Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1918, p. 4

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April U 101» THE FLESIlF.rrON ADVANCE I \ it T H R« Flesherton Advance «n iit'lapeiKlenb neMra|>%|nT, (nililialieil rvrry fhur *l»y k* th*" ofticr, CuIIiukwimkI Slreet. Flfihcrlnii. Si\l>»cri)iti<>ii piicv $1 ixTaniiuiii Hhni paMin a(i\ tiice ;t1.'V>>vlu'n not mi i^aiil Advil -isiuK r»tr* on H|>|ilic<iti<>ti. Ciicolxtiun 1,100 wr«kly W. H. TllfRSTOX. PHOP ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Inttrprovincial Road For Grey Connty FOR SALE .l^s^^Xti^^^^i^ii^SkZ'-^^^T'J^^ Aliuul 3CU lilHlielB of O « C I'tila f>< in [egistured nvci, 200 liUNlieiN llrctui'* Kivly white, hiiJ alxiut ">U Uni.s of gui d liay, and II Itii^v Itrond sdw, 6'i|i|i -.seil lo be due ill April â€" M. U. Orr, {'lotnn •Siatiou. Wanted to Buy Aiteiiicsirt Cuuncil inol on S*l unlay Uf,', all tbu meiulM!iH present, tlie Reeve m tlie chair. Mmu'tH of latt '"cctine' ^i,^ ^.,m„(y y^lH were road and ufntiimcd. A cmnmuni- ' caliou was received frimi (,)weii Suuiid liiMpiUl Kbkiiu! for di'iialiuii, also from the Artemesis Uiuh S.-livnl Uuaid aakiD^ Oouucil to |>ass a bylaw HUtli<iri>:ing them to b ,rrow $140(1 for curruut expenditure:! account (51.;l:( was received from W. H. Thurston, atationery and |>rinliog Auditor'^ Report . Bflaw No. 1<I, rippointini,' oversoeri, «'.o., was read a third time and pa«scd. Bylaw No. 11, empowering tho Migh School Doard to bni row $U0<) whs put through the several ruadinijs and pus.sed. Cameron â€" Bitclielor- Thai tlieacct. of W. H. Thurston of fr>l.;t;f f')r printing Auditor*' Report, also asses.'iiiient rolls, advertising and cleik'.t .supplies, Le paid. â€" Carried . Kurnelt â€" Mitibewson - That ilii« Council grant ('ii'i to tho Owen Sound <jeneral Hospital Caiiied. Tlut t>:i> Tiroiitii and ^ydeiiliitin load will be tiikt^ii over as one of the county pruviucial Ir^hways i.4 itn as.suied fact. A meutiii.; « i» freld in Toronto recently of nienibers fi the county roads ciimuiit- tec of Poel, DutTcriii, \Vi'lliii;jtiiii ai.d • jiey. Tiie iu*tt?r» deftit Willi were the' coiisttiiction unci MiainteiiHiice of I'oadMon I Juke /ener is |):>yini; lii^lu'sl iiiarket county V.oiiiKluriefi ai.d arranisoiiieiits > prices for ra^x, rubbe^^<, copper aod Iuuhs. were completed by which the county Uiave all your old si ufV for me, I will call , loads ftiipermle'idciit of each coiinly will , at any time.â€" .1. ZKNER, Box HO, have charge of half of the dial'tiice and i Murkdale AprlK pay for the con.struction , ind inaii.tainance of the wrk done, j No uraimiiay now be fed to livestock The settlement of monies expended ! »»»'''"« ^'''"'â- <''"'f '" »'"'='* >'"<''' «"'«''^ will he udjusted between the couotieg ',''""'«''«'"''" '''"'"S- Barley above i-iade ttl, the end of e.ich year, county I N"- ^ »'><i ""ts above ^"o. 1 feed, niiy not payiiij! one half of liie cosi. The arrange- •''' f<-"<l '» ''^"ck in slock yards. Millable meiit-i were entered into by the warden j "heat may not be bought or .sold as and chairman of the county roads Pfu^ry ^^^^- ^'''''» f"'' feeding or coinmiitee of eaeh county and it is decoying minatory wild fowl is prohibited expected ilut it will work out fairly for excepi under license by the Canada Fotd each of tlie mimicipalitie.s concerned. ' B^*'''^ • While in the city the delegation waited