PlllPiPiPlipPPIIPIil^^^ I . . . .L^. !^«l^^ ^^rwv^' t . gkBl)ttim %h^mce. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOH." â€" " PEINOIPLBB NOT MEN." ?01 37 No. 48 Plcslicrton, Oat., Tliiarsday, April iL lOlti W, fl. mmm ix«ii'o..«„ I . ! . ^ • ) • Ceylon Chat Johu Melia visited his brother at Collingwood the Da«t week. A memoi'ial service wiia held in the hail here SundHy afteiHoon for the lute Rev. R. C. Kerr, i» former and miioh beloved pastor, killed in action Mirth 14. Rav. Mr. Proudfoot cf Sudbury who ordained Mr. Kerr and who also w;u with him in Eiiglaud, gave .ivery feolin;; talk on the brave life of the deceased at the front. His discourse will not anon be forgotten. The hall was very prettily decorated with flags, flowers and pliiut*". Much sympathy is extended to ilw iiued wuthei' and sorrovriug relatives. Mrs. Jamea Sargent is visiting with relatives in Torunto. Miaa Agnes McPhail left on Saturday to teach at Newmarket and Mia» Lilian left Monday for her school at Shrigley. MiW May Muir lias returned to her school at Red Wini;. Mrs. James Ashdowu of Owen Sound visited friends here last week. Mrs. Abbot and daughter, Bertha, returned Thursday to their home in Elmwcod after spetding a pleasant week with their-daughter, Mrs. Widemau. Miss Lottie Muir and brother, Peter, returned Saturday to thijir sludiea at Torunao. Will Wideman of Proton spent the week with his brother here. Mrs. Coleman of Owen Sound spent a couple of days last week with he^. daughter, Mrs. F. Colliuaoii. Mr. and Mrs. ftlcKennet of Markdale were in town Friday last. Mrs. F. CuUiuson and babe spent the week end with her mother in Owen Sound. Miss Sybil CoUiusoii returned Monday to her studies at Toronto. Alex. McRae moves his family ihi^ week to James A.shdown's house. Mrs. Ed. Sargent and five children left Friday for their homo in Owen Sound after spending the week hero. Memorial Service for the Late Pte. J. Sharp Late Pte. John Sharp Victoria Corners Mr. Jas. Jjockliavdt was at home for the Kaster holidays. Ada Achesou visited at her wmtrl- parent's, Mr. (ieo. Moore. Mr. Geo. Nixon passed away after a !ingerin;» illness, at his homo, Wednosd.iy innrnini^. The fiiiieral was held cu Friday, iuteimeiil taking place at Bethel *onijtery. .^ Miss Walker, Durham, "visiied a few d.iys at Gej. Ludlow's. Ma(jle syrup is still tlie order of the day. We see trees tapped which aie standio? for otoaaients. Everyonu is trying to do his bit. Kllwood Stevens is Home from Wdod- stock and has hired with Mr. H. Xichol lor tihe sunnner. Elast Mountain lu a letter from Pte. Victor Ford, somewhere in France, ha wished to heartily thauk his friends of Ktst Mountain for their kindess in sendioi; him a box of goodies, which he sreatly enjoyed. T. Allen had a successful wood bee On Wednesday last and gave a party iu evcuiux which all enjoyed. Mrs. Ch.irles Martin, who has been teaching here for the past two and a half months, has returned to Flepherton. Mils Rachel Hutchinson, of Kimberley, has received a permit and will teach until sunnner holidays. We wish her success. Miss AIui4 Humberstono returned home at Kastcr from Selkirk, where sLe has been teaching since last summir holidays. The log stable and a couple of other email buildings on the McTavish faim were devoured by lire on Wednesday of hut week. At the emergent meeting of Prince Arthur Lodge, A,F. A A.M. on Sunday, called for the purpose of attending divine service in the Baptist church, a rosoluiiou was adopted conveying the deep sympathy of the Loflfse lo the widowed mother of the liito broiher. Rev. R. C Kerr, in hor boreavemnut by his lamented death on the battleticld of Franco. Sympathy was i The Metliodiiit church was ori'wded to the doors on Sunday evenini: when the pastor preached a uieniorial sermon for llie late Private John Sharp from the te.