or 1937. Now obtainable at 98y« and interest. Will be accepted at 100 and interest, in the event of future issues o(' like maturity or longerTnade in Canada by the Government. Denominations: $50, $100, $500, $1,000. Bearer or Registered Bonds. / Complete inforiDkiion Forniihrd upon KequesL DoMmioN Securitibs Corporation E. ^,Wood - ' ' ' Pmidcnt G. A. Moriow - Vic« President J W.M.:Ji«ll - Vice president W.S HcdB«m - â- ' S«:r«;»,ry J. A Fr*s»r - - - Treasurer T. H, AndKon - Ass'i Stcreury A F.VVhii* - - A*«"t Trewurtr 26 LIMITBD. e>t>blt<hed 1491 HKAD OFFICE: KING STREET EAST TORONTO MONTREAL BRANCH Cftnadft Life Building R VV. 5ie«l« • - M.nner LONDON, ENC BRANCH No, (i Austin Frift.-s A. L, F'jilerlen, M&nkgrr :