Ontario will plant 1,000,000 acres more upon th provincial tC'vernnient and the in cereals and cultivated crops this .uisuniiice was given that the Toronto sprinu; (juabec, 000,000 and the Mari- aiid Sydenham mud which runs from time Provincet, 400,000 acrea extra. Owen .S.'und to Cliatsworth and through The farmers in Kastern Canada are called to Toronto by way of Fleshcrton, Shel- upon to plant Hvcl acres per farm oxtra. I burne and Uriiogevdle, will be taken over 400,000 farmers in Kiatern Canada can | a.s one of tli3 county piovir.cial roads, gave the .situation. ' This would meau that the province will Poodhtufls shipped from the Inited ' pay foi sixty £jercent. of boih main- States iud Canad* to the allies during! tainance and construction and undoubt - ji^^ch exceed^jd February shipments by edly ih.swiU prove to be one <'f the ' 35o^,„)o ton«, the Food Administration great iiiiin arteries in the system of a„„ounced to-n.^ht. The month's total Men's ClothingSpecials All indications point to inucli higlrer prices for];woollen fabiicHanci ever} quotation receivedis liiglioi- than ibc preceed- iiig ones. l<"ore3eeing these conditions weplac3d larger orders for Men's cioilnug than nsnai last fall, and we liave a splendid selection to oiler you at very reasonable prices. The Cloths include new coloiingt and designs in Fancy T\(ceds. Serges, and Worsteds. All garments are well tailored and beautifully linished. Mens sizes range from 3G to 42. and prices from 810 to $20. Boys' sizes range from 2t; to Ho, and yyi prices from $4.50 to 8 1 . 00 . ^^ Satisfaction Assured with Every Suit. Our Special Felt Hat for Men, $2.75 Oin- special Pert Hat for mou «i.7a. Newest wide leaf style, colors black, navy, seal, cofl'ee, clover and bottle green- finest fur felt. Men's and boys' caps 50c. to Si. 50 Millinery Specials Everything that is new and stylish in MILLINERY at reasonable prices. Mathewsoii--Burnett â€" That the grader be brought to Fl'-sherlon to put in shape fur work and a tuu<:ue be put in the Htnali wheel scraper- Carried. Ma'.htwiscu â€" liateheler â€" That the iieeve and Mr. Huinett be a committee I to examine the South Uino bridges and' take such action in regarJ lotheni as they i.i.iy deem necessuny â€" Carried. Cameronâ€" Balchelerâ€" That W. IILslop be refunded $4.C7, beii.g an error in his »:chool rttte.s for 1917 Carried. Batcheler â€" Mathew.son â€" That the Clerk be instructed to notify the C.P.R. <;f the condition of the r,<ad in frrnt of lots ;J4 and !!.">, it beiny fliifided with water and dammed back by the railway â€" C-irried. Cameronâ€" Batcheler - That Mr. John Bellamy be paid $.'! for glass and decor- ations for Honor Roll to hang in town hallâ€" Carried. Cmieronâ€" Batcheler That the lirbt sitting of Court of Itevision on the assess- ment roll for lOIK lie held on Saturday, .June 1,1018, at 10 a.m., and tlut the May meeting be di.s[,eiisid with unless the Rerve coiisideis it neceshaiy to call one at that date â€" Carried. Council adjourned. inter pro/iiicial roads. [was 1,100,000 tons. Creative Canadian Literature F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHEHTON, - ONTARIO. Although there an' no hooks more soujflit affii l.v eollertors of other natiiiis than "Caiiadiuna. ' ' I'aiiailiaiis theiiLsi-U cs have hithi»rto paid littl* HIteiitioii to their own litiTatinc. When, therefore, l.or.l Hhaii)jhiies»y of tl»« '.