\t: "Whosoevei- will coma after me let him deny himself." The central idea "ii the .serman wa.s self denial. There wa.s something wron^ with the world today. The race and nation wera not moved by the spiiit of Christ. The world was "reatly out of juint. The cause lay, not in Intellictuality, the Kmotions or the VVil' â€" tlie ^reat trinityâ€" and the energies of the race wuie devoted to de.'-truetion in.-ilead c.f construction. The nations v.iMo not iibedlent to the Lord's will. Tile id 111 would be .secured only I y ll\o iMtions deiiyiiij; theUKseUes. On the tielils iif I'laoders every ideal h».s been .-Uittercd a-id biuken. The balancing of the nations une against the o'.her had not been successful, and did not preserve peace. Even the Hague conference ideal went all to pieces. Treaties did not hold. We did not count on the depraviiy of the human race. He could see no solution except by the adoption of the tu.\t and anplyug it; to the niitions- let him deny himself. .Men and nations must make room for (Sod. The Oeniiana call llieni- aelves tuperauni. He cou^d not under- .stand tint. If they had called tlicin.-elves liiiif men and half devil liu >;ould under - stand it. Ho been tliinkin^' much lately of the boys o,erseas and how their work ill many wiiy.s was like that of the Master. This youn:; m-ni had denied himself as did the othejs He hid left his businch.s, plans, home and hoinel.'iul svlien duty called. I'ho enemy had been trampling uiiderfoel everyiliinij that wo considered right, and holy, and good, and this young mun bad gone and denied liiii.self unto thediMlh. \Vc can never repay the debt we owe to flieso men. Will we ever be worthy nf what lliey are doing for us .' The price is heavy. The friends could hold their heads a little higher and fee) a little morp pride in the loss which was .suriounded with such honor and glory. .May God bless to us the giving of this life. At the,n Mrs. Bhicklmni :ind Mr. Klingensmi.h saog •â- Crossing the Bar. " The pulpit and or^an were dec- orated with l)unlin;!,tlags of Iho Allies and [lowers. Mr. W. Sharp received a very comforting letter from a chaplain in France regarding the death of his son, in which he statps that John, Rev. Mr. Kerr and two oliicers were killed at ihe same tiiue. We missed him when he left us. Yes, we missed him one and all. But he went to do hiii duty; As ho felt his cf>untry's call. Ob, we missed him very keenly, But we'll miss him even more When the b lys arc coming home, When the awlul struggle's o'er. But our bleeding henrts beat pnnidly When we think of what he's d^-ne, .Just for loved ones and for country, Uo has ciied to stop the Run, Eugenia Paragraphs Misses Martha and Claribel FenwicW spent the Eister holidays wi'.h their cousin, Marie Fen wick. Mr. Tom Fenifiek was the lirst man to start plowing on .^pril Ist. Florence Parliament of Toronto Normal .Soho(d, spent t'le F^.tscer holidays with tier parents. Al). Williams has purchased a line team of blacks. Angus Tvvohy and Ray Genoe have also purchased a driver each. Pte. Will Williams of Toronto spent the week end with friends here. We arc glad to report Mrs. Walter Thompson able to be aiouud again after injuries received in an au»o accident. Card Graham has disposed of a v iluable driver to Mr. Neil of Feversham. Mrs. GIbb and little son of Toronto, are visiliiiij with her sister, Mrs. Mctjid, at the Munsliaw House. Mr. and Mrs. Will Denison and friend, I'tt. Chaleraft, Toronto, ppenl the week end with Mrs. Deuison's sister, Leoiia Pedlar. Fred Ducket t has bought Mr. .John Latimer's luin. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner, Jr. and Sr. , have moved to Mra, Bob Geiioe's till they finish their iio.v house. Mr. Cameron has received a letter acKuowledging receipt of S2iD douat:ed by 8;h line public scliuol to the Armenian reliaf One day last week Mr. and .VI ra. W. Thoinpsou wore presented by the power bouse employees with a handsome up- holstered rocking chair. n irolJ Twoliy and 11 ilpb Large spent the Kaster holiday.s with the formers grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Parliament 8th Mabel Hoy and Aileen Twohy visited with their cousin, Clinton Magoe. Miss Latimer opened her school at Kimberley on Monday and .Mi'. Tate opened his school here. Serg.Greenwood Quit The fidlowiiig refers lo a y ning upiii who taiigbl at the Uiirliam Road school a few years a2o and is well known in Flosherton : Sergt. .John W . Greenwood, who has been on the liead<iuarLers stall' at King- ston for the pa>t fiiw weeks, returned Friday in mufti, having received his discharjie from the army. .John has made marked improvement in health since he wis invalided home fri'in ling- three months ago, and his discharge was insliguted by leading ollicials iu th" HethoJist church who were an.\ious to ai;aia secure his services iii the ministry. J"hn was approache^somo time ai!o iuid on signifving'his williugncis to leave the aniiy for the clolh, the ehureli at once btought it bi'fore the military autlioiities that bis woik in the ministry was of greater national imputtaiice than tilling a stall' piLsiiion. The war has caused a great dearth of pastoral supply as well as of colli L'e. students in training for tlio ininistiy, lud John's t\\«6 year.s' experi- euce will make him a va'uahit man. He expects to bj placed in the West after a couple nf weeks it home where iii his pieviuus calling he will still be honoiably engaged in the nation's .sei vice. â€" 1>uihaiii Review. Is it not Curious ? Pithy Proton Pointers The s'udenis and teachers have retained to their respective tasks. Miss Millie Binnic spent tiie week end with friends in Fleshurton. Mis. Uanley of Hamilton, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Wauchob. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wideuiaii, Ceylon, were callers in town 'ine diy list week. Mrs. Abbot and daughter, Bertlin, of Elmwood, visited at the homo of Mr. .md Mrs. Ijieorge Wideman. Misses Mabid Mott'at and Amanda Pate of Dunddk, holidaying at Hobt. Bates'. Mrs. P. Pickett and little son, Bidloii, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win.!is. I )ii tjunday last a number of yoiins; people from heie attended, at Flasberloii, the m.niorial service of ilie late Pie. John Stiarp. Mrs. A. < 'olgaii iind eliiUlreii, Florence and Dan. \isiied bi the hipine nt .Mr. and Mrs. John lloome. We cannot imagine why a certain Flesherton young man walked all the way to Proton ,ind arrived just in time to board the evening express lion.e. -V painful accident occurred at a slav- ing bee a., .Mr. Chas. Lyon's when Mr. D. Hopkins, while reaching for a block of wood, hud his arm .severely cut. Dr. McWilliam was called and inserted several stitches. AROUND GREY COUNTY The C.madian Seed purchasing Com- mission ha.s iu transit for distribution in Eist.TU Canada 800,000 bushels of hiah grade inspected seed mis, to be sold at net cost. ThcGoverumcni hasprovided 8l400,<Mt for .* plant to produce fuel troio the lignite •Iso extondod lo the Baptist congroa»Hon8 : of Eastern Saskatchewaa, and have taken who mourned the death, of their lata I .steps towards developing the pcirt bo^s pastor. â- of Outarii. xiifradocow.S years old, ner.r Woodstock Out., that freshened last November, has Sivea in eijrht inonilis 13,09i pounds of uiilk, testing over 3.2 an the average, ami haviiix a spot value of $288.07. She is still j^iviiig .S4 lbs. of milk a day, and id duo in November again. Such a cow is a aoui lv of peiinnial pide to her owner, who weighs the milk from each cow he has, because he rinds it pnys. Bur, is it not curious that mmy diiry men never bother to weigh f. and so remain quite ha/.y as lo each cow's peifununiico ? It. is