('.It., wbo himself is a grral reader of works liv Ciuia'liuii authors, and haa Ml ' extensive littrary. wa.-* reeenrlv a.skeil to present Jhr nuclous of a lilirary to tHe \ (anailian I'lub of New Vork, no asailalile lijit eoiil'l lie found whiuh couM be I <'uM'<i'ler»il repre.ientative of whHt was creative and ori);inal in l.'anadlAB liters ; tore. With the help of well informed liuoksellers and lihrariAos sunk a lilt I yvRs I'oiijpiled anil the nuileus of this Canuiliaa library in New Vork kM been formed. The list was lonfineil ainioft excUisivelv .,to fietlon and poetry, Rf the iiiteDtion was to emphasize the creative character of I'lLDadian llterarT exjiressiun. Several hooks whii'h r)therwi>ie woiilil have been ineluijtd, auoa as .Jerry Hnyders '• tii th- Wake of the lOit'ttei-n-'rweivers ' ' ami Kditll Baton's ! •Mrs. .Spring; IVa^fran.-c. " iimld not lie obtained, as they are out of print. I Ah a guide to tliuPi* who are interested in the growth of an original (.'auadlan literature, I.,ord iihaui;hi(esHy 's H.st should prove of jjreat interest. Here II Author. liell. Capt Hiake, W. ir... H'.'wef t, .lean . . Title. 't'aiiada in War Paint." ' Hrown Waters. ' ' •The Cornflower." f'arin.io. . < 'iinuck, < 'auuck, < 'oniior, < 'oniior, < 'uniior. < 'loinor, ' -onnor, r'ounor, <'iiniior. Oawford "li^'< "Pipes of Pan. •luney "See. Id of Pine. 'i«oey "Open Trails. Ralph, lialph.,.. Hal ph.... Iia;|.!i.... Italph.,.. Ualph.... liiljih.... I.iiitiella \'.ilii The oil tl itation proce.s.s i.s one of the most econMHiical frr the tre.»tineut of certain melul bearing ure». Pino oil, which hitherto han been exclusively used III thih process is i product of the tur- pentine induairy Ml the southern Sliitex. It is ao H^arce and h'l iiiiich in demand to reduce or>!S in I'nittd Siiles pliintH tint it IS practioily iiiiposhible tor Canadian iniiieK lo purchaKe it. In this dilliculty , the For..'.stry branch of the U.'parliiieiit ' «)f the Interior w.is appialed lo and an investigation ataricd in ;he Forest I'ro- duott labnratoriea which rexilied In fihrjwin^ that pine olla c< iild l>u |ir'jduced| in C iiiada and aKo tha' a by product oil of the htrdwood distillation imliistry could Hiccestifully bo employed ui ex- tracting cobalt and similar ores. The discovery i« attracting a (^reat dial of interest in iiiiiiin|{ circles us it will creatly facilitate the introdiulioii of the <iil Itolali >n procetx. Tho many uios to which aeroplanes are liirdly kuowii to the ;;eiieral public, ('iiliku other war wsapoiis, i t.ey have hem uhcd to save life :vs »ell ;ik destroy it. Daring the iserbiaii retreat .liiplanea were used vi ambwIaiiceH for I lie first time. Thirteen gravely Udunded men needed to bo removed at oi,eu ; Hcveial would lo.se their livcN iiii'cs.' operated in without delay. The journey over such mountainous rjads to a coast hospiial waa beyond their Htrenyth, ko it waa decided to carry them to the Italian port of Vaolna by nirplaiie. One of the worst cases travelled over "('I) miles thus, tho, pilot malting una landiiii' at I'risrendâ€" i to make sure Ilia', Ins |ii.sseiigur wna si ill olive. I '^, A revolution earned out in (/'oHta Tticaj wiM lees c lally iii life --in fact no blood I •I all was spilled in this cue â€" than the RuMisii revolution. The man occupying, the poaition of I'leMideiil if the Coslaj Itica Kepublic desired to succeed himself, | K'liuulhiiig the c >iist it ut ion forbids. On one morning, after his liitentiuns became' known, be waH >|iiiellv informed by ii hind of reapon'ili'e eiti/ens that liii| udaiiniilrn'ioii would We no linger lecog- . niised, ihe inajortly of the army dtc'itred I heir allegiance to a new order of thing*, «iid (he depoNtd Inader took nfugoin the, American !.• gallon. %•â- : a single person WAt injiiiod, and no one w.it even placed under airtst longer llianl.'4li uu. Canipl.idl, Wilfred "I'oeins." Diiiieiiu, Norman , '• Dr. Tyiik Druniijioiiil, W. II " Poems. ' ' />iiniaii, Norman "The Cruise 'Black Hoik." ".Men from Oleiigarrv." ••Tb Sky Pilot." "I'atrol of the Sun Danee Trail." ' ' Olengarry Sd'ooMays. ' ' " The Foreigners. ' ' "The .Major." "Collected Poems." Buying Suggestions Silver Plated Cutlery Cold Meat Forks Berry Spoons Sugar Slieil.s Pickle Forks Cut lass sets Carving sets Pic Knives Decanter tets Pickle Cruets Pocket Cutlery Razors, Sliavjng Brushes ykatcfl (automobile) Hockey (supplies Clothes U'fingeis Carpet Sweepers Euamelware, Chniiis, Food Choppers Iliimlsaw?, Hiifksaws,' liraces 1 And in^iiy other very usofulj gifts I . -•«•». _ of the Labrador." of the Shiuiug Ligbt." >'rii.ier, W. A ".Mooswa. " Frechette, Irfjuis ."Chrihtmas Garvin, .1. W. iu Kreauh Cauada,1 Canadian Poets." Hickman, k Hickman, \ Haliliiirtoii, .liulgo Canadian Nights." Sacrifice of the Shannon.'' The Cloekniaker." (Sam Slick)..,.. Johnston, K. Pauline ''Flint mid Feather.'^ King. Kirin, Haail William. The IliKh 'The (lold.- Heart." 1 Dog. I.eacock. Slephcii " .Xrcadiaii .\ilventiirM." l>eai'oek. Htephni ' • Literary Lapses. ' ' l.eac'oi-k, Sti'phi M "Sunshine .Skctche-i of a I/ittle %VJflii^ I.eacock, Stephen , "Literary I'^ssays. ' ' l.eacot'k, Stephen "Behindthe Beyond." l>aiit. .\gne5 (' "Freebooters of the Wilderneif.U i .aiiipiiian, .^rehiliald " Poems. ' ' Law, l)r, Robert "The Urand Adventure."- l.ighthall. W. D "The Falsa Chevalier.'* l.ogan, .1, 10 "Verses," Montgomery, T,, M ".\iiiie of fireeii Gablea." McCliing. Nellie l> ' 'Sowing .Seeds in Danny." Mcl.'lung, Nellie I. "The Next of Kin." Mailieth, Madge " Kleath, ' ' Mackav, Isabel llcdes'one "The lloiiae of Window*. '' Maikay, Isaliel Dec |..ttone ^ "'p the lljll and Over." Mc.\rtbiir, I'eter "lu 1'aatiire.H (Ireen." Alacher, Agiieo "Storie.s of New France.*' Norwood, Itobert "The Witch of Kndor.'t Parker, Gilbert... "Seats of the Mighty." Parker. Qilbert..., "The ,'Vlonisy .Vaster." Parker. Gilbert.., "Pierre anil His People. 't Paterson, Isobel "The Shadow Riders." I'ickthall, .Marjorie "The I.Hiiip of Poor Soula,''' J'eat, Harold "Private Peat." Kieharil.son, .Vajoi " Waeoimta. " ^edpath, Beutriee ........,...." I'rawn Shutters." "erhert "Maple Leaves In Fland«r« IS^d*,!' F. W. DUNCAN The Flesherton Hardware. HHone .^0 r?-. Hear the POLLOK PHONOLAS and RECORDS, also The Litoal I" Sheet Mu^ c at the PHOTv^VLLERV Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorough jred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot ll.con. 8, Osprey. Terms $1..50. FRED SPOFFARD. Complete a Course in the. ELLIOTT i'onge and Charles btreets, Toronto And the results will prove to you Wisdom of gra '.uating from this Famous School. Catalogue Free. En'.er any time. W. .1. ELLIOTT, PRi.vciP.iL STOCK FOR SALE 1 have it piesent for ijuick sale I'Vorksliiro .sows, some youn? cross-bred pigs just ready to weiin, I Uoueii drake, 1 Barred Uo'.