curious, too, that so many are content lo bother with a hoid not one of which even a remote chance of giving one half of what this line cow gave in eight months. Milk record forms will be gladly siipplie.i free of charge by the Dairy Division, ("Jltawa, to any one e.iterpising eiougb lo want to find out what each cow actually produces in return f-u- all she eats. Mako each cow pay. The Duiidalk Methodist cluircli will instal a now pipe organ to coat ^-700. Robert Hay worth, the 1:5 year old sou ofti. Heyivorth, Owen SeuncI, was shut and almost iiLstuutly killed last week hy a bullet from a 22 calibre rille. .Some boys were en the west hill shooting ijirds when one Hew close by. It was shot at by one of the boys, Dut young Hey worth stepped in front of the gun :.s it was di.scliai god. L'ince Corp Ed. Howey of Holland Centre has been killed in action. He enlisted with the U7th But. About twenty feet of the cement pier at the dam of the Gem'giaii Bay Power Co. ac Meaford has been washed awny by the Hoods undermining it. Kroeller's bridge on the 12tli ein. of Normanby was carried away by ihe tl >od on the Saugeen. The first teacher in tjn'en Souml lo receive the supcrauuatioii allowaneo i.i Mrs. JMary Bridgwater, whose lii.^t chei|U6 armed rccemly. She has taiiglit for a period of 45 ycirs. Fred Howe, of Uanover, has Luiu sentenced to si.<( luunths at Burwnsh prison farm foi inn-support of his w ife. Joe Adams, -who was working at the top of a hydro poio at Hanover, c ime into contact with a live wire and wiis thrown to the j-round, u distance i f oo feet. He sustained a broken n^'Sg besides having hi.s face badly bruised. Pte. A. C W. Hopkins fif Ciiatswort h has been killed in action. He was proprietor of the Chatsworili News a few years ago aiid waj employed on the paper when he enlisled with the HTth Battalion. His wife leaides in dials- worth. Meaford council granted ?500 to the town bund and now some citizens uro attacking the grant in the court. A Midland township farmer sold « sow m Guclpli foi ?117. It weighed 71') Ihs and as a fashimi sheet says, had a waist nieasiii'cmeii| of 77 inches. Recently an t)rangeville produce biiyr paid Si) for a pair of dressed ehiekeris. They weighed 1(1;^' lbs. an.i' fetched 'M)c per lb. Too years ago $o would have purchased lifteen pairs of ordinal y chickens. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT Jewelery ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES J. W. Bates, Pres. R. Maddocks. Manager. Pig For Service Pure bred Taui worth Boar for Service on lot 170, 1 S. W.T. and S. R.. Arte- nissia. Terms $1 or i?2 for purebreds. 1 June IS _-l. .I.STIX-SON, Pr I' A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Ladies ! The Mi incry Season Is in am! we are re;. ' v with ,t real np-lo-tlate stock of.SPKrXG llA : S and would be pleased to have you give ns a cib! and .see our styles before you We eaii sn'r yoii if you want an up- buy. to-ilate hat W. L. WRIGHT The Corner Store Flesherton, - Ontario l>.«M«..*..«..«... ••••<••••-••••••••â- ••â- •..»..*..«..»»• ••»•••••••••»• ^ f -^ LET US SUPPLY Your requirements in anything of the following lines: Cutters Sleighs Gasolines Engines Farm Implements Cream Separators Liter Carriers Stable Equipment, Etc D.McTAVISH, - FLESHERTON i:.- Toronto Line North The Misnea Mildred and Glenna White of Toronto visited friendij in t.liii v'ciuity one day last wooli . R. Richardson has [lurohasei' un organ. Rev. Itelfry [^^\•e us a i)loiiiuut e.ill one day laot week. Wood l»eo5 and house cleaninj? are two of the Icidingoccupaiion at i<resent, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin Bjunt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Patteison FOR A PAIR OF \ BOOTS Suitable for the wet damp weather, or if you want a new pair of Rubber Bottoms put on your old tops, TRY Thos. Clayton^s FLESHERTON