-k roobter. Prices right. Phone or write, â€" GK(», \V. ROSS Osprey Tel. System . Ma.xwell, P.O. Flesl3.eif*t:on. ^f^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Sutisfa'otio LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Mondiiy night, delivery Friday evenia CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We px agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothot. cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated T FISHER -^•ROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I am opeiiina up atonce, a blacksniith- iug and woodworking business in Max- well, and am ina'alling up-to-date wood- workiuK iiiachineiy. It will bo my en deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- ace. I wint yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG I 111! 5?! I Flesherton Tii Shop^ \ 'ytaasiguol, ,1. W Robert K, C. <). boberta, C, (>. Boberta, C, <>. Soberta. C, <>. .lean Haptiste. ' ' Poems.' â-  The llearl of the Ancient Woodt." â-  Karth 's Kniguia. ' ' 'Children of the Wild." $90 W. A. Hawken - Flesherton Phona 23 r4 Stead, Robert flullivan, Alan Sbeard, V. . , . Hervico, Kiiberl Service, Itobert Hervicr, Itobert Hervicii, Uotiert I. O. "Kitchener, ami other Poema.'l "The Inner Door.'" "The .Man at l.oon T.ake. " "Songs nf a Sounloupb. ' ' "Songs (if a Cheehaco' " "Khynies »f a Red Crons Xfan.M "Ithynies of a Kulling Stone." Htringer. ,\rthur "The Prairie Wife." H.nit, H'rcdcriik (Icorge "Colleclcl Poems." Hi'iitt, Iiiincau ( ampbell "l.uinly's Lane," Steele, Major-Ueiieral "Forty Vears in Canada." W. . . W.. , W.. . W . , , .Thoinpaon, K. W Trotter, Kernnnl Freeman. 'Olil .Man Savariii." 'A Canadian Twilight." IWallaee, F. W "HlueWat«r." aVallaen, F. W "Tho Shark I.neker." (Woollev, Clivo Phillipi "Songs from a Voting .Man 'i Land.*.< FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For Spring Planting We i.eed nofiiri ler intiodueiion tliun the faci timt wi have been in the NuiMory buiiiioas SLXTY ((NK YEAKS, and are now prepo -d lo nieet existini; conditioiia by dtler.ng our high grade i trees and tilaiiLs direct ti, cu&toiners at HtK'K IIOTTOM PUICES. Sond for our illiisrateil ciiculair. of hardy varieties which you can oidcr direct and save the auent'H couimission, of nhiih y.ui get the lieneKt , t »ur price.s will e Kiiio to iniereM you and all stock is abii.liiiely lir»l cIhs« and true lo name. III! I ( IK 4 ( ^1? r have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tiiiwaic, Nk'kehvare and Agateware for domestic Call on me and get your supplies. Eavet roughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- use. ings. Hepairing of all kind.s promptlv attended to. Pipetitting, including pmnp work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Furnaces. Clare Bros, D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jfs ONTARIO. WE SELL FARM IMPLEM ENTS Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Agents For '.Mar Anonymous . « , ^jionyniou* , • "-X Muniiy ion, .S:st,r of Me." S^ubaltern. , THE CHASE BUMTHERS CO. I Of l'i:taiio. Limited, . .A-UHcrymeii, COLUORNF - - -ONTAKIO Wagons Plows Hay Rakes CuUiTators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENl AQKNT FLESHERTON. ^i: -M

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